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Face To Face with Aarwendil and Neva

Started by Nira Said, August 17, 2023, 07:57:12 PM

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Nira Said

[Commander Nira Said | XO's Office | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Now that Nira had been a First Officer for a while, she felt a need to have an office, aside from her ready room. Oh, she liked her ready room okay, but it was cramped, especially for what she had in mind. This office she had arranged was perfect for interviews with the crew, designed in a way to be comfortable, at least in terms of crew interviews. It was also a good place for a private workplace. Nira figured she'd turn to her ready room when it came to close proximity to the bridge, when she needed to get to the bridge as fast as possible.

And absolute privacy she felt is needed in having a double interview with two of the new crew. And both of them are Betazoids. Nira had to admit, she was excited at the prospect of crewmembers who were Betazoids. Fellow peoples of a world of telepaths. This was why Nira wanted to see the two new Betazoid officers. She was certainly interested in meeting with Aarwendil and Neva.

She checked the chronometer for the appointed time they would both arrive and she made her paperwork as she waited...along with glancing at her little side checking.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Neva Cordon

[USS Challenger-A XO Office Door Deck Two]

Neva shrugged and rolled her shoulders nervously as she came to the XO's Office. She smoothed her uniform into place, hiding the fact she had sweaty palms.
Squaring her shoulders, she walked in the door. She was momentarily taken aback by the decor but gave silent approval. Stepping up to the desk, she inclined her head slightly, smile widening.
"Commander Said. I'm Neva Cordon. You sent for me?"

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Nira Said

Quote from: Neva Cordon on August 18, 2023, 04:52:57 PM

[USS Challenger-A XO Office Door Deck Two]

Neva shrugged and rolled her shoulders nervously as she came to the XO's Office. She smoothed her uniform into place, hiding the fact she had sweaty palms.
Squaring her shoulders, she walked in the door. She was momentarily taken aback by the decor but gave silent approval. Stepping up to the desk, she inclined her head slightly, smile widening.
"Commander Said. I'm Neva Cordon. You sent for me?"

[Commander Nira Said | XO's Office | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had to grin at Neva's reaction. Maybe she had her office too overdone-over in decoration. Two walls were draped with veiled patterned curtains, the couch and pillows attached were of Arabic make, and she even had a potted palm tree next to her desk. It was, in essence, an Arabic office, but it was still mostly a Starfleet room. The table and console she had was still of Starfleet-make. Nira was mostly just making her mark on her own private space and office; in her ready-room, the only traces of Arabic decor she put into it were just on her desk.

"Ah, yes, thank you, Ensign," said Nira. "I just thought we'd have a little meet. Besides, I'm glad about serving with another Betazoid on the ship. And I think we have another joining us, soon..."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Aarwendil Cheizex

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

Aarwendil hummed while he walked toward Commander Said's office. The Ensign hadn't talked with the woman since that party at the Quark's and he really thought that it was a shame. Together with his fellow Neva Cordon, they were the only Betazoids that were serving in the Challenger. He really missed interacting with members of his species, because with them he could use his telepathy without needing to be afraid of being impolite.

Once he arrived at the office, Aarwendil saw that Neva was already here. He smiled at her, before turning to look at the older woman. "œHello, Commander Said. Did you call me?" he said, but struggling to not use his telepathy. Since there were only them here, it was allowed, right? It wasn't going to be disrespectful. However, he was going to wait for Nira's permission.

Betazoid, Male

Nira Said

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on August 18, 2023, 08:15:05 PM

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

Aarwendil hummed while he walked toward Commander Said's office. The Ensign hadn't talked with the woman since that party at the Quark's and he really thought that it was a shame. Together with his fellow Neva Cordon, they were the only Betazoids that were serving in the Challenger. He really missed interacting with members of his species, because with them he could use his telepathy without needing to be afraid of being impolite.

Once he arrived at the office, Aarwendil saw that Neva was already here. He smiled at her, before turning to look at the older woman. "œHello, Commander Said. Did you call me?" he said, but struggling to not use his telepathy. Since there were only them here, it was allowed, right? It wasn't going to be disrespectful. However, he was going to wait for Nira's permission.

[Commander Nira Said | XO's Office | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Ah, Aarwendil," said Nira. "Welcome in. Glad all three of us Betazoids can get together."

She stood and went to the nearby replicator, which had been decorated above and below so it looked a little like an Arabic serving tray. "Can I get you some refreshments? I'll be having sometime myself," she said, and she turned to the replicator. "Computer, sahlab."

And it dispensed for her the drink that looked so much like hot vanilla.

When they made their offers and got them, Nira took a seat with a grin. The two Betazoids, even if Neva was half Betazoid, looked quite young. Nira was young herself, but she liked to think that of the three, she would be a big sister.

"Well, since we're together, I thought we could talk like how other Betazoids talk," she said. "It's just us, and we all know the etiquette we have when it comes to being around non-telepaths. It's okay to speak telepathically since we're in private..."

...our minds, as it were, are free here, she added telepathically to the other two, the first time she "opened" her mind to "talking" to other people since Savar.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Neva Cordon

Meva bit her bottom lip. Not even two minutes into the interview and she'd effectively insulted her commanding officer!
She was about to speak when the Ensign from the other night came in.  'Arwendi?' she wondered. She stepped away and to the side of the desk as the ensign addressed the Commander. It had been so long since she'd been around other Betazoids that she wasn't sure how to act. She did manage to smile at him, however.
At the Commander's offer, Neva greatfully asked for a hot chocolate with mint chocolate chips and whipped cream. 'I might as well enjoy myself!' she mused and found a seat on a cushion, wiggling herself to get herself just right.
Neva savored the first sip eyes closing a moment. Upon hearing the Commander speaking telepathically, her eyes opened slowly. She'd not done so since visiting her mother before her posting to the Challenger.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Aarwendil Cheizex

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

As soon as Nira finished offering them beverages, Aarwendil was already asking his own option.  "œI want a Uttaberry juice." he said to the computer, which soon was dispensed by it. It was a typical beverage of Betazed and the young man's favorite.  The last time that he drank this green juice was when he had dinner with his mother during one of her many diplomatic visits to Earth.

While he sipped his juice, Aarwendil heard the Commander's voice in his mind. Being used to it since he could remember, a telepathic presence didn't scare or surprise him. He couldn't avoid smiling, feeling wonderful for being able to have a conversation this way. Yes. he transmitted telepathically his voice to the other two. I really missed being able to do it.

Betazoid, Male

Nira Said

Quote from: Neva Cordon on August 19, 2023, 10:50:39 PM

Meva bit her bottom lip. Not even two minutes into the interview and she'd effectively insulted her commanding officer!
She was about to speak when the Ensign from the other night came in.  'Arwendi?' she wondered. She stepped away and to the side of the desk as the ensign addressed the Commander. It had been so long since she'd been around other Betazoids that she wasn't sure how to act. She did manage to smile at him, however.
At the Commander's offer, Neva greatfully asked for a hot chocolate with mint chocolate chips and whipped cream. 'I might as well enjoy myself!' she mused and found a seat on a cushion, wiggling herself to get herself just right.
Neva savored the first sip eyes closing a moment. Upon hearing the Commander speaking telepathically, her eyes opened slowly. She'd not done so since visiting her mother before her posting to the Challenger.

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on August 20, 2023, 07:41:55 PM

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

As soon as Nira finished offering them beverages, Aarwendil was already asking his own option.  "œI want a Uttaberry juice." he said to the computer, which soon was dispensed by it. It was a typical beverage of Betazed and the young man's favorite.  The last time that he drank this green juice was when he had dinner with his mother during one of her many diplomatic visits to Earth.

While he sipped his juice, Aarwendil heard the Commander's voice in his mind. Being used to it since he could remember, a telepathic presence didn't scare or surprise him. He couldn't avoid smiling, feeling wonderful for being able to have a conversation this way. Yes. he transmitted telepathically his voice to the other two. I really missed being able to do it.

[Commander Nira Said | XO's Office | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira nodded and fetched Neva her chocolate and Aarwendil his Uttaberry juice. Nira had heard of Uttaberry, but she had grown up with Sahlab. Uttaberry was a little unusual. Additionally, since the mission on Ferenginar and her exposure to Slug O'Cola, she was a little leery of green drinks.

Well, it's always good to be able to talk telepathically, Aarwendil,
said Nira. Again, it's just us.

Now, let's have a chat, and I won't mind if we can all show rather than tell at times, Nira continued. I'm curious about your backgrounds, both as an officer and as a Betazoid who's never been to Betazed. Oh yes, she added, I've never been to Betazed. I've been raised on earth, adopted by a human family along the Arabian coast, hence the name. Said, she added, pronouncing the name as usual as "say-eed," not "said."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Nira Said on August 20, 2023, 10:36:09 PM

[Commander Nira Said | XO's Office | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira nodded and fetched Neva her chocolate and Aarwendil his Uttaberry juice. Nira had heard of Uttaberry, but she had grown up with Sahlab. Uttaberry was a little unusual. Additionally, since the mission on Ferenginar and her exposure to Slug O'Cola, she was a little leery of green drinks.

Well, it's always good to be able to talk telepathically, Aarwendil,
said Nira. Again, it's just us.

Now, let's have a chat, and I won't mind if we can all show rather than tell at times, Nira continued. I'm curious about your backgrounds, both as an officer and as a Betazoid who's never been to Betazed. Oh yes, she added, I've never been to Betazed. I've been raised on earth, adopted by a human family along the Arabian coast, hence the name. Said, she added, pronouncing the name as usual as "say-eed," not "said."

Neva felt herself relaxing once they stopped really "talking."
"i haven't been back to Betazed in what feels like forever!" She showed them the visit on Earth after her graduation from the Academy when Neva and her mother visited the state they called Wisconsin. They visited different towns, both of them feeling the need to reminisce about Neva's father. She then showed the images of she & her mother eating something called "Deep Fried Breaded Cheese Curds." The both of them laughing at how Daddy would say 'the freshest ones sqeak when you eat them.
"I'll have to show you the tales they told about when they met. I was born on the starship they served on." Unbidden, the images of a Neva of 5 years old sitting in a pile of parts that used to be a remote controlled Ship. She was grinning, holding tools she found of her Dad's, saying "Fixing!" over & over.
"Daddy loved it and was laughing, but Mother was convinced I'd thrown it!" Neva chuckled at the memory.
Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Aarwendil Cheizex

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

Aarwendil was surprised when Nira revealed that she never visited Betazoid. However, when he really thought about it, she being adopted by a human family from Earth would explain why her surname seemed to be so different. The Ensign had never met someone back in Betazed that had this surname.

He smiled when Neva showed them the memories of her family. They seemed to be lovely people. The mention that she was born in a starship made Aarwendil wonder how it could be, to spend an entire childhood inside a ship. Without any doubt it was very different from how he had grown up.

I was born in Betazed, never left the planet until I joined the Academy. he showed some images of his homeworld that he visited when he was a child, the Opal Sea, Janaran Falls and the green plains close to Lake Cataria, where his family used to have picnics every holiday.

While the sight of them was beautiful, Nira and Neva would be able to see on the telepathic images that there was still some damages left by the Dominion's occupation and always that they appeared, Aarwendil would briefly emanate feelings of disgust for this state.

My parents were very young when they married, so I have three older sisters that are far older than me. My oldest sister was 21 when I was born. he showed them the images of his parents and siblings. My mom works as a diplomat for our homeworld, while my dad is a professor of arts in the University of Betazed. Two of my sisters are politicians, while the other is an archaeologist. I ended being the different one.

Betazoid, Male

Neva Cordon


'Aarwendil, i may have been BORN on a ship, but that doesnt mean i havent seen & lived on our homeworld.' she chided. She showed him her home on Betazed, her mother taking on the mantel of the 8th House, playing by Lake Cateria on a vacation with her parents and going to secondary school there.
'So you see, Betazed wasn't foreign to me. Once my parents divorced and my Dad retired from Starfleet, he went back to Earth to live. So when i went to the Academy, he and I were able to spend time together. When he died mere weeks before my Graduation, my mother came and took care of his affairs and was there for me. We've been close ever since. Neva wiped a tear from her eye then smiled again, if a little sadly.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Nira Said

Quote from: Neva Cordon on August 21, 2023, 04:21:33 AM

Neva felt herself relaxing once they stopped really "talking."
"i haven't been back to Betazed in what feels like forever!" She showed them the visit on Earth after her graduation from the Academy when Neva and her mother visited the state they called Wisconsin. They visited different towns, both of them feeling the need to reminisce about Neva's father. She then showed the images of she & her mother eating something called "Deep Fried Breaded Cheese Curds." The both of them laughing at how Daddy would say 'the freshest ones sqeak when you eat them.
"I'll have to show you the tales they told about when they met. I was born on the starship they served on." Unbidden, the images of a Neva of 5 years old sitting in a pile of parts that used to be a remote controlled Ship. She was grinning, holding tools she found of her Dad's, saying "Fixing!" over & over.
"Daddy loved it and was laughing, but Mother was convinced I'd thrown it!" Neva chuckled at the memory.

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on August 21, 2023, 02:58:25 PM

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

Aarwendil was surprised when Nira revealed that she never visited Betazoid. However, when he really thought about it, she being adopted by a human family from Earth would explain why her surname seemed to be so different. The Ensign had never met someone back in Betazed that had this surname.

He smiled when Neva showed them the memories of her family. They seemed to be lovely people. The mention that she was born in a starship made Aarwendil wonder how it could be, to spend an entire childhood inside a ship. Without any doubt it was very different from how he had grown up.

I was born in Betazed, never left the planet until I joined the Academy. he showed some images of his homeworld that he visited when he was a child, the Opal Sea, Janaran Falls and the green plains close to Lake Cataria, where his family used to have picnics every holiday.

While the sight of them was beautiful, Nira and Neva would be able to see on the telepathic images that there was still some damages left by the Dominion's occupation and always that they appeared, Aarwendil would briefly emanate feelings of disgust for this state.

My parents were very young when they married, so I have three older sisters that are far older than me. My oldest sister was 21 when I was born. he showed them the images of his parents and siblings. My mom works as a diplomat for our homeworld, while my dad is a professor of arts in the University of Betazed. Two of my sisters are politicians, while the other is an archaeologist. I ended being the different one.

Quote from: Neva Cordon on August 22, 2023, 07:55:28 AM

'Aarwendil, i may have been BORN on a ship, but that doesnt mean i havent seen & lived on our homeworld.' she chided. She showed him her home on Betazed, her mother taking on the mantel of the 8th House, playing by Lake Cateria on a vacation with her parents and going to secondary school there.
'So you see, Betazed wasn't foreign to me. Once my parents divorced and my Dad retired from Starfleet, he went back to Earth to live. So when i went to the Academy, he and I were able to spend time together. When he died mere weeks before my Graduation, my mother came and took care of his affairs and was there for me. We've been close ever since. Neva wiped a tear from her eye then smiled again, if a little sadly.

[Commander Nira Said | XO's Office | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira could see the flashes of memories from the both of them and she smiled warmly.

It's good that you both had good lives with families, she thought. Me, I had been an orphan. I was born during the war, and my mother was a captive of the Dominion.

She had been looking very far back in her memories since the confrontation with the Jem'Hadar Elder on Melek Nor. Much of her infancy was foggy at best, trying her best to remember her birth parents. There were a handful of flashes, and Nira took hold of them. One was seeing everything in her mother's arms, somewhere dark and dank...that had to have been Sentok Nor. She was seeing her father hold off the Jem'Hadar, buying time for them to escape. She saw no more after that, but she had recognized the Elder, albeit as a younger man, and she figured out the rest: Her father was killed, sacrificing himself to allow her, and a group of other Betazoids, to escape from Sentok Nor and the experimentations of Crell Moset. She explained that in mind as she shared the flashes of her infancy, then her childhood on Earth. parents, I was informed, were good friends of the Saids. My mother eventually remarried one of the Saids, and as they were out on assignment, they were killed in a battle with the Dominion. Aunt Parisa had been raising me ever since.

She shared her moments of childhood, from her handful of friends, her dog Ahkbar, her times in the desert, her flying from the orbital module attached from the Burj Khalifa, swimming with the dolpins in Dolphin Bay. But as her telepathy manifested, she gradually isolated herself, being uncomfortable.

I had been lonely at times. So lonely that I had decided to join Starfleet when my Aunt Parisa died. And from the Academy, I found new friends, and found home in Starfleet.

She shared her memory of burying Akhbar when he died of old age, being at Aunt Parisa's deathbed in her Academy uniform, and then finding joy in her learning at the Academy.

Turning to Neva, having seen her mother taking the mantle of the Eighth House, Nira looked with interest.

Funny you should mention that. I had been curious as to what House of Betazed I belonged in. Particularly after an exchange of curiosity...

She showed them when she was serving as an exchange officer on the Klingon ship TajHu, and as its commanding officer showed interest: "Ah, Betazoid?" he said. "What house? I heard there are plenty of Betazoids belonging to a house."

Nira looked over at him. She could sense he was curious. "Honestly, I don't know what house I do belong, if at all," she said with a shrug. "I was raised by humans, hence my surname."

And since then, the Klingons jovially referred to her as "Princess." And it made Nira curious.

Later, I made inquiries, talking to people from Betazed, even though I never went there, and then I got a call from a paternal aunt, discovering my birth parents have family on Betazed. And they're members of the First House.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Neva Cordon on August 22, 2023, 07:55:28 AM

'Aarwendil, i may have been BORN on a ship, but that doesnt mean i havent seen & lived on our homeworld.' she chided. She showed him her home on Betazed, her mother taking on the mantel of the 8th House, playing by Lake Cateria on a vacation with her parents and going to secondary school there.
'So you see, Betazed wasn't foreign to me. Once my parents divorced and my Dad retired from Starfleet, he went back to Earth to live. So when i went to the Academy, he and I were able to spend time together. When he died mere weeks before my Graduation, my mother came and took care of his affairs and was there for me. We've been close ever since. Neva wiped a tear from her eye then smiled again, if a little sadly.

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

I noticed what you said early, but I always like to show Betazed off. It's my home after all. he smiled at Neva, before drinking some more of his juice. I'm sorry about your father, though. Aarwendil looked at her sympathetically. He couldn't imagine how it was to have dead parents. His mother and father could be suffocating sometimes, but he loved them.

Quote from: Nira Said on August 22, 2023, 08:51:13 AM

[Commander Nira Said | XO's Office | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira could see the flashes of memories from the both of them and she smiled warmly.

It's good that you both had good lives with families, she thought. Me, I had been an orphan. I was born during the war, and my mother was a captive of the Dominion.

She had been looking very far back in her memories since the confrontation with the Jem'Hadar Elder on Melek Nor. Much of her infancy was foggy at best, trying her best to remember her birth parents. There were a handful of flashes, and Nira took hold of them. One was seeing everything in her mother's arms, somewhere dark and dank...that had to have been Sentok Nor. She was seeing her father hold off the Jem'Hadar, buying time for them to escape. She saw no more after that, but she had recognized the Elder, albeit as a younger man, and she figured out the rest: Her father was killed, sacrificing himself to allow her, and a group of other Betazoids, to escape from Sentok Nor and the experimentations of Crell Moset. She explained that in mind as she shared the flashes of her infancy, then her childhood on Earth. parents, I was informed, were good friends of the Saids. My mother eventually remarried one of the Saids, and as they were out on assignment, they were killed in a battle with the Dominion. Aunt Parisa had been raising me ever since.

She shared her moments of childhood, from her handful of friends, her dog Ahkbar, her times in the desert, her flying from the orbital module attached from the Burj Khalifa, swimming with the dolpins in Dolphin Bay. But as her telepathy manifested, she gradually isolated herself, being uncomfortable.

I had been lonely at times. So lonely that I had decided to join Starfleet when my Aunt Parisa died. And from the Academy, I found new friends, and found home in Starfleet.

She shared her memory of burying Akhbar when he died of old age, being at Aunt Parisa's deathbed in her Academy uniform, and then finding joy in her learning at the Academy.

Turning to Neva, having seen her mother taking the mantle of the Eighth House, Nira looked with interest.

Funny you should mention that. I had been curious as to what House of Betazed I belonged in. Particularly after an exchange of curiosity...

She showed them when she was serving as an exchange officer on the Klingon ship TajHu, and as its commanding officer showed interest: "Ah, Betazoid?" he said. "What house? I heard there are plenty of Betazoids belonging to a house."

Nira looked over at him. She could sense he was curious. "Honestly, I don't know what house I do belong, if at all," she said with a shrug. "I was raised by humans, hence my surname."

And since then, the Klingons jovially referred to her as "Princess." And it made Nira curious.

Later, I made inquiries, talking to people from Betazed, even though I never went there, and then I got a call from a paternal aunt, discovering my birth parents have family on Betazed. And they're members of the First House.

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]
The conversation became heavier when Nira revealed that she was orphaned because of the Dominion. Aarwendil clenched his fist with their mention. He hated the Changelings, Jem'Hadar and Vorta for what they did to his homeworld. Even if he was born only after the occupation ended, the Ensign grew up surrounded by people that survived it and he heard their memories of these events.

My parents and oldest sister were part of the underground movement that fought against the Dominion. Aarwendil said, without any telepathic image to show to the two women. They never telepathically shared anything of these times with me, only mentioned that they fought to liberate our planet. thinking about it, he came to the conclusion that his family was lucky for having survived it whole.

When the conversation changed to the Houses of Betazed, Aarwendil went to give his own bit of information. I'm part of the Fifth House. A matter of fact, my mom is a once removed cousin of Lwaxana Troi. They don't like each other, at all. the Ensign showed them scenes of family meetings where the two women would always show their disgust for each other telepathically, allowing everyone around to notice it. There would be images of fist fights, tables being turned and his father dragging his mother with a wig at her hand. Yeah, they really hate each other. he said nervously, while sipping more of his juice.

My mom says that Lwaxana is mad, but I always thought that she was nice. She acted this way with me and my sisters. Even with my father, but I think that she did this with him only to annoy my mom. he showed them how his mother would become furious when Lwaxana got too sympathetic with him. It was fun to watch, but poor dad, he would always end sleeping in the sofa these days. Aarwendil laughed, his mother was so exaggerated.

Her children are cool, though. I only met Deanna some few times and she was always sweet, but used to play with her brother Barin during these same family meetings. he showed images of the two playing with other Betazoid kids, while food could be seen flying while tables were turned in the background, together with adults trying to separate two people.

Betazoid, Male

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on August 22, 2023, 04:26:55 PM

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

I noticed what you said early, but I always like to show Betazed off. It's my home after all. he smiled at Neva, before drinking some more of his juice. I'm sorry about your father, though. Aarwendil looked at her sympathetically. He couldn't imagine how it was to have dead parents. His mother and father could be suffocating sometimes, but he loved them.

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

The conversation became heavier when Nira revealed that she was orphaned because of the Dominion. Aarwendil clenched his fist with their mention. He hated the Changelings, Jem'Hadar and Vorta for what they did to his homeworld. Even if he was born only after the occupation ended, the Ensign grew up surrounded by people that survived it and he heard their memories of these events.

My parents and oldest sister were part of the underground movement that fought against the Dominion. Aarwendil said, without any telepathic image to show to the two women. They never telepathically shared anything of these times with me, only mentioned that they fought to liberate our planet. thinking about it, he came to the conclusion that his family was lucky for having survived it whole.

When the conversation changed to the Houses of Betazed, Aarwendil went to give his own bit of information. I'm part of the Fifth House. A matter of fact, my mom is a once removed cousin of Lwaxana Troi. They don't like each other, at all. the Ensign showed them scenes of family meetings where the two women would always show their disgust for each other telepathically, allowing everyone around to notice it. There would be images of fist fights, tables being turned and his father dragging his mother with a wig at her hand. Yeah, they really hate each other. he said nervously, while sipping more of his juice.

My mom says that Lwaxana is mad, but I always thought that she was nice. She acted this way with me and my sisters. Even with my father, but I think that she did this with him only to annoy my mom. he showed them how his mother would become furious when Lwaxana got too sympathetic with him. It was fun to watch, but poor dad, he would always end sleeping in the sofa these days. Aarwendil laughed, his mother was so exaggerated.

Her children are cool, though. I only met Deanna some few times and she was always sweet, but used to play with her brother Barin during these same family meetings. he showed images of the two playing with other Betazoid kids, while food could be seen flying while tables were turned in the background, together with adults trying to separate two people.

Neva smilled and bobbed her head in thanks. 'Don't worry. My dad lived a good life. I'm honestly at peace with all of it. My mother has been great also. Surprisingly, their divorce was fairly amicable, so I'm blessed that way.

Hearing what house Nira said she was part of, Neva's eyes widened to saucers. 'The First House?? Oh wow! I hate to say it, but I'd count myself lucky to not live that life.' Neva bowed her head, her demeanor contrite. 'If I remember right, going into Starfleet just wouldn't have been allowed. That House seems to be more strict than the others.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Nira Said

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on August 22, 2023, 04:26:55 PM

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

I noticed what you said early, but I always like to show Betazed off. It's my home after all. he smiled at Neva, before drinking some more of his juice. I'm sorry about your father, though. Aarwendil looked at her sympathetically. He couldn't imagine how it was to have dead parents. His mother and father could be suffocating sometimes, but he loved them.

[USS Challenger-A/ XO's Office in Deck Two]

The conversation became heavier when Nira revealed that she was orphaned because of the Dominion. Aarwendil clenched his fist with their mention. He hated the Changelings, Jem'Hadar and Vorta for what they did to his homeworld. Even if he was born only after the occupation ended, the Ensign grew up surrounded by people that survived it and he heard their memories of these events.

My parents and oldest sister were part of the underground movement that fought against the Dominion. Aarwendil said, without any telepathic image to show to the two women. They never telepathically shared anything of these times with me, only mentioned that they fought to liberate our planet. thinking about it, he came to the conclusion that his family was lucky for having survived it whole.

When the conversation changed to the Houses of Betazed, Aarwendil went to give his own bit of information. I'm part of the Fifth House. A matter of fact, my mom is a once removed cousin of Lwaxana Troi. They don't like each other, at all. the Ensign showed them scenes of family meetings where the two women would always show their disgust for each other telepathically, allowing everyone around to notice it. There would be images of fist fights, tables being turned and his father dragging his mother with a wig at her hand. Yeah, they really hate each other. he said nervously, while sipping more of his juice.

My mom says that Lwaxana is mad, but I always thought that she was nice. She acted this way with me and my sisters. Even with my father, but I think that she did this with him only to annoy my mom. he showed them how his mother would become furious when Lwaxana got too sympathetic with him. It was fun to watch, but poor dad, he would always end sleeping in the sofa these days. Aarwendil laughed, his mother was so exaggerated.

Her children are cool, though. I only met Deanna some few times and she was always sweet, but used to play with her brother Barin during these same family meetings. he showed images of the two playing with other Betazoid kids, while food could be seen flying while tables were turned in the background, together with adults trying to separate two people.

[Commander Nira Said | XO's Office | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira took in what Aarwendil showed her, of his mother clashing with Lxwanna Troi. She heard plenty of the eccentricities of that woman, and that was the nicest way of putting it. This was certainly a side she never saw before, ranging from, best case scenario, disgust, to, worst case scenarios, catfights. And then she saw Deanna Troi playing with his brother and she smiled at the sight.

Reality-wise, one of the people Nira had an admiring to, apart from the great security officers and investigators of the modern age, was Deanna Troi, chiefly as a Betazoid, even if she was partially human, among humans. She had always wanted to meet her.

Quote from: Neva Cordon on August 30, 2023, 06:47:58 AM

Neva smilled and bobbed her head in thanks. 'Don't worry. My dad lived a good life. I'm honestly at peace with all of it. My mother has been great also. Surprisingly, their divorce was fairly amicable, so I'm blessed that way.

Hearing what house Nira said she was part of, Neva's eyes widened to saucers. 'The First House?? Oh wow! I hate to say it, but I'd count myself lucky to not live that life.' Neva bowed her head, her demeanor contrite. 'If I remember right, going into Starfleet just wouldn't have been allowed. That House seems to be more strict than the others.

Nira jumped a little at Neva's reply, and she was clearly surprised enough to speak verbally. When she explained that a member of the First House would not have been allowed to join Starfleet, it was Nira's turn to be surprised.

she "spoke up." That's something I never knew about the First House. All I knew about the First House was that it was the House of Truth and Honesty. I felt it suited me, given how, as an investigator that I view myself as, I can be a seeker of truth. Maybe...maybe it's just as well I was raised on Earth, or I never would've joined Starfleet...may I ask, Neva, what more do you know about the First House?

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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