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It Starts With a Hug

Started by Tora Zalos, January 02, 2024, 12:04:04 PM

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Tora Zalos

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

Things had finally begun to settle down. No indestructible planet-eating cones of death, no trigger-happy Romulans, no Orion ravagers, no Romulans shooting to kill. Tora could only have wished that she could have had a little of this when she'd first come aboard before her career went from one to a hundred and fifty. After everything that'd transpired since she'd come aboard, a mundane after-duty dinner was, funnily enough, just what the doctor ordered.

Maybe this was what her instructors had meant by how constantly having things to do would make you miss having nothing to do. Until she'd first come aboard Tora hadn't really missed having nothing to do.

Some kind of crop top, a colorful sarong tied round her waist, sandals. That was her usual getup when she was off duty and wanted to let her hair down, very much more Risian than Cardassian. It'd scared the daylights out of her aunt when she'd first worn the outfit out. Tora had never paid her much mind. While her uncle had been significantly more liberal with the lengths she could go with her appearance, her aunt had always wanted her to stick to her roots. Evidently she hadn't gotten what she wanted. Her top was red today, and her sarong the colors of the sun; amber, red and orange blended together beautifully in the fabric.

She strode confidently into the mess hall and ordered the first thing that came to mind: a heaping plate of fried rice made Risan style with yamok sauce drizzled over the top. Hell, it surprised her that the replicator could even manage the outlandish combination of ingredients, but then again replicators were capable of far bigger things than that weren't they? She could've sworn one or two people blinked and held their noses as she found her way to an empty table and dug in. The smell of yamok sauce, never mind the taste of it, seemed to drive anyone who wasn't Cardassian away and she'd never figured out why.

Neva Cordon


[Ensign Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Mess Hall]

To Neva, nothing was better than fresh baked bread. She'd finagled a small bread maker into her quarters and it wasn't uncommon for crewmembers just "happening" to visit her on days she'd made a loaf...or 2.

Through a process of elimination, she'd learned thick slices of wheat bread were a perfect platform to put on the ooey-gooeyness that was creamy peanut butter. A banana just past the hard green stage made the perfect hardness as counterpoint to the nutty condiment.

Having managed another replication, Neva sat at a table, tongue sticking out sideways as she carefully put the concoction together. A glass of Uttaberry Juice sat on the table next to her, untouched. She always reserved the 1st sip to be the cleansing after the 1st bite.

This was a meal to be savored.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Tora Zalos

Quote from: Neva Cordon on January 02, 2024, 04:37:05 PM

[Ensign Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Mess Hall]

To Neva, nothing was better than fresh baked bread. She'd finagled a small bread maker into her quarters and it wasn't uncommon for crewmembers just "happening" to visit her on days she'd made a loaf...or 2.

Through a process of elimination, she'd learned thick slices of wheat bread were a perfect platform to put on the ooey-gooeyness that was creamy peanut butter. A banana just past the hard green stage made the perfect hardness as counterpoint to the nutty condiment.

Having managed another replication, Neva sat at a table, tongue sticking out sideways as she carefully put the concoction together. A glass of Uttaberry Juice sat on the table next to her, untouched. She always reserved the 1st sip to be the cleansing after the 1st bite.

This was a meal to be savored.

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

Tora's eyes were glued to the woman's sandwich instantly. Apart from being convinced that peanut butter was one of the best things humans had ever created (behind bubble tea and the Federation itself), she was a huge fan of it in sandwiches (and that dish Filipino humans called kare-kare); her aunt had painstakingly made sandwiches for her to bring to school every morning - usually with Cardassian ingredients she could find at the local street market, but also with peanut butter and jam on occasion, which she would beg her to make. If living on Risa had taught her anything (it had, multiple things in fact) it was to enjoy whatever she could find in life, wherever she could find it.

"That looks good! Did you make the bread yourself?" It helped that the other was seated only about two tables away across from her. Tora leaned towards her, dinner momentarily forgotten. "I always find that replicated bread's a little bit too dense, you know? That looks perfect."

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Tora Zalos on January 03, 2024, 08:17:46 AM

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

Tora's eyes were glued to the woman's sandwich instantly. Apart from being convinced that peanut butter was one of the best things humans had ever created (behind bubble tea and the Federation itself), she was a huge fan of it in sandwiches (and that dish Filipino humans called kare-kare); her aunt had painstakingly made sandwiches for her to bring to school every morning - usually with Cardassian ingredients she could find at the local street market, but also with peanut butter and jam on occasion, which she would beg her to make. If living on Risa had taught her anything (it had, multiple things in fact) it was to enjoy whatever she could find in life, wherever she could find it.

"That looks good! Did you make the bread yourself?" It helped that the other was seated only about two tables away across from her. Tora leaned towards her, dinner momentarily forgotten. "I always find that replicated bread's a little bit too dense, you know? That looks perfect."

[Ensign Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Mess Hall]

Neva looked up with a grin when she heard the woman's voice. "I make the bread myself. I got a bread maker tucked into my stuff." She put down her sandwich and pulled over a cutting board. "Have a seat & I'll cut you a piece." She held out a hand to indicate the empty seat across from her.

Neva carefully cut a 1/2-inch piece from the loaf and handed it to the Cardassian woman. "It's whole wheat bread. I know some people don't like that, but I find it a perfect choice with my kind of sandwich." She gave a slightly embarrassed grin. "My sandwiches are an acquired taste. I make peanut butter and banana sandwiches." she gave a conspiratorial smirk. "A babysitter made them once for us and I got hooked."

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Tora Zalos

Quote from: Neva Cordon on January 03, 2024, 09:53:46 AM

[Ensign Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Mess Hall]

Neva looked up with a grin when she heard the woman's voice. "I make the bread myself. I got a bread maker tucked into my stuff." She put down her sandwich and pulled over a cutting board. "Have a seat & I'll cut you a piece." She held out a hand to indicate the empty seat across from her.

Neva carefully cut a 1/2-inch piece from the loaf and handed it to the Cardassian woman. "It's whole wheat bread. I know some people don't like that, but I find it a perfect choice with my kind of sandwich." She gave a slightly embarrassed grin. "My sandwiches are an acquired taste. I make peanut butter and banana sandwiches." she gave a conspiratorial smirk. "A babysitter made them once for us and I got hooked."

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

Where had this lady been keeping that cutting board and knife, Tora wondered. The puzzlement was momentary, however, replaced with excitement at getting to try a slice of that wonderfully pillowy soft bread. "Whole wheat, white, darker with chocolate chips in, it's honestly all the same to me. I personally don't really care for what some people say about which kinds are healthier than others; it's bread! It's good for the soul." She quipped as she moved over to sit across from the other, taking her plate with her. She didn't want to waste food, after all!

"Peanut butter and banana are a match made in heaven to me - behind peanut butter and any kind of chocolate and peanut butter and jam. I think you're perfectly fine. Acquired taste or not." The Cardassian grinned at her new friend. She'd invited her over and offered her a little part of her meal, so she could call her that - easy. "My name is Tora. What's yours, and what got you into breadmaking?" Tora did not wait for the answer to come before taking a bite of bread. Slightly chewy, light, pillowy. This woman had done a splendid job.

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Tora Zalos on January 03, 2024, 10:21:13 AM

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

Where had this lady been keeping that cutting board and knife, Tora wondered. The puzzlement was momentary, however, replaced with excitement at getting to try a slice of that wonderfully pillowy soft bread. "Whole wheat, white, darker with chocolate chips in, it's honestly all the same to me. I personally don't really care for what some people say about which kinds are healthier than others; it's bread! It's good for the soul." She quipped as she moved over to sit across from the other, taking her plate with her. She didn't want to waste food, after all!

"Peanut butter and banana are a match made in heaven to me - behind peanut butter and any kind of chocolate and peanut butter and jam. I think you're perfectly fine. Acquired taste or not." The Cardassian grinned at her new friend. She'd invited her over and offered her a little part of her meal, so she could call her that - easy. "My name is Tora. What's yours, and what got you into breadmaking?" Tora did not wait for the answer to come before taking a bite of bread. Slightly chewy, light, pillowy. This woman had done a splendid job.

[Ensign Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Mess Hall]

Neva laughed amiably. "I'm Neva Cordon." She picked up the bread and put the two halves together. As she set up to eat, she added, "So you like peanut butter & jelly too? Great! And Chocolate chips? Never thought of that!" She tilted her head slightly, considering Tora's question. "Well, it's kind of funny actually. The replicators never quite make the kind of consistency I liked."

Neva shrugged and put her food on the plate again. "So I contacted my mother and she got me one." She smirked. "SOMEhow. Mother always seems to find ways to get what she wants." Neva's shoulders bounced in a silent chuckle. "I've got other recipes I can do. I can replicate most of the ingredients. The others I typically get on shore leaves."

The young Engineer suddenly slumped a little, looking slightly embarrassed. "Sorry, I'm dominating the conversation. I do that sometimes." Sitting back up, she smiled and asked."So, how're you enjoying the ship? I know you got a trial by fire in the last mission. I hope you don't think we're usually going into such do or die kind of missions."

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Tora Zalos

Quote from: Neva Cordon on January 04, 2024, 09:08:30 AM

[Ensign Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Mess Hall]

Neva laughed amiably. "I'm Neva Cordon." She picked up the bread and put the two halves together. As she set up to eat, she added, "So you like peanut butter & jelly too? Great! And Chocolate chips? Never thought of that!" She tilted her head slightly, considering Tora's question. "Well, it's kind of funny actually. The replicators never quite make the kind of consistency I liked."

Neva shrugged and put her food on the plate again. "So I contacted my mother and she got me one." She smirked. "SOMEhow. Mother always seems to find ways to get what she wants." Neva's shoulders bounced in a silent chuckle. "I've got other recipes I can do. I can replicate most of the ingredients. The others I typically get on shore leaves."

The young Engineer suddenly slumped a little, looking slightly embarrassed. "Sorry, I'm dominating the conversation. I do that sometimes." Sitting back up, she smiled and asked."So, how're you enjoying the ship? I know you got a trial by fire in the last mission. I hope you don't think we're usually going into such do or die kind of missions."

Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

"I'm told big happenings are par for the course for any Starfleet assignment. Or most, anyway. I signed up for this, didn't I? So honestly, it's fine." Though Tora smiled at the other, she really wished that her first ever mission would've gone much differently. Like, really, who expects to die horribly thrice over on their first ever assignment and within the first few days? Tora had not expected puppuee and sunshine and rainbows, but the events of the past few days had been all the way on the other end of the spectrum of dangerousness.

"Other recipes, you say? Other types of bread?" Tora's eyes, bright amber, gleamed with interest. "Chocolate and coffee brioche with chips in? Because I love that kind of thing - Risans do pastries and confectionery like nowhere else, I swear by that assertion."

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Tora Zalos on January 05, 2024, 11:58:11 AM

Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

"I'm told big happenings are par for the course for any Starfleet assignment. Or most, anyway. I signed up for this, didn't I? So honestly, it's fine." Though Tora smiled at the other, she really wished that her first-ever mission would've gone much differently. Like, really, who expects to die horribly thrice over on their first-ever assignment and within the first few days? Tora had not expected puppuee and sunshine and rainbows, but the events of the past few days had been all the way on the other end of the spectrum of dangerousness.

"Other recipes, you say? Other types of bread?" Tora's eyes, bright amber, gleamed with interest. "Chocolate and coffee brioche with chips in? Because I love that kind of thing - Risans do pastries and confectionery like nowhere else, I swear by that assertion."

[Ensign Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Mess Hall]

Neva sat forward, arms crossed on the table before her. She smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's sort of what my dad would call 'fightin words'." She laughed and shook her head dismissively. She sat back against the window ledge and her seat, smile intact. "I learned to bake from my mother and Dad made his own contributions now & again. We're going to have to commandeer a corner of the Mess Hall to see what we can do."

Neva sat straight again, grabbed her sandwich, and set up to eat. She looked a little embarrassed now. "That's if you want to. I'm not gonna hold you to it, Tora. Honest." She looked Tora in the eye to show her sincerity.

Neva waved her sandwich toward her new friend. "We should eat. Your food is probably cold now cuz of me."

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Tora Zalos

Quote from: Neva Cordon on January 09, 2024, 03:01:32 PM

[Ensign Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Mess Hall]

Neva sat forward, arms crossed on the table before her. She smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's sort of what my dad would call 'fightin words'." She laughed and shook her head dismissively. She sat back against the window ledge and her seat, smile intact. "I learned to bake from my mother and Dad made his own contributions now & again. We're going to have to commandeer a corner of the Mess Hall to see what we can do."

Neva sat straight again, grabbed her sandwich, and set up to eat. She looked a little embarrassed now. "That's if you want to. I'm not gonna hold you to it, Tora. Honest." She looked Tora in the eye to show her sincerity.

Neva waved her sandwich toward her new friend. "We should eat. Your food is probably cold now cuz of me."

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

"No, no, don't you worry. The conversation's part of the fun of it." Indeed Tora's food had gone lukewarm by the time she had another mouthful, but somehow she didn't mind. The newfound company was the perfect additive that made having it much more enjoyable. Besides, it still tasted good, so she wasn't about to complain.

"So, Neva. Tell me more about you. Why are you in Starfleet, where've you been, what your opinion on life and things is. Anything." Tora's amber eyes gleamed. "I'm all ears."

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Tora Zalos on January 10, 2024, 12:53:20 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

"No, no, don't you worry. The conversation's part of the fun of it." Indeed Tora's food had gone lukewarm by the time she had another mouthful, but somehow she didn't mind. The newfound company was the perfect additive that made having it much more enjoyable. Besides, it still tasted good, so she wasn't about to complain.

"So, Neva. Tell me more about you. Why are you in Starfleet, where've you been, what your opinion on life and things is. Anything." Tora's amber eyes gleamed. "I'm all ears."

[Lt. JG ACE Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Mess Hall]

Neva chuckled and took a bite out of her sandwich, closing her eyes to enjoy the goodness. After a few bites, she washed it down with Almond Milk and once more regarded Tora. She sensed genuine curiosity from her, which was refreshing.

"What got me into Starfleet?" Neva snorted a laugh and smirked. "I didn't stand a chance at being anything else, considering my parents had me when they were still serving on a Starfleet ship themselves." Neva smiled fondly. "Didn't help when I got hold of my dad's PADD at 5 years old and tore it apart and then looked at my astonished parents and said "I fix! I fix!" Neva laughed softly, though her eyes sparkled with mirth. "They knew right then and there that their daughter would be an Engineer when she grew up."

Neva shrugged her shoulders dismissively after that, took another couple of bites of her sandwich, and sipped her milk. She then cocked her head for a moment, looking up at the tapered ceilings. Turning her dark gaze back to her new friend, she smiled a little and then said "As for my opinions on life...well, that's a deep subject. Depends on what you want to know." She shrugged again, still smiling. "I've been to many places and planets since I was born. Many of them I don't remember, to be honest."

Neva balanced her head on a fist by way of her elbow on the table. She regarded Tora inquiringly. "What about you? What's gotten you to this point?" She gestured to the room. "How'd a Cardassian get into Starfleet? And to live on Risa?" Neva sat up again, though she rested her chin on her fingers held in place with both elbows now on the table. "There's gotta be some juicy deets with that alone!" She waved a hand in circles in a gesture of continuance and a raised eyebrow.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Tora Zalos

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

"My uncle took me away from Cardassia when I was young. He said to me at the time that he needed to do business there and father and mother would be busy, so they'd entrusted me to him to look after. I didn't know any better. I followed him and my aunt and we basically never left." Tora shrugged. "He never really told me why we didn't leave until I was... fifteen? Mother and father had died in the Dominion War fighting for Cardassia." Tora exhaled slowly. "I'm still processing that, actually. Never really had it figured out."

"How I got here, though? Well, that's a long and rather unorthodox story." Tora smiled mischievously. "One which is best told when I've got more deliciously soft bread and peanut butter filling my belly... so if you coud be so kind?"

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Tora Zalos on February 01, 2024, 10:55:05 AM

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mess Hall|USS Challenger]

"My uncle took me away from Cardassia when I was young. He said to me at the time that he needed to do business there and father and mother would be busy, so they'd entrusted me to him to look after. I didn't know any better. I followed him and my aunt and we basically never left." Tora shrugged. "He never really told me why we didn't leave until I was... fifteen? Mother and father had died in the Dominion War fighting for Cardassia." Tora exhaled slowly. "I'm still processing that, actually. Never really had it figured out."

"How I got here, though? Well, that's a long and rather unorthodox story." Tora smiled mischievously. "One which is best told when I've got more deliciously soft bread and peanut butter filling my belly... so if you coud be so kind?"

[Lt.JG ACEO Neva Cordon|USS-Challenger|Mess Hall]

Neva nodded a little, bottom lip pouted out, and understanding in her eyes. "Wow. The Dominion War was hell on all of us, no matter the 'side' you were on."

At Tora's request, Neva smiled brightly and reached for the cutting board on the table. Brandishing a laser torch from the kit beside her, she carefully cut a couple of slices of bread. Setting the torch back in her kit, she looked at her friend guiltily and admitted. "I find the torch cuts easiest." She looks around them and then adds. "Besides, aren't knives just tools too?"

Neva spread some peanut butter on one slice, then the other before carefully putting them together. Handing it over, she explains. "You get the best amount of peanut butter to bread ratio by doing it the way I did. Tastes better too!" Neva grins brightly for a moment before grabbing her milk and taking a drink.

Setting it back on the table, she pulls the remains of her sandwich and makes short work of it. Closing her eyes, she sighs contentedly. Opening them once more, she looks at Tora and cocks her head. "Do you like to read?" She pulls the PADD closer to them and holds it up. "I've got a collection of books of many different subjects." She reddens. "Of course, I've got a lot of Technical Journals I pour over. Couldn't be called an Engineer if I didn't, right?"

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

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