Nurse/Patient Confidentiality - A Brief Respite from 'The Naked When'

Started by Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas, November 28, 2022, 06:01:03 PM

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Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Two | Entryway of Empty Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhuk soon managed to get enough of a hold of himself to push his claws into Nireen, securing her alongside the knives that had pierced her hands. Still, he remained on top of her, baring his teeth at her, thus making his especially large upper canines even more prominent. For a few tense moments, he wondered if Nireen would accept her defeat, or if she would need to be pummeled into submission. Finally, though, she finally voiced her surrender, something that finally allowed him to slowly let go of her, as Nira went in to remove her knives.

However, as she did, Nireen managed to regain control of the situation by headbutting Nira, and giving Zhuk a kick that sent him flying backwards a couple of feet. Immediately, he attempted to pounce back on her to keep her from escaping or attacking, but a sharp pain suddenly made him flinch, and he landed on the floor once more, clutching his torso painfully. He seethed as he could only watch uselessly as Nireen insulted them, before retrieving a device that quickly transported her away from danger. It made Zhuk angry enough to smash the floor with his closed fist.

"We should have... ugh... never t-trusted a... d-darned Romulan... ghg... s-should have... aimed for... h-her..." He stopped in his tirade before he could either say something he could regret in front of his commanding officer, and out of pain as he rolled to remain on his back. After a moment of labored breathing, Ensign Zhuk attempted to stand up, pushing himself up with his elbows, in order to continue to assist Lieutenant Commander Nira with the Security of the ship. However, he realized that it pained him too much to be able to do a proper job, every step feeling as if a knife buried into his muscle and skin.

He gritted his teeth as he closed one of his eyes, clutching his lower left side. He was met with the realization that he wouldn't be able to assist any longer. It made him even more upset. He turned to look over at Nira with his ears flat to his head, and tail between his legs. He was almost afraid to ask for permission.

"I... I request... to be allowed to get some medical assistance. I am afraid... I cannot properly assist with the Security of... t-the ship like this..." Swallowing both pride and prior conditioning he had endured in his formative years, due to the intense discomfort he felt, he went right ahead to push at his commbadge to ask for assistance, even before Nira could answer him.

=/\="I am... heading to the Infirmary... ghg... I think I have... one... maybe two broken ribs..."=/\= And so, Zhukdra'shar limped carefully and slowly towards Medbay, hoping he would be able to assisted by someone capable, hoping he would be able to return to his duties as soon as possible.


NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse

Sickbay, as usual after a battle, was a hive of activity with nurses and doctors treating those unfortunate individuals who had been injured by during the skirmish.  Contusions and lacerations were common from those jostled unexpectedly from impacts to the shield - even if the shield held up under the onslaught.   Burns and more serious injuries resulted when the shields failed.

This time, however, it was disruptor damage that the staff were treating at the moment - from when the Romulan boarder's fended off the Challenger security forces that responded to the invading threat.  Head Nurse Davies had just finished applying dermaline gel as per the doctor's order to the disruptor wound on crewman Gnarld, who Chloe knew was one of Lahr's former teammates.  Gnarld had been fortunate - he'd only been grazed at a medium weapon setting.  Obviously intended to disable rather than kill.  This was a tactic used by boarders to keep ship's security personnel occupied with care for their injured until medical could arrive.

Standard treatment for having one's cells torn apart by the graze of superheated energy beam was similar to that of a third and fourth-degree burn.  A direct hit at a higher beam setting could result in amputation; or even death, if the disruptor hit was located on the body core rather than a limb.

Chloe waved over a pair of orderlies - Crewman T'Varn and Crewman Heesou to assist the Lurian off the biobed and into the recovery room.  "Be careful of his IV.  It has his antibiotics in with the saline drip. We will let the dermaline gel sit for an hour.  I'll be back to check on him at that time."

Chloe looked around at the waiting area and was glad to see that what remained seemed to be more just the minor cuts and bruises.   The Head Nurse took the time needed to disinfect and sterile her biobed before her next patient.   She was about to wave the first of the waiting personnel when an incoming call sounded over the intercom.


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Two | Entryway of Empty Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhuk soon managed to get enough of a hold of himself to push his claws into Nireen, securing her alongside the knives that had pierced her hands. Still, he remained on top of her, baring his teeth at her, thus making his especially large upper canines even more prominent. For a few tense moments, he wondered if Nireen would accept her defeat, or if she would need to be pummeled into submission. Finally, though, she finally voiced her surrender, something that finally allowed him to slowly let go of her, as Nira went in to remove her knives.

However, as she did, Nireen managed to regain control of the situation by headbutting Nira, and giving Zhuk a kick that sent him flying backwards a couple of feet. Immediately, he attempted to pounce back on her to keep her from escaping or attacking, but a sharp pain suddenly made him flinch, and he landed on the floor once more, clutching his torso painfully. He seethed as he could only watch uselessly as Nireen insulted them, before retrieving a device that quickly transported her away from danger. It made Zhuk angry enough to smash the floor with his closed fist.

"We should have... ugh... never t-trusted a... d-darned Romulan... ghg... s-should have... aimed for... h-her..." He stopped in his tirade before he could either say something he could regret in front of his commanding officer, and out of pain as he rolled to remain on his back. After a moment of labored breathing, Ensign Zhuk attempted to stand up, pushing himself up with his elbows, in order to continue to assist Lieutenant Commander Nira with the Security of the ship. However, he realized that it pained him too much to be able to do a proper job, every step feeling as if a knife buried into his muscle and skin.

He gritted his teeth as he closed one of his eyes, clutching his lower left side. He was met with the realization that he wouldn't be able to assist any longer. It made him even more upset. He turned to look over at Nira with his ears flat to his head, and tail between his legs. He was almost afraid to ask for permission.

"I... I request... to be allowed to get some medical assistance. I am afraid... I cannot properly assist with the Security of... t-the ship like this..." Swallowing both pride and prior conditioning he had endured in his formative years, due to the intense discomfort he felt, he went right ahead to push at his commbadge to ask for assistance, even before Nira could answer him.

=/\="I am... heading to the Infirmary... ghg... I think I have... one... maybe two broken ribs..."=/\= And so, Zhukdra'shar limped carefully and slowly towards Medbay, hoping he would be able to assisted by someone capable, hoping he would be able to return to his duties as soon as possible.

Chloe listened to the Ensign's self-assessment carefully.  Just by the quality of his voice and his breathing as he spoke, she suspected his assessment was correct.

"Computer, Medical site-to-site transport of Ensign Mrekrerhas to Sickbay - Biobed Three. Position patient sitting upright.  Initiate." There was a bleep of acknowledgement from the computer recognizing her authorization before the transporter request was acted upon.

Once the Caitian was beamed to the Medical Bay, appearing through the transporter effect on the biobed in front of her, Chloe held up a hand towards the Caitian. "Don't move.  I'm going to do a full scan of you." She used the biobed's body-scan feature do a full assessment, and studied the results of the scan on the display at the head of the biobed.

"You were partially correct.  Two fractured free-floating ribs and severe thoracic trauma." Whatever had impacted the Ensign's chest had hit the Caitian with the force of a two-story fall.

"I'll treat for the thoracic trauma first, so that you can breathe easier." she informed him as she gathered the equipment she would need.  Once she had those laying close at hand, she picked up a hypospray first.  "Ensign, I'm going to administer an analgesic for the pain. But I need for you to avoid breathing deeply until after I mend those ribs.  Okay?"

With a hiss, the hypo was administered, then Chloe set to work with her dermal regenerator - set to its strongest setting to repair the deeper tissue first.  As she worked, she explained what she was doing and what the Caitian could expect as a result.   "Because I'm repairing the deep muscle tissue on this first pass, you might feel an itch under your skin.  It's important you don't move or attempt to scratch at it.  The itch will pass."


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Seven | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Zhukdra'shar was caught off-guard when he was suddenly transported over towards Biobed Three, he tried to look around to determine what had happened, before a familiar voice told him not to move. He re-focused his gaze over at whom he recognized as Head Nurse Davies, and sighed, regretting almost immediately, the pain making him wince. Leaning back into
the Biobed properly, he remained still as to allow her to scan him.

When the results were delivered back to him, however, he was not too surprised. He silently fumed on the bed for a moment, before replying with his own comment. "C-Correct... I had... s-suspicion that it was... l-like that..." He commented, after being told about the procedure. She could see that he had relaxed significantly, closing his eyes and with his limbs falling limp. At the request to avoid breathing deeply after she indicated that an analgesic would be applied, he nodded softly.

He stiffened slightly after the prick of the hypospray, but soon enough, he was once more calm within the bed. He felt a peculiar sensation he couldn't quite explain, but he guessed it had to do with the way Chloe so patiently explained to him each part of the procedure, and what she would do. It had a positive effect on him, reassuring, making him feel safe. Also, it fed his curiosity, allowing him to explore medical procedures that he had previously been curious about. After all, for a short time in his life, he had wondered if he should pursue a medical career in Starfleet, before making those thoughts aside. He had never had proper medical instruction, besides being shown how to apply basic first aid, by whom he considered to be his adoptive parents. Trained to be an entertainer, or a warrior, as Nireen could have seen first-hand. Not a healer.

It had been that realization that had caused him to deviate from that pathway of life, though sometimes, in times such as this, he wondered how well he could have done with such an endeavor.

The request to keep himself from moving or scratching himself was one difficult to comply with, however, once the dermal regenerator began to do its job. However, he was good with obeying orders, and so, he remained perfectly still - save his face, which did all kind of funny-looking expressions: opening one eye while closing the other, wiggling his pink nose, biting his muzzle, scrunching his brow, and blinking hard.

He didn't want to disappoint Chloe this time.


NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Despite her 'Don't move' order, Chloe found herself having stop the Caitian from laying back on the biobed.  With firm but gentle hands she guided him back into his sitting position. "You need to stay still. Lying back on your ribs is not advised.  Just stay right there!" she ordered with emphasis, before continuing to gather her medical implements.

Once the Caitian was cooperating she went on with her work.

She found his facial expressions somewhat amusing and despite the seriousness of his injuries she ended up smiling in reaction.  "What's with the funny faces?" she asked.

At this point, she was repairing damage done to his lungs from the blunt trauma.  "Tell me what happened."  She hoped that focusing on a reply would help distract him from the itching feeling.

She listened without comment to his explanation as she completed repair of his lungs but did acknowledge his answer with encouraging head nods.  "Your lungs have been repaired.  You should be able to have an easier time breathing now.  But don't breathe too deeply until I repair your free-floating ribs.  I'll switch over to mending those next." Chloe commented as she set down the regenerator and picked up the bone-knitter.

"Again, it's important you remain still, as the laser will damage tissue behind the bone if you move." she advised, waiting for the Caitian's acknowledgment before starting the procedure.


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Seven | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhukdra'shar was caught off guard when he was told to remain sitting on the biobed. He truly only wanted to rest, but considering that she was the medical professional here, he obeyed, and slowly sat up once more. Especially considering how emphatic she was about what he had to do. There was certainly no denying that he was in good hands, something that he could confirm first hand by his experience over at Kaimo VI, where he served alongside her.

At her questioning of the funny faces he was making, he blinked a couple of times in confusion, before he realized what he was doing, "Oh... I am... s-sorry. I was concentrating to not.... move. But I still felt an urge to scratch myself... s-so I was trying to keep myself from acting on my i-impulses... besides... I-I wanted to laugh... I-I truly cannot explain it all too well but... it helped me from doing anything to interfere w-with your a-assistance." He offered a smile in return, as he hoped she would understand his predicament and how he sought to solve it.

"That... clone of Liutenant C-Commander Nira did this to me... R-Romulan a-assasin of some kind... ugh... m-made a mockery of myself... a-at least... I hope I managed to... i-inflict some s-serious... damage t-to her own ego... d-don't think she'll keep the s-scars of my claws..." While getting visibly worked up as well as angry, midway through his explanation he had realized that the effort might impede the medical procedure somehow, so he decided to convert what would have been a passionate speech of how he ended up with his injury, to instead a more humorous explanation. He would have chuckled too at his attempt, but he figured out it was best not to.

After being told that his lungs had been repaired, he offered a sole nod to her, taking in air by short bursts still. He took a moment to shift around slightly, properly setting himself up "Very well... I am ready."

While Chloe worked her magic, suddenly Zhuk spoke once more. "I-I am sorry I couldn't... protect you better over at Kaimo. I suppose I am not as cut for Security as I thought I was... I failed... to stop the Romulan again... I am unsure what I lack... it... frustrates me significantly. But I thought it might be a good moment to apologize for my failures.

He wasn't sure why, but he felt as if he had to say something about one of their previous missions together. Maybe it was the guilt, or the safety he felt right at this instant. But he decided to open himself slightly towards her. A feeling of fear washed over him, however, worried that she did not accept his apology. Or even worse still, that she confirmed his own negative feelings towards himself.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Chloe couldn't help but smile at the Caitian's explanation for his odd facial expressions.
"Well, I appreciate the effort you are going through not to scratch or laugh. The worst of it is almost over." she informed him.

When he later answered her question as to the how he got injured, it wasn't quite what she'd had been asking for.  Chloe was looking to determine the Mechanism of Injury - How he'd been injured.. not necessarily by who.   Though she found it surprising to hear that Commander Said had a clone - nevermind one who was a Romulan assassin.

That the Caitian got worked up while just speaking of the incident, had Chloe rethinking her idea to prod from more exact details as to how the injury occurred. She was just about to reach for a mild sedative when he managed to settle himself on his own.

Then while Chloe worked on mending his ribs, Ensign Mrekrerhas brought up the flying bear encounter from Kaimo IV - apologizing for failing to protect her better.   Chloe frowned slightly.  She still had the occasional nightmare about that incident - that she still hadn't told anyone about.

"You have nothing to apologize for.  You're doing your best and that's all anyone can do.  It hasn't been long since you were fresh from the Academy.  Give yourself time... these things will come -- and you'll improve.  If you think you need more practice, find a partner and run through a training simulation on the holodeck. That's what Lahr used to with his buddy, Burke."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Seven | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhuk nodded as Head Nurse Davies informed him that she was almost done with the procedure. It certainly eased his state of mind, as he wasn't too sure how long he would be able to keep his hands off his injury.

Of course, he remained unaware what Chloe meant with her question, Zhuk's anger about the ordeal keeping him from thinking properly about it and give her the answer she truly sought. At her frown after his apology, Chloe could see Zhuk momentarily lower his ears, afraid of meeting her ire now that the subject was brought up. Instead, he was given words of encouragement, reassuring him that he had done his very best, and that he would soon improve. It caused him to sigh, a weight lifting from his shoulders.

"I appreciate it. I had not yet thought about a proposal such as the one you made... getting a partner might be an excellent idea. Maybe I could ask my fellow officers about it... I haven't had much of an opportunity to employ the holodeck, so now mayhaps I could... ugh... after this, of course." He smiled slightly, certainly enjoying the counsel on his mind, remaining quite still even when he felt a peculiar sensation emanating from his ribs. "I am just... slightly miffed. I did not expect a kick to place me out of comission, much less a Romulan assassin being able to provide a hit with such magnitude... it is... vexing to me." He sighed once more, revealing the source of the injury unknowingly to her.

"Say, I do not mean to... prod too much within your personal life... but by your statement, you seem to know Lahr. At least to a certain degree. I would like to strike a friendship with more individuals aboard the vessel. Do you know what does he enjoy doing? And, of course... concerning the matter at hand..." He scratched the back of his head, perhaps realizing that in wanting to change subjects to make the treatment a little more amiable, he had turned it a little awkward. "Well... I would enjoy being your friend, too. If... that is alright by you."

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret


NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

The mending of the ribs didn't take long, despite the extra care that Chloe took.  As she worked, she was glad to hear Zhukdrashar take her advice to heart.   She smiled, then chuckled hearing his comment about the power of the clone's kick.

"Little known fact:  It takes the force of about 3300 newtons to crack an average person's ribs which normally fine since the average person's kick has a force of only about 1000 newtons.  However, a trained expert can deliver a force of up 9000 newtons.  And that human strength... not Vulcanoid.  It's not surprising at all that she could do this to you. You're fortunate.  This seems like a glancing blow compared to what she could have done at full force," Chloe remarked as she finished up with bone repair.

The nurse set the bone-mender aside and reached for the dermal regenerator.  But was paused in her work by some rather unexpected observations by the Caitian, followed up with equally unexpected questions.  Given the way gossip traveled on a starship, it was easy to forget that not EVERYONE knew of her past with Lahr.

"Yeah, I know Lahr well.  We used to date... before he upgraded to a Commander" The last part was mumbled to the point most that humans wouldn't have been able to discern what was said... but Zhuk being Caitian... his ears would hear the words and bitter tone quite clearly.

She cleared her throat and focused on her work once more. "I'll finish up with regenerating your contusions, then you'll be free to return to duty."

She was silent a moment more before finally answering his questions. "Lahr tends to still hang out with his former Security team as far as I know.  They used to gather for  pizza and video games at Luigi's Pizzeria and Arcade.  They also had poker nights and a memorial breakfast once a month in the Officer's Mess to remember lost comrades."

As she answered, Chloe ran the regenerator over top the bruise that had begun to form unseen under his fur.  "I've also heard he's joined Captain Galloway in his Flying Tigers... World War II re-enactment a couple times. I'm sure Lahr would be open to having you join him on this adventures.   And Zhuk..." she paused to see if he took offense to her shortening his name before continuing both her sentence and her work on his bruise.  "I would welcome being your friend.  Anytime you want to hang out after work, let me know. Just not WITH Lahr as well.  I see him often enough as it is."

When she finished up she tested her handiwork by running her hand overtop his furred chest, pressing on the two previously broken ribs individually.  "How does that feel?  Any soreness or pain at all?" she questioned. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Seven | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhuk's eyes visibly widened, his ears pivoting to listen over towards Chloe as she explained that what had happened with Nireeen was no actual shortcoming of his own body. Or fault of his own to avoid the kick. Instead, he was surprised to learn that with her Vulcanoid strenght, and training, she had been able to deliver an absolutely devastating strike when he had previously thought that was not something that was feasible. He wondered if he too could train in order to learn how to provide his own attacks with such a force.

"Huh... I must admit that I had no idea of such information... I suppose that you are quite correct. This realization has truly told me that I was quite lucky to be spared worse injuries..." He only offered a brief chuckle, his smile widening ever so slightly in his muzzle.

Another surprise came at the realization that she and Lahr were once a couple in the past, until his apparent promotion separated them. His hearing was fine enough to overhear such a statement, though he did his best to not appear as if he had. He still wanted to keep himself from being shunned if others realize just how good he was at picking the faintest whispers.

"I see..." Before he could say something more, he stopped at the clearing of her throat, and being informed that she was about to finish the healing process. With a nod, he remained quiet until she spoke once more, and learned of what Lahr, his buddies, and even the Captain enjoyed doing. He personally had never played videogames, but it filled him with curiosity to try out. As for the WW2 reenactment, he was too wondering if he could participate, although his interest on warfare mainly circled around warships. Still, he thought it could be fun.

Fortunately, he seemed to not react adversely at the shortening of his name, instead smiling over at her agreement to be his friend. It seemed as if he would be fine if she called him just 'Zhuk'. "Ah! That is quite a relief. I would adore to partake in any activities you find agreeable. I'll let you know." He chuckled, then nodded. "Do not worry, I'll make sure not to tell Lahr. Heh."

"Hm... I do not find discomfort in her touch, fortunately." He commented, as his furred chest was pressed by the Head Nurse. Besides the pleasant feeling of his fluffy fur, she could also definitely feel how muscular he was. No pain, thank goodness.

The situation did make him think for a moment about something else that bothered him. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to ask. Even though it deeply embarrassed him.

"Say, Head Nurse Davies... I must... ask... I suppose you are able to see erm... the places where my fur has been shaved off? Do you know if... there is perhaps a way to regrow it so that everything is... aesthetically pleasing once more?" He glanced to the side, as his ears visibly dropped. If he could blush, he would be doing it at this moment.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Chloe nodded her agreement when Zhukdra'shar verbally realized that he could have fared far worse against his Romulan opponent.

The Head Nurse swore to herself - after her terrible heartache when Lahr broke it off with her - that she was done with dating fellow ship personnel.  It made it just too uncomfortable to work on the ship and in the field sometimes afterwards... as even the Caitian had noted.   So for Chloe, when she said she was willing to be Zhukdra'shar's friend - she meant it casually.  Just friends.

Yet his adorable feline smile after she said she would be his friend was almost too cute and heartwarming.  You'd think she was his only friend on the ship so appreciative was the smile.  It reminded her of the Puss'N'Boots meme with the adorably wide kitten-eyes.   She could totally fall for eyes like that. No.. wait. Just friends.

She focused on her work.  Yet, when she felt along his ribs - checking on her work, Zhuk's reply to her question, so innocently stated - 'I do not find discomfort in her touch' - had her drawing back her hand from his chest quickly.   Couldn't he have just said 'there's no pain'?

From then on, things felt a bit awkward, at least from Chloe's perspective.  Especially when Zhuk asked in a hesitating manner about regrowing those areas shaved.   Chloe paused to think for a moment.  Was there something?

There were known treatments for hair loss, but that wasn't quite the same thing.  There wasn't a problem with his follicles it was just that the fur was cut short.

Chloe stepped away and turned to a computer console to check on the subject.

"Well, there is a recommended hair growth stimulation protocol... it's not instantaneous like a regenerator, but it's supposed to significantly increase the grow rate of hair by increasing your body's metabolism.   We could try you on that?" she suggested.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Seven | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Albeit Zhukdra'shar was perceptive, he remained oblivious to the discomfort of Chloe and the awkward situation that he had caused, even though he had noted the sudden retreat of her hand when he had spoken. All in all, he had thought that maybe she wished to get him back on the job as soon as possible, and with his own confirmation of everything having been attended to properly, she didn't had a need to poke him further.

Now, his preoccupation remained, when the matter of his fur was concerned. He knew he might be asking for too much from her, when she could attend to other more important matters, and didn't want to appear as if he was stalling on his duties, either. But he simply was too proud to allow himself to wander with such a heinous look on himself. He wouldn't admit it, however. Not unless he was hard-pressed to.

Plus, he had to admit that thus far, he was enjoying Head Nurse Chloe's presence. Though she couldn't know, Zhuk really considered two people their friends at this point in time within the ship: Lahr, though he hadn't really asked him if they were friends, so this remained a bit tenuous, and her. So, she indeed was Zhuk's first proper friend, albeit he sought to expand this list more in the near future, especially as he got to know his fellow officers more.

He glanced over towards her when she headed over towards the console, wondering if she would be able to locate a treatment that could be used for him. At her suggestion, he proceeded to hum for a moment, pondering about it while scratching at his furry chin. After a moment, he nodded, finding it to be a good plan to try out. "While I hoped we could do it instantaneously with a regenerator, I think that this treatment will suffice."

He momentarily changed the subject, as something else came into his mind about the situation. She could tell he had become visibly frustrated once more, as he furrowed his brow, and his tail began to swish rapidly behind him. It was also telling by the way he crossed his arms. "I know that an external agent was the cause of this situation... but I still can't help but wonder who did this to me. And maybe... do something about it."

He omitted the word 'retaliate' purposefully, for he knew that perhaps it was a bit too strong, and could land him in trouble. But he really wanted to get revenge for what had happened. He tried to take a deep breath, to calm himself down, and not get too worked up about it.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

With Zhukdra'shar's agreement to go ahead with protocol, Chloe sent the request to Dr. Fellows.   Chloe wasn't a doctor, nor a Nurse Practitioner, so she needed someone with a higher level of medical authority to approve things outside of her signed-off protocols.

While she waited for the doctor's response, Zhuk seemed to grow agitated. It was easy to tell by the rapid swish of his tail and his crossed arms, not to mention the furrow at his brow.  Chloe listened as he wonder mentioned wanting to know who did this.

"Can you not just check the security footage?  I mean, you know where you woke right and when?... Just scroll back from then following your movements?"

Chloe not being in security didn't know if there were protocols or specific authorizations for such, she'd just heard Lahr comment on doing so often enough, bragging about his Sec/Tac days and he was was just a Petty officer.  An commissioned Ensign you'd think would have more authority.

A ping on her medical console drew her attention.  It was Dr. Fellows authorization to go ahead with the protocol.  Chloe began gathering the items she would need.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Seven | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Zhukdra'shar hummed a little in thought, as Chloe didn't seem to have picked up his true meaning behind his statement. It wasn't as if he didn't knew he could access the records, it was more that he was indirectly asking her how ethical it was for him to do so. However, considering that she had just now prompted him to do so, he decided that maybe it wasn't such a bad idea. Still, he thought it was appropriate to clarify, even if he began to browse his PADD, accessing with it the main ship computer, and beginning to try and access the Security records, momentarily forgetting that he was waiting to see if the cell-growth treatment was granted to him.

"Oh, I am certainly capable of accessing security records. My issue here is that I feel unsure whether I should do so. Still... I must admit that my curiosity... and my bruised ego do wish answers to what transpired while we were under the effects of the Polywater 2000 virus."

He glanced over at her as she began to gather items, a small smile coming in his face. "I assume that the treatment was granted. Excellent. I am truly hoping it will give me my delectable coat of fur back. I fear becoming a laughingstock otherwise..." He confessed, frowning again, as he turned back to his PADD.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

As Chloe gathered up the necessary tools and prescribed treatment ingredients, she listened as Zhuk hesitated due to ethical uncertainty.  She understood his curiosity.

"I guess what you need to ask yourself is, are you wanting to know, so you can get payback, or to merely answer the question and maybe get an apology?"

With everything gathered on her tray, Chloe set the tray down on the counter beside the biobed.  On the tray was a pair of surgical gloves, a massaging tool and a small jar of ointment that Chloe had just finished preparing for.

His worried admission earned a smile.  Before reassuring him.  "Your friends on the ship won't laugh." then paused and reassessed.  "Your friends, other than Lahr, won't laugh." she clarified.

"So the goal of this treatment is two-fold - stimulate follicle and hair growth; and speed up your metabolism so that hair growth occurs quicker." she stated as she began putting on the surgical gloves.  "The treatment involves massaging this ointment - containing coconut oil, aloe vera, caffeine and ginseng onto the bare patches twice daily for the next two days.  Since there are patches that are bare where you might have difficulty reaching, you can come in before and after your sifts to have it applied by the nurse on duty. Are you ready?  I've warmed the ingredients so it should apply easily."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Seven | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhuk considered her reply for a moment, stroking his chin in though as he paused his search. "If I am completely honest? The former. But... I suppose that the appropriate response would be the latter." He commented, before going back to browsing his PADD for answers.

"Is... that so? I truly take care when it comes to my appearance. But maybe I am being way too... insecure about it." He furthered admitted, looking away momentarily. He did come to the realization that he didn't really like Lahr to laugh at him, even if she reassured him to be the only one to do so. Though, to be fair, Chloe hadn't. Maybe she was right, after all.

"Correct." He nodded, as he listened intently to the instructions provided as to how and when to apply the ointment. Though she didn't have to do it, he also appreciated the fact that she listed the ingredients that the mixture had, allowing him to better understand what he was applying. It certainly relieved that he wouldn't be a test subject to any type of unproved treatments.

"I am ready for the application" He offered a smile at her, tail swishing just a little bit behind him.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Chloe chuckled slightly at Zhuk's complete honesty with her; but she could relate to his sentiment.  She'd felt like she wanted payback often when she herself had been hurt by others... or a specific other.

When Zhuk seemed surprised by her statement that true friends wouldn't laugh.  She looked at him with sincerity.  "Really." she assured.  "Real friends will understand your feelings and not make the situation worse for you."

What that said about Lahr... Chloe really couldn't care less.

With Zhuk's statement that he was ready, Chloe began gently massaging the mixture of aloe vera, coconut oil, caffeine and ginseng onto the patches of skin where the fur had been shaved off.   His pinkish skin was soft and supple even through the feel of the surgical gloves.  Because of the protection usually afforded him by his fur, this was probably the first time his skin had been exposed to direct contact.

Despite his medical file not indicating allergies to any of the ingredients in the salve, Chloe made sure to keep an eye out for any reaction or sensitivity as she thoroughly massaged in the salve.  The nurse returned to their previous topic to distract him, in case he was embarrassed by the treatment.  "So... do you think you will check the camera logs to see who did this?"

She massaged in the salve on the one spot for 2 minutes.

"How does that feel?" she asked as she readied another scoop of the salve on her fingertips to do treatment onto the next patch.  "Any sense of heat or irritation? Itchness?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Seven | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

His smile only became more evident at her look, and as she spoke words to reassure him that no one would be out to hurt him. Taking a deep breath, he nodded, albeit still seemed to be expectantly waiting for the application of the salve. "Duly noted. I will keep such in mind next time something embarrassing like this happens..." He made a small pause, before exhaling, softly, "I am glad I can have friends here, besides the Academy. Though, I'll admit, no one spoke to me in such a manner as you did. I... appreciate it."

He admitted, standing still as the application of the mixture was carried forth by Chloe. The sensation of the gloves proved to be a rather unusual one, as he indeed hadn't been touched before with his bare skin. He jumped a little bit as her fingers still first made contact, ears perked up, as the smile transformed into a look of surprise. He felt, if he was completely honest, a bit exposed like this, though before it could prove to be uncomfortable, Chloe managed to deviate his attention by suggesting him to inspect his PADD. With a nod, he did so, humming as he tapped away, going through the Security records.

Unconsciously, though, as she rubbed the affected spot, she could feel a certain... vibration from within him. A peculiar sound that, after a moment, couldn't be mistaken for anything else than purring. He seemed to not be aware of it, though, as he busily searched, awe coming upon his face just about when she finished the application, making an ear pivot as he turned towards her, then inspected the patch of skin. Waiting for a moment, monetarily forgoing his discovery, he shook his head.

"The affected area does not seem to be irritated, nor is causing me the urge to scratch myself. Seems like the procedure is... safe." He smiled at her, his tail swishing behind him once more, before being met with a realization, as he offered her PADD to her to watch. A little too eagerly. "I now know whomst was behind my shaving! Look! The Chief Science Officer!"

He pointed at a rather bizarre scene, with laughter as he was held within the lap of Ruth, purring loudly and as he was stroked, also shaved with a rudimentary apparatus for cutting hair. He glanced away as the sound became more evident, ears sticking close to his head.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret


NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Chloe was a bit caught by surprise at Zhuk's remark about how she was the only one who spoke to him in such a manner.  Had she been overly friendly?  She didn't think so.  So, did that mean others were unfriendly towards Zhuk?  She doubted that.  The crew was rather an open and friendly bunch.  There must be some misunderstanding.

Maybe he just needed to spend more off-duty time with others?  The nurse wondered what sort of interactions the Caitian might enjoy.  She was distracted from this thought as she became aware of Zhuk's... purring.

The sound had her smiling.  It was such a warm and peaceful sound. She had always had an affinity for cats and loved the sound of their contented purrs.  To hear Zhuk purring now, at her applying the treatment, was a bit satisfying - which she realized wasn't appropriate. So she refocused her attention on the task, trying to maintain a strict professional mindset.  This was a treatment - nothing more.

She was glad to hear from Zhuk that there were no signs of irritation.  She gathered up more salve on her fingertips to continue the treatment, when Zhuk drew her attention to the PADD he'd been searching on.  What she saw shocked her and prompted an uncharacteristic muttered comment.

"Of course it would be HER!"

Chloe had little respect for the Chief Science Officer... former Captain... that had cheated on her own husband to start up a relationship with Lahr back when Chloe was still dating the Andorian!  The two had tried to hide the relationship at first but Chloe wasn't fooled for a moment.

That Ruth would cheat on Lahr like this with Zhuk - even with the excuse of the polywater - just made Chloe so angry and jealous.   "What a b*tch!"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Seven | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Though she couldn't really know, Chloe's assumption was not wrong. Zhukdra'shar, due to his past, was overly-dedicated to his job, taking little time to meet others on his off-time, instead dedicating it to reading, exercising, or grooming himself. He, of course, was not averse to talking if he was talked to first, but he didn't actively seek to do so.

So concentrated was he in his search, that he didn't even notice Chloe's reaction to his purring. Which was a good thing, because he was usually a little self-conscious about that sort of thing, and would have probably ended up quite ashamed, had she commented something about it.

That said, his ears pivoted towards her almost immediately as he overheard her whispering, once she had showed her the PADD, a little bit too late to realize that maybe he shouldn't have done that, considering she was not a member of Security. It had to be some kind of breach of protocol of some kind, correct? He glanced to the side, making sure no one was there to report him to his superior. That would be a bummer.

Zhuk tensed, as he realized that there seemed to be some bad blood towards Chloe and the Chief Science Officer, an assumption that became more prominent when she mentioned what a bitch she was. Low enough for it to be kept out of hearing from anyone, but him, and especially with being so close. He hesitated for a moment as if he should ask about it, his vendetta momentarily forgotten to instead focus on the problem that Chloe had with her.

"I realize that there must be some kind of... vexation towards Chief Science Officer Ruth, and while I do not mean to prod within your personal life, I can't help but feel that she has done more to you than just a mere shaving towards me."

He momentarily held his breath, worried about the reaction of Chloe towards his comment.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

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