Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne

Started by Buehler, May 15, 2023, 08:28:41 PM

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The response back from his message to Melly wasn't at all what he'd expected. Under 72 hour psychiatric hold? Even with all the outrageous stunts he's pulled over the years - like manually activating an explosive trapped door, or working on a live torpedo on a count down to denotation -  he'd never been brought in for hold.  Hell, it wasn't until Chloe ratted him out to the doctors about his sleeplessness and night terrors that they even considered he might need counseling to deal with some of these experiences.

It spoke volumes to Lahr about what the Only had been through that she was put on the 72 hour hold.  Reading the doc's comment that he was welcome to visit and that she'd love it, helped the Andorian put aside his own aversion to counseling sessions.  For the Only, he'd risk it.

Lahr packed up his tray, deposited it in the recycler, put in a new order to go and then headed via the turbolift up to Deck 7, where he headed to Sickbay and from there got directions to Ensign Pwllgwyngyll's bed which was in a room just off of the main treatment area - in sight of the nurse's desk but with some privacy.

The Andorian was glad that Chloe was either not on shift or busy doing something else.  As he approached the child-like Only, he was once more astounded how much her reddish-orange hair reminded him of Ruth.  She could easily be mistaken for Ruth's daughter - if Ruth had a daughter.

"Heya Doc. Got your message.  Thought I'd take you up on the offer to visit."

Lahr moved nearer the blanket bundled Only.  "Heya M.  How ya  holding up?  You getting tired of hospital food yet?" he questioned with a knowing grin, then held out the covered tray he had in hand. "I snuck you in a piece of chocolate cake and a bowl of vanilla icecream."

Cake and ice cream were comfort foods according to a number of sources.  He hoped that was the case with Melly/Myne.

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

Myne sat up in the bed holding the plush Alfa 117 canine as well as the PADD as Lahr entered. Her face was still a mask of pain but her eyes brightened seeing the Andorian who 'saved' her enter. "I.. haven't ordered anything yet, I was just going to order my daily meel of slave nutri-goop. But.." Her face brightened slightly amid the suffering. "Big Brother introduced me to ice cream shortly before meeting you. That and root beer. It doesn't make me nuzzly drunk but can cause a headache if drank too fast."

She sat the two items down and took the tray with a happy smile as she said up to Him, Thank You. Thank You very much.. You saved me earlier and took me to the ship and I cannot thank You enough for everything. I do hope I did not keep You from Your ball rolling game?" Her mood was 'better', it wasn't great but it was better between help of the kind Doctor and the kind Andorian.

She then remembered her place. Looking to the Doctor, "May I have the food Doctor? I do not know how a 72 hour works?"

Female Only

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

The Andorian gave a grimace at the mention of 'slave nutri-goop'.  "That ain't food that gives you an appreciation for life." he stated.   He glanced to the Doc, wondering if he was going comment on her 'choice'.

After a brief pause, chuckling as M described 'brain freeze' to a T, Lahr smiled at her thank.  "Glad I could help. And no you didn't interrupt the bowling game."

He was so pleased that she seemed willing to try the cake and ice cream.

"I just wanna say.. thanks for giving the cake and ice cream a go.  I hope you like it."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)



Evan could feel the Andorian's energy long before he could see the blue man turning the corner. Lahr had a certain presence that was hard to hide, in a way loud without making a single sound. It made a good counterpoint to Melly's more subdued nature and could be just what she needed to come out of her shell a bit.

"Nice to see you in Sickbay for once, Lahr. I promise not to give you any jabs without your consent," Evan laughed. Turning to Melly, he added, "food is ok, provided it's mostly finger foods." Ice cream wouldn't have been his first choice, but the smile on her face was worth it. Sugar was good for dopamine.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.


[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

Myne's face lit up as she heard she could have the treat as she remembered the wonderful first time a few days back. "Thank you Lahr Sir. Thank You", she said with the same happiness she did before when she met him and he took her to safety.

With a deep breathe she took the spoon and dug in, moving from a bite of the ice cream. She alternated back and forth giving each treat equal appreciation and joy. As she ate, she thought about when she met Lahr. "Doctor? I met Mr Lahr after fleeing from Quarks during shore leave. A old Nausicaan slaver.. One who enslaved me almost a century ago was there and he confronted me. He asked if I was my grand daughter as I looked like the girl he enslaved. I explained I wasn't and it was me. Kyan interveened but he tried to grab me on the way out..."

Her hand trembled but she focused on the treat as she spoke. "When he tried to grab me in Quarks I danced. Like I had in the sand pits in Orion, in the other places that had me dance after I was freed from Orion... I danced and dodged his every grasp. I hurried out and Mr Lahr was more then willing to take me to safety. I think this before Mr Lahr got to me was the starts of what made today boil over.. it was still fresh in my mind as the officers told me the mission."

She reached down and tugged her gown up. She didn't care if Lahr saw the nappies. The row of brands.

"Hearing me cuts brands into people... broke me. It reminded me I'm not a person. But a object. Trade goods the same as a case of self sealing stembolts.", she sighed but continued to eat the dessert as they made her feel 'better'.

Female Only

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Quote from: Buehler on June 15, 2023, 05:18:47 PM


Evan could feel the Andorian's energy long before he could see the blue man turning the corner. Lahr had a certain presence that was hard to hide, in a way loud without making a single sound. It made a good counterpoint to Melly's more subdued nature and could be just what she needed to come out of her shell a bit.

"Nice to see you in Sickbay for once, Lahr. I promise not to give you any jabs without your consent," Evan laughed. Turning to Melly, he added, "food is ok, provided it's mostly finger foods." Ice cream wouldn't have been his first choice, but the smile on her face was worth it. Sugar was good for dopamine.

The Andorian chuckled at Doc's subtle quip about being in Sickbay for once.  Lahr cancelled out on more counseling sessions than he'd attended.  Still he appreciated the Doc letting him be here for Myne?... Melly?   Neither name felt right to the Andorian. Yeah it would have to be M.
Quote from: myne on June 15, 2023, 05:57:33 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

Myne's face lit up as she heard she could have the treat as she remembered the wonderful first time a few days back. "Thank you Lahr Sir. Thank You", she said with the same happiness she did before when she met him and he took her to safety.

With a deep breathe she took the spoon and dug in, moving from a bite of the ice cream. She alternated back and forth giving each treat equal appreciation and joy. As she ate, she thought about when she met Lahr. "Doctor? I met Mr Lahr after fleeing from Quarks during shore leave. A old Nausicaan slaver.. One who enslaved me almost a century ago was there and he confronted me. He asked if I was my grand daughter as I looked like the girl he enslaved. I explained I wasn't and it was me. Kyan intervened but he tried to grab me on the way out..."

Her hand trembled but she focused on the treat as she spoke. "When he tried to grab me in Quarks I danced. Like I had in the sand pits in Orion, in the other places that had me dance after I was freed from Orion... I danced and dodged his every grasp. I hurried out and Mr Lahr was more then willing to take me to safety. I think this before Mr Lahr got to me was the starts of what made today boil over.. it was still fresh in my mind as the officers told me the mission."

She reached down and tugged her gown up. She didn't care if Lahr saw the nappies. The row of brands.

"Hearing me cuts brands into people... broke me. It reminded me I'm not a person. But a object. Trade goods the same as a case of self sealing stembolts.", she sighed but continued to eat the dessert as they made her feel 'better'.

Lahr was glad that M seemed to be enjoying the cake and ice cream.  When she started telling the doc about the Nausicaan and her dancing to dodge, the former sec/tac crewman nodded.  "Her moves were quite impressive."

Like many things Orion, he suspected the dance if performed with blades would be quite deadly.  By now, he'd sort of come to terms with M's tragic life-story.  He figured since she had survived everything to day, then anything else the universe had in story should be a breeze in comparison.

Focused on her words he was a bit unprepared for her sudden hiking up her skirt.  The Andorian quickly averted his eyes staring hard at the floor.

But her words stunned him and he looked up towards her to hold her gaze. He was appalled and intended argue against that statement.  "That's the slaver talking - not you.  You are person.  Not a thing and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.  Don't lie to yourself.  I understand you had to repeat that crap and respond to it to stay alive when you were captive but you aren't a captive now.. you aren't in that situation so you don't have to lie to yourself anymore.  You gotta find the truth of who you are now."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)



As usual, Evan found it easier to listen than to speak. A lot of people took that to mean he was a good person to bare their naked souls to. While he was glad he could serve that purpose for them, he often wound up learning daunting secrets and information he could do nothing with. So he did what he did best and listened.

"I'm sure her moves were a sight to see," he said to Lahr after a moment, noting how the man looked away. Lahr surely understand now the reason for the 72 hour hold. "After my wife was kidnapped, she struggled with similar emotions. It took her a long time to overcome that, and even now it still resurfaces from time to time. It will take time, but you will get through this. Like the blue man says, you are a person. And we will be here to keep reminding you."

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.



[Lahr - USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

But her words stunned him and he looked up towards her to hold her gaze. He was appalled and intended argue against that statement.  "That's the slaver talking - not you.  You are person.  Not a thing and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.  Don't lie to yourself.  I understand you had to repeat that crap and respond to it to stay alive when you were captive but you aren't a captive now.. you aren't in that situation so you don't have to lie to yourself anymore.  You gotta find the truth of who you are now."

[Ensign Myne - USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Ensign Myne smiled, so big and bright at the kind and motivating words from Lahr. He had always been since when she first met him a knight in blue armour. He knew the best words to make her feel better. His encouragment was what she needed to break out of that hole she was descending in. She would be strong and it was what the slaver would say not her. "I.. think your right. The slaver shouldn't matter what he thinks. I'm a good and strong girl. Not a slave." Her face was brighter now and between his words and the sugar she felt she could wrestle a targ. Probably lose but still!


[Buehler - USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

As usual, Evan found it easier to listen than to speak. A lot of people took that to mean he was a good person to bare their naked souls to. While he was glad he could serve that purpose for them, he often wound up learning daunting secrets and information he could do nothing with. So he did what he did best and listened.

"I'm sure her moves were a sight to see," he said to Lahr after a moment, noting how the man looked away. Lahr surely understand now the reason for the 72 hour hold. "After my wife was kidnapped, she struggled with similar emotions. It took her a long time to overcome that, and even now it still resurfaces from time to time. It will take time, but you will get through this. Like the blue man says, you are a person. And we will be here to keep reminding you."

[Ensign Myne - USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Hearing the Doctor explain about his wife made Myne.. feel better is not the word... made her not feel wrong is better. She thought her episodes were just her. But now she knew others had the same problems. She was not alone, she was not solely and singularly broken. This is what she needed to hear.

"I will go to counseling and I will do whatever is needed. I will have relapses but I won't let them consume me. I promise!", she smiled. "While I am here for my 72 hour I will do some PADD work and improve what I did on the bridge. That will make me feel like I did good. A small victory for me and a way to help."

Female Only

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

M's grin and affirming words had Lahr grinning back equally wide.  He was glad that she didn't sound as defeated as she had moments ago.

The doc added his own encouragement and explained about his wife's own relapses.  Lahr could understand and relate to that.  While he had never been held captive - unless you count his initial encounter with Hyperion but that had barely been an hour and had mostly been just a misunderstanding -  he did have his own triggering trauma issues that had led to his leaving Security and requesting not to be put on Away Teams.

Lahr didn't like to talk about it with others and avoided the topic during his own counseling sessions, still if it helped make M feel less alone...

"Yeah, not to worry... we all have moments we struggle to get past.  I asked to be taken off the mission cause I knew that it would be triggering for me.   I don't want to endanger the rest of the team that way."

The Andorian tried to think of a nice catch phrase to help her when thing were tough.  "You just gotta learn your limits and work within them."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 20, 2023, 06:04:46 PM

[Lt. Ruth Siggurdsdottir - CSO Office 0ffice - Deck 4 >> Deck 7 Sickbay]

Having arrived about 45 seconds before the Challenger departed DS9, Ruth had barely had half a minute to herself.

Being away for a while from the ship always had it's disadvantages and for her, the main three were these:

Firstly, because she had really wanted to teach the extended lecture series 'Comparisons of Reman, Romulan and Vulcan Languages and their impacts within the Federation and Trade' back at the Academy, she had taken a demotion to Lieutenant since it was limited to that rank.  She wasn't so bothered about that, she was still the Chief of Science on the Challenger and that meant she was where she wanted to be and with Lahr... not that she'd seen him yet.

Secondly, the mountain of PADDs she had to read and sign off on... which also included the subject matter of the third 'issue'.

Thirdly, (and the reason for her not having done more than dumped her bag in her quarters, had a quick sonic shower even though she preferred 'wet' showers, and got a fresh uniform on, then sent a quick message to Ian to say that she'd made it... just!) was that her reading material on the shuttle from the Academy to DS9 had been the personnel files for some new faces on her staff.

Ruth prided herself on getting to know her staff and endeavouring to help them be the best version of themselves, but to do that she needed to know both their service backgrounds, and get to know them off duty where possible to know what made them 'tick'.

"So," she mused to herself, muttering out aloud. "...two new minions.." she looked around quickly and grinned to herself.  Anyone that knew her, knew that she was only 'superior' to her staff when rank and position was something which had to be observed, for example 'Bridge Decorum'.

Ensign Lina Knight seemed to be a bread and butter 'Earth' type physicist with mathematics thrown in for good measure "Well, that's good, when I can delegate maths it always pleases me!" she said still talking to herself out aloud, smiled and sent a quick message.

TO: Ens. L. Knight, Sciences, USS Challenger-A
FROM: Lt. R. Sigurdsdottir, CSO, USS Challenger-A
Re: Getting to know you


Just checking in with everyone as I've not long got back to the ship.  I'd like to formally welcome you to the Challenger and get to know you a little better as I do with all newcomers to the Science family.  Would you be available sometime after your shift for about 30 mins or so, or sometime tomorrow during shift.

My door is always (metaphorically and literally, unless I'm having a private meeting with someone!) open.  Please drop by anytime, just give me a heads up so I can grab a fresh Ratkajino!

Regards, Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir.


The second new Ensign wasn't so cut and dried.  An Only?!  Well she knew Kyan MacKenzie from various Yuletide meetings on several stations, the twins were friends with her fellow CSO Hrafn Falleg's eldest Ruthie Falleg-Tekin, so the trio and their associates liked meeting up for pizzas and such when they all had shore leave together, and from serving with him on the Challenger.  But what was this?

She pushed at a tab heading on her PADD to read what looked to be a medical note. 'On a 72hr Psych hold?!' the CSO thought to herself, there's got to be more to it than this.

Ruth carefully read everything [OOC: Basically everything I read HERE ] and shrugged thinking there had to be more than the cut and dried to this, and the best way was to go to source.  Both the Ensign, the Ship's Counsellor and the CMO...all of whom were located in the Sickbay... or least she could leave messages for them there.

Grabbing herself a Ratkajino on route she took the turbolift to the Sickbay.

Ruth smiled as she exited the turbolift and spotted, through the Sickbay's glass, the shock of white hair, blue antennae and skin of her favourite person, beside the bed of what appeared to be a little girl. 'Thank Odin I read the file before coming up here!' she thought to herself.

Not seeing Jess or Evan around she walked over holding a finger to her lips to warn the Ensign in the bed to keep schtum so she could surprise Lahr.

"Rhooz!" she said suddenly and jokingly, just behind Lahr's ear, "If I'd had my axes on me you'd have been dead had you not been blue!" she winked at Melly in the bed giving her a warm smile.

"Don't worry Ensign Pwllgwyngyll, honestly that name is nearly as bad as mine...". Transferring the mug of Ratkajino to her left hand, she held out her right hand to introduce herself "Lt. Sigurdsdottir, Ruth... the Chief Science Officer on this here beauty of a ship, Chief Ch'Verret's partner and your boss!"  she quickly remembered what she had read in the file and thought the chi... no young woman... '"Ensign.." she was safe with that !!' she thought to herself.

She added "Oh it's ok, I'm just surprised to find Lahr here willingly and not covered in blood.  Sickbay isn't somewhere he visits normally unless he's half dead... these days at least!" she added, getting a little jab in at Lahr about his relationship with Chloe.  So far as she knew however, he'd been faithful to her ever since they'd got together after Will's death.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 20, 2023, 06:04:46 PM

[Lt. Ruth Siggurdsdottir - CSO Office 0ffice - Deck 4 >> Deck 7 Sickbay]

Grabbing herself a Ratkajino on route she took the turbolift to the Sickbay.

Ruth smiled as she exited the turbolift and spotted, through the Sickbay's glass, the shock of white hair, blue antennae and skin of her favourite person, beside the bed of what appeared to be a little girl. 'Thank Odin I read the file before coming up here!' she thought to herself.

Not seeing Jess or Evan around she walked over holding a finger to her lips to warn the Ensign in the bed to keep schtum so she could surprise Lahr.

"Rhooz!" she said suddenly and jokingly, just behind Lahr's ear, "If I'd had my axes on me you'd have been dead had you not been blue!" she winked at Melly in the bed giving her a warm smile.

The sudden voice at his ear swearing, startled the unsuspecting Andorian, and he literally jumped out of his seat turning in alarm.  The rest of phrase that was spoken fell on deaf ears as the Andorian was stunned at the sight and sound and alluring scent of his long missed love.

"Ruth?" his voice was soft and uncertain as his antennae tested the air for confirmation that she was actually there and not a figment of his imagination or his PTSD.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 20, 2023, 06:04:46 PM

"Don't worry Ensign Pwllgwyngyll, honestly that name is nearly as bad as mine...". Transferring the mug of Ratkajino to her left hand, she held out her right hand to introduce herself "Lt. Sigurdsdottir, Ruth... the Chief Science Officer on this here beauty of a ship, Chief Ch'Verret's partner and your boss!"  she quickly remembered what she had read in the file and thought the chi... no young woman... '"Ensign.." she was safe with that !!' she thought to herself.

She added "Oh it's ok, I'm just surprised to find Lahr here willingly and not covered in blood.  Sickbay isn't somewhere he visits normally unless he's half dead... these days at least!" she added, getting a little jab in at Lahr about his relationship with Chloe.  So far as she knew however, he'd been faithful to her ever since they'd got together after Will's death.

Having confirmed that it was indeed here.  He smiled as Ruth, chatty as always, introduce herself to M.  But then spoke up when she had to bring up his accident-prone past.  He moved to interrupt before she could say more.  The doc was there and that could prove problematic.

"Hey Babe.. don't I get at least a hug or kiss hello before you go mocking me?" He opened his arms out to her and went in for a kiss.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)



The sudden voice at his ear swearing, startled the unsuspecting Andorian, and he literally jumped out of his seat turning in alarm.  The rest of phrase that was spoken fell on deaf ears as the Andorian was stunned at the sight and sound and alluring scent of his long missed love.

"Ruth?" his voice was soft and uncertain as his antennae tested the air for confirmation that she was actually there and not a figment of his imagination or his PTSD.

"Don't worry Ensign Pwllgwyngyll, honestly that name is nearly as bad as mine...". Transferring the mug of Ratkajino to her left hand, she held out her right hand to introduce herself "Lt. Sigurdsdottir, Ruth... the Chief Science Officer on this here beauty of a ship, Chief Ch'Verret's partner and your boss!"  she quickly remembered what she had read in the file and thought the chi... no young woman... '"Ensign.." she was safe with that !!' she thought to herself.

She added "Oh it's ok, I'm just surprised to find Lahr here willingly and not covered in blood.  Sickbay isn't somewhere he visits normally unless he's half dead... these days at least!" she added, getting a little jab in at Lahr about his relationship with Chloe.  So far as she knew however, he'd been faithful to her ever since they'd got together after Will's death.

Having confirmed that it was indeed here.  He smiled as Ruth, chatty as always, introduce herself to M.  But then spoke up when she had to bring up his accident-prone past.  He moved to interrupt before she could say more.  The doc was there and that could prove problematic.

"Hey Babe.. don't I get at least a hug or kiss hello before you go mocking me?" He opened his arms out to her and went in for a kiss.

[Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger]

Myne saw the woman approaching but understood the motion of the finger as it was something that was often done as foolies back on planet Miri. So she did not respond.

Once however once everything was settled the Ensign slowly tried to rise as she placed the stuffed animal down. She would wiggle and slide down from the bed with a crinkle sound before standing straight and putting her hand up to salute her superior. The girl while better was visibly not great but she had the steps to begin improving and becoming 'better'. Her hair however normally up in two pigtails was frazzled and disheveled and as she wiggles to get a better posture she would just make more crinkle noises.

"Not... how I hope to meet my department head... it is a pleasure to meet you Ma'am!", Myne said as she stood beside the medical bed. Between her tiny size of 3'4" and the heigh of the bed it was hard to see more then the red hair on the other side of the bed.

"When the time passes I will be right back to work I promise!", she whimpered.

Female Only

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on June 21, 2023, 01:06:53 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

The sudden voice at his ear swearing, startled the unsuspecting Andorian, and he literally jumped out of his seat turning in alarm.  The rest of phrase that was spoken fell on deaf ears as the Andorian was stunned at the sight and sound and alluring scent of his long missed love.

"Ruth?" his voice was soft and uncertain as his antennae tested the air for confirmation that she was actually there and not a figment of his imagination or his PTSD.

Having confirmed that it was indeed here.  He smiled as Ruth, chatty as always, introduce herself to M.  But then spoke up when she had to bring up his accident-prone past.  He moved to interrupt before she could say more.  The doc was there and that could prove problematic.

"Hey Babe.. don't I get at least a hug or kiss hello before you go mocking me?" He opened his arms out to her and went in for a kiss.

Quote from: myne on June 21, 2023, 01:30:54 PM

[Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger]

Myne saw the woman approaching but understood the motion of the finger as it was something that was often done as foolies back on planet Miri. So she did not respond.

Once however once everything was settled the Ensign slowly tried to rise as she placed the stuffed animal down. She would wiggle and slide down from the bed with a crinkle sound before standing straight and putting her hand up to salute her superior. The girl while better was visibly not great but she had the steps to begin improving and becoming 'better'. Her hair however normally up in two pigtails was frazzled and disheveled and as she wiggles to get a better posture she would just make more crinkle noises.

"Not... how I hope to meet my department head... it is a pleasure to meet you Ma'am!", Myne said as she stood beside the medical bed. Between her tiny size of 3'4" and the heigh of the bed it was hard to see more then the red hair on the other side of the bed.

"When the time passes I will be right back to work I promise!", she whimpered.

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay - Deck 7]

Ruth giggled then her PADD pinged.  She held up one finger, and scanned the message.

Quote from: Lina Knight on June 21, 2023, 07:42:17 AM

Lina nods softly at the kind albeit cold logic of hyperions words "thank you. that helps a bit weirdly." she'd check her messages seeing a ping surprised to see there's a new coworker. and apparently a vet of the ship at that as she texts 'I greatly appreciate the extention of good will. i hope we can get to know each other very well in our time together in the service of the Federation ma'am. I'll take that offer to always be welcome in your office to heart' she smiled softly sighing at the surprise and gets back to work

She nodded and said "That can wait until I'm done here,..."  she turned to Melly in the bed, glanced around, turned back to Melly and conspiratorially whispered, "You haven't seen this, but we don't want this gorgeous blue man to have droopy antennae do we, now?!"

She snaked her hands around Lahr's neck and melted into his body, then gave him a long lingering kiss.

"Now, young lady... back into bed please, I don't want medical staff having as they say 'my guts for garters, and please... no saluting!"  Ruth ignored the slight crinkling sound she'd heard, guessing they were diapers going by the info in the file and what had transpired, but smiled at the plushie.

"Hey has the plush got a name?  I still have a couple of plushies and yeah, I cuddle them if I don't have a certain person,..." she snuggled Lahr close, "...to cuddle instead!"

"Technically, I'm on duty and shouldn't be fraternizing with enlisted personnel,.." she grinned.  "But since there's no-one around that's really going to say anything, anyone I can see knows well the reputation of me and 'the axes TM', and I'm officially here to see my new Ensign and welcome her to the Science family... I suppose I could give you another!"

She leant in and gave Lahr another smouldering kiss, whispering in his ear "More of that later in private, Á¡stin mÁ­n![1]" before disentangling herself, straightening her uniform, tucking a strand of her red hair back behind her ear, then dragging a chair over from another bed to sit close to Lahr ... close enough that their legs were pressed together and she could feel the pressure if he chose to push back against hers.

"Now, it says in your file, Miss Melly that you're on a 72hr psych hold.  I've read the file and well..."  she grinned impishly at the Ensign in the bed.  "Yours Truly here, this paragon of virtue..." she waited for Lahr to cough or otherwise... if he did, he would get an elbow in the ribs, "..this perfect specimen... ok ok I'm being silly here but I was once Captain of this ship and I had to learn to be a good girl.  That said, it was not being good that got me demoted to Commander and needing to be checked to see if I was fit for duty.  Long story but you might have heard of Challenger vs. Ex-Admiral Leyton... it was during that campaign he had his henchmen kidnap my twin sisters, during my wedding, another long story, but Lahr helped me sneak away, my husband got killed and well, Lahr and I had always had feelings I think.  And here I am again demoted, this time at my own request, because I didn't trust anyone bar Hrafn Falleg-Tekin to teach the extended lecture series I was at the Academy for... but she was busy with her youngest.  That's a story better for her to tell, not me.  So I took the demotion because it was a post for a Lieutenant."

Ruth sighed, took Lahr's nearest hand and squeezed it.  "I'd be a rating if it meant I could be with Lahr though.  I don't mind admitting to anyone, I love him.  And I'm grateful we have an understanding Captain.  He doesn't really care so long as we are professional while on duty, and don't let our feelings prejudice any judgements or whatever."

Rolling her neck and shoulders, something that Melly would soon learn was a trait of hers, Ruth smiled brightly at the girl with the pigtails in the bed.

"Now, I've read the file, all of the file, but don't panic.  Everyone has a past, I'm sure yours can in time be if not forgotten, used as a powerful tool in forging a better future for yourself.  Now, Melly, may I call you Melly?  I'm not really one for ranks except on the Bridge or on the rare occasions that I have to give someone a dressing down.  You may call me Ruth.  I can't and won't take you from here right now, I rarely go against medical advice, these days at least!"

She winked "As I said, I had a past, I'm not perfect, remind me to tell you sometime about what the twins did to me when I was a freshly minted Ensign going to my first posting!" she shook her head but was shaking with mirth.

"Anyhow, I'll check with the Captain, the CMO, Dr Buehler or anyone else who is going to want to know about this but, while it might be mundane work there is a lot of data stuff that needs well... it's test results, they need logged in the right places and a report of the findings typed up.  Reckon you're up for that?  Like I say I'll have to get it cleared with certain people but if you're anything like me, you're going to be..."

Her mind quickly amended the words 'fit to be caged' to what she did say eventually, thinking on her feet as a responsible DH, the girl had been enslaved, she may have been caged, she didn't want to put back any progress being made to Melly being free in her mind as well as her body.

"...ah bored to tears in here with nothing to do.  Or you can see it as 3 days off and I can bring you puzzles and games to play, get some of the other Science staff to come in and play cards, chat or whatever... or some mixture of the two?!  After all even on full duties you'd only be working an 8 hour shift!"

She tapped some buttons on her PADD, sending a message first to the Captain, copied to the CMO, Dr. Buehler and Ship's Counsellor, and then a second to Lina.

TO: Captain I. Galloway, CO. USS Challenger-A
cc. Lt. J. Fellows, CMO, Lt. E. Buehler - Medical, Lt. G. Mill - Counsellor

Re: Patient Ensign M. Pwllgwyngyll /72 hr psych hold.

I have, in my capacity as CSO been to visit Ensign Pwllgwyngyll, and welcome her to the Science Department.  From what I can see she is of sound mind (inasfar as I can determine from chatting with her) enough to carry out basic tasks like data inputting of test results.

Would this be permissible/advisable?  I am not seeking to break her from her 72 hour hold, or release her from the Sickbay, merely give her something useful to do while she is there.  I have also offered some puzzles, books and other activities she can do in bed, if this is OK.

I did advise her that I would have to check with yourselves first and thus have not committed myself to anything beyond 'asking' (and a personal promise to visit when I can do so, which I believe doesn't require more than permission from the orderly on duty.)

Please advise at your earliest convenience.

Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO


TO: Ensign L. Knight
FROM: Lt. R. Sigurdsdottir, CSO
Re:  Meeting

Always a pleasure my dear.  I'm currently holed up in the Sickbay (visiting, don't worry!) Could you update me on what you are presently working on so I don't double you up on something  if you are already usefully employed.

Regards, Ruth


[1] Trans: My love

[OOC FYI for Melly - Ruth is Icelandic (born) and brought up until her father got a job in Trondheim, Norway so endearments and some swearing would always be in Icelandic, much like Ian swears in Scottish Gaelic!'

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."



Lahr's... partner? An awkward tingle ran down Evan's spine, which wasn't altogether uncommon when he encountered unexpected stimuli. The revelation was almost enough to break his brain for a moment. "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am," he said to their new CSO. It took a fair amount of effort to not mention hiw his wife had once held that position. With how often he wanted to mention her in conversation, it was clear he missed his family more than he thought he would.

"I've already seen a marked improvement in Miss Melly's temperament," he added. "So at this point, the remainder of the 72 hour hold is more of time to simply rest and relax. After said tike frame, she should be clear to resume duties."

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Kina Nural

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]

Kina rubbed her finger against her lip as she looked at the screen. She had been trying to figure out what she could do for ensign Myne. She had heard about what happened and wanted to try and do something for her to help take her mind off of everything. A small treat would be a nice start. She thought back to when she was a child and what she liked. It was possible that maybe she would like the same.

She tapped the screen and made her selection. "œBajoran Jumjum sick, sliced 1 centimeter cubes in a small bowl please." She watched as the replicator created her order. Once it was ready, she placed the bowl on the tray before her next to the kotra board she brought from home. Once everything was ready, she picked up the tray and made her way to sickbay.

Kina walked into sickbay and offered a soft smile to Lieutenant Buehler. "œHello Lieutenant. I brought something for Melly. I'm hoping it will help her with her recovery."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Buehler on June 21, 2023, 07:49:31 PM


Lahr's... partner? An awkward tingle ran down Evan's spine, which wasn't altogether uncommon when he encountered unexpected stimuli. The revelation was almost enough to break his brain for a moment. "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am," he said to their new CSO. It took a fair amount of effort to not mention hiw his wife had once held that position. With how often he wanted to mention her in conversation, it was clear he missed his family more than he thought he would.

"I've already seen a marked improvement in Miss Melly's temperament," he added. "So at this point, the remainder of the 72 hour hold is more of time to simply rest and relax. After said tike frame, she should be clear to resume duties."

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger]

"Oh, Lt. Buehler.  I believe you have met me but it's been a while.  I've been away teaching at the Academy."

She nodded towards the patient.

"Noted re Melly.  Do you prefer to be called Lieutenant, Doctor or something less formal.  By the way, unless occasion demands such decorum, I'm Ruth, since I'm sure you know this blue reprobate, you'll understand I don't do 'formal' that much!" she replied to the doctor with a smile.

Quote from: Kina Nural on June 22, 2023, 12:43:08 PM

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]

Kina rubbed her finger against her lip as she looked at the screen. She had been trying to figure out what she could do for ensign Myne. She had heard about what happened and wanted to try and do something for her to help take her mind off of everything. A small treat would be a nice start. She thought back to when she was a child and what she liked. It was possible that maybe she would like the same.

She tapped the screen and made her selection. "œBajoran Jumjum sick, sliced 1 centimeter cubes in a small bowl please." She watched as the replicator created her order. Once it was ready, she placed the bowl on the tray before her next to the kotra board she brought from home. Once everything was ready, she picked up the tray and made her way to sickbay.

Kina walked into sickbay and offered a soft smile to Lieutenant Buehler. "œHello Lieutenant. I brought something for Melly. I'm hoping it will help her with her recovery."

"Oh hello, you're a new face! I'm Ruth, Lt. Sigurdsdottir, the CSO"  She smiled remembering another Cardassian who had once helped her fellow Scientist Hrafn Falleg-Tekin.  Surprisingly the Tekin family being half Bajoran (or full in the case of Captain Tekin Nevir, and Hrafn was roughly half Trill/Human) actually showed very little animosity towards Cardassians, preferring to treat each individual on their own merits.

"Jumja stick... oh Melly! You're in for a treat!  The Falleg-Tekin kids would be good for a month for a jumja stick!!  May I?" she indicated that she wanted to pinch just one bit of the confection.  "I don't have it often and I didn't get a chance to get a fresh one at DS9!"

[OOC: While the Main Mission has time jumped and I will be assuming that Melly is out of her 72hr hold since 72hrs is 3 days, we can continue this in 'real time' if all wish to!]

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

🡱 🡳

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