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An Awkward Night

Started by myne, July 02, 2023, 11:24:35 AM

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[ Ensign Myne - Quarters - USS Challenger-A ]

(After the incident in Quarks but before the briefing)

Ensign Myne was shaking like a leaf when she entered the shared quarters. "Computer Lock the door.", she said waiting for the comfirmation the front door was locked. She then hurried to her room of the shared two bedrooms and said. "Computer lock Ensign Myne bedroom door." She then hurried to the side of the untouched bed, her heart was racing as she slipped in to the side between the bed and the wall where she had set a pillow fort up. Wiggling in she started to calm and feel comfort. Her heart rate began to calm but her blood pressure with it dropped causing shivering and teeth clattering. Knowing it would pass she sighed.

"Computer, replicate the sound of the inside of a Choraii. The computer began a loud but not overwhelming thumping of a heartbeat and an eerie flute like sound as the Choraii sung to it's pets inside of it.

Calming more she reached under her bed and took an object from her bag. An old, broken, metal ring with a injector system on the inside. It was an Orion control collar. If the wearer fought or showed resistance the injector would hit them with a compliance drug. An addictive one. The more behaved the more it would give. If it was tried to be taken off without an Orion multi-tool a shock would occur. A hell of a shock as she remembered.

She just sat and staired intently at the device, the same one 'that man' had put on her so long ago. When it was taken off her she buried it in a box with some other reminders of her past that she dug up before going into Starfleet Academy.

How so much easier it was when she was wearing it she thought...

She opened the rusty collar and looked hard at the inside, 'How so much easier back then....'. She thought again. No more reasons to be scared.

Female Only

Kyan Mackenzie

:: After Quarks and the confrontation with Dguur | Crew Quarters ::

"œ"¦ oh we sailed away in the roughest of waters"¦Row me bully boys row!...but now we return in the most royal quarters"¦ row me bully boys row!" Kyan sang happily to himself as he approached his quarters.

Things had gone well so far. His plan to dispatch the dirty old Nausicaan was proceeding well, and tomorrow, he'd call his contact in the KDF and tell them about the smuggler and his boatload of tribbles. Of course ole Dguur didn't know about the little furballs, but he'd be caught with them all the same.

"œAn it serves the gruppy ole wankopottomus right so it does. The nasty creature!" Kyan laughed. "œAn we'll sing and we'll dance and kick Dguur in the pants so it's row me bully boys row!"

Finally he came to the quarters that he was sharing with the only other Onlie aboard"¦ actually, the only other one he'd ever met in Starfleet. It was the novelty of his situation that he was mulling over in his headwhen he went to walk in. Except the doors didn't open. He walked headlong into them.

"œOof." He staggered back, confused. "œHey what's the deal!" he exclaimed, rubbing his nose. "œComputer. Open the door ya bag of rusty stem bolts!"

"œThe door has been locked by Ensign Myne." The computer informed him in it's female grup voice."

"œI dinnae care if Lugh himself himself locked it!" Kyan countered. "œI live here so I do, and all my stuff's in there! Open up!"

"œThe door has been locked by Ensign"¦"

Kyan's face was steadily turning the same color as his hair. "œYer daft arse is hanging all the way out the window ya pile of stale chips and grease! Open the fookin door!"

"œThe door has been"¦.."

"œYeah Yeah"¦ Ya said so dincha??" Kyan asked. "œNow open it. Authorization Mackenzie Kilo 1 alpha 1 alpha."

The doors wisked open and Kyan stepped into the quarters. The common area was dark. But there was a weird heartbeat sound coming from Myne's room, as well as some kind of flute. It sounded like some alien kind of music that he'd never heard before. He figured she probably listened to it to sleep, which led him to the conclusion that she was in fact, asleep. Some folks did that. He didn't. He liked it dark and quiet. Shrugging it off he went into his own room.

"œComputer, lights"¦ unless ye cannae do that without a blood sample ya daft old up-jumped calculator!"

As soon as the lights came on, Kyan went over and fished his pajamas out of his duffel bag. They were black and white Captain Proton pants with rocketships and the bad guy with the pointy beard. He hadn't run the program on the holodeck, but it had become popular over the past several years thanks to some guy who had used it on Voyager. When he'd changed into them, he emptied his pockets onto the chest of drawers by the bed. His Karambit, the palm disruptor, a pen knife, and finally the yo yo thing that glowed, but also had a button where little blades popped out. That had been a Yule gift from"¦ someone. Finally he took off his belt and put his clothes in the reclamation unit and closed the lid. Normally he'd have unpacked, but it was late. So after pulling Toby the Targ out of his bag, he tossed the plush toy onto the bed and jumped in after him.

Taking his pillow and Toby, Kyan burrowed under the sheet and blanket until he was in the middle of the bed, and curled up. A few seconds later, he stuck his head back out. "œComputer." He spoke up, waiting for the inevitable"¦.

"œPlease state your"¦."

"œDim the lights ya arse brained toaster machine!" Kyan laughed. "œAnd wake me up at zero six thirty."

The lights dimmed and the little Onlie burrowed back under his blankets.

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