Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne

Started by Buehler, May 15, 2023, 08:28:41 PM

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Quote from: Kina Nural on June 22, 2023, 12:43:08 PM

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]

Kina walked into sickbay and offered a soft smile to Lieutenant Buehler. "œHello Lieutenant. I brought something for Melly. I'm hoping it will help her with her recovery."


Another face joined the party. "Ah, great idea, Miss Nural," Evan said with a smile, grateful to have a thoughtful ensign within his own department. "That was very kind of you."

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 22, 2023, 01:35:47 PM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger]

"Oh, Lt. Buehler.  I believe you have met me but it's been a while.  I've been away teaching at the Academy."

She nodded towards the patient.

"Noted re Melly.  Do you prefer to be called Lieutenant, Doctor or something less formal.  By the way, unless occasion demands such decorum, I'm Ruth, since I'm sure you know this blue reprobate, you'll understand I don't do 'formal' that much!" she replied to the doctor with a smile.

"Á,,Á¤hhm, you're probably right," he told Ruth. "I'm terrible with names and faces." He arched his brows in a playful grimace. "I followed my wife from one ship to another as she was promoted. We've probably crossed paths. Just 'Buehler' is fine. I don't much use in referring to people by rank either. It doesn't affect how the job is done; it's just a title."

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.



"Now, I've read the file, all of the file, but don't panic.  Everyone has a past, I'm sure yours can in time be if not forgotten, used as a powerful tool in forging a better future for yourself.  Now, Melly, may I call you Melly?  I'm not really one for ranks except on the Bridge or on the rare occasions that I have to give someone a dressing down.  You may call me Ruth.  I can't and won't take you from here right now, I rarely go against medical advice, these days at least!"

She winked "As I said, I had a past, I'm not perfect, remind me to tell you sometime about what the twins did to me when I was a freshly minted Ensign going to my first posting!" she shook her head but was shaking with mirth.

"Anyhow, I'll check with the Captain, the CMO, Dr Buehler or anyone else who is going to want to know about this but, while it might be mundane work there is a lot of data stuff that needs well... it's test results, they need logged in the right places and a report of the findings typed up.  Reckon you're up for that?  Like I say I'll have to get it cleared with certain people but if you're anything like me, you're going to be..."

Her mind quickly amended the words 'fit to be caged' to what she did say eventually, thinking on her feet as a responsible DH, the girl had been enslaved, she may have been caged, she didn't want to put back any progress being made to Melly being free in her mind as well as her body.

"...ah bored to tears in here with nothing to do.  Or you can see it as 3 days off and I can bring you puzzles and games to play, get some of the other Science staff to come in and play cards, chat or whatever... or some mixture of the two?!  After all even on full duties you'd only be working an 8 hour shift!"

[Sickbay | USS Challenger]

Fit to be caged would definitely not be something Myne would have enjoyed hearing so. But since the CSO didn't say it out loud Myne never would know. The girl instead listening to the eager and happy CSO and department head. She could see the Motherly nature of the woman and it made her so so happy. So she obeyed and hopped and wiggled and wiggled and hopped till she got up on the table again. "The Plush has no name Ms Ruth. People in my former position weren't allowed to name things as it could be viewed as we were more then they taught us we were. So I don't know, can you suggest a name?"


Kina rubbed her finger against her lip as she looked at the screen. She had been trying to figure out what she could do for ensign Myne. She had heard about what happened and wanted to try and do something for her to help take her mind off of everything. A small treat would be a nice start. She thought back to when she was a child and what she liked. It was possible that maybe she would like the same.

She tapped the screen and made her selection. "œBajoran Jumjum sick, sliced 1 centimeter cubes in a small bowl please." She watched as the replicator created her order. Once it was ready, she placed the bowl on the tray before her next to the kotra board she brought from home. Once everything was ready, she picked up the tray and made her way to sickbay.

Kina walked into sickbay and offered a soft smile to Lieutenant Buehler. "œHello Lieutenant. I brought something for Melly. I'm hoping it will help her with her recovery."


"Jumja stick... oh Melly! You're in for a treat!  The Falleg-Tekin kids would be good for a month for a jumja stick!!  May I?" she indicated that she wanted to pinch just one bit of the confection.  "I don't have it often and I didn't get a chance to get a fresh one at DS9!"

Myne remembered the woman from before and nodded her head, "Oh thank You Ma'am, You are too too kind. Oh and yes Ms Ruth please do!" She was not familiar with Jumba sticks but she was happy to learn. "What is that Ma'am?" She smiled pointing to the board before taking a cube as her face lit up in joy and happyness. "So yummy!"
Female Only

Kina Nural

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 22, 2023, 01:35:47 PM

"Oh hello, you're a new face! I'm Ruth, Lt. Sigurdsdottir, the CSO"  She smiled remembering another Cardassian who had once helped her fellow Scientist Hrafn Falleg-Tekin.  Surprisingly the Tekin family being half Bajoran (or full in the case of Captain Tekin Nevir, and Hrafn was roughly half Trill/Human) actually showed very little animosity towards Cardassians, preferring to treat each individual on their own merits.

"Jumja stick... oh Melly! You're in for a treat!  The Falleg-Tekin kids would be good for a month for a jumja stick!!  May I?" she indicated that she wanted to pinch just one bit of the confection.  "I don't have it often and I didn't get a chance to get a fresh one at DS9!"

Quote from: myne on June 23, 2023, 07:29:49 PM

Myne remembered the woman from before and nodded her head, "Oh thank You Ma'am, You are too too kind. Oh and yes Ms Ruth please do!" She was not familiar with Jumba sticks but she was happy to learn. "What is that Ma'am?" She smiled pointing to the board before taking a cube as her face lit up in joy and happyness. "So yummy!"

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]

Kina smiled at Lieutenant Ruth and nodded. "Of course ma'am. Unfortunatly, all I was able to get was replicated, but I do find that the computer does create passable Bajoran cuisine." She looked over the Melly and offered a soft smile, walking over and setting the tray down near the table. "My father used to bring me this when I was upset. It always seemed to make me feel better." She sat down in the chair and nodded to the board that Melly pointed at.

"This is a game from Cardassia. Its called Kotra. I believe that since we have some time here in sickbay, a little distraction would be in order. If you would like, I could teach you how to play. I haven't really played since I left home for the academy, so I figured it would be good for you to help exercise your mind. This game is about bold strategies."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Buehler on June 23, 2023, 04:31:40 PM


Another face joined the party. "Ah, great idea, Miss Nural," Evan said with a smile, grateful to have a thoughtful ensign within his own department. "That was very kind of you."

"Á,,Á¤hhm, you're probably right," he told Ruth. "I'm terrible with names and faces." He arched his brows in a playful grimace. "I followed my wife from one ship to another as she was promoted. We've probably crossed paths. Just 'Buehler' is fine. I don't much use in referring to people by rank either. It doesn't affect how the job is done; it's just a title."

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir CSO - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger-A]

"Buehler it is then Herr Doktor!" she said with a smile.  "Do you have a moment to discuss something, privately?" she said trying not to make it overly obvious that she was talking about Melly.  The CSO had had an idea and wanted to run it by the doctor before running it by Melly.  Mostly because she was wary of promising something that wouldn't actually be a medical possibility.

Quote from: myne on June 23, 2023, 07:29:49 PM

[Sickbay | USS Challenger]

Fit to be caged would definitely not be something Myne would have enjoyed hearing so. But since the CSO didn't say it out loud Myne never would know. The girl instead listening to the eager and happy CSO and department head. She could see the Motherly nature of the woman and it made her so so happy. So she obeyed and hopped and wiggled and wiggled and hopped till she got up on the table again. "The Plush has no name Ms Ruth. People in my former position weren't allowed to name things as it could be viewed as we were more then they taught us we were. So I don't know, can you suggest a name?"

Myne remembered the woman from before and nodded her head, "Oh thank You Ma'am, You are too too kind. Oh and yes Ms Ruth please do!" She was not familiar with Jumba sticks but she was happy to learn. "What is that Ma'am?" She smiled pointing to the board before taking a cube as her face lit up in joy and happyness. "So yummy!"

"Jumja sticks?" Ruth asked with a smile, "It's a confection made with the sap of the jumja tree, a Bajoran treat."

She took a bit and smiled.

Quote from: Kina Nural on June 24, 2023, 10:41:00 AM

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]

Kina smiled at Lieutenant Ruth and nodded. "Of course ma'am. Unfortunatly, all I was able to get was replicated, but I do find that the computer does create passable Bajoran cuisine." She looked over the Melly and offered a soft smile, walking over and setting the tray down near the table. "My father used to bring me this when I was upset. It always seemed to make me feel better." She sat down in the chair and nodded to the board that Melly pointed at.

"This is a game from Cardassia. Its called Kotra. I believe that since we have some time here in sickbay, a little distraction would be in order. If you would like, I could teach you how to play. I haven't really played since I left home for the academy, so I figured it would be good for you to help exercise your mind. This game is about bold strategies."

"I concur, with my human palette at least..." Ruth said, chewing carefully, "... it's not quite as good as fresh but definitely a passable replication!" she smiled at the medical Ensign.  "And it's a perfect treat.  Though I'll make you Ensigns a promise... if you,.." she said speaking to Kina, teasingly, since she already liked the young woman on what she'd seen, "..look after my Ensign here and you, Melly,.." she turned her smile on the patient, "...are good and get better, and promise to strive to improve in all ways, then I'll buy you both a fresh one if we're ever on a base that sells them.  Deal?!"

Ruth too eyed the board.  "Kotra, hmmm.  After I've had a word with Mr. Buehler, if he's free now, perhaps you'd let me observe.  I'm not familiar with it."

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."



Kina smiled at Lieutenant Ruth and nodded. "Of course ma'am. Unfortunatly, all I was able to get was replicated, but I do find that the computer does create passable Bajoran cuisine." She looked over the Melly and offered a soft smile, walking over and setting the tray down near the table. "My father used to bring me this when I was upset. It always seemed to make me feel better." She sat down in the chair and nodded to the board that Melly pointed at.

"This is a game from Cardassia. Its called Kotra. I believe that since we have some time here in sickbay, a little distraction would be in order. If you would like, I could teach you how to play. I haven't really played since I left home for the academy, so I figured it would be good for you to help exercise your mind. This game is about bold strategies."

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

As Myne listened she smiled, the treat smelled wonderful and the little girl in her was always up to learning a new game. She adored games and if it was something she could learn and teach others it was even better. Taking a small piece of the treat she sniffed.


"Jumja sticks?" Ruth asked with a smile, "It's a confection made with the sap of the jumja tree, a Bajoran treat."

She took a bit and smiled.


"I concur, with my human palette at least..." Ruth said, chewing carefully, "... it's not quite as good as fresh but definitely a passable replication!" she smiled at the medical Ensign.  "And it's a perfect treat.  Though I'll make you Ensigns a promise... if you,.." she said speaking to Kina, teasingly, since she already liked the young woman on what she'd seen, "..look after my Ensign here and you, Melly,.." she turned her smile on the patient, "...are good and get better, and promise to strive to improve in all ways, then I'll buy you both a fresh one if we're ever on a base that sells them.  Deal?!"

Ruth too eyed the board.  "Kotra, hmmm.  After I've had a word with Mr. Buehler, if he's free now, perhaps you'd let me observe.  I'm not familiar with it."

Myne's face brightened and she gently hugged Ruth and gently hugged Kina and would try to hug Lahr if close enough by. Her mood was already significantly improved as she began to nods. "I will work hard as I can. I will likely fail a bit.. but I will keep going and not give up!"
Female Only

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 21, 2023, 02:16:06 PM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay - Deck 7]

Ruth giggled then her PADD pinged.  She held up one finger, and scanned the message.

She nodded and said "That can wait until I'm done here,..."  she turned to Melly in the bed, glanced around, turned back to Melly and conspiratorially whispered, "You haven't seen this, but we don't want this gorgeous blue man to have droopy antennae do we, now?!"

She snaked her hands around Lahr's neck and melted into his body, then gave him a long lingering kiss.

It had been far too long since Lahr held Ruth in his arms.  The Andorian could have stayed there kissing her all day, if Ruth's penchant for multi-tasking could be subdue long enough... but that was not to be.

However, at least she didn't step out of his hold immediately.  He felt himself drown in her presence.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 21, 2023, 02:16:06 PM

"Now, young lady... back into bed please, I don't want medical staff having as they say 'my guts for garters, and please... no saluting!"  Ruth ignored the slight crinkling sound she'd heard, guessing they were diapers going by the info in the file and what had transpired, but smiled at the plushie.

"Hey has the plush got a name?  I still have a couple of plushies and yeah, I cuddle them if I don't have a certain person,..." she snuggled Lahr close, "...to cuddle instead!"

"Technically, I'm on duty and shouldn't be fraternizing with enlisted personnel,.." she grinned.  "But since there's no-one around that's really going to say anything, anyone I can see knows well the reputation of me and 'the axes TM', and I'm officially here to see my new Ensign and welcome her to the Science family... I suppose I could give you another!"

When Ruth commented on being on duty and how she shouldn't be fraternizing with the 'enlisted personnel' the Andorian finally began to really register that Ruth was back, and back not just for a visit... but to stay!  Elation was a mild description for what he felt at that moment ... and everything else was a blur afterwards.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 21, 2023, 02:16:06 PM

She leant in and gave Lahr another smouldering kiss, whispering in his ear "More of that later in private, Á¡stin mÁ­n![1]" before disentangling herself, straightening her uniform, tucking a strand of her red hair back behind her ear, then dragging a chair over from another bed to sit close to Lahr ... close enough that their legs were pressed together and she could feel the pressure if he chose to push back against hers.

When she stepped away and dragged a chair over to sit, he was a bit disappointed, but he sat down as well and made use of every opportunity to be close to her.  Leg brushing leg, shoulder brushing shoulder.

He'd come here initially for myne/melly/m... but at this point he was lost in the euphoria of Ruth's return.  She looked amazing as always... but it had been so long that since he'd seen her, her radiance was brighter than ever.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 21, 2023, 02:16:06 PM

"Now, it says in your file, Miss Melly that you're on a 72hr psych hold.  I've read the file and well..."  she grinned impishly at the Ensign in the bed.  "Yours Truly here, this paragon of virtue..." she waited for Lahr to cough or otherwise... if he did, he would get an elbow in the ribs, "..this perfect specimen... ok ok I'm being silly here but I was once Captain of this ship and I had to learn to be a good girl.  That said, it was not being good that got me demoted to Commander and needing to be checked to see if I was fit for duty.  Long story but you might have heard of Challenger vs. Ex-Admiral Leyton... it was during that campaign he had his henchmen kidnap my twin sisters, during my wedding, another long story, but Lahr helped me sneak away, my husband got killed and well, Lahr and I had always had feelings I think.  And here I am again demoted, this time at my own request, because I didn't trust anyone bar Hrafn Falleg-Tekin to teach the extended lecture series I was at the Academy for... but she was busy with her youngest.  That's a story better for her to tell, not me.  So I took the demotion because it was a post for a Lieutenant."

Ruth sighed, took Lahr's nearest hand and squeezed it.  "I'd be a rating if it meant I could be with Lahr though.  I don't mind admitting to anyone, I love him.  And I'm grateful we have an understanding Captain.  He doesn't really care so long as we are professional while on duty, and don't let our feelings prejudice any judgements or whatever."

Lahr's antennae perked and his shoulders straightened when took hold of his hand.  His attention caught, he heard her, declared her love for him and that she would give up commission if she had to, to be with him!  No one before Ruth had ever risked so much to be with him.  It made him want to be so much better for her.   Maybe he should consider trying to challenge the Academy exam and become an officer himself.... then no one could complain she was the 'fraternizing with the enlisted personnel'.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 21, 2023, 02:16:06 PM

Rolling her neck and shoulders, something that Melly would soon learn was a trait of hers, Ruth smiled brightly at the girl with the pigtails in the bed.

"Now, I've read the file, all of the file, but don't panic.  Everyone has a past, I'm sure yours can in time be if not forgotten, used as a powerful tool in forging a better future for yourself.  Now, Melly, may I call you Melly?  I'm not really one for ranks except on the Bridge or on the rare occasions that I have to give someone a dressing down.  You may call me Ruth.  I can't and won't take you from here right now, I rarely go against medical advice, these days at least!"

She winked "As I said, I had a past, I'm not perfect, remind me to tell you sometime about what the twins did to me when I was a freshly minted Ensign going to my first posting!" she shook her head but was shaking with mirth.

"Anyhow, I'll check with the Captain, the CMO, Dr Buehler or anyone else who is going to want to know about this but, while it might be mundane work there is a lot of data stuff that needs well... it's test results, they need logged in the right places and a report of the findings typed up.  Reckon you're up for that?  Like I say I'll have to get it cleared with certain people but if you're anything like me, you're going to be..."

Her mind quickly amended the words 'fit to be caged' to what she did say eventually, thinking on her feet as a responsible DH, the girl had been enslaved, she may have been caged, she didn't want to put back any progress being made to Melly being free in her mind as well as her body.

"...ah bored to tears in here with nothing to do.  Or you can see it as 3 days off and I can bring you puzzles and games to play, get some of the other Science staff to come in and play cards, chat or whatever... or some mixture of the two?!  After all even on full duties you'd only be working an 8 hour shift!"

She tapped some buttons on her PADD, sending a message first to the Captain, copied to the CMO, Dr. Buehler and Ship's Counsellor, and then a second to Lina.

[1] Trans: My love

Quote from: Buehler on June 21, 2023, 07:49:31 PM


Lahr's... partner? An awkward tingle ran down Evan's spine, which wasn't altogether uncommon when he encountered unexpected stimuli. The revelation was almost enough to break his brain for a moment. "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am," he said to their new CSO. It took a fair amount of effort to not mention hiw his wife had once held that position. With how often he wanted to mention her in conversation, it was clear he missed his family more than he thought he would.

"I've already seen a marked improvement in Miss Melly's temperament," he added. "So at this point, the remainder of the 72 hour hold is more of time to simply rest and relax. After said time frame, she should be clear to resume duties."

While Ruth and the Doc talked to M about her 72 hour psychiatric hold, Lahr's attention drifted to what might be involved in challenging the exam and what it might mean for him.

Other arrived and still Lahr vaguely nodded when appropriate if greeted, but for the most part he was silent, thinking.

Quote from: myne on June 24, 2023, 08:10:09 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

As Myne listened she smiled, the treat smelled wonderful and the little girl in her was always up to learning a new game. She adored games and if it was something she could learn and teach others it was even better. Taking a small piece of the treat she sniffed.

Myne's face brightened and she gently hugged Ruth and gently hugged Kina and would try to hug Lahr if close enough by. Her mood was already significantly improved as she began to nods. "I will work hard as I can. I will likely fail a bit.. but I will keep going and not give up!"

It was Only's hug that dragged his attention back to the room.   He blinked in confusion as to why he was being hugged... not that this was the first time Myne... er Melly..?  had given him one.

The Andorian nodded pleased to hear her determined words.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kina Nural

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 24, 2023, 12:15:36 PM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir CSO - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger-A]

"Buehler it is then Herr Doktor!" she said with a smile.  "Do you have a moment to discuss something, privately?" she said trying not to make it overly obvious that she was talking about Melly.  The CSO had had an idea and wanted to run it by the doctor before running it by Melly.  Mostly because she was wary of promising something that wouldn't actually be a medical possibility.

"Jumja sticks?" Ruth asked with a smile, "It's a confection made with the sap of the jumja tree, a Bajoran treat."

She took a bit and smiled.

"I concur, with my human palette at least..." Ruth said, chewing carefully, "... it's not quite as good as fresh but definitely a passable replication!" she smiled at the medical Ensign.  "And it's a perfect treat.  Though I'll make you Ensigns a promise... if you,.." she said speaking to Kina, teasingly, since she already liked the young woman on what she'd seen, "..look after my Ensign here and you, Melly,.." she turned her smile on the patient, "...are good and get better, and promise to strive to improve in all ways, then I'll buy you both a fresh one if we're ever on a base that sells them.  Deal?!"

Ruth too eyed the board.  "Kotra, hmmm.  After I've had a word with Mr. Buehler, if he's free now, perhaps you'd let me observe.  I'm not familiar with it."

Quote from: myne on June 24, 2023, 08:10:09 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger ]

As Myne listened she smiled, the treat smelled wonderful and the little girl in her was always up to learning a new game. She adored games and if it was something she could learn and teach others it was even better. Taking a small piece of the treat she sniffed.

Myne's face brightened and she gently hugged Ruth and gently hugged Kina and would try to hug Lahr if close enough by. Her mood was already significantly improved as she began to nods. "I will work hard as I can. I will likely fail a bit.. but I will keep going and not give up!"

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]

Kina smiled and hugged Myne back gently. "œI know you will. I have complete faith that you will do your best no matter what." Once their hug was finished, she began to pull out the items for the game. She looked to the Lieutenant and nodded. "œOf course. It's rare to meet anyone who is interested in this game. Many of my friends at the academy found it a little confusing." She then turned to Myne. "œIf anything is confusing, let me know, and I'll try and explain it as best I can."

Kina began to show the board and what each space meant and did. She then showed off the pieces and explained their ranks and how to use them. Finally, she explained the dice and what each roll did. She explained the rules, how to play and a couple of strategies that her father taught her. "œThat's the basics of how to play. Do you feel like you would be ready for a game?"


Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 24, 2023, 12:15:36 PM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir CSO - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger-A]

"Buehler it is then Herr Doktor!" she said with a smile.  "Do you have a moment to discuss something, privately?" she said trying not to make it overly obvious that she was talking about Melly.  The CSO had had an idea and wanted to run it by the doctor before running it by Melly.  Mostly because she was wary of promising something that wouldn't actually be a medical possibility.
Ruth too eyed the board.  "Kotra, hmmm.  After I've had a word with Mr. Buehler, if he's free now, perhaps you'd let me observe.  I'm not familiar with it."


Evan observed for a moment as Nural interacted with their patient. Miss Melly seemed absolutely delighted to try a foreign food, and perhaps the treat would be enough to redirect her focus, allowing her mind to relax while her body enjoyed the meal.

"Hmm?" he replied, the question nudging him back to the present. "Of course, Commander." Only after the words came out of his mouth did he remember her preference to avoid formalities. "Just this way." He stepped out of the room into the small hallway, taking half a dozen steps so they were just far enough away to be out of earshot but close enough should an emergency arise.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Buehler on June 26, 2023, 05:36:13 PM


Evan observed for a moment as Nural interacted with their patient. Miss Melly seemed absolutely delighted to try a foreign food, and perhaps the treat would be enough to redirect her focus, allowing her mind to relax while her body enjoyed the meal.

"Hmm?" he replied, the question nudging him back to the present. "Of course, Commander." Only after the words came out of his mouth did he remember her preference to avoid formalities. "Just this way." He stepped out of the room into the small hallway, taking half a dozen steps so they were just far enough away to be out of earshot but close enough should an emergency arise.

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay > Buehler's Office - Deck 7

Ruth's mind was in a very happy place, she was back on 'her' ship (after being Captain of her, she still thought of Challenger as 'hers' even though she was fully behind Ian being in charge now, if he pranged her baby... )

She chuckled inwardly, Ian was as protective of the ship and crew as she ever was, one of the reasons amongst many that it was easy to defer to him.

The redhead sighed slightly in pleasure at the girls playing the game, and wistfully at having to leave Lahr temporarily.  She caught his hand as she went by and gave it a quick squeeze.  "I'll see you later as well!" she said bestowing a loving look on him.

"Right Doc, lead the way, and it's just Lt. now.  I don't doubt that the Captain will see fit to promote me if I keep my head down and do my job well, but I took a rank reduction in order to teach a course at the Academy.  Hrafn Falleg-Tekin couldn't, as I understand there was a little medical thing with one of her children, the youngest I believe, and she didn't want to be away so long.  Still, I have everything I need here, the rank is just an extra pip, or half pip in the cast of Lt. Cmdr."

She followed the doctor then stopped when he did.

"OK, " she said, her voice low so that Melly and other patients couldn't hear her but Buehler could.

"I've read everything and I mean everything in Melly's file and boy has that poor lass been through it.  But I want to help.  I can't do the medical side of things, physical medical that is...I'm only trained in emergency field medicine, and the fine art of applying a band-aid to booboos... I'm expert at that having had two... well you might have come across my younger twin sisters Arya and Katya.  Anyhow..."

The CSO shook her head as if to clear all unimportant things and focus on the idea formulating there.

"I've noticed, and I know you or your staff will have too, that she has brands, scars etc, and they haven't been removed with a dermal regenerator, which I imagine would be a pretty easy task, unless I'm missing something medically wrong here?  Anyhow, first question, would it be possible to remove them singly, or as a small group if some were related to one incident.  What I'm getting at is, if you and the counsellor are agreeable, I'm going to try helping, with a more work and social based plan of action, to get her over certain mental hurdles.  It will be baby steps I know, but if we can work towards all of her body being as pretty as that little head of hers, she will have goals to achieve.  I don't want to cross a line, I may have to make compromises both to your medical prowess and her limitations, for example I distinctly heard the crackle of a diaper.  I can deal with stuff like that if it means she can perform her duty confidently, but we work towards her not needing to wear one.  So... can we work with that?"

She glanced across at the bed, bestowing a small smile on the Ensign she already felt so protective of, knowing that she'd already 'claimed' her as part of her family.  Not just the Science crew which she always thought of as family, even Hyperion, who she'd have to go visit and let 'him' know she was back, but everyone down to the crewmen and vertically challenged Ensigns.

She let out a small laugh.  "Sorry Doc, just remembering something another Only, Kyan Mackenzie calls Hrafn's kids - The Ginger Midgets... well we have 2 of our own now!  I might rope Kyan in on this one too... as I gather they are room mates?!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."



[Kina Nural - Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Kina smiled and hugged Myne back gently. "œI know you will. I have complete faith that you will do your best no matter what." Once their hug was finished, she began to pull out the items for the game. She looked to the Lieutenant and nodded. "œOf course. It's rare to meet anyone who is interested in this game. Many of my friends at the academy found it a little confusing." She then turned to Myne. "œIf anything is confusing, let me know, and I'll try and explain it as best I can."

Kina began to show the board and what each space meant and did. She then showed off the pieces and explained their ranks and how to use them. Finally, she explained the dice and what each roll did. She explained the rules, how to play and a couple of strategies that her father taught her. "œThat's the basics of how to play. Do you feel like you would be ready for a game?"

[Ensign Myne - Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne was quick to pick up games do to her love of learning and this was a unique chance. It was so complicated but so wonderful to experience. She would make errors at it, but it was something she would happily work on mastering one day. It may take ten or eleven thousand years but she had the time. She also especially had the drive. A hundred small questions were asked as she examined and learned about each piece with genuine interest.


[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay > Buehler's Office - Deck 7

The redhead sighed slightly in pleasure at the girls playing the game, and wistfully at having to leave Lahr temporarily.  She caught his hand as she went by and gave it a quick squeeze.  "I'll see you later as well!" she said bestowing a loving look on him.

[Ensign Myne - Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Myne looked up as Lahr headed out and she softly said her thanks again. Then she saw her department head go off with the doctor. Not wishing to pry she instead went back to focusing at the game.

Female Only

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay - Deck 7]

Ruth glanced over at the bed where Melly was and gave her a quick smile, trying to reassure the girl that there was nothing to worry about.

Seeing the Ensigns engaging in the game she wasn't sure if Melly would see her smile, but she was grateful that first, she seemed to be enjoying herself, and secondly there was a level of concentration she likened to playing a game of chess... enjoyable yet challenging.

She made a mental note to thank Kina when she had the chance, unofficially, maybe a night of fun with her own sisters, Melly and Kyan, Lahr... younger, or at least mentally younger she reminded herself once again knowing that Melly was quite a bit older than them in years but it was like dog or cat years.... a 15 year old cat in terms of human years, was roughly 80 in cat years.

The CSO turned her full attention back to the doctor, waiting for his verdict on her idea.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."


Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 28, 2023, 10:01:56 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay - Deck 7]

Ruth glanced over at the bed where Melly was and gave her a quick smile, trying to reassure the girl that there was nothing to worry about.

Seeing the Ensigns engaging in the game she wasn't sure if Melly would see her smile, but she was grateful that first, she seemed to be enjoying herself, and secondly there was a level of concentration she likened to playing a game of chess... enjoyable yet challenging.

She made a mental note to thank Kina when she had the chance, unofficially, maybe a night of fun with her own sisters, Melly and Kyan, Lahr... younger, or at least mentally younger she reminded herself once again knowing that Melly was quite a bit older than them in years but it was like dog or cat years.... a 15 year old cat in terms of human years, was roughly 80 in cat years.

The CSO turned her full attention back to the doctor, waiting for his verdict on her idea.

Evan listened as the CSO spoke, focusing intently to make sure he processed everything that she said, because audio processing was not his strong suit, and this was an important topic. "I agree with you completely," he replied after a moment. "I did notice the brands and I can see that being a good incentive for her to continue the journey towards recovery. I do not currently see it posing any risks to her physical health and it could very well improve her mental health."

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Buehler on June 28, 2023, 05:31:35 PM

Evan listened as the CSO spoke, focusing intently to make sure he processed everything that she said, because audio processing was not his strong suit, and this was an important topic. "I agree with you completely," he replied after a moment. "I did notice the brands and I can see that being a good incentive for her to continue the journey towards recovery. I do not currently see it posing any risks to her physical health and it could very well improve her mental health."

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger - A ]

Ruth smiled at the doctor.  "That's perfect, I didn't want to promise something neither you or I could deliver and/or that wasn't do-able or medically advised.  OK now to pitch that to the patient in question!"

Ruth walked back to the bed, smiling widely from ear to ear then apologised to both Lahr and Kina.

"Would it be ok if I spoke privately to Melly?  It's ok if Dr. Buehler wants to remain since it's medically related and that's why I had to drag him off... I'm no medic so I needed to talk practicalities!"

She leaned in and gave Lahr a quick kiss behind his ear and whispered "It'll all be ok, and we'll see each other later.  This has just been an added incentive!"

Waiting until the others made some distance she took a seat closer to the top of the bed so she could talk quietly to the girl and not disturb any other patients and keep what she was about to propose confidential.

"Now, Melly, don't be alarmed it's nothing bad.  And it'll help you become the best member of the Science Team you can be.  I can't say it won't be painful, but that is the mental side of things, not the physical.  The physical I can promise won't hurt a bit."

She paused looking at the 'young girl' in the bed and felt very protective of her right then.  She reminded herself that this was an Onlie and thus ... her brain tried working out the math and came up with 'around 400 years old'.

"As I mentioned, I've extensively read your file, even the bad bits. It's ok, mine has some rather interesting reading too.  I don't think there's anyone on this ship who is exactly pure as the driven snow, Captain Galloway included!  But I tend not to look at the past, I do so merely as a way of helping the future."

She proffered a hand to hold should Melly wish to.

"Now, I couldn't help noticing the brands, and wondered why you hadn't had them erased, maybe you thought you 'deserve' them in some way?  I just see them as reminders of abuse, torture and so on, not something you'd be proud to keep, so in that vein, I asked Dr. Buehler if it was possible for you to have them removed one by one.  But hear me out.  I don't mean one by one but all in the same operation.  I mean say one at the end of this month, one 3 months later or whenever.  The idea being, that you work with me, Dr. Buehler, the counsellor and whomever else you feel you need validation from, to work through, I won't say forget, that might be hard, but come to peace with, parts of your past mentally, and the physical side of, or recognition is that you have a smoother neater piece of skin to replace that, until you are smooth and clear of scars and brands."

The CSO smiled a sad smile at Melly.

"What do you say the first thing we work on is you accepting the name 'Mel' or 'Melly' rather than Myne?  You don't belong to anyone as an object.  The only acceptable ways to belong to another individual or group of individuals is family, teams, departments or like Lahr and I.  But we don't own you or have jurisdiction over anything bar what you do for 8 hours of shift!  As in while you're working for me.  That's another thing..."

She fancied she'd heard the crinkle of the diaper a little and gave a wink.

"I'm not going to take all your coping mechanisms away from you all at once.  If you feel more secure when working in a stressful situation like Bridge duty for the first time out of a simulation, and wearing those..." Ruth gave a little jerk of the head towards the Onlie girl's lower abdomen and groin area.  "...then that's permissible for now, however, that could be changed a little...erm how to describe these..."

The redhead scanned her brain of how to describe incontinence panties to the Onlie. "On Earth, for humans at least, when humans are older generally or they have children and their pelvic floor muscles - that's the ones that if you pee you can clench to stop you peeing - they become looser, you can do exercises but when pregnant or if you've had some kind of stomach operation, at least before some medical advances to correct the problem, and certainly in older people like my grandmother when she was alive, they can't be fitted up to catheter bags if they want to live life, and trust me my old Granny was the sort who still wanted to hare around at 90mph on a motorcyle aged 100!.."

She giggled and then grinned "So you know where I get it from, but back to Granny... she wasn't going to let a leaky bladder stop her from doing anything she wanted.  So she wore incontinence panties.  They look more like regular panties but made from absorbent materials but more 'grown up' and not as bulky as a diaper.  You won't crinkle, but you'll feel secure knowing they're there to protect you."

The older, in terms of looks, woman sighed not sure if she was making sense.  "I know I've done some Xenobiology but Onlies aren't one that I know a lot about, maybe you can teach me a little but you are a humanoid biped, with some differences, so I ask, given that I'm pretty sure your species, again, I stand to be corrected, give birth in the same manner as humans - as in woman carries to term internally and gives birth to live young?  Well, in order to do this..."

A little voice in her brain said 'Thank goodness you already had the 'birds and the bees and the rivers of blood' convo with Arya and Katya!'

"...girls have to menstruate.  The first time that happens you'll feel like you're gonna die, all the blood, trust me it's normal from when you hit puberty until you hit menopause if it's like humans, so roughly every month from you're 13 ish thru to when you're in your 50s if you're human... but point I'm trying to make is, sanitary protection... we have to use it every month for about a week, for roughly 40 years... but you could walk past any woman on the ship and probably 1/3 to 1/2 of them will be using it!  So what I'm getting at... you'll not be alone at having a small secret in your pants!"

She giggled again and said "So...what do you think of my ideas, First that you get brands removed as you overcome mental scars, Secondly that the first thing you work towards is not responding to Myne but to Melly which is such a pretty name, and thirdly we compromise with incontinence panties rather than diapers until such a time as you feel you can manage without them altogether?!"

Ruth picked up the plushie and said "If it's female, Kathy (Freese) or Marie (Curie), Vera (Rubin), Sau Lan Wu?  If male, Einstein, Curie, Newton, Archimedes... after all it's a scientific plushie!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Kina Nural

Quote from: myne on June 27, 2023, 06:26:04 PM

[Ensign Myne - Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne was quick to pick up games do to her love of learning and this was a unique chance. It was so complicated but so wonderful to experience. She would make errors at it, but it was something she would happily work on mastering one day. It may take ten or eleven thousand years but she had the time. She also especially had the drive. A hundred small questions were asked as she examined and learned about each piece with genuine interest.

Kina smiled and answered all the questions that Melly asked. She gave some more tips and opinions about strategy and some moves to make. "œI think you're ready for a game now. Let's get your pieces set up on the board." Kina first set up her side of the board and then helped Melly with her side. Once all the pieces ere set and they were both happy, she handed the dice to her patient so that she could make the first move.

"œIf you like, I have a holo-program from one of my friends at the academy. It's"¦.a make believe fantasy program where we would be adventurers in the fantasy land fighting monsters. If you'd like, you are more than welcome to join me. It has been a while since I used the program."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

The arrival of Kina was a bit discouraging.   Yet another to interrupt his time with Ruth.   Sigh..  But then he had come here for M initially... not Ruth.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 27, 2023, 06:34:49 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay > Buehler's Office - Deck 7

Ruth's mind was in a very happy place, she was back on 'her' ship (after being Captain of her, she still thought of Challenger as 'hers' even though she was fully behind Ian being in charge now, if he pranged her baby... )

She chuckled inwardly, Ian was as protective of the ship and crew as she ever was, one of the reasons amongst many that it was easy to defer to him.

The redhead sighed slightly in pleasure at the girls playing the game, and wistfully at having to leave Lahr temporarily.  She caught his hand as she went by and gave it a quick squeeze.  "I'll see you later as well!" she said bestowing a loving look on him.

"Right Doc, lead the way, and it's just Lt. now.  I don't doubt that the Captain will see fit to promote me if I keep my head down and do my job well, but I took a rank reduction in order to teach a course at the Academy.  Hrafn Falleg-Tekin couldn't, as I understand there was a little medical thing with one of her children, the youngest I believe, and she didn't want to be away so long.  Still, I have everything I need here, the rank is just an extra pip, or half pip in the cast of Lt. Cmdr."

She followed the doctor then stopped when he did.

When Kina began her rules explanation to M, Lahr knew he should have been paying attention - gaming was his thing...  Other than DJing.. but honestly wasn't paying much attention to the rules.  He was watching the doorway where Ruth and the Doc were talking in hushed tones just out of earshot... even for an Andorian.  And despite Ruth's penchant for 'mouthing' orders to him in the past, her words not were not directed to him so he was trying to read what she was saying.  He just wanted to stare at her.   Roozh! He'd missed her energetic personality.

He stayed as long as possible but this was just break for him.   He had duties to get back to.  So, with a jaunty nod to M and her Cardassian visitor,  Lahr headed out.

Quote from: myne on June 27, 2023, 06:26:04 PM

[Ensign Myne - Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne was quick to pick up games do to her love of learning and this was a unique chance. It was so complicated but so wonderful to experience. She would make errors at it, but it was something she would happily work on mastering one day. It may take ten or eleven thousand years but she had the time. She also especially had the drive. A hundred small questions were asked as she examined and learned about each piece with genuine interest.

Myne looked up as Lahr headed out and she softly said her thanks again. Then she saw her department head go off with the doctor. Not wishing to pry she instead went back to focusing at the game.[/b]

He had just finished his goodbyes when Ruth returned.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 30, 2023, 09:22:25 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger - A ]

Ruth smiled at the doctor.  "That's perfect, I didn't want to promise something neither you or I could deliver and/or that wasn't do-able or medically advised.  OK now to pitch that to the patient in question!"

Ruth walked back to the bed, smiling widely from ear to ear then apologised to both Lahr and Kina.

"Would it be ok if I spoke privately to Melly?  It's ok if Dr. Buehler wants to remain since it's medically related and that's why I had to drag him off... I'm no medic so I needed to talk practicalities!"

She leaned in and gave Lahr a quick kiss behind his ear and whispered "It'll all be ok, and we'll see each other later.  This has just been an added incentive!"

Waiting until the others made some distance she took a seat closer to the top of the bed so she could talk quietly to the girl and not disturb any other patients and keep what she was about to propose confidential.

"I was just headed out anyways.   No rest for the overworked." he joked, then got soft-kneed when she kissed him behind his ear as she whispered to him.  His antennae quivered.

To cover up his reaction, Lahr bobbed his head answer as if responding to an order.  "Yes, Ma'am.  As you wish."  The last phrase was a bit of code... he used every now and then... to tell her he loved her.   He's picked it up from an old 20th century adventure film about a farm boy and his True Love.

As he left Sickbay, Lahr was whistling a happy tune. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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