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Started by myne, May 23, 2023, 06:15:31 PM

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[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne when given leave after the conflict was quick to rush to the Mess Hall. If not she would not have a decent seat or she would have to wait and then take a Horta's chair. Not reccomended. So she took her tray and ordered her usual food. A bowl of slave Nutri-Goop and a glass of water. Smiling as she found several open chairs she put her tray down and smiled. "Good day All. I do hope the day and the food finds you well?", the small girl with pigtails maybe looking eight in her uniform looked up at him. The education and manner of her voice contrasted to the smiling little girl saying them.

Female Only


[USS Challenger-mess hall]

T'Prith when she was able to leave went to the mess hall. She wasn't looking to get anything special as she had a tendency of getting what she would usually get. She got a hasperat and water. She sat down at one of the open seats. She figured that the mess hall would be so busy that it might not be as easy to find an open seat to sit. She was pleasantly surprised when she found somewhere that was open and she sat down in the open seat. She gave the other ensign a smile as she said "œgood day ensign I don't think that we've met I'm T'Prith the ops officer it's nice to finally meet you."

Buck McNair

[Dormitory > Mess hall | USS Challenger]

There was little else that he needed to do and with the changeover in shift, Buck had been stood down from the ops station. He nodded and thanked Commander Catalan before they all walked off the bridge and to their respective rooms or whatever they needed to do. Effective immediately, they were in their own time. Buck was all too glad to take a break from scrolling numbers and inventory checks. He had made sure that all the lists were up to date and as accurate as he could make them, checking that the ship still had enough resources to make it through their next portion of their journey and what needed to be restocked when they docked at their next station.

Buck changed into a fresh uniform, placing the other into the laundry as he fixed his pips before heading out to get some food from the mess hall. He pulled at the collar, which was too stiff and far too new as he headed along the corridor, nodding at passing ensigns, other ranks and saluting those who were above him. He turned in towards the doors of the mess hall and watched as they parted, revealing the other crew members who were mulling around enjoying their break, or just finishing.

He grabbed a tray and went over to the replicator. He was going to go for a big meal as he piled on a starter, main and two desserts as he carried his tray over to where there was a free spot on a table. "Mind if I join y'all?"


[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Myne smiled up to the nice Ops and bowed her head, "A pleasure to meet you Ma'am. I'm Ensign Myne, Science. I do hope to get to interact with you a lot!" The small girl was bouncey and eager her twin pigtails seeming to almost bounce on there own accord. Turning back to her slave nutri-goop she was about to take a bite when the Lieutenant Junior Grade came along. "The more the merrier Sir!"

Female Only

Buck McNair

[Mess hall - USS Challenger]

As he settled the tray down, he had noticed that there was a familiar face who he had recognised. T'Prith, an esign who worked with him on Operations. Buck gave her a nod of acknowledgement and then to the voice who piped up next to him in the form of a small child, an Onlie, he had been made aware of her presence the moment they had stepped onto the ship. Of course, he had not had much of a chance to get to know her and the rest of the newcomers, so this would be a perfect opportunity to do so. "Thanks kindly." He slid into the seat. "So, I know T'Prith here, she's a good egg. You mentioned you're in science. Got a specific part of science or are you like a jack of all trades?"


[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne smiled up to the man and looked to his large tray with amazement. Taking a bite of the slave nutri-goop she had grown accustom to over so long she swallowed before smiling again and then to the Vulcan officer when he gave his praise to her.

Clearing her throat she looked up as a passerby might mistake a sweet family dinner with him and her on each side of her. Least till they saw the uniform. "I am well versed in general science, but my specialty Sir is Xeno-Zoology. One of my many stretches as a slave was as a shepherdess for the Kzinti. I would handle there food animals and learned a lot about different animals during that time."

She took another bite of the food then said looking between both officers, "Your both ops? That must be so much fun. Have you ever made motor reving sounds when you prepare to go into warpspeed?"

Her 'age' was showing.

Female Only


[Ensign Rin Amaya | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

While though she hadn't been on a true mission. Being picked up and a new member of staff deffinetly made her the slightly black sheep of the crew at least. She didn't want to disturb any established groups or anything else. However she deffinetly noticed the wild grouping of various different races all over the place. It really was amazing how much of a melting pot spaceships like this could be. She would grab a small and simple meal on her tray and sat not to far away from a group that was chatting. However they didn't speak up until they were spoken to not wanting to disturb anything they were doing after all.


[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne smiled as another sat with them, but she was a ways away. Carefully the Only stood and was mostly hidden by the table when she waved a hand up from her obscured position.  "Oh do come sit closer. We do not bite. The Caitians might, but thats cause there kitties!"

Female Only


Quote from: myne on May 29, 2023, 04:08:19 PM

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne smiled as another sat with them, but she was a ways away. Carefully the Only stood and was mostly hidden by the table when she waved a hand up from her obscured position.  "Oh do come sit closer. We do not bite. The Caitians might, but thats cause there kitties!"

[Ensign Rin Amaya | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Rin would hear the young one speak or at least she thought was the young one. She was very surprised that someone so young was a member of the starfleet. Her eyes just had a large widened look trying to piece it together as they had never met one of Myne's kind before. Maybe her sister had however. She would move a little closer to the group with a smile as they would seem to be a bit nervous. "Umm nice to meet you." The black haired trill would look at them with green eyes with interest still confused by her young looking appearance. It wasn't a judgemental look or a cruel look just surprised. "Umm nice to meet you. I'm a new member to the crew i'm a member of the flight staff... sorry i just haven't really met anyone much other than my training group so... i'm kind of nervous to talk to everyone." She would say with a slight nerves.


[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

The small girl officer rose and took her tray and glass of water and moved to the other side of the table beside the new woman. "A pleasure to meet you Ma'am!", the small girl with twin red pigtails and bright green eyes smiled up. "I'm new too so I know how it is, I just met these two fine officers here. They accepted me and we accept you."

Ensign Myne took a bite of the bowl of slave nutri-goop she ordered and smiled up to Rin. The food probably tasted as bad as it looked but it seemed to be something she was used to.

Female Only

Lina Knight

[ensign Lina| Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Lina would come into the mess hall getting a tray of assorted food coming over to the table Myne and the others are at "hey mind if I sit here?"

                   Female half-Caitian


M'nia made her way to the mess hall. he saw Myne was was one of the few people she knew so far. She grabbed a tray with some breakfast meat on it and her usual coffee hot chocolate mix and sat down besides Myne. "Hiya Myne. How are you?"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian


Quote from: myne on May 29, 2023, 09:48:16 PM

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

The small girl officer rose and took her tray and glass of water and moved to the other side of the table beside the new woman. "A pleasure to meet you Ma'am!", the small girl with twin red pigtails and bright green eyes smiled up. "I'm new too so I know how it is, I just met these two fine officers here. They accepted me and we accept you."

Ensign Myne took a bite of the bowl of slave nutri-goop she ordered and smiled up to Rin. The food probably tasted as bad as it looked but it seemed to be something she was used to.

[Mess Hall - Rin]
Rin would nod quietly with a sigh. At least they were kind and friendly and seeing that the others had seemed to have known her like she's been here a little while. Maybe she wasn't as young as she looked. She'd ask about that later another time because she didn't want to intrude if it was such a personal question. As more joined the area she would give them a nod as they would speak up. "I'm Rin Amaya... I just joined on the last planet as I just got out of the academy just soon."


M'nia smiled. "Nice to meet you Rin! I'm M'nia and I am just out of the academy myself. Just got her today! So what department are you in? "

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian



[Ensign Lina| Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Lina would come into the mess hall getting a tray of assorted food coming over to the table Myne and the others are at "hey mind if I sit here?"


[Ensign M'nia | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

M'nia made her way to the mess hall. he saw Myne was was one of the few people she knew so far. She grabbed a tray with some breakfast meat on it and her usual coffee hot chocolate mix and sat down besides Myne. "Hiya Myne. How are you?"


[Ensign Rin | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Rin would nod quietly with a sigh. At least they were kind and friendly and seeing that the others had seemed to have known her like she's been here a little while. Maybe she wasn't as young as she looked. She'd ask about that later another time because she didn't want to intrude if it was such a personal question. As more joined the area she would give them a nod as they would speak up. "I'm Rin Amaya... I just joined on the last planet as I just got out of the academy just soon."


[Ensign M'nia | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

M'nia smiled. "Nice to meet you Rin! I'm M'nia and I am just out of the academy myself. Just got her today! So what department are you in? "

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

With a happy wave as the table filled up, Myne saw Rin, M'nia, and Lina. Six at a table wow! In a way she was glad she was small as she was. Listening to each she smiled and let them all talk only responding when spoken to. Not for any bad reason but to prevent confusion. Looking up to fellow science officer Lina she smiled brightly seeing the friends face. "Hello Lina!, glad to meet all of you and those I know, its so nice here!"

Female Only

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