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Started by myne, May 23, 2023, 06:15:31 PM

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Quote from: M'Nia on May 31, 2023, 10:50:24 AM

M'nia smiled. "Nice to meet you Rin! I'm M'nia and I am just out of the academy myself. Just got her today! So what department are you in? "

"Me? Oh i'm a member of the flight team. I know how to fly many of the shuttles and even the big ships." She would say with a bright smile on her face seeming to be excited about it. "I absolutely found my calling with flying on ships like this... though engineering and that I was not very good at" She would rub the back of her neck with a nervous chuckle. She'd see Lina join the table and would give them a wave as well. It was interesting they got to meet so many so quickly.


"I understand. It takes all sort of people to run a starship. My calling in engineering. I love it and look forward to learning all about all the stuff i don't know! I'm nervous but excited about serving aboard the challenger!" 

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Lina Knight

[ensign Lina| Mess hall | USS Challenger]

Lina smiled as she took a seat "its a pleasure to meet you all, im fresh out too. this should be interesting." she smiles to the 'young' girl "its nice to meet you as well."

                   Female half-Caitian

Buck McNair

[Mess hall]

The table was rapidly filling up, with different and new faces approaching. Each one engaged in their various conversations of introductions of who they were and what stations that they were in. Myne, M'nia, Lina, Rin - the amount of names made his head swarm with the idea that he was to remember them by the end of this. Perhaps he would for the time being stick to their ranks, at least until someone was kind enough to remind him of their names down the line. He tucked into his food as they conversed, not wanting to seem rude or overbearing by his stature as one of the most senior (both in apparent age and rank) officers on the table. At least until he finished his mouthful did Buck decide to chime in.

"Good to meet all of you, I look forward to seeing what you bring to the ship," He would have cringed if he had caught how he had spoken. His mother certainly would have gotten a laugh and so would of his father as he tried to dial back the political response. "Uh, if anyone has any burning questions, I'll try my best to answer them."


"Thanks Lt. I am so new, not sure what to ask! I'm not as nervous as i was but still nervous enough. I know with experience I'll be fine. Still seems a lot going on right now. Kinda exciting really" M'nia said.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian


"Honestly it's a pleasure to meet you all as well. there is so many people on this ship it's kind of difficult to keep track with everything but it'll be a pleasure to work with you all." Rin would continue to eat some simple foods that were remade as she would have something similar to a burger. "I know this might be an odd question though... but why do you look so young Myne? I mean youth products only got me so far." She would give a slight chuckle not knowing about the Onlies.

Lina Knight

lina would eat her food slowly "well thank you for the offer, I'm not sure what to ask at the moment, though Myne being so small is interesting, I doubt the fleet would hire literal children."

                   Female half-Caitian



[Ensign Rin Amaya | Mess hall | USS Challenger]
"Honestly it's a pleasure to meet you all as well. there is so many people on this ship it's kind of difficult to keep track with everything but it'll be a pleasure to work with you all." Rin would continue to eat some simple foods that were remade as she would have something similar to a burger. "I know this might be an odd question though... but why do you look so young Myne? I mean youth products only got me so far." She would give a slight chuckle not knowing about the Onlies.

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

"I am two hundred and seventy. I will look like a child for least another ten thousand years. It's do to my species Ma'am. I am an Only. We age one month every one hundred years from when our species virus kicks in.", Myne explained.


[Crewman Lina Night | Mess hall | USS Challenger]
Lina would eat her food slowly "well thank you for the offer, I'm not sure what to ask at the moment, though Myne being so small is interesting, I doubt the fleet would hire literal children."

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]

"Wait till you see Lieutenant Kyan.. my room mate. He's a bit older then me and the total opposite. But he is nice. He slew an officer chair that held me captive!"

Female Only


M'nia's eyes went wide at this. Whaat? An officer held you captive?" She was incredulous. "Was this a starfleet officer?"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Lina Knight

lina's eyebrow raised "she said an chair not an officer.. must've been quite the formidable chair though." she chuckles softly "that sounds  rough, living so long in the body of a child..."

                   Female half-Caitian



[Ensign M'nia | Mess hall | USS Challenger]
M'nia's eyes went wide at this. Whaat? An officer held you captive?" She was incredulous. "Was this a starfleet officer?"

[Ensign Myne | Mess hall | USS Challenger]
"An office chair Ma'am like what we're sitting in but it spins about. I had to stand in it on the bridge and it held me captive."
Female Only


Rin would give a quiet and interested chuckle hearing about the chair trapping Myne like that. However it would be kind of rough for such a young looking person however 270+ was pretty impressive. However as it was their race at least they knew what to expect. Rin would have given a quiet thought. "Well as long as you are great at your job I don't care how young ya are." She would say with a hearty smile. Man she was like her father sometimes.


"I'm sorry! Somehow I misunderstood. Well a chair I can understand. If you're small. well most chairs in Starfleet are not meant for someone your size, I don't think. Perhaps that's something Starfleet should look into. Starfleet personnel come in all shapes and sizes.  I never thought about it much. Too busy with my studies." M'nia said. She had heard of onlies at the academy but they seemed few and far between. Still, living that long, she was willing to bet you learned a lot of stuff!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian


"I fear often if I am good at my job... I have had a rough go at it and sometimes I wonder if I am only held together by a desire to prove myself.", Myne said taking another bite of the Nutri-Goop. "What happens one day when I am not good enough. Or as one instructor once said... 'Will I wait in the Garden of Gethsemane or run and hide?'. I hope I will wait but who knows?".

She looked around at the wonderful food everyone was eating then down at her slave nutri-goop and felt a bit self conscious.

Female Only


"I think a lot of us worry about doing a good job. That's natural. We want to do a good job and get better. I worry about making mistakes but I try not to worry too much! I learned in the academy, it's ok to make mistakes, the trick is to learn from them. I know I have a lot to learn but I am willing to learn. Myne I understand what you're saying. I think you will get better as time goes on." M'nia said.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

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