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What could be... (Lahr/Ruth)

Started by ShranLahr ch'Verret, April 25, 2020, 12:42:27 AM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - Waring Manor - lakeside] (on month long leave - between missions S4:E1 and S4:E2)

Thankfully despite Lahr's recent rise to Acting Second Officer, he wasn't required to give personal testimony against  Leyton, though a request for a logs personal and otherwise mentioning the former Admiral had been requisitioned and it had fallen to him to gather the data and sent it off to Leyton's lawyers.   What a terrible job that would be.  Defending the actions of THAT man.  Lahr was so grateful he'd never gotten into that aspect of the law.

Given he wasn't really needed Lahr had spent much of his free time with Chloe.  She'd dragged him horseback riding a couple of times.  The beasts really didn't like him - maybe it was his alien scent or something - and tried to buck him off; this last time succeeding, requiring Chloe to mend a dislocated shoulder, broken rib and bruised ego.

So when Chloe expressed a desire to go out riding again his afternoon merely a day later, Lahr begged off but encouraged her to go with her friends.  He'd just go for a walk - maybe stroll down to the lake.  She'd happily thanked him, gave him a brief kiss to his cheek than scampered off to meet up with a few nurses.   This left Lahr to follow through on his own decision to go for a walk.

It was a hot afternoon and though the walk wasn't all that long by the time he arrived, Lahr had become a bit  overheated.  Damn these temperate worlds and their average temperatures being in the 20 Celsius range.   A nice mini ice age wouldn't be uncalled for right about now, he mused to himself as he found a lush patch of grass to lay out on in the sun.   

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 25, 2020, 12:42:27 AM

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - Waring Manor - lakeside] (on month long leave - between missions S4:E1 and S4:E2)

Thankfully despite Lahr's recent rise to Acting Second Officer, he wasn't required to give personal testimony against  Leyton, though a request for a logs personal and otherwise mentioning the former Admiral had been requisitioned and it had fallen to him to gather the data and sent it off to Leyton's lawyers.   What a terrible job that would be.  Defending the actions of THAT man.  Lahr was so grateful he'd never gotten into that aspect of the law.

Given he wasn't really needed Lahr had spent much of his free time with Chloe.  She'd dragged him horseback riding a couple of times.  The beasts really didn't like him - maybe it was his alien scent or something - and tried to buck him off; this last time succeeding, requiring Chloe to mend a dislocated shoulder, broken rib and bruised ego.

So when Chloe expressed a desire to go out riding again his afternoon merely a day later, Lahr begged off but encouraged her to go with her friends.  He'd just go for a walk - maybe stroll down to the lake.  She'd happily thanked him, gave him a brief kiss to his cheek than scampered off to meet up with a few nurses.   This left Lahr to follow through on his own decision to go for a walk.

It was a hot afternoon and though the walk wasn't all that long by the time he arrived, Lahr had become a bit  overheated.  Damn these temperate worlds and their average temperatures being in the 20 Celsius range.   A nice mini ice age wouldn't be uncalled for right about now, he mused to himself as he found a lush patch of grass to lay out on in the sun.

[The Lawn - Waring Manor, England]

'...We regret to inform you that Commander William Waring is missing... presumed dead....'

Ruth had been 'home' a few days now but didn't feel at home.  Between shuttling back and forth to give evidence against Leyton she was tired, and wanted to relax.  This wasn't how she intended having her time off, and to cap it all they were asking her to be psyche evaluated too now.  Between the news about Will and the duty over the last few months and now the fact that they were hinting that they weren't going to let her go back to Innominatum and the missions for the Challenger again....

She wandered, the PADD she'd received the message on still in her hand down towards the lake to think things over.

Spying the blue antennae...this time not giving out any kind of semaphore messages... laying on the grass she walked down to talk to Lahr, since he always cheered her up.  And she needed to talk to someone.  She hadn't been able to find Kyle so she assumed he was out with Liv and Elijah, and she didn't want to spoil their leave.  She presumed that Lahr would be out with Chloe, but there was no mistaking that figure laying there.

'Good thing it wasn't him, rather than Will... or both of them, then they may as well lock me up on a psych ward and throw away the key forever.  I can't lose them both.' she thought to herself.

"Too hot? I have to say for a country famed for it's rain, this is the worst timing ever in my opinion... ah to go to the Fjords and mountains... I feel normal temperature there!" Ruth said coming across her favourite blue man and grinning.

"Anything over about 17 C is too hot for me, I'd rather have to put on a sweater than be left with nothing to take of... well not in polite company!" she said looking down on the prone figure and blushing.

"I've got an idea, if you're up for it?"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - Waring Manor - lakeside] (on month long leave - between missions S4:E1 and S4:E2)

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 04, 2020, 03:07:27 PM

"Too hot? I have to say for a country famed for it's rain, this is the worst timing ever in my opinion... ah to go to the Fjords and mountains... I feel normal temperature there!" Ruth said coming across her favourite blue man and grinning.

"Anything over about 17 C is too hot for me, I'd rather have to put on a sweater than be left with nothing to take of... well not in polite company!" she said looking down on the prone figure and blushing.

"I've got an idea, if you're up for it?"

Lost to the lazy lap of the waves nearby, Lahr had nearly dozed off in the sun, not a good thing for he might have have gotten a little bit sunburned, if not the approach of someone.  His antenna twitched and swiveled in Ruth's direction moments before she spoke.

A smile formed at the Captain's voice and Lahr opened his eyes, only to have to raise a hand  to shade them in order to see Ruth looking down at him.  He nodded at her question and comment.  "Yeah... I was considered on going for a swim in the lake until I remembered I don't know how.  Fjords and ice capped mountains sound delightful right about now. "

The Andorian completely agreed with her sentiment about temperature preference, though the remark that followed had the Andorian smirking.  He just barely contained the wise-cracking reply that ached to be said, that he wasn't polite company so she was welcome to take off whatever she like.  This was his Captain!  And she was just recently married!  This was supposed to be her honeymoon for roohz-sake!?

Lahr glanced away to the lake and cleared his throat.  "Yet me too."  he offered lamely.

When next she spoke, there seemed to be something in her tone that drew Lahr's attention.  "Sure. What have you got in mind?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 05, 2020, 12:12:10 AM

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - Waring Manor - lakeside] (on month long leave - between missions S4:E1 and S4:E2)

Lost to the lazy lap of the waves nearby, Lahr had nearly dozed off in the sun, not a good thing for he might have have gotten a little bit sunburned, if not the approach of someone.  His antenna twitched and swiveled in Ruth's direction moments before she spoke.

A smile formed at the Captain's voice and Lahr opened his eyes, only to have to raise a hand  to shade them in order to see Ruth looking down at him.  He nodded at her question and comment.  "Yeah... I was considered on going for a swim in the lake until I remembered I don't know how.  Fjords and ice capped mountains sound delightful right about now. "

The Andorian completely agreed with her sentiment about temperature preference, though the remark that followed had the Andorian smirking.  He just barely contained the wise-cracking reply that ached to be said, that he wasn't polite company so she was welcome to take off whatever she like.  This was his Captain!  And she was just recently married!  This was supposed to be her honeymoon for roohz-sake!?

Lahr glanced away to the lake and cleared his throat.  "Yet me too."  he offered lamely.

When next she spoke, there seemed to be something in her tone that drew Lahr's attention.  "Sure. What have you got in mind?"

[Earth - England - Waring Manor - lakeside] (on month long leave - between missions S4:E1 and S4:E2)

Ruth waved the PADD.

"Well I need to do something to take my mind off this."  She deliberately didn't let Lahr see the letter from GHQ so she could fudge the details a bit.

"Will,..." she paused considering if she should refer to him by his rank, then shook her head.  Lahr was her friend, and an ally, confidante, ... and if she wasn't married the other things too probably...

"... sorry I was wondering if I should say that officially or not but you're my close friend so I think we can for now when we're not on the Bridge, dispense with formalities.  Will is..."  her tears then fell as she sank onto the grass next to Lahr.

"... Missing in Action.  I had to tell someone, and I can't find Kyle and Liv plus I don't want to spoil their downtime with Elijah.  I don't want to spoil yours either.  But since you said about being hot, and I need a pick me up... if I can organise it, would you like to come to Norway with me, to Trondheim so I can show you home?  My farm.  I need some solitude, but I feel that if I go on my own I wouldn't want to come back."

She looked at Lahr and realised what she was saying, she was inviting an unmarried man, a subordinate at that if they were talking ranks, to go away with her, on what would have been her honeymoon.  Her cheeks flamed red at the realisation, almost matching her hair.  But it had been said now, so.... now she just had to wait for his reaction.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - Waring Manor - lakeside] (on month long leave - between missions S4:E1 and S4:E2)

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 05, 2020, 02:20:17 PM

[Earth - England - Waring Manor - lakeside] (on month long leave - between missions S4:E1 and S4:E2)

Ruth waved the PADD.

"Well I need to do something to take my mind off this."  She deliberately didn't let Lahr see the letter from GHQ so she could fudge the details a bit.

Lahr looked to the PADD in her hand and sat up, a bit perplexed at what their next mission orders - that's what he assumed was on the PADD - were that the Cap would need to be distracted from.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 05, 2020, 02:20:17 PM

"Will,..." she paused considering if she should refer to him by his rank, then shook her head.  Lahr was her friend, and an ally, confidante, ... and if she wasn't married the other things too probably...

"... sorry I was wondering if I should say that officially or not but you're my close friend so I think we can for now when we're not on the Bridge, dispense with formalities.  Will is..."  her tears then fell as she sank onto the grass next to Lahr.

Lahr's antenna pointed towards her curiously as she seemed to paused at her husband's name.  Something seemed to be bothering her but he smiled to hear that she considered him a close friend.   However his smile faltered and turned to a concerned frown as tears started to fall as she sat down next to him.  Roohz, what was he supposed to do?  He wanted to wrap an arm around her in comfort... but was that appropriate? For a friend - yeah.  Not so much for his Captain or another man's wife!

"What's wrong?" he prompted, leaning closer so that at least she would know he was there for her.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 05, 2020, 02:20:17 PM

"... Missing in Action.  I had to tell someone, and I can't find Kyle and Liv plus I don't want to spoil their downtime with Elijah.  I don't want to spoil yours either.  But since you said about being hot, and I need a pick me up... if I can organise it, would you like to come to Norway with me, to Trondheim so I can show you home?  My farm.  I need some solitude, but I feel that if I go on my own I wouldn't want to come back."

She looked at Lahr and realised what she was saying, she was inviting an unmarried man, a subordinate at that if they were talking ranks, to go away with her, on what would have been her honeymoon.  Her cheeks flamed red at the realisation, almost matching her hair.  But it had been said now, so.... now she just had to wait for his reaction.

Her news about Commander Waring came as a shock.  They had seen him not that long ago... but he'd been called away before the final battle.  "Oh Ruth, I'm so sorry..." he offered quietly but she was going on in her usual explaining how she needed to tell someone.  Yeah, no doubt! It was a terrible thing her husband missing at a time that should have been her honeymoon.

Then the oddest thing was said, she asked if he would go with her to Norway?? To see her home.  For a second Lahr hesitated then realized that her being alone would be the absolute worst thing, she'd already explained why she didn't want to bother Liv and Kyle.

The Andorian noted her flush with embarrassment realizing her own offer, he waited second more to see if she would take it back but she just looked at him, as if trying to read his reaction.   Lahr bobbed his antenna as he nodded.  "Of course, I'll go with you Cap.  You really shouldn't be alone through something like this.  I'm always here for you. "  Then following on an social instinct he leaned over and offered a hug.  "Hey, try not to worry...  Challenger and crew has been missing before too... 3 months stuck in a time loop... but we came away fine.  I'm sure he will too.."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 06, 2020, 03:18:18 AM

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - Waring Manor - lakeside] (on month long leave - between missions S4:E1 and S4:E2)

Lahr looked to the PADD in her hand and sat up, a bit perplexed at what their next mission orders - that's what he assumed was on the PADD - were that the Cap would need to be distracted from.

Lahr's antenna pointed towards her curiously as she seemed to paused at her husband's name.  Something seemed to be bothering her but he smiled to hear that she considered him a close friend.   However his smile faltered and turned to a concerned frown as tears started to fall as she sat down next to him.  Roohz, what was he supposed to do?  He wanted to wrap an arm around her in comfort... but was that appropriate? For a friend - yeah.  Not so much for his Captain or another man's wife!

"What's wrong?" he prompted, leaning closer so that at least she would know he was there for her.

Her news about Commander Waring came as a shock.  They had seen him not that long ago... but he'd been called away before the final battle.  "Oh Ruth, I'm so sorry..." he offered quietly but she was going on in her usual explaining how she needed to tell someone.  Yeah, no doubt! It was a terrible thing her husband missing at a time that should have been her honeymoon.

Then the oddest thing was said, she asked if he would go with her to Norway?? To see her home.  For a second Lahr hesitated then realized that her being alone would be the absolute worst thing, she'd already explained why she didn't want to bother Liv and Kyle.

The Andorian noted her flush with embarrassment realizing her own offer, he waited second more to see if she would take it back but she just looked at him, as if trying to read his reaction.   Lahr bobbed his antenna as he nodded.  "Of course, I'll go with you Cap.  You really shouldn't be alone through something like this.  I'm always here for you. "  Then following on an social instinct he leaned over and offered a hug.  "Hey, try not to worry...  Challenger and crew has been missing before too... 3 months stuck in a time loop... but we came away fine.  I'm sure he will too.."

[Earth - England - Waring Manor - lakeside] (on month long leave - between missions S4:E1 and S4:E2)

"Lahr... I don't mean... well, people might talk, if you feel embarrassed then say and we'll just go for  a day trip and I can take the girls too and well you used to be in Security... sorry bad memories, but could use that as an excuse, you know... protection for me." Ruth said her face now definitely the colour of her hair.

Tears streaming down her face she said "I don't have many friends, but the ones I do, they are treasures.  I don't let many into my inner circle, but you're there and you've never let me down.  Don't think I'll ever forget you put your career on the line for me when I went hareing after the girls.  Mind you, I didn't expect our Vulcan medic to come up trumps and give me the bare bones of making the trip 'legal'... ok she was throwing the rulebook at me really but underneath she was giving me the means to actually not get court martial-ed for stealing a shuttle."

She allowed a chuckle realising that she couldn't stay sad forever and Lahr had said yes to coming to Norway with her.

"Well if we're going to Norway there's a little bit of prep to do first.  Are you prepared to go just on our own, and are we staying over?  I don't have to be at GHQ for 3 days barring emergencies, but I can get anywhere on the planet inside a few hours!" she asked.  "Either way, don't pack swimming shorts unless you intend having a swim in the Fjord, even in the height of summer they aren't exactly warm!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 08, 2020, 04:02:47 PM

[Earth - England - Waring Manor - lakeside] (on month long leave - between missions S4:E1 and S4:E2)

"Lahr... I don't mean... well, people might talk, if you feel embarrassed then say and we'll just go for  a day trip and I can take the girls too and well you used to be in Security... sorry bad memories, but could use that as an excuse, you know... protection for me." Ruth said her face now definitely the colour of her hair.

His Captain was something else... even in the depths of her own misery she tried to look after him and offer him a way to back out.  "Hey Capt'n - don't worry about it.  I don't think folks are gonna care that I'm helping a friend.  But if you want me to play up the Security aspect.. I can do that.  It's not like I haven't been willing to break the rules for you before."  Lahr teased gently but the tears still came.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 08, 2020, 04:02:47 PM

Tears streaming down her face she said "I don't have many friends, but the ones I do, they are treasures.  I don't let many into my inner circle, but you're there and you've never let me down.  Don't think I'll ever forget you put your career on the line for me when I went hareing after the girls.  Mind you, I didn't expect our Vulcan medic to come up trumps and give me the bare bones of making the trip 'legal'... ok she was throwing the rulebook at me really but underneath she was giving me the means to actually not get court martial-ed for stealing a shuttle."

Lahr smiled as the Captain repeated herself with her appreciation of his support during the kidnapping fiasco.  He was just glad that he'd been able to help and that it all ended well.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 08, 2020, 04:02:47 PM

She allowed a chuckle realising that she couldn't stay sad forever and Lahr had said yes to coming to Norway with her.

"Well if we're going to Norway there's a little bit of prep to do first.  Are you prepared to go just on our own, and are we staying over?  I don't have to be at GHQ for 3 days barring emergencies, but I can get anywhere on the planet inside a few hours!" she asked.  "Either way, don't pack swimming shorts unless you intend having a swim in the Fjord, even in the height of summer they aren't exactly warm!"

"I'm prepped to go however you want and for however long you need, Captain.  I'll just let Chloe know I could be gone a few days and that I'll contact her later.  I don't even need to say why."

He released his embrace and stood up offering his hand down to her to help her up.  "I'd scoff at the notion of cold keeping me from the water.... if I knew how to swim that is.  But since I don't, I guess I'll just have to do as I was here and just do a bit of sunbathing."

As they walked back towards the manor, Lahr asked.  "How long do you need to get ready?  Cause I can be packed in under 15."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 13, 2020, 12:47:38 AM

His Captain was something else... even in the depths of her own misery she tried to look after him and offer him a way to back out.  "Hey Capt'n - don't worry about it.  I don't think folks are gonna care that I'm helping a friend.  But if you want me to play up the Security aspect.. I can do that.  It's not like I haven't been willing to break the rules for you before."  Lahr teased gently but the tears still came.

[Earth - England - Waring Manor Lakeside]

Through the tears Ruth hiccoughed a laugh.  "Well, truth be told I haven't always had the cleanest of records, first ship I was ever on I ended up helping an Admiral abscond with it, didn't stop me making Captain... I'm sure you will go far, dear friend.  You have one thing that is important in any walk of life - loyalty."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 13, 2020, 12:47:38 AM

Lahr smiled as the Captain repeated herself with her appreciation of his support during the kidnapping fiasco.  He was just glad that he'd been able to help and that it all ended well.

"I'm prepped to go however you want and for however long you need, Captain.  I'll just let Chloe know I could be gone a few days and that I'll contact her later.  I don't even need to say why."

He released his embrace and stood up offering his hand down to her to help her up.  "I'd scoff at the notion of cold keeping me from the water.... if I knew how to swim that is.  But since I don't, I guess I'll just have to do as I was here and just do a bit of sunbathing."

As they walked back towards the manor, Lahr asked.  "How long do you need to get ready?  Cause I can be packed in under 15."

[Lobby - Waring Manor]

"I'd say maybe around 10-15... depends if my calls are answered quickly, I need to let them know in Manchester that I need the Mjolnir, and I don't need to pack..." she confessed.  "I haven't unpacked yet.  I haven't really felt at home here but well... reasons.  See you back here in 20, stop by the kitchen would you and get Mrs Braithwaite to put up a picnic basket for us.  Tell her to include coffee and whatever hot drink you want.  Given what I've been through lately, I'm preparing for all eventualities.  However, once I'm home... you can have your pick of the cellar!" she added with a wink.

"Plenty things to keep out the cold... it's one thing being cooler, something else freezing your antennae or other parts off!  Out there is rather remote at the farm, there are limited ways to warm up!"  Once again her face matched her hair as she realised what she might have implied.

Ruth's mood was considerably lightened with the prospect of going home.  Once Lahr left to get his things she arranged about the transport, and someone from the village had kindly notified the local baker who was making a delivery to the house anyway, that if they were ready and didn't mind sitting in the back of the van, he would give them a lift to the station where they could get the high speed transport to Manchester, on the Mjolnir and home in under 30 mins.

She wrote letters to the twins and the Briggs, explaining where she was, what she was doing and why, and importantly who she was with.

'...don't panic however, I've taken Lahr with me.  As you know he's one of my closest friends besides the Briggs and Uncle Sukal, he knows Will so he understands, and importantly... he's been in Security so even if I'm in no fit state to protect myself should the need arise... I have my Knight with Blue Antennae to look after me.  Do NOT follow me.  I'm leaving Uncle Kyle and Auntie Liv in charge... enjoy the rest of your holiday, I'm relying on you to make sure the rest of my crew have fun....'

And to the Briggs:

'... I'm leaving you in charge, the girls have similar letter telling them to defer to you.  I'm ok, I just need to go somewhere quiet and calm to get my head on straight.  You two need family time with Elijah, thus I've taken Lahr with me so I'll be safe!...'

She ran quickly upstairs to the bedroom and grabbed her bag, since she was already in civvies it felt strange not to have to change from her uniform, but she didn't feel fresh so she quickly changed into jeans and her big brother's jeans jacket, which was too big for her but it made her feel safe and as if he was there to hug her, then went back down the stairs.

Waiting until Lahr reappeared, she spied the bakery fan.  Once she caught sight of her Andorian she sighed, feeling the first release of tension, she was going to be free.

"Ready?  We're getting a lift with Mr. Chadwick... local baker.... in the back of the van.  He's almost finished his round so it won't be packed!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - Waring Manor] (on month long leave - between missions S4:E1 and S4:E2)

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 13, 2020, 02:41:49 PM

[Lobby - Waring Manor]

"I'd say maybe around 10-15... depends if my calls are answered quickly, I need to let them know in Manchester that I need the Mjolnir, and I don't need to pack..." she confessed.  "I haven't unpacked yet.  I haven't really felt at home here but well... reasons.  See you back here in 20, stop by the kitchen would you and get Mrs Braithwaite to put up a picnic basket for us.  Tell her to include coffee and whatever hot drink you want.  Given what I've been through lately, I'm preparing for all eventualities.  However, once I'm home... you can have your pick of the cellar!" she added with a wink.

"Plenty things to keep out the cold... it's one thing being cooler, something else freezing your antennae or other parts off!  Out there is rather remote at the farm, there are limited ways to warm up!"  Once again her face matched her hair as she realised what she might have implied.

Ruth's mood was considerably lightened with the prospect of going home.  Once Lahr left to get his things she arranged about the transport, and someone from the village had kindly notified the local baker who was making a delivery to the house anyway, that if they were ready and didn't mind sitting in the back of the van, he would give them a lift to the station where they could get the high speed transport to Manchester, on the Mjolnir and home in under 30 mins.

She wrote letters to the twins and the Briggs, explaining where she was, what she was doing and why, and importantly who she was with.

'...don't panic however, I've taken Lahr with me.  As you know he's one of my closest friends besides the Briggs and Uncle Sukal, he knows Will so he understands, and importantly... he's been in Security so even if I'm in no fit state to protect myself should the need arise... I have my Knight with Blue Antennae to look after me.  Do NOT follow me.  I'm leaving Uncle Kyle and Auntie Liv in charge... enjoy the rest of your holiday, I'm relying on you to make sure the rest of my crew have fun....'

And to the Briggs:

'... I'm leaving you in charge, the girls have similar letter telling them to defer to you.  I'm ok, I just need to go somewhere quiet and calm to get my head on straight.  You two need family time with Elijah, thus I've taken Lahr with me so I'll be safe!...'

She ran quickly upstairs to the bedroom and grabbed her bag, since she was already in civvies it felt strange not to have to change from her uniform, but she didn't feel fresh so she quickly changed into jeans and her big brother's jeans jacket, which was too big for her but it made her feel safe and as if he was there to hug her, then went back down the stairs.

Waiting until Lahr reappeared, she spied the bakery van.  Once she caught sight of her Andorian she sighed, feeling the first release of tension, she was going to be free.

"Ready?  We're getting a lift with Mr. Chadwick... local baker.... in the back of the van.  He's almost finished his round so it won't be packed!"

Once back at that Manor, Lahr stopped by the kitchen to pass on the Captains' request for a packed picnic and coffee to the Head of the Kitchen, Mrs Braithwaite.   With that being done, Lahr then hurried up to his room and recorded a quick message for Chloe.

"Hey Chloe,
The Captain has received some bad news - sorry I can't say what - but she needs some time away but its not good for her to be alone so I'm gonna go keep an eye on her while she deals with things. We should only be gone a few days.  I'll call when I can.  Later babe."

He then showered, changed and packed his travel bag before heading downstairs to pick up the picnic basket and meet up with Ruth.  The smell of freshly baked scones wafted from the basket.

Ruth was already waiting for him by the time he got to the lobby.  He nodded.  "Sure am.  Let's go." He motioned her to lead the way and then headed to the van.  Being a van meant for transporting baked goods and not people there were only two bucket seats.  Lahr opened the passenger door for Ruth.  "In you go, Captain.  Me and Mr. Chadwick's helper will ride in the back."

As he stated this Lahr gave the labourer a rather pointed look.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 15, 2020, 11:21:40 PM

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - Waring Manor] (on month long leave - between missions S4:E1 and S4:E2)

Once back at that Manor, Lahr stopped by the kitchen to pass on the Captains' request for a packed picnic and coffee to the Head of the Kitchen, Mrs Braithwaite.   With that being done, Lahr then hurried up to his room and recorded a quick message for Chloe.

"Hey Chloe,
The Captain has received some bad news - sorry I can't say what - but she needs some time away but its not good for her to be alone so I'm gonna go keep an eye on her while she deals with things. We should only be gone a few days.  I'll call when I can.  Later babe."

He then showered, changed and packed his travel bag before heading downstairs to pick up the picnic basket and meet up with Ruth.  The smell of freshly baked scones wafted from the basket.

Ruth was already waiting for him by the time he got to the lobby.  He nodded.  "Sure am.  Let's go." He motioned her to lead the way and then headed to the van.  Being a van meant for transporting baked goods and not people there were only two bucket seats.  Lahr opened the passenger door for Ruth.  "In you go, Captain.  Me and Mr. Chadwick's helper will ride in the back."

As he stated this Lahr gave the labourer a rather pointed look.

[Waring Hall - Driveway > East Witton Village > train to Ripon then York then Manchester> Manchester Spacedock, England, "Personal" craft dock]

"And they say chivalry is dead!" Ruth said with a smirk.  If Lahr was trying to cheer her up, he was succeeding.  "I am more used to 'roughing it' than you might imagine Lahr, but thank you I appreciate it.  And you, sir!"

"Johnny, Ma'am and it's ok, truth b'told I likes it in the back, smells of the bread and that's an 'omely smell if ever twas!"  the assistant said.

"Very well, thank you Johnny, and it's only a few moments, I wouldn't want you feeling that you were being done out of your rightful position!"

About 10 mins later, and probably hitting every pothole possible on the road between the manor and the village station, Ruth got out, rubbing her buttock.

"Roll on when they get a shuttleport out here, it would spoil the idyll a bit but way better on the body... your antennae ok?, if I'm feeling like this you'll have got a right rattling in there!  Still, you're in for a little treat here, this is a tiny heritage branch line, you get a 30 min ride behind a steam engine, and then in less than a third of that we get the bullet train to Manchester."  Ruth said.

She took her bag and slung it over her shoulder, sorted the tickets for the steam train, it was one of the few places that one still had to use credits, although from Ripon just showing her Starfleet credentials had her and Lahr on the train to the Spacedock directly.

"How are you at flying Lahr?  I might let you play with my baby, although it's only about a 10 minute flight.  Such a contrast between old Terran modes of transport and intergalactic ones and having a home in very remote rural places... thankfully since I own a monowinged aircraft there's somewhere only 2 miles from the farmhouse and I always keep quadbikes there, so unless someone siphoned the petrol, we're good, and if they have, first they'll have one very angry viking, second it's only a two mile walk on the flat.  C'mon, first stop getting the paperwork signed off for this trip."

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - traveling]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 16, 2020, 08:12:31 AM

[Waring Hall - Driveway > East Witton Village > train to Ripon then York then Manchester> Manchester Spacedock, England, "Personal" craft dock]

"And they say chivalry is dead!" Ruth said with a smirk.  If Lahr was trying to cheer her up, he was succeeding.  "I am more used to 'roughing it' than you might imagine Lahr, but thank you I appreciate it.  And you, sir!"

"Johnny, Ma'am and it's ok, truth b'told I likes it in the back, smells of the bread and that's an 'omely smell if ever twas!"  the assistant said.

"Very well, thank you Johnny, and it's only a few moments, I wouldn't want you feeling that you were being done out of your rightful position!"

About 10 mins later, and probably hitting every pothole possible on the road between the manor and the village station, Ruth got out, rubbing her buttock.

"Roll on when they get a shuttleport out here, it would spoil the idyll a bit but way better on the body... your antennae ok?, if I'm feeling like this you'll have got a right rattling in there!  Still, you're in for a little treat here, this is a tiny heritage branch line, you get a 30 min ride behind a steam engine, and then in less than a third of that we get the bullet train to Manchester."  Ruth said.

The ride had been far bumpier than Lahr had anticipated but it was better he and Johnny were in the back than have Ruth suffer this.  By the time he got out of the truck he was a bit jostled and his antenna swayed rather dizzyingly.  However it only took a few minutes to right itself, while Ruth purchased them tickets.

He felt a twinge of guilt that he was letting Ruth pay... but then well dammit, as a commissioned officer her credit allowance was far greater than his pittance as enlisted.

"A steam engine?!"  This part of Earth amazed him with it's archaic tech.  "Sounds like fun!"

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 16, 2020, 08:12:31 AM

She took her bag and slung it over her shoulder, sorted the tickets for the steam train, it was one of the few places that one still had to use credits, although from Ripon just showing her Starfleet credentials had her and Lahr on the train to the Spacedock directly.

"How are you at flying Lahr?  I might let you play with my baby, although it's only about a 10 minute flight.  Such a contrast between old Terran modes of transport and intergalactic ones and having a home in very remote rural places... thankfully since I own a monowinged aircraft there's somewhere only 2 miles from the farmhouse and I always keep quadbikes there, so unless someone siphoned the petrol, we're good, and if they have, first they'll have one very angry viking, second it's only a two mile walk on the flat.  C'mon, first stop getting the paperwork signed off for this trip."

Ruth's question about his skill at flying was met with a slight embarrassed shrug.  "I know the basics... haven't had much opportunity to practice any since the Mars Academy." he admitted, before continuing on to comment, "So I won't take offense if you feel safer flying yourself."

He nodded and followed behind as she led the way to where they could get signed off on the paperwork.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 19, 2020, 04:03:14 AM

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - traveling]

The ride had been far bumpier than Lahr had anticipated but it was better he and Johnny were in the back than have Ruth suffer this.  By the time he got out of the truck he was a bit jostled and his antenna swayed rather dizzyingly.  However it only took a few minutes to right itself, while Ruth purchased them tickets.

He felt a twinge of guilt that he was letting Ruth pay... but then well dammit, as a commissioned officer her credit allowance was far greater than his pittance as enlisted.

"A steam engine?!"  This part of Earth amazed him with it's archaic tech.  "Sounds like fun!"

Ruth's question about his skill at flying was met with a slight embarrassed shrug.  "I know the basics... haven't had much opportunity to practice any since the Mars Academy." he admitted, before continuing on to comment, "So I won't take offense if you feel safer flying yourself."

He nodded and followed behind as she led the way to where they could get signed off on the paperwork.

[Manchester Space Dock - Earth > Trondheim Airfield]

"How about this, Lahr..." she said handing the PADD back to the Security Ensign with a smile and a nod then turned back to her favourite Andorian.  "... I'll do the 'hard' bits, take off and landing, once we're clear of most other craft over the North Sea, I'll let you take over and give you well... about 10 mins, but I'll be there to take over if you don't feel confident in any way.  I will have to take her once we're at Trondheim however, between the mountains, the fjord and the trees, it's like the shuttlecraft equivalent of trying to bring in one of the old Boeing 747s into Kai Tak airport in Hong Kong.  Massive things, short runway and you had a choice if you didn't stick the landing of ending up ploughing thru town or trying to get it up again over the mountains, or running it into the sea.  The choice being... bloody stick the landing or else!" she grinned.

"It's not quite as bad at Trondheim, and we go down vertically with the thrusters but unless you're used to it... better to let someone who does know the place do it!  Shall we?"

Ruth stepped into the Mjolnir and slung her bag in the back, then took the main pilot's seat buckling in.  Her emotions were in check at the moment since she was focused on doing her pre-flight checks but her mind was churning, her heart beating and the worst of it, her feelings for the man getting into the shuttle with her. Why was she feeling like that at the same time as missing will and... grieving him?

"So..." she said dragging her mind off things she didn't want to think about.  "... did you enjoy the steam train?"  She hoped that Lahr wouldn't guess that she was just trying to talk about anything other than Will's disappearance.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - traveling]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 20, 2020, 03:15:53 PM

[Manchester Space Dock - Earth > Trondheim Airfield]

"How about this, Lahr..." she said handing the PADD back to the Security Ensign with a smile and a nod then turned back to her favourite Andorian.  "... I'll do the 'hard' bits, take off and landing, once we're clear of most other craft over the North Sea, I'll let you take over and give you well... about 10 mins, but I'll be there to take over if you don't feel confident in any way.  I will have to take her once we're at Trondheim however, between the mountains, the fjord and the trees, it's like the shuttlecraft equivalent of trying to bring in one of the old Boeing 747s into Kai Tak airport in Hong Kong.  Massive things, short runway and you had a choice if you didn't stick the landing of ending up ploughing thru town or trying to get it up again over the mountains, or running it into the sea.  The choice being... bloody stick the landing or else!" she grinned.

"It's not quite as bad at Trondheim, and we go down vertically with the thrusters but unless you're used to it... better to let someone who does know the place do it!  Shall we?"

Ruth stepped into the Mjolnir and slung her bag in the back, then took the main pilot's seat buckling in.  Her emotions were in check at the moment since she was focused on doing her pre-flight checks but her mind was churning, her heart beating and the worst of it, her feelings for the man getting into the shuttle with her. Why was she feeling like that at the same time as missing will and... grieving him?

"So..." she said dragging her mind off things she didn't want to think about.  "... did you enjoy the steam train?"  She hoped that Lahr wouldn't guess that she was just trying to talk about anything other than Will's disappearance.

Lahr grinned at the Captain's overly talkative nature, telling him all about the route they would be taking to their destination, and the part he could play in getting there.   He'd already forgotten where it was they were going.  The important part was that Ruth needed him to be there - so that's where he'd be.  Wherever that happened to be.  "Sure, sounds good to me!" he agreed as he followed her into the shuttlecraft and took the co-pilots seat, mainly because there was no one else on this trip.

Because Ruth had mentioned allowing him to fly for a bit, he paid attention to the pre-flight stuff, more to refresh himself on the stuff he'd learned during his brief time at the Mars Academy.  He followed along figuring maybe by the end of their couple days she might let him fly back.

He was a bit surprised to hear her ask about the steam engine train but was more than happy to talk about the experience.  It had been a real eye-opener for the Andorian.  Speed-wise it was rather docile comparatively speaking, but being on board such a historic mode of travel, that didn't want to buck you off, was rather exhilarating.

"Oh I enjoyed it a lot! You can feel the train move, y'know?  It's not like how we travel now - where everything is smoothed out - well, most of the time.   But with the steam engine you can really feel it working.  Not sure if you could tell but the vibrations for a while we're really unbalancing me.  Kinda why I just stayed seated rather than go exploring... didn't want to stumble about like I was drunk."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 22, 2020, 02:23:43 AM

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - traveling]

Lahr grinned at the Captain's overly talkative nature, telling him all about the route they would be taking to their destination, and the part he could play in getting there.   He'd already forgotten where it was they were going.  The important part was that Ruth needed him to be there - so that's where he'd be.  Wherever that happened to be.  "Sure, sounds good to me!" he agreed as he followed her into the shuttlecraft and took the co-pilots seat, mainly because there was no one else on this trip.

Because Ruth had mentioned allowing him to fly for a bit, he paid attention to the pre-flight stuff, more to refresh himself on the stuff he'd learned during his brief time at the Mars Academy.  He followed along figuring maybe by the end of their couple days she might let him fly back.

He was a bit surprised to hear her ask about the steam engine train but was more than happy to talk about the experience.  It had been a real eye-opener for the Andorian.  Speed-wise it was rather docile comparatively speaking, but being on board such a historic mode of travel, that didn't want to buck you off, was rather exhilarating.

"Oh I enjoyed it a lot! You can feel the train move, y'know?  It's not like how we travel now - where everything is smoothed out - well, most of the time.   But with the steam engine you can really feel it working.  Not sure if you could tell but the vibrations for a while we're really unbalancing me.  Kinda why I just stayed seated rather than go exploring... didn't want to stumble about like I was drunk."

[Mjolnir flight > Trondheim Norway]

Ruth took the shuttlecraft up and over the North Sea she put the autopilot on and turned to Lahr.

"She's all yours, if you feel up to taking her down too, I'll talk you through it.  As for the train ride, well we've got to go back that way and since I know the engine driver, how about we go in the cab... that's the engine part, and you can see how it works for real!" grinning she nodded to the autopilot switch.

"When you're comfortable just flick that off and when we're close to Trondheim aerodrome I'll talk you through or take over depending how you feel.  Okay?"

Once she'd successfully handed over the controls to the man beside her, wishing he could multitask and hug her at the same time.  Technically they could for about 10 minutes, as they could leave the auto-pilot on, but she just wanted to be home, get into her room, or her secret place that even the twins knew nothing about, and sob her heart out.

"If you're lucky, while we're here I'll take you up in Poppy.  That's my monowinged aircraft, a Lockheed Vega 5b, same as the famous Amelia Earhart's.  Another archaic form of travel!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

Acting CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Earth - England - traveling]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on May 22, 2020, 09:30:59 AM

[Mjolnir flight > Trondheim Norway]

Ruth took the shuttlecraft up and over the North Sea she put the autopilot on and turned to Lahr.

"She's all yours, if you feel up to taking her down too, I'll talk you through it.  As for the train ride, well we've got to go back that way and since I know the engine driver, how about we go in the cab... that's the engine part, and you can see how it works for real!" grinning she nodded to the autopilot switch.

"When you're comfortable just flick that off and when we're close to Trondheim aerodrome I'll talk you through or take over depending how you feel.  Okay?"

Once she'd successfully handed over the controls to the man beside her, wishing he could multitask and hug her at the same time.  Technically they could for about 10 minutes, as they could leave the auto-pilot on, but she just wanted to be home, get into her room, or her secret place that even the twins knew nothing about, and sob her heart out.

"If you're lucky, while we're here I'll take you up in Poppy.  That's my monowinged aircraft, a Lockheed Vega 5b, same as the famous Amelia Earhart's.  Another archaic form of travel!"

Lahr was eager if a little daunted at trying out the flight of the shuttle craft.  It had been a few years since his mandatory classes in the Technical Services Academy, but as he settled himself into the mindset of flying - it started to come back to him.

Of course first Ruth had to distract him with talk about train engines.

"Um sure that sounds cool.  I'd like that." he answered.

He then stared hard at the controls a moment as if by staring he was forcing them to his will. "Okay.. let's do this!"

With one hand over the controls, the Andorian flicked off the autopilot.  The transition was smooth and Lahr grinned.

Her mention of 'Poppy' earned quick glance away from his flight console.  "If that would make you happy, sure! Sounds like a plan." the Andorian agreed more than happy to go flying with her.

His flight skills, while basic compared to what was needed to fly the Challenger, were more than adequate for flying the shuttle and Lahr showed a knack for picking things up quick.   His father had always called Lahr a 'Jack of all Trades'.

During the flight he chatted to Ruth about things he'd enjoyed about the train ride.  Then all too soon they were coming in close to Trondheim aerodrome.  He was feeling good about his flying thus far so looked over to Ruth.  "You okay with talking me through this landing?  I can pass off if you prefer."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.