Party at Quarks (after Dominion Rising) (Open to All)

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, July 31, 2023, 07:55:20 AM

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Sydney Reid

[Deep Space Nine | Quark's]

Quote from: M'Nia on August 15, 2023, 04:27:33 PM

'You bet it is! Bartender, a tequila sunrise for the beautiful lady here and another caitian colada for me!" M'nia smiled at Sydney! "I always was a sucker for a beautiful woman! Especially one with brains!" Her tail flicked back and forth. This was just what she needed! The mission was had and now she had found a possible companion.

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 16, 2023, 01:18:46 PM

Tanner happily grasped the hand and shook it eagerly, "Lieutenant Lachlyn, and impatient isn't a good word in the vocab of a Security officer. Eager is more comfortable." She took in the rest of her introduction, "Hopefully the repairs to your section aren't that extensive and, as it's your first posting, if you find yourself in need just ask. I've been told I'm a good listener."

Tanner laughed. The Caitian was a character and she liked that. She motioned for another brandy and relaxed. If they were going to be on her ship, the new posting was already off to a fun start.

Quote from: J.B Dersch on August 16, 2023, 02:04:20 PM

He walked up and ordered some Jack and Coke, then turned to the New SEC/TAC officer.

"You look New, Hello, Name is JB, another fellow SEC/TAC officer, on the Discovery" He said as he reached out for a handshake.

Sydney turned to look at yet another new arrival that seemed to have zeroed in on 'Lieutenant Lachlyn', but choose a more relaxed introduction comparatively. While she did wonder if the woman's response had been entirely because of her uniform and the lone pip on it, the new Ensign felt more relief than anything else as it seemed Discovery personnel were finally making their way into Quark's. For a little while she'd wondered how hard the ranks had been hit, but with each arrival, and the states they were in, she could only conclude that her previous worries had been premature.

Now smiling a bit, Sydney chuckled as she feigned guilt, "Oh, no. The Disco Security officers are multiplying. Should I be worried about getting myself in trouble before even taking my first step on the Discovery?" The short laugh and grin that followed made it clear the new Ensign was just having a bit of fun at the situation. Extending a hand towards J.B. after his introduction to Tanner, "Sydney Reid. I'll be hiding in the depths of the Cryptology Lab once we're all back aboard."

It was about that moment that the drinks ordered by women were being set down that a chime came from Sydney's PADD that had been resting on the bar, causing her face to skew in curiosity. Not wanting to interrupt the light-hearted introductions taking place, she took the briefest of moments to activate her augments and take a look at what had arrived. To her surprise, it was an updated Crew Manifest for the Discovery. She wasn't surprised to receive such given her intended position, but was surprised by some of the information revealed in it. Luckily her implants allowed her to keep such information for her temporarily golden eyes only.

Quickly deactivating her augments, Sydney's gaze turned to the Caitian at her side. Picking up her and M'Nia's drinks and offering the Caitian cocktail to the woman, the smirk on the human's face couldn't be mistaken. "While I thank you for the drink, I have to call you out on being a big ol' liar. When were you going to mention that you were transferring to the Discovery? Letting the question linger, if only to see how M'Nia would react after being put on the spot, Sydney's smirk couldn't last as she let out a small chuckle and raised her glass, taking note that most of those that had come together were due to serve together in the coming future.

"Seems all of us will be serving together. After seeing the state the ship came in, I'd like to raise a toast to the Discovery, her crew that has moved on, and to the crew that will be joining. My Papa always told me that 'Crew Turnover' was something to be celebrated, not mourned, so let's toast to the future we will be sharing together. Looking to each of the officers, Sydney gave a confident nod, hoping that she was taking the right first step to ensure they would all become more like the 'family' her Papa had always talked about a ship's crew becoming.


Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 16, 2023, 03:32:00 PM

[Deep Space Nine | Quark's]

Sydney turned to look at yet another new arrival that seemed to have zeroed in on 'Lieutenant Lachlyn', but choose a more relaxed introduction comparatively. While she did wonder if the woman's response had been entirely because of her uniform and the lone pip on it, the new Ensign felt more relief than anything else as it seemed Discovery personnel were finally making their way into Quark's. For a little while she'd wondered how hard the ranks had been hit, but with each arrival, and the states they were in, she could only conclude that her previous worries had been premature.

Now smiling a bit, Sydney chuckled as she feigned guilt, "Oh, no. The Disco Security officers are multiplying. Should I be worried about getting myself in trouble before even taking my first step on the Discovery?" The short laugh and grin that followed made it clear the new Ensign was just having a bit of fun at the situation. Extending a hand towards J.B. after his introduction to Tanner, "Sydney Reid. I'll be hiding in the depths of the Cryptology Lab once we're all back aboard."

M'nia chuckled. "You're funny! Ahh I need a few good laughs! It feels good! Lightens my spirit!"

It was about that moment that the drinks ordered by women were being set down that a chime came from Sydney's PADD that had been resting on the bar, causing her face to skew in curiosity. Not wanting to interrupt the light-hearted introductions taking place, she took the briefest of moments to activate her augments and take a look at what had arrived. To her surprise, it was an updated Crew Manifest for the Discovery. She wasn't surprised to receive such given her intended position, but was surprised by some of the information revealed in it. Luckily her implants allowed her to keep such information for her temporarily golden eyes only.

Quickly deactivating her augments, Sydney's gaze turned to the Caitian at her side. Picking up her and M'Nia's drinks and offering the Caitian cocktail to the woman, the smirk on the human's face couldn't be mistaken. "While I thank you for the drink, I have to call you out on being a big ol' liar. When were you going to mention that you were transferring to the Discovery? Letting the question linger, if only to see how M'Nia would react after being put on the spot, Sydney's smirk couldn't last as she let out a small chuckle and raised her glass, taking note that most of those that had come together were due to serve together in the coming future.

"Well to be fair, you didn't ask!" The caitiain said with a grin. "Of course now that i know you're on board, I think it it might be an interesting assignment! Besides, I was just enjoying the company of a beautiful ensign! Why complicate it with who's on first and all that? This is time for R&R. Let loose and rejuvenate! That's what I need. Good company and lot's of fun and just no pressure for a bit! So I never lied! Never said what ship I was from , did I?"

"Seems all of us will be serving together. After seeing the state the ship came in, I'd like to raise a toast to the Discovery, her crew that has moved on, and to the crew that will be joining. My Papa always told me that 'Crew Turnover' was something to be celebrated, not mourned, so let's toast to the future we will be sharing together. Looking to each of the officers, Sydney gave a confident nod, hoping that she was taking the right first step to ensure they would all become more like the 'family' her Papa had always talked about a ship's crew becoming.

"Indeed it does Sydney! I am all up for toasting the future." She raised her glass.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Tanner Lachlyn

[Deep Space Nine | Quark's]

Although Tanner picked up on the vibe that M'Nia was obviously putting down, she made no assumptions as to the future of the friendship before her. Although she loved playing her little narration game, there was a hard line when it came to internal crew relationships.


"You look New, Hello, Name is JB, another fellow SEC/TAC officer, on the Discovery," He said as he reached out for a hand shake.

Tanner looked up at the new arrival and offered a warm smile as he extended his hand. She took it warmly, "It's nice to meet you JB. I'm glad to know I'm not the only newbie coming on board."
Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 16, 2023, 03:32:00 PM

Now smiling a bit, Sydney chuckled as she feigned guilt, "Oh, no. The Disco Security officers are multiplying. Should I be worried about getting myself in trouble before even taking my first step on the Discovery?" The short laugh and grin that followed made it clear the new Ensign was just having a bit of fun at the situation. Extending a hand towards J.B. after his introduction to Tanner, "Sydney Reid. I'll be hiding in the depths of the Cryptology Lab once we're all back aboard."

"Anything you do on this station is their securities jurisdiction." Tanner offered a playful shrug, "I'm not keeping a record."

"Seems all of us will be serving together. After seeing the state the ship came in, I'd like to raise a toast to the Discovery, her crew that has moved on, and to the crew that will be joining. My Papa always told me that 'Crew Turnover' was something to be celebrated, not mourned, so let's toast to the future we will be sharing together. Looking to each of the officers, Sydney gave a confident nod, hoping that she was taking the right first step to ensure they would all become more like the 'family' her Papa had always talked about a ship's crew becoming.


"Indeed it does Sydney! I am all up for toasting the future." She raised her glass.

Tanner raised her brandy, "To lifelong memories and connections. Wherever we go in future, we'll always be connected through our service together."

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 16, 2023, 03:32:00 PM

[Deep Space Nine | Quark's]

Sydney turned to look at yet another new arrival that seemed to have zeroed in on 'Lieutenant Lachlyn', but choose a more relaxed introduction comparatively. While she did wonder if the woman's response had been entirely because of her uniform and the lone pip on it, the new Ensign felt more relief than anything else as it seemed Discovery personnel were finally making their way into Quark's. For a little while she'd wondered how hard the ranks had been hit, but with each arrival, and the states they were in, she could only conclude that her previous worries had been premature.

Now smiling a bit, Sydney chuckled as she feigned guilt, "Oh, no. The Disco Security officers are multiplying. Should I be worried about getting myself in trouble before even taking my first step on the Discovery?" The short laugh and grin that followed made it clear the new Ensign was just having a bit of fun at the situation. Extending a hand towards J.B. after his introduction to Tanner, "Sydney Reid. I'll be hiding in the depths of the Cryptology Lab once we're all back aboard."

It was about that moment that the drinks ordered by women were being set down that a chime came from Sydney's PADD that had been resting on the bar, causing her face to skew in curiosity. Not wanting to interrupt the light-hearted introductions taking place, she took the briefest of moments to activate her augments and take a look at what had arrived. To her surprise, it was an updated Crew Manifest for the Discovery. She wasn't surprised to receive such given her intended position, but was surprised by some of the information revealed in it. Luckily her implants allowed her to keep such information for her temporarily golden eyes only.

Quickly deactivating her augments, Sydney's gaze turned to the Caitian at her side. Picking up her and M'Nia's drinks and offering the Caitian cocktail to the woman, the smirk on the human's face couldn't be mistaken. "While I thank you for the drink, I have to call you out on being a big ol' liar. When were you going to mention that you were transferring to the Discovery? Letting the question linger, if only to see how M'Nia would react after being put on the spot, Sydney's smirk couldn't last as she let out a small chuckle and raised her glass, taking note that most of those that had come together were due to serve together in the coming future.

"Seems all of us will be serving together. After seeing the state the ship came in, I'd like to raise a toast to the Discovery, her crew that has moved on, and to the crew that will be joining. My Papa always told me that 'Crew Turnover' was something to be celebrated, not mourned, so let's toast to the future we will be sharing together. Looking to each of the officers, Sydney gave a confident nod, hoping that she was taking the right first step to ensure they would all become more like the 'family' her Papa had always talked about a ship's crew becoming.

He shook Reids hand and said "As long as you don't do nothing wrong then you won't see any SEC/TAC officers at your door step." He said with a laugh Man, She seems like a handfull...Reminds me of Katie He got his drink and drank some and thought Well, this Crew is another family I have, and Know won't give out on me
Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 16, 2023, 03:52:30 PM

[Deep Space Nine | Quark's]

Although Tanner picked up on the vibe that M'Nia was obviously putting down, she made no assumptions as to the future of the friendship before her. Although she loved playing her little narration game, there was a hard line when it came to internal crew relationships.

Tanner looked up at the new arrival and offered a warm smile as he extended his hand. She took it warmly, "It's nice to meet you JB. I'm glad to know I'm not the only newbie coming on board."

"Anything you do on this station is their securities jurisdiction." Tanner offered a playful shrug, "I'm not keeping a record."

Tanner raised her brandy, "To lifelong memories and connections. Wherever we go in future, we'll always be connected through our service together."

After she mentioned Newbie he said "Ah, Not really new no more, been on here for one mission, and had already attended a Away mission that ended with one being injured..."

And got back, and finds out My Worthless parents are coming to see me...I highly doudt they show up....

He raised his glass of Jack/Coke, and toasted to lifelong memories and connections

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quark's | Promenade | Deep Space Nine]


[ Deep Space Nine - Quark's ]

As more people filtered in and joined in, the din of voices at the bar increased. It was rare he saw a lounge so lively save for during holidays and celebrations. His eyes roamed the people, briefly stopping on the next few to join and introduce themselves. A human and a Caitan, this must be the 'Zhuk' Galloway was talking about. As two Betazoids, he sensed. A woman he had taken note of when he first walked in, and the ensign that Commander Said had dragged over with her.

Cheizex was the first to speak directly to him, so blinking himself out of his reverie, he turned toward the man. "I'm beginning to feel a bit overrun by you yellowjackets," he quipped, motioning absently to the sea of Sec/tac and ops crewmembers in the vicinity, far outweighing his own science blue. He chuckled, before introducing himself as well.
"Lieutenant Jyur, call me Jettis off duty. Science division on the Challenger." He had a feeling that this would not be the last time he would say that tonight, based on the current rate of activity. Then, as a half-follow up to Tanner's question on being from the USS Challenger. "I wasn't present during the last mission though, just getting picked up."

Jettis' comment caused Zhuk to chuckle as he referred to him, shaking his head soon afterward. A new Science officer, huh? On the one hand, he was glad that the USS Challenger was getting more personnel, yet on the other, it would mean that he would require to take a look-over at his personnel files later. And he wasn't even close to finish with the crew that was already on the ship. He supposed that he wouldn't be bored for a while, however.

He quipped a smile, and perhaps just a little more than buzzed, he proceeded to offer a quick salute over to Jettis, "It is but a pleasure, Jettis. And welcome to the USS Challenger. I believe you will experience much excitement within our ship. It is quite nice to see a new face, too."

He took a sip from his drink, before asking, "With a rank as a Lieutenant, I infer that you were transferred from somewhere else?"


Tanner nodded, "Nice to meet you Lieutenant." She smiled widely, "I',m happy to clarify. I had heard from passing crew that she would need a few repairs before she was ready to head out again. I gathered from the tone it wasn't a small job."

She left out the part that she'd been lurking on decks to try catch bits of information. Tanner didn't do well with estimates or approximates. She was impatient and so if lurking helped her find answers, it was a worthy way to spend her time.

The clarification earned a sigh of relief from Zhuk, as he offered a small nod, "Oh yes, the Discovery was pitted against heavy-weights in ship classification, albeit I cannot ascertain how bad the damage she received was. So I apologize in advance. Hic"

He blinked, a bit embarrassed for that, clearing his throat before continuing, "Pardon. I believe I might have drunk too much already," Yet, he proceeded to take another chug of his glass of Kanar, "I participated within the infiltration of Melek Nor, and as such, I was moderately injured. I have spent most of that time recovering, and as such, I was only to acquire hearsay and take glimpses of the larger picture. Still, I do believe that in a few days, the Discovery should be more than operational."

He offered one last sage nod, confident in his statement.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 14, 2023, 12:12:23 AM


Kinley grinned, recognizing the jab from Jettis. "œMight have to do it before the Challenger heads out. I hear charcoal can be good for the digestive system, but I'm a scientist, not a doctor" , she said, finishing up her drink, and listening to Sydney talk to M'Nia before Captain Galloway came in. She recognized him from the multiple communications she had made. A round for everyone! That was pretty generous, to say the least, and the party energy jumped to a fever pitch.

She could feel the restless energy from the caffeine hitting her hard, and she went to the DJ, a Ferengi manning the soundboards, and passed him a strip of latinum.    "œCan you get something with a good danceable beat? Thanks!

With the music set, Kinley began dancing to the beat, not caring about the potential stares she was getting.
Zhuk attention then was drawn toward Kinley, as she began to dance away with some rather peculiar music. He found it a little obnoxious, but he did think that she danced pretty well. Was even almost tempted to join her, but he was still not drunk enough to participate in something that potentially could be embarrassing. He did admire her volition, however.

Zhuk's sensitive ears proved to be quite adept at picking up bits and pieces of the other's conversations. He was a bit surprised to hear about Reid's attempt to make a translator in order to communicate with a Romulan child that her parents had adopted after Romulus' destruction. His feelings about the situation were mixed, although he could agree that the attempt was a noble one, and it earned some silent admiration from him. Still, his experience with the Romulans had not been the best, with him being trained as a bodyguard for a rich one, and having had nasty encounters with them twice already. It did not help either that he had come to terms with developing a certain... attraction towards a Tal Shiar member. A momentary one (he believed), but still. It vexed him.

He smiled a little at seeing M'nia get along so well with Sydney, though a small sense of sadness crept up on him. He managed to pick up that M'nia was going to transfer, and that was a set of unwelcome news. He wanted to get to know her much better, albeit he supposed that they still would be able to get in touch. He had to ask for her contact information later...

Though... something told him that perhaps he should act now...

Quote from: M'Nia on August 16, 2023, 03:51:21 PM

M'nia chuckled. "You're funny! Ahh I need a few good laughs! It feels good! Lightens my spirit!"

"Well to be fair, you didn't ask!" The caitiain said with a grin. "Of course now that i know you're on board, I think it it might be an interesting assignment! Besides, I was just enjoying the company of a beautiful ensign! Why complicate it with who's on first and all that? This is time for R&R. Let loose and rejuvenate! That's what I need. Good company and lot's of fun and just no pressure for a bit! So I never lied! Never said what ship I was from , did I?"
"Indeed it does Sydney! I am all up for toasting the future." She raised her glass.
Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 16, 2023, 03:52:30 PM

[Deep Space Nine | Quark's]

Although Tanner picked up on the vibe that M'Nia was obviously putting down, she made no assumptions as to the future of the friendship before her. Although she loved playing her little narration game, there was a hard line when it came to internal crew relationships.

Tanner looked up at the new arrival and offered a warm smile as he extended his hand. She took it warmly, "It's nice to meet you JB. I'm glad to know I'm not the only newbie coming on board."

"Anything you do on this station is their securities jurisdiction." Tanner offered a playful shrug, "I'm not keeping a record."

Tanner raised her brandy, "To lifelong memories and connections. Wherever we go in future, we'll always be connected through our service together."

Politely waiting for them both to finish with their toast, Zhuk scooted closer to M'nia, hoping to catch her attention first by clearing his throat once more, "Ah... M'nia, I apologize for my rude interruption... but I couldn't help but overhear the matter related to your transfer. Again, I am sorry for acquiring information in such a manner... hic but I..."

He made a small, short pause, finding the right words with his mind already addled by the alcohol, "... I would like to think that you are a good friend to me. And thus, I wouldn't want to lose touch with you. Thus, I wished to request your subspace contact within the Discovery. I... would be glad to send you messages every once in a while."

He smiled, his tail wagging slightly behind him as his ears remained alert.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)


Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on August 28, 2023, 10:40:34 AM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quark's | Promenade | Deep Space Nine]

Zhuk attention then was drawn toward Kinley, as she began to dance away with some rather peculiar music. He found it a little obnoxious, but he did think that she danced pretty well. Was even almost tempted to join her, but he was still not drunk enough to participate in something that potentially could be embarrassing. He did admire her volition, however.

Zhuk's sensitive ears proved to be quite adept at picking up bits and pieces of the other's conversations. He was a bit surprised to hear about Reid's attempt to make a translator in order to communicate with a Romulan child that her parents had adopted after Romulus' destruction. His feelings about the situation were mixed, although he could agree that the attempt was a noble one, and it earned some silent admiration from him. Still, his experience with the Romulans had not been the best, with him being trained as a bodyguard for a rich one, and having had nasty encounters with them twice already. It did not help either that he had come to terms with developing a certain... attraction towards a Tal Shiar member. A momentary one (he believed), but still. It vexed him.

He smiled a little at seeing M'nia get along so well with Sydney, though a small sense of sadness crept up on him. He managed to pick up that M'nia was going to transfer, and that was a set of unwelcome news. He wanted to get to know her much better, albeit he supposed that they still would be able to get in touch. He had to ask for her contact information later...

Though... something told him that perhaps he should act now...

Politely waiting for them both to finish with their toast, Zhuk scooted closer to M'nia, hoping to catch her attention first by clearing his throat once more, "Ah... M'nia, I apologize for my rude interruption... but I couldn't help but overhear the matter related to your transfer. Again, I am sorry for acquiring information in such a manner... hic but I..."

He made a small, short pause, finding the right words with his mind already addled by the alcohol, "... I would like to think that you are a good friend to me. And thus, I wouldn't want to lose touch with you. Thus, I wished to request your subspace contact within the Discovery. I... would be glad to send you messages every once in a while."

He smiled, his tail wagging slightly behind him as his ears remained alert.

She smiled broadly! "Oh zhuk! I couldn't have made it through that mission without you! You are like a brother to me! I will miss you so much!" she hugged him and gave him the com code. "You'd darn well better keep in touch!" her tail wiggled with mixed emotions. She loved the big guy as he was there for her during that mission and she made it through because of him! Some friendships were forged to last. She certainly felt this one was! She would miss him so much!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quark's | Promenade | Deep Space Nine]

Quote from: M'Nia on August 29, 2023, 08:07:25 PM

She smiled broadly! "Oh zhuk! I couldn't have made it through that mission without you! You are like a brother to me! I will miss you so much!" she hugged him and gave him the com code. "You'd darn well better keep in touch!" her tail wiggled with mixed emotions. She loved the big guy as he was there for her during that mission and she made it through because of him! Some friendships were forged to last. She certainly felt this one was! She would miss him so much!

"Like a brother to her?" Zhuk repeated internally. He had never been told something like that before. It gave him a warmness in his heart that he was not quite expecting. His mind analyzed the concept repeatedly, and he became lost in his thoughts, not reacting at first to the sudden hug. He was only a few seconds late, as he offered a gentle embrace back. Zhuk fought the urge to cry tears of happiness, but his tail indeed revealed his true thoughts on the matter, as it swished from side to side at a rapid pace.

He made sure to register the code on his personal PADD, for safekeeping, before offering her a nod, "Thank you greatly, M'nia. I had not seen our relationship in such a way but..." He smiled, letting out a soft chuckle, "I do believe it is most fitting for us. Sister. Heh. I do promise to remain in touch, do not fret."

He felt a certain lingering sadness as this would be the last time they would be together for who knew how long. Still, he decided to focus on cherishing her now that she was here, glad that he had been able to make a new friend. And one that was a fellow Caitian like him. He truly valued M'nia, and knew that she would have a long and successful career over at the USS Discovery.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)


Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on August 30, 2023, 10:28:09 PM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quark's | Promenade | Deep Space Nine]

"Like a brother to her?" Zhuk repeated internally. He had never been told something like that before. It gave him a warmness in his heart that he was not quite expecting. His mind analyzed the concept repeatedly, and he became lost in his thoughts, not reacting at first to the sudden hug. He was only a few seconds late, as he offered a gentle embrace back. Zhuk fought the urge to cry tears of happiness, but his tail indeed revealed his true thoughts on the matter, as it swished from side to side at a rapid pace.

He made sure to register the code on his personal PADD, for safekeeping, before offering her a nod, "Thank you greatly, M'nia. I had not seen our relationship in such a way but..." He smiled, letting out a soft chuckle, "I do believe it is most fitting for us. Sister. Heh. I do promise to remain in touch, do not fret."

He felt a certain lingering sadness as this would be the last time they would be together for who knew how long. Still, he decided to focus on cherishing her now that she was here, glad that he had been able to make a new friend. And one that was a fellow Caitian like him. He truly valued M'nia, and knew that she would have a long and successful career over at the USS Discovery.

"That's good because I will miss you very much! You were my rock during our adventure there. I feel like we have become very close. I regret that we won't be on the same ship anymore. Perhaps it is K'tal's will but I do sill regret it. I am however grateful that we were able to share that adventure together. Besides, us caitian's got to stick together, right?" she said with a playful wink! K'tal of course was  a patron deity of many Caitians.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Nira Said

[Commander Nira Said | Vic's/Holosuite One >- Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

As soon as Vic Fontaine serenaded "Little Egypt" by Elvis, he offered an adjustment to a choice of period music for karaoke, and Nira jumped up at her first chance. In keeping up with the theme of Egypt, she proceeded to one of her favorites, chose the period of the song, joined the stage, even swaying her hips in tandem with the song like how the Bangles did it...

The ironic thing was that she wasn't Egyptian, at least living as an Earth native. But she had visited on occasion. And at the Academy, most of the requests she was given at the karaoke parties she went to were all revolving around Egypt.

The moment she was done, the setting reverted back to 60s Vegas and Vic Fontaine was chortling with amusement.

"Not bad, kiddo," he said. "You were a definite Little Egypt out there."

"Little Arabia, actually," said Nira. "But most upbeat songs were more Egypt-centered."

"Yeah, I know," Vic said. "Any more rounds?"

"Oh, no, I wouldn't deny people the chance for karaoke at Vic's," said Nira. "Thank you for the offer, anyway."

"No problem, kid." And Vic gave Nira a wink as she left the holosuite.

Wandering out of the holosuite, she saw two Caitians in prominence. "Zhuk! M'Nia!" she said with a smile. She joined them and sighed, briefly fanning herself.

"You should've been up at the holosuite!" she said excitedly, feeling like a teenager again, feeling like she was back at the Academy. "They were doing karaoke up there!"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Nira Said on September 02, 2023, 10:15:16 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Vic's/Holosuite One >- Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

As soon as Vic Fontaine serenaded "Little Egypt" by Elvis, he offered an adjustment to a choice of period music for karaoke, and Nira jumped up at her first chance. In keeping up with the theme of Egypt, she proceeded to one of her favorites, chose the period of the song, joined the stage, even swaying her hips in tandem with the song like how the Bangles did it...

The ironic thing was that she wasn't Egyptian, at least living as an Earth native. But she had visited on occasion. And at the Academy, most of the requests she was given at the karaoke parties she went to were all revolving around Egypt.

The moment she was done, the setting reverted back to 60s Vegas and Vic Fontaine was chortling with amusement.

"Not bad, kiddo," he said. "You were a definite Little Egypt out there."

"Little Arabia, actually," said Nira. "But most upbeat songs were more Egypt-centered."

"Yeah, I know," Vic said. "Any more rounds?"

"Oh, no, I wouldn't deny people the chance for karaoke at Vic's," said Nira. "Thank you for the offer, anyway."

"No problem, kid." And Vic gave Nira a wink as she left the holosuite.

Wandering out of the holosuite, she saw two Caitians in prominence. "Zhuk! M'Nia!" she said with a smile. She joined them and sighed, briefly fanning herself.

"You should've been up at the holosuite!" she said excitedly, feeling like a teenager again, feeling like she was back at the Academy. "They were doing karaoke up there!"

"Ahh no thanks. Karaoke isn't my thing. I usually only sing in private. I have many talents but singing isn't one of them. I will listen to somebody sing who is a good singer but getting up there myself, not really my thing."

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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