Party at Quarks (after Dominion Rising) (Open to All)

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, July 31, 2023, 07:55:20 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie


[Personal Log| Lt. Kyan Mackenzie | Stardate 79588.5]

Well computer, I'm still alive. Not for a lack of tryin by them what wanted me killed off sure, but thanks to the Powers and me own wits so. And more good news is, after takin like ten showers, I think I managed tae get all the glitter an Cardassian perfume off me. I got a few hurts on the station, nothing too bad. Definitely not the worst I fared, and them blue shirts fixed me foot up so they did.

Also I dinnae have a roommate any more, since Melly got transferred as soon as we got back. Hopefully she'll get better from her postomatic Stress or whatever.

Even with her gone the now, I think I'm gonna like bein on the Challenger. Ole Galloway seems like me might be fun, even though he is a grup. But he does play some bangers on the bridge while the ship's fightin, so I got hopes for "˜im.

The fleet's gonna be parked at Deep Space Nine for a few days while the ship gets fixed and the crew rotations happem. Everyone's got some leave tae go and have fun on the station while we're here. I heard there was gonna be a party at Quarks so I'm gonna go and hear about how it went for Discovery's team on the Breen station. Of course it's Quark's so who knows what could happen. But I promise not tae break nothin. And if something does end up broke, it wasn't me that broke it!

[Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie | Quarks | 1900 hours]

Kyan had slept the whole night after getting back from Melok Nor and most of the day after. He'd showered as soon as he was released from sickbay and then gone to bed. When he woke up, there was glitter on his pillow. Another shower. Then he replicated new bedding. When he woke up, same result. This cycle of shower-sleep-glitter removal had repeated itself several times. He'd decided that if it didn't work the last time, he'd go through the transporter. Luckily though, it hadn't come to that. So now that he'd rid himself of the sparkle-plague, Kyan dressed in his off duty clothes and made his way to Quarks for what he's been told was a party for the crews of the fleet.

Quarks was busy when he entered. There was a usual din of conversations, the crowd around the Dabo wheel, and other various noises that told of a lively atmosphere. Seeing no one he recognized yet, aside from Morn, Quark, and some of the bar's Ferengi waiters, Kyan hopped onto a barstool near the Dabo wheel. A few moments later, Quark was in front of him cleaning a glass.

"œI see you made it back in one piece." He said non-commitally.

Kyan nodded. "œAye. It was fun. You shoulda been there Quark."

Quark waved him off. "œFind any latinum?"

Kyan shook his head.

Quark put the glass down and picked up his Thumb padd. "œThen why would I want to go? Cardassians, jem'Hadar, Breen? I had my fill of them a long time ago. Besides"¦ there's profit here. Not so much there."

"œYou got the right of it I guess." Kyan agreed. "œBut it was fun."

Quark just shrugged. "œI'll take your word for it." He turned to leave and then came back. "œSay, you know about Hoo-mon drinks right?"

"œSure"¦" Kyan nodded. "œ"¦the soda ones. Like root beer."

Quark produced a small silver and blue container from under the bar and set it in front of him. On it were two bulls clashing in front of a yellow circle. Kyan looked at it and then back at the Ferengi. "œWhat is it?" he asked.

"œI got five cases of it from an antiquities trader. He says it used to be very popular on Earth."

"œIs it an alcohol drink?"

Quark shook his head. "œNo. It's an energy drink. The trader said it was like soda, but with a kick. Do you want to try it?"

Kyan didn't drink coffee or alcohol, not that he'd be allowed to anyway. And honestly, he wasn't that knowledgeable about human drinks. But he did like trying new things. "œOk." He offered simply.

Quark pulled the tab and opened the can. "œHere ya go. First one's on the house."

Sydney Reid


[Deep Space 9 | Quark's]

What should have been an entirely exciting experience for the new Ensign turned out to be more disappointing than she'd expected. Seeing the Discovery for the first time, it was not at all what she'd expected. The ship had taken a great deal of damage. After reporting in, she'd been informed that, for the time being, her duties were suspended until the ship could return to a functioning capacity, instead of the potentially hazardous situation it could put the crew in. The Engineering teams that had come in one the Farley had deployed like a swarm; quickly activating to start repairs on the Prometheus-Class.

Assigned to temporary lodgings on DS9 for at least the next few days, Sydney found herself loitering the station when she wasn't studying all of the ship and past mission reports available to her. It was almost a given that she would find herself at Quark's, given the popularity of the cantina. She'd already been there a little while, taking spins on the Dabo Wheel and figuring out a pattern of betting that had netted her a few GPL to get her going with the regulars that seemed to see the game as more than just a way to have fun.

After collecting her winnings and stashing them away in a pocket for now, the Ensign overheard mention of something originating from Earth by the (in)famous purveyor of the establishment. Spotting the rather young-looking human exchanging words with Quark, Sydney decided it was worth investigating.  Taking the seat next to the boy, the Ensign was quick to say, "I hope you don't mind if I take this seat."

Her attention was more focused on Quark, however, as she set down a sliver of GPL and requested, "I'll take one of those, too."  The Ferengi seemed to light up at the sight of the glimmering piece of physical currency as he nearly snatched it away, making it disappear beneath the bar to be replaced by a matching can to what had been served to the Lieutenant.

Studying the can for only a moment, Sydney picked it up and took a sip, sloshing it around in her mouth a moment before downing it. As she exhaled, her head tilted as she held the can, examining the markings on it. "Pretty good," she commented to Quark but didn't seem to be in a hurry to finish the rest. It was clear the human's brain was pondering the drink before she reached into her pocket again to retrieve another golden sliver to place on the bar, "Could I get an Andorian Ale split between two glasses?"

Quark seemed surprised by the request but was not one to turn down anyone wanting to make him a profit. Very quickly the Ensign's request was filled and the order was set before her. Taking the can of energy drink, she poured what remained into the two glasses, topping them off. Raising one to her lips, she took a taste of it and seemed quite pleased with what she'd managed to mix. The Ferengi seemed curious about what Sydney had made, which prompted her to say, "It reminds me of something the younger cadets made at the Academy. They called it 'Andorian Rocket Fuel'. Might be something worth putting on the menu."

Turning her gaze towards the boy she'd taken a seat next to, she took notice of the hoodie he was wearing, but a thought caused her to chuckle softly before telling him, "You know, you probably shouldn't drink those kinds of drinks. They can stunt your growth." Sydney, taking a sip of her cocktail using the caffeinated liquid, decided to engage the boy, especially since it seemed odd to her that he was sitting at the bar. "So what brings you to Quarks? Got parents stationed here or on one of the ships docked outside? I'm stationed aboard the USS Discovery: the one that's getting the most of the work done to it. My name is Sydney. What's yours?"

Kyan Mackenzie

Kyan watched with casual interest as the human grup took the seat beside him, eschewing the usual "Why are you in a bar and where are your folks?" opening lines that most grups preferred as a greeting. Then she proceeded to order one of Quark's "energy drinks" and some more stuff to make a mixed drink out of it.

Quote from: Sydney Reid on July 31, 2023, 03:37:46 PM

Turning her gaze towards the boy she'd taken a seat next to, she took notice of the hoodie he was wearing, but a thought caused her to chuckle softly before telling him, "You know, you probably shouldn't drink those kinds of drinks. They can stunt your growth." Sydney, taking a sip of her cocktail using the caffeinated liquid, decided to engage the boy, especially since it seemed odd to her that he was sitting at the bar. "So what brings you to Quarks? Got parents stationed here or on one of the ships docked outside? I'm stationed aboard the USS Discovery: the one that's getting the most of the work done to it. My name is Sydney. What's yours?"

Kyan grinned at the warning about stunting his growth. Like he was ever gonna grow anyway. "Merry Met Sydney. I'm Kyan." the ancient boy replied happily. Then shrugging at her asking after his parents, "I'm an Onlie. My parents shuffled off centuries ago. Then I got new ones an they're gone too. Just me the now." He took a drink from his can and widened his eyes. "Hey that's good Quark!"

Then returning his focus to Sydney, "I'm here tae find out how Discovery's bunch got on when they went tae the Breen station so I am. I was on Challenger's away team on Melok Nor. It was a fun mission so it was!"

Sydney Reid

[Deep Space 9 | Quark's Bar]

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 31, 2023, 11:25:57 PM

Kyan grinned at the warning about stunting his growth. Like he was ever gonna grow anyway. "Merry Met Sydney. I'm Kyan." the ancient boy replied happily. Then shrugging at her asking after his parents, "I'm an Onlie. My parents shuffled off centuries ago. Then I got new ones an they're gone too. Just me the now." He took a drink from his can and widened his eyes. "Hey that's good Quark!"

Then returning his focus to Sydney, "I'm here tae find out how Discovery's bunch got on when they went tae the Breen station so I am. I was on Challenger's away team on Melok Nor. It was a fun mission so it was!"

Nodding and smiling at the boy as he returned introductions, the smile on her face faded quickly to a slack-jawed looked as everything that followed had her both utterly confused and curious at the same time. Everything she'd had assumed about the situation had changed, and yet the boy"¦no, Man? had her wondering just who she was speaking to. If his personal details weren't enough, his mention of the Discovery, the mission she'd only heard rumblings off during her short time aboard when reporting, and the fact he was attached to the Challenger; Disco's sister ship, had Sydney feeling as if she'd just stepped into quicksand and having to figure out how to get herself out.

Staring at him for a long moment as her jaw hung open, the woman's head turned forward as she stared off into space in silence before uttering, "I'm going to need more to drink for this." Picking up the glass she'd previously sipped, Sydney glugged it down before setting the empty back onto the bar. Glancing back over to Kyan with a look of mild suspicion, she turned fully on the stool to face him properly before pushing the other glass of 'Rocket Fuel' toward him. "Apologies for my ignorance. If you thought that was good, give this a try."

But that wasn't nearly all of it. Sydney had a barrage of questions running through her head, and all of them started with, "I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is an Onlie? How"¦How old are you? And, what do you do on the Challenger? If I'm misstepping in any way, just tell me, because I'm feeling like I missed a class at the Academy or something, at the moment."

Pushing her empty glass towards Quark, she barely glanced at him as she produced another sliver of GPL onto the bar while requesting, "I'm going to need a couple more of those if this conversation is going the way I think it might." The Ferengi, having already seen what she had made, was happy to oblige.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 01, 2023, 05:44:27 AM

[Deep Space 9 | Quark's Bar]

Glancing back over to Kyan with a look of mild suspicion, she turned fully on the stool to face him properly before pushing the other glass of 'Rocket Fuel' toward him. "Apologies for my ignorance. If you thought that was good, give this a try."
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is an Onlie? How"¦How old are you? And, what do you do on the Challenger? If I'm misstepping in any way, just tell me, because I'm feeling like I missed a class at the Academy or something, at the moment."
"I'm going to need a couple more of those if this conversation is going the way I think it might." The Ferengi, having already seen what she had made, was happy to oblige.

This was a pretty typical grup reaction in Kyan's experience. Well, one of the typical reactions anyway. Most of the time it was simple disbelief. Most folks put a lot of stock in what their eyes told them"¦ and their ears. He was reminded of the old saying about if something quacks like a duck. Thing was though, they weren't entirely wrong when it came to Onlies.

He and every other Onlie were in fact, prepubescent children that were nearly identical to Humans. In fact, one of the most believed theories about his planet was that it was Earth, but from another universe, and had been dragged into this one by some space anomaly or something. Kyan didn't really think about those theories though. It wasn't like they could go back, so who cares? Although it was interesting to think that he might have existed on Earth in this universe, and that there might be people running around that were his descendants. He had often thought about how that conversation might go. "œOh hi, I'm Kyan. I'm yer great great great great great great great great grandpa from another universe."[\i] Too weird.

He took another drink from his drink and then the one that she offered. They tasted similar, but he could definitely taste the Andorian Ale in the second one. It wasn't as good. Kyan had drank alchohol before. Even been drunk off of blood wine a few times with the Klingons back on the Latinum Beetle. He didn't really like it though. Plus people tended to play foolies on other grups if they got drunk and Kyan had no intentions of getting tied to a railing upside down or whatever other shenanigans they'd get up to.

"œWell"¦" he started, "œOnlies are from what the Federations grups call Miri's Planet. I canne remember exactly what year it was, after that war with the Nazis I know that. Me da was in that one. But after that,  some scientists made a virus what was supposed to make everyone live for a really long time. But it just killed off all the grups. They all got the blue spots and went crazy. So all that was left was kids like me and the others. Everyone who started puberty died off. But the virus worked for us so it did. An now we age really slow. I think the blue shirts say it's about a month for every hundred years."

Kyan took another drink of his energy drink. He hadn't seen the "œenergy" part yet, still feeling the same as when he walked in, but even if that part was a lie, it was still pretty good.

"œI was ten when that happened and the blue shirts say I still am from the brain scans and whatever." Kyan went on. "œBut I'm getting close to four hundred and fifty I think. But anyways, we were by ourselves til Kirk showed up on the Enterprise. And since that old grup McCoy cured the blue spots, we dinnae have to worry about getting killed off when we start puberty anymore. Some of us went and lived with the Federation grups, like me, and some stayed back on the planet. I haven't been back there since I left though so I dinnae ken what it's like there now."

He took another drink and shrugged. "œSo you're not wrong tae be thinkin that I'm a kid because I am so, and will be for a long time still. But I'm also a tactical officer on the Challenger the now. Oh! And I did the same thing on the Discovery too"¦ well, the Discovery A, the Akira class one. I was on your Discovery last year, before the Orions tried tae blow it up too."

Sydney Reid

[Deep Space 9 | Quark's Bar]

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie

"œWell"¦" he started, "œOnlies are from what the Federations grups call Miri's Planet. I canne remember exactly what year it was, after that war with the Nazis I know that. Me da was in that one. But after that,  some scientists made a virus what was supposed to make everyone live for a really long time. But it just killed off all the grups. They all got the blue spots and went crazy. So all that was left was kids like me and the others. Everyone who started puberty died off. But the virus worked for us so it did. An now we age really slow. I think the blue shirts say it's about a month for every hundred years."

Kyan took another drink of his energy drink. He hadn't seen the "œenergy" part yet, still feeling the same as when he walked in, but even if that part was a lie, it was still pretty good.

"œI was ten when that happened and the blue shirts say I still am from the brain scans and whatever." Kyan went on. "œBut I'm getting close to four hundred and fifty I think. But anyways, we were by ourselves til Kirk showed up on the Enterprise. And since that old grup McCoy cured the blue spots, we dinnae have to worry about getting killed off when we start puberty anymore. Some of us went and lived with the Federation grups, like me, and some stayed back on the planet. I haven't been back there since I left though so I dinnae ken what it's like there now."

He took another drink and shrugged. "œSo you're not wrong tae be thinkin that I'm a kid because I am so, and will be for a long time still. But I'm also a tactical officer on the Challenger the now. Oh! And I did the same thing on the Discovery too"¦ well, the Discovery A, the Akira class one. I was on your Discovery last year, before the Orions tried tae blow it up too."

Even if she'd encountered numerous races in her comparatively short years, Sydney found it rather odd to be getting a history lesson from what looked like a prepubescent boy. Even with the accent and pitch of his voice, she couldn't deny that he spoke with the confidence of a man with only a fraction of the years he claimed to be. It was almost unbelievable to her that he could have met such famous Starfleet officers as Kirk and McCoy, but she managed to keep her skepticism to a minimum. With Lanthanites being a known race, it wasn't unlikely that another such one, especially one such as Kyan described, could exist.

As he spoke, the Ensign sipped on her beverage, enjoying the way the unique human drink cut the harshness of the Andorian liquor. She knew to pace herself as such a concoction was known to sneak up on a drinker, but Kyan was making that easy with how enthralled she was both by his story and the unique way in which he spoke. Part of her wanted to disable her Universal Translator to listen to the boy's natural language; curious how much it differed from Federation Standard. For now, though, she was more curious about the timeline of his service, and what it meant for her conduct in this interaction.

"So how long have you been in Starfleet? If you were on both the Discovery A and B, and are now on the Challenger, what does that make you? I'm, honestly, a bit nervous to ask, especially after suggesting you were someone's child as opposed to from some world I can't really remember from History lectures."

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 01, 2023, 10:38:50 AM

[Deep Space 9 | Quark's Bar]

"So how long have you been in Starfleet? If you were on both the Discovery A and B, and are now on the Challenger, what does that make you? I'm, honestly, a bit nervous to ask, especially after suggesting you were someone's child as opposed to from some world I can't really remember from History lectures."

"I went to the Academy in forty six." Kyan answered. "I tried tae go before that but they would nae let me. But I been in since then mostly. I quit once but then it was boring, so I came back. I used to be a commander, but then after I got away from the Orions last year the fat, stupid admiral said he was after takin me over his knee. So I says I was after feeding his teeth to 'im so I was. He dinnae like that. So I got demoted again. But it's ok. Bein a lieutenant is fun. Bein a commander is boring."

Kyan downed the rest of his energy drink and fished out a strip for another one. Setting it down, he considered the Human in front of him. "Also ye should nae be worried about not knowing about Onlies. Most grups don't. There's only a few of us in Starfleet the now, and I've never even met any of the others so... well, except one. And if it's ranks yer worried on... " he shrugged. "I dinnae care about that. I like it better when folks call me by my name so." 

Sydney Reid

[Deep Space 9 | Quark's Bar]

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie

"I went to the Academy in forty six." Kyan answered. "I tried tae go before that but they would nae let me. But I been in since then mostly. I quit once but then it was boring, so I came back. I used to be a commander, but then after I got away from the Orions last year the fat, stupid admiral said he was after takin me over his knee. So I says I was after feeding his teeth to 'im so I was. He dinnae like that. So I got demoted again. But it's ok. Bein a lieutenant is fun. Bein a commander is boring."

Kyan downed the rest of his energy drink and fished out a strip for another one. Setting it down, he considered the Human in front of him. "Also ye should nae be worried about not knowing about Onlies. Most grups don't. There's only a few of us in Starfleet the now, and I've never even met any of the others so... well, except one. And if it's ranks yer worried on... " he shrugged. "I dinnae care about that. I like it better when folks call me by my name so."

As much as she wanted to, Sydney was sure that the elder had fielded all of the questions that popped into her head countless times before. A year short of attending the Academy as the legendary Data, there was still no doubting the number of legends Kyan must have met during his years there. She would have been surprised to have not heard of him before had it not been for his admittance of leaving the Fleet and the following reduction in rank. Glorifying those that had turned their back on Starfleet wasn't something done. Even Picard hadn't evaded that particular fate.

"So, Kyan? Am I saying that right?" she asked as she tried her best to emulate his pattern of speech, "If you have all of that experience, I'm sure you get asked for your expertise often? I mean, someone with your"¦experience must be helpful? The Challenger must love having you there. What's your specialty? Engineering? Medical?" Sydney was doing her best to keep any wandering questions in. Sating her curiosity had never been an issue thanks to the never-ending Starfleet databases, and she doubted Kyan was here wanting to be grilled about life fifty years ago.

Kinley Garrison

Kinley was exhausted. After pulling double shifts both surviving the Breen, making sure the ship was running enough to limp back to base, and dealing with a headache that she probably should have taken care of earlier to boot. (Much to the chagrin of that Andorian nurse who gave her quite the talking to when she finally got around to getting patched up) Good news, it was already getting a lot better, just a bit bruised and tender from getting thrown around so much. The doctor however did insist that she keep an eye out in case it was actually a concussion. Which meant, she was officially off duty for the next week.

So, she went to Quarks. She wasn't an alcohol or synthehol drinker by any means, but he did make well-mixed sodas and mocktails as well. Heck, she'd even spring for one with some caffeine, as a treat.

Coming into the characteristically busy establishment, she saw a familiar-looking small person about at the bar. "œ Sorry for interrupting. Mind if I sit here?"

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 01, 2023, 10:45:58 PM

"So, Kyan? Am I saying that right?" she asked as she tried her best to emulate his pattern of speech, "If you have all of that experience, I'm sure you get asked for your expertise often? I mean, someone with your"¦experience must be helpful? The Challenger must love having you there. What's your specialty? Engineering? Medical?"

"Aye ye got it so." he replied in reference to his name. "And they should ask for me expertise an no mistake, but they don't, the sadness of it. Grups is like that." he shrugged. "Always gotta figure things out the hardest way."

In truth, Kyan was more clever than "book smart". He knew that. His well of knowledge was fairly shallow on subjects that Starfleet officer typically cared about. He knew tactics. He knew military history, and he knew how to fight. The rest mattered little to him. But then he was a Tactical officer, not a scientist.

"I'm a tactical officer." he replied finally to the last question. "And I dinnae ken much about engineering or medical, cept where to stick a knife."

Of course there was another well of knowledge that he had, but like his specialty, most grups didn't find it interesting either. "And I ken about action figures!" Like fighting, one could tell he enjoyed the topic by his rising enthusiasm as he talked about it. "I almost got the whole 1701 first edition see! Kirk, Spock, Uhura, and Sulu. And the Klingons. I got McCoy too, but he's kinda worn out. I found him in an abandoned freighter a long time ago."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 02, 2023, 12:32:45 AM

Coming into the characteristically busy establishment, she saw a familiar-looking small person about at the bar. "œ Sorry for interrupting. Mind if I sit here?"

At first Kyan didn't recognize the group woman. After all, it had been several years since he'd last seen her on the Discovery. But her face clicked almost as soon as she spoke.

"Ah! Merry Met again Kinley! Come and sit. Quark's got these energy drinks the now, and I was just talking with Sydney here, who's gonna be on the Discovery when she's fixed!"

Sydney Reid


[Deep Space 9 | Quark's]

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie

"Aye ye got it so." he replied in reference to his name. "And they should ask for me expertise an no mistake, but they don't, the sadness of it. Grups is like that." he shrugged. "Always gotta figure things out the hardest way."

"¦"I'm a tactical officer." he replied finally to the last question. "And I dinnae ken much about engineering or medical, cept where to stick a knife."

Of course there was another well of knowledge that he had, but like his specialty, most grups didn't find it interesting either. "And I ken about action figures!" Like fighting, one could tell he enjoyed the topic by his rising enthusiasm as he talked about it. "I almost got the whole 1701 first edition see! Kirk, Spock, Uhura, and Sulu. And the Klingons. I got McCoy too, but he's kinda worn out. I found him in an abandoned freighter a long time ago."

There was little doubting the flicker of caution in Sydney's eyes when she did the math on Kyan's service. That many years of being a Sec/Tac officer, especially one that appeared as he did, was certainly the stuff of nightmares. The truest thought she had, which managed to slip from her brain and over her lips, was, "At least you're on our side"¦" Thankfully, before he had a moment to comment on her slip, another woman interrupted the two's conversation.
Quote from: Kinley Garrison

Coming into the characteristically busy establishment, she saw a familiar-looking small person about at the bar. "œ Sorry for interrupting. Mind if I sit here?"

Turning on the barstool to take in the newcomer, the Onlie was much quicker on the draw, which should have been disheartening to the supposed linguist.
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie

"Ah! Merry Met again Kinley! Come and sit. Quark's got these energy drinks the now, and I was just talking with Sydney here, who's gonna be on the Discovery when she's fixed!"

Offering the woman a polite smile, realizing she was easily the most junior officer here at the moment, "Oh, yes, please, sit with us. Lieu"¦Kyan, here, was just telling me about his Action Figure Collection. 1701 series, was that correct?" she asked, turning back to the man. While showing interest was certainly going to ensure she would be shown this collection should the two have future exchanges, especially if she ended up on the Discovery's sister ship for whatever reason, she made sure not to comment on how the 1701-series Klingons could be"¦problematic.

Extending a hand in greeting to Kinley, "Ensign Sydney Reid. I'm due to be your new Cryptologist. I was told to wait until enough repairs had been completed that I could actually reach the lab without potentially being sucked into space, though. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Kinley Garrison



Kinley grinned as she saw Kyan, one of her old crewmates, and the Ensign, Sydney, at the bar, talking about the Onlie's collection. "œThat sounds honestly great after this past week," she said with a smile and asked for a mixed energy drink mocktail. By the way, have you found the Chekov figure you were looking for that you told me about once?

On introduction to the new ops officer, she nodded, with a grin "œOh! So you're the cryptologist I've been seeing on the rosters that's coming on! I actually might have a project for you if you're down for it when we relaunch. "  she said, accepting the handshake. Kinley Garrison, by the way. You can call me Kinley if you want. Was in command at one point, and it's really too formal at times.

At the mention of the state of the ship, Kinley grinned and quipped, sort of sarcastically. "œYeah, There's kind of a big hole in the bridge, and from what I've seen, the Breen got the auxiliary science labs pretty hard too.  One of my poor ensigns, Rajagopalan, was distraught at losing his biocultures. Those unfortunately kinda did get sucked out into space.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Sydney Reid

[Deep Space 9 | Quark's]

Quote from: Kinley Garrison

Kinley grinned as she saw Kyan, one of her old crewmates, and the Ensign, Sydney, at the bar, talking about the Onlie's collection. "œThat sounds honestly great after this past week," she said with a smile and asked for a mixed energy drink mocktail. "By the way, have you found the Chekov figure you were looking for that you told me about once?"

"I'll cover that," Sydney was quick to offer, setting another sliver of GPL on the bar. She'd done well at the Dabo Table, and endearing herself to her new crew, whether that be on the Discovery or its sister ship, was never a bad idea for a new officer wanting to set the right first impression.
Quote from: Kinley Garrison

On introduction to the new ops officer, she nodded, with a grin "œOh! So you're the cryptologist I've been seeing on the rosters that's coming on! I actually might have a project for you if you're down for it when we relaunch,"  she said, accepting the handshake. "Kinley Garrison, by the way. You can call me Kinley if you want. Was in command at one point, and it's really too formal at times."

At the mention of the state of the ship, Kinley grinned and quipped, sort of sarcastically. "œYeah, There's kind of a big hole in the bridge, and from what I've seen, the Breen got the auxiliary science labs pretty hard too.  One of my poor ensigns, Rajagopalan, was distraught at losing his biocultures. Those unfortunately kinda did get sucked out into space."

Sydney's face scrunched up momentarily at the woman's words, causing her to glance between the two apparent Lieutenants. She wasn't sure if it was odd or worrying that, of the officers she'd met so far, both had prior Command experience, and yet no longer carried such rank or positions. It didn't seem wise to question such, though. Giving a nod to the other woman, "I'll be happy to help in any way I can once the Discovery is back at one hundred percent."

But it was clear the focus of their conversation was on the continually impressive Kyan for the moment. With very little knowledge of the Onlies, Sydney was finding the duality of the man's personality rather fascinating. Turning her attention back to him, "While having hobbies isn't uncommon for those that serve, I must admit that 'Action Figures' is not one I've heard before. I imagine that it isn't simply about showing them off, otherwise, I'm sure you would have replicated them by now. How many figures make up a complete collection? How long have you been searching for them?"

Cole Shepard


Cole had been on DS9 for a couple of days now. He was dropped off and told to hang tight until the Challenger arrived for him. His temporary quarters were spacious and comfortable but he was tired of staying in them so he ventured out and made his way to a favorite locals bar he had been told about: Quark's.

He entered the establishment and took a seat at the end of the bar and waited for a server. One arrived rather quickly and Cole ordered his drink. Once he had, he sat there and thought again about how lucky he was. He'd been assigned to the USS Challenger. He was going to be the pilot of a Trailblazer class starship and he couldn't wait.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 02, 2023, 06:59:56 PM

Kinley grinned as she saw Kyan, one of her old crewmates, and the Ensign, Sydney, at the bar, talking about the Onlie's collection. "œThat sounds honestly great after this past week," she said with a smile and asked for a mixed energy drink mocktail. By the way, have you found the Chekov figure you were looking for that you told me about once?

Kyan shook his head. "Nae, the sadness of it. I got a Sulu on Katra. But cannae find a Chekov.
Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 03, 2023, 08:58:05 AM

"While having hobbies isn't uncommon for those that serve, I must admit that 'Action Figures' is not one I've heard before. I imagine that it isn't simply about showing them off, otherwise, I'm sure you would have replicated them by now. How many figures make up a complete collection? How long have you been searching for them?"

"I been collecting action figures forever. I got me first Starfleet ones on Cestus from me adopted Ma and Da. Sam, that's me adopted Da, thought it was a riot that Kirk and them had action figures. Showin em off if ok, but I play with em so, the which is what they're for after all."

What he didn't mention is that the Klingons usually ended up beating Kirk and blowing up the Enterprise, since Kirk was a dirty planet-conquering grup... and a notorious sex deviant. But most Federation grups held him in high regard, so Kyan had long since quit trying to convince them otherwise.

"I think the whole set is the bridge crew, Nurse Chapel, Yeoman Rand... and the Klingons. I got the main Klingons too. Kor, Koloth, and Kang. First edition! Before they got the surgeries tae give em ridges. Which by da way, ye dinnae want to talk with Klingons about that. They're really sensitive about it so they are."

As he was talking to Sydney and Kinley, Kyan noticed another Ensign come in and take a seat by himself at the end of the bar. Kyan could tell he was fresh from the Academy. His uniform was immaculate and his boots still had that "showroom shine" that spoke to how recently they'd been replicated. He was wearing red, which meant he was probably a pilot. Kyan figured he was. He looked like one.

"Sydney, d'ya know that guy down there what just came in?" he asked indicating the new arrival at the bar.

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