Party at Quarks (after Dominion Rising) (Open to All)

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, July 31, 2023, 07:55:20 AM

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Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 12, 2023, 12:29:22 AM

"œOh boy. Glitter? Kyan? Now that's a dangerous thing." Kinley grinned, finishing her mocktail and already feeling the buzz of caffeine. "œThat might almost be as bad as the time there was an epidemic of people putting knives and googly eyes on the robot vacuums. Until I heard through the grapevine that one got an admiral," she mentioned.

Kinley would recognize that voice from anywhere. It was Jettis. She hadn't seen him for easily the past few years while at the Commission. "œOhmygosh! It's great to see you! Been way too long, for sure. I've gotten some improvement.  I did the math, and now only 95% of what I make ends up burnt or overseasoned!  Still have to warn the captain whenever I cook, however." she shrugged, acknowledging the fact that she was still awful at cooking in all formats.

When he turned to see who it was Kyan was thrilled. He hadn't seen Jettis for almost two years, since he was injured on Katra station. Jettis had laid in Katra's infirmary for months before Starfleet medical took him off the station. There hadn't been any news after that. And then Kyan was transferred himself, and the whole thing with the Orions had happened. He'd never known whether Jettis had made it or not.

It was a bit out of character for him, as Kyan wasn't a "œhugger" and it might have been the energy drink but he hopped off the barstool and hugged the El-Aurian. "œMerry Met again!" he said. "œ And it's glad I am tae be seein ya alive the now and not still on a bed!"

He released him and  looked up. "œAn yer comin tae Challenger too? That's bully! She's a fun ship so far. I just got here a few week's ago meself. But the first mission was a real banger. Come and sit with us!"

[ Deep Space Nine - Quark's ]

The warm and exuberant welcome was enough to bring an even wider smile to the man's face. The hug was unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome. Laughing, he returned with a tight grip, one that spoke his true delight in seeing the man again. "Bah. You didn't think a little thing like a phaser blast or a concussion would keep me down did you?" He pressed a hand against his chest, feigning insult at the mere idea. Tsking in disappointment, his eyes scanned over to Kinley. "Hey, a 4% increase is pretty impressive! I'll have to put these newfound skills to the test next time." Whether he was joking or not was unclear, his grin not betraying enough to be certain.

Turning his attention back to the woman who introduced herself, he gave her another respectful nod. A Caitan, he hadn't seen one of those in a Starfleet uniform in five years or so. "Challenger missions do tend to be rather...." He licked his lips, eyes flicking up as he tried to conjure the most appropriate descriptor. "A test of endurance and integrity. During my stints as Commander there I processed a lot of transfers on, followed by near-immediate transfers off." He chuckled a bit, though the reality of it was a bit gruesome, he did find some humor in it. He himself had gotten thrown directly into the deep end, and it was sink or swim. Thankfully, he swam.

Accepting Kyan's offer to join them, he took a seat down from the man to turn his attention back to the redhead. "That's the Challie for you, alright. Whadya think of Galloway?" Briefly breaking contact to flag down a bartender, he placed an order, expecting he would be here for awhile now. "You two haven't caused too much chaos yet? Other than near wrecking the ship, I suppose..."

Sydney Reid

[Deep Space 9 | Quark's | In Duty Uniform]

Before she knew it, Sydney was watching her last sliver of GPL being gobbled up by the Cardassian sitting across from her. He grinned as he did so, "Thanks for playing, Starfleet. Feel free to come back anytime. Maybe next time you can bring more so our chat can last longer." Finding herself unable to find the words to snap back, especially in the face of her being so easily dispatched from the game, Sydney slid out of the chair and turned to head back to the bar.

The woman's head hung in shame as she found herself needing to search for an empty stool. In the short time she'd stepped away to gamble, so many others had shown up. Furthermore, it seemed they all were much more familiar with each other than the sparkling, new Ensign was with any of them. Not wanting to interrupt, Sydney found an open seat not far off from where Cole had initially tried to sit.

When the busy Ferengi bartender finally made it around to her, asking what she would like, Sydney hesitated before asking, "What can I get that doesn't cost any GPL?" The bartender gave her an unamused look, saying nothing but giving her the message anyway with the crease of his brow. "Espresso? Double?" she requested, clearly concerned it was asking more than she could afford.

After the quick buzz of a replicator, the Ensign was left to stare into the dark pool filling the tiny cup as she contemplated just how quickly she lost all of her hard-earned Dabo winnings. Lifting the cup and taking in the scent, she found the first sip to be surprisingly pleasing. The enjoyment was fleeting, however, as it did little to dispel the lingering look of disappointment painted on her face. The Cardassian had been better than she'd expected"¦Or she'd underestimated her abilities thanks to the 'Andorian Rocket Fuel'. Of course Papa had been right.


Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 12, 2023, 03:38:41 PM

[Deep Space 9 | Quark's | In Duty Uniform]

Before she knew it, Sydney was watching her last sliver of GPL being gobbled up by the Cardassian sitting across from her. He grinned as he did so, "Thanks for playing, Starfleet. Feel free to come back anytime. Maybe next time you can bring more so our chat can last longer." Finding herself unable to find the words to snap back, especially in the face of her being so easily dispatched from the game, Sydney slid out of the chair and turned to head back to the bar.

The woman's head hung in shame as she found herself needing to search for an empty stool. In the short time she'd stepped away to gamble, so many others had shown up. Furthermore, it seemed they all were much more familiar with each other than the sparkling, new Ensign was with any of them. Not wanting to interrupt, Sydney found an open seat not far off from where Cole had initially tried to sit.

When the busy Ferengi bartender finally made it around to her, asking what she would like, Sydney hesitated before asking, "What can I get that doesn't cost any GPL?" The bartender gave her an unamused look, saying nothing but giving her the message anyway with the crease of his brow. "Espresso? Double?" she requested, clearly concerned it was asking more than she could afford.

After the quick buzz of a replicator, the Ensign was left to stare into the dark pool filling the tiny cup as she contemplated just how quickly she lost all of her hard-earned Dabo winnings. Lifting the cup and taking in the scent, she found the first sip to be surprisingly pleasing. The enjoyment was fleeting, however, as it did little to dispel the lingering look of disappointment painted on her face. The Cardassian had been better than she'd expected"¦Or she'd underestimated her abilities thanks to the 'Andorian Rocket Fuel'. Of course Papa had been right.

"Tell you what, I'd be happy to buy you a drink?" M'nia said to Sydney

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Jettis Jyur

[ Deep Space Nine - Quark's - Shortly in the future... ]

After a good round of jesting, catching up, and getting briefed on the Challenger's fateful last mission, Jettis stood briefly from his stool, stretching. The conversation was lively enough already, so he gave a quiet excuse with a promise to return, before stepping away from the rowdy bunch. Fortunately, he slipped away easily enough, with the conversation resuming behind him. Another drink was in the books - he'd already finished his first by this point, but wanted to peruse the options for another. It seemed wisest to move away from the loudly talking and laughing group to do so.

As he stepped away, his eyes briefly moved toward another patron, a Starfleet officer at that. Stepping up to the bar, he heard her dejectedly order an espresso, waiting his turn as Quark grouchily moved off to oblige to the request. "Expecting to be on first shift, Ensign?" A low chuckle escaped him, brows slightly raised in intrigue. Not that he was one to judge, he could drink coffee at any hour of the day, but a double espresso?

Turning back to the Ferengi, glancing down at the man and offering a nod. "Antarean brandy, please. And start a tab for me." After confirming, he briefly glanced back toward the Ensign, head cocking to the side slightly as he debated. Typically, he didn't intrude, and rarely struck up conversations unnecessarily. But something about the look on her face was strikingly familiar.

"Lose a bet to a Saurian?" He quipped, resting his arms on he counter as he awaited the delivery of his drink. His eyes flitted to scan the bottles lining the wall, pursing his lips at the thought of trying them all. Alas, they would be boarding the Challenger before he even got halfway through, he surmised. Disappointing.

Sydney Reid

[Deep Space Nice | Quark's | At the Bar in Duty Uniform]

Quote from: M'Nia on August 12, 2023, 03:51:29 PM

"Tell you what, I'd be happy to buy you a drink?" M'nia said to Sydney

"Huh? she asked, quite surprised by the sudden arrival of the Caitian. Sydney seemed about to answer when a man's voice drew her attention to the other side of her.
Quote from: Jettis Jyur on August 12, 2023, 03:57:47 PM

Stepping up to the bar, he heard her dejectedly order an espresso, waiting his turn as Quark grouchily moved off to oblige to the request. "Expecting to be on first shift, Ensign?" A low chuckle escaped him, brows slightly raised in intrigue. Not that he was one to judge, he could drink coffee at any hour of the day, but a double espresso?

"What? was the Ensign's initial reaction to the question before she'd processed what was asked. With a brief shake of her head, "No, no. Probably have a few days before I gotta worry about that."

All of the sudden attention had Sydney feeling a bit awkward. She was certainly not accustomed to receiving such, and especially unsure of how to handle dealing with such on two fronts. Luckily it seemed the man's attention turned to the bartender, giving the woman a moment to turn her attention back to the Caitian, "Normally I'd be happy to accept, but I think the drinks are responsible for the situation I find myself in.

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on August 12, 2023, 03:57:47 PM

"Lose a bet to a Saurian?" He quipped, resting his arms on the counter as he awaited the delivery of his drink. His eyes flitted to scan the bottles lining the wall, pursing his lips at the thought of trying them all. Alas, they would be boarding the Challenger before he even got halfway through, he surmised. Disappointing.

Sydney's head snapped back to the other side at the man's voice, momentarily unsure if the question had actually been for her, but she didn't imagine it was for anyone else, despite the man's gaze focused on the wall behind the bar. Flicking her gaze between the two, the woman leaned back slightly, finding herself staring down at the cup of espresso in front of her. "Cardassian, actually. Tongo. Thought I was better at it, but only really played with Megalomaniac A.I.s before. Going to stick to the free coffee, for now," she said turning her attention to the Caitian and offering her a slight smile as she raised her cup, "but thank you for the offer."

Taking a quick sip, she set her cup down before extending a hand to the Caitian, "Syd"¦ Sydney"¦Reid. Just kinda hanging around, wasting time before I report to the Discovery for my first cruise." While she had been directing her answer more so toward the Caitian, she'd turned slightly to causally inform both of the people that had come to flank her. If the man was so inclined to offer a similar greeting, she was happy to return it. Had she not just been dispatched like an idiot child, she might have found the influx of attention truly amusing.

Cole Shepard

[Deep Space Nine - Quark's]

Cole acknowledged the others and was excited to meet some new officers and to hear them joke and exchange stories. A few seemed to already know each other. This pretty much left him out for now with the exception of Sydney. He watch as she walked away to play the games and as others trickled in and out. So far, he had met a Security Officer and now a Science Officer for the Challenger.

While the others joked and caught up, Cole couldn't help but to steal a few glances at the child looking Security Officer. He had personally never met an Onlie before.

A short while later, he saw Sydney returning and take a seat near where he had originally started. He prepared to stand and join her but then she approached by someone else so he remained where he was and ordered another drink.


Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 12, 2023, 04:30:42 PM

[Deep Space Nice | Quark's | At the Bar in Duty Uniform]

"Huh? she asked, quite surprised by the sudden arrival of the Caitian. Sydney seemed about to answer when a man's voice drew her attention to the other side of her.

"What? was the Ensign's initial reaction to the question before she'd processed what was asked. With a brief shake of her head, "No, no. Probably have a few days before I gotta worry about that."

All of the sudden attention had Sydney feeling a bit awkward. She was certainly not accustomed to receiving such, and especially unsure of how to handle dealing with such on two fronts. Luckily it seemed the man's attention turned to the bartender, giving the woman a moment to turn her attention back to the Caitian, "Normally I'd be happy to accept, but I think the drinks are responsible for the situation I find myself in.

"Well good for you! I admire you for that!"


Sydney's head snapped back to the other side at the man's voice, momentarily unsure if the question had actually been for her, but she didn't imagine it was for anyone else, despite the man's gaze focused on the wall behind the bar. Flicking her gaze between the two, the woman leaned back slightly, finding herself staring down at the cup of espresso in front of her. "Cardassian, actually. Tongo. Thought I was better at it, but only really played with Megalomaniac A.I.s before. Going to stick to the free coffee, for now," she said turning her attention to the Caitian and offering her a slight smile as she raised her cup, "but thank you for the offer."

Taking a quick sip, she set her cup down before extending a hand to the Caitian, "Syd"¦ Sydney"¦Reid. Just kinda hanging around, wasting time before I report to the Discovery for my first cruise." While she had been directing her answer more so toward the Caitian, she'd turned slightly to causally inform both of the people that had come to flank her. If the man was so inclined to offer a similar greeting, she was happy to return it. Had she not just been dispatched like an idiot child, she might have found the influx of attention truly amusing.

M'nia smiled. "That's fine. I like a woman who knows her limits. I'm M'nia. Just got in last week myself but was kinda thrust into an assignment right off the bat! So we just finished it up! It was..well had some bad stuff, but the bad guy got it in the end so that helps! So have a few days R&R. Figured since I don't know hardly anybody, come down to quarks and see what happens." She got the bartenders attention. "Caitian colada please!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Sydney Reid

[Deep Space Nice | Quark's | At the Bar in Duty Uniform]

Quote from: M'Nia on August 12, 2023, 04:51:11 PM

"Well good for you! I admire you for that!"

M'nia smiled. "That's fine. I like a woman who knows her limits. I'm M'nia. Just got in last week myself but was kinda thrust into an assignment right off the bat! So we just finished it up! It was..well had some bad stuff, but the bad guy got it in the end so that helps! So have a few days R&R. Figured since I don't know hardly anybody, come down to Quark's and see what happens." She got the bartender's attention. "Caitian colada please!"

"Pleased to meet you, M'Nia, and it's good you made it back," Sydney replied, but found herself pausing momentarily before adding, "But it's not all about 'getting the bad guy,' right? Starfleet isn't a Military organization. It's about promoting unity and knowledge throughout the galaxy; making it a safer, smarter place for all species." While the woman seemed confident in her statement of belief at first, it was clear the Caitian's commentary had caused a sliver of doubt to enter her thoughts.

Taking a sip of her coffee as she tried to dismiss her momentary doubt as M'Nia ordered herself a fitting drink, Sydney caught a glimpse of Cole looking like he felt much the same way she did; overwhelmed by all of the activity. As the bartender departed to prepare M'Nia's 'Caitian Colada', the human turned her attention back to her, "I just got in yesterday, but it's going to be a few days until I can board. Apparently, my lab is inaccessible at the moment."

Sydney's eyes flicked to Cole once again, noticing how he had seemingly shrunk in the midst of all of the apparent officers who were seemingly familiar with each other. The sight caused a thought to enter her head, which in turn caused her to request of the Caitian, "Actually, can you give me a moment?"

Activating her implants, the Ensign's eyes turned from brown to a shade of gold similar to the color of the shoulders on her uniform. Her fingers typed quickly in the air before she ran her thumbs over her fingertips, causing her corneas to return to their natural deep brown. As her eyes focused back on M'Nia, she apologized, "Sorry. Had to send a quick text. What were we talking about again?"

"¦As Cole sat in the midst of all of the officers, the familiar chime signaled him that he'd received a simple text message. If he took the time to check his PADD, he would find a message from his fellow, fresh graduate. "Sydney Reid: Seems like we arrived just in time for their R&R. You're not alone." Sydney hoped he understood the message and seemed ready to acknowledge him with a subtle wave should he glance her way upon reading it.


Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 12, 2023, 05:37:02 PM

[Deep Space Nice | Quark's | At the Bar in Duty Uniform]

"Pleased to meet you, M'Nia, and it's good you made it back," Sydney replied, but found herself pausing momentarily before adding, "But it's not all about 'getting the bad guy,' right? Starfleet isn't a Military organization. It's about promoting unity and knowledge throughout the galaxy; making it a safer, smarter place for all species." While the woman seemed confident in her statement of belief at first, it was clear the Caitian's commentary had caused a sliver of doubt to enter her thoughts.


"yes, that is very true and that's exactly what we did! We made things a little safer and for that I am grateful! Just a bit much for a girl just out of the academy! Still, I think it was worth it in the end! The commander said I did real good and that makes me feel better! I will be ok." " she smiled at Sydney as her tail flicked back and forth.


Taking a sip of her coffee as she tried to dismiss her momentary doubt as M'Nia ordered herself a fitting drink, Sydney caught a glimpse of Cole looking like he felt much the same way she did; overwhelmed by all of the activity. As the bartender departed to prepare M'Nia's 'Caitian Colada', the human turned her attention back to her, "I just got in yesterday, but it's going to be a few days until I can board. Apparently, my lab is inaccessible at the moment."

Sydney's eyes flicked to Cole once again, noticing how he had seemingly shrunk in the midst of all of the apparent officers who were seemingly familiar with each other. The sight caused a thought to enter her head, which in turn caused her to request of the Caitian, "Actually, can you give me a moment?"

"Umm sure!"

Activating her implants, the Ensign's eyes turned from brown to a shade of gold similar to the color of the shoulders on her uniform. Her fingers typed quickly in the air before she ran her thumbs over her fingertips, causing her corneas to return to their natural deep brown. As her eyes focused back on M'Nia, she apologized, "Sorry. Had to send a quick text. What were we talking about again?"

"umm what was that? your eyes turned different colors. How? what? sorry but are those some sort of implants?" She asked fascinated by the prospect of some new gadget she wasn't familiar with.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Sydney Reid

[Deep Space Nice | Quark's | At the Bar in Duty Uniform]

Quote from: M'Nia on August 12, 2023, 05:56:44 PM

"Yes, that is very true and that's exactly what we did! We made things a little safer and for that I am grateful! Just a bit much for a girl just out of the academy! Still, I think it was worth it in the end! The commander said I did real good and that makes me feel better! I will be ok." She smiled at Sydney as her tail flicked back and forth.

Despite the answer and M'Nia's apparent confidence in it, Sydney wasn't sure of what to make of it. While she was impressed that the Caitian could look at it so simply, the human was left to wonder what exactly had been found out there, and who the bad guy had been. History, but more specifically her Papa, had shown her that some situations weren't so black and white, and Starfleet itself wasn't devoid of the ability to make mistakes. As for this interaction, if M'Nia was satisfied with the validity of the mission, who was Sydney to question it further?
Quote from: M'Nia on August 12, 2023, 05:56:44 PM

"Umm what was that? Your eyes turned different colors. How? What? Sorry but are those some sort of implants?" She asked fascinated by the prospect of some new gadget she wasn't familiar with.

Blinking a, "What?" at the inquiry, Sydney had become so accustomed to her tech over the past several years, she'd forgotten just how unusual it was to those that hadn't either seen or been briefed on it before. She was almost dismissive at first as she waved off the question, "Oh. Yeah. That's just what happens when I'm using my virtual interface."

However, whether it was the look on M'Nia's face or knowing how her own curiosity would react to such a thing, Sydney knew she couldn't give such a throwaway answer. Turning on the stool to better face the Caitian, "As part of getting my Masters in Cybernetics from Tomobiki, I designed a virtual interface using a unique, short-range, encrypted connection with my personal PADD that projects my PADD's information into my POV. I can activate and interact with the interface via subdermal implants in my fingertips," she explained before holding up her hands and pressing her thumbs in a unique pattern to her fingertips, once again activating the implants once again.

With a simple run of her thumbs over her fingertips, the implants deactivated, dropping the golden color once again as she lowered her hands, "While I did all of the programming, I had a partner that was a surgeon that helped design the implants themselves. I went under the knife first. She got hers after, but it was quite an effective demonstration.

"It probably looks and sounds more impressive than it is. I know that holographic interfaces have become popular, but I think this is more private than pulling out my PADD or using such an interface. I was hoping for wider integration, but it opens up systems to potential, future security threats if not being constantly patched." Sydney displayed a moment of disappointment that seemed to accompany each time she was asked to explain her implants. Reaching a hand back to lift up the back of her uniform, she gave M'Nia a glimpse of her PADD tucked into the small of her back, "Basically just makes it 'hands-free'. Like I said: seems more impressive than it is," before returning her hands to wrap around her now half-gone espresso.


Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 12, 2023, 06:38:37 PM

[Deep Space Nice | Quark's | At the Bar in Duty Uniform]

Blinking a, "What?" at the inquiry, Sydney had become so accustomed to her tech over the past several years, she'd forgotten just how unusual it was to those that hadn't either seen or been briefed on it before. She was almost dismissive at first as she waved off the question, "Oh. Yeah. That's just what happens when I'm using my virtual interface."

However, whether it was the look on M'Nia's face or knowing how her own curiosity would react to such a thing, Sydney knew she couldn't give such a throwaway answer. Turning on the stool to better face the Caitian, "As part of getting my Masters in Cybernetics from Tomobiki, I designed a virtual interface using a unique, short-range, encrypted connection with my personal PADD that projects my PADD's information into my POV. I can activate and interact with the interface via subdermal implants in my fingertips," she explained before holding up her hands and pressing her thumbs in a unique pattern to her fingertips, once again activating the implants once again.

With a simple run of her thumbs over her fingertips, the implants deactivated, dropping the golden color once again as she lowered her hands, "While I did all of the programming, I had a partner that was a surgeon that helped design the implants themselves. I went under the knife first. She got hers after, but it was quite an effective demonstration.

"It probably looks and sounds more impressive than it is. I know that holographic interfaces have become popular, but I think this is more private than pulling out my PADD or using such an interface. I was hoping for wider integration, but it opens up systems to potential, future security threats if not being constantly patched." Sydney displayed a moment of disappointment that seemed to accompany each time she was asked to explain her implants. Reaching a hand back to lift up the back of her uniform, she gave M'Nia a glimpse of her PADD tucked into the small of her back, "Basically just makes it 'hands-free'. Like I said: seems more impressive than it is," before returning her hands to wrap around her now half-gone espresso.

"I dunno! sounds pretty impressive! a masters in cybernetics? That impresses me!  I love intelligent women!I love anything engineering! I admit I have weakness for gadgets! They can be fun! Anything engineering interests me." The bartender returned with M'nia's drink, a multi layered and multi colored concoction. "Never underestimate hands free. People love convenience."

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Ian Galloway

[Quark's - Deep Space Nine]

Ian entered the chaos of Quark's legendary bar, probably the most famous bar in the Alpha Quadrant. Which was ironic as Ian had never been there before even though he'd been at Deep Space Nine several times in his career. Two reason for that, first, a bit too gaudy for his tastes. Second, he knew his presence would, by default, put a damper on the crew's fun.

However, he owed a debt he wasn't sure he could ever repay. Regardless of that, he felt he had to try. He'd used the station's locator to find the crew members he was looking to find. It was easy to spot the table where the crew of the Challenger had gathered. There were a couple faces he didn't recognize, which meant they weren't part of the Challenger's crew because he prided himself on knowing every member of the crew by sight and name. He squared his shoulders and approached the table.

"Evenin' everyone. Don't mean ta intrude, but there's a couple of you I need ta thank. Kyan and Zhuk. I'd like ta cover your tabs tonight and I've got the next round for the rest of you as well."

Cole Shepard

[Deep Space Nice | Quark's | At the Bar in Duty Uniform]

Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 12, 2023, 05:37:02 PM

Sydney's eyes flicked to Cole once again, noticing how he had seemingly shrunk in the midst of all of the apparent officers who were seemingly familiar with each other. The sight caused a thought to enter her head, which in turn caused her to request of the Caitian, "Actually, can you give me a moment?"

Activating her implants, the Ensign's eyes turned from brown to a shade of gold similar to the color of the shoulders on her uniform. Her fingers typed quickly in the air before she ran her thumbs over her fingertips, causing her corneas to return to their natural deep brown. As her eyes focused back on M'Nia, she apologized, "Sorry. Had to send a quick text. What were we talking about again?"

"¦As Cole sat in the midst of all of the officers, the familiar chime signaled him that he'd received a simple text message. If he took the time to check his PADD, he would find a message from his fellow, fresh graduate. "Sydney Reid: Seems like we arrived just in time for their R&R. You're not alone." Sydney hoped he understood the message and seemed ready to acknowledge him with a subtle wave should he glance her way upon reading it.

The PADD that Cole had with him chimed. He retrieved it and took a look. Seeing the message from Syd made him look her way and smile. He raised his glass and gave her a slight nod. He actually wanted to get up and go over to where she was but he didn't want to interrupt anything that may be going on with her and the other Ensign she was with. A second later, his thoughts was interrupted by another new arrival. Only this one, he knew from the files he had read.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 12, 2023, 07:06:53 PM

[Quark's - Deep Space Nine]

Ian entered the chaos of Quark's legendary bar, probably the most famous bar in the Alpha Quadrant. Which was ironic as Ian had never been there before even though he'd been at Deep Space Nine several times in his career. Two reason for that, first, a bit too gaudy for his tastes. Second, he knew his presence would, by default, put a damper on the crew's fun.

However, he owed a debt he wasn't sure he could ever repay. Regardless of that, he felt he had to try. He'd used the station's locator to find the crew members he was looking to find. It was easy to spot the table where the crew of the Challenger had gathered. There were a couple faces he didn't recognize, which meant they weren't part of the Challenger's crew because he prided himself on knowing every member of the crew by sight and name. He squared his shoulders and approached the table.

"Evenin' everyone. Don't mean ta intrude, but there's a couple of you I need ta thank. Kyan and Zhuk. I'd like ta cover your tabs tonight and I've got the next round for the rest of you as well."

Captain Ian Galloway. His new Commanding Officer.


Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 12, 2023, 07:06:53 PM

[Quark's - Deep Space Nine]

"Evenin' everyone. Don't mean ta intrude, but there's a couple of you I need ta thank. Kyan and Zhuk. I'd like ta cover your tabs tonight and I've got the next round for the rest of you as well."

"Wait a minute! Captain you are actually admitting to owing anything to Kyan? Wow! You must be brave! Zhuk I can understand. Owe him a bit myself for helping me keep it together during the mission!" M'nia said.She took a swig of her drink. It felt good going down! It helped relax her.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Nira Said

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on August 12, 2023, 10:39:33 AM

[Deep Space 9 | Quark's]

Aarwendil hummed happily while he walked through the corridors of the Promenade toward the famous, or perhaps infamous, Quark's. During his time at the Academy, the young Betazoid had heard stories from other members of the StarFleet about their visits to this place. Since these tales came from Ensigns, he was able to detect with his telepathy that they were mostly lies or exaggerations of real stories. However, what they all agreed was that the place was the heart of Deep Space 9 as much as the bridge was.

The Ensign agreed with it, because as soon as he arrived at the establishment, he noticed that it was crowded. Very crowded. Not only the crew of the Challenger was there, but everyone that participated in the mission and the workers of the Station seemed to have been invited to participate in this celebration.

Feeling a bit awkward for barely knowing anyone present, Aarwendil decided to move around a bit. Since he joined the ship when their last mission started, he had no time to meet the rest of the crew except those that were at the Challenger's bridge.

Looking around, he saw a child in uniform and deduced that he was an Onlie. The red-haired boy was talking with some other members of StarFleet. Aarwendil also saw a woman in uniform near the bar and by her unmistakable black eyes, he recognised her as a Betazoid. The young man walked at her, waving. "œHello! My name is Aarwendil." he said, before offering her a hand to shake. "œAre you part of the Station or of a ship's crew?

[Commander Nira Said | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira looked up and saw the young man greet her. She recognized him at once from what she remembered from his personnel file - Aarwendil Cheizex.

"Pleasure to meet you, Aarwendil," said Nira. "I'm Nira. Of course, on duty, I'd be Commander Said. I'm more than just part of the ship's crew. I'm Challenger's First Officer."

She was excited to talk to him. Mostly because he was a Betazoid. He was the first Betazoid crewmember on the same ship as she was, though she had heard of another, albeit part, Betazoid on the ship as well, one Neva Cordon...? She was a little puzzled at the Cordon name, Cordon didn't sound Betazoid.

Just then, she saw Captain Galloway enter and she was surprised by his words.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 12, 2023, 07:06:53 PM

[Quark's - Deep Space Nine]

Ian entered the chaos of Quark's legendary bar, probably the most famous bar in the Alpha Quadrant. Which was ironic as Ian had never been there before even though he'd been at Deep Space Nine several times in his career. Two reason for that, first, a bit too gaudy for his tastes. Second, he knew his presence would, by default, put a damper on the crew's fun.

However, he owed a debt he wasn't sure he could ever repay. Regardless of that, he felt he had to try. He'd used the station's locator to find the crew members he was looking to find. It was easy to spot the table where the crew of the Challenger had gathered. There were a couple faces he didn't recognize, which meant they weren't part of the Challenger's crew because he prided himself on knowing every member of the crew by sight and name. He squared his shoulders and approached the table.

"Evenin' everyone. Don't mean ta intrude, but there's a couple of you I need ta thank. Kyan and Zhuk. I'd like ta cover your tabs tonight and I've got the next round for the rest of you as well."

"Care to come along, Aarwendil?" asked Nira. She stepped up and saw M'Nia speak up as well.
Quote from: M'Nia on August 12, 2023, 08:09:21 PM

"Wait a minute! Captain you are actually admitting to owing anything to Kyan? Wow! You must be brave! Zhuk I can understand. Owe him a bit myself for helping me keep it together during the mission!" M'nia said.She took a swig of her drink. It felt good going down! It helped relax her.

Nira smiled. It was looking like it was turning into Kyan's and Zhuk's party. She had a good idea where it was going to potentially go. She decided to step up as well.

"And I wish to say that I owe Kyan and Zhuk as well. Especially Kyan," she announced, raising a toast. "I thank him for saving our necks in our confrontation against the last of the Dominion influence on Cardassia. And I praise him for his performance."

And she raised a toast at him again, but at the same time, she kept an eye out for a certain tall woman with horns, hoping she could be in the crowd.

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on August 12, 2023, 01:22:13 PM

[ Deep Space Nine - Quark's ]

The warm and exuberant welcome was enough to bring an even wider smile to the man's face. The hug was unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome. Laughing, he returned with a tight grip, one that spoke his true delight in seeing the man again. "Bah. You didn't think a little thing like a phaser blast or a concussion would keep me down did you?" He pressed a hand against his chest, feigning insult at the mere idea. Tsking in disappointment, his eyes scanned over to Kinley. "Hey, a 4% increase is pretty impressive! I'll have to put these newfound skills to the test next time." Whether he was joking or not was unclear, his grin not betraying enough to be certain.

Turning his attention back to the woman who introduced herself, he gave her another respectful nod. A Caitan, he hadn't seen one of those in a Starfleet uniform in five years or so. "Challenger missions do tend to be rather...." He licked his lips, eyes flicking up as he tried to conjure the most appropriate descriptor. "A test of endurance and integrity. During my stints as Commander there I processed a lot of transfers on, followed by near-immediate transfers off." He chuckled a bit, though the reality of it was a bit gruesome, he did find some humor in it. He himself had gotten thrown directly into the deep end, and it was sink or swim. Thankfully, he swam.

Accepting Kyan's offer to join them, he took a seat down from the man to turn his attention back to the redhead. "That's the Challie for you, alright. Whadya think of Galloway?" Briefly breaking contact to flag down a bartender, he placed an order, expecting he would be here for awhile now. "You two haven't caused too much chaos yet? Other than near wrecking the ship, I suppose..."

Later, though, she noticed another familiar face and beelined over, though she indicated for Aarwendil to follow along.

"Commander Jyur...! Oh, Lieutenant," said Nira. "Good to meet you again. Been a long time since we pretended to be a couple on that job for Admiral Gillespie. On Risa?"

[Commander Molly O'Brien | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"About time, Julian," said Molly. She was glad Julian had gotten out of surgery, in spite of his downcast demeanor. Now that he was free, it was time for darts. It was a tradition for an O'Brien to play darts with Julian Bashir, Molly felt. Especially if she was the one to carry on the tradition in her father's place.

It had been quiet and casual enough until there had been more people crowding around and then, unexpectedly, an announcement...

Molly heard "Zhuk" and "Kyan" and suddenly headed for the crowd and saw the varied praises and debts announced for Zhuk and Kyan made from some of Molly's new friends. Molly was still unaware she was still holding a dart.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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