Party at Quarks (after Dominion Rising) (Open to All)

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, July 31, 2023, 07:55:20 AM

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Ian Galloway

Quote from: M'Nia on August 12, 2023, 08:09:21 PM

"Wait a minute! Captain you are actually admitting to owing anything to Kyan? Wow! You must be brave! Zhuk I can understand. Owe him a bit myself for helping me keep it together during the mission!" M'nia said.She took a swig of her drink. It felt good going down! It helped relax her.

[Quark's - Deep Space Nine]

Ian had to chuckle at the engineer's comment regarding the Onlie security officer.

"Mister Mackenzie may be more trouble than he's usually worth, but when a debt is owed by a Scotsman, it must be paid regardless if'n the debt is owed ta a little git."

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 12, 2023, 04:30:42 PM

"What? was the Ensign's initial reaction to the question before she'd processed what was asked. With a brief shake of her head, "No, no. Probably have a few days before I gotta worry about that."

All of the sudden attention had Sydney feeling a bit awkward. She was certainly not accustomed to receiving such, and especially unsure of how to handle dealing with such on two fronts. Luckily it seemed the man's attention turned to the bartender, giving the woman a moment to turn her attention back to the Caitian, "Normally I'd be happy to accept, but I think the drinks are responsible for the situation I find myself in.

Sydney's head snapped back to the other side at the man's voice, momentarily unsure if the question had actually been for her, but she didn't imagine it was for anyone else, despite the man's gaze focused on the wall behind the bar. Flicking her gaze between the two, the woman leaned back slightly, finding herself staring down at the cup of espresso in front of her. "Cardassian, actually. Tongo. Thought I was better at it, but only really played with Megalomaniac A.I.s before. Going to stick to the free coffee, for now," she said turning her attention to the Caitian and offering her a slight smile as she raised her cup, "but thank you for the offer."

Taking a quick sip, she set her cup down before extending a hand to the Caitian, "Syd"¦ Sydney"¦Reid. Just kinda hanging around, wasting time before I report to the Discovery for my first cruise." While she had been directing her answer more so toward the Caitian, she'd turned slightly to causally inform both of the people that had come to flank her. If the man was so inclined to offer a similar greeting, she was happy to return it. Had she not just been dispatched like an idiot child, she might have found the influx of attention truly amusing.

[ Deep Space Nine - Quark's - A bit later.... ]

Jettis nodded absently as the woman responded, saying she wouldn't have to worry about early morning duty for awhile. Though, a small smirk crossed his face at the hopefulness of her statement. If he recalled correctly, he almost always got first shift on his first days of transfer. Whether the gods were singling out him specifically, or some son of a sehlahat had written in his file that he was a 'morning person' he wasn't sure. However, in either case he cursed it every single time, with more vehemence the more it occurred.

However, her next statement towards him ripped a true, sharp laugh from him. "Hah!" he chortled, bringing a hand to his mouth to stifle any further. Head shaking, he turned his gaze back towards her properly. "Ah, Tongo, I see." If he were feeling snarkier, he might've retorted your first error was challenging a Cardassian to a game of Tongo. Alas, Sober Jett did not have enough drinks in him to warrant such a response, so instead he tried to soften the blow with a gentler smile. "I can't say that I would recommend betting anything at this starbase. But I've found better luck with Dom-Jot than Tongo." He idly threw out the suggestion, turning back and giving a nod of his head as his drink arrived promptly. Taking a sip, he couldn't help but wince slightly. God, he'd sort of forgotten what liquor tasted like in all the chaos. A few glasses of wine, a couple stouts here and there were all he really found himself indulging in - more for his own continued mental health. But that first sip of liquor was like drinking it for the first time all over again.

Shaking off his reaction, he turned back to her, he did make the effort to offer her a handshake. How human. "Jettis Jyur. Science officer on the USS Challenger," he introduced himself once again.  As the human and Caitan launched into a discussion about her cybernetic implants, Jettis' brows quirked upwards in curiosity. He had met one other woman with similar gadgets - Ariste Stark, it was interesting to say the least. Such advancements made in such a short time, and to be better even than what they were replacing.

"Incredible. Do you have authority to interface with ship consoles?" His question was more spoken to himself, however it was loud enough for Sydney to hear and respond to, if she so chose. However, he found himself to be somewhat encroaching on the current conversation, and turned his attention elsewhere.

What his eyes were not expecting to see, was to watch his former - no, no, his current Commanding officer walk through those doors. Straightening immediately, his eyes widened a bit, setting down the drink he held. The man walked over to the bar where Kyan and - Zhuk? Suk? - sat, and for a moment Jettis wondered if the man saw him. Eyes shifting back toward his drink, he tipped his head and listened as Galloway addressed his two officers, offering to pay their tabs as thanks. Jettis had only gotten a relatively brief rundown of the ordeal they had just faced, but even the little he knew, he could only applaud the gesture. Kyan, of course, was as spunky and ingenious as ever.

Turning back toward Sydney, he took an absent-minded sip of his brandy, letting the flavors roll across his tastebuds. This time, it was less of a shock, and more settling into a familiar comfort. Significantly more enjoyable than the first swig. He didn't immediately pipe up - whether she had answered his earlier question or not, he would respond again with another expression of admiration for her work, albeit more distracted than the first time around.

The next familiar face to catch his eye was certainly not the expected one. If he was offended or hurt by the slip in rank, it was not betrayed by his face. "Commander Said," he responded easily, tipping his chin up to appraise the woman. "I don't believe I could ever forget that mission. But hey - it was a rousing success." Lifting his glass slightly, he mock-toasted to that. Good to know that she also appeared to still be aboard the Discovery. Returning, rediscovering everyone was going to be a tough adjustment. Leaning against the bar slightly, his eyes darted here and there, a strange mix of feelings rising in his chest. Whether it was the noise, the strangeness, the familiarity or something else, he wasn't sure. Taking a few deep breaths, he clasped his hands around his glass, simply letting the moments pass him by, observing, listening.


Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 12, 2023, 08:54:59 PM

[Quark's - Deep Space Nine]

Ian had to chuckle at the engineer's comment regarding the Onlie security officer.

"Mister Mackenzie may be more trouble than he's usually worth, but when a debt is owed by a Scotsman, it must be paid regardless if'n the debt is owed ta a little git."

"Well not certain what a 'git ' is captain, but I think I get the gist. I agree that a debt owed should be repaid!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 12, 2023, 08:54:59 PM

[Quark's - Deep Space Nine]

Ian had to chuckle at the engineer's comment regarding the Onlie security officer.

"Mister Mackenzie may be more trouble than he's usually worth, but when a debt is owed by a Scotsman, it must be paid regardless if'n the debt is owed ta a little git."

Quote from: M'Nia on August 12, 2023, 10:54:15 PM

"Well not certain what a 'git ' is captain, but I think I get the gist. I agree that a debt owed should be repaid!"

"Grups." Kyan thought as they bantered on around and above him. Even when they complimented you, they made it sound like a jib. He didn't really know what Galloway was on about, owing him a debt, but if the Captain said he owed you a debt, then who was Kyan to turn down free drinks. He didn't drink alchohol generally, but Quark's new energy drinks were good, and he was starting to get why they called them that.

"Aye." he grinned, finally deciding to speak up. "Sure and it's good form tae pay debts, and to take payment, 'speciallly if it's a Captain with deep pockets doing the paying so." He put his silver and blue can in front of Galloway. "Keep these coming if yer after buying me drinks boss."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Quark's]

When Ruth suggested they meet up at Quark's to join in the gathering that rumor had was going on, Lahr had been all for it.  However last minute, Ruth got called in to deal with someone in her department.  He offered to wait for her but she'd insisted he go and save them a seat.

So that was why the Andorian arrived solo.

He looked over room and raised a hand towards the Captain - one of the few faces he recognized.  His antennae twitched.  When had he become so out of touch with the changes in the crew?  The answer was clear.  When he'd allowed himself to be relegated to the bowels of ship... that's when.

He walked over to the bar and ordered an Andorian ale, for a moment Lahr considered trying to convince Quark to let him DJ one set since adding the establishment to his list of venues would do a helluva lot bolster his artist portfolio but the engineer wasn't feeling it.

He was tired from working long hours helping out on Discovery.  And he'd heard from Helga, a rumor, that tr'Lhoell wasn't doing well... that he'd lost a daughter..?  Prior to then, Lahr hadn't known the Romulan had a second kid.

Lahr picked up his drink and moved towards the group. "Hey." he greeted raising his glass towards those he recognized.

Seeing Kinley without Steve was odd.  "Where you hiding Steve?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 12, 2023, 11:19:55 PM

"Grups." Kyan thought as they bantered on around and above him. Even when they complimented you, they made it sound like a jib. He didn't really know what Galloway was on about, owing him a debt, but if the Captain said he owed you a debt, then who was Kyan to turn down free drinks. He didn't drink alchohol generally, but Quark's new energy drinks were good, and he was starting to get why they called them that.

"Aye." he grinned, finally deciding to speak up. "Sure and it's good form tae pay debts, and to take payment, 'speciallly if it's a Captain with deep pockets doing the paying so." He put his silver and blue can in front of Galloway. "Keep these coming if yer after buying me drinks boss."

[Quark's - Deep Space Nine]

It was only when Kyan replied that Ian realized that he hadn't explained himself regarding why he owed a debt. It was obvious to him, but just because he understood his logic, it didn't mean anyone else did.

"Well who's the bloody git now?"

Ian chuckled and knew he was making even less sense than when he'd arrived.

"I suppose I should explain the debt I'm talkin' about. You see, Doctor Fellows told me about the mission and how you and Zhuk saved her from about as bad a situation as a body could be in. You may or may nae ken how important the good doctor is ta me, but she means the world ta me and I owe you two for bringin' her back. So drink up and enjoy your evenin' everyone. Just remember how ta find your way back ta the ship."

Ian then sketched a small bow and exited the bar to return to the Challenger.

Sydney Reid

[Deep Space Nice | Quark's | At the Bar in Duty Uniform]

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on August 12, 2023, 09:00:36 PM

"Incredible. Do you have authority to interface with ship consoles?" His question was more spoken to himself, however it was loud enough for Sydney to hear and respond to, if she so chose. However, he found himself to be somewhat encroaching on the current conversation, and turned his attention elsewhere.

Turning back toward Sydney, he took an absent-minded sip of his brandy, letting the flavors roll across his tastebuds. This time, it was less of a shock, and more settling into a familiar comfort. Significantly more enjoyable than the first swig. He didn't immediately pipe up - whether she had answered his earlier question or not, he would respond again with another expression of admiration for her work, albeit more distracted than the first time around.

Between introducing herself to Jettis, returning the smile to Cole, and handling the conversation with M'Nia, Sydney was sure finding herself keeping to her plan as she waited for the Discovery to be ready in a few days. She did, however, find it odd and a bit concerning that many of the Starfleet officers that had continuously been filling the bar all seemed to be assigned to the Disco's sister ship; the USS Challenger. She'd hoped to meet a few more of her future, fellow officers, but it seemed they hadn't been able to make it to Quark's as easily, whether through having to tend to repairs, or"¦ The new Ensign didn't want to consider the ramifications of that thought.

The question from Jettis did cause her to turn, "Much the opposite due to the potential security vulnerabilities. All Starfleet ships get regular security updates to the computers, with the PADDs often, but not nearly as often, getting similar updates to continue their ability to interface with connected databases. Every time the PADDs update, it disables my interface's ability to connect until I write an update for it. Usually takes me a day or two at most, but having such an issue could be much more problematic if it interfaced with ship consoles. With the potential results unknown, I was given clear commands from Starfleet to not attempt to integrate the technology beyond personal use.

While the caution was completely understandable, Sydney couldn't hide her disappointment at the orders she was forced to regurgitate. It would certainly make her job easier if she could, and she knew she'd be able to push out updates faster if they were part of her job duties. Alas, Starfleet would rather show caution instead of attempting to take a leap forward. Besides her degree and making her own life easier, the technology had larger been shelved, especially since the ban on the study of positronics had been lifted.

Quote from: M'Nia on August 12, 2023, 06:53:37 PM

"I dunno! sounds pretty impressive! a masters in cybernetics? That impresses me!  I love intelligent women! I love anything engineering! I admit I have a weakness for gadgets! They can be fun! Anything engineering interests me." The bartender returned with M'nia's drink, a multi-layered and multi-colored concoction. "Never underestimate hands-free. People love convenience."

Doing her best to suppress the nervous chuckle M'Nia's response elicited from her, Sydney shook her head gently at the Caitian, "No, no. Don't be too impressed. I am not an Engineer in the traditional sense. Couldn't even begin to repair an EPS conduit, but code has always come easily to me. It's just a language like any other. I just learned how to master it."

She wasn't sure why, but the woman felt the need to hold back from revealing anything further on her academic history. If M'Nia was impressed with her Masters, she could only imagine how she might react to the degrees she'd acquired after. Sydney had learned back at the Academy not to disclose why she had been nearly ten years older than most other cadets. She especially loathed anyone referring to her as 'Doctor'. She'd been raised by a real one, and wouldn't disrespect his or any other MD's expertise by claiming such.

Quickly, and a bit thankfully, the attention of the room turned towards the Captain that had entered to make quite the scene of bestowing special praise on Kyan and Zhuk; another Challenger officer she'd yet to be introduced to. While M'Nia seemed quite comfortable bantering with the superior officer and Jettis turned to respond to a Commander that he seemed to have quite the unspoken past with, Sydney felt herself shrinking much like she'd seen Cole doing not long before. Being the 'new kid' was always awkward at first, but she knew in time the feeling would fade.

Still, besides Kinley, there seemed to be a lack of Discovery crew filling in. Turning her eyes back to the cup in front of her, Sydney's thoughts drifted off to the 'what ifs' before she downed what was left in it and motioned for the bartender to prepare her another. While unsure if she'd be able to get to sleep easily that night, she considered taking up some of her Papa's advice and make a short personal log to get her thoughts out. It was supposedly better than letting them linger on one's psyche.

Nira Said

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on August 12, 2023, 09:00:36 PM

[ Deep Space Nine - Quark's - A bit later.... ]

The next familiar face to catch his eye was certainly not the expected one. If he was offended or hurt by the slip in rank, it was not betrayed by his face. "Commander Said," he responded easily, tipping his chin up to appraise the woman. "I don't believe I could ever forget that mission. But hey - it was a rousing success." Lifting his glass slightly, he mock-toasted to that. Good to know that she also appeared to still be aboard the Discovery. Returning, rediscovering everyone was going to be a tough adjustment. Leaning against the bar slightly, his eyes darted here and there, a strange mix of feelings rising in his chest. Whether it was the noise, the strangeness, the familiarity or something else, he wasn't sure. Taking a few deep breaths, he clasped his hands around his glass, simply letting the moments pass him by, observing, listening.

[Commander Nira Said | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"It was, it really was," she said. She looked around at Aarwendil and smiled. "It'll be quite the day for meeting people, won't it? But that's what a party is for, I figure."

And she was glad she wasn't having her senses on; a whole crowd of peoples' emotions would be a surprise on her part, but she had grown used to it.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 12, 2023, 11:54:41 PM

[Quark's - Deep Space Nine]

It was only when Kyan replied that Ian realized that he hadn't explained himself regarding why he owed a debt. It was obvious to him, but just because he understood his logic, it didn't mean anyone else did.

"Well who's the bloody git now?"

Ian chuckled and knew he was making even less sense than when he'd arrived.

"I suppose I should explain the debt I'm talkin' about. You see, Doctor Fellows told me about the mission and how you and Zhuk saved her from about as bad a situation as a body could be in. You may or may nae ken how important the good doctor is ta me, but she means the world ta me and I owe you two for bringin' her back. So drink up and enjoy your evenin' everyone. Just remember how ta find your way back ta the ship."

Ian then sketched a small bow and exited the bar to return to the Challenger.

Nira perked up at what the Captain had to say. That explained it, and it made sense. Jess was close to Ian, but before she could move to talk to him, talk about Jess, he was gone. She shrugged and went back to mingling.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Nira Said on August 13, 2023, 08:50:22 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"It was, it really was," she said. She looked around at Aarwendil and smiled. "It'll be quite the day for meeting people, won't it? But that's what a party is for, I figure."

And she was glad she wasn't having her senses on; a whole crowd of peoples' emotions would be a surprise on her part, but she had grown used to it.Nira perked up at what the Captain had to say. That explained it, and it made sense. Jess was close to Ian, but before she could move to talk to him, talk about Jess, he was gone. She shrugged and went back to mingling.


Between introducing herself to Jettis, returning the smile to Cole, and handling the conversation with M'Nia, Sydney was sure finding herself keeping to her plan as she waited for the Discovery to be ready in a few days. She did, however, find it odd and a bit concerning that many of the Starfleet officers that had continuously been filling the bar all seemed to be assigned to the Disco's sister ship; the USS Challenger. She'd hoped to meet a few more of her future, fellow officers, but it seemed they hadn't been able to make it to Quark's as easily, whether through having to tend to repairs, or"¦ The new Ensign didn't want to consider the ramifications of that thought.

The question from Jettis did cause her to turn, "Much the opposite due to the potential security vulnerabilities. All Starfleet ships get regular security updates to the computers, with the PADDs often, but not nearly as often, getting similar updates to continue their ability to interface with connected databases. Every time the PADDs update, it disables my interface's ability to connect until I write an update for it. Usually takes me a day or two at most, but having such an issue could be much more problematic if it interfaced with ship consoles. With the potential results unknown, I was given clear commands from Starfleet to not attempt to integrate the technology beyond personal use.

While the caution was completely understandable, Sydney couldn't hide her disappointment at the orders she was forced to regurgitate. It would certainly make her job easier if she could, and she knew she'd be able to push out updates faster if they were part of her job duties. Alas, Starfleet would rather show caution instead of attempting to take a leap forward. Besides her degree and making her own life easier, the technology had larger been shelved, especially since the ban on the study of positronics had been lifted.

[ Deep Space Nine - Quark's ]

Jettis did turn back toward Sydney as she responded to  him. Head cocking to the side, he mulled over her explanation. It made sense, and he had expected that interfacing with the ship would be far too much of a security risk to ever dare. In fact, that appeared to be the exact issue on the U.S.S Shran. Still though, he did  note the disappointment in her voice and radiating from her, and he couldn't blame her for it at all. A small shiver ran down his spine remembering the Hyperion as well, the AWOL Starfleet probe. He wondered if that damned hunk of metal was still hooked up to the Challenger to this day - a part of him hoped it was not.

"I'm very impressed you're able to write the code for every PADD update. Or, perhaps less able to and more have the motivation. Starfleet does tend to be very overboard on security updates, for great reason." He glanced down at her pad, before back up to her eyes curiously. "If I might ask without being insensitive, your augments. Are they due to an optical injury, and having the knowledge to create the upgrades figured why not? Or are they purely 'QOL' updates?" He'd known for Stark it had been a needed replacement due to an injury, so why not deck herself out while she was at it? However, the idea of getting the upgrade for fun would not be the most unexpected thing he had heard either.

"I will admit," he wrinkled his nose slightly, brow scrunching as his voice turned rueful. "I suppose I am not the largest AI and cyber-augment fan for...various personal reasons I suppose..." His nose unscrunched, but his brow remained furrowed lightly. Looking at him betrayed nothing - a regular human, his tall stature German accent perhaps being the only thing that would make him 'out of the ordinary'. Everything else though might've pegged him as an average 30 year old, so much so at times he found himself forgetting as well. Much of his preexisting apprehension had been addressed not only by dealing with other augmented humans, but even a liberated borg. But, there was a deep part of his soul that would never escape the knee jerk reaction.

"However the science of it is incredible. It wasn't all that long ago that any sort of implant was a large undertaking, the science to make it functional even moreso. I hope you don't mind me picking your brain about it."

He turned back toward Nira to give Sydney a break from his long ramble. Shooting her a smile, he tipped his glass slightly. "That it will be," he agreed with a small chuckle. Though he did plan to putter around here for some time, he would likely have to retreat earlier than everyone else. "It deserves a celebration that everyone made it back in one piece. Some shore leave is well deserved."

Neva Cordon


Neva grinned as she smoothed out the wrinkles of her uniform for the umpteenth time as she walked to Quark's. She'd done what she was supposed to in the crisis and lived. She let out another relieved breath for that fact.
As she walked in, she looked around for anyone she recognized. Silently thanking The Gods for her luck, she made a beeline for the bar first. "Hello!" When the bartender came to her. "Can I have a double of Single Malt Scotch please?" She slid a bar of latinum to them when they returned. "The rest is for you. Thank you for this."She lifted the glass as thanks. The bartender took the bar & bit it before smiling back. Nodding in return, she turned and made her way to where Lahr and the Captain sat. As she reached them, she swallowed both the lump in her throat and a sip of her drink to push it further down. "Uh, may I join you?"

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Sydney Reid

[Deep Space Nice | Quark's | At the Bar in Duty Uniform]

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on August 13, 2023, 09:30:45 AM

"I'm very impressed you're able to write the code for every PADD update. Or, perhaps less able to and more have the motivation. Starfleet does tend to be very overboard on security updates, for great reason." He glanced down at her pad, before back up to her eyes curiously. "If I might ask without being insensitive, your augments. Are they due to an optical injury, and having the knowledge to create the upgrades figured why not? Or are they purely 'QOL' updates?"

"I will admit," he wrinkled his nose slightly, brow scrunching as his voice turned rueful. "I suppose I am not the largest AI and cyber-augment fan for...various personal reasons I suppose..." His nose unscrunched, but his brow remained furrowed lightly.

"However the science of it is incredible. It wasn't all that long ago that any sort of implant was a large undertaking, the science to make it functional even moreso. I hope you don't mind me picking your brain about it."

Waving off the concern with a small flip of her hand, "I don't mind. I've had to do it for years now, and am well accustomed to having to do so for those, like yourself, that aren't 'fans' of such augments. I usually experience others showing more 'Concern' as opposed to 'Curiosity' when it comes to them. Between the Borg and all of the bad history around A.I., those with stances like yours are much more common.

"But to answer your initial question, truthfully, it was for 'Proof of Concept' as I wanted to design a less invasive ocular implant that was much more in line with a subcutaneous transponder than the undertaking that usual ocular implants require. Instead of having my eyes replaced, it only required bio-neural nanocircuitry grafting of my corneas and a replacement of my ocular lenses to allow the interface to be projected onto. While it lacks a lot of the utility, and especially the enhanced visual capabilities, of a traditional ocular implant, it has its perks," she said with a small tilt of her head.

Reaching back to pull out her PADD, Sydney set it on the bar in front of her and quickly swiped through to bring up the holographic demonstration of the procedure she'd undergone so that both Jettis and M'Nia could have a look. "The surgery itself was completed in under an hour, and then only an hour under the effects of a bio-regenerative field before it was as if I'd had nothing done at all. It actually took me longer to get them to connect properly to my PADD, but I had a good surgeon." Her last statement was said with such conviction that it was clear the woman had zero doubts about her former project partner's abilities.

Giving them a moment to study the holographic display before deactivating it, Sydney didn't imagine either would be interested in looking at the coding architecture, though she did leave her darkened PADD on the bar. "It's not that difficult to write the updates. I spent four years prior to joining the Academy and most of my Academy time studying Starfleet's coding, so it's more like a 'second language' to me than Romulan. It's just finding the time to write the update, hence my 'addiction' to double espressos," she said with a slight grin as a fresh cup was set in front of her.

Picking up the fresh cup and giving it a small blow before taking a sip, Sydney seemed to have become almost relaxed by the topic of conversation. It was clearly a specialty of hers and one she took great pride in. "But enough about me and my weird eyes. You said you were a Science Officer," she said glancing to Jettis, "and you an Engineer," she continued glancing M'Nia's direction, "What areas do you specialize in? Anyone who claims to be a 'Jack of all Trades' is usually just trying to cover for not being terribly great at anything." As engaged as she was talking about herself, the woman wasn't sure how long she'd have to get to speak to these two, especially since there was a better-than-not chance they would be shipping off on the Challenger before she got the call to head for the Discovery.

Jettis Jyur

[ Deep Space Nine - Quark's ]

He listened as Sydney spoke about the general population's unease with AI and augments. It made sense, though it was unfortunate such ideas were effectively holding back the progression of technology within the Federation.  Though the Synthetic ban being lifted was certainly a step forward, they were many many years away from truly conquering the dark past.

He perked up, leaning forward slightly as she explained how the ocular augments worked. They weren't implants per se, but almost a total reworking of the eye itself. "Really?" The concept was simple enough, but massively overlooked by most races, especially in the current day and age. "What inspired you to go with a concept so..." He paused for a moment, searching for a word that would accurately express his thoughts. Eyes flickering toward the ceiling, he stared up at it as if the very walls of the ship would give him what he was looking for. They didn't.

"Simple, for want of a better word. Humans, and I suppose most races I know of, when it comes to the undertaking of augments are typically drastic. I suppose, if you've lost an eye, or a leg, sure you could just have it replaced with your old capabilities, but why not get infrared scanning, or the ability to super-jump while you're at it anyhow?" Personally, he wasn't sure how he felt on the matter. On the one hand, there was appeal to having what you had before, but better. But another part of him found the artistry in such a small, yet useful change without all the bells and whistles of being able to see 25 new colors or having x-ray vision. And, presumably without the frequent headaches and medication that came along with ocular implants.

Studying the presentation, he gave a small nod, before leaning back against the counter again. Downing the last swig of his drink, he briefly turned to catch the attention of a bartender, mulling over how to answer the question posed to him.

"In the academy I majored in Xenolinguistics and Exobiology, though I had additional focuses on Astrometry, Astrogeology, Cartography... a lot of navigational and planetary sciences. These days my main focus and duties typically lie with exobiology, though I expect that to change now that I'm back on a ship. Been Starbase bound the majority of the last three years." With a couple of short stints on ships, but mostly to travel from one base to the next. On the Challenger, as Sigurdsdottir had covered the majority of his specialties, his responsibilities fell to charting as they explored, every planet and asteroid to be marked down as well as composition. It was menial, but rewarding work.

Tanner Lachlyn

[Deep Space Nice | Quark's ]

Tanner had been watching the patrons for awhile. Slowly she sifted them into different categories. Visitors. Off-duty station staff. Shore leave. That last category was what had her attention the most. She'd managed to catch a few names and ranks to know that the Challenger crew was present. They'd been with the Discovery on the recent mission, or so the report had said.

"You need some more courage?" The bartender asked as he slid another glass of brandy her way.

"That's observant of you." Tanner said with an impressed nod.

"You're obvious, and the drink is to make sure you're paying for the space you're taking up at my bar." He gave her a toothed grin as he spoke.

"I am obvious," She took a sip of the brandy while agreeing with him.

The one they'd called, 'captain' had just exited and she watched someone else ask to join their group. If ever there was a time to jump in, this was it.

Walking over she found her voice, "Hey...did I hear some of you are from the Challenger? Is it true the Discovery came in with you but not looking her best?"

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quark's | Promenade | Deep Space Nine]

Zhukdra'shar watched in rapt attention towards the Dabo table, as he took a sip of his third Kanar glass of the day. With his senses slightly muddled, and the beautiful visage of the Dabo girls nearby, he had to keep his eyes on the game to determine how to play it. After his attempt within the bowling zone a few days ago, he had been more and more interested on trying new things.

Also, wrapping his fingers around the waist of that Zelonite's waist as the current player was doing did sound pretty appealing. Maybe.... maybe...


[Quark's - Deep Space Nine]

Ian entered the chaos of Quark's legendary bar, probably the most famous bar in the Alpha Quadrant. Which was ironic as Ian had never been there before even though he'd been at Deep Space Nine several times in his career. Two reason for that, first, a bit too gaudy for his tastes. Second, he knew his presence would, by default, put a damper on the crew's fun.

However, he owed a debt he wasn't sure he could ever repay. Regardless of that, he felt he had to try. He'd used the station's locator to find the crew members he was looking to find. It was easy to spot the table where the crew of the Challenger had gathered. There were a couple faces he didn't recognize, which meant they weren't part of the Challenger's crew because he prided himself on knowing every member of the crew by sight and name. He squared his shoulders and approached the table.

"Evenin' everyone. Don't mean ta intrude, but there's a couple of you I need ta thank. Kyan and Zhuk. I'd like ta cover your tabs tonight and I've got the next round for the rest of you as well."

The arrival of Captain Galloway, who spoke up, made him return to the conversations at hand. After repositioning his ears, he proceeded to stand just a little more upright, the serious look of his on-duty demeanor returning for a moment, "I greatly appreciate such an offer Captain Galloway. However, there is no requirement to thank us, in my humble opinion. As Security officers, I believe it was our duty to assist every and all of our fellow crewmembers, no matter how dire the situation is."
Quote from: M'Nia on August 12, 2023, 08:09:21 PM

"Wait a minute! Captain you are actually admitting to owing anything to Kyan? Wow! You must be brave! Zhuk I can understand. Owe him a bit myself for helping me keep it together during the mission!" M'nia said.She took a swig of her drink. It felt good going down! It helped relax her.

A smirk unfolded upon Zhuk's muzzle for a moment, however, feeling comfortable enough to do so, even more so now as he overheard M'nia thanking him indirectly for helping her during the mission. Gaining the respect of his Captain AND the pretty Caitian Ensign? That surely was quite a nice bonus. It surely was worth the pain of having his shoulder and navel fixed. Also, the side effects he felt after losing so much blood. A quarter or so of the five liters that usually ran through his veins at all times.

"I will not say no to such an offer, however, Captain Galloway. I appreciate it. And, M'nia," He made a pause as he turned to look at her, "It makes me quite glad to be able to provide a guide to a fellow Officer. I had no idea I was such an important factor in your performance."

Quote from: Nira Said on August 12, 2023, 08:51:17 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Just then, she saw Captain Galloway enter and she was surprised by his words.
"Care to come along, Aarwendil?" asked Nira. She stepped up and saw M'Nia speak up as well.Nira smiled. It was looking like it was turning into Kyan's and Zhuk's party. She had a good idea where it was going to potentially go. She decided to step up as well.

"And I wish to say that I owe Kyan and Zhuk as well. Especially Kyan," she announced, raising a toast. "I thank him for saving our necks in our confrontation against the last of the Dominion influence on Cardassia. And I praise him for his performance."

And she raised a toast at him again, but at the same time, she kept an eye out for a certain tall woman with horns, hoping she could be in the crowd.Later, though, she noticed another familiar face and beelined over, though she indicated for Aarwendil to follow along.

"Commander Jyur...! Oh, Lieutenant," said Nira. "Good to meet you again. Been a long time since we pretended to be a couple on that job for Admiral Gillespie. On Risa?"

[Commander Molly O'Brien | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"About time, Julian," said Molly. She was glad Julian had gotten out of surgery, in spite of his downcast demeanor. Now that he was free, it was time for darts. It was a tradition for an O'Brien to play darts with Julian Bashir, Molly felt. Especially if she was the one to carry on the tradition in her father's place.

It had been quiet and casual enough until there had been more people crowding around and then, unexpectedly, an announcement...

Molly heard "Zhuk" and "Kyan" and suddenly headed for the crowd and saw the varied praises and debts announced for Zhuk and Kyan made from some of Molly's new friends. Molly was still unaware she was still holding a dart.

Commander Nira Said too?! Why, Zhukdra'shar was actually beginning to get a little red on the inner section of his ears. A blush, if anyone was on the known about Caitian biology. He proceeded to raise his own glass of Kanar, and taking a sip afterward, he proceeded to state, "For Lieutenant Mackenzie. An astounding fighter, and a shrewd tactician."

He noticed Molly, who he had gotten to know over his time within Cloten's ship, during the mission. He proceeded to offer her a small nod, and a smile. Then, he noticed something odd on her hand, and taking a closer look, he discovered it was a dart. He offered a chuckle, "Ah... Commander O'Brien. You may want to be careful with that flechette upon your digits."

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 12, 2023, 11:19:55 PM

"Grups." Kyan thought as they bantered on around and above him. Even when they complimented you, they made it sound like a jib. He didn't really know what Galloway was on about, owing him a debt, but if the Captain said he owed you a debt, then who was Kyan to turn down free drinks. He didn't drink alchohol generally, but Quark's new energy drinks were good, and he was starting to get why they called them that.

"Aye." he grinned, finally deciding to speak up. "Sure and it's good form tae pay debts, and to take payment, 'speciallly if it's a Captain with deep pockets doing the paying so." He put his silver and blue can in front of Galloway. "Keep these coming if yer after buying me drinks boss."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on August 12, 2023, 11:40:03 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Quark's]

When Ruth suggested they meet up at Quark's to join in the gathering that rumor had was going on, Lahr had been all for it.  However last minute, Ruth got called in to deal with someone in her department.  He offered to wait for her but she'd insisted he go and save them a seat.

So that was why the Andorian arrived solo.

He looked over room and raised a hand towards the Captain - one of the few faces he recognized.  His antennae twitched.  When had he become so out of touch with the changes in the crew?  The answer was clear.  When he'd allowed himself to be relegated to the bowels of ship... that's when.

He walked over to the bar and ordered an Andorian ale, for a moment Lahr considered trying to convince Quark to let him DJ one set since adding the establishment to his list of venues would do a helluva lot bolster his artist portfolio but the engineer wasn't feeling it.

He was tired from working long hours helping out on Discovery.  And he'd heard from Helga, a rumor, that tr'Lhoell wasn't doing well... that he'd lost a daughter..?  Prior to then, Lahr hadn't known the Romulan had a second kid.

Lahr picked up his drink and moved towards the group. "Hey." he greeted raising his glass towards those he recognized.

Seeing Kinley without Steve was odd.  "Where you hiding Steve?"

Zhuk proceeded to take a sip afterward, his ear pivoting towards Kyan as he had no ounce of modesty, even towards his acting Captain. He had to admit, that it was a pretty funny quip, though he dared not laugh, not wishing to push his luck with Ian. He had much respect for him, and being thanked by him certainly was the highlight of his day.

His eyes got back to scanning for that pretty Dabo girl that he was talking to until he noticed a pair of familiar blue antennae. He gave a big grin as he motioned for him to get closer, "Greetings, Lahr! Glad you could join our party~"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 12, 2023, 11:54:41 PM

[Quark's - Deep Space Nine]

It was only when Kyan replied that Ian realized that he hadn't explained himself regarding why he owed a debt. It was obvious to him, but just because he understood his logic, it didn't mean anyone else did.

"Well who's the bloody git now?"

Ian chuckled and knew he was making even less sense than when he'd arrived.

"I suppose I should explain the debt I'm talkin' about. You see, Doctor Fellows told me about the mission and how you and Zhuk saved her from about as bad a situation as a body could be in. You may or may nae ken how important the good doctor is ta me, but she means the world ta me and I owe you two for bringin' her back. So drink up and enjoy your evenin' everyone. Just remember how ta find your way back ta the ship."

Ian then sketched a small bow and exited the bar to return to the Challenger.

Oh, spicy. Foul-mouthed Captain! He liked it. Or maybe it was the alcohol getting to him. In any case, he grinned as he took another chug, listening to the reasons the Captain had to thank them. He was a bit surprised to hear him say that, of course, but in the end, he supposed it made sense. Zhuk had truly no idea how much the good Doctor Fellows mattered to him, but it caused him to smile. It was quite romantic, and he felt elated at knowing that his actions had not only helped an individual, but a pair of lovers too. He struggled to keep himself from shedding a tear out of happiness.

"Will do my best to enjoy the evening, Captain. You are too kind. I wish the best for you and Doctor Fellows" He raised his glass again towards him, before drinking some more as he took his leave. Oooo~ He was beginning to feel more and more woozy. Nice!

Quote from: Neva Cordon on August 13, 2023, 11:34:24 AM

Neva grinned as she smoothed out the wrinkles of her uniform for the umpteenth time as she walked to Quark's. She'd done what she was supposed to in the crisis and lived. She let out another relieved breath for that fact.
As she walked in, she looked around for anyone she recognized. Silently thanking The Gods for her luck, she made a beeline for the bar first. "Hello!" When the bartender came to her. "Can I have a double of Single Malt Scotch please?" She slid a bar of latinum to them when they returned. "The rest is for you. Thank you for this." She lifted the glass as thanks. The bartender took the bar & bit it before smiling back. Nodding in return, she turned and made her way to where Lahr and the Captain sat. As she reached them, she swallowed both the lump in her throat and a sip of her drink to push it further down. "Uh, may I join you?"

At the appearance of a new face he didn't quite recognize, he proceeded to nod eagerly"Of course, Ensign. We have no problem with you joining us. Do tell, where are you serving currently?" He looked away briefly to place his glass on the bar and raise his hand, "Do please serve me another Kanar, bartender."
Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 13, 2023, 12:30:31 PM

[Deep Space Nice | Quark's ]

Tanner had been watching the patrons for awhile. Slowly she sifted them into different categories. Visitors. Off-duty station staff. Shore leave. That last category was what had her attention the most. She'd managed to catch a few names and ranks to know that the Challenger crew was present. They'd been with the Discovery on the recent mission, or so the report had said.

"You need some more courage?" The bartender asked as he slid another glass of brandy her way.

"That's observant of you." Tanner said with an impressed nod.

"You're obvious, and the drink is to make sure you're paying for the space you're taking up at my bar." He gave her a toothed grin as he spoke.

"I am obvious," She took a sip of the brandy while agreeing with him.

The one they'd called, 'captain' had just exited and she watched someone else ask to join their group. If ever there was a time to jump in, this was it.

Walking over she found her voice, "Hey...did I hear some of you are from the Challenger? Is it true the Discovery came in with you but not looking her best?"

Someone else approached. Zhuk proceeded to raise an eyebrow at his question, as he softly hummed. Not looking her best? What did he mean? "Yes, I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas. The Discovery did accompany us for a while... but do elaborate on not 'looking her best' part, please."

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Neva Cordon

Neva laughed and found a seat. "Thank you! I'm on the Challenger, Gamma shift usually." She took a slow sip of her drink, savoring it.
Opening her eyes again, she watched those around her. She hoped to be part of the comeraderie they all had.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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