A Quick Bite Between Upgrades (Sydney & M'Nia - Pre-Restless Spirit)

Started by Sydney Reid, August 23, 2023, 11:18:47 AM

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Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 31, 2023, 04:11:32 PM

[USS Discovery-B | Deck 10 | Aft Lounge] (During Katra Upgrades - Pre-Restless Spirit)

Sydney couldn't help the smirking grin that came to her face when M'Nia started to describe her sister. It reminded her in too many ways of watching her own brother grow up in their somewhat unconventional household. It was weirdly comforting to know that, despite their makeup, most families tended to end up having the same triumphs and struggles as they grew together as one unified unit. Maybe her Papa was right and, soon, she'd start to see the Discovery crew in the same light. M'Nia was certainly growing on her quickly.

Besides being momentarily reminded of the Caitian's previous, odd comment as she took note of her tearing into her tray of meat, giving Sydney herself a moment to take a couple of more bites of her pizza that was nearly just crust, the human sipped her tea as M'Nia continued. The woman's words made a thought pop into her head, one that she had not considered but definitely saw as a difference between the two. When the opportunity was presented, Sydney inquired, "So are your parents still worried about something happening to you? You told me you were on Challenger before you transferred here. Given what the Disco looked like after that last mission, when it first arrived at DS9, aren't you worried you might have chosen to come to a more risky assignment?"

"Yes they do worry but know I'm careful and this is my chosen path! They can't do anything about it so don't worry too much about it! Or at least try not to. As fr the disco, I really didn't get a good look at her when she was in port. Kinda busy getting my bearings! Besides, appearances can be deceiving! She 's got a lot going for her! One thing I learned in the academy is never judge a ship by her exterior!"

M'nia like sydney. She wondered if her parents would like her? Probably as Sydney was very smart and they respect smart people. S'rurs would like her because Sydney was nice! Well she wasn't there yet. They weren't even dating as of yet but M'nia was optimistic.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Sydney Reid

[USS Discovery-B | Deck 10 | Aft Lounge] (During Katra Upgrades - Pre-Restless Spirit)

Quote from: M'Nia on August 31, 2023, 04:36:26 PM

"Yes they do worry but know I'm careful and this is my chosen path! They can't do anything about it so don't worry too much about it! Or at least try not to. As for the Disco, I really didn't get a good look at her when she was in port. Kinda busy getting my bearings! Besides, appearances can be deceiving! She's got a lot going for her! One thing I learned in the Academy is never judge a ship by her exterior!"

Rolling her eyes and chuckling at herself for her naive insinuation, Sydney couldn't help but find herself agreeing with the Caitian, and, by effect, her Dad who had often told her the same thing, albeit in regards to people and not ships. Her comment of, "It did not look great..," did slip out, though, even if she'd only had the promotional images of the Discovery and other Prometheus-Class cruisers to compare the reality to at the time. As smart as she was, there was a whole galaxy of things the 'Doctor of Computer Science' didn't know.

Smiling at the woman, Sydney nodded briefly as she began to speak, saying, "I can't help but agree with you. I'm sure my Dad and Papa worry about me, too, but neither will openly or easily say as much. Papa was in Starfleet, so he already knew what to expect. Dad"¦he's definitely holding back when I talk about things. Much like you, I have always chosen my own path, even if it's weaved back and forth into the realms my parents have at one time or another traveled. Even if serving aboard Discovery is worrying, especially given the kind of mission is it assigned, I know it's where I want to be; where I should be, and it seems to me that you must feel the same way." Sydney offered the Caitian a complimentary smile before taking the straw extending from her tea between her lips to take another sip to wet her throat.

The human did wonder, though, "Are you nervous, M'Nia? About the types of missions the Discovery goes on? About the kind of things we'll get into? Are you ready to go on 'Away Missions' that could be scary or dangerous?" While Sydney was pretty sure of her own answers, the Caitian struck her as one that didn't scare so easily, so she was curious whether it was the woman herself or maybe just her entire species as a whole. Having razor-sharp claws and predatory eyes that looked as if they could stare right through the human certainly gave Sydney the feeling M'Nia wasn't nearly as nervous as her.


Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 31, 2023, 05:25:26 PM

[USS Discovery-B | Deck 10 | Aft Lounge] (During Katra Upgrades - Pre-Restless Spirit)

Rolling her eyes and chuckling at herself for her naive insinuation, Sydney couldn't help but find herself agreeing with the Caitian, and, by effect, her Dad who had often told her the same thing, albeit in regards to people and not ships. Her comment of, "It did not look great..," did slip out, though, even if she'd only had the promotional images of the Discovery and other Prometheus-Class cruisers to compare the reality to at the time. As smart as she was, there was a whole galaxy of things the 'Doctor of Computer Science' didn't know.

Smiling at the woman, Sydney nodded briefly as she began to speak, saying, "I can't help but agree with you. I'm sure my Dad and Papa worry about me, too, but neither will openly or easily say as much. Papa was in Starfleet, so he already knew what to expect. Dad"¦he's definitely holding back when I talk about things. Much like you, I have always chosen my own path, even if it's weaved back and forth into the realms my parents have at one time or another traveled. Even if serving aboard Discovery is worrying, especially given the kind of mission is it assigned, I know it's where I want to be; where I should be, and it seems to me that you must feel the same way." Sydney offered the Caitian a complimentary smile before taking the straw extending from her tea between her lips to take another sip to wet her throat.

The human did wonder, though, "Are you nervous, M'Nia? About the types of missions the Discovery goes on? About the kind of things we'll get into? Are you ready to go on 'Away Missions' that could be scary or dangerous?" While Sydney was pretty sure of her own answers, the Caitian struck her as one that didn't scare so easily, so she was curious whether it was the woman herself or maybe just her entire species as a whole. Having razor-sharp claws and predatory eyes that looked as if they could stare right through the human certainly gave Sydney the feeling M'Nia wasn't nearly as nervous as her.

"Rr, nervous? yes. I'd be crazy if I wasn't. That said I am a starfleet officer. At least that's what my diploma says. My father and grand father always said that there is nothing wrong with being scared. It's what you do about it that counts. I imagine there will be situations where I am scared but the trick is to manage your fear. I've done pretty good so far. We will see what the future holds. Starfleet is full of dangers but also full of wonders! You never know what the next day will bring! As for away missions, well after that last one, well I look forward to something different!" he tail flicked back and forth in a leisurely fashion. She was enjoying this time with Sydney very much!.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Sydney Reid

[USS Discovery-B | Deck 10 | Aft Lounge] (During Katra Upgrades - Pre-Restless Spirit)

Quote from: M'Nia on August 31, 2023, 05:44:01 PM

"Rr, nervous? Yes. I'd be crazy if I wasn't. That said I am a Starfleet officer. At least that's what my diploma says. My father and grandfather always said that there is nothing wrong with being scared. It's what you do about it that counts. I imagine there will be situations where I am scared but the trick is to manage your fear. I've done pretty good so far. We will see what the future holds. Starfleet is full of dangers but also full of wonders! You never know what the next day will bring! As for away missions, well after that last one, well I look forward to something different!" Her tail flicked back and forth in a leisurely fashion. She was enjoying this time with Sydney very much!

Taking the last bite of her slice of pizza that contained some remnants of sauce and cheese, Sydney set the crust back down on the plate. While she'd gotten looks before about the practice, especially when she was younger, she'd never been one to eat her pizza crusts. This left only the small pile of gooey cheese-covered fries that had started out with crispiness but now had softened as the conversation had taken precedence over shoveling in her meal. At least the fries were more casual to eat while talking to another, even if Sydney wasn't really doing much of the talking.

Taking a quick sip of her dwindling iced tea, the woman nodded along as the Caitian spoke. Why it certainly seemed like the question had surprised M'Nia for a moment, she'd recovered quickly and it struck Sydney just how easy it seemed for the engineer to maintain a sense of bright, optimism, no matter what she was faced with. Looking down at her plate as she carefully plucked one of the fries with her fingertips so as not to make a mess of them, the Ops Ensign asked with a slight bit of amusement in her tone, "So, how is it that you can always seem to find the bright side of things? Where do you think this"¦unflappable optimism comes from? Bringing the cheese-covered fry up to slip into her mouth, Sydney's eyes came up to catch M'Nia's once again.


Quote from: Sydney Reid on September 01, 2023, 08:36:59 AM

[USS Discovery-B | Deck 10 | Aft Lounge] (During Katra Upgrades - Pre-Restless Spirit)

Taking the last bite of her slice of pizza that contained some remnants of sauce and cheese, Sydney set the crust back down on the plate. While she'd gotten looks before about the practice, especially when she was younger, she'd never been one to eat her pizza crusts. This left only the small pile of gooey cheese-covered fries that had started out with crispiness but now had softened as the conversation had taken precedence over shoveling in her meal. At least the fries were more casual to eat while talking to another, even if Sydney wasn't really doing much of the talking.

Taking a quick sip of her dwindling iced tea, the woman nodded along as the Caitian spoke. Why it certainly seemed like the question had surprised M'Nia for a moment, she'd recovered quickly and it struck Sydney just how easy it seemed for the engineer to maintain a sense of bright, optimism, no matter what she was faced with. Looking down at her plate as she carefully plucked one of the fries with her fingertips so as not to make a mess of them, the Ops Ensign asked with a slight bit of amusement in her tone, "So, how is it that you can always seem to find the bright side of things? Where do you think this"¦unflappable optimism comes from? Bringing the cheese-covered fry up to slip into her mouth, Sydney's eyes came up to catch M'Nia's once again.

"Unflappable optimism? never thought of it that way but, I'd say my grandfather. He's always been a big influence on my life. He taught me to take what comes and just deal with it the best you can. I know enough and am smart enough to know it's ok to be scared sometimes. I expect that but the trick is to know what to do. That's a lot harder. I try not to think about the bad things too much otherwise I'd probably never get any rest." she paused as she ate more of the meat. "This is good! Mmm." she had a swig of her drink. "Now I won't say that I am always optimistic. I try but sometimes I feel intimidated by things but I try to push through it. It helps that I like a challenge. I think that I inherited that from my grandfather as well."

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Sydney Reid

[USS Discovery-B | Deck 10 | Aft Lounge] (During Katra Upgrades - Pre-Restless Spirit)

Quote from: M'Nia on September 02, 2023, 05:05:13 PM

"Unflappable optimism? Never thought of it that way but, I'd say my grandfather. He's always been a big influence on my life. He taught me to take what comes and just deal with it the best you can. I know enough and am smart enough to know it's okay to be scared sometimes. I expect that but the trick is to know what to do. That's a lot harder. I try not to think about the bad things too much otherwise I'd probably never get any rest." She paused as she ate more of the meat. "This is good! Mmm." She had a swig of her drink. "Now I won't say that I am always optimistic. I try but sometimes I feel intimidated by things but I try to push through it. It helps that I like a challenge. I think that I inherited that from my grandfather as well."

With her cheesy fries dwindling and her glass of tea nearly to the point of making that gurgling-sucking sound through her straw, Sydney knew she probably should finish up or at least get more to drink, but the very idea of getting up for any reason meant interrupting the conversation the two were having. That was the last thing she wanted to do at the moment given how much of a peek M'Nia was giving into her life; her background.

Trying to draw out what was left of her food as long as she could, dragging the few remaining fries back and forth through the gooey cheese without making it look like she was purposely stalling, Sydney let out a short chuckle at the Caitian's response to her words, but otherwise just remained silent, doing her best not to flinch at the feline-like woman as she ripped into her tray of meat with her long, sharp canines and powerful jaws.

Shaking her head at M'Nia with a bright smile, "Some would argue that that is the definition of an optimistic person," she replied with a slight giggle before finally raising the french fry to her mouth, smiling through pressed lips as she chewed one of her last bites of food. Clearing her mouth with the smallest of sips of her tea that she could manage, Sydney spoke up, "Did you spend a lot of time with your Grandfather? He sounds like a very impressive and wise man."


Quote from: Sydney Reid on September 03, 2023, 05:38:23 PM

[USS Discovery-B | Deck 10 | Aft Lounge] (During Katra Upgrades - Pre-Restless Spirit)

With her cheesy fries dwindling and her glass of tea nearly to the point of making that gurgling-sucking sound through her straw, Sydney knew she probably should finish up or at least get more to drink, but the very idea of getting up for any reason meant interrupting the conversation the two were having. That was the last thing she wanted to do at the moment given how much of a peek M'Nia was giving into her life; her background.

Trying to draw out what was left of her food as long as she could, dragging the few remaining fries back and forth through the gooey cheese without making it look like she was purposely stalling, Sydney let out a short chuckle at the Caitian's response to her words, but otherwise just remained silent, doing her best not to flinch at the feline-like woman as she ripped into her tray of meat with her long, sharp canines and powerful jaws.

Shaking her head at M'Nia with a bright smile, "Some would argue that that is the definition of an optimistic person," she replied with a slight giggle before finally raising the french fry to her mouth, smiling through pressed lips as she chewed one of her last bites of food. Clearing her mouth with the smallest of sips of her tea that she could manage, Sydney spoke up, "Did you spend a lot of time with your Grandfather? He sounds like a very impressive and wise man."

"Puurrhaps sydney!  Purrrrhaps! As for my grandfather, yes. He was a big part of my life. Still is to some extent but he taught me so much He is very wise. He has lived life and wanted to pass down his knowledge an wisdom to his granddaughters. He doted on us while we were growing up and played games and told stories. Many of which taught us valuable lessons without us realizing it. He is a grand old cat! Both s'rurs and I adore him!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

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