The Bachlorette Party: One Wild Night (Open to All)

Started by Rayek trLhoell, October 10, 2019, 07:20:11 PM

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Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lt Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[Katra Station - Promenade - outside IDIC cuisine](after S2E1)(early November)

Plans for the Bachlorette party began weeks ago, with Saqa7 booking the largest of Blue Belles private rooms for the evening.   She had Ch'erris put out a call for male strips - preferably not locals, because that could get awkward aferwards - and the Andorian club owner had come through for Saqa7 as best she could.  She had found a mixed gender exotic dance troupe that were willing to come to Katra for a month of shows...the first of which would be the Bachlorette party.  Saqa7 agreed and paid for the full night entertainment out of her savings.  She invited as many of Tess' friends as possible  - male, female, other it didn't matter just that they were there to help Tess celebrate the end of her bachlorette life

Other than exotic dancers, Saqa7 had plans for a few party games that she hoped Tess and the others would enjoy.  Saqa7 had never had a bachlorette party for her own wedding.  Their decision to marry being rather spur of the moment, so Saqa7 was having lots of fun organizing Tess'.

Glancing at the time, Saqa7 looked about the Promenade.  Tess should be meeting her for their "dinner date to talk wedding stuff" any minute.   She was glad that Rayek had been willing to help out with some of the activities and made himself scarce for the evening so that Tess had no excuse not to join her for the evening.   

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



Katra Station - Blue Belles

Awkward didn't even come close to describing how Beja felt sitting at the table in the private room of Blue Belles. She found the place: interesting. This was the first time she had entered the place, and admittedly it would probably be the last time. She wasn't a prude persay, she just didn't see the fun in this kind of activity, on any kind of regular basis. Everyone had a body. What was the point in seeing another gyrate theirs around in dancing motions?

Blue Belles wasn't like anything else on the station that Beja had seen. The dark blue walls and floor blended together that if it wasn't for the stark clear furniture, a person could barely see where the difference was between the ceiling, walls and floor. Despite the nature of the place, there was a cleanliness and shininess to everything. Everything gleamed in contrast to the blue color. It was like stepping out of reality into a holodeck setting.

Beja had been pleased though to get invited to Tess' bachelorette party. She had been relieved to know that any discord that might be between Beja and the commander, hadn't extended to the good Doctor. Tess was an expert in her field, and Beja really believed she could learn and grow under her mentorship. And Beja had been honest when she had said she forgave Rayek for the incident in the Wadi. She had.

Despite that, the rift that had grown from that game only seemed to be getting larger not smaller, and Beja wasn't all too sure what to do about that. She wasn't even sure if the commander would show up for any more sessions. But none of that was to be discussed or thought about tonight. No, tonight was to celebrate one of life's joys: love! Tess and the commander were getting married, and they all had wanted to let Tess know this life's decision was supported and celebrated by her friends and co-workers.

If that was to take place in, whatever Blue Belles was, then so be it. They would all have fun, and wish Tess nothing but health and happiness in her next journey in life. Beja hadn't ever seen such a thing before, Klingons didn't have these kinds of parties. Besides Beja really wanted to make friends with the crew on the station. She, like the others, were just trying to find a place to fit in and be accepted.


[Blue Belles]

Jada didn't know why she was here. She'd been invited, but didn't think she knew Doctor Moreno well enough. Whatever rite or custom this was, it seemed to call for close feminine friends of the bride, but she guessed they were in short supply far away from home out here in the Gamma. Jada still wasn't sure she qualified, though. She still had little idea of the point of this event; she'd tried researching, but there was too much variation in culture and Tess's heritage to narrow it down and what she did find, the Orion didn't get the point of. Like monogamy. She'd have to ask someone later, if it seemed tactful. But mostly, this kind of party just didn't feel like her thing. But she did want to start making some friendships on station, so she'd decided to make the attempt.

'Hey, Jada!' the bartender called. 'You want your usual?'

'Ah, maybe later. I'm here for a thing...'

'Private room, over there.'

'Thanks.' Jada said, following the direction, and kept looking.

'Hey Jada...' Natia cooed to her, amidst a bevy of beauties heading back stage. The skull-tattooed Teplan Natia blew her a kiss, while the others giggled. 'Will Big Boss Ngachi be joining us? '

Lucky old bastard. 'Nah, you've got the night off, girls. But I'll maybe see you later.' Jada said with a grin, playing the game of flirting and teasing that would end only in surrendered credits or latinum. Natia, at least, was heterosexual, and these days Jada didn't feel much at all. But it was nice to pretend, if only for an evening and a fee.

She went back to the bartender. 'Actually, I will have that drink first after all...'

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno
[Katra Station - Promenade - outside IDIC cuisine](after S2E1)(early November)

Tess was looking forward to this dinner with Saqa7 and lots of time to talk about the wedding. Rayek was working until the late hours today so Tess didn't feel bad about being out without him for dinner. Tess however did feel bad for him having to work so much today, so she promised him to bring him some take away from the restaurant when she would go home.

Walking down the promenade, dressed in something casual, PADD with some notes on it in hand, she could already see Saqa7 waiting in front of he restaurant. A huge smile broke out on Tess' face at seeing her friend and she waved at her from a distance if she caught the native woman's eye.

Once there she greeted her with a hug. "So good to see you! Sorry for being a few minutes late, I briefly stopped by Rayek's office to cheer him up a bit. He's still working right now."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Ensign Jayce Fuller
[Katra station - Promenade - Blue Belles](after S2E1)(early November)

Jayce was excited about the Bachlorette party.  They were one part happy for Tess and one part jealous.  They'd always hoped the Romulan Commander might show interest in them... but that hope had been dashed when Tess and Rayek had gotten together a few months back.  Jayce could sympathize with Roberto.  He too had hopes dashed.  But Jayce wasn't here to rain on Tess' happiness, no they were there to move on and wish their friend the best.

As they entered the private room,  Jayce took note that the Klingon counselor was present, as well as the Orion security Chief Petty.  They gave a slight wave to both but headed over to sit by the counselor, being more familiar with the Klingon - since they occasionally worked together. "Hi Beja! Glad I'm not the first one here. Saqa7 told me a bit about what she has planned.  Should be lots of fun!  I'm excited about it!"

They then smiled over to Jada.  "Hi Jada.  You're looking good tonight."  If the Commander was off limits maybe it was time to find someone else to fantasize about.


NPC Lt Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[Katra Station - Promenade - outside IDIC cuisine](after S2E1)(early November)

Saqa7 returned the Tess' hug, smiling at her friend's arrival.  "I'm so glad we are able to get together like this.  Seems like all your time nowadays is spent with Rayek.  Not that I don't understand why... but the rest of us miss you."  She remarked with a wider grin.

Saqa7 glanced towards the restaurant for a moment then made a slight face.  "Do you mind if we go someplace else?... I'm not feeling like this place tonight"  She hoped her acting wasn't too obvious.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



Katra Station - Blue Belles

Beja smiled brightly over to Jayce as they took a seat at her table. She had been glad that she was no longer by herself. Jada had arrived as well, but the Orion was not a big fan of the Klingon, and Beja ended up feeling quite alone even with Jada  there.

"Hello Jayce," she greeted the Ensign in kind. "Yes, I'm sure it will be quite a fun time for all. I've been looking forward to this since I was invited. Do you think that Tess suspects anything?" They had all been asked to not let the bride to be in on the surprise party being done in her honor. But she hadn't known Tess for long, so she wasn't sure if the Doctor suspected anything.

Beja of course always wanting to bridge the gap between them, turned to Jada, "Hello Jada, it is good to see you here. Why don't you join us at the table?" She offered to once more try and get on more friendly terms with the female Orion.



[Blue Belles]

Collecting her drink - an Orion ale, or as close as one could get out here Jada turned toward the table. 'I am.' she answered simply, sitting down at a chair opposite. She felt a bit awkward being here; she was still effectively feuding with Counsellor Beja and didn't know the other one at all. Since arriving on station, she'd always wound up moving in different strata from the other senior staff - enlisted rather than officer; Security, not other departments; on Kir'Shara rather than Katra; on the front-line rather than Ops - and often alone, so never really got to work with or get to know anyone. But wasn't that why she was here? Jada hoped she wouldn't regret it. She guessed this would be a mostly Medical party, tonight, all strangers. She wondered if it was too late to drag along s'Metra for company. Natia was there, but that would be sad even for her.

She looked surprised at the other woman (?). No one had ever complimented her looks before. And Jada was just wearing blue jeans and a black Pirates of Fate concert t-shirt, all heavy-metal spaceships, Orion slave girls, and double-barrelled guitars. She'd assumed this was casual dress; she wasn't going to be so daggy as to turn up in uniform. 'Uh, thanks.' What was her name? Cruk.

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno
[Katra Station - Promenade - outside IDIC cuisine](after S2E1)(early November)

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 11, 2019, 09:52:32 PM

NPC Lt Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[Katra Station - Promenade - outside IDIC cuisine](after S2E1)(early November)

Saqa7 returned the Tess' hug, smiling at her friend's arrival.  "I'm so glad we are able to get together like this.  Seems like all your time nowadays is spent with Rayek.  Not that I don't understand why... but the rest of us miss you."  She remarked with a wider grin.

Saqa7 glanced towards the restaurant for a moment then made a slight face.  "Do you mind if we go someplace else?... I'm not feeling like this place tonight"  She hoped her acting wasn't too obvious.

"Oh...", Tess sighed with a smile, inclining her head as she looked at her friend. "I'm sorry. I didn't even notice I'm neglecting my friends! I'll improve on this, I promise."

When Saqa7 admitted she'd rather feel like going someplace else to have dinner, Tess shook her head. "I don't mind at all", she replied as she started to move away from the IDIC cuisine restaurant. "What would you fancy then? Greek? Or Italian? The Brauhaus has got some good stuff too."

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell


NPC Ensign Jayce Fuller
[Katra Station - Promenade - Blue Belles - private room]

Quote from: Jada on October 13, 2019, 07:51:36 AM

[Blue Belles]

Collecting her drink - an Orion ale, or as close as one could get out here - Jada turned toward the table. 'I am.' she answered simply, sitting down at a chair opposite. She felt a bit awkward being here; she was still effectively feuding with Counsellor Beja and didn't know the other one at all. Since arriving on station, she'd always wound up moving in different strata from the other senior staff - enlisted rather than officer; Security, not other departments; on Kir'Shara rather than Katra; on the front-line rather than Ops - and often alone, so never really got to work with or get to know anyone. But wasn't that why she was here? Jada hoped she wouldn't regret it. She guessed this would be a mostly Medical party, tonight, all strangers. She wondered if it was too late to drag along s'Metra for company. Natia was there, but that would be sad even for her.

She looked surprised at the other woman (?). No one had ever complimented her looks before. And Jada was just wearing blue jeans and a black Pirates of Fate concert t-shirt, all heavy-metal spaceships, Orion slave girls, and double-barrelled guitars. She'd assumed this was casual dress; she wasn't going to be so daggy as to turn up in uniform. 'Uh, thanks.' What was her name? Cruk.

Jayce's smile dipped a bit when their compliment to Jada wasn't returned.   Oh well, Jada never seemed the overly social type the few times that they had seen the Onion. But that didn't mean it wasn't possible.  Jayce would just need to keep trying.

Knowing their own forgetfulness with names, along with the fact that they only really had seen the Orion briefly in passing the rare time the Orion came into Sickbay, they offered out their hand in introduction.  "I'm Ensign Fuller.  Jayce Fuller.  I work with Dr. Moreno down in Sickbay."


NPC Lt Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[Katra Station - Promenade - outside Alpha and Omega]

Quote from: Tess Moreno on October 13, 2019, 07:56:56 AM

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno
[Katra Station - Promenade - outside IDIC cuisine](after S2E1)(early November)

"Oh...", Tess sighed with a smile, inclining her head as she looked at her friend. "I'm sorry. I didn't even notice I'm neglecting my friends! I'll improve on this, I promise."

When Saqa7 admitted she'd rather feel like going someplace else to have dinner, Tess shook her head. "I don't mind at all", she replied as she started to move away from the IDIC cuisine restaurant. "What would you fancy then? Greek? Or Italian? The Brauhaus has got some good stuff too."

Saqa7 smiled softening her words.  "You don't need to apologize... but more time with you is always welcome."

Hearing Tess agree to going elsewhere and suggesting places, Saqa7 shook her head.  "I've got someplace in mind.  But I'm in an odd mood.. so just go with, okay?"

The science officer then took hold of Tess' arm, hooking her own with it - linking them and headed off down the promenade, making her way direct towards Blue Belles.  She didn't give Tess opportunity to balk or question as she walked them into the gentleman's club, past the main dance stage where Hexana was mid dance.

She glanced towards her friends face hoping that was going to enjoy this gathering and that it would be an amazing night.  "This your first time here? They have awesome food here, but we can grab a private room to eat.  Ch'erris... we'll take a private room, okay?"

The Andorian owner, who had signalled the server in the room to warn those present that Tess was arriving, approached the pair as they walked through.  Cherry nodded.  "I have just the room for you."  The woman lead the way back along a hallway and then stopped at an iceblue door.  The blue-skinned woman knocked once before opening the door and gesturing for Tess enter first.  Saqa7's grin was wide.

A minute before...

The Andorian male who was serving up drinks,  paused a moment as a message came through the earpiece he wore.

"Our guest of honor has arrived. Everyone be ready to shout 'Surprise'!"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno
[Katra Station - Promenade >>> Blue Belles]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 15, 2019, 12:18:04 AM

NPC Lt Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[Katra Station - Promenade - outside Alpha and Omega]

Saqa7 smiled softening her words.  "You don't need to apologize... but more time with you is always welcome."

Hearing Tess agree to going elsewhere and suggesting places, Saqa7 shook her head.  "I've got someplace in mind.  But I'm in an odd mood.. so just go with, okay?"

The science officer then took hold of Tess' arm, hooking her own with it - linking them and headed off down the promenade, making her way direct towards Blue Belles.  She didn't give Tess opportunity to balk or question as she walked them into the gentleman's club, past the main dance stage where Hexana was mid dance.

She glanced towards her friends face hoping that was going to enjoy this gathering and that it would be an amazing night.  "This your first time here? They have awesome food here, but we can grab a private room to eat.  Ch'erris... we'll take a private room, okay?"

The Andorian owner, who had signalled the server in the room to warn those present that Tess was arriving, approached the pair as they walked through.  Cherry nodded.  "I have just the room for you."  The woman lead the way back along a hallway and then stopped at an iceblue door.  The blue-skinned woman knocked once before opening the door and gesturing for Tess enter first.  Saqa7's grin was wide.

Tess tilted her head to the side as she gave Saqa7 a crooked smile, wondering what those words were supposed to mean? But then her friend hooked her arm in hers and Tess walked along - curious where Saqa7 would bring them now.

When they headed directly towards Blue Belles, Tess turned her head to look at the native woman in surprise. "Saqa?", she chuckling. But her friend didn't stop or slow down, she walked into the club with Tess.

Tess looked around and in fact, this was a place she never had been in before. It all looked as if made out of ice, illuminated in white and pale blue light. Her eyes stopped briefly at Hexana, the dancer on the stage.

Tess was too stunned to intervene at all while Saqa7 spoke to Cherry. Why did Saqa7 bring her here?? Her confusion brought the most ridiculous thoughts to her mind when her friend asked for a private room. Though she was careful to keep them to herself - it would be too embarrassing if she was wrong about it.

When the Andorian woman brought them to a door and opened it to let Tess step in first, Tess caught Saqa7's grin, but it only confused her more. Glancing into the room, not sure what to expect, she took a hesitant step inside ...

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell


NPC Ensign Jayce Fuller
[Katra Station - Promenade - Blue Belles - private room]

A minute before...


The Andorian male who was serving up drinks,  paused a moment as a message came through the earpiece he wore.

"Our guest of honor has arrived. Everyone be ready to shout 'Surprise'!"

The warning from hot Andorian server caught Jayce's attention and they turned towards the room's entrance.

"Should we be trying to hide?" Feeling a bit awkward in doing so they crouched down behind the chair they'd been sitting at.

The Andorian called out quietly. "Computer. Dim lights to 15%. Illuminate to full on the command word 'Surprise'."

The room waited silently.  When the door opened and Jayce could see Tess stepping into the dim room hesitantly,  she popped up and shouted "Surprise!".

The lights suddenly came on to reveal the room and its party makers.

"Congratulations on your upcoming marriage Dr. Moreno."  Then releasing that sounded stuffy... they amended their words. "Tess."


NPC Lt Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[Katra Station - Blue Belles]

Saqa7 followed Tess in a step shouting out her own "Surprise." a half beat behind the others.  "Welcome to your Bachlorette!"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



[Blue Belles]

Realising no-one else was coming - no one she knew well and not enough people that she could just fade into a crowd - didn't help Jada's current socially anxious state. Cruk. This must be what a fifth nacelle felt like. She took a good swig of her ale, wondering if it was too early to call for another.

Then came the announcement that was Tess on her way. And apparently they had to hide and surprise her. Okay. This felt like the Orion children's game of Ambush, but Jada ducked her head down behind the seat, taking her cues from the others. But even knowing what was coming didn't stop her flinching at the sudden light, shouting, and chaos, her first reaction being to an actual ambush, with her on the attacking side. Damn it. Catching herself, she raised her head slower than the others, calling out 'Surprise.' but smiled to see Tess's face regardless.

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Tess tLhoell

Lt. Cmdr. Tess Moreno
[Katra Station - Blue Belles]

Tess, still looking into the dark room, was about to turn to Saqa7 to ask what was going on when suddenly the lights came on, illuminating the room brightly. The people jumping up from their hiding spots and shouting 'Surprise' actually made Tess flinch for a second, before she realized what this was. Her Bachlorette Party!

Her mouth fell open with the biggest overwhelmed grin on her face, as she first looked to Saqa7 and then realizing for the time who she saw there. Beja, Jada, Jayce. Tess let out a nervous laugh, her gaze stopping briefly at the Andorian server, then she turned to Saqa7 to give her a tight hug. "Thank you!", she grinned and then pulled back to look at her mockingly upset. "And I was wondering why you bring me to Blue Belles!", she laughed.
She then turned back to the others, taking a few steps into the room. "Thank you for coming!", she beamed at them. Then turned back to Saqa7 again. "We're having dinner all together?" Or what have you planned?, was the implied question.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lt Saqa7 Mountain-Khan
[Katra Station - Blue Belles]

Saqa7 grinned back towards Tess at her question.  "Dinner, entertainment consisting of naked men and women - take your pick."

Anticipating a bit of resistance at this she added. "Blue Belles is a lot like Vegas, I hear.. cause what goes on in Blue Belles.. stays in Blue Belles. So enjoy yourself tonight.  Anything goes - okay? We won't tell - and I've taken a page from your intended's playbook and have had the room signal jammed.. no video or camera evidence will be permitted."

Saqa7 then proceeded to go to a table where she had a bag of items kept.   "I've got a number of games planned but we can get into those after you have had a drink or two and are more relaxed. Okay?"

From the bag she pulled out a handful of muscle shirts... one she gave to Tess.  It was white with the phrase 'I'm getting Married' on it.   The others were black and these she handed out to Jada, Beja and Jayce.  They read... 'So we're getting Drunk'.

"So Tess what would you like to drink first?  Dinner should be arriving shortly."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



Katra Station - Blue Belles

Beja found it amusing that Jada missed the clear flirting cues that Jayce had been giving to the Orion. Maybe dating would be good for Jada, to find others to connect to, so the Orion wouldn't feel so alone and isolated? Perhaps giving Jada homework like she had the commander of making a friend might be beneficial to her. But she wasn't here to work, no, Beja was here to enjoy spending time with others of the crew, and of course the most important celebrate Tess' finding love and happiness with another.

This was the first time Beja had been to such a party, Bachelorette party. She wasn't exactly sure how they went, or what was expected, but she figured she'd learn as it went. When it was suggested they hide to truly surprise Tess when she arrived. She immediately got up and did her best to crouch down behind a small seating couch. A rather strange thing to do, but Beja found it a little fun as well. She couldn't help but giggle quietly, as she did her best to keep quiet. She didn't want to be the one to spoil the surprise for Tess.

Luckily  they didn't have to wait long for the before the person of honor arrived. Beja popped up when the others did s the lights were turned back on, and shouted, "Qapla'!"

She then quickly realized that was not what was expected and then followed it up with the appropriate 'Surprise!' From the look on Tess' face, it appeared that it had been a success, as the other woman truly acted like the entire thing was quite the unexpected surprise. Mission accomplished!

Beja listened intently as Saqa7 explained how the night would go. There would be games, some naked people, drinking, food, something about a place called Vegas. All in all, it didn't sound like that much different than Klingon parties she had attended, well, minus the strange Vegas place and the naked people. Oh, and they got to wear special attire. How fun! She happily picked up and put on the black shirt that was for the rest of them to wear.

"Yes, Tess please do order. The first round of drinks for everyone shall be on me," Beja offered to the group, glad to celebrate with them all and be included in such festivities.

🡱 🡳

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