Pirates of the Spacelanes (The Reboot)(Open to all)

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, June 13, 2022, 04:47:48 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

(OOC= I started this a few years back on the old Discovery. It's open for anyone to come and join! It's set on the holodeck. You can be a Starfleeter on Kirk's crew (Any of them.. even Kirk!), or a pirate. )

:: 2267 | Somewhere in the Typhon Expanse ::

The dingy light shone down upon the cluttered, aged command deck of the old freighter bathing the motley crew in a reddish glow. At the helm a burly Klingon plied his trade in stoic silence, making course corrections and occasionally glancing up at the flickering viewer. At the Gunner's position, the helmsman's doppelganger growled at the readouts and kicked the workstation's base, which apparently produced the desired results. Working the sensors was a Human female, her own blond locks tucked into a quickly secured bun, and her face illuminated by the blue glow of her station's scanners. No one spoke, save for the ship itself, which creaked and groaned like an old wooden schooner riding the waves of a stormy sea. Occasionally the gunner growled, and the sensor station bleeped and whirred. Otherwise the Latinum Lady's crew rode their vessel through space in relative calm, each plying their trade; lost in their own duties. After a few moments though, the came was broken.

"Captain!" the Klingon gunner called out gruffly. "There is a vessel approaching!"

The command chair, which had been facing the compartment's aft section, swiftly spun in the direction of the Klingon gunner. It's small occupant's feet never coming in contact with the deck plates. The ship's captain, a wild looking crimson haired youth, eyed the view screen eagerly.

"In range?" he called out.

"Two thousand kellicams!" the gunner replied, shortly thereafter.

"Hurry it up!" Kyan ordered shortly, before the old grups goes off tae warp!"

Several seconds passed as the Latinum Lady approached her target. Finally the gunner spoke up again. "In range."

The little commander grinned ferally. "Let's see it then!"

The static filled viewer, with the crack running up the side of the old LED display blinked into another shot. The vessel in question took up most of the screen. Her curves were unmistakable. Smooth, rounded primary hull which gave way to a slim swan neck that connected it to the saucer section. Blinking lights, long powerful engines glowing green at the front. The ship hung in space, waiting. Kyan hopped from his chair, his boots clanking on the deck plates as he landed. This was the one that they'd been looking for.

"Registry NCC One seven...."

"I know who it is Korak!" Kyan called back, excitement permeating his speech. "Raise the shields! Get the weapons ready, and prepare a boarding party!"

"Aye Aye!" the gunner called out, a toothy grin playing at the corners of his mouth. "They will sing songs of this day!"

Kyan eyed the ship flickering on their viewscreen. The pride of Starfleet. USS Enterprise. HIS ship. He'd been looking for her since he'd taken over command of the Latinum Lady several months ago. And now here she was. Hopefully those prefix codes that he'd purhased from that Orion Trader would work. If they didn't, the only songs that would be sung would happen in the Summerlands, when the Gods asked him about his battles.

"Let's give the ole grup a chance to surrender. Hail them!" Kyan called out, laughing. "Let's see if he's in a talking mood the now!"

Tok's hands flew over his console as he complied. "Frequency open."

Kyan stood defiantly in the middle of his bridge, hands on his hips. "Kirk! You ole creature! Me name's Kyan. You have five minutes to surrender or we're taking the ship! If you try to resist, I promise you by the Lord and Lady that your crew will be sold to the Orions and your ship will be shot to bits! I'll collect 'em all up and put them in a jar by the end of the day! What say you grup!"

Nira Said

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Enterprise NCC-1701]

Nira was wondering when it would be a matter of time when that cowboy Kirk would begin flirting with her. It was true that she was beautiful, being a Betazoid adopted by Arabs. In point of fact, it's one of the reasons why she was one of the first Betazoids in Starfleet, but probably the first ever to make Security, let alone Security Chief.

She could hardly believe how fast she made Security Chief; it felt like only yesterday she had been at the Academy. And her ship constantly being prey to Klingon raids. She certainly had a grudge against Klingons; they killed her father and later her mother and stepfather. She certainly felt alone being raised in Arabia.

She had enough after her promotion; she wanted to get off the Rosso as fast as possible, and she took advantage while it was in spacedock for repairs. A sympathetic officer recommended the Enterprise; after all, one can be in good hands under somebody like James Kirk.

She was still uncertain of what to make of Kirk. A flirt, a cowboy, even. How somebody like him became Captain was beyond her. But the rest of the staff she certainly took a liking to. True, Checkov was quite young and brash; Sulu almost as suave as Kirk; and there was no denying Uhura was as beautiful as she was. Doctor McCoy? Another cowboy, but more like the reluctant country doctor. But who really stood out to Nira was Spock. She was glad that there was a first officer like Spock on the ship; somebody certainly needed to rein that cowboy Kirk in.

Half her time so far on the ship was spent wondering how to break it to Kirk, if and when he approached her flirtatiously, that it would be a bad idea. The other half was spent with the drills and making evaluations on her department, getting to know them all. But she could feel it; although, in point of fact, it's easy to feel raw emotion from Kirk.

She was quite surprised by the youthful face on the transmission Uhura pulled up. But what she could see in his face, she wondered if he sported some kind of grudge.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Kyan Mackenzie


:: Bridge | USS Enterprise ::

Kirk appeared non-plussed as Kyan issued his demands. Spock's eyebrow shifted upwards slightly. "Fascinating". he said, to no one in particular.

Under normal circumstances the Latinum Lady, and old Antares Class Freighter, would pose no serious threat to the Enterprise. Her armaments consisted of one outdated type 1 phaser turret. Her deflector shields had ben stripped from a retired Baton Rouge Class starship, and she topped out at warp 6... for brief intervals. Kirk knew these things. Spock knew them. Everyone on the bridge knew. Which is why bemusement and curiousity were the prevailing emotions among the fabled starship's bridge crew. What they didn't know, was that the Latinum Lady's crew had been preparing for this occasion for some time.

After a brief shared glance between Kirk and his Vulcan First Officer, he spoke. "Normally, we greet other by... saying hello." he opened with a smile. "If you'd allow me to speak with the captain of... your vessel."

Kyan's brow furrowed and his eyes narrowed. "Just who is it ye think yer talkin to the now ya blitherin ijit? If I weren't in charge here, d'ye think I'd be sayin demands? D'ye think I'd be having this fancy jacket with the gold buttons? Nae. I'd be over somewhere's else and some other person would be talkin to ye. So What say ye? Yous gonna give it up or is it a fght yer after?"

For his part, Kirk's body language remained steady. He was confident. But then again why shouldn't he be? "Well." he started with a sigh. "I suppose we'd better raise shields Miss Said. "And arm the phasers."

Kyan's eyes lit up like it was Christmas. "I knew it! I knew ye had it in ya grup, and no mistake!" He turned toward his own gunner. "Get ready Kovak!" than back at Kirk. "Hope ye said yer prayers ya skirt chasin grup!'

The Enterprise's viewscren blinked back into a shot of the Latinum Lady as she hung in space, her almost impotent image a stark contrast to the bombastic aggression that her diminutive Captain had just shown. Kirk turned  back toward the tactical station. "What do you make of her Miss Said?"

Nira Said

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 14, 2022, 04:46:12 AM

:: Bridge | USS Enterprise ::

Kirk appeared non-plussed as Kyan issued his demands. Spock's eyebrow shifted upwards slightly. "Fascinating". he said, to no one in particular.

Under normal circumstances the Latinum Lady, and old Antares Class Freighter, would pose no serious threat to the Enterprise. Her armaments consisted of one outdated type 1 phaser turret. Her deflector shields had ben stripped from a retired Baton Rouge Class starship, and she topped out at warp 6... for brief intervals. Kirk knew these things. Spock knew them. Everyone on the bridge knew. Which is why bemusement and curiousity were the prevailing emotions among the fabled starship's bridge crew. What they didn't know, was that the Latinum Lady's crew had been preparing for this occasion for some time.

After a brief shared glance between Kirk and his Vulcan First Officer, he spoke. "Normally, we greet other by... saying hello." he opened with a smile. "If you'd allow me to speak with the captain of... your vessel."

Kyan's brow furrowed and his eyes narrowed. "Just who is it ye think yer talkin to the now ya blitherin ijit? If I weren't in charge here, d'ye think I'd be sayin demands? D'ye think I'd be having this fancy jacket with the gold buttons? Nae. I'd be over somewhere's else and some other person would be talkin to ye. So What say ye? Yous gonna give it up or is it a fght yer after?"

For his part, Kirk's body language remained steady. He was confident. But then again why shouldn't he be? "Well." he started with a sigh. "I suppose we'd better raise shields, Miss Said. And arm the phasers."

Kyan's eyes lit up like it was Christmas. "I knew it! I knew ye had it in ya grup, and no mistake!" He turned toward his own gunner. "Get ready Kovak!" than back at Kirk. "Hope ye said yer prayers ya skirt chasin grup!'

The Enterprise's viewscren blinked back into a shot of the Latinum Lady as she hung in space, her almost impotent image a stark contrast to the bombastic aggression that her diminutive Captain had just shown. Kirk turned  back toward the tactical station. "What do you make of her Miss Said?"

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Enterprise NCC-1701]

Nira subtly set to work to raise shields and warm up the phasers. She then perked up at Kirk's asking for her opinion.

"Well, she doesn't look like much, Captain," she said formally, "but looks can be deceiving. Chances are, it could pack a worse punch than a K-7. Or a Romulan Bird of Prey."

She jumped when a brusque Southern voice burst in: "What in God's name is going on, Jim?" Looking around, she realized Doctor McCoy had entered the bridge. For somebody medically inclined, he can be loud and brusque when he wanted to.

"Well, the devil if eye be knowin', Doctor McCoy. Wee lad thinkin' he could throw his weight 'round."

Nira looked up in another direction. She had noticed Montgomery Scott, affectionately known as "Scotty," enter the bridge before the transmission came in, no doubt to make an Engineering report. Why else would he be up here? The stocky Scotsman, for the most part, never left Engineering. One of the only exceptions was to man the bridge when Kirk and Spock went down to some planet for some kind of adventure.

"I do agree, Lassie," Scotty said, looking at Nira. "She looks mighty decieving."

Nira looked over at Uhura with a raised eyebrow; after all, the women on the senior staff deserved to work together. Uhura made an interesting girl-to-girler than the blonde yeoman Janice Rand or the sneering Head Nurse Christine Chapel, who seemed to by McCoy's direct opposite. At least, with her expression, Chapel certainly looked like she could sneer, like if there was a class in medical school that excelled at sneering.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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