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Poker Night (ask for invite)

Started by Tekin Nevir, September 02, 2021, 09:01:33 AM

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Tekin Nevir

[Deck 6 - Holodeck 1]

After nodding at a couple of crewmates, the Captain came to the door of Holodeck 1.  After making sure it was vacant, he input his own command codes, causing the door to open and letting him through.  He waited for the doors to close before he spoke.

"Computer. Run Program Tekin 5."

The sterile room shimmered as it was replaced, and soon the Bajoran Captain found himself in a familiar location.  Black sky, desert air, the smell of fires burning... and in front of him, a saloon.  Specifically, the one from Paradise, Arizona Territory.  As soon as the program was done loading, his own uniform shimmered, until he was dressed as a card shark from the 19th century.  Giving a sigh, he walked up to the wooden doors and pushed them open, revealing the interior of the saloon, and was almost immediately greeted.

"Hey!  If it isn't our local gambler.  How's the game, Nose?"

Nevir chuckled at the bartender  "Another night, another chip." he replied, turning and heading to the card table.  Semi-familiar faces were seated at the table, and cards, cash, and chips had already been strewn about.

"Gentlemen, I hope I'm not intruding."

"Nah, forget it, Nevir.  We always got time for another seat." stated one of the sharks, and Nevir took a seat.  He nodded at the others, already with a pile of chips in front of him.

"So... what's the game, Nose?"

The Bajoran thought for a moment.  "Let's do that new one... Hold'em."  He had since programmed other card games into the saloon, specifically the one that he was taught with at the Academy.  Watching the cards getting dealt, the Captain leaned back, oddly calmed as the game started.

Nira Said

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

When Nira stepped into Holodeck One, for one wild moment, she thought she had wound up back in Paradise, 1899. It was the same Saloon. And the Captain was right at the exact table he was when he wasn't Tekin Nevir at all, but was "Neville the Nose," card shark and ladies' man. She was in such a shock and was struck with deja vu.

Having been off-duty for a while and had spent half the day mired in paperwork, she went to Holodeck One to relax. She had changed to a dancer's attire with Indian choli and light pants and had intended to spend the evening practicing her dancing and martial arts, planning on practicing both, kill two birds with one stone, practicing both capoiera and belly dancing. She had just opened her mouth to activate her usual dancing program, just as she stepped inside, but it got no further. Her voice was gone, her jaw hung in stunned surprise and horror, her eyes wide in equal stunned surprise and horror.

Finally, she found her voice. "Captain?" she asked in quiet surprise.

After a moment, getting a good look at the other card sharks the Captain was sharing the table with, it occurred to her that the players weren't blinking, an indication they were holograms.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Nira Said on September 02, 2021, 10:09:16 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

When Nira stepped into Holodeck One, for one wild moment, she thought she had wound up back in Paradise, 1899. It was the same Saloon. And the Captain was right at the exact table he was when he wasn't Tekin Nevir at all, but was "Neville the Nose," card shark and ladies' man. She was in such a shock and was struck with deja vu.

Having been off-duty for a while and had spent half the day mired in paperwork, she went to Holodeck One to relax. She had changed to a dancer's attire with Indian choli and light pants and had intended to spend the evening practicing her dancing and martial arts, planning on practicing both, kill two birds with one stone, practicing both capoiera and belly dancing. She had just opened her mouth to activate her usual dancing program, just as she stepped inside, but it got no further. Her voice was gone, her jaw hung in stunned surprise and horror, her eyes wide in equal stunned surprise and horror.

Finally, she found her voice. "Captain?" she asked in quiet surprise.

After a moment, getting a good look at the other card sharks the Captain was sharing the table with, it occurred to her that the players weren't blinking, an indication they were holograms.

[Holodeck 1 - Paradise Saloon]

The Captain fully expected his alone time.  Most officers would have expected some alone time.  But if there was one thing Nevir knew about his Chief of Security, it was that she was anything like most officers.  There was a small sigh that escaped his lips, but unlike the holograms around him, he didn't bother to look in her direction.

"Miss Said.  Most folks 'round here don't take kindly to strangers walking in unannounced," he stated, but his meaning was clear.  She probably should have knocked.. or checked to see if the holodeck was in use.  On the other hand, the Captain didn't actually lock the door, and senior officers normally wouldn't have to override every door they encounter.

He tapped the cards on his table for a moment and then sighed.  "Well.. my secret is out.  You might as well come in.  Boys, make a seat for the lady."

"You know this desert flower, Nevir? Because I know a few dances I would like to-"

"I'd stop right there, William.  That rose has sharp thorns." Nevir stated, firmly, causing the character to shut up.  The men considered how to squeeze in another chair, but instead, the computer decided to just randomly have three of the players decide they had enough for the night and leave.  That still left a total of 4 at the table, at least.

"Have a seat Miss Said.  You ever play cards?"

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 03, 2021, 10:03:00 AM

[Holodeck 1 - Paradise Saloon]

The Captain fully expected his alone time.  Most officers would have expected some alone time.  But if there was one thing Nevir knew about his Chief of Security, it was that she was anything like most officers.  There was a small sigh that escaped his lips, but unlike the holograms around him, he didn't bother to look in her direction.

"Miss Said.  Most folks 'round here don't take kindly to strangers walking in unannounced," he stated, but his meaning was clear.  She probably should have knocked.. or checked to see if the holodeck was in use.  On the other hand, the Captain didn't actually lock the door, and senior officers normally wouldn't have to override every door they encounter.

He tapped the cards on his table for a moment and then sighed.  "Well.. my secret is out.  You might as well come in.  Boys, make a seat for the lady."

"You know this desert flower, Nevir? Because I know a few dances I would like to-"

"I'd stop right there, William.  That rose has sharp thorns." Nevir stated, firmly, causing the character to shut up.  The men considered how to squeeze in another chair, but instead, the computer decided to just randomly have three of the players decide they had enough for the night and leave.  That still left a total of 4 at the table, at least.

"Have a seat Miss Said.  You ever play cards?"

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira took in the Captain's underlying tone and cursed herself; she should've checked to see if the holodeck was in use. But then, she was in such a hurry to enjoy herself, she didn't notice.

"Sorry about that, I didn't realize..." But at the complement, Nira felt flattered. "The rose has thorns." The flattery helped ease her mind, helped her feel better. And she was especially delighted at having been invited to play cards.

"As a matter of fact, I do," said Nira, taking a seat. "I play blackjack with Lieutenant Savar. It's good practice to expect the unexpected."

As well as to practice closing her empathy and telepathy. Nira had gotten good at it in her playing blackjack with Savar; after all, Betazoids playing cards would rouse suspicions of cheating.

She took a seat and awaited her cards, with such a poker face she would've looked Vulcan if it weren't for the ears. She instantly thought back to the train when they were rescued. "Neville" teaching her and Luby cards. They never did get to finish their game, in a way.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Nira Said on September 03, 2021, 10:17:31 AM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira took in the Captain's underlying tone and cursed herself; she should've checked to see if the holodeck was in use. But then, she was in such a hurry to enjoy herself, she didn't notice.

"Sorry about that, I didn't realize..." But at the complement, Nira felt flattered. "The rose has thorns." The flattery helped ease her mind, helped her feel better. And she was especially delighted at having been invited to play cards.

"As a matter of fact, I do," said Nira, taking a seat. "I play blackjack with Lieutenant Savar. It's good practice to expect the unexpected."

As well as to practice closing her empathy and telepathy. Nira had gotten good at it in her playing blackjack with Savar; after all, Betazoids playing cards would rouse suspicions of cheating.

She took a seat and awaited her cards, with such a poker face she would've looked Vulcan if it weren't for the ears. She instantly thought back to the train when they were rescued. "Neville" teaching her and Luby cards. They never did get to finish their game, in a way.

[Holodeck 1 - Paradise Saloon]

The Captain chuckled.  "Well, the game is Hold'em, so slightly different.  Slightly different objective.  You want the best hand." he stated, while gathering the cards and shuffling them.  He looked around at who was playing now, and started dealing.  Two facedown cards each.  He started from his left, so that Nira that player 7 and he, being the dealer, was eight.  Once they were dealt, Nevir put the stack down and checked what his hand was.

"The objective is to try to either play your way to the best hand or bluff the others into quitting.  That's called a fold." he started, and then stopped.  Suddenly he had that memory.  The fabricated one.  Them on a train.  Nevir getting the urge to try to teach the 'women' poker so that they were all sufficiently distracted.  The Captain had been used.

But that was one reason why he ended up creating this program.  There were no aliens except the ones seated here.  No T'Hunga.  No Sheriff.  He even made sure that they called him by his name.  Nevir shook his head.  "Sorry, I just remembered... that time," he admitted, looking back at Nira.  "Anyways.. keep that first card covered.  You are allowed to look at it, but you don't want to give these men any information on what kind of hand you have.  Now, in hold'em, you will end up with a total of seven cards, of which only your two are hidden from the rest of us.  You have to decide whether you are able to make a good hand, or if you are going to bluff your way through and scare the rest of us into folding.  Alright, now for the flop." he stated, as he was about to deal cards to the middle.

"Whoa there, Nevir.  No first-round bet?" stated one of the guys.  Another man next to him shook his head.  "Hey, the Nose knows."

In response, the Captain chuckled.  "Well, I was giving you the chance to play one round before you fold, Peter." he stated, getting a round of laughter from the table.  Once it settled down, Nevir turned to the guy on his left.  "Alright, little blind, big blind.  Let's go." he stated, as the two on his left groaned and tossed chips into the middle.

"There is where the scaring thing comes from.  This is a gambling game. Whoever wins gets everything in the pot, so you have to decide if the risk is worth the reward."

Nevir looked around the table, as the guys looked down at their hands to decide if it was worth it.  Nevir did the same, and then gestured to Nira to look at her own cards.  The Captain kept a straight face as he lowered the cards, and then added his own chips to the pot.  Most of the other players did too, except for....

"I fold." stated Peter, tossing his cards back to Nevir.  The table erupted into laughter, and Nevir shook his head.  "I tried, partner."

"Yeah, well, you gave me a crummy hand."

"Sure.. blame the cards." said one of the other guys, as the Captain turned to Nira.  Her hand was decent; the Queen of spades and the Five of diamonds.

After Nira made her move, Nevir then dealt three cards to the middle of the table.  "Alright, the flop.  The 8 of spades.  6 of hearts, and ace of spades."

The gentlemen looked over their cards, and then at the first player on Nevir's left.  The man looked at his cards again, and then grabbed a couple of chips before tossing them in.


Player 2 said call and tossed in the same amount of chips, as well as Player 3.  William sighed, and tossed his cards.  Since Peter was out, it went to player 6.  The person next to Nira stared long and hard at the chips on the table and then tossed in his called amount.  Now it was Nira's turn.

Nira Said

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 03, 2021, 02:09:39 PM

[Holodeck 1 - Paradise Saloon]

The Captain chuckled.  "Well, the game is Hold'em, so slightly different.  Slightly different objective.  You want the best hand." he stated, while gathering the cards and shuffling them.  He looked around at who was playing now, and started dealing.  Two facedown cards each.  He started from his left, so that Nira that player 7 and he, being the dealer, was eight.  Once they were dealt, Nevir put the stack down and checked what his hand was.

"The objective is to try to either play your way to the best hand or bluff the others into quitting.  That's called a fold." he started, and then stopped.  Suddenly he had that memory.  The fabricated one.  Them on a train.  Nevir getting the urge to try to teach the 'women' poker so that they were all sufficiently distracted.  The Captain had been used.

But that was one reason why he ended up creating this program.  There were no aliens except the ones seated here.  No T'Hunga.  No Sheriff.  He even made sure that they called him by his name.  Nevir shook his head.  "Sorry, I just remembered... that time," he admitted, looking back at Nira.  "Anyways.. keep that first card covered.  You are allowed to look at it, but you don't want to give these men any information on what kind of hand you have.  Now, in hold'em, you will end up with a total of seven cards, of which only your two are hidden from the rest of us.  You have to decide whether you are able to make a good hand, or if you are going to bluff your way through and scare the rest of us into folding.  Alright, now for the flop." he stated, as he was about to deal cards to the middle.

"Whoa there, Nevir.  No first-round bet?" stated one of the guys.  Another man next to him shook his head.  "Hey, the Nose knows."

In response, the Captain chuckled.  "Well, I was giving you the chance to play one round before you fold, Peter." he stated, getting a round of laughter from the table.  Once it settled down, Nevir turned to the guy on his left.  "Alright, little blind, big blind.  Let's go." he stated, as the two on his left groaned and tossed chips into the middle.

"There is where the scaring thing comes from.  This is a gambling game. Whoever wins gets everything in the pot, so you have to decide if the risk is worth the reward."

Nevir looked around the table, as the guys looked down at their hands to decide if it was worth it.  Nevir did the same, and then gestured to Nira to look at her own cards.  The Captain kept a straight face as he lowered the cards, and then added his own chips to the pot.  Most of the other players did too, except for....

"I fold." stated Peter, tossing his cards back to Nevir.  The table erupted into laughter, and Nevir shook his head.  "I tried, partner."

"Yeah, well, you gave me a crummy hand."

"Sure.. blame the cards." said one of the other guys, as the Captain turned to Nira.  Her hand was decent; the Queen of spades and the Five of diamonds.

After Nira made her move, Nevir then dealt three cards to the middle of the table.  "Alright, the flop.  The 8 of spades.  6 of hearts, and ace of spades."

The gentlemen looked over their cards, and then at the first player on Nevir's left.  The man looked at his cards again, and then grabbed a couple of chips before tossing them in.


Player 2 said call and tossed in the same amount of chips, as well as Player 3.  William sighed, and tossed his cards.  Since Peter was out, it went to player 6.  The person next to Nira stared long and hard at the chips on the table and then tossed in his called amount.  Now it was Nira's turn.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira could tell momentarily that the Captain thought of the train, too. "Oh, I thought of that, too," she said. She knew what he meant.

As he described Hold 'Em Poker, Nira was intrigued by it. To try to get the best hand...or bluff. Nira enjoyed blackjack with Savar because it was also a means of calculating up to twenty-one. Nevir was right, this is slightly different.

Looking at her cards, Nira could tell she had a good advantage. Queen of spades and five of diamonds. She felt confident, but kept her poker face, and her confidence grew as the other players folded. Of course, she never played Hold 'Em poker before, hence why she inwardly expected any surprises.

"Call," she said, adding the same amount of chips.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Don Damien Addams

[USS Discovery - Holodeck 1 the Captain's program]

Don was wrapped up in a white silk robe which was tied with a yellow slash. His robes came down to his boots. As he was walking through the corridors he heard snickers from observers. Yes. It was weird looking to see someone walking down the corridors with a robe and he had a pair of red cherry boxy gloves too.

He came to the holodeck 1, the doors opened and he walked in. Then he stopped. This was not the boxing program. It was someone's program which was running. Then it dawned on him. This was the town of Paradise. Someone was reliving it. Inside he had wanted to walk out and allow the person to work things out. Then he had an idea. That is exactly what he did. He went back to the archway, opened the doors and went to see who started the program. Last person was the Captain.

Should he avoid the Captain or did the Captain need help. He tapped the combadge on the robes he was wearing.

=/\= Lieutenant Addams to Captain Tekin...sir? Is everything all right? I see you running Paradise. . . =/\= he felt this was right thing to do.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Nira Said on September 03, 2021, 07:05:35 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira could tell momentarily that the Captain thought of the train, too. "Oh, I thought of that, too," she said. She knew what he meant.

As he described Hold 'Em Poker, Nira was intrigued by it. To try to get the best hand...or bluff. Nira enjoyed blackjack with Savar because it was also a means of calculating up to twenty-one. Nevir was right, this is slightly different.

Looking at her cards, Nira could tell she had a good advantage. Queen of spades and five of diamonds. She felt confident, but kept her poker face, and her confidence grew as the other players folded. Of course, she never played Hold 'Em poker before, hence why she inwardly expected any surprises.

"Call," she said, adding the same amount of chips.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on September 03, 2021, 08:47:08 PM

[USS Discovery - Holodeck 1 the Captain's program]

Don was wrapped up in a white silk robe which was tied with a yellow slash. His robes came down to his boots. As he was walking through the corridors he heard snickers from observers. Yes. It was weird looking to see someone walking down the corridors with a robe and he had a pair of red cherry boxy gloves too.

He came to the holodeck 1, the doors opened and he walked in. Then he stopped. This was not the boxing program. It was someone's program which was running. Then it dawned on him. This was the town of Paradise. Someone was reliving it. Inside he had wanted to walk out and allow the person to work things out. Then he had an idea. That is exactly what he did. He went back to the archway, opened the doors and went to see who started the program. Last person was the Captain.

Should he avoid the Captain or did the Captain need help. He tapped the combadge on the robes he was wearing.

=/\= Lieutenant Addams to Captain Tekin...sir? Is everything all right? I see you running Paradise. . . =/\= he felt this was right thing to do.

[Holodeck 1 - Paradise Saloon]

Nevir gave a smile as he also called, and gave a look around the table.  "Alright, then.  Now the tu-" Nevir started, when his comm chimed with Adams's voice.  Nevir stayed frozen for a moment, before sighing and putting the deck down.

"Looks like you're not the only one who walked into the holodeck." he said to Nira, reaching to tap his badge... and remembering that it was currently not on his person. He instead decided to use the open holodeck channel.

"Everything is just fine, Mr. Addams.  Since you're here, you might as well come in and join us.  In the saloon." he stated, shaking his head.  While waiting for Don to arrive, he picked up the deck again.  "Where were we?  Yes, here is the turn.  The Five of Hearts." he stated, putting the card down.  He turned to the first player, who looked at the pot for a moment before scratching the table twice.  Nevir nodded and turned to the second player.  That man shook his head and picked up some more chips.

"Alright... I bet... another fifty." he stated, looking to the third player.  With barely any time spent starting, player three picked up his chips.

"I see your fifty... and throw in 20 more." he stated, turning to look at player 6.  Six had already picked up 50 cents of chips, however, hearing the raise of the bet stopped him.  He considered for a moment, before sighing and tossing his cards.  Now there were five left.

And eyes were now on Nira.

Nira Said

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on September 03, 2021, 08:47:08 PM

[USS Discovery - Holodeck 1 the Captain's program]

Don was wrapped up in a white silk robe which was tied with a yellow slash. His robes came down to his boots. As he was walking through the corridors he heard snickers from observers. Yes. It was weird looking to see someone walking down the corridors with a robe and he had a pair of red cherry boxy gloves too.

He came to the holodeck 1, the doors opened and he walked in. Then he stopped. This was not the boxing program. It was someone's program which was running. Then it dawned on him. This was the town of Paradise. Someone was reliving it. Inside he had wanted to walk out and allow the person to work things out. Then he had an idea. That is exactly what he did. He went back to the archway, opened the doors and went to see who started the program. Last person was the Captain.

Should he avoid the Captain or did the Captain need help. He tapped the combadge on the robes he was wearing.

=/\= Lieutenant Addams to Captain Tekin...sir? Is everything all right? I see you running Paradise. . . =/\= he felt this was right thing to do.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 07, 2021, 10:14:11 AM

[Holodeck 1 - Paradise Saloon]

Nevir gave a smile as he also called, and gave a look around the table.  "Alright, then.  Now the tu-" Nevir started, when his comm chimed with Adams's voice.  Nevir stayed frozen for a moment, before sighing and putting the deck down.

"Looks like you're not the only one who walked into the holodeck." he said to Nira, reaching to tap his badge... and remembering that it was currently not on his person. He instead decided to use the open holodeck channel.

"Everything is just fine, Mr. Addams.  Since you're here, you might as well come in and join us.  In the saloon." he stated, shaking his head.  While waiting for Don to arrive, he picked up the deck again.  "Where were we?  Yes, here is the turn.  The Five of Hearts." he stated, putting the card down.  He turned to the first player, who looked at the pot for a moment before scratching the table twice.  Nevir nodded and turned to the second player.  That man shook his head and picked up some more chips.

"Alright... I bet... another fifty." he stated, looking to the third player.  With barely any time spent starting, player three picked up his chips.

"I see your fifty... and throw in 20 more." he stated, turning to look at player 6.  Six had already picked up 50 cents of chips, however, hearing the raise of the bet stopped him.  He considered for a moment, before sighing and tossing his cards.  Now there were five left.

And eyes were now on Nira.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira certainly looked up when Don called in. It was understandable if he was worried. Though at least he took note of what was running; Nira was certainly in a hurry and didn't check what program was running, a mistake to make when one is in a hurry. She only shrugged and nodded in understanding at the Captain before turning back to her cards.

Seeing the cards come in, Nira raised an eyebrow in a Vulcanlike way, then put in her chips, calculating the totals...

"I call that fifty," she said, "and I'll raise you twenty-five."

She hoped she was doing it right. She remembered Savar mentioning "I'll raise you," at once point in blackjack, though he explained what it was, though Nira wasn't sure that applied to blackjack.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Don Damien Addams


[Discovery - Holosuite]

Don was surprise the Captain had answered and invited Don to join him. He shrugged his shoulders and figured why not. It was not like he was disturbing the Captain. If the Captain had not wanted company he would not invited Don.

It was weird walking back in the saloon where they had done before. The Helmsman had to tell him it was safe. This was present and it was not going to effect him and Torra.

As he entered a big grin was on his face when he saw the legend card shark himself. "œNose. And Nawja," he said. Honest. He figured he slaughtered Nira's name very well. He was not dress for the occasion. To that time period boxing gloves was introduced.

Don had seen a familiar game he had seen before in one of Ian's Holodeck Tiger's in the Air. He recalled seeing some troops around a table playing a similar game like this. He recalled them inviting them, but at that time Ian had grabbed him to take off in his P40. The Duck and Ian was Daffy. He had missed Ian and those flight stimulators. Don had grandfathered them into the training to his team.

What Don knew that was a awful hand on the table. What Don can figure there is a chance getting a count. He forgot what you call it. Then he was not sure you can also get four same and three not.

He was going to be quiet as a mouse until this round is done. If he remembers they had a few rounds before a new player can join in. Suppose to lose players until one wins. So he went to the bar.

"œHello," he told the barkeep. "œYou want to wager who will win?" He offered with a smirk.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on September 08, 2021, 03:49:26 AM

[Discovery - Holosuite]

Don was surprise the Captain had answered and invited Don to join him. He shrugged his shoulders and figured why not. It was not like he was disturbing the Captain. If the Captain had not wanted company he would not invited Don.

It was weird walking back in the saloon where they had done before. The Helmsman had to tell him it was safe. This was present and it was not going to effect him and Torra.

As he entered a big grin was on his face when he saw the legend card shark himself. "œNose. And Nawja," he said. Honest. He figured he slaughtered Nira's name very well. He was not dress for the occasion. To that time period boxing gloves was introduced.

Don had seen a familiar game he had seen before in one of Ian's Holodeck Tiger's in the Air. He recalled seeing some troops around a table playing a similar game like this. He recalled them inviting them, but at that time Ian had grabbed him to take off in his P40. The Duck and Ian was Daffy. He had missed Ian and those flight stimulators. Don had grandfathered them into the training to his team.

What Don knew that was a awful hand on the table. What Don can figure there is a chance getting a count. He forgot what you call it. Then he was not sure you can also get four same and three not.

He was going to be quiet as a mouse until this round is done. If he remembers they had a few rounds before a new player can join in. Suppose to lose players until one wins. So he went to the bar.

"œHello," he told the barkeep. "œYou want to wager who will win?" He offered with a smirk.

Quote from: Nira Said on September 07, 2021, 12:03:18 PM

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira certainly looked up when Don called in. It was understandable if he was worried. Though at least he took note of what was running; Nira was certainly in a hurry and didn't check what program was running, a mistake to make when one is in a hurry. She only shrugged and nodded in understanding at the Captain before turning back to her cards.

Seeing the cards come in, Nira raised an eyebrow in a Vulcanlike way, then put in her chips, calculating the totals...

"I call that fifty," she said, "and I'll raise you twenty-five."

She hoped she was doing it right. She remembered Savar mentioning "I'll raise you," at once point in blackjack, though he explained what it was, though Nira wasn't sure that applied to blackjack.

[Holodeck 1 - Paradise Saloon]

The men at the table were impressed with the sudden raise of the bet, and the Captain actually smiled.  "Alright, you heard the lady.  We are up to 75 this round." he stated, picking up chips and tossing them in.  The first two players looked like they were sweating, but ended up calling.  The third player shrugged and tossed in a chip to match Nira's bet.

"Mr Addams, how good of you to join us," Nevir stated, though he kept his eyes on the table.  With all the betting done, he picked up a card from the deck.

"This isn't the Paradise you remember, these men know who you are.  They also know who I am, but I guess I couldn't help but add that back in.  But its Nevir the Nose here." he explained to Don, while putting the card in the middle, and flipping it over.  A two.  A two of clubs.

"And the river.  Seems you gentlemen scared the suits away this round." he stated, looking to the players on his left.

The first player tapped his finger on the table once, but then pulled some chips off his stack.  "Let's throw in twenty." he stated, looking to the rest of the table.  The second player raised an eyebrow, but then tossed in twenty.  Player three almost gave a grin, and then pulled his chips.

"I'll see that twenty, and raise you twenty," he stated, tossing the chips in.  The other players did the same, and then once again looked to Nira. 

Nira Said

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on September 08, 2021, 03:49:26 AM

[Discovery - Holosuite]

Don was surprise the Captain had answered and invited Don to join him. He shrugged his shoulders and figured why not. It was not like he was disturbing the Captain. If the Captain had not wanted company he would not invited Don.

It was weird walking back in the saloon where they had done before. The Helmsman had to tell him it was safe. This was present and it was not going to effect him and Torra.

As he entered a big grin was on his face when he saw the legend card shark himself. "œNose. And Nawja," he said. Honest. He figured he slaughtered Nira's name very well. He was not dress for the occasion. To that time period boxing gloves was introduced.

Don had seen a familiar game he had seen before in one of Ian's Holodeck Tiger's in the Air. He recalled seeing some troops around a table playing a similar game like this. He recalled them inviting them, but at that time Ian had grabbed him to take off in his P40. The Duck and Ian was Daffy. He had missed Ian and those flight stimulators. Don had grandfathered them into the training to his team.

What Don knew that was a awful hand on the table. What Don can figure there is a chance getting a count. He forgot what you call it. Then he was not sure you can also get four same and three not.

He was going to be quiet as a mouse until this round is done. If he remembers they had a few rounds before a new player can join in. Suppose to lose players until one wins. So he went to the bar.

"œHello," he told the barkeep. "œYou want to wager who will win?" He offered with a smirk.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 10, 2021, 01:44:42 PM

[Holodeck 1 - Paradise Saloon]

The men at the table were impressed with the sudden raise of the bet, and the Captain actually smiled.  "Alright, you heard the lady.  We are up to 75 this round." he stated, picking up chips and tossing them in.  The first two players looked like they were sweating, but ended up calling.  The third player shrugged and tossed in a chip to match Nira's bet.

"Mr Addams, how good of you to join us," Nevir stated, though he kept his eyes on the table.  With all the betting done, he picked up a card from the deck.

"This isn't the Paradise you remember, these men know who you are.  They also know who I am, but I guess I couldn't help but add that back in.  But its Nevir the Nose here." he explained to Don, while putting the card in the middle, and flipping it over.  A two.  A two of clubs.

"And the river.  Seems you gentlemen scared the suits away this round." he stated, looking to the players on his left.

The first player tapped his finger on the table once, but then pulled some chips off his stack.  "Let's throw in twenty." he stated, looking to the rest of the table.  The second player raised an eyebrow, but then tossed in twenty.  Player three almost gave a grin, and then pulled his chips.

"I'll see that twenty, and raise you twenty," he stated, tossing the chips in.  The other players did the same, and then once again looked to Nira.

[Lieutenant Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Nira looked up momentarily to see Don enter. She then turned back to the game, as she needed to concentrate, but she did look up at Don at one point, seeing him watching with interest. He must've played before...

She turned back once the players made their bets. Time to make hers.

"I call that twenty," she said with a smile, "and I raise you thirty."

She figured to be small, and she didn't want to yet try a bluff. She had seen Savar bluff once or twice and she knew what a bluff would be.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Don Damien Addams

[USS Discovery - Captain Tekin's holoprogram]

Don smiled at the barkeep. "œWell, I should have known you knew us," he said. "œI was testing you and I was testing myself as a partner."

The waitress came to Don to see he wanted a drink. "œI take a draft please," he told her and gave her a wink. She giggled and prance to the bar to get his drink.

"œWell, I believe this looks a little familiar," he said as he grabbed a chair, placed the back against the table and he straddled it. "That hand on the table does not look too good. Anywho, I am short on currency here."

He was grinning ear to ear like a man up to know good. That was what he wanted them to think of him. Let them think about who they are dealing with.

After all he sort of had played card games in the days when he was a smuggler.

"œAnd Nose thank you for allowing me to be here and with the sweetest Nira. Have you ever been bit by a female shark? She is the one with the bite!"

The talk was nothing fancy but fun things to say to throw people off. This was done in P40 where Don saw Black Jack, Texas Hold'em, and other poker games being played by military men. Even Flip had played. That was a man who was hard to please. The guy had thrown a few wrenches at him for damaging some of those Tiger planes. However, it got to a point where it was fun to get Flip angry. That he missed with Ian.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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