private lessons in vulcan biology(T'Lara,Torrion)

Started by Torrian Sh'riall, July 30, 2021, 06:01:35 PM

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Torrian Sh'riall

[deck 9-Medical-USS-Discover]
=/\=Commander T'lara to sickbay=/\=
Torrion had been freaking out for the past six hours since she heard the news Her vulcan had presently became violent due to her being in the beginning of her pon farr and knowing the commander is married she might be able to help torrion figure out some way to help her vulcan girlfriend though the start of the condition. Pressing her comm badge again this time more stressed "I repeat commander T'Lara  to sick bay  I'm freaking out over here."

She said before taking another drink of her Ale to calm her down this being her 15th bottle and she is starting to get a bit of a buzz form it


[XO's Quarters - USS Discovery]

T'Lara was in her bedroom with the lights on the lowest setting and a candle lit in front of her kneeling form. The room itself was absent of any clutter, save for a Vulcan lyre she kept on top of a dresser which had not been played in years. When she heard the very anxious command coming from her badge, the Vulcan broke out of her concentration and her eyes blinked. The message was not from one of the senior officers, which were the only people she expected to receive correspondence from. All others were supposed to go through the chain of command. Upon not hearing the voice of Tekin, Lek, or one of the department heads, T'Lara surmised that whoever this was either did not care to follow protocol, did not recall the protocol, or was in some sort of emergency. The last possibility appeared to be the truth as within seconds another comm came through, even more urgent than the first.

T'Lara raised an eyebrow as she gracefully got to her feet and tapped her badge. Whoever this was really seemed to need her help.

"T'Lara to Sickbay. I will be there in approximately three minutes."

Message sent, she slipped out of her casual outfit and into a clean uniform. Then she walked out of her quarters and took a turbolift to deck nine.

When she entered, T'Charr pointed her in the direction of Torrion's post, which was apparently a biobed tucked in the back of the PCU. She saw the precariously strewn bottles before her eyes set on the image of a disheveled Andorian huddled among the remnants of her indulgence. Stepping close enough to be heard, but not too close as to enter her space, T'Lara cleared her throat. Very quickly she matched the face before her to the roster.

"Ensign Sh'riall," she said loud enough to get her attention, then softened slightly as she took in the mental state the medical officer was in. [color-crimson]"I received your message. How can I be of assistance?"[/crimson]

By looking at her T'Lara thought that what this person really needed was the help of a counselor, but she waited to hear their reasoning before making a decision on the matter.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Torrian Sh'riall


grabbing another full bottle of ale she ripped the cork off and begin to chug down as much ale as she could  her hands shaking as she did so placing the bottle with the others she turned around "commander uh thanks for coming right um will you see the thing is my grirend my vulcan girlfriend has got the seven year mating itch if you would" She said correcting herself.  her hands still shaking is there um any record any at all of andorian and vulcan offspring anywhere in the star fleet records I know our people haven't had the best history but there has to be something somewhere right? maybe a myth or a legend anything i'd ask my own people but...

Will you know we aren't know for our kind and warm nature outside of familiesand  I don't trust them as far as I can trow them. She said as she went to grab the newly opened bottle of ale and took another large drink. And besides I am an outsider among them for reason you very well know my gender for one, my sexuality for another and my choice for partner's forget about it so yeah they where no help there .

She said as she finished off what would be her sixteenth bottle of ale before pulling out another one "I am freaking out here commander what do I do how um how did your husband and you uh handle your will you know problem because let me tell you I have no idea what I'm doing and neither of us have the time to never mind this is dumb your job is to lead mine is to fallow this being buddy buddy doesn't work sorry I said anything at all."

@ T'Lara


T'Lara refrained from grabbing the bottle from Torrian, because her strength combined with the Andorian's inebriated state would likely not end well. As she listened, her face did not change one bit from the straight focus she generally assumed. The best way to handle this was to meet the anxiety and panic with complete calm. She could feel the emotions like a sticky fog permeating around her, but the only thing she could consciously do about it was talk.

She did not want to tell Torrian what she needed to know, because it would only make the situation worse. Once more, she was certain a medical professional would do a better job than her right now, but it appeared she was stuck here for the time being. She thought through the jumbled mess of words that had been thrown at her and decided to clarify what the real question was instead of focusing on the negatives.

"You do not need to apologize. Does your partner have an adun, a husband, or a sa-kugalsu, a betrothed?"

She knew this would be awkward for Torrian, but all this information would help her determine whether the solution would be easy or hard.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Torrian Sh'riall


She's gay but there is someone she said with a smile knowing exactly who she is referring to my other girlfriend is her sa-kugalsu though they won't to me that story I think they are embarrassed about how it happened. Torrion said her mood automatically lifting it actually only happened recently I believe I was still on my cadet cruise when I got the news my captain on the cruise couldn't get me to stop smiling for a month

She said But this is our first official pon far as a three-some couple and that's what's freaking me out so much As a doctor I know it's ill-logical but as a woman, I am unsure what to do or even to begin how to do it if you have any biology texts i could review maybe that would help. the three of us have talked about this but as an um a vergin the thought of making love to anyone is a bit hard to wrap my mind around let alone two someones what if I blow it and they will hate me for it or I hurt one of them I am strength to do some damage if I mess up I'm sorry I'm rambling.


T'Lara looked almost bored as she listened to the details. Her own life had little to no romance, and the resulting complications she was currently having to listen to were doing a great job of keeping her from wanting to pursue a relationship. As Sh'riall divulged even more details of the situation, the first officer took a breath.

"I believe you should discuss the details of your relationship with a counselor, as I am not qualified to give you advice on such things. There are most likely texts on the topic you are seeking, if I find any they will in turn find their way to you. I apologize, but I believe the questions you are asking are a matter of emotional opinion, something else I am not well-versed in. I can tell you the biological implications of a...gathering such as what you describe, nothing more." She made to leave, her human emotions battling with her Vulcan stubbornness as she wished she could comfort Sh'riall.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Torrian Sh'riall

"Trust me I know but as a will andiarn certain things are taboo even today talking to a counselor will it's not very andian of me is it which is why this doesn't leave the room as your doctor I would extend the same thing to you but yeah knowing the biological implications would help this isn't something I can't just jump into without knowing every risk to her and any baby we might have if she was like me there wouldn't be any issues but she isn't so any info you may send my way would help greatly oh and commander thank you.

Torrion said with the first true smile she has had in weeks

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