The Phantom Nebula (Closed)

Started by Lek, July 01, 2021, 04:01:11 PM

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Lek sat the controls of the Aerie-Class shuttle, a new design currently undergoing trials within Starfleet prior to it going into fleet wide deployment. The Mary Walker had been assigned to Discovery for field testing two weeks ago and while the new shuttle had performed well, this new mission was it's first long range mission. Along for the ride to evaluate the shuttle's performance, Lek was up front with Lieutenant Don Addams. Also aboard to round out the crew were Lieutenant jg M'rrow T'Charr, a Caitian male from the medical department and Ensign Kimiko Sugiyama from the science department.

The Walker had departed from the Discovery four hours ago, bound for a new discovered nebula at the edge of the Delta Quadrant. The nebula was initially thought to be just dark space, but on approaching sensor range was the nebula's nature detected. According to the legends of local sentients, who avoid the region, they warn against entering it, saying it is inhabited by ghosts and space-time anomalies. There name of the area translates as the Phantom Nebula.

As the Discovery had to be at a meeting with one of the local government, the side trip by the Walker provided a chance to explore the nebula and test the new shuttle at the same time. Lek wasn't exactly pleased to be on the excursion, but the Captain had used an infuriating amount of logic to convince, Lek would say trick, him into going, but the Captain had one valid point, he was the best person to evaluate the shuttle's systems. Lek only hoped that the shuttle lived up to the hype concerning the design...

Alt of Ian Galloway

Kimiko Sugiyama

[Kimi Sugiyama: Inside the Phantom Nebula, aboard the Mary Walker, science station, amidships.]

Ensign Sugiyama Kimiko "" Kimi to those who knew her "" frowned at the monitor and ran the initial scan report through the computer again. The calculations fizzed through its circuits and results flickered up.

"œThat can't be right," she muttered, turning her attention to the images she had taken.

Even they looked different to the last time she had stared at them. She rubbed her eyes. Get a grip Kimi, she thought.

She should have heeded Lieutenant Addam's advice and taken that opportunity to sleep in the hotbunk on the last shift.

But she was just too excited. Her first assignment as lead science officer. Officer! She still felt like a cadet. She knew this was a nuisance mission for Lek and Addams. Measuring and cataloguing nebulae was hardly the most glamorous assignment. But this was her one chance and she was determined to make a perfect job of it.

And"¦ of course"¦ there were the rumours. The Phantom Nebula, they called it. Ghosts and supernatural beings. Kimi's eyes sparkled with anticipation, looking again at the planets they had spotted so far within the shrouding curtains of Phantom. She scrutinised them, narrowing her eyes, as if a visual inspection alone could unlock the secrets of whatever fantastical new species hid on their surfaces.

Xenology in all its aspects was her true passion. What if I really found something new? What if I could just talk to them! Now that would be the perfect result to bring back to her seniors on the Discovery.

But results were not going her way at present. She sighed as the computer finished its programme and she realised she had yet another page of contradictory information. Maybe it was the sensors; something in the gas of the nebula was doing something to them? She knew she had to ask Chief Engineer Lek about it, and bit her lip. He would not be happy if they were broken.

She gathered her PADD and exited the surveying suite. The corridor was narrow "" everything on the Mary Walker seemed cramped after life on the Discovery. She thought this was rather like being on an ancient submarine compared to the wide spaces of a cruiser. And they had packed it full with sensor and survey equipment, she had a well equipped lab, Lek had half the lower deck filled with engine swap-outs for testing the different configurations. It was a wonder they had managed to cram in the tiny common area and two hotbunks.

But she skipped along to the bridge "" or rather the cockpit "" where the Ferengi and Lieutenant Addams (CO for this mission) were on helm rotation. She cleared her throat to catch their attention.

"œExcuse me, Chief Engineer Lek, I am sorry to trouble you while on bridge rotation, but"¦" she hesitated. "œI think there might be something wrong with the sensors since we entered the nebula."

She was not surprised by their expressions. She hastily showed the PADD.

"œI mean"¦ when we first approximated the width of Phantom from a distance we knew it would be just that "" approximate. But look at these numbers. Since we entered and I started ranging internally"¦ well"¦ it just got bigger. It's like a horizon; as we approach it, it keeps getting further away. Or deeper, I should say. I cannot find a point of de-concentration, so I can't even guess how far the far side is. That should not happen, unless maybe it's a malfunction in the measuring equipment."

She shifted from one foot to other, nervously. She decided to deliver some good news in the ensuing thoughtful silence.

"œI did find a number of systems, though. There are all sorts in here that we could not see from outside; binaries, complex clusters, the orbits are amazing. Several goldilocks planets, too. I'm sure I would have found more, but for the darkness"¦"

She looked out of the main viewscreen. "œYou notice how it doesn't go away, even now we're in it, passing through the cloud? Most nebula are so dispersed you would never know you were inside one. But it's not density of gas. Something, I don't know what, is causing that"¦"

Don Damien Addams

[Mary Walker - Cockpit]

As the team was formed with Chief Engineer Lek, Lieutenant jg M'rrow T'Charr and Ensign Kamiko Sugiyama, Don had told everyone he gave them a small speech how this mission was going to be one for good books. He noted that a young Ensign who had Lieutenants around her could be a little stress. What he could observe she was fine. He was sure to give her the last eye contact to give her the boost of confidence.

"œFar from being Martha," he joked with Lek on the test flights. His wife was happy over heels for him being CO on this long range mission. Yes. He was nervous but deep in his stomach he felt he could do it.

It was indeed nice to be at the helm of the new prestige Aerie-Class shuttle. "˜The Mary Walker' She was a fine ship. Fact every ship or aircraft was special in its own way. As a pilot one has that passion for ships.


Don was concerned that the sensors were not scanning proper. That could not be in the system. Lek had this thing go inch by inch on everything.

As Sugiyama put the Nebula on the screen Don eyes were scanning for anything out of the ordinary. Now on the Bridge of Discovery one of the fun parts on missions was to hear the Captain asking the crew what they thought.

But as for now, he had wanted to see what Lek had to say. "œWe are up for any suggestions or concerns. This is the time to speak up?" he said. He even had to turn to their Medical personal doctor on board. To have medical, science and engineering as one team was like having elements to solve a mystery. Team he liked it. Pride was in his soul as now.

While that was going Don had been keeping an eye on the console to see anything was going off the wires. So far things have been fine. Knowing explorations anything can happen even weird things like conscious space!


Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on July 01, 2021, 07:00:03 PM

[Kimi Sugiyama: Inside the Phantom Nebula, aboard the Mary Walker, science station, amidships.]

Ensign Sugiyama Kimiko "" Kimi to those who knew her "" frowned at the monitor and ran the initial scan report through the computer again. The calculations fizzed through its circuits and results flickered up.

"œThat can't be right," she muttered, turning her attention to the images she had taken.

Even they looked different to the last time she had stared at them. She rubbed her eyes. Get a grip Kimi, she thought.

She should have heeded Lieutenant Addam's advice and taken that opportunity to sleep in the hotbunk on the last shift.

But she was just too excited. Her first assignment as lead science officer. Officer! She still felt like a cadet. She knew this was a nuisance mission for Lek and Addams. Measuring and cataloguing nebulae was hardly the most glamorous assignment. But this was her one chance and she was determined to make a perfect job of it.

And"¦ of course"¦ there were the rumours. The Phantom Nebula, they called it. Ghosts and supernatural beings. Kimi's eyes sparkled with anticipation, looking again at the planets they had spotted so far within the shrouding curtains of Phantom. She scrutinised them, narrowing her eyes, as if a visual inspection alone could unlock the secrets of whatever fantastical new species hid on their surfaces.

Xenology in all its aspects was her true passion. What if I really found something new? What if I could just talk to them! Now that would be the perfect result to bring back to her seniors on the Discovery.

But results were not going her way at present. She sighed as the computer finished its programme and she realised she had yet another page of contradictory information. Maybe it was the sensors; something in the gas of the nebula was doing something to them? She knew she had to ask Chief Engineer Lek about it, and bit her lip. He would not be happy if they were broken.

She gathered her PADD and exited the surveying suite. The corridor was narrow "" everything on the Mary Walker seemed cramped after life on the Discovery. She thought this was rather like being on an ancient submarine compared to the wide spaces of a cruiser. And they had packed it full with sensor and survey equipment, she had a well equipped lab, Lek had half the lower deck filled with engine swap-outs for testing the different configurations. It was a wonder they had managed to cram in the tiny common area and two hotbunks.

But she skipped along to the bridge "" or rather the cockpit "" where the Ferengi and Lieutenant Addams (CO for this mission) were on helm rotation. She cleared her throat to catch their attention.

"œExcuse me, Chief Engineer Lek, I am sorry to trouble you while on bridge rotation, but"¦" she hesitated. "œI think there might be something wrong with the sensors since we entered the nebula."

She was not surprised by their expressions. She hastily showed the PADD.

"œI mean"¦ when we first approximated the width of Phantom from a distance we knew it would be just that "" approximate. But look at these numbers. Since we entered and I started ranging internally"¦ well"¦ it just got bigger. It's like a horizon; as we approach it, it keeps getting further away. Or deeper, I should say. I cannot find a point of de-concentration, so I can't even guess how far the far side is. That should not happen, unless maybe it's a malfunction in the measuring equipment."

She shifted from one foot to other, nervously. She decided to deliver some good news in the ensuing thoughtful silence.

"œI did find a number of systems, though. There are all sorts in here that we could not see from outside; binaries, complex clusters, the orbits are amazing. Several goldilocks planets, too. I'm sure I would have found more, but for the darkness"¦"

She looked out of the main viewscreen. "œYou notice how it doesn't go away, even now we're in it, passing through the cloud? Most nebula are so dispersed you would never know you were inside one. But it's not density of gas. Something, I don't know what, is causing that"¦"

[Shuttlecraft Mary Walker - Inside Phantom Nebula]

Lek looked at the young feemale Hyoomon with skepticism as what she was reporting didn't make sense, the size of a nebula didn't change once you entered it. However, the purpose of this trip was to test out the new shuttle and he might as well see if everything was working correctly before he challenged her assumption.

"Well, that is certainly unusual. Let me take a look."

He said with a slight smirk as he knelt down and opened an access panel.

"Let's see what we have here."

He figured there was a calibration problem or some other simple issue, but as he checked out the shuttle's systems, he frowned and as he looked closer, his frown deepened.

"I have to admit, I didn't believe your findings, but I've checked the sensors closely and there is nothing wrong with them. That makes for an interesting question. What phenomenon could cause the readings you are getting."

Lek closed the access panel, returned to his seat and ran the scans himself twice before he sat back, deep in thought.

"Okay Ensign, you are the scientist, what we have here is something not known to Federation science. What are your speculations?"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Kimiko Sugiyama

[Kimi Sugiyama "" the Mary Walker "" Bridge]

Quote from: Lek on July 02, 2021, 04:49:37 PM

"Well, that is certainly unusual. Let me take a look."

Kimi kept a straight face at the Ferengi's toothy smirk. She understood why he would not really entertain her diagnosis seriously; he was proud of his systems, and rightly so. She knew he was brilliant at how he maintained his ships.

But when he ran his own checks and came up so abruptly to disprove her hypothesis, she too became concerned.

She glanced to Chief Addams for a moment. He had been so good with her, giving her that extra attention to settle her nerves. And he just had that easy confidence and calm manner that made people trust him.

There were some officers you could tell had the charisma to one day have their own commands. But he, too, was now checking the consoles for problems.

Quote from: Lek on July 02, 2021, 04:49:37 PM

"Okay Ensign, you are the scientist, what we have here is something not known to Federation science. What are your speculations?"

Kimi rocked. The sensors were not wrong. Something else had to be causing it.

Black holes, wormholes, other celestial phenomena, had the capability to bend space-time lines around them and warp sensor readings. She realised she had used the word horizon earlier. Event horizon? Were they unknowingly heading for one?

Kimi shook her head. No, these things could be detected and measured by sensors. They would know it. Even pockets of dark matter had enough data collected about it for her to discount that.

She looked down at her PADD and considered the different readings. It was like she was taking snapshots of a moving object "" correction: a massive dispersed cloud of objects and star systems.

"œWell, then," she began, slowly. "œPerhaps"¦ I don't know"¦ maybe the nebula is changing, but not in the way I think it is."

She saw the blank looks from her colleagues and knew she was getting into surreal metaphysics. How to explain?

"œWe think of things in three dimensions, with time as a constant base fourth dimension. Imagine we only looked at the nebula in two dimensions: we would not realise why it was changing shape if we took readings from different spots in the third dimension."

This was not a very good explanation, she realised. But she pressed on.

"œSo what if there is a cross-dimensional flux leaking into this space? I mean, into this nebula? What if we are missing a fifth dimension because we just do not have the scientific capability to measure it? We could be passing through pockets of unreality, so that distances are suddenly changed and"¦ oh my gosh!"

She slapped a hand to her forehead.

"œWe could be suffering time dilation if we pass out of that dimension as part of the process of entering a different one "" we usually can only exist in three at a time. So the nebula is physically different at different times. And even then, we can only witness just partial reality."

She gazed out of the viewscreen once more, suddenly unnerved.

"œBottom line; we cannot completely trust the sensors. It's like trying to map objects in an ocean of water, that might move around on currents we do not understand, or disappear under the surface. And we just are not capable of measuring how deep it goes"¦"

The analogy unfortunately brought into her mind visions of large sea monsters lurking beneath that ocean surface. What extra-dimensional beings might be living behind the veils of reality here?

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on July 02, 2021, 06:55:38 PM

[Kimi Sugiyama "" the Mary Walker "" Bridge]

Kimi kept a straight face at the Ferengi's toothy smirk. She understood why he would not really entertain her diagnosis seriously; he was proud of his systems, and rightly so. She knew he was brilliant at how he maintained his ships.

But when he ran his own checks and came up so abruptly to disprove her hypothesis, she too became concerned.

She glanced to Chief Addams for a moment. He had been so good with her, giving her that extra attention to settle her nerves. And he just had that easy confidence and calm manner that made people trust him.

There were some officers you could tell had the charisma to one day have their own commands. But he, too, was now checking the consoles for problems.

Kimi rocked. The sensors were not wrong. Something else had to be causing it.

Black holes, wormholes, other celestial phenomena, had the capability to bend space-time lines around them and warp sensor readings. She realised she had used the word horizon earlier. Event horizon? Were they unknowingly heading for one?

Kimi shook her head. No, these things could be detected and measured by sensors. They would know it. Even pockets of dark matter had enough data collected about it for her to discount that.

She looked down at her PADD and considered the different readings. It was like she was taking snapshots of a moving object "" correction: a massive dispersed cloud of objects and star systems.

"œWell, then," she began, slowly. "œPerhaps"¦ I don't know"¦ maybe the nebula is changing, but not in the way I think it is."

She saw the blank looks from her colleagues and knew she was getting into surreal metaphysics. How to explain?

"œWe think of things in three dimensions, with time as a constant base fourth dimension. Imagine we only looked at the nebula in two dimensions: we would not realise why it was changing shape if we took readings from different spots in the third dimension."

This was not a very good explanation, she realised. But she pressed on.

"œSo what if there is a cross-dimensional flux leaking into this space? I mean, into this nebula? What if we are missing a fifth dimension because we just do not have the scientific capability to measure it? We could be passing through pockets of unreality, so that distances are suddenly changed and"¦ oh my gosh!"

She slapped a hand to her forehead.

"œWe could be suffering time dilation if we pass out of that dimension as part of the process of entering a different one "" we usually can only exist in three at a time. So the nebula is physically different at different times. And even then, we can only witness just partial reality."

She gazed out of the viewscreen once more, suddenly unnerved.

"œBottom line; we cannot completely trust the sensors. It's like trying to map objects in an ocean of water, that might move around on currents we do not understand, or disappear under the surface. And we just are not capable of measuring how deep it goes"¦"

The analogy unfortunately brought into her mind visions of large sea monsters lurking beneath that ocean surface. What extra-dimensional beings might be living behind the veils of reality here?

[Mary Walker - Cockpit]

Science was far from his knowledge, but he was paying close attention to the science officer explaining this mystery that they had. There supposed to be an answer to everything.

The way Don was starting to see what she was explaining was two mirrors facing each other. Yes. He had started observing the mirror's reflections. Then the add on explanation of a fifth dimension. He realized science was way over his head.

Now Don was visualizing what he thought best of a triangle for three dimensions. And they were in the middle of it. Then he was picturing a DIE with three sides.

Then she mentioned the ocean looking down seeing it and then it's gone. That has helped him to see it better now.

Then he had turned to Lek to see if there was anything an Engineer could see. If Tekin was here he would be helping because he was a scientist himself. Which left Don dry for now.

Then he had to look at the nebula to see why it was there? Why are the sensors unable to read it? "œYou mention looking into water. We can send a probe," he shared. Flying into it could be putting everyone in danger. Even the sensors are properly working. It could be another dimension.


Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on July 02, 2021, 06:55:38 PM

[Kimi Sugiyama "" the Mary Walker "" Bridge]

Kimi kept a straight face at the Ferengi's toothy smirk. She understood why he would not really entertain her diagnosis seriously; he was proud of his systems, and rightly so. She knew he was brilliant at how he maintained his ships.

But when he ran his own checks and came up so abruptly to disprove her hypothesis, she too became concerned.

She glanced to Chief Addams for a moment. He had been so good with her, giving her that extra attention to settle her nerves. And he just had that easy confidence and calm manner that made people trust him.

There were some officers you could tell had the charisma to one day have their own commands. But he, too, was now checking the consoles for problems.

Kimi rocked. The sensors were not wrong. Something else had to be causing it.

Black holes, wormholes, other celestial phenomena, had the capability to bend space-time lines around them and warp sensor readings. She realised she had used the word horizon earlier. Event horizon? Were they unknowingly heading for one?

Kimi shook her head. No, these things could be detected and measured by sensors. They would know it. Even pockets of dark matter had enough data collected about it for her to discount that.

She looked down at her PADD and considered the different readings. It was like she was taking snapshots of a moving object "" correction: a massive dispersed cloud of objects and star systems.

"œWell, then," she began, slowly. "œPerhaps"¦ I don't know"¦ maybe the nebula is changing, but not in the way I think it is."

She saw the blank looks from her colleagues and knew she was getting into surreal metaphysics. How to explain?

"œWe think of things in three dimensions, with time as a constant base fourth dimension. Imagine we only looked at the nebula in two dimensions: we would not realise why it was changing shape if we took readings from different spots in the third dimension."

This was not a very good explanation, she realised. But she pressed on.

"œSo what if there is a cross-dimensional flux leaking into this space? I mean, into this nebula? What if we are missing a fifth dimension because we just do not have the scientific capability to measure it? We could be passing through pockets of unreality, so that distances are suddenly changed and"¦ oh my gosh!"

She slapped a hand to her forehead.

"œWe could be suffering time dilation if we pass out of that dimension as part of the process of entering a different one "" we usually can only exist in three at a time. So the nebula is physically different at different times. And even then, we can only witness just partial reality."

She gazed out of the viewscreen once more, suddenly unnerved.

"œBottom line; we cannot completely trust the sensors. It's like trying to map objects in an ocean of water, that might move around on currents we do not understand, or disappear under the surface. And we just are not capable of measuring how deep it goes"¦"

The analogy unfortunately brought into her mind visions of large sea monsters lurking beneath that ocean surface. What extra-dimensional beings might be living behind the veils of reality here?

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on July 02, 2021, 10:10:57 PM

[Mary Walker - Cockpit]

Science was far from his knowledge, but he was paying close attention to the science officer explaining this mystery that they had. There supposed to be an answer to everything.

The way Don was starting to see what she was explaining was two mirrors facing each other. Yes. He had started observing the mirror's reflections. Then the add on explanation of a fifth dimension. He realized science was way over his head.

Now Don was visualizing what he thought best of a triangle for three dimensions. And they were in the middle of it. Then he was picturing a DIE with three sides.

Then she mentioned the ocean looking down seeing it and then it's gone. That has helped him to see it better now.

Then he had turned to Lek to see if there was anything an Engineer could see. If Tekin was here he would be helping because he was a scientist himself. Which left Don dry for now.

Then he had to look at the nebula to see why it was there? Why are the sensors unable to read it? "œYou mention looking into water. We can send a probe," he shared. Flying into it could be putting everyone in danger. Even the sensors are properly working. It could be another dimension.

[Shuttlecraft Mary Walker - Phantom Nebula]

As with most scientists, they knew so much about so many things, when you asked one a question, it was like all the information was trying to get out at once. As Kimi went on about different space phenomenon, his eyes began to glaze until she said 'time dilation' and he looked at her with laser focus.

"If you are saying we've stumbled onto a causality loop or region of temporal instability, we have to get out of here right away. I don't care what this new shuttle is supposed to be able to do, it's not equipped for such an anomaly. We need to get back to the Discovery and let the fifty kilo heads crack this nut!"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Kimiko Sugiyama

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on July 02, 2021, 10:10:57 PM

"œYou mention looking into water. We can send a probe," he shared.

Kimi blinked at the commander of the mission. A loud chime seemed to sound in between her ears.

"That... is... it, Sir! Of course! I am possibly trying to read unknown dimensions - but there is a branch of mathematics that deals with precisely that! The number line is linear but we have imaginary numbers to, literally, move into a new dimension. I just need to try and figure out the coefficients. Yes, there must be two, I think - non-dependant, or I would see the pattern. Let's call them i and j. Oh my gosh..."

She slapped her forehead again.

"That's what Charles Maine called his theory of time travel by translating through extra dimensions - Highway J!"

She was not sure if Addams realised how brilliant his idea was.

"The sensors are measuring at different points and times, and coming up with different answers. There is too much data and unknown non-constant constants. Using a probe we can measure at two different points at exactly the same time, and check the differences! I will assign these differences as i and j coefficients - currently unknown - but if we repeat the exercise we can try and build the data and map out the relationships. In fact, I suggest two probes so we can triangulate in our known three dimensions and... ooh, and keep one stationary throughout the exercise as a control sample!"

She was getting into her stride now. Then Lek interrupted.

Quote from: Lek on July 03, 2021, 01:26:56 PM

"If you are saying we've stumbled onto a causality loop or region of temporal instability, we have to get out of here right away. I don't care what this new shuttle is supposed to be able to do, it's not equipped for such an anomaly. We need to get back to the Discovery and let the fifty kilo heads crack this nut!"

Kimi panicked a little at this idea. "But, Sir, we have such a good chance to try and understand it! As long as we keep a record of our route adjustments and an eye on independent chronology we should be able to find our way back, right? But, yes, you are right about the time instability. How often is the Discovery pinging us? If they are doing it regularly we can compare time-stamps to our own and see if any anomalies appear in the gaps - and if they are significant. Can we set a second, independent chronometer on the Mary Walker as a master control? If we embed in a pool of dark matter it should not be affected by any dimensional slip. Of course, the containment field will be quite a challenge."

She tapped her chin with her forefinger. "Could you set that up, Sir? And would I be able to go EVA to scoop some? It seems to be all around us."


Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on July 03, 2021, 06:47:53 PM

Kimi blinked at the commander of the mission. A loud chime seemed to sound in between her ears.

"That... is... it, Sir! Of course! I am possibly trying to read unknown dimensions - but there is a branch of mathematics that deals with precisely that! The number line is linear but we have imaginary numbers to, literally, move into a new dimension. I just need to try and figure out the coefficients. Yes, there must be two, I think - non-dependant, or I would see the pattern. Let's call them i and j. Oh my gosh..."

She slapped her forehead again.

"That's what Charles Maine called his theory of time travel by translating through extra dimensions - Highway J!"

She was not sure if Addams realised how brilliant his idea was.

"The sensors are measuring at different points and times, and coming up with different answers. There is too much data and unknown non-constant constants. Using a probe we can measure at two different points at exactly the same time, and check the differences! I will assign these differences as i and j coefficients - currently unknown - but if we repeat the exercise we can try and build the data and map out the relationships. In fact, I suggest two probes so we can triangulate in our known three dimensions and... ooh, and keep one stationary throughout the exercise as a control sample!"

She was getting into her stride now. Then Lek interrupted.

Kimi panicked a little at this idea. "But, Sir, we have such a good chance to try and understand it! As long as we keep a record of our route adjustments and an eye on independent chronology we should be able to find our way back, right? But, yes, you are right about the time instability. How often is the Discovery pinging us? If they are doing it regularly we can compare time-stamps to our own and see if any anomalies appear in the gaps - and if they are significant. Can we set a second, independent chronometer on the Mary Walker as a master control? If we embed in a pool of dark matter it should not be affected by any dimensional slip. Of course, the containment field will be quite a challenge."

She tapped her chin with her forefinger. "Could you set that up, Sir? And would I be able to go EVA to scoop some? It seems to be all around us."

[Shuttlecraft Mary Walker - Phantom Nebula]

Lek's expression reflected his skepticism as he replied.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm to make a new discovery Ensign, but the most galaxy shattering revelation into the mysteries of the universe is worthless if we do not survive to report what you've found. I'm no scientist, but based off of the sensor readings and what you two are saying, it seems as if inside the nebula, time and space are... elastic for lack of a better term. My recommendation is to launch your probes to triangulate whatever it is you think you've found, but only after we've headed for the exit."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Lek on July 03, 2021, 01:26:56 PM

[Shuttlecraft Mary Walker - Phantom Nebula]

As with most scientists, they knew so much about so many things, when you asked one a question, it was like all the information was trying to get out at once. As Kimi went on about different space phenomenon, his eyes began to glaze until she said 'time dilation' and he looked at her with laser focus.

"If you are saying we've stumbled onto a causality loop or region of temporal instability, we have to get out of here right away. I don't care what this new shuttle is supposed to be able to do, it's not equipped for such an anomaly. We need to get back to the Discovery and let the fifty kilo heads crack this nut!"

It was time to be tested for a proper choice using wisdom and Starfleet Common sense. "œWe are not here to explore. We are not sure what we are dealing with. We are not stranded alone too. I am sorry. You and the shuttle are in my responsibility and the Captain would have my neck if we all end up dead here."

"œI know I had suggested sending a probe but after hearing you two talk. I felt it best to abort and report to USS Discovery," Don had shared. "œI am going to bring us back and let Lek contact Discovery with our findings. But your efforts will be noted." Then he looked at the Science officer. "Keep your eyes on the nebula. Knowing things can take a left turn on us."

[ We need a OOC discussion for this story]

Kimiko Sugiyama

Quote from: Lek on July 04, 2021, 11:19:32 AM

"I appreciate your enthusiasm to make a new discovery Ensign, but the most galaxy shattering revelation into the mysteries of the universe is worthless if we do not survive to report what you've found. I'm no scientist, but based off of the sensor readings and what you two are saying, it seems as if inside the nebula, time and space are... elastic for lack of a better term. My recommendation is to launch your probes to triangulate whatever it is you think you've found, but only after we've headed for the exit."

Kimi sighed. It was difficult to argue against the Chief Engineer. Not only did he outrank her, his intellect was formidable and... and she had to concede his caution was pragmatic.

But when she felt passionately about something, Kimi just could not help herself.

How could you evoke the ancient mariners of Earth to a Ferengi? We would still be huddling on our own landmasses if no-one ever just set sail for the horizon to see what was there...

She turned to Addams.

"Look, I know it seems unnerving, but the fact is this all still just hypothesis. We don't need to abort yet... there are no actual signs of threat to the vessel. We are still in communication with Discovery and there is no noticeable affect on the timestamps. So how about we send one probe ahead of our intended flight path as part of the triangulation, and keep a close watch on it? If I see any sign of danger, I promise I will report it immediately and we can turn right round. You don't want to give up yet, do you, Commander?"

She gave the most appealing look she could muster.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on July 04, 2021, 02:37:27 PM

It was time to be tested for a proper choice using wisdom and Starfleet Common sense. "œWe are not here to explore. We are not sure what we are dealing with. We are not stranded alone too. I am sorry. You and the shuttle are in my responsibility and the Captain would have my neck if we all end up dead here."

"œI know I had suggested sending a probe but after hearing you two talk. I felt it best to abort and report to USS Discovery," Don had shared. "œI am going to bring us back and let Lek contact Discovery with our findings. But your efforts will be noted." Then he looked at the Science officer. "Keep your eyes on the nebula. Knowing things can take a left turn on us."

Kimi nodded, her shoulders slumping with defeat. He was right, of course. She was placing her own curiosity over the safety of the vessel and its crew. That was why he was commander. But it still disappointed her.

"Yes, Sir," she said. "I'll transfer the operation to the bridge station and stay here to report instantly."

It was a snug fit, but they had a sensor station in the cockpit behind the flight and co. seats. Kimi slid into her chair and brought her monitor to life. She watched the graphical representation coalesce around the data streams with a longing. All those planets... just waiting to be explored...


Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on July 04, 2021, 05:18:42 PM

Kimi sighed. It was difficult to argue against the Chief Engineer. Not only did he outrank her, his intellect was formidable and... and she had to concede his caution was pragmatic.

But when she felt passionately about something, Kimi just could not help herself.

How could you evoke the ancient mariners of Earth to a Ferengi? We would still be huddling on our own landmasses if no-one ever just set sail for the horizon to see what was there...

She turned to Addams.

"Look, I know it seems unnerving, but the fact is this all still just hypothesis. We don't need to abort yet... there are no actual signs of threat to the vessel. We are still in communication with Discovery and there is no noticeable affect on the timestamps. So how about we send one probe ahead of our intended flight path as part of the triangulation, and keep a close watch on it? If I see any sign of danger, I promise I will report it immediately and we can turn right round. You don't want to give up yet, do you, Commander?"

She gave the most appealing look she could muster.

Kimi nodded, her shoulders slumping with defeat. He was right, of course. She was placing her own curiosity over the safety of the vessel and its crew. That was why he was commander. But it still disappointed her.

"Yes, Sir," she said. "I'll transfer the operation to the bridge station and stay here to report instantly."

It was a snug fit, but they had a sensor station in the cockpit behind the flight and co. seats. Kimi slid into her chair and brought her monitor to life. She watched the graphical representation coalesce around the data streams with a longing. All those planets... just waiting to be explored...

[Shuttlecraft Mary Walker - Phantom Nebula]

Lek could see the young feemale was disappointed, he was certain if this had been his first 'pet' project and his superiors shut him down because what he was doing might have some risk, he'd be disappointed too. So, he tried to smooth things out as best he could.

"I understand your passion Ensign. You seek knowledge and that is very good. Unfortunately, in space, everything is usually fine until it isn't. And the switch from fine to not fine usually happens very quickly. I would imagine since this nebula is almost completely unexplored, any data we bring back will be new information and should generate a follow up mission. The important thing about the follow up, is it will be in a larger ship with better resources."

Lek then spoke to Don.

"Let's go ahead and launch those probes as we make our way out of the nebula."

After everyone made the arrangements to depart, the probes were launched, but one thing became apparent very quickly when they tried to leave. The 'elastic' property Kimi had noted earlier was changing as the Walker was underway. The edge of the nebula seemed to be moving away from them as they should have gotten closer.

"It is really tiring being right." Lek sighed. "This is an example of everything being fine until it wasn't."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Don Damien Addams


[Some where in Mary Walker]

Leaving probes behind should not be a problem. There should be no harm. He and the crew had allowed it. They just can move on. He was happy Lek thought probes was a good choice.

"œIt seems we are going backwards," he stated as he ran the console. "œControls read we are going forward," he had a tone of aggravation. "œAre we in a bubble of some sort?" he asked. "œI am going to increase the engines to max impulse." Things seemed to be not fading as it seemed it was getting further away.

"œTell me what occurs in sensors before they try to go reverse," he was being funny and he was being serious.

Kimiko Sugiyama

[Shuttlecraft Mary Walker - Phantom Nebula]

Kimi accepted Lek's words of consolation. Maybe she could get on that bigger exploration ship if she did her job as well as she could here and now.

Addams altered course to backtrack out of the nebula. Kimi studied the sensors with hawk-like intensity.

After 38-point-5 minutes, it became apparent something was wrong. She could not pinpoint exactly when it had happened. She had not left her station. It must have been when she blinked, or turned to the internal chronometer for a moment, but she could not recall any time when the numbers just jumped. Surely she would have noticed? But it was staring her in the face now, they were not in the position they should be.

She reset the sensors and bounced an echo off a probe, comparing time stamps and position.

"Nani kore?" she blurted out in her native Japanese.

Addams and Lek must have heard. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and began chewing a lock of hair. She looked to the main console where the others sat. They were definitely on the correct heading. She knew they would not have made such a stupid mistake anyway, but had to check.

Kimi sighed deeply.

"Commander Addams, Chief Lek, I... I have to report anomalous readings. We do not appear to have made any progress out of the nebula. The... umm... elasticity of the previous readings are now coming through on the reverse course, as well."

Quote from: Lek on July 05, 2021, 10:08:07 AM

"It is really tiring be right." Lek sighed. "This is an example of everything being fine until it wasn't."

Kimi flushed a furious shade of pink. "I'm sorry, Sir... I cannot specify when it happened. It's like we were heading through different tunnels going through different parts of space, then suddenly we teleported from one to the other... and now... and now I don't know which way we are facing. What does the helm nav-com read?"

Commander Addams spoke then.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on July 06, 2021, 03:06:04 AM

"œIt seems we are going backwards," he stated as he ran the console. "œControls read we are going forward," he had a tone of aggravation. "œAre we in a bubble of some sort?" he asked. "œI am going to increase the engines to max impulse." Things seemed to be not fading as it seemed it was getting further away.

"œTell me what occurs in sensors before they try to go reverse," he was being funny and he was being serious.

Kimi gulped. Going to max might make things worse... Maybe all-stop would be safer, then send a probe, like Lek suggested before.

But Kimi had a hunch even all-stop was not safe. The commander's idea of bubbles began to settle in her imagination - if the bubbles floated around, staying still would not be safe either. The only things she had detected so far that seemed to remain constant were... those nearby planets.


Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on July 06, 2021, 06:18:18 AM

[Shuttlecraft Mary Walker - Phantom Nebula]

Kimi accepted Lek's words of consolation. Maybe she could get on that bigger exploration ship if she did her job as well as she could here and now.

Addams altered course to backtrack out of the nebula. Kimi studied the sensors with hawk-like intensity.

After 38-point-5 minutes, it became apparent something was wrong. She could not pinpoint exactly when it had happened. She had not left her station. It must have been when she blinked, or turned to the internal chronometer for a moment, but she could not recall any time when the numbers just jumped. Surely she would have noticed? But it was staring her in the face now, they were not in the position they should be.

She reset the sensors and bounced an echo off a probe, comparing time stamps and position.

"Nani kore?" she blurted out in her native Japanese.

Addams and Lek must have heard. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and began chewing a lock of hair. She looked to the main console where the others sat. They were definitely on the correct heading. She knew they would not have made such a stupid mistake anyway, but had to check.

Kimi sighed deeply.

"Commander Addams, Chief Lek, I... I have to report anomalous readings. We do not appear to have made any progress out of the nebula. The... umm... elasticity of the previous readings are now coming through on the reverse course, as well."

Kimi flushed a furious shade of pink. "I'm sorry, Sir... I cannot specify when it happened. It's like we were heading through different tunnels going through different parts of space, then suddenly we teleported from one to the other... and now... and now I don't know which way we are facing. What does the helm nav-com read?"

Commander Addams spoke then.

Kimi gulped. Going to max might make things worse... Maybe all-stop would be safer, then send a probe, like Lek suggested before.

But Kimi had a hunch even all-stop was not safe. The commander's idea of bubbles began to settle in her imagination - if the bubbles floated around, staying still would not be safe either. The only things she had detected so far that seemed to remain constant were... those nearby planets.

[Shuttlecraft Mary Walker - Phantom Nebula]

Lek managed to avoid rolling his eyes and absolutely didn't say 'I told you so', but he did think it and as his fore-lobed brain precluded telepaths from reading his mind, he didn't have to worry about anyone knowing what he was thinking.

"Okay, what do the probes show? Is there any data we can use from them to change our situation? I know this isn't an exact analogy, but, if this space is elastic, can we tap into that and slingshot ourselves out of here? Even the most complicated puzzle has a solution, it just takes time to find it."

Alt of Ian Galloway

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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