Divided We Fall - Discussion

Started by Sirol, October 02, 2021, 03:41:53 PM

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Featured SIMM
"˜Divided We Fall'
Hello everyone!

With enough crew assembled to start the Featured SIMM soon, everyone has been assigned to positions and ranks according to their wishes.
Please make sure to check the roster.
In case of someone being wrongly assigned, you having changed your mind, or any typos escaping my sight, please let me know quickly, so I can correct everything according to your liking.

The official start of the mission is planned for:
Monday, the 4th of October
The roughly planned duration will be that of a standard mission, give and take a week, depending on overall posting frequency.

Please remember that this is a secondary roleplay project, meaning that your main SIMMs still should take presidency over the featured SIMM.
We are in no hurry to finish by the end of the month at any cost.

If you have any questions, wishes or other feedback, please feel free to make use of this discussion thread.

As of now we have no one to occupy the OPS department, with that being said, if there is someone interested in joining and filling that post, consider this your official invitation! :)

...Looking forward to playing with all of you aboard the Courser soon! :)

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Very exciting, looking forward to it! Loved the roster, very orderly and hyperlinked. I'll wait patiently until go-time, and in the meanwhile try to help recruit an Operations person!

Nine's Biography.
I also play Lagar.

Kimiko Sugiyama


Woot! Here we go!

I wonder if you might use the Ops person as a NPC directly controlled by the gamesmaster - it is the perfect spot to report to the PCs what is happening (IE introducing the events to which they must react) without being someone to take those actions or issue orders.

I can come up with an NPC if you like...

EDIT: here's one!

This is Lieutenant Lonic, a T'lli Betan (generally known as just "Betan"). They are a genetically engineered race, created by the T'lli many centuries ago, an attempt to survive the high radiation of their world. They have waxy, almost synthetic-looking skin. They are highly intelligent but genetically designed to be calm and logical and avoid conflict. They are a race of clones with an egalitarian society, so they rotate professions and responsibilities, and Lonic has taken the current path of liaising and working with Starfleet and the Federation. He is a very competent and reliable operations officer, if not as charismatic as some of the crew.


Quote from: Nine on October 02, 2021, 04:58:35 PM

Very exciting, looking forward to it! Loved the roster, very orderly and hyperlinked. I'll wait patiently until go-time, and in the meanwhile try to help recruit an Operations person!

Many thanks for all the kind words!
I too am waiting, and looking forward to see Nine in action!

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 02, 2021, 05:43:13 PM

Woot! Here we go!

I wonder if you might use the Ops person as a NPC directly controlled by the gamesmaster - it is the perfect spot to report to the PCs what is happening (IE introducing the events to which they must react) without being someone to take those actions or issue orders.

That is actually a pretty clever idea! I like it!!!
With OPS and Science being the eyes and ears of a ship, I may or may not occasionally boop you a little further in this mission. ;)

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 02, 2021, 05:43:13 PM

EDIT: here's one!

This is Lieutenant Lonic, a T'lli Betan (generally known as just "Betan"). They are a genetically engineered race, created by the T'lli many centuries ago, an attempt to survive the high radiation of their world. They have waxy, almost synthetic-looking skin. They are highly intelligent but genetically designed to be calm and logical and avoid conflict. They are a race of clones with an egalitarian society, so they rotate professions and responsibilities, and Lonic has taken the current path of liaising and working with Starfleet and the Federation. He is a very competent and reliable operations officer, if not as charismatic as some of the crew.

That is one fascinating character concept, and I could see him having really interesting interactions with the rest of the crew! And just in time for the lift of the Synth ban as well (although I am not entirely sure whether he even would qualify as a Synth or not.)
I would definitely be happy to add him to the roster if you would be willing to play him. :)

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix



I think the roster is set out wonderfully. It's easy to read and follow and the links are super helpful. I'm really looking forward to this mission and seeing how it all plays out.

I noticed T'Vas took a LOA which affects Fredrick Charleston Hoffs-Wood, so it might be a good idea to put that in the roster


Quote from: Xasik on October 02, 2021, 09:30:04 PM

I think the roster is set out wonderfully. It's easy to read and follow and the links are super helpful. I'm really looking forward to this mission and seeing how it all plays out.

Many thanks! So am I! :)

Quote from: Xasik on October 02, 2021, 09:30:04 PM

I noticed T'Vas took a LOA which affects Fredrick Charleston Hoffs-Wood, so it might be a good idea to put that in the roster

You of course are absolitely right. I fixed it in the roster.
(Sorry for the delay, I was already in bed.)

I noticed the LOA is two weeks, with that being said, you or course are always welcome to jump 'back in' whenever you are at capacity to post again, no strings attacked. :)

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kimiko Sugiyama

Quote from: Sirol on October 02, 2021, 08:51:49 PM

That is actually a pretty clever idea! I like it!!!
With OPS and Science being the eyes and ears of a ship, I may or may not occasionally boop you a little further in this mission. ;)

That is one fascinating character concept, and I could see him having really interesting interactions with the rest of the crew! And just in time for the lift of the Synth ban as well (although I am not entirely sure whether he even would qualify as a Synth or not.)
I would definitely be happy to add him to the roster if you would be willing to play him. :)

Great... I mean sure I can play Lonic but he's meant to be more of a background NPC - a vehicle for IC Game-leader announcements like, in a calm monotone voice, "œCaptain, we're about to be dragged over an event horizon. What should we do?" lol.

Kimi would certainly be interested in quizzing him.

I can't remember if I pulled the Betans from memory alpha or beta, but I think the blurb said they were kind of leftover by the previous race and it was more a matter of survival than eugenics so Picard petitioned to let them in the Federation. But that might have been another obscure race lol...

I'm sad about Fredrick. He was a great character too. I hope we see him at some point!

EDIT just wanted to say I like this crew and set up and am looking forward to it very much. Thank you again for the opportunity.


Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 03, 2021, 07:00:40 AM

Great... I mean sure I can play Lonic but he's meant to be more of a background NPC - a vehicle for IC Game-leader announcements like, in a calm monotone voice, "œCaptain, we're about to be dragged over an event horizon. What should we do?" lol.

Fair point.
I personally am fine with either of us playing/utilising him, I just need to know before we start, as it makes the minor difference as to whether I'll pass you the info, or let his character relay the info in one of my posts.
So let me know which of us you would prefer to steer him. :)

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 03, 2021, 07:00:40 AM

I can't remember if I pulled the Betans from memory alpha or beta, but I think the blurb said they were kind of leftover by the previous race and it was more a matter of survival than eugenics so Picard petitioned to let them in the Federation. But that might have been another obscure race lol...

Yeah, I had the same issue when I looked up his species. There is not much to read bout them on either Alpha or Beta, but I am certain we will be able to work with him nevertheless.
Since the FS is not explicitly dated as taking place 'before our ingame time', I would argue that we are in-universe legally on the save side with having him aboard in either case. I mean, we have an Exocomp after all. :D

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 03, 2021, 07:00:40 AM

I'm sad about Fredrick. He was a great character too. I hope we see him at some point!

The player's LOA spans for two weeks, so I hope that - if they are back in time - they might join us. At that point there will be (at least) half a mission still waiting to be played, and T'Vas/Wood will be more than welcome and appreciated to be part of it. :)

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 03, 2021, 07:00:40 AM

EDIT just wanted to say I like this crew and set up and am looking forward to it very much. Thank you again for the opportunity.

Thank YOU for the interest in the SIMM that lead to it being picked actually.
We would not be sitting here planning, if it was not for players like you or Don showing interest in the story, as well as contributing old and new unique and engaging characters to partake this FS!
If anything, I am the one to owe you and the others a big thank you! <3 <3

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kimiko Sugiyama

Quote from: Sirol on October 03, 2021, 01:45:08 PM

Fair point.
I personally am fine with either of us playing/utilising him, I just need to know before we start, as it makes the minor difference as to whether I'll pass you the info, or let his character relay the info in one of my posts. So let me know which of us you would prefer to steer him. :)

Ooh I don't know I'm a total newbie here. I will follow your lead and am happy to co-operate with info relaying. :)

Yeah, I had the same issue when I looked up his species. There is not much to read bout them on either Alpha or Beta, but I am certain we will be able to work with him nevertheless.

OK I have a confession, I found my old set of notes from when I was researching species in Trek (I went right through the list on Memory Alpha) and see I wrote; "blank slate nothing known" and I must have completely made up the rest! I think I was looking to make a logic-based NPC character but not another Vulcan. Sorry! But I guess it kind of works?  :o

Thank YOU for the interest in the SIMM that lead to it being picked actually.
We would not be sitting here planning, if it was not for players like you or Don showing interest in the story, as well as contributing old and new unique and engaging characters to partake this FS!
If anything, I am the one to owe you and the others a big thank you! <3 <3



Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 03, 2021, 06:04:52 PM

Ooh I don't know I'm a total newbie here. I will follow your lead and am happy to co-operate with info relaying. :)

Cool beans! Many thanks for your help and initiative! <3 <3

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 03, 2021, 06:04:52 PMOK I have a confession, I found my old set of notes from when I was researching species in Trek (I went right through the list on Memory Alpha) and see I wrote; "blank slate nothing known" and I must have completely made up the rest! I think I was looking to make a logic-based NPC character but not another Vulcan. Sorry! But I guess it kind of works?  :o

Yes, no worry, it works, and it works well.
To one extent or another, most cultures in Trek see their gaps filled via fanon, and since FS have the same canon status as a holo, I dare say, go wild and unleash your creativity. ^^
I am looking forward to see Loric in the mission.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Alright! My post creates an opening for Lieutenant jg Kimiko Sugiyama to help Nine try to resolve an internal problem. Nine is having a little trouble trying to think of a simile... Something that's Red...

Help is appreciated!  ;D

Nine's Biography.
I also play Lagar.

Don Damien Addams

Yay! I am so proud we got this up and running!

And I posted! Not sure who is on the bridge so I had to keep it open and let everyone else make their posts. No rushes. Let the things settle down first.

And I am excited too!!!! (Nervous on the side too. Why? You all are great writers and I feel I am under fire...my own self-esteem is like saying... You can't do it...but the other side of me says... Shuddup! You got to be Captain that means something! They like you means you okay!)

And that one the side... Starfleet and Star Trek fans UNITE!

Kimiko Sugiyama

Hi everyone and thanks to Nine for the opening!!!  ;D

I had put this in the first draft (just where she looks at his tapping fingers) to kind of set up an idea of their relationship... but it needs your permission. Happy to drop it or save for a future moment... so please let me know:


She looked down at the exocomp's tapping metallic fingertips. A memory flashed across her mind. That time she had crossed the narrow stone spur in the cave on Alaitoc, and those metallic arms had suddenly seized her waist and lifted her off her feet. Nine stated they had calculated a fifty-seven-point-nine chance that she would fall into the magma below"¦ ("œI was doing just fine thank you!" she had snapped.) She would never forget the fearsome strength in those robotic limbs. The silicon coating seemed to be working well, however.

And Shan seems a bit lonely lol so maybe someone will go there next?


I like the idea of them having a previous shared experience on Alaitoc. Permission granted! I wonder if we were going through the caves for a scientific study of some kind? An away mission we went on together?

In my post I'll make later, I'll want to make sure Nine responds to Captain Adams's greeting, and request for reports. Nine can state that it's Nebula study is progressing along now, thanks to Kimiko's appreciated assistance with a simile.

I liked Don's shirt pull, very amusing reference! You'll do well as our Captain Don. We're your crew, we'll support you!

Nine's Biography.
I also play Lagar.

Kimiko Sugiyama

Quote from: Nine on October 05, 2021, 09:28:01 AM

I like the idea of them having a previous shared experience on Alaitoc. Permission granted! I wonder if we were going through the caves for a scientific study of some kind? An away mission we went on together?

Yay! I think I have time to edit it in. Thank you that's really nice of you. I didn't really think beyond the anecdote in itself - it was just to illustrate she can be a bit reckless, Nine is logical and looks after her, whether she likes it or not lol. We can expand on it at some point if you like.

In my post I'll make later, I'll want to make sure Nine responds to Captain Adams's greeting, and request for reports. Nine can state that it's Nebula study is progressing along now, thanks to Kimiko's appreciated assistance with a simile.

I think we are going to have lots of fun on this mission.

I liked Don's shirt pull, very amusing reference! You'll do well as our Captain Don. We're your crew, we'll support you!

I didn't quite understand that bit actually. Is it because his shirt is too small for him? If so lol that is good!

And agreed I think Don will be a great captain. The avatar just makes me smile every time.

🡱 🡳

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