Divided We Fall - Discussion

Started by Sirol, October 02, 2021, 03:41:53 PM

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Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 05, 2021, 10:34:41 AM

Yay! I think I have time to edit it in. Thank you that's really nice of you. I didn't really think beyond the anecdote in itself - it was just to illustrate she can be a bit reckless, Nine is logical and looks after her, whether she likes it or not lol. We can expand on it at some point if you like.

I think we are going to have lots of fun on this mission.

I didn't quite understand that bit actually. Is it because his shirt is too small for him? If so lol that is good!

And agreed I think Don will be a great captain. The avatar just makes me smile every time.

Star Trek: Next Generation Picard pulled his jacket down all lot. So I decided Don to do it. It is a Star Trek joke. Just humor being toss in

And I truly like your character and your writing. I truly believe in you. But do what makes you comfortable. That is one thing people need to know. Kids should be taught this. Don't pressure people doing things they are not comfortable.

Example I am being 51 but can play like 20 year old. We gone to a place called Purgatory big big big rocks in the ground. There slanted and smooth so you can slide down them. Kind steep too. My nephew has been there and slid down it. So he was try push me and I am like no. Fearing I hurt myself. If I was as 20 I do it without a blink of an eye. I was a daredevil.

These kids like teenagers doing it. They doing races and stuff. I was like okay I do it. Cause there was a little kid came and he looked scared. So I figure I go he would go. I took my hat off. Looked at the kid said "œlook I am oooooold" (had gray hair since 18) so I went. Then my nephew wanted to go. Then he decided to crash into me. Or sliding with me. And I try to explain to him. You can't rush people. At times you got to meet them at their speed. Lol


Quote from: Don Damien Addams on October 04, 2021, 09:48:15 PM

And I am excited too!!!! (Nervous on the side too. Why? You all are great writers and I feel I am under fire...my own self-esteem is like saying... You can't do it...but the other side of me says... Shuddup! You got to be Captain that means something! They like you means you okay!)

No worries, you are under no fire. You are a great writer too. ^^
Don't feel pressured to provide a certain length or frequency. Have fun and explore your new role as CO. ^^
You made a great start, and gave off some welcoming Captain vibes.

In fact, everyone is doing amazing.
I really enjoy reading all of your posts and the depth and atmosphere everyone is already building up. :)

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 05, 2021, 08:19:36 AM

And Shan seems a bit lonely lol so maybe someone will go there next?

I was generally leaving it open to see whether someone takes the bite, and if not, that is cool with me too :)
My general plan is to have us have a few days of calm interaction and char-play with one another to get a feel for each other before we then get knees deep into the action. ^^

As a little heads up, I may have to take it slow the next 1 or 2 days again. My fever came back and I am more dead than alive, BUT I am around and read along. :)

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Hello everyone.

My sincere apologies for my post taking so long. (I am still ill and it is getting worse.)
I gave my first nudge to what lies ahead of us and will give the bridge crew a posting-round to react before I'll send us knees deep into our monthly catastrophe.
(@ Kimi/Nine: Feel free to go wild, I have a good feeling that you might solve the puzzle with no help tbh ^^)

Have a fantastic (rest-) weekend everyone! :). :)

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kimiko Sugiyama

Oh dear, well I hope you get better soon Sirol and thanks for taking the time on this.

Nine, here we go!!  ;D

By the way I wanted to say I really liked the bird species Aurelian @Kyan. Can I ask a question? Is that normal for families to come on exploration missions like this?

And lastly I've seen that old Jurassic Park movie and I know what you did there with Shan, Sirol!!!  ;)


Quote from: Sirol on October 10, 2021, 04:06:15 PM

Hello everyone.

My sincere apologies for my post taking so long. (I am still ill and it is getting worse.)
I gave my first nudge to what lies ahead of us and will give the bridge crew a posting-round to react before I'll send us knees deep into our monthly catastrophe.
(@ Kimi/Nine: Feel free to go wild, I have a good feeling that you might solve the puzzle with no help tbh ^^)

Have a fantastic (rest-) weekend everyone! :). :)

I'm on it! And Sirol, when you have time, your Inbox is full!
Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 10, 2021, 05:51:57 PM

Oh dear, well I hope you get better soon Sirol and thanks for taking the time on this.

Nine, here we go!!  ;D

By the way I wanted to say I really liked the bird species Aurelian @Kyan. Can I ask a question? Is that normal for families to come on exploration missions like this?

And lastly I've seen that old Jurassic Park movie and I know what you did there with Shan, Sirol!!!  ;)

We can do it! I hope!

Nine's Biography.
I also play Lagar.


Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 10, 2021, 05:51:57 PM

Oh dear, well I hope you get better soon Sirol and thanks for taking the time on this.

Quote from: Nine on October 10, 2021, 06:03:17 PM

I'm on it! And Sirol, when you have time, your Inbox is full!

Many thanks to the both of you. Having some positive feedback means the world to me. <3 I did clean out my inbox @Nine. I am sorry for letting it clutter up. There used to be a bar telling you how full it is, but it seems to be missing for a few months, so I assumed the DM-cap was listed. May bad. <3
Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 10, 2021, 05:51:57 PM

And lastly I've seen that old Jurassic Park movie and I know what you did there with Shan, Sirol!!!  ;)

Hehehehe. I regret nothing. We're all in dire need of some funny nudges these days. :D

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Okay, post is up! The work can use the expertise of both Kimiko and Lonic in peeling apart. Also, it's a long-shot, but if Arafe has an ear for language, he can help spot an unusual tongue that the Computer is having trouble picking up!

Nine's Biography.
I also play Lagar.

Kimiko Sugiyama

Quote from: Sirol on October 10, 2021, 06:18:19 PM

Hehehehe. I regret nothing. We're all in dire need of some funny nudges these days. :D

I'm just very happy I actually got a joke!  :)
Quote from: Nine on October 10, 2021, 06:53:05 PM

Okay, post is up! The work can use the expertise of both Kimiko and Lonic in peeling apart. Also, it's a long-shot, but if Arafe has an ear for language, he can help spot an unusual tongue that the Computer is having trouble picking up!

OK so this is where I get stuck and need a bit of guidance. I'm used to making attempts and rolling dice and the GM tells me what I achieve, then I report it to the team.

But here I feel like we are expected to take the lead as players sometimes. But then... I might say something that is totally wrong and unintended by the GM.

So I don't want to go ahead and have Kimi say, "Aha that worked thanks Nine, it's jellyfeggle language! Now I can read it. It says, [Honey, we're short on milk so stop by the store on the way back home please - and don't forget little ksysyfflrg has ballet after school today.]"  ???

Do you PM me Sirol or... how do we do the next bit?

By the way, even though Kimi specialises in xenolinguistics, I really like the idea that all these trained Starfleet officers can't decode the language then Arafe walks in and is like, "Aha, that's jellyfeggle. I'll tell you the time two walked in my bar..."

That would be cool and make me laugh.  ;D

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 11, 2021, 07:54:56 AM

I'm just very happy I actually got a joke!  :)

OK so this is where I get stuck and need a bit of guidance. I'm used to making attempts and rolling dice and the GM tells me what I achieve, then I report it to the team.

But here I feel like we are expected to take the lead as players sometimes. But then... I might say something that is totally wrong and unintended by the GM.

So I don't want to go ahead and have Kimi say, "Aha that worked thanks Nine, it's jellyfeggle language! Now I can read it. It says, [Honey, we're short on milk so stop by the store on the way back home please - and don't forget little ksysyfflrg has ballet after school today.]"  ???

Do you PM me Sirol or... how do we do the next bit?

By the way, even though Kimi specialises in xenolinguistics, I really like the idea that all these trained Starfleet officers can't decode the language then Arafe walks in and is like, "Aha, that's jellyfeggle. I'll tell you the time two walked in my bar..."

That would be cool and make me laugh.  ;D

When I run missions on Challenger, when there is something a player needs to know, I PM team any important details, but this is Sirol's show and is up to them how things go, to include a certain bartender possibly knowing jellyfeggle. Which would be quite funny.

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 11, 2021, 07:54:56 AM

I'm just very happy I actually got a joke!  :)

OK so this is where I get stuck and need a bit of guidance. I'm used to making attempts and rolling dice and the GM tells me what I achieve, then I report it to the team.

But here I feel like we are expected to take the lead as players sometimes. But then... I might say something that is totally wrong and unintended by the GM.

So I don't want to go ahead and have Kimi say, "Aha that worked thanks Nine, it's jellyfeggle language! Now I can read it. It says, [Honey, we're short on milk so stop by the store on the way back home please - and don't forget little ksysyfflrg has ballet after school today.]"  ???

Do you PM me Sirol or... how do we do the next bit?

By the way, even though Kimi specialises in xenolinguistics, I really like the idea that all these trained Starfleet officers can't decode the language then Arafe walks in and is like, "Aha, that's jellyfeggle. I'll tell you the time two walked in my bar..."

That would be cool and make me laugh.  ;D

It's best not one character knows it all. It takes the fun away. I don't mind making my character like he does not know. It's best to have other characters shine and not steal the story. At times it is good to give information to another player so they can use it if they need help.

Kimiko Sugiyama

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on October 11, 2021, 12:30:53 PM

It's best not one character knows it all. It takes the fun away. I don't mind making my character like he does not know. It's best to have other characters shine and not steal the story. At times it is good to give information to another player so they can use it if they need help.

I like that principle! Make it a team effort.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 10, 2021, 05:51:57 PM

By the way I wanted to say I really liked the bird species Aurelian @Kyan. Can I ask a question? Is that normal for families to come on exploration missions like this?

On Galaxy Class ships it is. We've seen in canon, the Enterprise, the Yamato, and the Odyssey. They all had families aboard. Oddly, the Saratoga also had families aboard at Wolf 359.


Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 11, 2021, 07:54:56 AM

Do you PM me Sirol or... how do we do the next bit?

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 11, 2021, 09:24:09 AM

When I run missions on Challenger, when there is something a player needs to know, I PM team any important details, but this is Sirol's show and is up to them how things go, to include a certain bartender possibly knowing jellyfeggle. Which would be quite funny.

I would/will DM you (and others) as soon as there is something that only your character will know.
So far the situation has not yet called for it, and with most of us being on the bridge and readings being shared and discussed, I keep the information in my posts, for all to partake and work with them :)

I usually try to keep it as open and flexible as possible, unless one of you tells me that they are more comfortable with receiving DMs/GM-info the traditional way. ^^

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 11, 2021, 07:54:56 AM

By the way, even though Kimi specialises in xenolinguistics, I really like the idea that all these trained Starfleet officers can't decode the language then Arafe walks in and is like, "Aha, that's jellyfeggle. I'll tell you the time two walked in my bar..."

I am so on board with this idea and I love to see that - to an extent - it is already happening. ^^

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on October 16, 2021, 05:33:56 AM

On Galaxy Class ships it is. We've seen in canon, the Enterprise, the Yamato, and the Odyssey. They all had families aboard. Oddly, the Saratoga also had families aboard at Wolf 359.

Although I have the feeling, those were rather narrative families than a widely spread standard. xD

We are heading into our first more action/initiative focused part of the mission now and I will try to post my next move either tonight or tomorrow.
That being said, due to my sickness not allowing me to be online as much as I would like to, I deputised the player of Willow - as our resident non-Federation character aboard - with some responsibility to move the story forward too, as well as share insights into the events, so also make sure to keep an eye open for Willow's inputs. :)

With Nine sadly leaving us, I tried to have my last post not directly ask it any specific questions or make inquiries, as to not have anything stagnate. I decided to keep the character in a state of "˜ShrÁ¶dinger's Exocomp' aboard the bridge (as logically speaking it would be unlikely for Nine just to leave the room in the middle of a task).

That being said, please make sure to only address active characters @everyone.
If you are not sure, I always try to keep the Roster up to date.
The player of Charleston Hoffs-Wood - the one to write our FC's moves - is on leave/reserve at the moment, and since I am not sure whether or not they plan to resume their role in the FS, I have set them on TBD for now until I know more. For now we will have to make do with a speculative/NPC flight control character.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kimiko Sugiyama

Quote from: Sirol on October 21, 2021, 03:25:37 PM

We are heading into our first more action/initiative focused part of the mission now and I will try to post my next move either tonight or tomorrow.
That being said, due to my sickness not allowing me to be online as much as I would like to, I deputised the player of Willow - as our resident non-Federation character aboard - with some responsibility to move the story forward too, as well as share insights into the events, so also make sure to keep an eye open for Willow's inputs. :)

Thank you for the update. I know it can be hard to work up the creativity when you feel down.  :-*
Quote from: Sirol on October 21, 2021, 03:25:37 PM

With Nine sadly leaving us, I tried to have my last post not directly ask it any specific questions or make inquiries, as to not have anything stagnate. I decided to keep the character in a state of "˜ShrÁ¶dinger's Exocomp' aboard the bridge (as logically speaking it would be unlikely for Nine just to leave the room in the middle of a task).

That being said, please make sure to only address active characters @everyone.

I'm really sad about Nine.  :(

I wanted to ask something. For a future possible aside scene with Lonic. Is Shan a bit of a joker? Like would he play a practical joke on Kimi?


Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 22, 2021, 10:42:53 AM

Thank you for the update. I know it can be hard to work up the creativity when you feel down.  :-*

Aww, no worries. The creativity and motivation is there.
It is more my body flopping asleep on my laptop more often than I would like to. xD

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on October 22, 2021, 10:42:53 AM

I'm really sad about Nine.  :(

I wanted to ask something. For a future possible aside scene with Lonic. Is Shan a bit of a joker? Like would he play a practical joke on Kimi?

Same here. I hope that maybe one day Nine/Lagar might poke in again. One can hope. :3

I never really thought much about Shan's humour, but I would almost say yes. I designed him to be deliberately easy going and social, so I could see him pranking - At least if he knew Kimi well enough to be sure to not seriously upset her. ^^

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

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