Isolated Patience [T'Prith/Lagar] [CLosed]

Started by Lagar, September 03, 2021, 01:41:57 AM

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Note: This is a Writing Secret Santa holo, orchestrated thanks to the efforts of Jettis/Zero/Ariste.

The terraforming colony on the planet Vega VII. Image is art from the 'Return to Axanar' Star Trek Roleplaying Games Book.
[USS Onizuka, Traveling to Vega VII Terraforming Colony]

The Vega system, now a Federation member, was once the home system of an ancient empire which governed all the worlds in its system, and those in several systems beyond it. The original Vegans who managed the tyrannical empire are believed to have been reptilian, or multi-legged, or partially cybernetic, or possibly entirely robotic. Whatever they may have been, the ruins of their fallen civilization litter the planets that surround the Vegan star. One of those scarred-over worlds is Vega VII, a barren rock on the outskirts of the system which suffers from its centuries-old role as a toxic waste dump. The ancient ships of the old Vegan hegemony once discarded radioactive sludge, uncountable tons of garbage, defunct technologies and malfunctioning explosives all across Vega VII. Rather than putting forth the effort to recycle or safely dispose of these items, it was simply easier for an exanding empire to drop it all on a barren, lifeless world. Though all the years have passed, and the identity of the Vegans themselves remains a mystery, their garbage is not, found scattered around the hills and valleys of the rocky seventh planet of Vega.

Despite the abuse, Vega VII remained a world of potential; its atmosphere, even with the toxic waste and environmental harm, remained one that could possible allow for healing and development. It was ignored in favor of the more easily converted worlds of Vega. Vega III is a valuable mining planet, with its own extensive colony of non-native humanoids, and even a Monarchial system of government that has persisted for hundreds of years. Vega IV was transformed into a bustling trade port, and is known throughout the region of space as a world with an extensive night life of live dancing, music, and cultural performances. Vega VIII and Vega IX, both major worlds of the old Vegan Tyranny, maintain extensive populations of races from all over the Federation. Throught all this hustle and bustle, only little Vega VII remained ignored... until the last two years.

With successes in terraforming similar worlds, which had suffered pollution from industrial races, or environmentally insensitive races, or oppressive despots, or whomever, a group finally decided to make the attempt on Vega VII. A Federation team, made up of twenty civilian Bolians and a pair of Caitians, received a grant and a suite of equipment, and made for Vega VII with a small freighter, and a dream. A dream to transform at least a part of Vega VII, a place where a beginning could begin, a tiny little quadrant on the planet which could be teraformed on a small scale, and possibly make it a world where others, needing a new home and a fresh start, could come and get just that. It was a trash world, yes, but perhaps with some effort and a little luck, it could become much more.

Enter Starfleet, deploying two officers to assist the terraforming operation using their unique sets of skills. First is Ensign T'Prith, Operations Officer of Katra Station, whose task is multi-fold. Her assignment involves reviewing the Federation team's progress, recommending changes to their plans and procedures, and conducting a full safety review. With her is Lagar, assigned to the USS Challenger, dispatched to provide his medical services to the team, and to assist in the deployment of the massive beds of algae which will held in the terraforming process.

Before reaching the planet, they were piloting the USS Onizuka, a Type 9 Medium Long-Range Shuttlecraft. It was a decently-capable vessel which Lagar had flown to Katra, and then to this planet Vega with T'Prith to begin their mission. They were only a half-day away from Katra Station, and were already nearing the Vegan system at the shuttle's standard speed of Warp 5.

Lagar was in the co-pilot's chair, his four trunk-like legs splayed out over the bottom of the seat, grasping at its base like they were roots seeking earth. Three of his seven tendrils had worked their way around the control screen in front of him, their tips pressing buttons and typing out text on a readout of data from the Vega VII terraforming colony. Upon receiving the mission, he had begun reading as much as he could of the small colony's reports, detailing their progress, their plans for mimicking the success on similar worlds, and the hardships they had endured. Lagar was looking forward to applying his medical skills on such a small scale; with only twenty-two patients, he felt that he could give each person a much greater level of attention than if he had half a thousand people who needed his attention. As for the algae beds, he had studied terraforming methods extensively, and Phylosian science had contributed greatly to this field over the years. The idea of helping to heal this ruined world was very appealing to him.

He looked to his colleague, T'Prith, and ventured to ask her a question. "Ensign T'Prith, I might have had a little more time with the available data on Vega VII than you have. I understand you were only very recently assigned to the mission. May I ask if you have any specific questions about the colony, or our tasks there? We still have time before we arrive, can help each other prepare for what we'll need to do."

His voice came not from any mouth, of which he had none, but from a digital voder device, which issued a robotic voice instead. The voice was calm, easy, and distinctly male. Lagar's golden eyespots, each at the tips of red eyestalks, dipped down slightly as he spoke; his ovoid green head moved just a little, even though he had no face with which to make any expressions.


Quote from: Lagar on September 03, 2021, 01:41:57 AM

Note: This is a Writing Secret Santa holo, orchestrated thanks to the efforts of Jettis/Zero/Ariste.

The terraforming colony on the planet Vega VII. Image is art from the 'Return to Axanar' Star Trek Roleplaying Games Book.
[USS Onizuka, Traveling to Vega VII Terraforming Colony]

The Vega system, now a Federation member, was once the home system of an ancient empire which governed all the worlds in its system, and those in several systems beyond it. The original Vegans who managed the tyrannical empire are believed to have been reptilian, or multi-legged, or partially cybernetic, or possibly entirely robotic. Whatever they may have been, the ruins of their fallen civilization litter the planets that surround the Vegan star. One of those scarred-over worlds is Vega VII, a barren rock on the outskirts of the system which suffers from its centuries-old role as a toxic waste dump. The ancient ships of the old Vegan hegemony once discarded radioactive sludge, uncountable tons of garbage, defunct technologies and malfunctioning explosives all across Vega VII. Rather than putting forth the effort to recycle or safely dispose of these items, it was simply easier for an exanding empire to drop it all on a barren, lifeless world. Though all the years have passed, and the identity of the Vegans themselves remains a mystery, their garbage is not, found scattered around the hills and valleys of the rocky seventh planet of Vega.

Despite the abuse, Vega VII remained a world of potential; its atmosphere, even with the toxic waste and environmental harm, remained one that could possible allow for healing and development. It was ignored in favor of the more easily converted worlds of Vega. Vega III is a valuable mining planet, with its own extensive colony of non-native humanoids, and even a Monarchial system of government that has persisted for hundreds of years. Vega IV was transformed into a bustling trade port, and is known throughout the region of space as a world with an extensive night life of live dancing, music, and cultural performances. Vega VIII and Vega IX, both major worlds of the old Vegan Tyranny, maintain extensive populations of races from all over the Federation. Throught all this hustle and bustle, only little Vega VII remained ignored... until the last two years.

With successes in terraforming similar worlds, which had suffered pollution from industrial races, or environmentally insensitive races, or oppressive despots, or whomever, a group finally decided to make the attempt on Vega VII. A Federation team, made up of twenty civilian Bolians and a pair of Caitians, received a grant and a suite of equipment, and made for Vega VII with a small freighter, and a dream. A dream to transform at least a part of Vega VII, a place where a beginning could begin, a tiny little quadrant on the planet which could be teraformed on a small scale, and possibly make it a world where others, needing a new home and a fresh start, could come and get just that. It was a trash world, yes, but perhaps with some effort and a little luck, it could become much more.

Enter Starfleet, deploying two officers to assist the terraforming operation using their unique sets of skills. First is Ensign T'Prith, Operations Officer of Katra Station, whose task is multi-fold. Her assignment involves reviewing the Federation team's progress, recommending changes to their plans and procedures, and conducting a full safety review. With her is Lagar, assigned to the USS Challenger, dispatched to provide his medical services to the team, and to assist in the deployment of the massive beds of algae which will held in the terraforming process.

Before reaching the planet, they were piloting the USS Onizuka, a Type 9 Medium Long-Range Shuttlecraft. It was a decently-capable vessel which Lagar had flown to Katra, and then to this planet Vega with T'Prith to begin their mission. They were only a half-day away from Katra Station, and were already nearing the Vegan system at the shuttle's standard speed of Warp 5.

Lagar was in the co-pilot's chair, his four trunk-like legs splayed out over the bottom of the seat, grasping at its base like they were roots seeking earth. Three of his seven tendrils had worked their way around the control screen in front of him, their tips pressing buttons and typing out text on a readout of data from the Vega VII terraforming colony. Upon receiving the mission, he had begun reading as much as he could of the small colony's reports, detailing their progress, their plans for mimicking the success on similar worlds, and the hardships they had endured. Lagar was looking forward to applying his medical skills on such a small scale; with only twenty-two patients, he felt that he could give each person a much greater level of attention than if he had half a thousand people who needed his attention. As for the algae beds, he had studied terraforming methods extensively, and Phylosian science had contributed greatly to this field over the years. The idea of helping to heal this ruined world was very appealing to him.

He looked to his colleague, T'Prith, and ventured to ask her a question. "Ensign T'Prith, I might have had a little more time with the available data on Vega VII than you have. I understand you were only very recently assigned to the mission. May I ask if you have any specific questions about the colony, or our tasks there? We still have time before we arrive, can help each other prepare for what we'll need to do."

His voice came not from any mouth, of which he had none, but from a digital voder device, which issued a robotic voice instead. The voice was calm, easy, and distinctly male. Lagar's golden eyespots, each at the tips of red eyestalks, dipped down slightly as he spoke; his ovoid green head moved just a little, even though he had no face with which to make any expressions.

[USS Onizuka-Traveling to Vega VII Terraforming Colony]

"œI actually have a few questions like what is the status of the environment on the Vega VII terraform colony? Once we get there will we be encountering a toxic environment where we would need special equipment to conduct our business? What kind of tasks are we going to have to do once we get there?" They were inquisitive questions as she wanted to know what they would be getting themselves into and what they were going to have to accomplish once they were there. It was important for her to listen to everything that her copilot was saying because it was probably going to be important for her to know.

Learning more about the environment was important to the safety review that she was going to have to do. There was going to be more components but that was one of the components. Her review of the federation progress and the changes that were going to need to be made during the process was going to be based on a variety of criteria that she had. She had no idea how they did things on the USS Challenger but she was excited to work with Lieutenant Lagar on this mission.


[USS Onizuka, Traveling to Vega VII Terraforming Colony]

Lagar appreciated the in-depth questions. He was glad to have been assigned to collaborate with a partner who was as detail-oriented as this Katra Operations Officer. In answer, his tendrils danced across the screen in front of him, displaying pictures and charts to supplement his answers. As his face had no means of expression, and his digitized voice conveyed no emotion, Lagar chose to state his appreciation outright. Though T'Prith was a Vulcan, he still felt obligated to reveal his own feelings to her, as to do otherwise would feel deceptive.

"I'm pleased to hear these questions, Ensign. The colony is protected under a dome-shaped field, isolating its interior from the radiation and toxic fumes without. Within the dome, the terraformers have already begun the process of forming a breathable atmosphere using their algae farms, as well as a variety of other plants. The data shows that..." he paused, selecting a particular part of a timeline that had been sent to them only a day ago. "...It appears as though their atmosphere within the dome is not yet self-sustaining. They still use technology to process the atmosphere, though the algae should have assumed these duties alone at least a month ago, based on their schedule."

He considered this for a moment before continuing. "We will not require environment suits to move about within the dome structure, though we have such suits available and to our fitting on the Onizuka. If we were to move outside of the dome, we would indeed require protective equipment. The wastes of the previous civilization on Vega VII is extensive, and complex. It... would be an inefficient use of our time for me to theorize the various ways we would be harmed by venturing beyond the dome without protection."

He leaned back in his chair, his botanical body silent without the cracking or creaking of joints, or the subdued gurgles of organs. "There are several signs that this team is behind schedule, Ensign, and there may or may not be good reasons for why that is the case. I suspect that once we arrive, they will wish to give us a tour, and buffet us with a variety of reasons for the various delays. Our ultimate goal is to provide assistance to their efforts, which the Federation considers noble and worthwhile. You and I will need to continue to discuss how we best go about achieving that goal of assistance."

"The tour will allow us to see some things which we will want to observe further, such as the way the protective dome is maintained, or their daily work schedules. Some colonies like this, particularly those with small populations, sometimes become lax... But upon learning that we two are due to arrive, they may have spent the last two weeks correcting glaring mistakes."

"Any other questions? The more we prepare, the better off we will be. There will be much to do."


Note: Closed [Sadly] due to absence of partner player.

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