Of Crystal Kids and Pebble Parents (Xasik | Eydis | Sirol)

Started by Xasik, September 07, 2021, 11:56:23 PM

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[Xasik's Quarters | Katra Station]

Cracking one eye open groggily, Xasik glared at the EV tank set up beside his bed before looking at the time and groaning. It was early, far too early and yet his child insisted upon waking him up at the same time every morning with their ear piercing squeaks and chirps.
"Emerald, please." Xasik begged tiredly and rolled over, pulling the pillow over his head to try and block some of the squeaking out. Emerald however seemed to have other ideas and simply increased the volume of their squeaks until Xasik couldn't ignore them anymore. "Alright, I'm up! Good morning Little Pebble" He sat up and yawned, stretching his arms above his head to stretch and crack his back. "Excited for our trip huh?"

Emerald seemed delighted as they watched Xasik sit up and stretch. "Click! Squeak! Peep peep peep!" They happily chirped at him. Xasik smiled despite his tiredness. "I know I know. You want to see Sirol. Well, good news is that she's coming with us. We'll see her soon."

He reached over and attached a nutrition pallet to the side of Emerald's EV tank to feed the child while he got ready to depart. He made sure the child was fed and happy before taking a quick sonic shower to freshen up.
It didn't take long for the Reman to be ready to leave. He had packed his bag the day before. A couple of sets of fresh clothes, Emerald's nutrition pallets and a couple of EV suits were all that he would need. Tholia would require him to wear an EV suit or he would fry instantly.

With a quick look around his quarters to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything, Xasik proceeded to safely transfer Emerald from the EV tank to the more portable Environmental Containment Sphere (ECS) for their journey. Emerald squeaked excitedly once they were in the ECS and wiggled around a little to get comfortable. They were getting stronger by the day and could now roll the ECS around on the ground and explore. Inside the ECS were a few of Emerald's favourite toys, including their all time favourite, a small squeaky ball given to them by Sirol.

When he was sure he had everything he needed, Xasik threw his bag over his shoulder and picked up the ECS and left his quarters to head towards the Docking Bay. He stopped only briefly to grab a coffee, making sure to hail Sirol and ask if she would like a coffee as well.

=/\= "Specialist Freeman to Lieutenant Sirol. I know you're already awake. I'm grabbing a coffee, want me to get one for you too?" =/\= He yawned as he was talking to emphasis his point before getting the two coffees and making his way to the Docking Bay. Once there he stood in the agreed upon meeting place and waited, an isolated corner out of everyone's way, placing Emerald down to roll around a little bit and explore. Xasik made sure to keep a close eye on his mischievous child.

=/\= "Xasik to Captain Eydis, Emerald and I are in the Docking Bay and ready to go. Just waiting on Lieutenant Sirol to arrive."  =/\= He sipped his coffee, pulled a funny face and waited.


< Katra Station / Turbolift --> Docking Bay >

As usual, Sirol had been an early bird, taking care to make all the necessary arrangements for a smoothly working and appropriately emphasised distribution of duties among the scientists during her absence, as well as replicating all the necessities for her journey.
She preferred to keep transporter patterns of all of her equipment and gear saved in her wrist-mounted PDA to have all she needed ready for instant replication wherever she was, hence she - usually - travelled lightly.
She had decided to replicate her custom romulan EV suit with research-focused configurations and additions, as well as an identical spare one for emergencies, her medication and some first aid equipment as well as a handful of new toys for Emerald.

It had not escaped Sirol that the child had been particularly focused on her, and it seemed even logical. Together with Xasik, Sirol had been with Emerald from the start, and the hatchling undoubtedly had perceived her presence from their first conscious moments.
As much as Sirol enjoyed and whole-heartedly returned Emerald's affection though, she was not entirely sure how to approach the subject around Xasik. He after all was the child's adopted parent, not Sirol.

As much and as desperately as Sirol herself yearned for the chance to adopt a child (which however throughout the last years had been denied by pretty much any of her employers due to her non-stationary job), she did not want to end up living her dream through someone else's child"¦
She loved Emerald, but she also understood that they were Xasik's child, and not hers - even if the hatchling seemed to disagree here; passionately clinging to the scientist at any given chance"¦

Pushing her crate of equipment - vaguely the size of two stacked suitcases - on an antigrav cart down the hallway, she stopped once she heard the incoming message.

Quote from: Xasik on September 07, 2021, 11:56:23 PM

=/\= "Specialist Freeman to Lieutenant Sirol. I know you're already awake. I'm grabbing a coffee, want me to get one for you too?" =/\= He yawned as he was talking to emphasis his point before getting the two coffees and making his way to the Docking Bay. Once there he stood in the agreed upon meeting place and waited, an isolated corner out of everyone's way, placing Emerald down to roll around a little bit and explore. Xasik made sure to keep a close eye on his mischievous child.

The slender scientist raised an eyebrow, then - instinctively - nodded, although she knew Xasik was not able to see her.
=/\="œYes, certainly. I would appreciate a coffee. Thank you. Do you already have everything you need?" =/\=
Of course Sirol was certain that he would, but she wanted to make sure that he felt looked after in the same way he looked after his child and his overall surroundings.
He was a caring soul, so Sirol wanted to make sure that he would receive the appropriate feedback: Being cared for in return.

As she eventually set foot in the docking bay, she instantly spotted him and Emerald, and gave her colleague and his little one a polite hailing little bow.
It was unusual to see someone else arriving at an arranged meeting place before her, but it was a semi-pleasant little surprise to someone who generally did not enjoy surprises...

"œI hope this day finds both of you well."
She spoke towards them in a warm tone, then stopped, and began to focus on Captain Eydis, attempting to reach hir via the Lattice in the same warm tone - or at least a similarly perceivable warm emotional subtone.
"˜Captain - Specialist Freeman, Emerald and I are in the Docking bay. Is there anything we can assist you with before departing? And will Healer Peylix be with us as well?'

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Eydis emerged without a suit into the docking bay. Hir bright blue looking like a lava lamp. It was hir combined crystalline entity and tholian body that allowed hir to enter enivorments hostile to other Tholians. Hir crystalline entity infused shell could regulate its temperature without danger of cracking. Although hir core was still hot hir shell was at the temperature of most humanoids.

Eydis would nod to xasik and then sirol. The order of hir acknowledging the pair had only to due with the manner at hand. A Tholian hatchling was in question. And captain eydis had showed hirself to be in the corner of xasik and emerald.

I have had most of the crew disembark to the embassy. SVe for my second in command Skaldyr and I will request the healer come as well. This will give you and xasik the run of the ship so to speak. While the mother swan only needs to keep a small room at temperatures for Tholians. Your suits will be needed when we land on the surface off Thalia prime. The journey will be about week and half.  But that all being said welcome aboard the Mother swan, Romulan built bird of prey serving the tholiam assembly. 

Shi said this with a hint of pride in the beauty of hir ship. Shi was quite beaming and boastful about the romulan bird of prey. It had been refitted a bit mostly to withstand a tholian environment.


Xasik you will be the first to stand before the council of elders. You will need to convince them of your ability to successfully facilitate the hatchling raising of the individual emerald


[Katra Station | Docking Bay]

Quote from: Sirol on September 12, 2021, 02:10:55 AM

< Katra Station / Turbolift --> Docking Bay >

The slender scientist raised an eyebrow, then - instinctively - nodded, although she knew Xasik was not able to see her.
=/\="œYes, certainly. I would appreciate a coffee. Thank you. Do you already have everything you need?" =/\=

Xasik smiled at Sirol's voice came through his comm badge. The sound of her voice excited Emerald and the child began to squeak and chirp in response to the sound. Emerald was certainly going to enjoy this trip. Xasik had the feeling that they would be with Sirol as much as possible. The hatchling simply adored her.

=/\="œYes, we have everything we need. A certain hatchling woke me up extra early so I've had more than enough time to prepare, but I appreciate you asking. Thank you. See you soon." =/\=

Quote from: Sirol on September 12, 2021, 02:10:55 AM

As she eventually set foot in the docking bay, she instantly spotted him and Emerald, and gave her colleague and his little one a polite hailing little bow.
It was unusual to see someone else arriving at an arranged meeting place before her, but it was a semi-pleasant little surprise to someone who generally did not enjoy surprises...

"œI hope this day finds both of you well."
She spoke towards them in a warm tone, then stopped, and began to focus on Captain Eydis, attempting to reach hir via the Lattice in the same warm tone - or at least a similarly perceivable warm emotional subtone.
"˜Captain - Specialist Freeman, Emerald and I are in the Docking bay. Is there anything we can assist you with before departing? And will Healer Peylix be with us as well?'

As Sirol entered the docking bay and gave them a polite bow, Xasik returned the gesture while Emerald started squeaking as loudly as possible. They tried desperately to roll over to Sirol and got frustrated when stopped by Xasik's boot blocking the way. Xasik could only chuckle at his frustrated child.
As Sirol approached to a safe distance Xasik released the child and watched them make their way to Sirol to bump into her foot repeatedly. It had become a favourite game of theirs and one they played as often as they could.

"œGood morning Lieutenant. We are both fine this morning. Some of us are more tired than others. Em was so excited that they woke up early and woke me up as well. I'm not sure they know exactly what's going on but they saw me packing my bags last night and knew something was happening. They tried to roll the ECS into my bags more than once, the playful little devil that they are. I hope you are well this morning as well."

Xasik reached over to grab her coffee and hand it to her as he sipped his own. He was so tired still so he hoped that the coffee would help keep him awake long enough to get settled into his sleeping area aboard The Mother Swan.

He noticed a brief distant look cross Sirol's face and he assumed that she was utilizing the lattice to contact Eydis so he did his best to keep Emerald out of trouble and from distracting her.

Quote from: Eydis on September 21, 2021, 04:36:09 AM

Eydis would nod to xasik and then sirol. The order of hir acknowledging the pair had only to due with the manner at hand. A Tholian hatchling was in question. And captain eydis had showed hirself to be in the corner of xasik and emerald.

I have had most of the crew disembark to the embassy. SVe for my second in command Skaldyr and I will request the healer come as well. This will give you and xasik the run of the ship so to speak. While the mother swan only needs to keep a small room at temperatures for Tholians. Your suits will be needed when we land on the surface off Thalia prime. The journey will be about week and half.  But that all being said welcome aboard the Mother swan, Romulan built bird of prey serving the tholiam assembly. 

Shi said this with a hint of pride in the beauty of hir ship. Shi was quite beaming and boastful about the romulan bird of prey. It had been refitted a bit mostly to withstand a tholian environment.


Xasik you will be the first to stand before the council of elders. You will need to convince them of your ability to successfully facilitate the hatchling raising of the individual emerald

As Eydis entered the docking back, Xasik offered hir a polite nod of his head. It still amazed him that Eydis was a Tholian that could freely walk in their atmosphere without pain. He admired hir for it though, and looked forward to getting to know hir better on this trip. It would be very beneficial for Emerald to grow up with as many Tholians in their life as possible.

"œGood Morning Captain," Xasik greeted Eydis with a polite bow when he was addressed. Xasik was glad to hear that Healer Peylix was requested to come as well. Their presence alone would be a source of great excitement to Emerald. It would also mean another trusted person would be present to watch Emerald for him. He might finally be able to catch a decent nap!

"œI am glad Healer Peylix has been requested. They have been attending Emerald's health since their birth. I would very much like for them to join us." Xasik was also glad to hear that he and Sirol would not need to be in EV suits for the entire journey. His claustrophobia would probably get the better of him. "œI look forward to seeing The Mother Swan in all her glory. I am curious though Captain. Where did the name Mother Swan come from? It is an interestingly charming name for a ship of Romulan origins."

Xasik could hear the pride in Eydis' voice as she spoke of The Mother Swan. It was endearing if he was honest. "œIt is an honour to be welcomed aboard." He was glad the journey would not be a super long one, but long enough to be able to enjoy a rest before facing the Council of Elders to determine the fate of his parenthood.
"œI will use the journey to prepare myself for the meeting with the Elders. I will convince them that I am able and willing to raise Emerald to be the best Tholian they can be."

Xasik once again nodded to Eydis and picked up his bags, as well as his wayward child before making his way onto The Mother Swan, admiring the Tholian touches here and there. The familiar Romulan architecture was both soothing and distressing for Xasik but he chose not to say anything and simply smiled. He was in no danger aboard this particular Romulan designed ship.

"œCaptain, I would request to be shown where my sleeping area will be so I can deposit my bags there and get settled in."

(I apologize for taking so long to respond. I have had a bit of writer's block and it's been stopping my creative juices from flowing. I'm slowly getting through it though!)


< Katra Station / Docking Bay â†' Mother Swan >

Sirol chuckled as she noticed the hatchling eagerly trying to roll their ECS over to the approaching scientist, and eventually succeeding as Xasik pulled back his foot.
Sirol had learned that the little one greatly enjoyed attempting to bump the Environmental Containment Sphere into an object in the manner of moving a ball from the inside, so she let Emerald have some fun with their tiny, uncoordinated jumps bumping into her feet and having their ECS roll back every time, usually knocking the little one off their feet and encouraging them to get up again as quick as possible to try again"¦
Eventually she hunkered down and picked up the Baby Bubble, giving it a tight little hug.
In moments like these it saddened her that she was unable to directly hug Emerald - at least until she was wearing an EV suit, but even then it was a hug more dampened than both, the child and the scientist would have enjoyed.
"œGood morning, little forerunner. I hear you keep your parent awake and in shape? Excellent!"
She playfully tapped the ECS with her index finger, challenging Emerald inside to try and "˜catch' her finger with their hands, before she then looked up to Xasik, rearranged the ECS in her arm, and then accepted the Coffee he handed her with a thankful nod.
Boiling hot, pitch black and full of sugar - Just the way she liked it.
"œThey might not know where we are heading, but children always know when the family prepares for travel - It is the hasty break of routine, low level emotional fluctuations as well as lingering sense of excitement. The latter they might have..." She awkwardly cleared her voice. "œ...Received from me during yesterday's playtime. I apologise for that."
She once more smirked at Emerald.

Once Eydis joined them, Sirol gave the Captain a polite hailing formal bow, followed by an informal warm smile.
"œGood morning, Captain." She spoke softly - more or less in unison with Xasik, then gently tapped at the ECS to catch Emerald's attention and see if they would recognise Eydis and greet hir as well.
As Eydis began to explain the organisational procedures of their journey as well as what was to be expected from him later on, Sirol stayed quiet and attentively listened to their conversation.
It was his mission, - benevolently carried out by the Captain - after all, and Sirol would only speak up if either of them needed her assistance.
Until then, she was happy to be part of the journey, and would seek to make herself useful aboard the Mother Swan wherever she could in the meantime.

She had been looking forward to see the Captain's new ship for a while now, yet causality never opened up opportunity for if during the last weeks. Seeing the Tholian Assembly and the Romulan Free State having beneficial and trusted enough trades like these ships made Sirol happy. These were the fruits of diplomacy and building relationships her father used to work on, and a part of her liked to believe that maybe he might have even had anything to do with it.
Either or, the scientist playfully let Emerald chase her finger throughout the surface of the ECS while following the two.
She agreed with Xasik's sentiment that it would be beneficial to have Peylix with them as well. They had been with Emerald from the beginning, and their medical and psychological expertise during the interactions with Emerald could prove a valuable asset to Xasik to provide proof and put emphasis on the child's well-being to the Elders.

However, a small part of Sirol was almost even disappointed about the environmental alterations aboard the Mother Swan set to comfort Xasik and herself. She had hoped the ship to provide Tholian environmental standards, so Emerald could - within the boundaries of reason - move freely and experience some routine neither Xasik not her would have been able to give them aboard Katra.
She gave the hatchling an apologising look.
"˜Just a few more bubble days, and you will be on Tholia, dearie. You will be able to run around without any barriers...'
She warmly relayed to the little one.
Once more she booped the ECS playfully, with her mind reaching out to the child, assuring them of her care and love for them, as a noise from behind her made the scientist slowly turn around.
Peylix had decided to join them.

The healer had had little time in between the announcement and the estimated departure, so they had saved time and avoided delay by simply using the docking bay's cargo transporter.
Moving towards the group they quickly inspected each "˜member'. Captain Eydis, whom they gave a quick and polite acknowledging nod, Scientist Sirol (with Emerald), towards whom the healer repeated the gesture, as well as Xasik Freeman, the foster parent that was within the top six topics of (in lack of a better term) gossip among the local Tholians
While they had eagerly agreed to lend Freeman all the assistance they could provide, this of course was just a part of the things rushing through their mind right now"¦
The other half - if not more - orbited around the healer's family. They had missed them dearly and now would finally be close enough to rekindle with them - maybe even meet them in person, and see how far their own children had come during the last year - that was if the situation and time allowed for it"¦
While they did not show it, Peylix was more than just excited about the possibility to maybe see their children and their (remaining) spouse again"¦
Just like Sirol, Peylix did not interrupt Captain Eydis and Xasik Freeman, but instead quietly made preparations for boarding the Mother Swan.
They would have more than enough chances to exchange questions and thoughts on their journeys. And even if not, they did not want to interrupt their Captain.

Sirol did as Peylix and quietly followed the healer, with one arm still wrapped around the ECS, the other hand pulling her antigrav cargo cart (with the coffee cup on top of it) and followed by her Uropygi companion.
As Xasik eventually asked the Captain about directions to a sleeping area to store his belongings, Sirol concluded that they had clarified the recent necessities. She did a step closer towards them and once Xasik had asked his question, Sirol then looked up to Captain Eydis and gave hir a friendly nod.
"œCaptain, is there anything I can assist you with?
Considering the skeleton crew present, I would like to offer my service if needed and welcome."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Eydis would show Sirol the quarters for them both after answering xasik question of the name.

It comes from a old forgotten earth song the dialect of the language a ghost spoke language. I have come to be very fond of music from earth. It is as a earth saying goes it speaks to me. But is more immersive for tholian then I think even humanoids can appreciate . I can what you would call taste the flavor of the song. It travels across my body over the lattice and I can feel the sound. It is perhaps a surprise to you or not. There is a song the encompasses all of Tholia, a song sung by all tholians. A song that tells us our history and our being. Verses are added when a tholian comes home. And thus the song grows it is ever evolving. It unifies us as people banishes our fears by the power of collective will.

In a way we share more with the ones you call the borg because of this song that links us together as super organism as you call it.

And so in this earthly music I can taste snippets of the human soul. I can take part in the human experience through this music of yours. I can see the music it's emotion. I can taste it through my whole body. I recognize in the music something resembling my own people. Music to push back the darkness to decorate our time with.


With that hir eyes seem  to become blazing blue suns. She would nod to xasik and select the song for which the ship was named after playing it after shi looked to Sirol. It had been part of plan to Shanghai you into service willingly in my crew. I Would be delighted to know the full abilites of the mother swan watching you


[Katra Station | Docking Bay | Mother Swan]

Xasik raised a non-existent eyebrow as Sirol approached and explained that Emerald may have received the lingering sense of excitement from Sirol. "œYeah, thanks for that," he snorted. "œWhen the little demon next wakes me up I'll be knocking on your door to watch them while I get some beauty sleep."
He acknowledged Captain Eydis and was relieved to see Peylix joining them. He acknowledged the healer with a friendly wave before following Eydis onto the ship.

Xasik nodded while listening to Eydis explain the origins of the name of hir ship. Although a little unusual, the meaning behind the name was heartfelt and soulful so he could understand the importance of it. "œI think Mother Swan is a glorious name." He added to the conversation when he could, listening to Eydis explain the way shi experienced music. It fascinated him to hear that music was far more immersive for Tholians than humanoids, but it made sense. Hir explanation reminded him of something Sirol had explained to him once, about the way she perceived the world and those around her. Seeing emotions as different shades, colours, smells and shapes. It was fascinating to him.

As a telepath himself he could understand this explanation to a degree. If he opened himself up and allowed himself to use his ability then he too could perceive emotions as coloured auras with different shapes. He had been trained as a child by the elders in the mines to hide his abilities so as to not give his Romulan masters something to punish him for. He had spent years training and suppressing his abilities to ensure that he was in total control of himself.
Since his escape from Romulan oppression he had become a little lax in keeping his emotions under control and not projecting them all over the place like an unstable teenager.

"œI must say though, that sounds remarkably similar to how Sirol explained to me how she perceives the world around her, even before she was linked to the Lattice! I guess she really is a Soulian! That makes me wonder though, Eydis, has Sirol been a Tholian spy this entire time?" He turned to look at Sirol. "œAre you really a Tholian in a meat suit?" He couldn't suppress the grin he had been fighting while asking his questions. He was hoping to bring a little amusement to the atmosphere and hoped he didn't offend Sirol in the process.

Giving the Romulan a sheepish grin to apologize for any offense he may have caused, Xasik adjusted his grip on his personal luggage and as well as accepting the ECS from Sirol and making sure he didn't drop his child. He looked to Eydis again.
"œThe way you describe the way you experience music is truly beautiful. I wish I was capable of experiencing it on such a deep level. I am truly envious of Tholians in this regard. Emerald will get to experience something beautiful and for that I'm glad."

After being shown to his quarters, Xasik finally put his bag down and placed Emerald onto the ground to explore. Immediately the child began to roll around and explore. Xasik took the moment of freedom to unpack a little so he wouldn't have to later. He smiled at Emerald's squeaks of excitement as they explored this new environment. He was glad to see that his temporary quarters came equipped with an environmental tank as well for Em to sleep in.

He looked up quickly as he heard Emerald's excited squeaks heading out the door and down the hallway. He had forgotten to close the door!

Emerald excitedly squeaked as they rolled away.

"œEmerald!" Xasik called after them. "œGet your shiny crystalline butt back here!" He ran out of the room to chase his child. He was surprised with just how fast Emerald could be in the ECS.
"œEmerald's on the loose!" He called out to anyone who could hear him.


< Mother Swan >

"œTrust me, I will have no problem with you handing Emerald to me if you need more sleep.
As a matter of fact: If I had known you were planning to reward me, I would have transpired earlier."

She chuckled at Xasik and leaned over to Emerald, placing one hand on the ECS and giving the little one some time to reach out from their side of the bubble to "˜touch' Sirol's hand too.
It was true: She relished her time with Emerald; and not just the part in her that desperately yearned to be able to adopt a child for years, but also - more importantly - the part of her that had seen the little one from their first minute of hatching; the part that had been with them every step of their way, and who held an infinite amount of undoubtedly parental pride for the little one's every tiny step and progress the made each day.

With a soft smile Sirol listened to Eydis' explanation of hir perception of music and song. Sirol could relate - on a surprisingly personal level, although she for now just remained quiet and listened while storing her belongings in the assigned quarters to have her hands free again.
Every society; every mindset and perceptual vicinity on a cultural level had their very own flavour of music and song, more often than not far more precise than simple spoken languages due to the multi layered medium and emotional directness.
A fascinating subject which ironically had been the subject of Sirol's first dissertation upon branching out into xenology many years ago.
However, the Tholian way of expression; their planetary Song in particular, Sirol - so far - mostly knew in theory, based on the raw information she could retrieve via the Lattice.
She was eagerly looking forward to hopefully learning through a more personal perspective soon.

She smiled at the Captain, then nodded.
"œI understand you, Captain. Artistic expression - Music in particular - is a formidable and powerful medium of tale and communication. I use art as reference in my own cultural studies as well.
Sadly I am not very versed with Humans in particular yet. I am approaching Federation societies in alphabetical order and currently working my way into the Grazerites. In either way though, what I do know of Human music is indeed"¦ Intense and beautiful"¦ Complex and colourful, just as their own history and relentless means to re-invent themself and adapt."

She musingly smiled a little, remembering Maurice Ravell's Bolero - one of her favourite pieces of Human music, before she eventually looked up to the Captain again and nodded as she noticed her playing the ship's song.

The scientist's smile widened. She remembered it; from Eydis' return to Katra.
One of the happiest moments she could remember. How couldn't she? It had been the day she had been saved and had found a new purpose to exist for - or because of. It had been the day to put an end on the corrosive destruction that had been her isolation. And Eydis had arrived just in time, just as shi always did.
Sirol just stood there for a moment, dwelling in her own happy memories before gradually nudging herself back into reality - which was equally happy.

As she realised that Xasik compared Eydis' explanation to Sirol's own perception, she awkwardly smirked, yet let him proceed before she responded.
"œIt is called synesthetic perception and can be an innate trait among empaths of a particular neurological makeup. My brother possessed the same perception, which was part of what made us so effective at networking."
She paused once more, letting his words sink in.
He was not wrong though. There were glaring similarities in Eydis' and Sirol's way of perceiving and processing.
Maybe that had been part of why she had had such an easy time utilising the Lattice? Maybe that even had been the reason why her being linked by Lonar had - after all - successfully saved her. Maybe there was a very physical; scientifically measurable aspect to her healing.
Healer Peylix themself back then had initially diagnosed Sirol with a trauma-based psychosis they originally knew from reports of involuntarily detached Tholians.
Maybe they were not so different after all"¦
A comforting thought which Sirol acknowledged with a smile while once more booping Emerald's ECS and listening to Xasik and Eydis, before she then - in surprise - looked up to both of them again.

A clever play with words, although she was uncertain of whether or not Xasik's comment about her being a Tholian in disguise was meant as a joke or not.
Tilting her head she gave Eydis a confused look as to what to answer to such a question.
Then again, she could sense the warmth and honesty in his words, and slowly but surely it dawned on her that it might have been more of a comparison; an assessment.
The way she understood it, he seemed to view her as a part of the Tholians, just like Emerald did too. Sirol awkwardly smiled and gave him a little bow.
He saw her as"¦ Belonging"¦ And to Sirol - as a person with no real family or place of belonging - it might have been one of the genuinely most endearing things anyone had ever said to her.
She eventually looked at him and simply said: "œI am putting myself to the fullest possible use, which is all I think that any conscious entity can ever hope to do." Leaving everything else open for later discussion (and undoubtedly more speculations on Xasik's side.).
Now they had to prepare for departure and get accustomed to the next days' routine aboard the Mother Swan.

As suddenly Emerald decided to go on an exploration spree, their conversation came to an abrupt halt with Xasik instantly jumping up to get ahold of the overenthusiastic little squeaker.
Sirol just smirked and followed both with her eyes as they scampered out of the room and out into the corridor.

When Eydis explained that shi had hoped to "˜shanghai Sirol' into service, the scientist chuckled and gave the Captain a warm, cheerful smile.
"œI am more than willing to do my part, no matter what, but I appreciate your kind words Captain."
It had been seven months, one week and three days since a Captain had requested her expertise. Too long by any means.
But even more importantly, she was glad that the first Captain to ask for her assistance had been someone she genuinely liked and cared about.
Of course this did not matter from a professional standpoint, and she would have been willing to serve under COs she disliked as well, [Given their orders were not actively harming the well-being of the crew of course...], but the fact that she did like and look up to Eydis of course helped with Sirol being personally invested.
"œI would very much be delighted to stress test the Mother Swan's full capacities too. It has been a while since I have seen a Romulan ship from the inside. At least one that has not been repurposed into a temporary [not so temporary] living space.
I would be very interested to learn more about the alterations you made - Accommodating a Y-Class environment must have been"¦ Tedious, considering the process is technically easy but requires replacing a lot of the internal hardware"¦ How long did it take you overall?"

She looked around and smiled. It was almost even like a little bit of home far away from home and reminded her of her time living and working aboard her father's ship back within the Romulan Flotilla.
"œWhat other alterations did you make? I can imagine compared to the average agility of Tholian ships this one might have felt"¦ Clumsy at first. But then again, each ship has their very own merits.
I found singularity cores provide - ironically - a surprising use for various scientific experiments aboard."

Her smile all of a sudden froze and she stared at Eydis, realising that these were not entirely her words but her brother's"¦
"œI"¦ Apologies for my random enthusiasm"¦ That was one of my brother's statements"¦ His last recorded project had to do with experimental propulsion technology. I suppose setting foot aboard brings back a surprising amount of old memories"¦"

She awkwardly cleared her throat then slowly smiled at Eydis again.
"œThank you for having me here. Not just because I enjoy working. It also"¦ Means a lot to me..."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
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NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

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