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S3-M12: The Battle Royale

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, January 13, 2022, 11:22:05 PM

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Kyan Mackenzie

~ A few hundred thousand kilometers in front of the Lirpa, just inside visual range. ~

The disruption was tiny at first, a spark in the inky, black void of space. But as it is with sparks, one became two, and then a hundred, and then a thousand. Within seconds, the spark had grown into an azure vortex. The center was as black as the surrounding space, but it was framed in a swirling cacophony of blue nebulous matter and arcs of lightning. As seconds passed, the vortex grew in size until it became large enough to take in a vessel the size of that which it was meant to snare, and then stopped growing.

From within the vortex a small craft materialized and sat perched near it's mouth. The vessel hung in space, listless.

:: USS Lirpa | Bridge ::

As the anomaly became visible to the ship's sensors, data began pouring into the science consoles. At the same time, an indicator flashed on Giato's tactical console. There was an incoming distress call.

=/\= T- -ny ship -- ---ge... we are the Ba----n fre---ter ----keth. We have b----- ----ped in --me k--- of ------y. Ple---  --sist us. Ou- ----- ----ems are fail---.  =/\=



Eydis would take notice of the new arrival of the strange to her female barojan entering the command bridge of the Uss lirpa.  The bluish tholian would glance at her for several long seconds, as if trying to study her. Then she would turn in time to notice xasik handing out what seemed to be strange parchment paper to Sirol and Reisen and then appoarching hir. The warrior caste member cocked hir head a tad as if unsure of the paper in the hands of the Reman friend.  Then she enclosed hir bluish hued crystalline digits around it.  She looked at the markings on the paper. And it seemed to truly transfix the attention of the tholian warrior for several long seconds.  Her emotional state was what roughly a tholian emotion bemusement then wonder at the art.

Hir thoughts then dwelled on the hatchling Emerald for several seconds. Hir hands holding the artwork with something resembling pride at it. It was not art in the style of native tholians hatchlings or caste members.  They were already under way and nearly out of the range of audible lattice communications.   But eydis would focus over the lattice to the Crystalline entity who was somewhere between the Uss lipra and the station itself. And the crystalline entity could transmit the lattice even further then normally would be possible.   Eydis would speak over the lattice to Emerald.  Singing a song that shi had learned from old records on earth music.
(( )) Shi would then speak to emerald briefly. * You have not been abandoned little hatchling. We are away on task shortly.
Behave until we arrive back. You are Tholian little one, and your creations are wonderful. Thank you *

Eydis would look at xasik and dip hir head to him. " Thank you Xasik friend. I appreciate the gift and art of the young emerald." .

Sitting down at his station he would smile at sirols words. A keen and competent individual Sirol was showing herself.  He would dip his head a little.  "That is astute observation of tholians. I should seek to understand as well. And there will be no issue with me Sirol I trust you and your decisions. I'm sure the department will only gain from the addition. And this doughnut friday sounds delightful and appeasing to my earth and human upbringing.  But what would be the use in deny such sweets. Reisen then would raise a eyebrow noticing Xasik handing out paper first to sirol then himself and then to the tholian Eydis.  His eyebrow raised a little almost spock like as he studied the offered paper in his hands.  Looking at Xasik for a second, regarding the art which was crude. But tholians were not know for art this had many implications.

Hmm I'm not sure which is more amazing the art or emeralds spatial memory He would offer the reman a soft smile and then put the paper under his console in a safe spot for latter taking back to his quarters. 

Hrafn Falleg


[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Having dumped personal belongings in her quarters before leaving Katra Station, Hrafn had very little 'on' her and those items were in the pockets of the tunic she still preferred wearing.  (OOC FYI: It is SF 'lore' now that there are some rather quirky things about Hrafn... this is one example.  In her pockets she keeps one of Nevir's cadet pips [Tidu now has the other for his bravery in a battle on Katra Station]... Hrafn's is now engraved with 'I love you' in Bajoran.  Also a small pencil and pad of paper, a tiny smooth pebble piece of quartz that Nerys had grown in her lab when she was just little, a tiny cog that Tidu had given her from some project and a tiny empty snail shell that Lamar found on Bajor.  Small momentoes of her family she could have in her pockets and rub with her fingers to feel close to them.  For the same reason she still had a pinky ring on a chain under her tunic from Lizzie Vaughan since she missed not serving with her friend.) Just because she now wore red didn't mean, with the exception of dress whites, she would forego wearing a lab coat, at least on patrol, over her uniform.  She could remove it in seconds if she was needed to look totally professional on a viewfinder or whatever.

She had, after a brief meeting in the Shuttlebay, made her way directly to the Bridge to meet with Commander Mackenzie and now, standing just in front of the turbolift doors she smiled around the assembled bridge crew recognising some faces.

Rather cheekily, she lifted one corner of her mouth and said "Permission to Enter the Bridge?  Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin reporting for duty." She just hoped Sirol didn't sustain whiplash if the CSO hadn't heard that she and the extended family were coming 'home' to Katra!

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Giato Sperah

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 27, 2022, 02:27:23 AM

:: USS Lirpa | Bridge ::

As the anomaly became visible to the ship's sensors, data began pouring into the science consoles. At the same time, an indicator flashed on Giato's tactical console. There was an incoming distress call.

=/\= T- -ny ship -- ---ge... we are the Ba----n fre---ter ----keth. We have b----- ----ped in --me k--- of ------y. Ple---  --sist us. Ou- ----- ----ems are fail---.  =/\=

[Ensign Giato Sperah | Bridge | USS Lirpa]


Sperah had observed the Tholian on the Bridge, but made no comment. Although guests were allowed at the Captain's discretion, she hazarded the Tholian had a diplomatic rank and was being extended courtesies, though why they wouldn't be travelling with an aide, at least.

The Tactical console was providing an update. After a brief glance, she brought up the information. When reporting, she tended to flatten her vowels and speak in a near monotone, sounding similar to the standard computer voice, but with a slightly higher register. "Receiving a distress call. Logging as a tentative Code One Alpha Zero, Vessel in Distress. Also reading an anomaly." Finishing her report, she looked straight at Commander Mackenzie, then the knot of blue uniformed personnel, presumably Sciences (or were they Medical)?

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

Its wasn't Kyan's first time sitting in the chair. He'd done bridge watches before, and even taken command briefly when the situation called for it. But is was the first time without someone higher in the chain of command looking over his shoulder. It was different somehow. Weird in a way that he hadn't expected and couldn't quite put a finger on. He thought about it as the people on the bridge went about their tasks, and conversed with one another. He almost missed Xasik rise from his seat and give some of Emerald's artwork to Eydis, Sirol, and Reisen.

He was still pondering the differences between his previous, albeit brief, forays into command and the current one when the turbolift doors swooshed open behind him.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on January 27, 2022, 12:25:47 PM

Rather cheekily, she lifted one corner of her mouth and said "Permission to Enter the Bridge?  Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin reporting for duty."

From his seat in the middle of the Lirpa's bridge, Kyan had to lean forward and crane his neck to see Hrafn exit the turbolift. She was alone which was a little disappointing. Her usual entourage, which included her three young children, a nanny, and that civilian who had stormed an Orion pirate ship with him nearly a year ago always made for an entertaining time. Not that her presence was unwelcome of course. Kyan had decided that the quirky Trill scientist, despite her chosen field of work, was both useful and fun to have around. This despite their initial encounter, when he'd crashed her dinner party with a prisoner that he was transporting. She hadn't been happy about that and her friend, a white haired old grandma type, had come near to getting a free trip to the infirmary. But it all ended up ok.

And now she was back again, and having been promoted too! Kyan smiled enthusiastically as he made eye contact with the crimson haired scientist. "Merry Met again Mrs. Falleg-Tekin!" Kyan offered as greeting. "And it's a welcome sight ye are the now. I'm guessin that they sent you and yer lot back tae work on the station again?"

Before he got an answer, warning indicators began blinking on consoles all around him and the new Security Officer spoke up from behind him at tactical.

Quote from: Giato Sperah

"Receiving a distress call. Logging as a tentative Code One Alpha Zero, Vessel in Distress. Also reading an anomaly." Finishing her report, she looked straight at Commander Mackenzie, then the knot of blue uniformed personnel, presumably Sciences (or were they Medical)?

Kyan turned and looked back over his shoulder at the Bajoran as she spoke. She sounded like a robot, which almost made him laugh. Of course that wouldn't have been... "commanderish".. but he couldn't help but grin. This one was not long out of the Academy at all. "Probably still got that huge ring that they give out to everyone" he thought to himself. "But there's nothing for greenness but experience."

"Miss Gaito, can ye put the distress call on speakers?" he replied to the new arrival. Then he turned back around to see the Mission Operations console, which was set up for sciences. "And Sirol.. what's this anomoly?" Finally, he glanced back at Hrafn, still by the lift. "Ye can be takin the XO's spot there." he offered with a nod to the empty station just over his left shoulder.

It appeared that the quiet little patrol was about to become something a bit more interesting. 

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on January 27, 2022, 12:25:47 PM

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Having dumped personal belongings in her quarters before leaving Katra Station, Hrafn had very little 'on' her and those items were in the pockets of the tunic she still preferred wearing.  (OOC FYI: It is SF 'lore' now that there are some rather quirky things about Hrafn... this is one example.  In her pockets she keeps one of Nevir's cadet pips [Tidu now has the other for his bravery in a battle on Katra Station]... Hrafn's is now engraved with 'I love you' in Bajoran.  Also a small pencil and pad of paper, a tiny smooth pebble piece of quartz that Nerys had grown in her lab when she was just little, a tiny cog that Tidu had given her from some project and a tiny empty snail shell that Lamar found on Bajor.  Small momentoes of her family she could have in her pockets and rub with her fingers to feel close to them.  For the same reason she still had a pinky ring on a chain under her tunic from Lizzie Vaughan since she missed not serving with her friend.) Just because she now wore red didn't mean, with the exception of dress whites, she would forego wearing a lab coat, at least on patrol, over her uniform.  She could remove it in seconds if she was needed to look totally professional on a viewfinder or whatever.

She had, after a brief meeting in the Shuttlebay, made her way directly to the Bridge to meet with Commander Mackenzie and now, standing just in front of the turbolift doors she smiled around the assembled bridge crew recognising some faces.

Rather cheekily, she lifted one corner of her mouth and said "Permission to Enter the Bridge?  Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin reporting for duty." She just hoped Sirol didn't sustain whiplash if the CSO hadn't heard that she and the extended family were coming 'home' to Katra!

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 28, 2022, 06:11:11 AM

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

Its wasn't Kyan's first time sitting in the chair. He'd done bridge watches before, and even taken command briefly when the situation called for it. But is was the first time without someone higher in the chain of command looking over his shoulder. It was different somehow. Weird in a way that he hadn't expected and couldn't quite put a finger on. He thought about it as the people on the bridge went about their tasks, and conversed with one another. He almost missed Xasik rise from his seat and give some of Emerald's artwork to Eydis, Sirol, and Reisen.

He was still pondering the differences between his previous, albeit brief, forays into command and the current one when the turbolift doors swooshed open behind him.

From his seat in the middle of the Lirpa's bridge, Kyan had to lean forward and crane his neck to see Hrafn exit the turbolift. She was alone which was a little disappointing. Her usual entourage, which included her three young children, a nanny, and that civilian who had stormed an Orion pirate ship with him nearly a year ago always made for an entertaining time. Not that her presence was unwelcome of course. Kyan had decided that the quirky Trill scientist, despite her chosen field of work, was both useful and fun to have around. This despite their initial encounter, when he'd crashed her dinner party with a prisoner that he was transporting. She hadn't been happy about that and her friend, a white haired old grandma type, had come near to getting a free trip to the infirmary. But it all ended up ok.

And now she was back again, and having been promoted too! Kyan smiled enthusiastically as he made eye contact with the crimson haired scientist. "Merry Met again Mrs. Falleg-Tekin!" Kyan offered as greeting. "And it's a welcome sight ye are the now. I'm guessin that they sent you and yer lot back tae work on the station again?"

Before he got an answer, warning indicators began blinking on consoles all around him and the new Security Officer spoke up from behind him at tactical.

Kyan turned and looked back over his shoulder at the Bajoran as she spoke. She sounded like a robot, which almost made him laugh. Of course that wouldn't have been... "commanderish".. but he couldn't help but grin. This one was not long out of the Academy at all. "Probably still got that huge ring that they give out to everyone" he thought to himself. "But there's nothing for greenness but experience."

"Miss Gaito, can ye put the distress call on speakers?" he replied to the new arrival. Then he turned back around to see the Mission Operations console, which was set up for sciences. "And Sirol.. what's this anomoly?" Finally, he glanced back at Hrafn, still by the lift. "Ye can be takin the XO's spot there." he offered with a nod to the empty station just over his left shoulder.

It appeared that the quiet little patrol was about to become something a bit more interesting.

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

Gideon took a brief moment to meet the incoming party and was taken aback by the beautiful Security officer with them. He returned to the bridge and was surprised by the sight of another Security beauty, albeit a dark-haired one and certainly Bajoran. Gideon shook himself from the distraction and returned to the helm. He was just in time to see the unusual whatsits on the viewscreen.

"What the bloody HELL is that?" he asked, perplexed.

[Deej Cloten | Shuttlebay | USS Lirpa]

Cloten noticed Flyboy had come to greet the new party and waited longer than expected for the shuttle to clear. He then snuck his way to the shuttle to look for the hidden contraband. It was here...somewhere...unless it was the wrong shuttle.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 28, 2022, 06:11:11 AM

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

Its wasn't Kyan's first time sitting in the chair. He'd done bridge watches before, and even taken command briefly when the situation called for it. But is was the first time without someone higher in the chain of command looking over his shoulder. It was different somehow. Weird in a way that he hadn't expected and couldn't quite put a finger on. He thought about it as the people on the bridge went about their tasks, and conversed with one another. He almost missed Xasik rise from his seat and give some of Emerald's artwork to Eydis, Sirol, and Reisen.

He was still pondering the differences between his previous, albeit brief, forays into command and the current one when the turbolift doors swooshed open behind him.

From his seat in the middle of the Lirpa's bridge, Kyan had to lean forward and crane his neck to see Hrafn exit the turbolift. She was alone which was a little disappointing. Her usual entourage, which included her three young children, a nanny, and that civilian who had stormed an Orion pirate ship with him nearly a year ago always made for an entertaining time. Not that her presence was unwelcome of course. Kyan had decided that the quirky Trill scientist, despite her chosen field of work, was both useful and fun to have around. This despite their initial encounter, when he'd crashed her dinner party with a prisoner that he was transporting. She hadn't been happy about that and her friend, a white haired old grandma type, had come near to getting a free trip to the infirmary. But it all ended up ok.

And now she was back again, and having been promoted too! Kyan smiled enthusiastically as he made eye contact with the crimson haired scientist. "Merry Met again Mrs. Falleg-Tekin!" Kyan offered as greeting. "And it's a welcome sight ye are the now. I'm guessin that they sent you and yer lot back tae work on the station again?"

Before he got an answer, warning indicators began blinking on consoles all around him and the new Security Officer spoke up from behind him at tactical.

Kyan turned and looked back over his shoulder at the Bajoran as she spoke. She sounded like a robot, which almost made him laugh. Of course that wouldn't have been... "commanderish".. but he couldn't help but grin. This one was not long out of the Academy at all. "Probably still got that huge ring that they give out to everyone" he thought to himself. "But there's nothing for greenness but experience."

"Miss Gaito, can ye put the distress call on speakers?" he replied to the new arrival. Then he turned back around to see the Mission Operations console, which was set up for sciences. "And Sirol.. what's this anomoly?" Finally, he glanced back at Hrafn, still by the lift. "Ye can be takin the XO's spot there." he offered with a nod to the empty station just over his left shoulder.

It appeared that the quiet little patrol was about to become something a bit more interesting.

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

"Merry Meet indeed, Commander Mackenzie.  I assume then that you haven't yet caught up with paperwork.  As you correctly assume, they have sent 'my lot' back to work on Katra.  I have Ensigns Ruthie Falleg-Tekin, Zerma Meros... both Sciences as Lt. Sirol will be happy to know..." she said smiling at her friend in the mission specialist seat, ".. and Sally McCutcheon who is Security plus her brother, Anthony the Daystrom Scientist if you remember him with me, they came over in the Bygone with me.  The rest - the younger kids who send love to 'Nantie Sirol' and 'Uncle Kyan' of course along with Crista, James, Ujosso and Mary, I left on Katra but all are dying to see you so a 'Donut Night' will probably ensue at some point."

She grinned as Kyan indicated that she should take the XOs chair.  "Had it registered that I'm wearing red?!" the XO looked around the Bridge at people she knew and didn't.

"There'll be some kind of 'occasion' once we're home on Katra so those that know us can be assaulted by the kids hugging you all, and the cats, and those that don't yet can be introduced to the madness that is the extended family, right now tho let it be known that I'm Lt. Commander Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, prefer to be called Ma'am and if it's heat of battle I'm not going to bite your head off if you call me either Falleg or Tekin.  My door metaphorically speaking is open to any of you, and I want to help, since I'm the new XO of Katra Station."

She smiled around the Bridge at the company as she slipped into the XOs position.  "Oh I sent Sally to the Brig.." she chuckled then added "...I mean to serve not in any trouble of course, the others to the Labs, I didn't realise Lt. Sirol would be on the Bridge.  Sirol - feel free to order them where you need them, and I'm sorry I'm not sure who's in charge of Security on board at the moment, Captain."

Quote from: Gideon Drake on January 28, 2022, 10:30:04 PM

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

Gideon took a brief moment to meet the incoming party and was taken aback by the beautiful Security officer with them. He returned to the bridge and was surprised by the sight of another Security beauty, albeit a dark-haired one and certainly Bajoran. Gideon shook himself from the distraction and returned to the helm. He was just in time to see the unusual whatsits on the viewscreen.

"What the bloody HELL is that?" he asked, perplexed.

"I totally second that question Mr. Drake!" Hrafn said perplexed.  She logged into the console and started monitoring systems, the signal and multitasking, waiting to see where she could best fill in gaps based on what other people were working on.

=/\= T- -ny ship -- ---ge... we are the Ba----n fre---ter ----keth. We have b----- ----ped in --me k--- of ------y. Ple---  --sist us. Ou- ----- ----ems are fail---.  =/\=

Hrafn put in an earpiece so as not to disrupt the rest of the Bridge while she tried to clean up the message.  Listening in case it was in some language she could help with, although she knew that Sirol was a Xenolinguist too. There might be something if it was Federation Standard in the way it was said which indicated what they were.

"To any ship, something something..." Hrafn muttered to herself under her breath.  She was guessing the missing words that weren't getting through due to logic.  " ...we are the Bajoran freighter... Sir!" she called to the CO.  "They are Bajoran, I don't have a name yet but I know that much, and that their prime systems are failing, due to some kind of anomaly. The rest is still garbled other than a plea for assistance. Do you wish me to see if I can raise them on the old Bajoran Resistance channel, and Lt. Sirol are you working on what the anomaly is or should I?"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Giato Sperah

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 28, 2022, 06:11:11 AM

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

Its wasn't Kyan's first time sitting in the chair. He'd done bridge watches before, and even taken command briefly when the situation called for it. But is was the first time without someone higher in the chain of command looking over his shoulder. It was different somehow. Weird in a way that he hadn't expected and couldn't quite put a finger on. He thought about it as the people on the bridge went about their tasks, and conversed with one another. He almost missed Xasik rise from his seat and give some of Emerald's artwork to Eydis, Sirol, and Reisen.

He was still pondering the differences between his previous, albeit brief, forays into command and the current one when the turbolift doors swooshed open behind him.

From his seat in the middle of the Lirpa's bridge, Kyan had to lean forward and crane his neck to see Hrafn exit the turbolift. She was alone which was a little disappointing. Her usual entourage, which included her three young children, a nanny, and that civilian who had stormed an Orion pirate ship with him nearly a year ago always made for an entertaining time. Not that her presence was unwelcome of course. Kyan had decided that the quirky Trill scientist, despite her chosen field of work, was both useful and fun to have around. This despite their initial encounter, when he'd crashed her dinner party with a prisoner that he was transporting. She hadn't been happy about that and her friend, a white haired old grandma type, had come near to getting a free trip to the infirmary. But it all ended up ok.

And now she was back again, and having been promoted too! Kyan smiled enthusiastically as he made eye contact with the crimson haired scientist. "Merry Met again Mrs. Falleg-Tekin!" Kyan offered as greeting. "And it's a welcome sight ye are the now. I'm guessin that they sent you and yer lot back tae work on the station again?"

Before he got an answer, warning indicators began blinking on consoles all around him and the new Security Officer spoke up from behind him at tactical.

Kyan turned and looked back over his shoulder at the Bajoran as she spoke. She sounded like a robot, which almost made him laugh. Of course that wouldn't have been... "commanderish".. but he couldn't help but grin. This one was not long out of the Academy at all. "Probably still got that huge ring that they give out to everyone" he thought to himself. "But there's nothing for greenness but experience."

"Miss Gaito, can ye put the distress call on speakers?" he replied to the new arrival. Then he turned back around to see the Mission Operations console, which was set up for sciences. "And Sirol.. what's this anomoly?" Finally, he glanced back at Hrafn, still by the lift. "Ye can be takin the XO's spot there." he offered with a nod to the empty station just over his left shoulder.

It appeared that the quiet little patrol was about to become something a bit more interesting.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on January 30, 2022, 09:34:36 AM

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

"Merry Meet indeed, Commander Mackenzie.  I assume then that you haven't yet caught up with paperwork.  As you correctly assume, they have sent 'my lot' back to work on Katra.  I have Ensigns Ruthie Falleg-Tekin, Zerma Meros... both Sciences as Lt. Sirol will be happy to know..." she said smiling at her friend in the mission specialist seat, ".. and Sally McCutcheon who is Security plus her brother, Anthony the Daystrom Scientist if you remember him with me, they came over in the Bygone with me.  The rest - the younger kids who send love to 'Nantie Sirol' and 'Uncle Kyan' of course along with Crista, James, Ujosso and Mary, I left on Katra but all are dying to see you so a 'Donut Night' will probably ensue at some point."

She grinned as Kyan indicated that she should take the XOs chair.  "Had it registered that I'm wearing red?!" the XO looked around the Bridge at people she knew and didn't.

"There'll be some kind of 'occasion' once we're home on Katra so those that know us can be assaulted by the kids hugging you all, and the cats, and those that don't yet can be introduced to the madness that is the extended family, right now tho let it be known that I'm Lt. Commander Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, prefer to be called Ma'am and if it's heat of battle I'm not going to bite your head off if you call me either Falleg or Tekin.  My door metaphorically speaking is open to any of you, and I want to help, since I'm the new XO of Katra Station."

She smiled around the Bridge at the company as she slipped into the XOs position.  "Oh I sent Sally to the Brig.." she chuckled then added "...I mean to serve not in any trouble of course, the others to the Labs, I didn't realise Lt. Sirol would be on the Bridge.  Sirol - feel free to order them where you need them, and I'm sorry I'm not sure who's in charge of Security on board at the moment, Captain."

"I totally second that question Mr. Drake!" Hrafn said perplexed.  She logged into the console and started monitoring systems, the signal and multitasking, waiting to see where she could best fill in gaps based on what other people were working on.

=/\= T- -ny ship -- ---ge... we are the Ba----n fre---ter ----keth. We have b----- ----ped in --me k--- of ------y. Ple---  --sist us. Ou- ----- ----ems are fail---.  =/\=

Hrafn put in an earpiece so as not to disrupt the rest of the Bridge while she tried to clean up the message.  Listening in case it was in some language she could help with, although she knew that Sirol was a Xenolinguist too. There might be something if it was Federation Standard in the way it was said which indicated what they were.

"To any ship, something something..." Hrafn muttered to herself under her breath.  She was guessing the missing words that weren't getting through due to logic.  " ...we are the Bajoran freighter... Sir!" she called to the CO.  "They are Bajoran, I don't have a name yet but I know that much, and that their prime systems are failing, due to some kind of anomaly. The rest is still garbled other than a plea for assistance. Do you wish me to see if I can raise them on the old Bajoran Resistance channel, and Lt. Sirol are you working on what the anomaly is or should I?"

[Ensign Giato Sperah | Bridge | USS Lirpa]

"Aye, sir."

Sperah played the message dutifully and watched two red headed officers. The first was male, who was looking at her with a weird expression on his face as he went to the Helm. The other... From the reactions, the female one (Trill?) was part of the Katra family, addressing everyone familiarly and... Exuberantly. As the Tactical and Executive Officer stations were next to each other, Sperah gave a polite nod in greeting. Cataloging everything for later, she bent to her own console as everyone listened to the message.

"Commander. Commanders, tactical scans confirm a Bajoran freighter. ID code... Relaketh." Sperah paused to straighten her gold uniform. Closing her eyes for a minute, she remembered her training in the Eight Virtues. Honor among them, but most importantly self control. When reporting, she often used flattened vowels and her computer voice to make sure nothing could be misinterpreted. "Appears power may be failing, but not in catastrophic danger yet."

Orum N'Jeer


Bridge | USS Lirpa

Pev examined his console, working to process the scans and determine any effects from the anomaly.

"Commander, radiation levels remain within safety parameters. I am detecting highly elevated levels of neutrinos, as well as a concentration of verterons. The anomaly has all the indications of an artificial wormhole, similar to the Bajoran wormhole near Deep Space Nine in the Alpha Quadrant. I did a paper on it in my third year of Academy training. Fascinating."

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Pev on January 31, 2022, 09:30:42 AM

Bridge | USS Lirpa

Pev examined his console, working to process the scans and determine any effects from the anomaly.

"Commander, radiation levels remain within safety parameters. I am detecting highly elevated levels of neutrinos, as well as a concentration of verterons. The anomaly has all the indications of an artificial wormhole, similar to the Bajoran wormhole near Deep Space Nine in the Alpha Quadrant. I did a paper on it in my third year of Academy training. Fascinating."

Artificial Wormhole? That was... interesting. But then the one at Deep Space Nine didn't pull ships in. It didn't affect their systems either. Kyan thought about it for a moment. Something about this whole thing felt... wierd. For starters, this area of space was pretty well traveled. The Bajorans used it all the time to get from New Bajor to the Wormhole, and to Katra. The Dosi and the Karema were frequent visitors too. All that plus Starfleet had sent Science ships out this way to map things. And those egg heads... No... he couldn't call them that. It was.. as Kirok had once said.. "inappropriate to use derogatory epithets to refer to one's colleagues."

"Eh. Fook 'im" Kyan thought. Afterall, he was gone now and Jettis was in charge.., or at least he would be when he woke up. But then something struck him. Hrafn said that she was the XO of Katra now. So what was he then? Reassigned? Kyan felt... not good.. about that prospect. But he dismissed it for the moment. There were other things going on, which needed his attention. After a moment he decided.

"Aright Mister Drake, set course to the ship. Warp eight." he called out. "And whilst we're on our way..." he turned to Sirol. "...sure and we'd be after gettin some scans of the wormhole anomaly thing." Then, remembering that the little blue Diplomatic officer had given the thing an ID.. "And Mister Pev, ye can work with Sirol and the blue shirts on the wormhole anomaly. Ye can have T'Prith come an take yer station so.'

He then turned back in his seat to the Bajoran Ensign over his shoulder. "And Miss Saito, see if there be any other ships in the area the now... especially ones what might be a problem."

With all the orders given that he could think of, Kyan sat back in his chair. "Let's be about it then Mister Drake." he called to the Red Haired pilot. "Engage!"

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 01, 2022, 06:45:42 AM

Artificial Wormhole? That was... interesting. But then the one at Deep Space Nine didn't pull ships in. It didn't affect their systems either. Kyan thought about it for a moment. Something about this whole thing felt... wierd. For starters, this area of space was pretty well traveled. The Bajorans used it all the time to get from New Bajor to the Wormhole, and to Katra. The Dosi and the Karema were frequent visitors too. All that plus Starfleet had sent Science ships out this way to map things. And those egg heads... No... he couldn't call them that. It was.. as Kirok had once said.. "inappropriate to use derogatory epithets to refer to one's colleagues."

"Eh. Fook 'im" Kyan thought. Afterall, he was gone now and Jettis was in charge.., or at least he would be when he woke up. But then something struck him. Hrafn said that she was the XO of Katra now. So what was he then? Reassigned? Kyan felt... not good.. about that prospect. But he dismissed it for the moment. There were other things going on, which needed his attention. After a moment he decided.

"Aright Mister Drake, set course to the ship. Warp eight." he called out. "And whilst we're on our way..." he turned to Sirol. "...sure and we'd be after gettin some scans of the wormhole anomaly thing." Then, remembering that the little blue Diplomatic officer had given the thing an ID.. "And Mister Pev, ye can work with Sirol and the blue shirts on the wormhole anomaly. Ye can have T'Prith come an take yer station so.'

He then turned back in his seat to the Bajoran Ensign over his shoulder. "And Miss Saito, see if there be any other ships in the area the now... especially ones what might be a problem."

With all the orders given that he could think of, Kyan sat back in his chair. "Let's be about it then Mister Drake." he called to the Red Haired pilot. "Engage!"

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

While Hrafn mused the question of the wormholes and pulled up the relevant information on her personal PADD that she needed for a valid argument she noticed how perplexed Kyan looked.

"Commander Mackenzie, you really are out in the sticks here regarding news aren't you?! Hang on..."

She tapped a few buttons on her PADD and sent something to the arm console of the command chair.

"...there you go, that should explain a lot!"

Thinking it would be more polite rather than just announce it to the Bridge given that Kyan obviously had no idea, and to give him a chance to cover his back and say something like 'Oh right yes that... I'd spaced that off!', the XO had effectively sent her transfer papers in which it said '... Report to Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie, ***Station Commander***, Katra Station and serve as First Officer...'

She grinned and winked expecting one of two reactions - either the 'What? Who? ME?!!!' in denial that such an honour be bestowed upon him, or the same but with a lot of restraint not to run around the Bridge hi-five-ing everyone and whooping with delight instead just letting a grin of amazement fill his face.

Finally finding what she wanted she said "Apologies if I'm stepping on Lt. Sirol's toes here but I hope she'll forgive me, she has long since had access to my extensive Science journal library and I did leave a copy for her to use, plus she knows how my brain works insofar as the most random things will float their way up to the surface like bits of paper blowing in the wind but they'll be random files floating from the filing cabinets of my mind..."

She stole a glance at Kyan and then at Sirol to judge their reactions then ploughed on.

"...with reference to the artificial wormholes.  Being a Science Boffin as my friend Captain Galloway would call me, I know a fair bit about wormholes, especially since I married a Bajoran and spent a good long time on Bajor and DS9...also we had a wormhole open up by Katra at one point too.  The only known stable wormhole is the Bajoran wormhole, as in the one at DS9, and as we know, that wormhole is stable enough for long-term, two-way space travel between the Alpha Quadrant the Gamma Quadrant. However,.."

The red-haired Commander smiled and thought of her husband loving this and grinning at her 'techno-babble' understanding every word while most of the assembled company would look at them with a 'what the hell you on about?!' looks then politely ask 'Now in Federation Standard not Klingon?!'

"It is known that there has been research in the 2370s, by the Federation.  They investigated methods of creating artificial wormholes. The project was headed by Dr. Lenara Kahn, a high-ranking Trill Scientist..."

Hrafn grinned then giggled a little, "Sorry, Trills and Vulcans seem to corner the market a little when it comes to Science but I know a damn good Romulan Scientist too!! But anyhow...She developed a workable theory that she tested aboard the Defiant in 2372. It involved generating a subspace tensor matrix somewhere around 25-30,000 cochrane range, and then sending out a magneton pulse using a target drone. The pulse would then interact with the matrix to produce a subspace distortion, which would become an opening in the space-time continuum.  The first test produced a wormhole that was stable for only 23.4 seconds. On the second test, a class-4 probe was launched through the wormhole to simulate the passage of an interstellar spacecraft. However, the probe's shields unexpectedly interacted with the tetryon field, collapsing the wormhole and producing a massive graviton shock wave that heavily damaged the Defiant.  So... if something like this has been attempted then it could potentially mess with a ship's systems whether it was them conducting the experiments or they were just caught in the shockwave."

The Scientist turned First Officer tapped a thoughtful finger on her cheek remembering more from her own experiences.

"I know that the MIDAS array was able to create an artificial micro-wormhole that connected the Alpha Quadrant to the Delta Quadrant, but it was only stable for a brief moment, but again more evidence of how to create artificial wormholes and, as my son would tell you - if you start mixing Technology and Engineering with Science things can and do go 'KA-BLOOEY!!', his exact words, and actions!" she added making a 'mushroom cloud' kind of explosive motion with her hands.

"I know too, from when I taught an odd Science class to cover in the school on DS9 many years ago, there is a chart on the wall that reads: 'Most wormhole are naturally occurring or the result of dangerous warp drive malfunctions. Such wormholes tend to oscillate wildly across time and space, making them useless for normal interstellar commerce.' I know that the Enterprise too, become trapped in a wormhole for a brief period of time, due to such experiments, I believe they escaped that one by firing a photon torpedo at an asteroid that had been pulled in with them.  In theory, detonating a heavy gravimetric charge in a Type-6 protostar could open up a wormhole to a given location. Either way, I suggest approaching with caution Sir, as we may be going into a trap, or the same gravitational pulls may be out there and affect our systems and so on."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Orum N'Jeer


[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

As Pev made way for T'Prith to take over at Operations, he nodded at the new XO's detailed analysis and added, "We could launch a class-4 probe, Commander, to try and gather more data before moving the ship too close."

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Pev on February 02, 2022, 04:20:43 PM

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

As Pev made way for T'Prith to take over at Operations, he nodded at the new XO's detailed analysis and added, "We could launch a class-4 probe, Commander, to try and gather more data before moving the ship too close."

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Hrafn smiled at the... 'What was that species?' she thought to herself mostly admonishing herself because she'd actually served as an anthropologist at one point so she should know... and also because it didn't matter, at least in this situation, Pev was a serving member of the Diplomatic Corps and should be respected as a junior officer too.

"Great idea, Ensign... although I will defer to Lt. Sirol, being the CSO and lead Scientist, on this matter, I'm just offering my input.  A typical case of 'age before beauty' as they say on Earth!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



Eydis spoke only over the lattice shi shared now with Sirol and Xasik, being the only two who could on the USS Lipra.  Eydis observed the interactions as still as statue might. Hir blue gaze shifting a little from one individual to another Shi would shift briefly on hir 6 legs at the mention of the wormhole and a photon torpedo.  There was still little known about the Tholian assembly and its overall goal. But tholians had been known to have a interest in both space and time. Being present faction in the temporal cold war.  At the idea Hfran was presenting of using a photon torpedo to create a wormhole or even direct it to a given location.   That perturbed hir immensely, the federation would then have the ability to instantly send a fleet of ships anywhere in tholian space, or even to tholia prime itself.

Shi would turn and look at sirol briefly, as the lattice connection point on sirol would begin to glow and warm up a little indicating that eydis.    * Sirol Friend.  Such attempts to make and control wormholes is dangerous. It could lead to conflict there is little left for other powers including the the assembly to view it as a powerful weapon. A weapon that most will seek to destroy or themselves capture and use. Many lives stand at risk. You must speak to Hrafn about her idea for the wormhole. Such attempts to control it will bring response from all the other powers not just the assembly. No other race has access to such a ppwerful ability. It will not result in a stand off because what could counter such a power, save for war and conflict to either destroy or possess the wormhole technology.

Hrafn Falleg

[Meanwhile somewhere in a corridor near the Shuttlebay - Deck 4 - USS Lirpa]

As NPCs Ensign Sally McCutcheon, Ensign Zerma Meros and Ensign Ruthie-Falleg-Tekin, Specialist Anth McCutcheon

"Right, well we are here..." Sally said pointing at a map. "It appears that both the CSOs Office and the Labs are on this Deck so I guess I'll see you later?  I can't find the Brig tho... I'll keep looking!"

"Yep, See you later, Sal!" Meros said cheerfully and gave her a one armed hug around the shoulders.  "Don't worry you're a big bad Security Ensign! You'll be fine!"

"Buck up Sis, do the job you were trained to do, stop being a wimp!" Anth said in his oh-so-encouraging (not!) Big Brother voice.

Ruthie sighed and said "I'm glad that the two brothers I have are younger..." she said giving Anth a slightly disapproving look, "...thus I have big sister seniority over them still but both he and Meros have good points.  You are trained, you know what you are doing... just right now you are needing a bit of a confidence boost!" she gave her friend a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Meet you at Ten Forward for drinks or back in our quarters later for a cuppa, I think you and I are bunked together with a couple of other females, I'm not sure where Meros and Anth are, the Lirpa isn't that big so possibly together, I think the only consideration would be not billetting male and female together.  Good luck, hun!"

Sally smiled and nodded.  "Cuppas later it is, full debrief with or without your Mom."

As the Scientists left she heard Ruthie say "Course... Lt. Sirol is likely on the Bridge but I'm sure someone else will be in the Labs and if that's the case I'm sure they'll find us something useful to do..."

"Being useful... " Sally muttered to herself, finger tracing a route to the Brig on the map and wondering what the head of Security was going to be like and if they were even assigned to the Lirpa or still back holding down the fort at Katra, "...that's all I hope to ever be for my Captain and the Federation."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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