S3-M12: The Battle Royale

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, January 13, 2022, 11:22:05 PM

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Orum N'Jeer


:: Bridge/Turbolift/Deck 4, USS Lirpa ::

Relinquishing his position at the Ops console per the Commander's orders, and tasked with assisting Sirol in trying to find more data on the wormhole, Pev announced his intention to go to the science labs. Upon dismissal, the S'ti'ach made his way to the turbolift at the rear of the bridge, and from there to Deck 4.

Exiting the turbolift, the ensign made his way down the corridor, stopping before he reached Lab 1, as he saw a petite blonde wearing Security colors, standing before one of the LCARS maps on the wall.


"Being useful... " Sally muttered to herself, finger tracing a route to the Brig on the map and wondering what the head of Security was going to be like and if they were even assigned to the Lirpa or still back holding down the fort at Katra, "...that's all I hope to ever be for my Captain and the Federation."

"Did you come in with Lieutenant Commander Falleg-Tekin?" he asked. "If so, welcome aboard the Lirpa. I am new to the ship myself. Well, to Katra Station, more specifically, and so to it's attached ship as well. Ensign Pev, Operations and Diplomatic Corps Officer." He smiled at the young woman. "May I assist you in finding your destination? And more importantly, have you been briefed on the wormhole that has opened up near the ship?" The short, blue, four-armed alien seemed more excited than concerned about the last.

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Pev on February 06, 2022, 11:20:01 AM

:: Bridge/Turbolift/Deck 4, USS Lirpa ::

Relinquishing his position at the Ops console per the Commander's orders, and tasked with assisting Sirol in trying to find more data on the wormhole, Pev announced his intention to go to the science labs. Upon dismissal, the S'ti'ach made his way to the turbolift at the rear of the bridge, and from there to Deck 4.

Exiting the turbolift, the ensign made his way down the corridor, stopping before he reached Lab 1, as he saw a petite blonde wearing Security colors, standing before one of the LCARS maps on the wall.

"Did you come in with Lieutenant Commander Falleg-Tekin?" he asked. "If so, welcome aboard the Lirpa. I am new to the ship myself. Well, to Katra Station, more specifically, and so to it's attached ship as well. Ensign Pev, Operations and Diplomatic Corps Officer." He smiled at the young woman. "May I assist you in finding your destination? And more importantly, have you been briefed on the wormhole that has opened up near the ship?" The short, blue, four-armed alien seemed more excited than concerned about the last.

[Corridor outside Shuttlebay - Deck 4 - USS Lirpa]

As NPC Ensign Sally McCutcheon, Security

Sally tore herself away from the map to see a blue, four-armed alien, she wasn't sure of their species, but they were cute and being friendly and helpful!

"Oh thank goodness!" she said extending a hand and hoping the being in front of her was familiar with Earthen greetings.  "Yes I came aboard with Hra...erm Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin, she's the mother of my best friend.  I'm Ensign Sally McCutcheon, Security and I hate to say it but I'm entirely lost trying to find the Brig, so sure please Ensign Pev... lead on and no... wormhole?!" she said giving Pev a smile and an encouraging nod.

"I'm planning having a cuppa... erm... hot drinks... with the other Ensigns I came with, my brother who's a Scientist too but Daystrom specialist rather than 'regular' Starfleet, and potentially Lt. Cmdr Falleg-Tekin... join us? We're posted to Katra and it would be nice to get to know a few other people beyond our 'clan'!!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Orum N'Jeer

:: Deck 4 Corridor ::

Pev beamed at the...Human? Human-looking, anyway, young woman. "I would very much enjoy  having a...cuppa...with you and your clan, thank you! Come with me, I shall lead you to the brig while I bring you up to quickness on our current situation." He looked over his shoulder at Sally as he led her to the nearest turboift. "Is that the correct colloquealism? 'Up to quickness?'"

As they walked, Pev explained about the wormhole they'd encountered, and how Commander McKenzie and Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin were currently proceeding.

"May I assume you will be joining the Katra Station crew when we return? Also, and this is important because my previous teammate has left the station, how do you feel about trivia and karaoke?"

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Pev on February 06, 2022, 03:38:58 PM

:: Deck 4 Corridor ::

Pev beamed at the...Human? Human-looking, anyway, young woman. "I would very much enjoy  having a...cuppa...with you and your clan, thank you! Come with me, I shall lead you to the brig while I bring you up to quickness on our current situation." He looked over his shoulder at Sally as he led her to the nearest turboift. "Is that the correct colloquealism? 'Up to quickness?'"

As they walked, Pev explained about the wormhole they'd encountered, and how Commander McKenzie and Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin were currently proceeding.

"May I assume you will be joining the Katra Station crew when we return? Also, and this is important because my previous teammate has left the station, how do you feel about trivia and karaoke?"

[Corridor - Deck 4 - USS Lirpa]

As NPC Ensign Sally McCutcheon

Sally chuckled.  "Up to speed is the correct colloquialism but anyone would know what you meant!" she added with a smile.

"And yes, I'll be joining the Katra crew along with Lt. Falleg-Tekin and all her clan, both the ones here and the younger children, their nanny, her fiancÁ© and the Station school headmistress and secretary who all seem to belong to the greater Falleg-Tekin 'family', who are currently back on Katra Station."

The young security officer made 'speech marks' in the air to put around the word family.

"They don't call her 'Mama Hrafn' for nothing... First Officer is a great position for her because she really does adopt everyone, she has me and my brother Anth, her eldest's boyfriend - you'll know him eventually as Ensign Zerma. As for trivia and karaoke.  The former, yes please, I love quizzes and the like... the latter.  Well I love singing but my brother claims I'm tone deaf but that's brothers for you! I'm sure the others would like to tag along too if you want more competition. I don't mean to seem rude but... what species are you?  I've never come across anyone like you, and that's not in a bad way, I guess with 4 arms you would be great use in a shoot out if you can use all 4 equally, I am genuinely interested!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 01, 2022, 06:45:42 AM

Artificial Wormhole? That was... interesting. But then the one at Deep Space Nine didn't pull ships in. It didn't affect their systems either. Kyan thought about it for a moment. Something about this whole thing felt... wierd. For starters, this area of space was pretty well traveled. The Bajorans used it all the time to get from New Bajor to the Wormhole, and to Katra. The Dosi and the Karema were frequent visitors too. All that plus Starfleet had sent Science ships out this way to map things. And those egg heads... No... he couldn't call them that. It was.. as Kirok had once said.. "inappropriate to use derogatory epithets to refer to one's colleagues."

"Eh. Fook 'im" Kyan thought. Afterall, he was gone now and Jettis was in charge.., or at least he would be when he woke up. But then something struck him. Hrafn said that she was the XO of Katra now. So what was he then? Reassigned? Kyan felt... not good.. about that prospect. But he dismissed it for the moment. There were other things going on, which needed his attention. After a moment he decided.

"Aright Mister Drake, set course to the ship. Warp eight." he called out. "And whilst we're on our way..." he turned to Sirol. "...sure and we'd be after gettin some scans of the wormhole anomaly thing." Then, remembering that the little blue Diplomatic officer had given the thing an ID.. "And Mister Pev, ye can work with Sirol and the blue shirts on the wormhole anomaly. Ye can have T'Prith come an take yer station so.'

He then turned back in his seat to the Bajoran Ensign over his shoulder. "And Miss Saito, see if there be any other ships in the area the now... especially ones what might be a problem."

With all the orders given that he could think of, Kyan sat back in his chair. "Let's be about it then Mister Drake." he called to the Red Haired pilot. "Engage!"

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

"Aye, sir," said Gideon, and he brought the ship to warp. This was so bloody substantially different from flying his little bird Squall. At least on a small ship, he had an excellent feel for it. Here on a starship, it was different. Not only did everybody's lives hinged on making sure one didn't get in the way of something, there was just too much to take in.

Orum N'Jeer


[Turbolift: Between Decks 4 and 5, USS Lirpa]

"I am a S'ti'ach, from the planet S'ti'achaas," said Pev as the turbolift stopped on Deck 5. "We are not many within Starfleet, but we are several."

The ensign led the way out of the lift, taking a right and heading down the corridor.

"As to your brother, I fear he does not fully understand the goal of karaoke. It is not to sing well, it is to drink and sing loudly and enjoy oneself! I have seen many beings treat karaoke as an audition, but I have yet to see anyone receive a recording contract from performing at Brewhaus Gamma. And for bringing them along, I was thinking, if you are amenable, we could limit that group size to just you and I? To be honest, I would like to get to know you better as a person, and I find that large groups tend to cause distractions. Though I would still like to meet them all over tea." He offered a sincere smile. "Oh! And as to my arms," he waved them around a bit, "I tend to favor using them in pairs, but I do practice on the phaser range using one in each hand. I believe I am slowly getting proficient."

The S'ti'ach paused in front of a door. "Here is the brig! While I am very much enjoying your company, I must get to the science lab and continue my analyses."

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Pev on February 07, 2022, 02:32:45 PM

[Turbolift: Between Decks 4 and 5, USS Lirpa]

"I am a S'ti'ach, from the planet S'ti'achaas," said Pev as the turbolift stopped on Deck 5. "We are not many within Starfleet, but we are several."

The ensign led the way out of the lift, taking a right and heading down the corridor.

"As to your brother, I fear he does not fully understand the goal of karaoke. It is not to sing well, it is to drink and sing loudly and enjoy oneself! I have seen many beings treat karaoke as an audition, but I have yet to see anyone receive a recording contract from performing at Brewhaus Gamma. And for bringing them along, I was thinking, if you are amenable, we could limit that group size to just you and I? To be honest, I would like to get to know you better as a person, and I find that large groups tend to cause distractions. Though I would still like to meet them all over tea." He offered a sincere smile. "Oh! And as to my arms," he waved them around a bit, "I tend to favor using them in pairs, but I do practice on the phaser range using one in each hand. I believe I am slowly getting proficient."

The S'ti'ach paused in front of a door. "Here is the brig! While I am very much enjoying your company, I must get to the science lab and continue my analyses."

[Deck 5 - USS Lirpa > Brig]

As NPC Ensign Sally McCutcheon

Sally chucked.  "I'm gonna have to practice how to say that I'm afraid.  It's the Falleg-Tekins, and as I understand Lt. Sirol who are the linguists amongst us.  Thankfully your actual name rather than your species and planet is easy to say!"

Walking a little further as Pev explained that he actually wanted a date, Sally coloured a little, her normally rosy cheeks becoming more like a blonde tomato than anything.

"Oh, you mean a ... date.  Um... I confess I've not been on many of them.  You don't normally count your brother taking you on sympathy dates... other than that I've had one... rather disastrous although being in Security has it's uses... my graduation ball at Academy.  Long story, let's just say my Security Academy instructor thought it very amusing me showing up in the brig in a ballgown, dragging my date and would be assailant by the scruff of the neck.  He made me watch an ancient movie from Earth called 'Miss Congeniality' after that... and I earned the nickname 'Ensign Prom Princess'.  Let's just say he wouldn't take no for an answer!  You'll be fine I'm sure!"  she added reassuringly.

"And yes, I'd like that, cuppas in a group, and hopefully baking nights at Lt. Cmdr Falleg-Tekin's once we're back on Katra if she resumes that!  Naturally if we are in a public place we can't stop them being there if they happen to be there.  But I'll not say a word, hope for the best cuz guaranteed, if word gets out my brother will be there to embarrass me!" the young Ensign shrugged.

She nodded when Pev mentioned about the use of his arms.  "Well, having a friend in Security, you can always have some practice time with me if you like.  There's a few 'fun' ways I remember from Academy that are quite useful without being onerous for target practice!  As for getting to Sciences... Ruthie, Meros and Anth headed that way before so you'll have them to talk to even if Lt. Sirol isn't there!  We'll sort out when we do karaoke in due course but do come and meet the rest over a cuppa later... I mean properly meet, not like stiff and proper on duty meet!"

[Katra Station - Falleg-Tekin Quarters]

As Falleg-Teking younglings - Tidu, Nerys and Lamar Jnr., Crista LePrant, James McGrath, Mary Smith and Ujosso Cunzicht

"I suppose we'd better get over to the school and see what that's like so we can get some classes sorted and check enrollments etcetera, before making a comprehensive timetable for after what would be the Easter break on Earth!" Mary said cheerfully, looking to the headmistress for confirmation, while wiping some kind of gloop from the fingers of Lamar.

"Will there be classes on looking after animals?" the youngest of the Falleg-Tekin brood asked hopefully.

"Not sure about that Lambchops, I might have to check with Dr. Xiiv to see who's best qualified in veterinary care... one of her staff or a civilian, and see if they can offer any help.  I'm not qualified to offer it and I don't want to tread on any toes, but if we can I will." the headmistress offered.

"And Advanced Engineering..." put in Tidu.  "I don't know that regular classes are going to cut it and not like Dad has the time to do videocall lessons for me all the time."

Mary smiled.  "I've already got it on my list to speak to a...." she checked her PADD pressing a couple of buttons. "...Lieutenant R'Norish, the Chief, to see if she can offer you some additional lessons but I can't promise anything."

Tidu nodded and smiled gratefully at Mary.

"I'm pretty sure if I ask nicely, Nantie Sirol will be willing to let me sit in on some experiments.  And it's ok, you don't need to make any special arrangements for me, I'll ask her myself once she's back from whatever they are doing on the Lirpa."  Nerys said with a smile, then a pointed look at her twin said "I don't like making additional work for people, but I would ask Uncle James, being an adult, if he could find out who is now responsible for the Junior Cadet meetings so we can arrange to attend the next one."

"Well,.." grinned James and fingered his collar a little embarrassed.  "...it appears I can help you there.  Since they knew that I was coming back here and likely to be here a while, you're looking at your new Junior Cadets Master!"

"Is that as in Alpha Major...or you tagging on the end as Omega Assistant?!" smirked Tidu.

"As in the BIG BOSS... your Alpha Major... although they are thinking of streamlining our idea we fostered here across several bases so the actual name might change at some point, for now you just call me Alpha... well, when we are in a meeting, I'm still Uncle James here!"

"Cooooool.... our Uncle James is the boss..." Tidu said.

"That does not mean you get away with anything.  To be fair you're more likely to be reprimanded as I expect you two to be good examples to others since you are the children of the base First Officer and a well respected Starfleet Captain. What we do here will set the precedent for the movement going forward.  Remember what your Nantie Sirol calls Lampchops here?" he asked with a kindly smile, running his hand over Lamar's head smoothing down the cowlick of hair that poked up.

"Likkle pwioneer!" Lamar said, forgetting to really enunciate carefully and slipping back into his old speech patterns in his excitement.

"Yes Little Pioneer..." emphasised his nanny, Crista with a smile.  "A Little Pioneer for whom we have a birthday party to plan!"

"We'll be off for now but back later for food, and birthday plans!" Ujosso said with a smile.  "Makes sense for the sake of the kids that we stick together and eat 'en familie' for a while as Hrafn's out on the Lirpa.  We'll gradually ease them back into station life rather than dropping it all on them at once."

The adults nodded at each other then went their ways, Crista looking after the boys, James with Nerys putting their belongings away and the educational pair heading off to the station school to see what was to be done there.

[OOC: for those who don't remember... 'Junior Cadets' is like a sort of SF version of 'Scouts/Guides/Cubs/Brownies' that we invented back when Katra first formed.  I will be putting a page up on the site [on Katra since its a base thing] for input and ideas on this and that will provide information to make a full page for everyone.]

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



[OOC: Sorry for the long wait and for all the quotes that did not make it into this post. I tried to get everything in, but I had to trim some fat to keep my response at a reasonable length. <3]

< USS Lirpa / Bridge >

"¦With great joy the scientist had accepted the gift little Emerald had made for her and Eydis, and Xasik had relayed on their behalf.
She instantly recognised her piece as a drawing of the silver little squeaky ball she had replicated for the child as a gift for their hatching.
A custom made, soft and flexible heat resistant toy that squeaked in the same final pitch as an average Tholian voice.
It had been her creation of an interactive and comforting toy for the hatchling, and seeing them still playing with it and being so happy with it made her almost as happy as seeing Emerald themself.
She could sense the pride and joy within Eydis as well, and the scientist quietly turned around to look at hir, and smirk.
"˜They are showing a positively surprising creative streak. I always suspected Emerald to be an above average performer.'
She relayed towards Eydis and Xasik via the Lattice, before she once more leaned back in her chair and faced Reisen, acknowledging his words with a gentle bow.
"œI am looking forward to all of us practising Doughnut Friday together once we all find the time. I think you are a very fitting addition to our staff, and there is no need to worry about potentially missing previous interaction with Tholians - You will gather it as we all proceed."
Once more the scientist gave him a polite smirk, before she looked at her terminal again, but also began to make mental plans as to where to put the gifted picture in her lab so she could look at it every day.
Absentmindedly nibbling on the offered piece of beef jerky, the incoming distress call had put her out of her thoughts.

When Hrafn, now wearing the pips of a Lieutenant Commander entered the Bridge, Sirol acknowledged the presence of her former division head with a quick, friendly nod and a hidden smile, yet decided to leave catching up fort later.
Instead she let her and Commander Mackenzie practise the "˜business talk' while she returned to her work, taking one more nibble of her piece of jerky.

However, the second the sensors reported the anomaly, Sirol's posture seemed to straighten and the already tall scientist appeared to temporarily grow even taller.
There were few things like the complete and utter excitement "˜undefined' anomalies held, and as she focused the region and ran a more profound scan, she already fantasised about preparing a probe"¦

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 28, 2022, 06:11:11 AM

Then he turned back around to see the Mission Operations console, which was set up for sciences. "And Sirol.. what's this anomoly?" Finally, he glanced back at Hrafn, still by the lift. "Ye can be takin the XO's spot there." he offered with a nod to the empty station just over his left shoulder.

The slender scientist instantly turned around to the tiny Commander.
"œThe ongoing scans show a spacial distortion in the manner of a wormhole. I recommend taking a closer look - within reasonable distance - and/or closer examination via probes."
She then looked at her terminal again, before returning her gaze at Mackenzie.
Quote from: Pev on January 31, 2022, 09:30:42 AM

"Commander, radiation levels remain within safety parameters. I am detecting highly elevated levels of neutrinos, as well as a concentration of verterons. The anomaly has all the indications of an artificial wormhole, similar to the Bajoran wormhole near Deep Space Nine in the Alpha Quadrant. I did a paper on it in my third year of Academy training. Fascinating."

Sirol nodded and looked forth and back between Pev and Mackenzie.
"œI can confirm the detections and indicators"¦"
She then quickly nodded towards Mackenzie's request to have both of them work together on probing the phenomenon, and did an inviting gesture towards Ensign Pev to join her and the other scientists in the cluster of blue uniforms.

She took a deep breath, ready to add more, yet suddenly paused, unsure as to whether to truly share her mind on the subject of artificial wormholes with the Commander and the rest of the bridge crew.
Truth was, she had a bad feeling about this, and only around 30% of it consisted of her own previous contact with the subject matter"¦
The successful establishment of a constant, stable artificial wormhole was not just incredibly unlikely, but also came with its own set of almost entirely unpredictable side effects, further influenced by used technology, magnitude of the phenomenon, a plethora of spacial characteristics, timing, "œtiming", just to name a few"¦

She leaned a little forward in her chair, and as Hrafn began to give Mackenzie and the rest of the present officers an introduction into the Federation's side of experimentation with and attempts to create stable wormholes, Sirol gave the other scientist a friendly gesture to let her know that she took no offense at all, but instead appreciated her - as more of a "˜people person' - practising the social aspect of the situation.
Despite the factor of knowledge of the subject matter itself, Hrafn was more competent at explaining things in a "˜non-frightening' manner to most outsiders, and aside from that, did she have a far more profound insight into Federation- and Starfleet Projects than Sirol. (Although she of course could look back on her own accumulated information on Romulan black projects dealing with artificial wormholes"¦)

Quote from: Pev on February 02, 2022, 04:20:43 PM

"We could launch a class-4 probe, Commander, to try and gather more data before moving the ship too close."

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on February 03, 2022, 09:12:02 AM

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]
"Great idea, Ensign... although I will defer to Lt. Sirol, being the CSO and lead Scientist, on this matter, I'm just offering my input.  A typical case of 'age before beauty' as they say on Earth!"

Only ever Pev's words pulled her out of her thoughts again, and she gave him a quick nod.
"œI agree and support. I am preparing a probe as we speak.
You mentioned you were specialised in the Bajoran Wormhole in particular, with that in mind, - neutrino spikes aside - do you expect we could find a similar phenomenon here?"

She hesitated"¦ It was her obviously unsuccessful attempt at small talk"¦
Smalltalk to try and not think of the question that had plagued her for years, and which was now about to resurface"¦
She phrased it vaguely, yet it was not inaccuracy, but rather strategic gentleness.
The original Bajoran wormhole meant so much and so many different things to such a large number of people"¦ Historically, culturally, scientifically"¦ Her first traverse had filled her with the awe of a child"¦
Today however made her nervous"¦
Nervous on levels she did not yet know fitting words for in any of her verbal languages.

She closed her eyes for a moment, consciously breathing and visualising the shapeless white spikes of her own strained aura slowly smoothening; making space for the emotions of her immediate surroundings again"¦
To her delight she did notice that she indeed sensed someone with her. Eydis had been with her all along, and undoubtedly been able to sense her distress, To Sirol's surprise though, Eydis shared hir very own concern and distress as well"¦

Quote from: Eydis on February 03, 2022, 11:34:08 AM

Shi would turn and look at sirol briefly, as the lattice connection point on sirol would begin to glow and warm up a little indicating that eydis.    * Sirol Friend.  Such attempts to make and control wormholes is dangerous. It could lead to conflict there is little left for other powers including the the assembly to view it as a powerful weapon. A weapon that most will seek to destroy or themselves capture and use. Many lives stand at risk. You must speak to Hrafn about her idea for the wormhole. Such attempts to control it will bring response from all the other powers not just the assembly. No other race has access to such a ppwerful ability. It will not result in a stand off because what could counter such a power, save for war and conflict to either destroy or possess the wormhole technology.

Hir point of view had been one Sirol - being the born scientist she was - had not even considered yet: The utilisation of such technologies for the purpose of causing harm, as well as the potential, of not even inevitable "˜arms race', but potential destruction on a yet unknown scale"¦
A mental image that gave her metaphorical goose bumps, although on the outside the scientist remained quiet and status, almost even like a figure just sitting there and exchanging thoughtful looks with Captain Eydis.
After a short time passed, she eventually nodded and folded her hands on her lap, before she reached out towards Eydis.
"˜I agree. And I will seek out Hrafn privately as soon as the situation allows it. I recommend you come with me to provide your expertise as well, Captain.
I trust that Commander Mackenzie will know better than attempting to blindly copy what we found here.
Triggering a potential arms race is counterproductive for all; not to mention the predetermined dangers that come with the relative unpredictability of the subject matter.'
Quote from: Pev on February 06, 2022, 11:20:01 AM

Relinquishing his position at the Ops console per the Commander's orders, and tasked with assisting Sirol in trying to find more data on the wormhole, Pev announced his intention to go to the science labs. Upon dismissal, the S'ti'ach made his way to the turbolift at the rear of the bridge, and from there to Deck 4.

Sirol gave the Diplomatics officer a calm nod before she then rotated her chair to face Xasik, Reisen and Eydis again.
"œClass 4 probe is booting"¦ Implementing warning system to prevent damage upon verteron particles potentially obstructing readings"¦ Determining optimum flight path around the phenomenon's centre"¦
Reisen, please overlook and record the incoming readings,
Xasik, please monitor the probe's status and shields as we proceed"¦"

She then turned around to face Mackenzie and Hrafn again.
"œWe are ready to launch on your mark, Commander."

Peylix only ever had had a relatively short preparation time in between their notice that they were asked to babysit Emerald and Aeryn and the departure of Captain Eydis, Scientist Sirol and Xasik Freeman.
They had prepared a few child friendly activities and learning programs for the days Emerald would be with them, based on their own experiences as well as the interests and preferences of their own children at Emerald's age.

Preparing the outer areas of their Quarters, meaning the areas that were not suited for Peylix' or Emeralds natural environmental needs, but rather to welcome visitors used to Vulcanoid/Humanoid standard, Peylix was just busy making the area child proof.
Or in this case: Bubbleproof. They had very quickly noticed that the child was a force to be reckoned with while in their ECS, joyfully rolling and bumping into everything in their way.
They had made it one of their favourite games, and while Peylix appreciated the child's exploratory initiative, they had to make sure to keep fragile objects out of Emerald's reach.

They sensed the child's distress about the absence of their caretakers and were extra gentle with them, humming for them, dimming the lights a little to simulate the aesthetics of Xasik Freeman's quarters, yet the hatchling was hard to calm down. And Peylix did not blame them. The first time without their parents was a tricky moment for most children, let alone such a smart and perceptive one"¦

Quote from: Xasik on January 27, 2022, 01:29:41 AM


Without a second thought they raced past Humming Mother in their bubble and rolled down the corridor, weaving their way through the legs of those walking by and squeaking out for any of the mother's to hear them. They also hummed as they rolled, hoping that they would once again feel the returning hums of First Mother, Dear Mother and Sharp Mother.
Behind them they could hear Humming Mother calling to them and Scuttling Friend's feet tapping the ground as they chased after them. They rolled faster. They needed to find the other mothers!

"œSQUEAK!" They called out desperately. "œPEEP SQUEAK! CHIRP!"
"œWhere are you?" They hummed  as loudly as they could hoping for a response.

Peylix instantly jumped up and raced after the tiny ball of energy that made their way out into the corridor.
Peylix knew that as soon as the child would reach a more crowded area of the deck, if would become exceedingly difficult to track, and while internal sensors could identify their Tholain lifesign with ease, the more of an advantage Emerald would have, the more likely the chance that they would find themself a tiny Jefferies tube, box or pipe to which Peylix would not be able to fit in and follow"¦
"˜Please return momentarily"¦'
Peylix relayed via the Lattice, hoping that the child would pay attention and listen to their words.
Granted, they were a child, so there was limited chance for success upon requests, but it was worth a try after all.

Bumping into a few Starfleet officers on their way, Peylix gave them an (admittedly half-hearted) gesture of apology while following the noises - which were the strongest indicator of a glowing baby bubble passing through"¦

Quote from: Eydis on January 27, 2022, 03:08:40 AM

They were already under way and nearly out of the range of audible lattice communications.   But eydis would focus over the lattice to the Crystalline entity who was somewhere between the Uss lipra and the station itself. And the crystalline entity could transmit the lattice even further then normally would be possible.   Eydis would speak over the lattice to Emerald.  Singing a song that shi had learned from old records on earth music.

(( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx-qHlxOW7c )) Shi would then speak to emerald briefly. * You have not been abandoned little hatchling. We are away on task shortly.
Behave until we arrive back. You are Tholian little one, and your creations are wonderful. Thank you *

Peylix noticed the presence of their Commander and hir focus on Emerald. It was a welcome "˜visit', and while Peylix themself did not "˜say' anything per say, they did relay their warm, welcoming state of mind towards the Captain; their happiness to see that shi was attempting to contact and comfort the child.
While it had not been on purpose, Captain Eydis' presence had a calming effect on Peylix already, and they were optimistic that the same effect would transpire to Emerald - Wherever they were hiding"¦

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Gideon Drake on February 07, 2022, 07:51:36 AM

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

"Aye, sir," said Gideon, and he brought the ship to warp. This was so bloody substantially different from flying his little bird Squall. At least on a small ship, he had an excellent feel for it. Here on a starship, it was different. Not only did everybody's lives hinged on making sure one didn't get in the way of something, there was just too much to take in.

Kyan was happy to be headed toward the issue at hand. Wormholes and anomalies were cool and all, but he was not a scientist. Neutrinos and verteron spikes and all the other blue shirt language didn't really do much for him. He was more interested in saving the Bajoran Freighter. But possibly even moreso than that, he was interested in what might be on the other side of the wormhole. If it really was a wormhole anyway. It could go anywhere. The Delta quadrant? Intergalactic space even. And who created it if it was an artificial wormhole? The Federation didn't have that type of technology. And no one else in the quadrant did either as far as SFI knew.

Sirol and Hrafn had suggested that they not get too close to it, which he supposed made some sense... lest they get sucked in like the Relaketh was... but in order to effect a rescue, they'd have to get at least within tractor range, possibly transporter range if the tractor beam didn't work.

"And what would a safe distance be the now?" he turned and asked the Romulan Scientist. "And if nae in tractor beam range, then we'll be needin a plan for gettin the ship out. I'd be after hearing those ideas so I would... before we drop outta warp so."

Kyan then noticed Pev's empty chair. "Musta forgot tae call up T'prith." he thought to himself. =/\= Mackenzie tae T'Prith. Can ye be comin up tae the bridge now and take over ops? =/\=

As the starfield sped by and the Lirpa got closer to the wormhole anomaly thing, Kyan decided to stand up. He'd never liked sitting in a chair and doing nothing while things were happening around him. He never could understand how Captains did it. As he turned toward the back of the bridge, he noticed that the Bajoran ensign had left, and been replaced by someone else. Instead of a Bajoran woman, now there was a Tamarian Petty Officer. Kyan tried to remember his name but couldn't recall it. The diminutive Commander reached up and clapped him on the back as we approached the station. "Doin ok are ye?" he asked casually.

"Timba, his eyes wide." the Security Officer nodded.

Kyan smiled. "Ok Timba. good tae be knowin it. Make sure the tractor beam is ready when we get there, and make sure there's no baddies about after sneakin up on us eh?"

The Pretty Officer, who's name was actually Tepok arched an eyebrow. "Sokath, his eyes closed." he sighed. Then, pointing to himself he said. "Topek.. Topek on the Lirpa."

"Aye. Good." Kyan nodded. "Umm... Shaka and the Zulu...their spears sharp!"

Topek looked confused as his little CO walked away. "Shaka and the Zulu?" he muttered, then shaking his head. "Chenza at court, the court of silence."

Kyan stepped over to where Hrafn was working. "So." he began. "If'n they seen fit tae make me the Commander and you the First Officer, where's Commander Jyur then?" He was almost afraid to ask, since the answer might very well be that he'd succumbed to the poison.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Sirol on February 10, 2022, 08:27:52 PM

< USS Lirpa / Bridge >

"¦With great joy the scientist had accepted the gift little Emerald had made for her and Eydis, and Xasik had relayed on their behalf.
She instantly recognised her piece as a drawing of the silver little squeaky ball she had replicated for the child as a gift for their hatching.
A custom made, soft and flexible heat resistant toy that squeaked in the same final pitch as an average Tholian voice.
It had been her creation of an interactive and comforting toy for the hatchling, and seeing them still playing with it and being so happy with it made her almost as happy as seeing Emerald themself.
She could sense the pride and joy within Eydis as well, and the scientist quietly turned around to look at hir, and smirk.
"˜They are showing a positively surprising creative streak. I always suspected Emerald to be an above average performer.'
She relayed towards Eydis and Xasik via the Lattice, before she once more leaned back in her chair and faced Reisen, acknowledging his words with a gentle bow.
"œI am looking forward to all of us practising Doughnut Friday together once we all find the time. I think you are a very fitting addition to our staff, and there is no need to worry about potentially missing previous interaction with Tholians - You will gather it as we all proceed."
Once more the scientist gave him a polite smirk, before she looked at her terminal again, but also began to make mental plans as to where to put the gifted picture in her lab so she could look at it every day.
Absentmindedly nibbling on the offered piece of beef jerky, the incoming distress call had put her out of her thoughts.

When Hrafn, now wearing the pips of a Lieutenant Commander entered the Bridge, Sirol acknowledged the presence of her former division head with a quick, friendly nod and a hidden smile, yet decided to leave catching up fort later.
Instead she let her and Commander Mackenzie practise the "˜business talk' while she returned to her work, taking one more nibble of her piece of jerky.

However, the second the sensors reported the anomaly, Sirol's posture seemed to straighten and the already tall scientist appeared to temporarily grow even taller.
There were few things like the complete and utter excitement "˜undefined' anomalies held, and as she focused the region and ran a more profound scan, she already fantasised about preparing a probe"¦

The slender scientist instantly turned around to the tiny Commander.
"œThe ongoing scans show a spacial distortion in the manner of a wormhole. I recommend taking a closer look - within reasonable distance - and/or closer examination via probes."
She then looked at her terminal again, before returning her gaze at Mackenzie.

Sirol nodded and looked forth and back between Pev and Mackenzie.
"œI can confirm the detections and indicators"¦"
She then quickly nodded towards Mackenzie's request to have both of them work together on probing the phenomenon, and did an inviting gesture towards Ensign Pev to join her and the other scientists in the cluster of blue uniforms.

She took a deep breath, ready to add more, yet suddenly paused, unsure as to whether to truly share her mind on the subject of artificial wormholes with the Commander and the rest of the bridge crew.
Truth was, she had a bad feeling about this, and only around 30% of it consisted of her own previous contact with the subject matter"¦
The successful establishment of a constant, stable artificial wormhole was not just incredibly unlikely, but also came with its own set of almost entirely unpredictable side effects, further influenced by used technology, magnitude of the phenomenon, a plethora of spacial characteristics, timing, "œtiming", just to name a few"¦

She leaned a little forward in her chair, and as Hrafn began to give Mackenzie and the rest of the present officers an introduction into the Federation's side of experimentation with and attempts to create stable wormholes, Sirol gave the other scientist a friendly gesture to let her know that she took no offense at all, but instead appreciated her - as more of a "˜people person' - practising the social aspect of the situation.
Despite the factor of knowledge of the subject matter itself, Hrafn was more competent at explaining things in a "˜non-frightening' manner to most outsiders, and aside from that, did she have a far more profound insight into Federation- and Starfleet Projects than Sirol. (Although she of course could look back on her own accumulated information on Romulan black projects dealing with artificial wormholes"¦)

Only ever Pev's words pulled her out of her thoughts again, and she gave him a quick nod.
"œI agree and support. I am preparing a probe as we speak.
You mentioned you were specialised in the Bajoran Wormhole in particular, with that in mind, - neutrino spikes aside - do you expect we could find a similar phenomenon here?"

She hesitated"¦ It was her obviously unsuccessful attempt at small talk"¦
Smalltalk to try and not think of the question that had plagued her for years, and which was now about to resurface"¦
She phrased it vaguely, yet it was not inaccuracy, but rather strategic gentleness.
The original Bajoran wormhole meant so much and so many different things to such a large number of people"¦ Historically, culturally, scientifically"¦ Her first traverse had filled her with the awe of a child"¦
Today however made her nervous"¦
Nervous on levels she did not yet know fitting words for in any of her verbal languages.

She closed her eyes for a moment, consciously breathing and visualising the shapeless white spikes of her own strained aura slowly smoothening; making space for the emotions of her immediate surroundings again"¦
To her delight she did notice that she indeed sensed someone with her. Eydis had been with her all along, and undoubtedly been able to sense her distress, To Sirol's surprise though, Eydis shared hir very own concern and distress as well"¦

Hir point of view had been one Sirol - being the born scientist she was - had not even considered yet: The utilisation of such technologies for the purpose of causing harm, as well as the potential, of not even inevitable "˜arms race', but potential destruction on a yet unknown scale"¦
A mental image that gave her metaphorical goose bumps, although on the outside the scientist remained quiet and status, almost even like a figure just sitting there and exchanging thoughtful looks with Captain Eydis.
After a short time passed, she eventually nodded and folded her hands on her lap, before she reached out towards Eydis.
"˜I agree. And I will seek out Hrafn privately as soon as the situation allows it. I recommend you come with me to provide your expertise as well, Captain.
I trust that Commander Mackenzie will know better than attempting to blindly copy what we found here.
Triggering a potential arms race is counterproductive for all; not to mention the predetermined dangers that come with the relative unpredictability of the subject matter.'

Sirol gave the Diplomatics officer a calm nod before she then rotated her chair to face Xasik, Reisen and Eydis again.
"œClass 4 probe is booting"¦ Implementing warning system to prevent damage upon verteron particles potentially obstructing readings"¦ Determining optimum flight path around the phenomenon's centre"¦
Reisen, please overlook and record the incoming readings,
Xasik, please monitor the probe's status and shields as we proceed"¦"

She then turned around to face Mackenzie and Hrafn again.
"œWe are ready to launch on your mark, Commander."

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Hrafn was glad that Sirol took absolutely no offense at her offering insight to the wormholes and gave the DH a warm smile.

"By the way Ambassador Eydis, the children have fond memories of you and look forward to greeting you once again.  I believe my eldest, Ruthie, Ensign Falleg-Tekin, and her boyfriend Ensign Zerma Meros, had the honour of meeting Emerald briefly... under the close supervision of Xasik of course, I'd like the chance to meet them when possible and if possible. But right now... wormholes, as you say Lt. Sirol, let's get that investigatory Class-4 launched and see what we can see!"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 11, 2022, 05:51:08 AM

Kyan was happy to be headed toward the issue at hand. Wormholes and anomalies were cool and all, but he was not a scientist. Neutrinos and verteron spikes and all the other blue shirt language didn't really do much for him. He was more interested in saving the Bajoran Freighter. But possibly even moreso than that, he was interested in what might be on the other side of the wormhole. If it really was a wormhole anyway. It could go anywhere. The Delta quadrant? Intergalactic space even. And who created it if it was an artificial wormhole? The Federation didn't have that type of technology. And no one else in the quadrant did either as far as SFI knew.

Sirol and Hrafn had suggested that they not get too close to it, which he supposed made some sense... lest they get sucked in like the Relaketh was... but in order to effect a rescue, they'd have to get at least within tractor range, possibly transporter range if the tractor beam didn't work.

"And what would a safe distance be the now?" he turned and asked the Romulan Scientist. "And if nae in tractor beam range, then we'll be needin a plan for gettin the ship out. I'd be after hearing those ideas so I would... before we drop outta warp so."

Kyan then noticed Pev's empty chair. "Musta forgot tae call up T'prith." he thought to himself. =/\= Mackenzie tae T'Prith. Can ye be comin up tae the bridge now and take over ops? =/\=

As the starfield sped by and the Lirpa got closer to the wormhole anomaly thing, Kyan decided to stand up. He'd never liked sitting in a chair and doing nothing while things were happening around him. He never could understand how Captains did it. As he turned toward the back of the bridge, he noticed that the Bajoran ensign had left, and been replaced by someone else. Instead of a Bajoran woman, now there was a Tamarian Petty Officer. Kyan tried to remember his name but couldn't recall it. The diminutive Commander reached up and clapped him on the back as we approached the station. "Doin ok are ye?" he asked casually.

"Timba, his eyes wide." the Security Officer nodded.

Kyan smiled. "Ok Timba. good tae be knowin it. Make sure the tractor beam is ready when we get there, and make sure there's no baddies about after sneakin up on us eh?"

The Pretty Officer, who's name was actually Tepok arched an eyebrow. "Sokath, his eyes closed." he sighed. Then, pointing to himself he said. "Topek.. Topek on the Lirpa."

"Aye. Good." Kyan nodded. "Umm... Shaka and the Zulu...their spears sharp!"

Topek looked confused as his little CO walked away. "Shaka and the Zulu?" he muttered, then shaking his head. "Chenza at court, the court of silence."

Kyan stepped over to where Hrafn was working. "So." he began. "If'n they seen fit tae make me the Commander and you the First Officer, where's Commander Jyur then?" He was almost afraid to ask, since the answer might very well be that he'd succumbed to the poison.

"Shaka and the Zulu... ok whatever! Good job I'm well read!  I presume you mean Shaka kaSenzangakhona, 'King' for want of a better word and founder of the Zulu nation? I ask becauase a lot of people shortened it to 'Shaka Zulu'". Hrafn grinned and then answered her COs question.  "Well...Commander Mackenzie you are Station Commander, I'm your two-eye-cee as in First Officer.  Where and what my comrade Mr. Jyur has been assigned to I have absolutely no idea, I was just told to report to you as the CO and offered the position of XO.  Since I wanted to return to active service, the littles all love Katra and I know it intimately having been Second Officer and the Chief of Science long enough here, with lots of friends, it seemed like coming home.  You just need to tell me what you want me to do and you can consider it done, oh and get yourself to Baking Thursday Nights and Donut Fridays."

The XO suddenly started trying to smother a fit of giggles.  "Oh dear this will never do...I'm having a hard time looking up to you, and I do in respect terms, when I'm looking down to you all the time.  Damn my Scandinavian DNA in some ways.  Sorry Sir, we'll have to make sure there are ways either you sit a lot or maybe get you some platform boots.  Could be worse..."

She did actually giggle here, and quickly followed it lest Kyan think she was still laughing at him.  "Remind me when we aren't so busy, to tell you about Commander Sigurdsdottir's issue with Commander Wu when she was CSO on... I think it was the Athena, and why she hates booster seats with a passion!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on February 12, 2022, 10:22:58 AM

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

The XO suddenly started trying to smother a fit of giggles.  "Oh dear this will never do...I'm having a hard time looking up to you, and I do in respect terms, when I'm looking down to you all the time.  Damn my Scandinavian DNA in some ways.  Sorry Sir, we'll have to make sure there are ways either you sit a lot or maybe get you some platform boots.  Could be worse..."

She did actually giggle here, and quickly followed it lest Kyan think she was still laughing at him.  "Remind me when we aren't so busy, to tell you about Commander Sigurdsdottir's issue with Commander Wu when she was CSO on... I think it was the Athena, and why she hates booster seats with a passion!"

Kyan grinned. "Twas many an officer or crewman what could'nae get past lookin down at the one tellin em what tae be doin." He shrugged. "It's this size I'll be for a long time sure, but I'm nae sad over it. Its an advantage so it is, in me old line of work anyways. Although I might be after getting a chair what can be lowered or raised."

Then he indicated the ready room. "And I dinnae care for bein in an office all the time or sittin in a chair too much. Sure and I'll probably be after getting rid of the ones in me office back on the station and put in something else."

Then listening to Hrafn mention Alex Wu, who Kyan had served with briefly made him think of the Discovery. "I remember when I worked on the Discovery with yer own Captain Tekin, I used to use a hover chair thing on the bridge. 'Course I needed it working at the tactical station... thing was bloody tall so." He smiled remembering that assignment, which had been alot of fun, and pretty exciting. "But it's glad I am that they got you for the XO spot. The place weren't the same when you was gone so. And it's best that the crew dinnae have to get someone new that they dinnae know, and who dinnae know the station."

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 13, 2022, 03:45:21 AM

Kyan grinned. "Twas many an officer or crewman what could'nae get past lookin down at the one tellin em what tae be doin." He shrugged. "It's this size I'll be for a long time sure, but I'm nae sad over it. Its an advantage so it is, in me old line of work anyways. Although I might be after getting a chair what can be lowered or raised."

Then he indicated the ready room. "And I dinnae care for bein in an office all the time or sittin in a chair too much. Sure and I'll probably be after getting rid of the ones in me office back on the station and put in something else."

Then listening to Hrafn mention Alex Wu, who Kyan had served with briefly made him think of the Discovery. "I remember when I worked on the Discovery with yer own Captain Tekin, I used to use a hover chair thing on the bridge. 'Course I needed it working at the tactical station... thing was bloody tall so." He smiled remembering that assignment, which had been alot of fun, and pretty exciting. "But it's glad I am that they got you for the XO spot. The place weren't the same when you was gone so. And it's best that the crew dinnae have to get someone new that they dinnae know, and who dinnae know the station."

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

"Well, it does help when the command team gets on well, but trusts one another enough to say when the other is being a numpty... I believe that's the Scottish term I've found no proper translation for but I understand the gist!"  Hrafn said with a smile.

"Besides, I have methods of persuasion called baked items, homecooked meals and so on.  As for offices... meh.  It's useful to have a base where one can talk in private but Rayek taught me to be more mobile when on a station.  You can't know what's going on down in say, Customs, if you don't take a daily perambulation around the base... don't go the same way twice, and never the same way on the same day.  What I mean is if you go visit the Promenade...keeping an eye out for some, ah, less than legal dealings... on Wednesday one week, make sure you hang out in Engineering the next and Sciences the week after.  Go at different times.  People will get wise to 'The Station Commander takes a walk once per day...' but make it look like you do it when you get a chance and go where you need to cuz you have to visit the gift shop on Level 2 of the Promenade as it's Lamar's birthday... you will pick it up!"

The new XO winked and said "And I'll introduce you to my network of...ahem... spies.  Just call them my Escadron Volant de la Reine!.. although I don't plan to be a master poisoner, and I've done the Queen thing already, another story for another day, but I have some friendly civilians who keep an eye out for me on various things... ear to the ground sort of thing, stuff that people don't tell Security cuz they wear uniforms and badges... you get what I mean.  I'm kinda like the Aunt the pregnant teenager tells cuz they can't tell the parents!"  she chuckled then continued.

"I'm both sad that I deprived you all of our presence and glad that I was missed but well... I'm back baby and you ain't seen nuthin' yet!  So..." the First Officer smiled around the Bridge.  "We got that probe going so we can actually analyse something?!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Orum N'Jeer


[Deck 4, Science lab 1]

Pev stood on the chair in the science lab, his four arms accessing various data screens in an effort to consolidate all known Federation knowledge of artificial wormholes.

There were the mysterious Shepherds, who dwelt within wormholes, guarding dark matter and preserving what they referred to as the Omega balance.

There were the mysterious Prophets, who controlled the wormhole near station Deep Space Nine, which linked the Alpha and Gamma quadrants.

There was the wormhole caused by the USS Enterprise when the ship went to warp with an asteroid caught in the outer edges of its warp field, though technically, that was a sub-space singularity. This made sense, thought the Operations ensign, since it seemed wormholes needed to be somehow mysterious and not easily explained.

A tetryon scan of the wormhole showed the presence of neutrinos, ionized hydrogen, theta-band radiation, and the requisite quantum level fluctuations (The mystery! Thought Pev with a smile).

Gathering all his data, the S'ti'ach sent it in a single package to T'Prith's station on the bridge in the hope that it would provide some little assistance as the ship approached.

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Pev on February 16, 2022, 01:46:38 PM

[Deck 4, Science lab 1]

Pev stood on the chair in the science lab, his four arms accessing various data screens in an effort to consolidate all known Federation knowledge of artificial wormholes.

There were the mysterious Shepherds, who dwelt within wormholes, guarding dark matter and preserving what they referred to as the Omega balance.

There were the mysterious Prophets, who controlled the wormhole near station Deep Space Nine, which linked the Alpha and Gamma quadrants.

There was the wormhole caused by the USS Enterprise when the ship went to warp with an asteroid caught in the outer edges of its warp field, though technically, that was a sub-space singularity. This made sense, thought the Operations ensign, since it seemed wormholes needed to be somehow mysterious and not easily explained.

A tetryon scan of the wormhole showed the presence of neutrinos, ionized hydrogen, theta-band radiation, and the requisite quantum level fluctuations (The mystery! Thought Pev with a smile).

Gathering all his data, the S'ti'ach sent it in a single package to T'Prith's station on the bridge in the hope that it would provide some little assistance as the ship approached.

[Science Lab 1 - Deck 4]

[As NPCs Ensigns Ruthie Falleg-Tekin and Zerma Meros (both Science) and Specialist Anth McCutcheon]

[OOC - A FYI for (mostly!) Pev... Anth is a Daystrom Scientist specialising in Synths/AI (Cybernetics/Robotics), Ruthie is a Xenolinguist (fluent in Bajoran, Cardassian and Federation, significantly gifted in Vulcan and Romulan with some Klingon too)/Anthropology/Ancient Civilisation Studies and Meros (he's Bajoran)'s specialisation is Astrometrics]

Ruthie, Meros and Anth had looked in just about every lab they could get into with no success at finding Lt. Sirol.

"I guess she must be on the Bridge!" Ruthie said shrugging. "I hope Sally found the Brig by now."

"Sure to have, you don't pass Academy by not being able to read a map!" Meros said grinning.

"This is my baby sister you're talking about here.  I got most of the brains for this generation of McCutcheons... she had to take what was left which wasn't much...hello, who's this?!" he said spying Pev standing on a chair.

Since the blue alien was obviously busy, Anth stood off to one side and it was Ruthie who was brave enough to approach him.

"Erm, excuse us please, you seem busy but perhaps we might be of some assistance.  Ensigns Ruthie Falleg-Tekin, and Zerma Meros, and Specialist Anthony McCutcheon..." she nodded at the others as she said their names.  Meros bowed his head towards Pev by way of greeting, Anth grinned.

"Anth..." interjected the same rolling his eyes at being given his 'Sunday name'.

"...be grateful I didn't put your middle name in there!" Ruthie joked back then resumed talking to Pev while Anth muttered

"Only my mother uses that... frequently unfortunately..."

"...we're assigned to Katra but came with Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin on the Bygone, oh and our fellow Ensign Sally McCutcheon but she's Security.  Hey you're a... oh golly hang on don't tell me, my Xenoanthropology teacher would kill me if I get this wrong.  Apologies in advance if I pronounce it incorrectly... S'ti'ach?  Is that right??  We were looking for Lt. Sirol but I'm assuming she's on the Bridge, but if you can make use of us..."

Ruthie tried to look useful and smiled disarmingly, the stunning redhead looking around the lab and grinning.  "Oh it's strange to be back in 'officialdom'.  But ready to crack on with it nevertheless!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Sirol on February 10, 2022, 08:27:52 PM

[OOC: Sorry for the long wait and for all the quotes that did not make it into this post. I tried to get everything in, but I had to trim some fat to keep my response at a reasonable length. <3]

< USS Lirpa / Bridge >

"¦With great joy the scientist had accepted the gift little Emerald had made for her and Eydis, and Xasik had relayed on their behalf.
She instantly recognised her piece as a drawing of the silver little squeaky ball she had replicated for the child as a gift for their hatching.
A custom made, soft and flexible heat resistant toy that squeaked in the same final pitch as an average Tholian voice.
It had been her creation of an interactive and comforting toy for the hatchling, and seeing them still playing with it and being so happy with it made her almost as happy as seeing Emerald themself.
She could sense the pride and joy within Eydis as well, and the scientist quietly turned around to look at hir, and smirk.
"˜They are showing a positively surprising creative streak. I always suspected Emerald to be an above average performer.'
She relayed towards Eydis and Xasik via the Lattice, before she once more leaned back in her chair and faced Reisen, acknowledging his words with a gentle bow.
"œI am looking forward to all of us practising Doughnut Friday together once we all find the time. I think you are a very fitting addition to our staff, and there is no need to worry about potentially missing previous interaction with Tholians - You will gather it as we all proceed."
Once more the scientist gave him a polite smirk, before she looked at her terminal again, but also began to make mental plans as to where to put the gifted picture in her lab so she could look at it every day.
Absentmindedly nibbling on the offered piece of beef jerky, the incoming distress call had put her out of her thoughts.

When Hrafn, now wearing the pips of a Lieutenant Commander entered the Bridge, Sirol acknowledged the presence of her former division head with a quick, friendly nod and a hidden smile, yet decided to leave catching up fort later.
Instead she let her and Commander Mackenzie practise the "˜business talk' while she returned to her work, taking one more nibble of her piece of jerky.

However, the second the sensors reported the anomaly, Sirol's posture seemed to straighten and the already tall scientist appeared to temporarily grow even taller.
There were few things like the complete and utter excitement "˜undefined' anomalies held, and as she focused the region and ran a more profound scan, she already fantasised about preparing a probe"¦

The slender scientist instantly turned around to the tiny Commander.
"œThe ongoing scans show a spacial distortion in the manner of a wormhole. I recommend taking a closer look - within reasonable distance - and/or closer examination via probes."
She then looked at her terminal again, before returning her gaze at Mackenzie.

Sirol nodded and looked forth and back between Pev and Mackenzie.
"œI can confirm the detections and indicators"¦"
She then quickly nodded towards Mackenzie's request to have both of them work together on probing the phenomenon, and did an inviting gesture towards Ensign Pev to join her and the other scientists in the cluster of blue uniforms.

She took a deep breath, ready to add more, yet suddenly paused, unsure as to whether to truly share her mind on the subject of artificial wormholes with the Commander and the rest of the bridge crew.
Truth was, she had a bad feeling about this, and only around 30% of it consisted of her own previous contact with the subject matter"¦
The successful establishment of a constant, stable artificial wormhole was not just incredibly unlikely, but also came with its own set of almost entirely unpredictable side effects, further influenced by used technology, magnitude of the phenomenon, a plethora of spacial characteristics, timing, "œtiming", just to name a few"¦

She leaned a little forward in her chair, and as Hrafn began to give Mackenzie and the rest of the present officers an introduction into the Federation's side of experimentation with and attempts to create stable wormholes, Sirol gave the other scientist a friendly gesture to let her know that she took no offense at all, but instead appreciated her - as more of a "˜people person' - practising the social aspect of the situation.
Despite the factor of knowledge of the subject matter itself, Hrafn was more competent at explaining things in a "˜non-frightening' manner to most outsiders, and aside from that, did she have a far more profound insight into Federation- and Starfleet Projects than Sirol. (Although she of course could look back on her own accumulated information on Romulan black projects dealing with artificial wormholes"¦)

Only ever Pev's words pulled her out of her thoughts again, and she gave him a quick nod.
"œI agree and support. I am preparing a probe as we speak.
You mentioned you were specialised in the Bajoran Wormhole in particular, with that in mind, - neutrino spikes aside - do you expect we could find a similar phenomenon here?"

She hesitated"¦ It was her obviously unsuccessful attempt at small talk"¦
Smalltalk to try and not think of the question that had plagued her for years, and which was now about to resurface"¦
She phrased it vaguely, yet it was not inaccuracy, but rather strategic gentleness.
The original Bajoran wormhole meant so much and so many different things to such a large number of people"¦ Historically, culturally, scientifically"¦ Her first traverse had filled her with the awe of a child"¦
Today however made her nervous"¦
Nervous on levels she did not yet know fitting words for in any of her verbal languages.

She closed her eyes for a moment, consciously breathing and visualising the shapeless white spikes of her own strained aura slowly smoothening; making space for the emotions of her immediate surroundings again"¦
To her delight she did notice that she indeed sensed someone with her. Eydis had been with her all along, and undoubtedly been able to sense her distress, To Sirol's surprise though, Eydis shared hir very own concern and distress as well"¦

Hir point of view had been one Sirol - being the born scientist she was - had not even considered yet: The utilisation of such technologies for the purpose of causing harm, as well as the potential, of not even inevitable "˜arms race', but potential destruction on a yet unknown scale"¦
A mental image that gave her metaphorical goose bumps, although on the outside the scientist remained quiet and status, almost even like a figure just sitting there and exchanging thoughtful looks with Captain Eydis.
After a short time passed, she eventually nodded and folded her hands on her lap, before she reached out towards Eydis.
"˜I agree. And I will seek out Hrafn privately as soon as the situation allows it. I recommend you come with me to provide your expertise as well, Captain.
I trust that Commander Mackenzie will know better than attempting to blindly copy what we found here.
Triggering a potential arms race is counterproductive for all; not to mention the predetermined dangers that come with the relative unpredictability of the subject matter.'

Sirol gave the Diplomatics officer a calm nod before she then rotated her chair to face Xasik, Reisen and Eydis again.
"œClass 4 probe is booting"¦ Implementing warning system to prevent damage upon verteron particles potentially obstructing readings"¦ Determining optimum flight path around the phenomenon's centre"¦
Reisen, please overlook and record the incoming readings,
Xasik, please monitor the probe's status and shields as we proceed"¦"

She then turned around to face Mackenzie and Hrafn again.
"œWe are ready to launch on your mark, Commander."


Peylix only ever had had a relatively short preparation time in between their notice that they were asked to babysit Emerald and Aeryn and the departure of Captain Eydis, Scientist Sirol and Xasik Freeman.
They had prepared a few child friendly activities and learning programs for the days Emerald would be with them, based on their own experiences as well as the interests and preferences of their own children at Emerald's age.

Preparing the outer areas of their Quarters, meaning the areas that were not suited for Peylix' or Emeralds natural environmental needs, but rather to welcome visitors used to Vulcanoid/Humanoid standard, Peylix was just busy making the area child proof.
Or in this case: Bubbleproof. They had very quickly noticed that the child was a force to be reckoned with while in their ECS, joyfully rolling and bumping into everything in their way.
They had made it one of their favourite games, and while Peylix appreciated the child's exploratory initiative, they had to make sure to keep fragile objects out of Emerald's reach.

They sensed the child's distress about the absence of their caretakers and were extra gentle with them, humming for them, dimming the lights a little to simulate the aesthetics of Xasik Freeman's quarters, yet the hatchling was hard to calm down. And Peylix did not blame them. The first time without their parents was a tricky moment for most children, let alone such a smart and perceptive one"¦

Peylix instantly jumped up and raced after the tiny ball of energy that made their way out into the corridor.
Peylix knew that as soon as the child would reach a more crowded area of the deck, if would become exceedingly difficult to track, and while internal sensors could identify their Tholain lifesign with ease, the more of an advantage Emerald would have, the more likely the chance that they would find themself a tiny Jefferies tube, box or pipe to which Peylix would not be able to fit in and follow"¦
"˜Please return momentarily"¦'
Peylix relayed via the Lattice, hoping that the child would pay attention and listen to their words.
Granted, they were a child, so there was limited chance for success upon requests, but it was worth a try after all.

Bumping into a few Starfleet officers on their way, Peylix gave them an (admittedly half-hearted) gesture of apology while following the noises - which were the strongest indicator of a glowing baby bubble passing through"¦

Peylix noticed the presence of their Commander and hir focus on Emerald. It was a welcome "˜visit', and while Peylix themself did not "˜say' anything per say, they did relay their warm, welcoming state of mind towards the Captain; their happiness to see that shi was attempting to contact and comfort the child.
While it had not been on purpose, Captain Eydis' presence had a calming effect on Peylix already, and they were optimistic that the same effect would transpire to Emerald - Wherever they were hiding"¦

Eydis would give her consent to go with sirol. Her blue eyes turning first however to  Hrafn Falleg who had greeted her cordial. The tholian commander/ ambassador would dip hir head respectfully to Hrafn falleg.  Listening to her speak and waiting til she was done.   "It does delight me to see you yet again.  Your Children are welcome to see the hatchling emerald.  Your offspring do you honor to your name, the visit may have to be quick or after Xasik and emerald visit tholia for custody. The Assembly is unsure of this proposed adoption of Emerald. That does remain for later times to be decided. And Emerald even if the hatchling is allowed to stay with xasik must be placed into the caste system and role determined shortly"

Eydis would finish speaking in her native tongue allowing the translator to catch up slowly after her whining clicks and squeals are finished.  Her new friends were precariously close to opening a preverbal pandoras box. Even if the Federation could be trusted not to abuse the wormhole. Such technology and knowledge would spread and it would only be a matter of time before other hostile powers sought the wormholes as means of conveying power instantly to the very doorsteps of enemies.

Eydis would then turn and look at Sirol trusting in her to speak to hfran about the concerns she had expressed.  Eydis thought using Sirol to convey hir feelings would help eliminate any confusion or miscommunication.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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