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S3-M12: The Battle Royale

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, January 13, 2022, 11:22:05 PM

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Kyan Mackenzie


Executive Officer's Log, Stardate... Whatever

It's been pretty quiet on the station these past two months. Commander Jyur was poisoned by the Romulan Free State operative and is laying the now in a coma, from which Doctor Xiiv doesn't know when he will wake up, the sadness of it. There was almost a huge battle with the Romulans, which would have been alot of fun, but Starfleet sent some ships out here and they tucked their green tails between their legs and ran off. Hopefully they'll come back and we can give them what they've got coming.
Command of the Station has been left tae me, which I don't care for at all. There's padds stacked up in me office like a great mountain of boring. I hate it so I do. Anyways, it's been a long time since I've been off the place, so I've left that new Security guy in charge and we're going for a patrol with the Lirpa. We'll be back in a week or so. I'm sure the padds will have made like Tribbles by then.

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

Bringing the Lirpa out on patrol had been one of Kyan's better ideas in recent memory. His memory anyway. The Security Chief, who was now tasked with running the station until they returned hadn't been too keen on the idea... but then he wasn't in charge, was he? Besides, what was the use of having a ship if it collected space dust moored to the station all the time? They'd been out for a day and a half now, and although the ship hadn't run into so much as a space amoeba, it was still better than being stuck on the station and visiting Jettis every day in the infirmary. Kyan didn't like the fact that his commander was laid up in there and him powerless to help. This trip, moreso than anything else was a chance to put that situation out of mind for a few days. And who was to know? By the time they got back, Jettis might be awake again.

On the other hand, It was good to change up the routine. He'd always preferred being on a moving ship to the station anyhow, able to plot a course and go somewhere rather than being in the same place all the time. In addition to which, the best adventures always seemed to happen when he found them, and not the other way around. Before they'd left the station, Kyan had gone to the Bajoran temple to ask their gods for a small bit of adventure on the mission. Nothing too serious. Maybe a run in with the Syndicate or a band of rogue Jem'Hadar. Something small.

As he looked around the bridge, Kyan spied Xasik and Sirol at the science stations monitoring... whatever science types monitored. He was happy that the Reman scientist had agreed to come along. Since getting promoted,, he hadn't been able to see as much of him as before, which was more irritating than he thought it would be. Of course Gideon Drake was at the helm, seemingly feeling better than he had after his girlfriend left, which was good. Kyan hoped the lovesick grup was actually better and not just following his lower brain after some girl again. He made a mental note to ask after that later.

Doctor Xiiv had come too, having decided that Jyur would be ok in the care of her staff back on the station. And their new Diplomatic Officer was along as well... in case there was a need for some diplomacy. Kyan hadn't had much opportunity outside of the normal routine to get to know the little blue St'ia'tch. But from his brief interactions with him, he figured that he would end up liking him. He wasn't a typical Starfleet diplomat, which was a relief.

And speaking of relief....

"Mister Drake." Kyan called out, rising from his chair. "I gotta go to the head. You have the bridge. Dinnae wreck the ship."

Gideon Drake

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

Gideon was certainly amazed at how the Lirpa handles like a dream. The only difference between this and the Squall, aside from size, is the fact that there's a lot more people aboard.

Patrol was looking quite simple. It was a good chance for Gideon to get to know the Lirpa as he flies her. Somehow, he was more focused on a starship than he was on the Squall. Maybe because he was completely aware of just how many people there are on the Lirpa, or the fact that the Squall was something of a private pleasure craft in addition to a scoutship, which meant there was no privacy on the Lirpa when he was at the helm. Maybe it was the focus itself, that if something went wrong and the Lirpa hit something, the crew was in jeopardy.

He could keep thinking of reasons why he was so focused more on a starship, enough to not focus momentarily on birds, when he was surprised by Commander Mackenzie to man the conn. This was another first for Gideon. All while on his first time on the Lirpa.

"Aye," he said, and he took the Big Chair. He was quite surprised by it all. Then again, he realized he could likely be second officer on the Lirpa and Katra, and he partially felt ashamed of his getting drunk. Then again, Commander Jyur getting poisoned and thus incapacitated meant some unusual strings.

"Alright, bridge, status report," he said, given it was his first time on the conn.

[Deej Cloten | Cargo Bay 1 | USS Lirpa]

This was too good an opportunity for Cloten to miss. New starship on patrol, it means going where potential goodies might be. Especially when there are goodies tricky to reach or pick up where his usual boys couldn't.

It was very easy to sneak aboard and hide in the cargo bay. After all, the little Antican was using his height to his advantage. After all, one good thing about being small was that he could fit in one of those containers. And there were plenty of empty containers going aboard the Lirpa. Simple.

Now Cloten had to wait until there wasn't a lot of people, then he could sneak out. The container was also perfectly arranged beforehand, rigged with a mechanism to unlock the container from the inside in case he was locked in. So he could come and go as he pleased. He even had one or two goons, some bribed Orion officers who can assist him if they could get to whatever they could come across.

Orum N'Jeer

[Ensign Pev | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

Pev sat at the Operations station, as he was currently the acting Ops officer in addition to be the station's ranking Diplomatic officer. The S'ti'ach enjoyed the dynamic of both; he'd been recruited to the Diplomatic Corps in his third year at Starfleet Academy, and had excelled at the double major. To the blue, four-armed alien's way of thinking, he would always have something to do wherever he was stationed.

Pev's thoughts turned momentarily to Captain Satar, the Romulan he'd befriended on Katra Station. He hoped the man was getting on well after the recent excitement; Pev thought fondly of the time he'd had to hold the other man's head to keep him from falling face-first into a pub toilet after a particularly well-played round of trivia, which the pair had won handily. They'd celebrated with spicy foods, too many mixed drinks, and karaoke; the Romulan, as it turned out, had an excellent singing voice and a love of Terran Re-Post-New Wave. The Burning Sons of XTC, Pev remembered with a smile.

"All systems are optimal sir," said Pev. "The latest diagnostic check shows the engines are running at 97% optimal. I have contacted Engineering, but we are well within safety limits. It is most likely the result of being in drydock for so long." He kept his voice intentionally light; he'd been warned about Drake's penchant for drinking and tantrums from others on the station, and hoped the man was able to find focus here aboard the Lirpa, or that no one got caught in the crossfire if he didn't.

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way


Eydis would shutter and tremble a little as shi entered the bridge of the Uss Lirpa. Shi had given hir ship the mother swan and the embassy over to hir second in command. Hir reasons were varied, shi wanted to see how federation crews work. But hir main reasons were related to hir friends and Xasik's adopted child emerald.  Hir unique tholian and crystalline physiology allowed hir to move around without a evo suit at the temperatures that humaniods were accustomed to. So the young tholian commander was the best suited of hir crew to travel abroad a federation ship

Turning hir bluish hues over those on the bridge shi indeed spotted hir friends xasik and Sirol, and the new Vulcan Reisen. Then hir gaze fell on kyan as he got up and began to head out. Greetings command caste Kyan of the USS Lirpa Hir squealing and clicking whining native tongue proceeded the translating it. Hir thoughts reached over the lattice with emerald and xasik and Sirol.  Shi had left the child with healer on Xasiks quarters. There were three tholians in a sea of humaniod and non humaniod carbon and non carbon life.

Reisen The Vulcan scientist would watch Kyan have a brief encounter with Eydis. Who if he was still honest sort of unnerved him. With hir spider like movements and squealing clicking language. Her would smile at Xasik for a second.  Looking to Sirol and then back at Xasik That's one heck of baby sitter you got for your little emerald it seems. Less worries my reman friend on your plate now. He would turn back to look at the console a slightly bored and bemused gleam playing across his Asian like romulan facial features.

He seemed to find commander Eydis entering the bridge both amusing because of the reactions it would cause. But also winced from the strange and alien Tholian. He gauged the others on the bridge to see how they took the arrival of the tholian commander and ambassador on the bridge without a evo suit as well.

Hrafn Falleg

[Civilian Shuttlecraft Merthyr Tyfill - On approach to Katra Station]

[Hrafn, Crista Le Prant - Falleg-Tekin Nanny, James McGrath - Crista's fiance, Tekin Nerys and Tekin Tidu the F-T twins, Tekin Lamar - Hrafn's youngest, Ruthie Falleg-Tekin - Hrafn's eldest - a Science Ensign, and Zerma Meros Ruthie's (Bajoran) boyfriend - also a Science Ensign, Sally McCutcheon a Security Ensign and sister to Anth McCutcheon - AI expert scientist from Daystrom Institute, Ujosso Cunzicht the (Klingon)Station School headmistress and best friend to Hrafn and Mary Smith the (Human-Vulcan hybrid) School Secretary plus 4 cats - 2 Siamese (McCavity and Mr. Mestopheles) and 2 Rigellian Blue x ? cats like Sapphire on Discovery - known as Lappy and Lazzy after the gemstone they resemble, Lapis Lazuli which was far too hard for Lamar to pronounce.  These are the size of a Sheltie dog.]

"Maaaaaaaaaaaam!" came the plaintive cry from the small child squirming next to the newly minted First Officer of Katra Station, one Hrafn Falleg-Tekin (now a Lt. Commander) who was returning to take up the reins of Command alongside the new Station Commander, Kyan MacKenzie who had stepped up from the position she was stepping into.

The station was in sight from the shuttle windows and the pilot was obviously just waiting for clearance, most of their luggage had been sent ahead and was already installed in her new quarters.

"Yes, Lamar for the nth time, we will be docking in 2 minutes and if absolutely necessary I will call for a site to site transporter lock to beam you directly to the nearest head!"

Nery giggled but slipped her hand into Lamar's and looked up to her mother.  "It's ok Mam, I've spoken to the people between us and the door, they understand the situation and are going to let me and Lamar run off first and find the head this side of customs, I know where it is unless the refit has really been radical!  Tids is going to take my and Lamar's backpacks so we can just run, and we'll join you in the line for the customs, aren't you Tids?"

"Yup Nerry... Junior Cadet Tekin Tidu prepared and ready for action!" her twin joked.

"Nice to see you lot co-operating, it's just a pity that poor Bolian gentleman has had an attack or Risian Imbibicolia..." she accompanied the made up name for the condition with a 'significant look' at the assembled adults in their party.  "...and wouldn't have spent most of the journey here calling for his friend Hugh, in the loo!"

"Don't worry little man, you'll soon get to see Nantie Sirol too!  Believe it or not I've missed her too!" James interjected.  "And we can get Crista's wedding sorted and have it actually on the station like we originally planned."

"I still think it would have looked prettier back on New Bajor, I'm going to insist that Meros marries me there!" Ruthie said looking wistful.

"MARRY?!" Meros said looking worried and exchanged a look with Hrafn  "I promise you, Ma'am, I've not even thought of getting engaged yet!"

"Relax Meros, I'd be happy to welcome you to the family officially but it's fine, I do think Ruthie is getting a little bit ahead of herself!"

The Bajoran Ensign visibly relaxed. His nose un-scrunched and he theatrically wiped non-existent sweat from his brow.

"Besides Ruthie, we have to be bridesmaids to Crista first!" Sally said smiling. "Please not bright pink meringue dresses!"

"And what is wrong with pink meringue dresses?!" teased her brother Anth from behind her.

"I look quite good in some pinks!" Mary said smiling gently.  She, with the help of Tekin Lamar, Snr.  Hrafn's father in law and a lot of Klingon weaponry training with Ujosso had stopped being the little mouse that she used to be and started being more assertive.  She was still sweetly shy in some situations but getting a lot better about not blending into the background.

"Just doesn't go with some skin tones, sweetie!"Ujosso said sweetly.

The banter continued back and forth until the doors finally opened once docked.  As promised the other occupants let Nerys and Lamar run out so he could find a bathroom, and the Bolian gentleman staggered still obviously the worse for his Risian weekend away and looking more green around the gills than blue off behind them.

Ujosso nudged Mary, nodded in his direction and whispered "Perfect example of a skin tone not compatible with pink meringue dresses!" whereupon the pair had to practically hold each other up for laughing.

"Share the joke you two.  I want to..." Hrafn began when she was approached by an Ops officer.

"Greetings Commander. Welcome Back... I was asked to tell you that your presence along with all active service personnel and Mr. McCutcheon is required on the Lirpa, they haven't long left and we have a small shuttle - the Bygone ready for your departure.  You will have time to put your personal belongings into your quarters which are ready for you and change into uniforms.  We've arranged to fast track you through Customs so you can be on your way as soon as possible."

"Thank you Lieutenant, no rest for the wicked..." she passed over her old commbadge and asked "I presume if you take that serial number you can have it remotely added to the Katra comms?"

"Already done Ma'am, we cross-checked records from previously and you hadn't submitted any repair dockets so we assumed the serial number on this badge was registered to you still so we kinda got ahead of the game!"

"Very sensible, I'll be as quick as I can."

[Several Hours Later... Docking Ring - Katra Station > Shuttlecraft Bygone > USS Lirpa environs]

Hrafn had turned around as quickly as she could, having to re-replicate herself a fresh uniform cuz she mistakenly and automatically replicated a teal one.  Kissed off the kids with a rather tearful Lamar now being separated from his Mammy after having her constantly (or at least consistently every evening,) for the last few months.

Crista consoled him, along with Ujosso and Mary, the young secretary trying to distract him with getting the cats settled and allowed Hrafn, Ruthie, Meros, Sally and Anth to slip out down to the shuttlecraft, while James, Nerys and Tidu started with the unpacking and preparing some food.

Hrafn knew they would be in safe hands as she'd left them many many times with those self same people and she knew also, although so far she'd not had a chance to even tell Sirol that she was back, that if 'Nantie Sirol' got wind of the miscreants known to her as her adoptive niece and nephews especially the 'Little Pioneer' (Lamar) were back there'd be at least one more person around to help make him happy.  Nevertheless, being their mother, Hrafn always felt a slight pang of guilt when leaving them.

"Cheer up Mam, they'll be fine with Crista and James, they always are!" Hrafn's eldest Ruthie consoled her.  "You've still got me around!"

"Indeed, but I can't help it.  I suppose in one way it's a good thing I came back here and accepted this post rather than went out to the Discovery.  Not that I don't want to be with your Dad but while your grandparents would look after you all like a shot, having both your parents killed in one battle wouldn't be ideal now would it?"

"We aren't going to get killed and Captain Tekin isn't going to be minus one wife and a daughter either.  We aren't Klingons and no disrespect to Ujosso and the rest of those fine warriors but today is definitely not a good day to die!" interjected Meros, trying to jolly everyone along in his normal affable way.

"Nope, I don't look good in 'coffin grey'!" joked Anth continuing the colour themed chat from earlier.

His sister Sally, the 'designated pilot' for the trip out to the Lirpa started doing her pre-flight checks as they were all in the 'Bygone'.

[Several hours later...]

=/\=Shuttlecraft Bygone to USS Lirpa, requesting permission to dock, this is Ensign McCutcheon along with Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Zerma and Science Specialist McCutcheon. Awaiting your instructions... =/\=

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Orum N'Jeer


One of Pev's large black eyes narrowed a bit. He hadn't been informed of a large influx of personnel expected to rendezvous with the ship.

"Lt. Drake," he called from Ops, "We have a shuttle, the Bygone, with additional personnel requesting permission to dock. Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Zerma, Ensign McCutcheon, and Science Specialist McCutcheon? I have no orders around additional personnel and did not see them on the Lirpa's manifest. Orders?"

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

(Prior to the Bygone's arrival)

Quote from: Eydis

Then hir gaze fell on kyan as he got up and began to head out. "Greetings command caste Kyan of the USS Lirpa" Hir squealing and clicking whining native tongue proceeded the translating it. Hir thoughts reached over the lattice with emerald and Xasik and Sirol.  Shi had left the child with healer on Xasik's quarters. There were three Tholians in a sea of humaniod and non humaniod carbon and non carbon life.

Having never spoken to the Tholian Ambassador, nor seen hir without hir environmental suit on, Kyan was momentarilly taken aback. After all among the various species inside and outside the Federation, the Tholians were on par with the Breen when it came to reclusiveness. And apparently full of surprises as well. He had questions to ask about this whole no suit wearing thing, but that would need to wait for later. Right now there was another, more urgent, matter demanding his attention. "Merry Met Ambassador Eydis." Kyan replied. "If ye can excuse me for a minute.. it's back in a few seconds I'll be."

With that the little officer weaved around the Tholian and made for the door leading from the bridge to the head.


Having finished his business AND taken special care to ensure that his trousers were zipped, Kyan walked back onto the Lirpa's utilitarian bridge. He'd seen an Admiral forget to shut the barn door once, as they say, and that had been just about the most hilarious thing ever. Even with that long duty jacket, which isn't quite so long if one is packing a spare tire, the flag officer's faux pas had been on display for the entire room. Kyan had held back for as long as he could, but in the end the slip upo had been brought to everyone's attention.

The Captains and Commanders assembled for the Admiral's briefing found it decidedly less humorous than he had. The Admiral didn't find it funny at all. Kyan got a good brow beating over that whole thing, which was bullshit in his estimation because it wasn't him who forgot to button his trousers, nor he who let the Admiral walk around on the stage for twenty minutes with his fly open. "And what if he wasn't the type to wear underwear?" Kyan had asked. "Or what if there was important aliens there and the old man was just flashing everyone and there was an interstellar incident because some old man was showing off his wedding tackle?" Of course his superiors didn't take any of that into consideration. But since that day, Kyan had always checked twice whenever he had to go in public. No one was going to say that he'd been the one to cause an incident... for that reason anyway.

When he stepped through the doors again, he first noticed that there was a shuttlecraft on the viewscreen. For a split second he thought it might be Jettis, having recovered and come out to meet them. But he was quickly disabused of that notion when Pev read off the shuttle's occupants.

One of Pev's large black eyes narrowed a bit. He hadn't been informed of a large influx of personnel expected to rendezvous with the ship.

Quote from: Pev

"Lt. Drake," he called from Ops, "We have a shuttle, the Bygone, with additional personnel requesting permission to dock. Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Zerma, Ensign McCutcheon, and Science Specialist McCutcheon? I have no orders around additional personnel and did not see them on the Lirpa's manifest. Orders?"

Falleg-Tekin and her brood were back? That was certainly good news. They hadn't got on well at first, but she'd turned out to be good people... and so had her kids. Kyan started for his chair. "Go ahead and let 'em in tae the shuttlebay Mister Pev. Sure and they're ok."

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on January 18, 2022, 05:01:19 PM

[Several hours later...]

=/\=Shuttlecraft Bygone to USS Lirpa, requesting permission to dock, this is Ensign McCutcheon along with Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Zerma and Science Specialist McCutcheon. Awaiting your instructions... =/\=

Quote from: Pev on January 19, 2022, 08:57:11 AM

One of Pev's large black eyes narrowed a bit. He hadn't been informed of a large influx of personnel expected to rendezvous with the ship.

"Lt. Drake," he called from Ops, "We have a shuttle, the Bygone, with additional personnel requesting permission to dock. Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Zerma, Ensign McCutcheon, and Science Specialist McCutcheon? I have no orders around additional personnel and did not see them on the Lirpa's manifest. Orders?"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 19, 2022, 05:04:10 PM

When he stepped through the doors again, he first noticed that there was a shuttlecraft on the viewscreen. For a split second he thought it might be Jettis, having recovered and come out to meet them. But he was quickly disabused of that notion when Pev read off the shuttle's occupants.

One of Pev's large black eyes narrowed a bit. He hadn't been informed of a large influx of personnel expected to rendezvous with the ship.

Falleg-Tekin and her brood were back? That was certainly good news. They hadn't got on well at first, but she'd turned out to be good people... and so had her kids. Kyan started for his chair. "Go ahead and let 'em in tae the shuttlebay Mister Pev. Sure and they're ok."

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | Bridge | Deck One | USS Lirpa]

Gideon heard the communique and perked up with interest. Now there sounded like a beautiful woman on the other side of the line. Pev, of course voiced it out, but before Gideon could do something about it, he jumped momentarily at Commander Mackenzie's return from the loo.

He stepped up from the chair to let Mackenzie back in and then he asked, "Permission to greet the new arrivals, Commander?"

[Deej Cloten | Cargo Bay One >- Shuttlebay | USS Lirpa]

Once he's determined that the coast was clear, Cloten slipped from his hiding place and slunk his way through the ship. He memorized the layout as best as he could and used a modified/stolen Jem'Hadar shroud to hide from sight. Then he made his way to the shuttlebay.

He was informed by his contact that a shuttle would meet with the Lirpa, with a special cargo hidden inside. All Cloten had to do was wait in the bay for the shuttle to arrive. He didn't know what kind of vessel it'll be, the details are quite vague. He had arrived just as a Starfleet vessel arrived. He scowled in suspicion; surely a Starfleet vessel like that wouldn't be carrying hidden contraband, but he determined to search every nook and cranny once it was empty, just in case. But first, he had to wait, hiding in plain sight, thanks to the Shroud.

Hrafn Falleg

[USS Bygone - Rendezvous with the Lirpa]

Hrafn, Ruthie, Meros, Sally and Anth

Hrafn chuckled to herself in her seat...

'It'll be amusing to be on the Lirpa and not at Ops or Sciences' she thought to herself.

"What you laughing about, Hrafn?" Anth said looking across.

"More of a wry chuckle at myself, its...well... simply that whenever I've been on a support vessel from Katra, I've either been covering Ops or there in my own position of authority as CSO, as in, at Sciences either at the Bridge position or in the labs working on something we've hauled on board to analyse.  Sirol is CSO now and rightly so, that young person is a scientific genius, so much potential... but I'm now here as First Officer, and while I know Commander Mackenzie, I don't know him as Station Commander or as Captain of a ship, I'm not sure what kind of a Captain he'll be, I'm hoping he doesn't slink into his office or Ready Room and leave me on the Bridge too much.  I'm happy to handle things on Katra in that matter, but on ships I'm never too comfortable in the centre chair.  Can, will and have done it... even if one of those times Rayek and I ended up having to crash land the Kir'Shara on Meridan."

Hrafn gave a nervous smile and then flashed her reassuring smile at them.

She scanned the Crew Manifest she'd been browsing on the journey over, one of a number of files on a PADD that the Security officer had conveniently left for her to read, hoping to familiarise herself with the crew.  She'd always been of the notion that part of the XO's job was both to be a sort of Personnel Officer but also a bit of a 'Mother Hen'... someone that the crew could go to if they had problems, and well... that would play to Hrafn's non-Scientific skills perfectly.

She found the name she was looking for and looked up again.

"I'm sure this 'Ensign Gideon Drake' is a perfectly able pilot and that any ship we are on is in safe hands, but I'm not sure Commander Mackenzie will like having my knitting needles poking him in the arse as they did a previous captain of mine when we were on a really boring patrol and I vacated the seat quickly, forgetting they were there.  I wouldn't have minded but that resulted in several dropped stitches and I had to pull it back about 40 rows to mend it!" she said with mock horror and a really exaggerated 'pet lip' pout.

"Least you've been friends with the Commander before this assignment."  Sally piped up smiling to herself and wondering what this Gideon Drake would be like.  She was sick of being the wallflower, always being an 'escort' for her brother and secretly jealous of Ruthie having Meros.  "Does anyone know this Ensign Drake?"

"I'm trying to remember if he was here before I left but I don't recall the name.  And you have to remember that there was a lot going on before we headed to New Bajor."

"True... I'd barely got here with Ruthie and we were moving again!" Meros interjected.

"But least we got to be serving and spend time with my Grandparents in a gorgeous place, that was great."

"I agree.  Coardi is a sweetheart.  She even said I could call her amah* [1].  Lamar Snr. not so much, I think he wants me to prove myself a little more, that I'm good enough for his granddaughter." Meros said grinning.

"You will be, least we're balancing the Trills with the Bajorans bringing you into the family... between me and Ruthie being, outwardly at least, Trill - by which I mean if you don't know our genetic make up you'd assume full Trill, then the twins and Lambchops have the spots and nose ridges, the best of me and their Dad..."

Hrafn was interrupted by a snort of laughter from the corner where Anth was trying to smother the fact that he was giggling his head off saying "...ridges....*giggles*... nose ridges.... riiiiight!"

Meros went bright red, as did Ruthie and Hrafn figured why Anth was laughing and the young lovebirds were embarrassed, then shook her head at the three of them.  "It's a very good job we are adults here, not that you'd notice! And I want words with both of you..." she said looking between her eldest daughter and her boyfriend, "...when we get a chance to do so privately." she said looking pointedly at Anth.

"Forgive me,.. what am I missing?" Sally said looking puzzled, but trying to keep her focus on the controls, causing her bother Anth to almost fall off his chair laughing.

"Oh dear, sweet, Sister of mine, may you ever stay that innocent!"

Trans: [1] - Grandmother
[2] - Read here about 'Bajoran Physiology' with particular note to the information gathered from 'TNN:The Red King'

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Orum N'Jeer


:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

"Bygone," said Pev into his comm, "you have permission to dock. Stand by, and welcome aboard the Lirpa." Disconnecting, the ops officer opened another channel, this time to the shuttle deck. "Shuttle deck, this the bridge. Please secure the bay and prepare for arrival of shuttlecraft Bygone."

Unable to turn in his seat, the S'ti'ach instead rose to stand on it, four arms gripping the back as he regarding the returned CO. "Sir, the Bygone is arriving now, if you would like to greet the passengers."

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way


< USS Lirpa / Bridge >

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 13, 2022, 11:22:05 PM

As he looked around the bridge, Kyan spied Xasik and Sirol at the science stations monitoring... whatever science types monitored. He was happy that the Reman scientist had agreed to come along. Since getting promoted,, he hadn't been able to see as much of him as before, which was more irritating than he thought it would be.

The slender scientist quietly sat behind her console, her fingers quickly dancing over the displayed buttons in front of her as she got herself acquainted with the Lirpa's new hardware.
Starfleet was universally renowned for versatile and high quality sensor technology, and Sirol generally enjoyed sitting behind a conventional science station whenever she had the chance to do so.

So this day essentially started like her entire career had several decades ago: With her functioning as sensor operator aboard a patrol vessel.
Yet instead of patrolling the borders, looking out for potential federation intruders, this time they seemingly had no particular goal other than an overall stress test of the ship.
Sirol had already begun to assemble a list with bullet points of recommendations of additions and alterations. She would hand them to Commander Mackenzie when time was due - which was not now though.
Looking at the tiny Commander, she internally smirked.
She was glad to see him climbing up the career ladder, and enjoyed the fact that she was here to witness his progress.

Quote from: Eydis on January 17, 2022, 01:49:48 AM

Turning hir bluish hues over those on the bridge shi indeed spotted hir friends xasik and Sirol, and the new Vulcan Reisen. Then hir gaze fell on kyan as he got up and began to head out. Greetings command caste Kyan of the USS Lirpa Hir squealing and clicking whining native tongue proceeded the translating it. Hir thoughts reached over the lattice with emerald and xasik and Sirol.  Shi had left the child with healer on Xasiks quarters. There were three tholians in a sea of humaniod and non humaniod carbon and non carbon life.

As she sensed first the presence, and then eventually heard the "˜voice' of Eydis, Sirol turned around on her chair, and gave her friend a friendly, hailing little bow.

"œHello again, Captain." She softly spoke towards hir, then added via the Lattice.
"˜I hope you are doing well. It is good to have you with us aboard. What is your opinion on the Lirpa so far?'

Quote from: Eydis on January 17, 2022, 01:49:48 AM

Looking to Sirol and then back at Xasik That's one heck of baby sitter you got for your little emerald it seems. Less worries my reman friend on your plate now. He would turn back to look at the console a slightly bored and bemused gleam playing across his Asian like romulan facial features.

Sirol smirked a little, while she gave a nod of agreement towards Reisen.
"œMany cultures share care and responsibility for children in larger circles than just the biological nuclear family.
A pattern that has many benefits to offer, ranging from aspects of socialisation down to increased physical strength and health."

She leaned a little back in her chair - her back desperately yearning the softness and the flexibility of a gym ball.
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on January 18, 2022, 05:01:19 PM

=/\=Shuttlecraft Bygone to USS Lirpa, requesting permission to dock, this is Ensign McCutcheon along with Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Zerma and Science Specialist McCutcheon. Awaiting your instructions... =/\=

Quote from: Pev on January 19, 2022, 08:57:11 AM

"Lt. Drake," he called from Ops, "We have a shuttle, the Bygone, with additional personnel requesting permission to dock. Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Zerma, Ensign McCutcheon, and Science Specialist McCutcheon? I have no orders around additional personnel and did not see them on the Lirpa's manifest. Orders?"

Sirol's eyes widened; her ears figuratively sharpening as she heard the call and Ensign Pev's words.
Behind her calm, cool facade, her great excitement was a rich, colourful taste radiating through the room, and Eydis and Xasik would be able to even sense it via the Lattice - Sirol did not even try to tone down her surprise.
Slowly but surely, piece by piece, the Katra Family was re-assembling, and all that was near and dear to the scientist was about to gather aboard this ship.
(Minus Emerald of course, but a patrol ship was no place for a child, and Xasik, Eydis and herself had all agreed on that, entrusting healer Peylix with watching over the little one until their three "˜mothers' would be back from this trip.
Now there was another mother to enter - The motheriest one of all.

With much delight she listened to the docking permission being relayed, then turned around to the science family [including Eydis] and focused on Reisen in particular.
"œLt. Commander Falleg-Tekin was my predecessor in the science department and superior officer. She is the founder of our "˜Doughnut Friday' tradition. She was part of the best time aboard Katra."
She explained and loosely folded her hands on her lap.
"œBack then she was still Lieutenant, but I am glad to see she received a long-deserved promotion. Specialist McCutcheon was also part of our staff for a while - although on the more civilian side. He was specialised in"¦"
She hesitated for a moment, not entirely sure whether he would have been comfortable with her relaying too much information about his person and his work to others.
"œ...A variety of fields, and I hope that we can re-integrate him into our staff again - if he chooses so."

With that she once more did a warm, almost even cheerful bow towards Xasik, Eydis and Reisen, before she turned around in her chair again, and resumed her calibrations.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Pev on January 21, 2022, 03:06:09 PM

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

Unable to turn in his seat, the S'ti'ach instead rose to stand on it, four arms gripping the back as he regarding the returned CO. "Sir, the Bygone is arriving now, if you would like to greet the passengers."

Kyan shrugged as he reoccupied the seat that Drake had vacated. "Nae, Mister Drake can do that." he replied. "As for us, once the shuttle is aboard, it's back tae our patrollin we'll go. Set a course for the Kylata system please, and dinnae spare the engines. I wanna be seein how fast we can get there. I've heard a rumor that there's an Orion shipping route through there. If the Powers be for it, maybe we can see what she can do in a wee scrap!"

~ Meanwhile, somewhere in Intergalactic space....beyond the Galactic Barrier....

The twin sons of Epic, Kiop and Liap stood behind their father as he sat at his console working, frustration etched across their faces. Since coming to this region, the Gamesmaster had plucked almost a thousand different spacefaring aliens from various locations in the galaxy before them... the Milky Way as it was called by some of the aliens they'd brought. But their father hadn't yet allowed them to help with anything. "you're too young." he'd said when they asked. "You'll probably aliens form the wrong star system!" their older brother had scoffed.

Kiop knew better though. He and his twin were nearly thirteen cycles now and both of them were chomping at the bit to do something, anything really to help their father administrate the games.

"You never let us do anything!" Kiop pouted, his otherwide gray features flushing. "Diep gets to pick new species. Diep gets to run the tunnel maker. AND... you let Awani talk to the aliens! But me and Liap don't get to do anything! You won't even let us pick any of the heals or weapons!"

Not even looking up from his own work, programming elements of the database from the ship they'd recently brought, their father replied to Kiop's gripe. "Fine." he said, resigned. "you two can pull someone from the last quadrant. Get a smaller ship, and make sure that there's a good variety of aliens on it!"

Kiop's eyes widened. "Seriously?!" he asked in near disbelief. "Thank you father! C'mon Liap. Let's go. Fire up the tunnel!"

The two of them bounded over to a console opposite their father's work station. After several minutes of scanning, and chattering back and forth, the computer indicated it had found a ship that matched their father's parameters.

"Ok Kiop offered axcitedly. "We've got it. Let's open a rift near them!

Liap nodded excitedly, pushing buttons until a blue indicator light appeared. "It's forming!" he called out. "The tunnel will be open in five minutes!"

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Pev on January 21, 2022, 03:06:09 PM

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

"Bygone," said Pev into his comm, "you have permission to dock. Stand by, and welcome aboard the Lirpa." Disconnecting, the ops officer opened another channel, this time to the shuttle deck. "Shuttle deck, this the bridge. Please secure the bay and prepare for arrival of shuttlecraft Bygone."

Unable to turn in his seat, the S'ti'ach instead rose to stand on it, four arms gripping the back as he regarding the returned CO. "Sir, the Bygone is arriving now, if you would like to greet the passengers."

[Shuttlecraft Bygone Space > Shuttlebay 1 - USS Lirpa]

"That's our cue, Sally, take her in." Hrafn said with a grin.

=/\=Thank you Lirpa We'll see you in there! =/\= Sally answered smoothly and manoeuvred to line up and fly in.

"And remember folks... I'm the First Officer here, once that shuttle door opens in the shuttlebay on the Lirpa it's 'Ma'am' or 'Lieutenant Commander', except in my quarters, office or anywhere not public please.  Right Ensigns, Specialist?"  Hrafn said regarding the 3 Ensigns and Anth with a very 'beady eye'.

"Yes Ma'am.  Easy for me..." Ruthie said with a grin, "Since I call you Mam anyhow, it's just the intonation and inflection.  You'd know, not many others would pick up on it."

"Mostly I'll be in Security but I've only just got used to calling you Hrafn most of the time so I don't think I'll mess up and I apologise in advance if I do!" Sally said with a quick flick over her shoulders as she manoeuvred the shuttlecraft into the shuttlebay of the Lirpa.

"And I'll mostly be working on my own or with... what rank is Sirol these days?  I know she's the CSO but..." Anth asked.

"Lieutenant." Hrafn said without even consulting the crew manifest she had on her PADD, she had kept a very close eye on that young Romulan's career and was so very happy it had been her to take the CSO job after herself as she deserved it.  She hoped that Sirol would be happy to have her do some of her own experiments and have Nerys down there from time to time too.

"Well she's got the top Science job on Katra and rightly so if it's not you... Maaaaaaaam" he intoned.  "Don't worry, I'm messing around here, but I'll be good out there, I promise."

"First time for everything!" the 3 women intoned almost in unison.

"And if I don't want to blot my copy book, and have you put in a good word for me with Captain Tekin about marrying your daughter... I'd better be 100% good." Meros said sheepishly running a hand around the back of his neck still remembering the 'ridges' comments.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to jump down anyone's throat, not my nature but you lot are rather informal with me most of the time and well... with my position I really should set an example.  That's not to say you can't come to me with any problem, in fact I hope you all will."

All systems off and the shuttlebay doors opening, Hrafn led the gang out of the shuttlecraft and into the shuttlebay of the Lirpa with a mutter of.  "Well, here goes, First Officer for the word! Let's see who turns up by way of a welcoming committee!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Giato Sperah

[Ensign Giato Sperah | USS Lirpa | Bridge]

"Too many chairs."

Sperah quietly slipped onto the Bridge of the USS Lirpa, which was assigned to Katra Station. Short and slender, the dark haired and dark eyed Bajoran... Most people wouldn't give a second glance except when looking at her eyes. At the moment, it was almost the same as a lioness on a mountaintop surveying the mighty lands below. Though the rest of her remained the same, there was an intensity in gathering as much information as possible. Eyes flitting about, she made a note of the locations of the consoles, the emergency exits, how many steps from one entrance to the next.

The assignment to Katra Station (and by extension the Lirpa) had been a pleasant and welcome choice. With Katra in the Gamma Quadrant in the Trialus system, she could take a few weeks off to visit Father and home on New Bajor, something that after four years of Starfleet Academy on Earth, she was missing.

The little Interceptor class ship was small and had an equally small crew. Barely had she reported aboard Katra was she given orders to embark. Having spent some time in the Armory and the torpedo bays, she came to the conclusion the ship was effectively new. She had suppressed the urge to check if the paint was dry and instead made sure everything was in order... And it was.

Slipping into seat of the Primary Tactical console, she logged in. From her vantage, she spotted quite a few people but made no move to conversation. The LCARS system was standard across the Federation and she brought up the logs, bringing herself up to speed and gathering they were waiting for... Something?


Xasik Speech
Xasik Lattice
Emerald Speech
Emerald Lattice


[USS Lirpa | Bridge]
-Specialist Xasik Freeman-

Staring at his console Xasik Freeman absentmindedly sifted through the data displayed before him. Normally it would have been fascinating to him, but today he could hardly focus. Today would be the longest time he had spent away from his child Emerald and it wasn't sitting well with the first time father. He wasn't ready for this! Emerald was still so young! They didn't even have their first EV suit yet! How was he supposed to work with his mind in such turmoil?
It took all of his willpower to refrain from contacting Peylix, who had been tasked with babysitting while Xasik was away, to check on Emerald. It wasn't that he didn't trust Peylix, in fact it was quite the opposite, but rather the first time father missed his child more than he could have imagined.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 13, 2022, 11:22:05 PM

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

As he looked around the bridge, Kyan spied Xasik and Sirol at the science stations monitoring... whatever science types monitored. He was happy that the Reman scientist had agreed to come along. Since getting promoted,, he hadn't been able to see as much of him as before, which was more irritating than he thought it would be.

Looking up from his station, Xasik caught Kyan looking at him. He offered the Miran a sincere smile. It was good to see his "˜son' again, and to see him doing so well. Kyan had spent a month living as Xasik and Sirol's "˜son' for immersion therapy. The whole experience had been a very positive one for the Reman and he now saw Kyan as his son, and he couldn't have been prouder of him. They hadn't had much time to hang out lately but hopefully that would change soon. Emerald also missed Kyan which was all the more reason to find the time and organize a "˜family' get together. He was certain that Sirol would agree. It would be good for all of them to sit and relax together.
Quote from: Eydis on January 17, 2022, 01:49:48 AM

Turning hir bluish hues over those on the bridge shi indeed spotted hir friends xasik and Sirol, and the new Vulcan Reisen. Then hir gaze fell on kyan as he got up and began to head out. Greetings command caste Kyan of the USS Lirpa Hir squealing and clicking whining native tongue proceeded the translating it. Hir thoughts reached over the lattice with emerald and xasik and Sirol.  Shi had left the child with healer on Xasiks quarters. There were three tholians in a sea of humaniod and non humaniod carbon and non carbon life.

Reisen The Vulcan scientist would watch Kyan have a brief encounter with Eydis. Who if he was still honest sort of unnerved him. With hir spider like movements and squealing clicking language. Her would smile at Xasik for a second.  Looking to Sirol and then back at Xasik That's one heck of baby sitter you got for your little emerald it seems. Less worries my reman friend on your plate now. He would turn back to look at the console a slightly bored and bemused gleam playing across his Asian like romulan facial features.

He seemed to find commander Eydis entering the bridge both amusing because of the reactions it would cause. But also winced from the strange and alien Tholian. He gauged the others on the bridge to see how they took the arrival of the tholian commander and ambassador on the bridge without a evo suit as well.

Feeling Eydis' presence as shi entered the Bridge, Xasik looked up from his station and offered hir a friendly nod of his head. He could feel hir over the Lattice as well thanks to the Galaxy Rose he kept securely in a pocket on the inside of his lab coat. It had been a gift from Eydis that had allowed him to form a stronger bond with his child. He treasured it and never left his quarters without it.
The rose also allowed him to connect with the other Tholians and Sirol, via the Lattice. It was a unique gift and one he was eternally thankful for. Communicating over the lattice was a very humbling experience.

Xasik couldn't help but smirk at Reisen's comment.
"œYou are correct," the Reman smiled. "œEmerald is lucky to be surrounded by so many caring souls willing to watch over them and be a part of their life. OH! I almost forgot. They drew pictures for you, Sirol and Eydis."

Rummaging through the pockets of his lab coat, Xasik pulled out three sheets of paper and handed the appropriate ones to the right people.

To Sirol he handed a sheet of paper with a silver circle scribbled on it with a small green circle and a larger green circle beside them. It had taken him a moment, but Xasik had realized that Emerald had drawn the ball Sirol had given them for their hatching day, themself and Sirol. He had to assume that they had scribbled a green circle of Sirol because of her green eyes.

The sheet of paper given to Reisen had five smaller shapes scribbled into the paper in browns and greys. They were the artifacts on Reisen's workstation that Emerald always looked over at. That one hadn't taken Xasik nearly as long to figure out.

The third sheet of paper Xasik handed to Eydis before shi left the Bridge. On it was a big blue scribbled circle the same colour as Eydis with a smaller green circle beside it. That one was obvious to Xasik. Emerald had drawn themself with Eydis.

"They've started drawing, or at least attempting to. They seem to really enjoy it though. My quarters are filled with scribbled on bits of paper." He had a piece of paper still in his pocket for Kyan, but he would give that to him later.

Quote from: Sirol on January 22, 2022, 07:44:01 PM

< USS Lirpa / Bridge >

Sirol's eyes widened; her ears figuratively sharpening as she heard the call and Ensign Pev's words.
Behind her calm, cool facade, her great excitement was a rich, colourful taste radiating through the room, and Eydis and Xasik would be able to even sense it via the Lattice - Sirol did not even try to tone down her surprise.
Slowly but surely, piece by piece, the Katra Family was re-assembling, and all that was near and dear to the scientist was about to gather aboard this ship.
(Minus Emerald of course, but a patrol ship was no place for a child, and Xasik, Eydis and herself had all agreed on that, entrusting healer Peylix with watching over the little one until their three "˜mothers' would be back from this trip.
Now there was another mother to enter - The motheriest one of all.

With much delight she listened to the docking permission being relayed, then turned around to the science family [including Eydis] and focused on Reisen in particular.
"œLt. Commander Falleg-Tekin was my predecessor in the science department and superior officer. She is the founder of our "˜Doughnut Friday' tradition. She was part of the best time aboard Katra."
She explained and loosely folded her hands on her lap.
"œBack then she was still Lieutenant, but I am glad to see she received a long-deserved promotion. Specialist McCutcheon was also part of our staff for a while - although on the more civilian side. He was specialised in"¦"
She hesitated for a moment, not entirely sure whether he would have been comfortable with her relaying too much information about his person and his work to others.
"œ...A variety of fields, and I hope that we can re-integrate him into our staff again - if he chooses so."

With that she once more did a warm, almost even cheerful bow towards Xasik, Eydis and Reisen, before she turned around in her chair again, and resumed her calibrations.

Xasik once more looked from his station as he felt Sirol's excitement wash over him via the Lattice. He wasn't surprised at her excitement. He knew how much Sirol cared for Hrafn and had missed her and her family.
He smiled as she explained to Reisen who Hrafn was and chuckled when she mentioned Doughnut Friday. He himself did not partake in Doughnut Friday because he didn't much enjoy sweet things. He did enjoy having tea or coffee with the others though and would partake in this part of the ritual.
Xasik himself looked forward to seeing Hrafn again. He hadn't really had the chance to get to know her before, but from what he did know of her, she was friendly and welcoming. He was eager to meet her family properly as well.
The Reman's thoughts were interrupted by the rumbling of his stomach. He looked around to make sure no one had heard his complaining stomach before he pulled a packet of beef jerky from his pocket and quickly stuffed a strip into his mouth. It was times like these he cursed his fast metabolism. The last thing he needed right now was to get hangry on patrol. People were already intimidated by his height, his piercing eyes and his sharp teeth.
Sheepishly he offered some jerky to Sirol and Reisen. They had probably heard his stomach grumbling.


It wasn't right!
It was all wrong!
They could feel it!
...Or rather they couldn't feel it"¦..
First Mother (Sirol), Dear Mother (Eydis) and Sharp Mother (Xasik) were missing! Emerald could not feel their humming anymore no matter how hard they tried! Humming Mother (Peylix) and Scuttling Friend (Aeryn the Uropygi)  did not seem at all bothered by the absence of the others and that really disturbed the juvenile Tholian. They had all said goodbye as they usually did when they left the den without Emerald, but Emerald had always been able to feel their humming when they left. This time was different. They could not sense any of the mothers except for Humming Mother and that scared them.

It took only a second for them to decide that they needed to find the other mothers and make sure that they were safe. Without a second thought they raced past Humming Mother in their bubble and rolled down the corridor, weaving their way through the legs of those walking by and squeaking out for any of the mother's to hear them. They also hummed as they rolled, hoping that they would once again feel the returning hums of First Mother, Dear Mother and Sharp Mother.
Behind them they could hear Humming Mother calling to them and Scuttling Friend's feet tapping the ground as they chased after them. They rolled faster. They needed to find the other mothers!

"œSQUEAK!" They called out desperately. "œPEEP SQUEAK! CHIRP!"
"œWhere are you?" They hummed  as loudly as they could hoping for a response.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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