S3-M12: The Battle Royale

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, January 13, 2022, 11:22:05 PM

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Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Eydis on February 18, 2022, 03:54:30 PM

Eydis would give her consent to go with sirol. Her blue eyes turning first however to  Hrafn Falleg who had greeted her cordial. The tholian commander/ ambassador would dip hir head respectfully to Hrafn falleg.  Listening to her speak and waiting til she was done.   "It does delight me to see you yet again.  Your Children are welcome to see the hatchling emerald.  Your offspring do you honor to your name, the visit may have to be quick or after Xasik and emerald visit tholia for custody. The Assembly is unsure of this proposed adoption of Emerald. That does remain for later times to be decided. And Emerald even if the hatchling is allowed to stay with xasik must be placed into the caste system and role determined shortly"

Eydis would finish speaking in her native tongue allowing the translator to catch up slowly after her whining clicks and squeals are finished.  Her new friends were precariously close to opening a preverbal pandoras box. Even if the Federation could be trusted not to abuse the wormhole. Such technology and knowledge would spread and it would only be a matter of time before other hostile powers sought the wormholes as means of conveying power instantly to the very doorsteps of enemies.

Eydis would then turn and look at Sirol trusting in her to speak to hfran about the concerns she had expressed.  Eydis thought using Sirol to convey hir feelings would help eliminate any confusion or miscommunication.

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Hrafn waited for the Universal Translator to finish translating the Tholian's words then smiled.

"Thank you, they'll enjoy that and I truly hope the Assembly allows the adoption to go ahead.  From what I've heard Xasik has formed such a bond, so separating them might be traumatic for both of them.  While I'm sure Specialist Freeman would 'get over it' to a point the way adults deal with trauma and tragedy, it may impact more disfavourably on little Emerald."

While Hrafn wasn't half the anthropologist her daughter Ruthie was, she noted that something in the Tholian's body language was 'off'.

With a concerned look on her face she asked "Ambassador, is something about this wormhole troubling you?  I ask because I know your methods of ... well the Lattice I think we call it.. is that telling you anything more about it?  I don't mean to abuse use of that but sometimes we have to call on all resources available to us."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


< USS Lirpa / Bridge >

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 11, 2022, 05:51:08 AM

Sirol and Hrafn had suggested that they not get too close to it, which he supposed made some sense... lest they get sucked in like the Relaketh was... but in order to effect a rescue, they'd have to get at least within tractor range, possibly transporter range if the tractor beam didn't work.

"And what would a safe distance be the now?" he turned and asked the Romulan Scientist. "And if nae in tractor beam range, then we'll be needin a plan for gettin the ship out. I'd be after hearing those ideas so I would... before we drop outta warp so."

Sirol took a strategic breath and unfolded her hands.
"œA clear value will be hard to determine unless we have gathered sufficient probe data of the phenomenon itself.
The Relaketh getting 'sucked in' as you call it implies some sort of concrete gravitational distortion additional to its already space bending nature, yet all we have as a reference would be the wormholes we already know - which however clearly paints a problem: Their sheer appearance does in no way offer universal information about their capabilities, stability or even occurrence, otherwise the Relaketh could have avoided contact altogether.
The best tool we have as of now will be keeping a safer distance than the Relaketh - I suggest the double amount - upon her "˜contact' until we gathered at least sufficient data to estimate our next steps, such as whether or not we will need to find an alternative to the tractor beam.
I recommend attempting to contact the ship as soon as we arrive, and try to access their sensor logs - This might save us significant time and increase the success rate of a rescue operation."

She looked down onto her console again, and opened a file on the best documented stable wormholes during the last 50 years, overlaying and cross-referencing them to demonstrate how difficult it was to judge a wormhole by its surface scan properties alone.

As Kyan however "˜welcomed' the new officer, Sirol once again leaned back and loosely followed their conversation.
She had never interacted with "˜live' Tamarians before, and only ever read a few dissertations about their metaphorical communication patterns and their integration into galactic business.
She internally smirked a little.
She did not have to understand every single of his phrases to tell that both of them had their dear"¦ Difficulties"¦ Yet from what she could tell, there was no imminent problem forming, So Sirol simply let them speak, and listened to them and eventually even Hrafn joining their conversation and adding, what Sirol assumed to be earthern metaphors and historical figures to create a commo ground of understanding.
She took a few notes for further research in the future, yet had to eventually force herself away from their conversation and the fact that someone speaking one of the most fascinating languages known was present in the room.
Instead she looked at the wormholes on her screen again, as well as the status screen of the prepared probe.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on February 12, 2022, 10:22:58 AM

Hrafn was glad that Sirol took absolutely no offense at her offering insight to the wormholes and gave the DH a warm smile.

"By the way Ambassador Eydis, the children have fond memories of you and look forward to greeting you once again.  I believe my eldest, Ruthie, Ensign Falleg-Tekin, and her boyfriend Ensign Zerma Meros, had the honour of meeting Emerald briefly... under the close supervision of Xasik of course, I'd like the chance to meet them when possible and if possible. But right now... wormholes, as you say Lt. Sirol, let's get that investigatory Class-4 launched and see what we can see!"

Quote from: Eydis on February 18, 2022, 03:54:30 PM

Eydis would give her consent to go with sirol. Her blue eyes turning first however to  Hrafn Falleg who had greeted her cordial. The tholian commander/ ambassador would dip hir head respectfully to Hrafn falleg.  Listening to her speak and waiting til she was done.   "It does delight me to see you yet again.  Your Children are welcome to see the hatchling emerald.  Your offspring do you honor to your name, the visit may have to be quick or after Xasik and emerald visit tholia for custody. The Assembly is unsure of this proposed adoption of Emerald. That does remain for later times to be decided. And Emerald even if the hatchling is allowed to stay with xasik must be placed into the caste system and role determined shortly"

The scientist smirked a little as she was observing the interactions between Captain Eydis and [Commander] Hrafn.
It was ironic. Despite how much time she had spent with both of them; how close she had gotten with both, as well a show important either of them had become to her, Sirol had never truly internalised that Hrafn and Eydis too had a history, - and - held a deep seated respect for one another.
It was refreshing to taste the warmth of their welcoming communication.

The taste of the communication and the aura of the involved - including Sirol - however seemed to shift, and seemed to darken a little as soon as Emerald was mentioned.
Sirol did not outright vocalise it, but she missed the hatchling dearly.
They had become an integral part of her routine; her life at this point.
Any matter concerning Emerald felt like a matter concerning her in extension, even if she was not outright mentioned.
Yet the mention of the child's well-being - from all perspectives - was one of utmost importance to the scientist.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on February 22, 2022, 05:58:53 AM

"Thank you, they'll enjoy that and I truly hope the Assembly allows the adoption to go ahead.  From what I've heard Xasik has formed such a bond, so separating them might be traumatic for both of them.  While I'm sure Specialist Freeman would 'get over it' to a point the way adults deal with trauma and tragedy, it may impact more disfavourably on little Emerald."

"œNot may. Would." Sirol simply spoke in a calm, yet serious manner.
"œTholians develop faster than most other species - psychologically, emotionally, even intellectually - due to their strong mental and physical connection to one another. Their childhood phase is significantly shorter than that of most other species.
That being said, Emerald is already developing elaborate thought patterns, communication and a sense of their own identity."

She presented the picture Emerald had drawn for her towards Hrafn.
Quote from: Xasik on January 27, 2022, 01:29:41 AM

To Sirol he handed a sheet of paper with a silver circle scribbled on it with a small green circle and a larger green circle beside them. It had taken him a moment, but Xasik had realized that Emerald had drawn the ball Sirol had given them for their hatching day, themself and Sirol. He had to assume that they had scribbled a green circle of Sirol because of her green eyes.

"œI am aware that Captain Eydis-" She paused for a moment and looked at hir, giving hir a gentle nod. "œ-Is in favour of having Emerald stay with Specialist Freeman, and so is Healer Peylix, so there is no one here we would have to convince, either way though, I prefer giving you the full picture of what this might mean to Emerald in particular: Look no further than what the separation of the Trialus Anomaly did to me back then.
Different catalysts, identical psychological Trauma. Tholians have a name for this: "˜Exile Psychosis', the effects of involuntary separation from the Lattice. Which is why Lieutenant Lonar "˜connecting' me with it saved, stabilised and extended me.
Now imagine the same scenario, yet with a child unable to comprehend their situation, yet biologically... Well"¦ Geologically"¦ Determined to take what they sense first as their fundamental construct of reality."

She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.
She had not yet begun to even elaborate what deprivation of guardianship might potentially have meant for Xasik Freeman as she felt it would be disrespectful to speculate about his inner psyche and scenarios that could"¦ Supposedly would"¦ Break him on the bridge, in front of everyone, yet she was certain that Hrafn as a parent herself had enough empathy to understand.
Sirol looked at Xasik, wondering, giving him a thoughtful look, hoping that she had not said too much; that she had not overstepped her boundaries here, considering Emerald was "˜his' child, even though
She looked at Hrafn again.
"œ...A reality in which Emerald views Specialist Freeman, Captain Eydis and me as their parents. I say "˜view', although I should say "˜in which we are their parents', considering the factual irrelevance of biogeological consanguinity when it comes to family."

Once more she looked at Xasik and Eydis, almost as if looking for confirmation of what she had said.
She had fallen into the role of their mediator so casually, so organically, that she had not even begun to fully realise that she viewed them as her family in the same manner Emerald did.
With an absent-minded smile she eventually forced herself back fully onto the bridge of the Lirpa, with all of her thoughts and extensions and all of the colours of joy and worry alike painting her aura in a wobbly pattern.

Quote from: Eydis on February 18, 2022, 03:54:30 PM

Eydis would then turn and look at Sirol trusting in her to speak to hfran about the concerns she had expressed.  Eydis thought using Sirol to convey hir feelings would help eliminate any confusion or miscommunication.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on February 22, 2022, 05:58:53 AM

While Hrafn wasn't half the anthropologist her daughter Ruthie was, she noted that something in the Tholian's body language was 'off'.

With a concerned look on her face she asked "Ambassador, is something about this wormhole troubling you?  I ask because I know your methods of ... well the Lattice I think we call it.. is that telling you anything more about it?  I don't mean to abuse use of that but sometimes we have to call on all resources available to us."

Once more Sirol gave Eydis a warm nod, quietly agreeing to hir strategy of communicating through Sirol, gladly being of service where she could.
The scientist rose from her chair and now joined Hrafn and Eydis where they stood, loosely folding her hands behind her back and looking at the two before she then spoke up to do her part in this conversation.
"œThe matter is not so much about augmented perception via the Lattice, considering this level of perception is not needed to draw an identical conclusion. Or so I assume.
I am to"¦ Relay"¦ Captain Eydis' great concern about the implications of the discovery, and potential causality chains upon spreading information about an artificial wormhole.
I say relay although I personally share the Captain's concerns.
The sight of an artificial wormhole outside of a simulation and/or the conditions of a properly approved laboratory environment is concerning.
I will not go into too much detail about my personal contact with the subject matter unless you need me to, but I think it is needless to say that such a discovery; and the analysis and replication of its technology bears potential risks that are impossible to foresee.
Not every faction has the same safety standards when it comes to practical experimentation.
And not every individual follows a strictly scientific approach, and/or moral code based on protecting life.
The unregulated spread of information about what we have here may cause a plethora of unforeseeable side effects, ranging from catastrophic accidents down to utilisation for the purpose of destruction to an outright arms race.
Whatever we do after we manage to rescue the Relaketh's crew, I strongly recommend maintaining caution and regulating information distribution.
In a best case scenario even finalising our observations and seeing to destabilise the phenomenon enough to render it inert.
As much as I personally disapprove of withholding anything, this - after all - is not pervasively controlled and regulated Federation- or Assembly space."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Sirol on February 23, 2022, 06:57:29 PM

< USS Lirpa / Bridge >

Sirol took a strategic breath and unfolded her hands.
"œA clear value will be hard to determine unless we have gathered sufficient probe data of the phenomenon itself.
The Relaketh getting 'sucked in' as you call it implies some sort of concrete gravitational distortion additional to its already space bending nature, yet all we have as a reference would be the wormholes we already know - which however clearly paints a problem: Their sheer appearance does in no way offer universal information about their capabilities, stability or even occurrence, otherwise the Relaketh could have avoided contact altogether.
The best tool we have as of now will be keeping a safer distance than the Relaketh - I suggest the double amount - upon her "˜contact' until we gathered at least sufficient data to estimate our next steps, such as whether or not we will need to find an alternative to the tractor beam.
I recommend attempting to contact the ship as soon as we arrive, and try to access their sensor logs - This might save us significant time and increase the success rate of a rescue operation."

She looked down onto her console again, and opened a file on the best documented stable wormholes during the last 50 years, overlaying and cross-referencing them to demonstrate how difficult it was to judge a wormhole by its surface scan properties alone.

[USS Lirpa - Bridge]

"Agreed,.." nodded Hrafn with a wry smile.  "...sometimes we Scientists get impatient however!" she added with a chuckle.

Quote from: Sirol on February 23, 2022, 06:57:29 PM

As Kyan however "˜welcomed' the new officer, Sirol once again leaned back and loosely followed their conversation.
She had never interacted with "˜live' Tamarians before, and only ever read a few dissertations about their metaphorical communication patterns and their integration into galactic business.
She internally smirked a little.
She did not have to understand every single of his phrases to tell that both of them had their dear"¦ Difficulties"¦ Yet from what she could tell, there was no imminent problem forming, So Sirol simply let them speak, and listened to them and eventually even Hrafn joining their conversation and adding, what Sirol assumed to be earthern metaphors and historical figures to create a common ground of understanding.
She took a few notes for further research in the future, yet had to eventually force herself away from their conversation and the fact that someone speaking one of the most fascinating languages known was present in the room.
Instead she looked at the wormholes on her screen again, as well as the status screen of the prepared probe.

The scientist smirked a little as she was observing the interactions between Captain Eydis and [Commander] Hrafn.
It was ironic. Despite how much time she had spent with both of them; how close she had gotten with both, as well a show important either of them had become to her, Sirol had never truly internalised that Hrafn and Eydis too had a history, - and - held a deep seated respect for one another.
It was refreshing to taste the warmth of their welcoming communication.

The taste of the communication and the aura of the involved - including Sirol - however seemed to shift, and seemed to darken a little as soon as Emerald was mentioned.
Sirol did not outright vocalise it, but she missed the hatchling dearly.
They had become an integral part of her routine; her life at this point.
Any matter concerning Emerald felt like a matter concerning her in extension, even if she was not outright mentioned.
Yet the mention of the child's well-being - from all perspectives - was one of utmost importance to the scientist.

"œNot may. Would." Sirol simply spoke in a calm, yet serious manner.
"œTholians develop faster than most other species - psychologically, emotionally, even intellectually - due to their strong mental and physical connection to one another. Their childhood phase is significantly shorter than that of most other species.
That being said, Emerald is already developing elaborate thought patterns, communication and a sense of their own identity."

She presented the picture Emerald had drawn for her towards Hrafn."œI am aware that Captain Eydis-" She paused for a moment and looked at hir, giving hir a gentle nod. "œ-Is in favour of having Emerald stay with Specialist Freeman, and so is Healer Peylix, so there is no one here we would have to convince, either way though, I prefer giving you the full picture of what this might mean to Emerald in particular: Look no further than what the separation of the Trialus Anomaly did to me back then.
Different catalysts, identical psychological Trauma. Tholians have a name for this: "˜Exile Psychosis', the effects of involuntary separation from the Lattice. Which is why Lieutenant Lonar "˜connecting' me with it saved, stabilised and extended me.
Now imagine the same scenario, yet with a child unable to comprehend their situation, yet biologically... Well"¦ Geologically"¦ Determined to take what they sense first as their fundamental construct of reality."

She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.
She had not yet begun to even elaborate what deprivation of guardianship might potentially have meant for Xasik Freeman as she felt it would be disrespectful to speculate about his inner psyche and scenarios that could"¦ Supposedly would"¦ Break him on the bridge, in front of everyone, yet she was certain that Hrafn as a parent herself had enough empathy to understand.
Sirol looked at Xasik, wondering, giving him a thoughtful look, hoping that she had not said too much; that she had not overstepped her boundaries here, considering Emerald was "˜his' child, even though
She looked at Hrafn again.
"œ...A reality in which Emerald views Specialist Freeman, Captain Eydis and me as their parents. I say "˜view', although I should say "˜in which we are their parents', considering the factual irrelevance of biogeological consanguinity when it comes to family."

Once more she looked at Xasik and Eydis, almost as if looking for confirmation of what she had said.
She had fallen into the role of their mediator so casually, so organically, that she had not even begun to fully realise that she viewed them as her family in the same manner Emerald did.
With an absent-minded smile she eventually forced herself back fully onto the bridge of the Lirpa, with all of her thoughts and extensions and all of the colours of joy and worry alike painting her aura in a wobbly pattern.

Once more Sirol gave Eydis a warm nod, quietly agreeing to hir strategy of communicating through Sirol, gladly being of service where she could.
The scientist rose from her chair and now joined Hrafn and Eydis where they stood, loosely folding her hands behind her back and looking at the two before she then spoke up to do her part in this conversation.
"œThe matter is not so much about augmented perception via the Lattice, considering this level of perception is not needed to draw an identical conclusion. Or so I assume.

The First Officer considered this information a moment then gave a calculating look, mitigated with a mischievous smile.

"I wonder... I don't know how well you got to know my eldest, Ruthie.  Her specialisations are Xenolinguistics and Anthropology.  However, with myself, and yourself Lt. Sirol on the Station who are experts in the field of Xenolinguistics, she's looking to lean more towards the Xenoanthropology and Xenobiology fields of study."

Hrafn paused and then winked.  "Now... I'm not suggesting for a moment that I, nor Ruthie or indeed your favourite small Scientist, Nerys, would ever consider Emerald as an experiment or research subject in reality, but if it loaned itself to the fact that we'd all like Emerald on Katra for more than purely emotional reasons... you may cite me and I'm sure Ruthie would like the chance to interact with all our Tholian friends but learning about the development thereof would be a unique opportunity to learn from the source!"

Quote from: Sirol on February 23, 2022, 06:57:29 PM

I am to"¦ Relay"¦ Captain Eydis' great concern about the implications of the discovery, and potential causality chains upon spreading information about an artificial wormhole.
I say relay although I personally share the Captain's concerns.
The sight of an artificial wormhole outside of a simulation and/or the conditions of a properly approved laboratory environment is concerning.
I will not go into too much detail about my personal contact with the subject matter unless you need me to, but I think it is needless to say that such a discovery; and the analysis and replication of its technology bears potential risks that are impossible to foresee.
Not every faction has the same safety standards when it comes to practical experimentation.
And not every individual follows a strictly scientific approach, and/or moral code based on protecting life.
The unregulated spread of information about what we have here may cause a plethora of unforeseeable side effects, ranging from catastrophic accidents down to utilisation for the purpose of destruction to an outright arms race.
Whatever we do after we manage to rescue the Relaketh's crew, I strongly recommend maintaining caution and regulating information distribution.
In a best case scenario even finalising our observations and seeing to destabilise the phenomenon enough to render it inert.
As much as I personally disapprove of withholding anything, this - after all - is not pervasively controlled and regulated Federation- or Assembly space."[/b][/color]

"I am fully aware of that.  I mentioned it for the fact that someone might be inappropriately using them and this might be what the Relaketh is caught with.  Just exploring possibilities.  I do not advocate releasing the technology to anyone who might abuse it, but it as well to know about it's existence so that, should the need arise to mitigate effects of one...we know how to do it."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



< USS Lirpa / Bridge >

The scientist stayed quiet for a few seconds, looking towards Captain Eydis and Specialist Xasik, silently assessing whether the choice of her words had been the right one; whether she had relayed the Captain's worry in a sufficient manner.
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on February 24, 2022, 07:39:02 AM

"I wonder... I don't know how well you got to know my eldest, Ruthie.  Her specialisations are Xenolinguistics and Anthropology.  However, with myself, and yourself Lt. Sirol on the Station who are experts in the field of Xenolinguistics, she's looking to lean more towards the Xenoanthropology and Xenobiology fields of study."

She tilted her head, looking at Hrafn, and eventually gave the XO a little smirk.
"œAdmittedly we did not have as much time to converse as I would have enjoyed. We were in the middle of an emergency, using the environmental simulation room of my laboratory as a shelter against a boarding party. We eventually got separated, but I was glad to read that Ruthie stayed safe throughout the entire attack.
I am very much looking forward to hopefully working with Ruthie more often soon. It has been a while since I got to discuss anything regarding my original field of work.
I have read that she arrived with you and the rest of the family.
Will she join the science division?"

Sirol smirked a little, hoping; looking forward to seeing the entire Family becoming an integral part of Katra again.
She had missed the positivity all of them irradiated, as well as working with inquisitive Nerys and the heart-warmingly relatable Lamar.
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on February 24, 2022, 07:39:02 AM

Hrafn paused and then winked.  "Now... I'm not suggesting for a moment that I, nor Ruthie or indeed your favourite small Scientist, Nerys, would ever consider Emerald as an experiment or research subject in reality, but if it loaned itself to the fact that we'd all like Emerald on Katra for more than purely emotional reasons... you may cite me and I'm sure Ruthie would like the chance to interact with all our Tholian friends but learning about the development thereof would be a unique opportunity to learn from the source!"

Sirol chuckled a little at that idea, but also because she - technically - agreed.
"œAs a matter of fact you are correct. Emerald's presence is in theory a fascinating case study. Whether or not to officially acknowledge that and/or even utilise observations made during the child's hatching and maturation process will be subjects Specialist Freeman as their Parent, and Captain Eydis as highest authority representing the Tholian people aboard Katra will have to determine."
She paused for a moment, trying to reach out towards Emerald in the same manner Captain Eydis had done, yet - so far - seemingly unsuccessful.
Despite the technology she had been gifted being nothing short of marvellous, just as Xasik currently, Sirol too was still in her active learning phase, and expanding her reach had been nothing she had been challenged to actively practise before"¦
Truth was, she missed Emerald dearly...
The bubbly little child painting everyone's perceivable aura into a radiating, patterned orange of joy.
She looked at the drawing in her hands again and absent-mindedly smiled for a moment, before she eventually raised her head again, focusing Hrafn and Eydis.

"œI suppose there will be plenty to discuss, once we are all back on Katra and settled in.
I am looking forward to it.
And in either case, I will be more than glad to share my own work and documentation with you, Ruthie and Nerys."

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on February 24, 2022, 07:39:02 AM

"I am fully aware of that.  I mentioned it for the fact that someone might be inappropriately using them and this might be what the Relaketh is caught with.  Just exploring possibilities.  I do not advocate releasing the technology to anyone who might abuse it, but it as well to know about it's existence so that, should the need arise to mitigate effects of one...we know how to do it."

She calmly nodded, and looked fort and back between the Commander and the Captain.
"œI understand and I agree. I am merely exploring possibilities myself.
We will hopefully know more as soon as we are out of warp, but I appreciate the chance to"¦ Discuss"¦ This subject matter beforehand."

She looked over to Commander Mackenzie and Lieutenant Drake, checking for any potential update, before she once more looked at her console, closing the reference material and focussing on the few bits of actual information they had about their current destination, replaying the distress call and musingly listening to it in her little earplug, wondering if there were any - intentional or unintentional - additional hints of information buried within"¦

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Sirol on February 23, 2022, 06:57:29 PM

< USS Lirpa / Bridge >

Sirol took a strategic breath and unfolded her hands.
"œA clear value will be hard to determine unless we have gathered sufficient probe data of the phenomenon itself.
The Relaketh getting 'sucked in' as you call it implies some sort of concrete gravitational distortion additional to its already space bending nature, yet all we have as a reference would be the wormholes we already know - which however clearly paints a problem: Their sheer appearance does in no way offer universal information about their capabilities, stability or even occurrence, otherwise the Relaketh could have avoided contact altogether.
The best tool we have as of now will be keeping a safer distance than the Relaketh - I suggest the double amount - upon her "˜contact' until we gathered at least sufficient data to estimate our next steps, such as whether or not we will need to find an alternative to the tractor beam.
I recommend attempting to contact the ship as soon as we arrive, and try to access their sensor logs - This might save us significant time and increase the success rate of a rescue operation."

She looked down onto her console again, and opened a file on the best documented stable wormholes during the last 50 years, overlaying and cross-referencing them to demonstrate how difficult it was to judge a wormhole by its surface scan properties alone.

As Kyan however "˜welcomed' the new officer, Sirol once again leaned back and loosely followed their conversation.
She had never interacted with "˜live' Tamarians before, and only ever read a few dissertations about their metaphorical communication patterns and their integration into galactic business.
She internally smirked a little.
She did not have to understand every single of his phrases to tell that both of them had their dear"¦ Difficulties"¦ Yet from what she could tell, there was no imminent problem forming, So Sirol simply let them speak, and listened to them and eventually even Hrafn joining their conversation and adding, what Sirol assumed to be earthern metaphors and historical figures to create a commo ground of understanding.
She took a few notes for further research in the future, yet had to eventually force herself away from their conversation and the fact that someone speaking one of the most fascinating languages known was present in the room.
Instead she looked at the wormholes on her screen again, as well as the status screen of the prepared probe.

The scientist smirked a little as she was observing the interactions between Captain Eydis and [Commander] Hrafn.
It was ironic. Despite how much time she had spent with both of them; how close she had gotten with both, as well a show important either of them had become to her, Sirol had never truly internalised that Hrafn and Eydis too had a history, - and - held a deep seated respect for one another.
It was refreshing to taste the warmth of their welcoming communication.

The taste of the communication and the aura of the involved - including Sirol - however seemed to shift, and seemed to darken a little as soon as Emerald was mentioned.
Sirol did not outright vocalise it, but she missed the hatchling dearly.
They had become an integral part of her routine; her life at this point.
Any matter concerning Emerald felt like a matter concerning her in extension, even if she was not outright mentioned.
Yet the mention of the child's well-being - from all perspectives - was one of utmost importance to the scientist.

"œNot may. Would." Sirol simply spoke in a calm, yet serious manner.
"œTholians develop faster than most other species - psychologically, emotionally, even intellectually - due to their strong mental and physical connection to one another. Their childhood phase is significantly shorter than that of most other species.
That being said, Emerald is already developing elaborate thought patterns, communication and a sense of their own identity."

She presented the picture Emerald had drawn for her towards Hrafn."œI am aware that Captain Eydis-" She paused for a moment and looked at hir, giving hir a gentle nod. "œ-Is in favour of having Emerald stay with Specialist Freeman, and so is Healer Peylix, so there is no one here we would have to convince, either way though, I prefer giving you the full picture of what this might mean to Emerald in particular: Look no further than what the separation of the Trialus Anomaly did to me back then.
Different catalysts, identical psychological Trauma. Tholians have a name for this: "˜Exile Psychosis', the effects of involuntary separation from the Lattice. Which is why Lieutenant Lonar "˜connecting' me with it saved, stabilised and extended me.
Now imagine the same scenario, yet with a child unable to comprehend their situation, yet biologically... Well"¦ Geologically"¦ Determined to take what they sense first as their fundamental construct of reality."

She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.
She had not yet begun to even elaborate what deprivation of guardianship might potentially have meant for Xasik Freeman as she felt it would be disrespectful to speculate about his inner psyche and scenarios that could"¦ Supposedly would"¦ Break him on the bridge, in front of everyone, yet she was certain that Hrafn as a parent herself had enough empathy to understand.
Sirol looked at Xasik, wondering, giving him a thoughtful look, hoping that she had not said too much; that she had not overstepped her boundaries here, considering Emerald was "˜his' child, even though
She looked at Hrafn again.
"œ...A reality in which Emerald views Specialist Freeman, Captain Eydis and me as their parents. I say "˜view', although I should say "˜in which we are their parents', considering the factual irrelevance of biogeological consanguinity when it comes to family."

Once more she looked at Xasik and Eydis, almost as if looking for confirmation of what she had said.
She had fallen into the role of their mediator so casually, so organically, that she had not even begun to fully realise that she viewed them as her family in the same manner Emerald did.
With an absent-minded smile she eventually forced herself back fully onto the bridge of the Lirpa, with all of her thoughts and extensions and all of the colours of joy and worry alike painting her aura in a wobbly pattern.

Once more Sirol gave Eydis a warm nod, quietly agreeing to hir strategy of communicating through Sirol, gladly being of service where she could.
The scientist rose from her chair and now joined Hrafn and Eydis where they stood, loosely folding her hands behind her back and looking at the two before she then spoke up to do her part in this conversation.
"œThe matter is not so much about augmented perception via the Lattice, considering this level of perception is not needed to draw an identical conclusion. Or so I assume.
I am to"¦ Relay"¦ Captain Eydis' great concern about the implications of the discovery, and potential causality chains upon spreading information about an artificial wormhole.
I say relay although I personally share the Captain's concerns.
The sight of an artificial wormhole outside of a simulation and/or the conditions of a properly approved laboratory environment is concerning.
I will not go into too much detail about my personal contact with the subject matter unless you need me to, but I think it is needless to say that such a discovery; and the analysis and replication of its technology bears potential risks that are impossible to foresee.
Not every faction has the same safety standards when it comes to practical experimentation.
And not every individual follows a strictly scientific approach, and/or moral code based on protecting life.
The unregulated spread of information about what we have here may cause a plethora of unforeseeable side effects, ranging from catastrophic accidents down to utilisation for the purpose of destruction to an outright arms race.
Whatever we do after we manage to rescue the Relaketh's crew, I strongly recommend maintaining caution and regulating information distribution.
In a best case scenario even finalising our observations and seeing to destabilise the phenomenon enough to render it inert.
As much as I personally disapprove of withholding anything, this - after all - is not pervasively controlled and regulated Federation- or Assembly space."

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

"Agreed - what you say about the use of Scientific data... sad but true.  Well, we'll know once the telemetry starts coming in what we're up against." Hrafn said with a wry smile.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Orum N'Jeer

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on February 18, 2022, 10:31:58 AM

[Science Lab 1 - Deck 4]

[As NPCs Ensigns Ruthie Falleg-Tekin and Zerma Meros (both Science) and Specialist Anth McCutcheon]

Ruthie, Meros and Anth had looked in just about every lab they could get into with no success at finding Lt. Sirol.

"I guess she must be on the Bridge!" Ruthie said shrugging. "I hope Sally found the Brig by now."

"Sure to have, you don't pass Academy by not being able to read a map!" Meros said grinning.

"This is my baby sister you're talking about here.  I got most of the brains for this generation of McCutcheons... she had to take what was left which wasn't much...hello, who's this?!" he said spying Pev standing on a chair.

Since the blue alien was obviously busy, Anth stood off to one side and it was Ruthie who was brave enough to approach him.

"Erm, excuse us please, you seem busy but perhaps we might be of some assistance.  Ensigns Ruthie Falleg-Tekin, and Zerma Meros, and Specialist Anthony McCutcheon..." she nodded at the others as she said their names.  Meros bowed his head towards Pev by way of greeting, Anth grinned.

"Anth..." interjected the same rolling his eyes at being given his 'Sunday name'.

"...be grateful I didn't put your middle name in there!" Ruthie joked back then resumed talking to Pev while Anth muttered

"Only my mother uses that... frequently unfortunately..."

"...we're assigned to Katra but came with Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin on the Bygone, oh and our fellow Ensign Sally McCutcheon but she's Security.  Hey you're a... oh golly hang on don't tell me, my Xenoanthropology teacher would kill me if I get this wrong.  Apologies in advance if I pronounce it incorrectly... S'ti'ach?  Is that right??  We were looking for Lt. Sirol but I'm assuming she's on the Bridge, but if you can make use of us..."

Ruthie tried to look useful and smiled disarmingly, the stunning redhead looking around the lab and grinning.  "Oh it's strange to be back in 'officialdom'.  But ready to crack on with it nevertheless!"

Pev turned to look at the new arrivals, hearing them mention Sally.

"Hello! Sally did in fact make it to the Brig, as I accompanied her, with pleasure. S'ti'ach is the correct pronunciation! I congratulate you on getting the accent right as well, not many people do! Lt. Sirol is on the bridge. I came down here to research spatial wormhole anomalies." He pointed his top left arm to a workstation. "Here is what I have derived so far: an extrapolation of all known Starfleet history on wormhole encounters and their composition as far as we are aware. There do seem to be some marked similarities that I believe Lt. Sirol can make use of, or at least compare against, but I would very much enjoy your assistance."

Pev motioned for the four to join him at the workstations, where he was currently running a simulation of potential ways the Lirpa could get close enough to the stranded ship without being drawn into the wormhole.

"As well, Sally has invited me to tea with you and Commander Felleg-Teken. I hope I will not be intruding?"

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Pev on February 28, 2022, 04:13:17 PM

Pev turned to look at the new arrivals, hearing them mention Sally.

"Hello! Sally did in fact make it to the Brig, as I accompanied her, with pleasure. S'ti'ach is the correct pronunciation! I congratulate you on getting the accent right as well, not many people do! Lt. Sirol is on the bridge. I came down here to research spatial wormhole anomalies." He pointed his top left arm to a workstation. "Here is what I have derived so far: an extrapolation of all known Starfleet history on wormhole encounters and their composition as far as we are aware. There do seem to be some marked similarities that I believe Lt. Sirol can make use of, or at least compare against, but I would very much enjoy your assistance."

Pev motioned for the four to join him at the workstations, where he was currently running a simulation of potential ways the Lirpa could get close enough to the stranded ship without being drawn into the wormhole.

"As well, Sally has invited me to tea with you and Commander Felleg-Teken. I hope I will not be intruding?"

[Science Lab 1 - Deck 4]

[As NPCs Ensigns Ruthie Falleg-Tekin and Zerma Meros (both Science) and Specialist Anth McCutcheon]

Ruthie answered Pev's last question first.

"Oh good Gods no!  My mother adopts everyone!  Last time we did a Donut Friday... it's a kind of tradition in the Science Department, or was in my mother's tenure of the Chief of Science I don't know if Lt. Sirol will wish to continue it,... we had Thursday Baking Nights.  If you had at least one..." she looked at the S'ti'ach and grinned.

"...some of us are more blessed in the hand department! But at least one set of hands, were prepared to 'muck in' and would wear an apron, didn't have an aversion or allergy to small people - my younger siblings - or cats... then you were more than welcome.  The culinary exploits weren't limited to just donuts however.  A meal of some sort would be made, often themed, but various baked goodies would be made to be distributed to mostly the Science Department but we found that certain Security staff would 'inadvertently' find themselves doing a loop round the Science labs to snaffle some goodies... so it was a good job we made a social evening out of making a metric tonne of food!"

She giggled then sighed.

"I'm so glad we got assigned here together.  I used to only be able to join in the shenanigans when I was on vacation from the Academy and wasn't visiting my father.  I rather think it might be Dad's turn to have me on my next leave, unless he comes here via Bajor to see his folks. Oh and the pronunciation... Xenolinguist amongst other things here! I'm still a little unsure when it comes to languages I don't know well however."

She slotted herself into the space to the right of Pev and smiled. "Anyhow work..."

Anth grinned and started muttering under his breath "Sally's got a boyfriend, Sally's got a boyfriend!" for which he got a jab in the ribs from Ruthie as he came level with her. Then in a more normal volume put on his best (very cracked) 'serious scientist' look and said "Not my field of study since I'm more into Synthetic Life forms and AI, Cybernetics but I'm good at data anaylsis so I can adapt.  Point me at it!" He said sitting the other side of Ruthie.

"I, on the other hand,.." said Meros, "...specialise in Spatial Anomalies and Stellar Cartography, Astrometrics ...so... let me look at this data.  Oh wait is that a storm coming up? That's not going to help matters!" The young Bajoran Ensign said pointing at the screen and coming up on Pev's left.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Orum N'Jeer

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 01, 2022, 06:23:34 AM

[Science Lab 1 - Deck 4]

[As NPCs Ensigns Ruthie Falleg-Tekin and Zerma Meros (both Science) and Specialist Anth McCutcheon]

Anth grinned and started muttering under his breath "Sally's got a boyfriend, Sally's got a boyfriend!" for which he got a jab in the ribs from Ruthie as he came level with her.

"Does she?" asked Pev, his fuzzy blue face registering an expression that might be perceived as disappointment. "I am not surprised. Is it someone on Katra Station?"
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 01, 2022, 06:23:34 AM

Then in a more normal volume put on his best (very cracked) 'serious scientist' look and said "Not my field of study since I'm more into Synthetic Life forms and AI, Cybernetics but I'm good at data anaylsis so I can adapt.  Point me at it!" He said sitting the other side of Ruthie.

"I, on the other hand,.." said Meros, "...specialise in Spatial Anomalies and Stellar Cartography, Astrometrics ...so... let me look at this data.  Oh wait is that a storm coming up? That's not going to help matters!" The young Bajoran Ensign said pointing at the screen and coming up on Pev's left.

Pev looked down at the data screen Meros was referencing. Large black eyes getting somehow larger, he opened a comm channel to the bridge.

"Commander Mackenzie, this is Pev. Ensign Meros has spotted a large storm approaching from the wormhole." The operations officer paused to tap several keys. "Theta band radiation levels increasing exponentially. Imminent danger of a gravitic shear. Recommend raising shields and initiating evasive maneuvers!"

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Pev on March 01, 2022, 04:05:09 PM

"Does she?" asked Pev, his fuzzy blue face registering an expression that might be perceived as disappointment. "I am not surprised. Is it someone on Katra Station?"

Pev looked down at the data screen Meros was referencing. Large black eyes getting somehow larger, he opened a comm channel to the bridge.

"Commander Mackenzie, this is Pev. Ensign Meros has spotted a large storm approaching from the wormhole." The operations officer paused to tap several keys. "Theta band radiation levels increasing exponentially. Imminent danger of a gravitic shear. Recommend raising shields and initiating evasive maneuvers!"

[Science Labs - Deck 4]

[As NPCs Ensigns Ruthie Falleg-Tekin and Zerma Meros (both Science) and Specialist Anth McCutcheon]

"Ignore Anth,.." Ruthie said glaring at the bespectacled cybernetics specialist.  "...as Sally's big brother, anyone who shows Sally the slightest bit of attention and is of the opposite gender to her, he teases mercilessly that the male in question is Sally's 'boyfriend'.  It's a sibling thing, I don't doubt that my younger brother Tidu will tease his twin sister Nerys in a similar manner when... oh actually he did."

Ruthie stopped, recalling a time when Nerys had a crush on a Security Officer because in play the officer had said that yes of course they were going to get married and so on.  When he had realised the little girl had taken it seriously, he obviously explained that it just wasn't possible and let her down in such a gentle way that she immediately adopted him as an Uncle and all was well.

"But anyhow... ignore him.  Far as I know and I'm her closest confidante, best friend and share quarters with her so... I think I'd know if she had a boyfriend.  She hadn't as of this morning anyhow!"

Meros nodded at Pev by way of acknowledging that the S'ti'ach officer had passed his information to the Bridge, he smiled to let Pev know he was in no way offended but pointed to his nose ridges.

"By the way, I'm Bajoran.  Our names are... as far as anyone not Bajoran is concerned... back to front.  Meros is my given name, like Ruthie, Sally or Anth.  I should be referred to as Ensign Zerma.  Zerma is my family name like McCutcheon or Falleg-Tekin.  However, I'm more than happy for you to call me Meros when talking to me, we are, or I hope we are friends after all!" 

He came closer and lent in front of Ruthie to say in an undertone "And if you like Sally, go for it, she'd do far worse.  Just keep your hands, all of them, off Ruthie here... she's mine!!" then winked, gave Ruthie a peck on the cheek and grinned.

"We'll have to find Anth a girlfriend or a boyfriend maybe... I'm not sure how he's wired, he's a Scientist and most of us have our strange traits, him more than others!" then ducked a mock punch behind the backs of Pev and Ruthie from Anth.

"I'm into girls I'll have you know!  Haven't met a guy pretty enough yet!" Anth said with a look.  "Do you have Orions on Katra??"

[Meanwhile on the Bridge]

"Oh that's where they got to!"  The First Officer said with a grin and then rolled her eyes slightly.  "For clarification that's Ensign Zerma. Meros is his given name.  He won't mind but being married to a Bajoran myself the issue of names was a tricky one.  I'm still not sure how Ruthie's going to work that one out.  I think she may become Zerma-Tekin... but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

She shrugged and turned her gaze between Sirol and Kyan and put her 'all business' look on.

"Well least they're making themselves useful.  I imagine Ensign Sally McCutcheon is in the Brig doing something there but Theta band radiation levels increasing exponentially.... Ensign Pev is correct, there is danger of a gravitic shear.  Do we have anything from the probe yet?"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

Kyan was still standing behind the tactical console talking to Hrafn when Drake spoke up from the helm station.

"Coming up on the anomaly now." he called over his shoulder.

"Bring us to impulse then Mister Drake and keep us at a safe distance." Kyan replied, making his way around the console to his seat, partly so that he could see the entire viewscreen.. and partly because he wasn't keen on getting launched over tactical if things went south. It had happened before. And it sucked. Concussions were bullshit.

The diminutive officer had just gotten to his chair when the star field began to take shape. When it did, a large bluish... thing, which looked like the top view of a tornado came into view. The Relaketh was visible on the edge of black void that occupied the middle of the anomaly, but barely. In addition to which, the area surrounding them was full of what looked like plasma storms. The Lirpa shuddered as she was the gravimetric waves from the storm's forward edge made contact. Kyan was about to ask Drake if they'd stopped at the agreed upon distance when Pev's voice came over the com.

Quote from: Pev on March 01, 2022, 04:05:09 PM

"Commander Mackenzie, this is Pev. Ensign Meros has spotted a large storm approaching from the wormhole." The operations officer paused to tap several keys. "Theta band radiation levels increasing exponentially. Imminent danger of a gravitic shear. Recommend raising shields and initiating evasive maneuvers!"

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg-Tekin

She shrugged and turned her gaze between Sirol and Kyan and put her 'all business' look on.

"Well least they're making themselves useful.  I imagine Ensign Sally McCutcheon is in the Brig doing something there but Theta band radiation levels increasing exponentially.... Ensign Pev is correct, there is danger of a gravitic shear.  Do we have anything from the probe yet?"

"Aye Mister Pev, Sure and we're right in it's path and nothing to be done for it the now." he replied, and then called over his shoulder to the Tamarian behind him. "Shields up Mister Topek"

Kyan was about to reply to Hrafn when the Relaketh disappeared and a beam of some sort lanced out from the center of the anomaly. Before he could act, it made contact with the ship. Suddenly the bridge and everyone on it was bathed in a bluish light. When he attempted to turn and look behind him, Kyan found that he couldn't move, not even to speak. But he could still see the viewscreen, and whatever the beam was, it was pulling the Lirpa into the anomaly.

~~ Meanwhile, somewhere in Intergalactic Space, Beyond the Galactic Barrier ~~

Kiop and Liap stared at the images flashing over their screens. The contents of the Lirpa's computer memory was scrolling before them. Each of the people chosen from the ship would be outfitted in attire from their planet's history, so that the other aliens would get to see something of their heritage. It was also more fun to see epic heroes and legends competing than just people in plain clothes or uniforms.

"Liap, the ship stopped before the tunnel could get them." their father called out. "Can you use the tractor beam?"

The youth swiveled in his chair, his black eyes widened in equal parts shock and giddiness. "Yes father!"

Their father indicated the station without turning around. "Make sure you use the stasis setting. We can't have them tearing their ship apart like the Kazon did."

Liap bounded over to the tractor beam station and sat down. Within moments he'd engaged the device turned back toward his father. "The ship is tractored, they'll be through the tunnel soon."

Epic continued to monitor his screens, probably watching a match play out. "Send them to Game Lobby five." he answered. "And ensure the communications protocals are in place. At least one of them is a telepath."

~~ Back on the Lirpa ~~

Because there was nothing else that he could do, Kyan watched as the Lirpa exited the wormhole/anomaly thing and an asteroid with a flat surface came into view. Like nothing he'd seen before, the surface area of the asteroid had water, what looked like an island in the middle, and from what he could tell, an atmosphere. There was a small space station above, in "orbit" if one could call it that.

A few moments later, the beam had pulled them close enough for him to begin making out some small details of the station... like where the beam emitter was located.. and that there were several other.. no, dozens of other ships floating in the station's vicinity, some of which he recognized as belonging to Gamma Quadrant species. As the ships got closer, he felt the Lirpa's forward momentum stop and the beam dissipated. He turned back to ask for a report from Sirol but before the words could form, the familiar tingle of a transporter took hold of him and the bridge of his ship faded away into nothing.

Seconds later Kyan, along with those on the Lirpa's bridge and a few others materialized on the surface of the asteroid. The first thing he noticed were dozens of other aliens, most of whom he had never laid eyes on before, and most were just as confused as he was. And his confusion was furthered when he noticed the golden guitar in his hand... and the high collared, bell bottomed, rinestone encrusted jumpsuit that he wore.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on March 04, 2022, 12:14:42 PM

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

Because there was nothing else that he could do, Kyan watched as the Lirpa exited the wormhole/anomaly thing and an asteroid with a flat surface came into view. Like nothing he'd seen before, the surface area of the asteroid had water, what looked like an island in the middle, and from what he could tell, an atmosphere. There was a small space station above, in "orbit" if one could call it that.

A few moments later, the beam had pulled them close enough for him to begin making out some small details of the station... like where the beam emitter was located.. and that there were several other.. no, dozens of other ships floating in the station's vicinity, some of which he recognized as belonging to Gamma Quadrant species. As the ships got closer, he felt the Lirpa's forward momentum stop and the beam dissipated. He turned back to ask for a report from Sirol but before the words could form, the familiar tingle of a transporter took hold of him and the bridge of his ship faded away into nothing.

Seconds later Kyan, along with those on the Lirpa's bridge and a few others materialized on the surface of the asteroid. The first thing he noticed were dozens of other aliens, most of whom he had never laid eyes on before, and most were just as confused as he was. And his confusion was furthered when he noticed the golden guitar in his hand... and the high collared, bell bottomed, rinestone encrusted jumpsuit that he wore.

[Bridge - USS Lirpa]

Hrafn had waited in dismay as the ship was dragged and realised they couldn't do anything. When she was taken by the transporter beam her thoughts were of the kids, both those on the Lirpa and those back on Katra...

[Asteroid Surface]

When she rematerialised she looked around and everyone seemed to be wearing strange outfits but she was grateful to recognise most people in her immediate vicinity, and thousands she didn't, although the diminutive Elvis who could only be Kyan, was taking a great deal of effort not to giggle over. She wondered over the other aliens but she had seen the other ships when the Lirpa had stopped.

She found herself with her hair pinned up in 1940s fashion and an Army uniform from 1940s Earthern times.

It appeared that they were all dressed in some kind of cosplay meeting type gathering, since as she looked over at the group that were obviously Ruthie, Meros and Anth they seemed to be some kind of superheroes and there were others... if it wasn't that it would be totally farcical she would have had to pull everyone up for 'Uniform Irregularity' violations!

She wandered over to Kyan and grinned.  "So, Elvis... um... I'm Vera Atkins, SOE... do know everyone here?"  She bent down, picked up something that looked like a Webley revolver and stuck it in her belt and then slung a C8 Carbine over her shoulder.  Or least that's what they looked like to her.

[Meanwhile in the 'Scientists' gaggle]

"So what's THAT?" Ruthie asked pointing at the glowing circle on Anth's chest, showing just under his shirt.

"It's the indication that my Shwarma levels are incredibly low.  Can anyone eat in this place?" Anth/Tony asked looking around.  "These look interesting but I could improve on them." He said picking up a couple of phaser rifles and taking his Leatherman out of his pocket and then proceeding to start to take apart two of them pulling parts from each of them to build a new one.

"Jarvis... JARVIS... where is the god-forsaken visuals for this thing?" he asked annoyed.

"You want f*cking Jarvis when I'm wearing THIS?!" Meros said standing there in a red, white and blue spandex suit.

"LANGUAGE!"  Ruthie and Anth (Natasha and Tony) said automatically.  "Pay up... you owe me 20 bucks, you said he'd never swear!" Ruthie/Natasha said.

Meros/Steve picked up what might have once been a metal bin lid and 'frisbee'-d it over to Anth/Tony... "Make yourself useful, see if you can put straps on that so I can carry it!"

"All this and where's my bloody Shwarma?  I ordered an hour ago!"

"Um, I don't think you're getting Shwarma looking at this place, I don't think they even do Fries and a shake to go." Ruthie/Natasha said and was wondering, already assessing the terrain. She'd pocketed a couple of Glock like pistols and several sharp stones she reckoned she could throw if necessary.  She didn't know why she was prepping like this it was just instinctive.

Satisfied with his 'modifications' Anth/Tony stood up and did an experimental shot away from people at a rocky outcrop... it obliterated it.  "That'll do, pity I don't have the Mark 43 at least! But shows just how talented I am!" he said with a smug look holding his hands out wide in an 'Aren't I awesome' kind of pose.

At the explosive laser Ruthie/Natasha had instinctively backflipped backwards,, then landed in a crouched position, one leg outstretched balanced by her hand.

"It's a wonder you don't split that outfit it looks painted on!" Anth/Tony said of her catsuit.

"I can move better in it than a stupid Armani suit!  Cleans blood off it easier too!" she said with a sarcastic grin.

A young blonde came wondering over.  "Oh dear, have you seen a rabbit? It was white, but with all these weapons around I think it might have ended up as someone's dinner!"  Sally/Alice said worriedly.

"Hmmm can you make Shwarma out of rabbits... still I can't see any rotisserie spits around and..." he sniffed experimentally, "can't smell either roast meat, fires or rabbit shit so I think you're ok! Bunny is safe for now!" Sally/Alice looked alarmed and Meros/Steve assumed it was more about the language than the fact that bunny might end up as lunch.

"I'm sorry for my friend's language, when did you last see the rabbit?" Meros/Steve asked kindly.

"I don't know, but he spoke, I seem to recall he spoke." Sally/Alice said.

"She been on the Red Dust?!" Ruthie/Nat asked curiously.  "Really, talking rabbits...OK honey, you're safe here and we'll..." she looked at the 3 guys as if to say 'Well we've got nothing better to do!'  "... we'll try to find your rabbit."

At the back of their minds they knew they knew each other but right now names and such weren't registering.

Ruthie/Nat set off, arm around Sally/Alice's waist in the direction of another red head and someone who had to be wearing whatever world this was 's entire stock of rhinestones.

"Hello there!  Anyone seen a white rabbit?  A talking one?!" she asked but raised her eyebrows where Sally/Alice couldn't see to indicate it wasn't her that was 'Mad as a Hatter'.

[OOC - I don't know if they are supposed to know each other yet, also the 3 scientists I've had 'knowing' each other as their alter egos so when or if they are supposed to know who they are it's not a huge surprise.  'Steve' (Captain America)/Meros hasn't got his actual shield yet but if it's ok then he'll 'find' it later, Tony (Iron Man) Stark/Anth doesn't have Jarvis or any of the suits but he's a 'tinker' so he'd have a toolkit hence giving him the leatherman in his pocket.  Ruthie/Nat (asha Romanov - Black Widow) I haven't said she's got the Widow's Bite or her batons until they are 'cleared' but anyone may mention them.  And Sally/Alice is Alice in Wonderland obviously, looking for the White Rabbit, it makes her look like she's a psychiatric case.  And will someone PLEASE get Anth/Tony a Shwarma! LOL.  Hrafn is Vera Atkins, a WW2 heroine in my estimation.  She worked for SOE got the Croix de Guerre and Legion D'Honeur, a linguist too... seemed to fit Hrafn.]

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Gideon Drake

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | ???]

Gideon was befuddled. One moment, he was at the helm, and the next...where the blue blazes was he? Everybody seemed gathered like a masquerade ball, and Gideon found himself in RAF colours.

"Ahh...any idea what the bloody hell is going on?" Gideon asked.

"I'd like to say the same thing myself," said a familiar drawling voice. Gideon turned and was surprised to see Deej Cloten, the decietful little furball himself. But instead of his usual robes and dirtiness, he was covered head to toe in money, coins, gold-pressed latinum...he was basically a bloody walking pile of money.

"Okay, this has to be a bloody hallucination," he said.

"Then we gotta be sharing the same hallucination, flyboy," sneered Cloten. "You and everybody else."

Orum N'Jeer


[Asteroid Surface]

Anyone who knew Pev knew that he had a penchant for old Terran comic books, a hobby he'd picked up while attending Starfleet Academy in San Francisco on Earth. His roommate, a Terran named Roy Filbert (now Ensign Filbert, Sciences Division, USS Falstaff, currently researching rocks within the Paulson Nebula), was an avid collector, and had begun sharing digital copies with Pev. The S'ti'ach, who had no comparable media on his home planet, was instantly enthralled by the colorful, outrageous stories and artwork.

The story that had most avidly captured his imagination though, and the one that had sent him down the comic book rabbit hole, involved a Human named Peter Parker, who was a science student who was bitten by a radioactive spider and gained an outrageous and scientifically inaccurate set of arachnid-themed powers. In this one particular story, Peter Parker, in an effort to rid himself of the powers he considers troublesome, comes up with a formula that winds up giving him six arms. Being a four-armed creature himself, Pev was thrilled. And to make the story even better, a villain was introduced: a vampire named Morbius who was also a scientist.

Pev would never be sure that that was the reason he appeared as he did when he suddenly vanished from the Lirpa's science lab, but that was the reason he would go with.

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Gideon Drake on March 10, 2022, 08:38:51 AM

[Lieutenant Gideon Drake | ???]

Gideon was befuddled. One moment, he was at the helm, and the next...where the blue blazes was he? Everybody seemed gathered like a masquerade ball, and Gideon found himself in RAF colours.

"Ahh...any idea what the bloody hell is going on?" Gideon asked.

"I'd like to say the same thing myself," said a familiar drawling voice. Gideon turned and was surprised to see Deej Cloten, the decietful little furball himself. But instead of his usual robes and dirtiness, he was covered head to toe in money, coins, gold-pressed latinum...he was basically a bloody walking pile of money.

"Okay, this has to be a bloody hallucination," he said.

"Then we gotta be sharing the same hallucination, flyboy," sneered Cloten. "You and everybody else."

[Asteriod wherever the hell we are, Somewhere, Outer Space]

Hrafn looked at the Captain dressed as Elvis, Gideon dressed as a RAF pilot and then over where her daughter, Anth, Sally and Meros seemed to be superheroes, a girl in a blue dress and a guy in a suit with a glowing chest... then Cloten turned up.

"Ah, I'm not sure... I don't know if you know me, least not in this guise Mr. Cloten, but you know my children, I believe the miscreants found their way onto your ship.  I'm Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin. That's a bit of a mouthful for anyone so call me Ma'am or Hrafn! I don't believe it's an hallucination however Sir.  We all recognise each other, and our costumes are recognisable, at least to anyone familiar with the ideology behind them.  It's rather like the ancient Earthen thing of Comic Con and Cosplay meets, re-enactment, living history, Renaissance Fairs all rolled into one.  And it's starting to dawn on me potentially what this might be but by whom and why... I have no idea."

She recalled a time on Katra when they'd been semi-forced into playing a game by some alien visitors that came... potentially that could be what was happening here.

"Let us gather the facts.  The Lirpa at least was brought here by force, we were dragged into the wormhole and then caught in a tractor beam... thus not here by our own volition.  We were transported from our ship where we were on the Bridge in my case, and Gideon here was at the helm... although my daughter and young friends were in the Science labs and Brig if memory serves so it wasn't just what whomever has done this might perceive as the 'command and head personnel'.  Moments later we find ourselves here in various outfits.  I appear to be a bit of an idol of mine, Vera Atkins, Gideon is an RAF, that is Second World War fighter pilot, our Captain is Elvis Presley who was a 1960s ish Earthen Pop Music singer that women seemed to throw themselves and various undergarments at... my daughter and future son in law are superheroes from popular comic culture of the 20th and 21st centuries on Earth as is, I think our other Scientist there, if I'm right he's one of the same superhero group... chances are whomever is behind this thought it was funny to make them all people that knew each other in the comics.  And I think Sally... not sure, maybe someone from a book. You I think, what's the name of him... the Great Exchequer or something potentially... the one Ferengis revere?! Is that the same for you Sir?  I mean the abduction and finding yourself here, dressed um... differently." she asked of Cloten.

Sally, Anth, Ruthie and Meros wandered over.

"Has anyone seen a white rabbit?!" Meros/Steve/Capt America asked trying to be helpful.

"I still say rabbit shawarma sounds good!" Anth/Tony Stark/Ironman said.  "Oh by the way, try this on for size!"

"The star sign was on the other side, you didn't see.  ANY shawarma sounds good, I'm starved.  Oh hello, Dame Vera Lynn!" he joked.

Hrafn sighed.  "Anth, it's me, Hrafn. What have you been drinking? And the first name is right but I don't have the voice to sing like Vera Lynn.  I'm thinking more Vera Atkins, linguist and SOE operative.  You're Tony Stark, Meros there is Captain America or Steve Rogers hence the shield, Ruthie appears to be Natasha Romanov or Black Widow and since you mentioned a white rabbit I now know that Sally is masquerading as Alice in Wonderland... not that I'd call this a wonderland exactly."

Sally seemed to 'snap to' and nodded "That makes sense actually, it was the holonovel I was reading.  'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'.  Call off the search for the white rabbit, unless Anth totally wants shawarma!  I swear my brother has hollow legs! But I can't help thinking I'm going to be late for something.  And has anyone seen Ensign Pev?  I'm worried what they'll make of him.  He's a S'ti'ach so ... different.  That said there's this um... gentleman here..." she said of Cloten.

"I'm wondering what these are for..." Meros said waving his wrist and showing the panels on there.  "Any ideas?  And who the hell are they?!"  the Bajoran asked of the Captain and Cloten.

"Um, Ensign Zerma, Ensign Ruthie Falleg-Tekin, Ensign Sally McCutcheon, Science Specialist Anthony McCutcheon... Mr. Cloten an associate of ours from back at Katra Station, our CO, Lt. Commander Kyan McKenzie starring as Elvis Presley and you should know Lt. Gideon Drake... from one type of flyboy to another! Guys, my posse!" she said waving a hand over the 3 junior officers and Anth.  "Seen any more of the crew?"

"No, but something to note,.." Ruthie said puzzled.  "We sort of knew each other but initially we didn't know who we were.  Like I knew Anth was Tony Stark and we knew him... like Natasha Romanov would know him, and I knew Meros but not as my boyfriend, as Steve Rogers or Captain America, and Sally I seemed to recall like a book I'd read but not as my best friend.  Gradually things came back to us.  I don't know if that was intentional or what.  Also we saw you, and 'felt' we knew you but didn't know why.  Meros said on the way across he wondered if you knew Peggy... or if you were Peggy.  It seems we've all got something we obsess about, least us 4, and potentially you.  Anth's always fixing stuff, he's got a toolkit in his back pocket, Meros has Captain America's shield, there were Glocks right in front of me, and I don't know if I have other things that Black Widow would have, Sally was obsessing about the rabbit, and...Lt. Cmdr McKenzie has Elvis's gold guitar.  What did Mr. Cloten, Lt. Drake and yourself get?" she asked.

"Um... "  Hrafn looked in her pockets.  "I have this... it appears to be a list of daily codes and some addresses.  A compass and a mapbook.  Being a SOE operative I don't think I'd be carrying much.  The compass and map makes sense but whoever is doing this got it wrong that I'd be carrying codes, that would have been far too dangerous, unless I'm going to have to use that later.  It worries me that there are all these weapons laying around.  If you haven't already... arm yourselves, I have a feeling we're gonna need it."

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Orum N'Jeer


Surface of the Asteroid, Somewhere...

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on March 10, 2022, 12:07:16 PM

Sally seemed to 'snap to' and nodded "That makes sense actually, it was the holonovel I was reading.  'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'.  Call off the search for the white rabbit, unless Anth totally wants shawarma!  I swear my brother has hollow legs! But I can't help thinking I'm going to be late for something.  And has anyone seen Ensign Pev?  I'm worried what they'll make of him.  He's a S'ti'ach so ... different.  That said there's this um... gentleman here..." she said of Cloten.

At the sound of his name, Pev looked around the surface of the strange place they found themselves. Everyone was costumed differently. Some he recognized instantly: apparently he was not the only fan of sequential storytelling. Others were a mystery to him, though all looked quite comfortable in their respective outfits, and no one was wearing anything that could be thought of as scandalous by Starfleet standards.

"I am fine, Sally," he said, crossing the distance between them. "Oddly, whoever it is that brought us here saw fit to outfit me as a character from Terran comic books, like they did for Meros, Anth, and Ruthie. Why they chose this rather than something from S'ti'ach culture is unknown to me, but to be honest, I would much rather this than Odje Com-Fonty the Giant Umpha, which is a very popular series of children's books about a carnivorous plant. I, apparently, am Spider-S'ti'ach." With a dramatic flourish, the alien struck a pose, extending all four arms, and pressed the two middle fingers of each hand against his palms. Shockingly, thin streams of white viscous fluid shot forth from his wrists, covering Sally's midriff and arms!

Stunned, Pev instinctively pulled back, in an attempt to free both her and himself, but only succeeded in pulling her forward, bringing her to a halt just before they crashed into each other.

"I don't believe I will be needing a weapon," he called loudly to Hrafn, looking up at the web-encased "Alice."

"Misdirection is the key to survival. If knowledge is power then to be unknown is to be unconquerable." --The Romulan Way

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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