S3-M12: The Battle Royale

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, January 13, 2022, 11:22:05 PM

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Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 25, 2022, 04:36:41 AM

:: Forest Area | "Battle Royale" Asteroid ::

Kyan had been crouched in a bush since landing and getting the contents of the first chest. In the few moments between then and Hrafn and her crew landing, there hadn't been any enemies to shoot, so he had passed the time looking over the island map. There were structures to the west of them laid out like a town, labeled "Terran Town" on the map. He'd decided that once everyone had landed, that they would go there and gather resources, possibly set up a temporary base. Of course, they'd need to mind the storm too.

As far as tactics went, He'd be wanting to talk to Hrafn about it because there were really two options. They could be proactive and search for people to eliminate, which he knew wasn't really the "Starfleet style" or, they could be reactive, and let the fight come to them. If given the choice, Kyan almost always chose the former. But he was conflicted in this case. The terrain was unfamiliar. And who was to know how good the opposition was? Kyan had plenty of confidence in his own ability to survive in this type of environment. He'd been doing it for his entire life. But most of the crew around him, with the exception of the senior officers, were pretty green. And even then most of the senior officers were science types, not combat officers.

His thoughts were interrupted by noise above him. Kyan looked up to see some of the Falleg-Tekin squad making their landings. He sought out Hrafn as soon as she landed and made his way over.

Kyan looked up at Hrafn. "Sure and it looks like Sirol, Xasik, Reissen and Eydis are about three hundred and some meters northeast of here. And there's a bunch of building set up like a town about half a kilometer to the west. I seen it when I was landing. Looks like another group landed there, but it would be a good place tae be settin up a base if we can take it from 'em so it would." He paused momentarily, the framework of a plan taking shape. "Which is what I'm after knowin yer opinion on actually. D'ya think we ought tae be goin after folks so, or waitin til they come tae us?"

:: Forest Area | "Battle Royale" Asteroid ::

Hrafn tucked her hair up into her hat which she had taken off and stuffed in a pocket for the jump since it would just have flown off anyhow.  Some of her hair pins had come loose and her vibrant hair stood out a mile.

Half to herself she muttered "I wonder if the character changing thingy allows for changing your hair colour to a more... camouflaged sort of shade?" she gave a bemused grin at Kyan then went on stuffing her hair into the hat tucking it in best she could, it wasn't designed to have thick below shoulder-blade length hair and a head in it, so was largely unsuccessful.

"I think taking the town is probably a good bet, plenty of strategic locations to shelter, probably a good place for them to have put chests... maybe even if we take the town there might be a 'delivery' of chests as a sort of prize for taking it or reward, or whatever the previous occupants had to abandon... who knows.  Fact remains it would be a lot safer than out here and we could set up sniper points and defend.  I personally prefer defending, if we have a good place, even if it's one building, try to make it one where we can have access to the roof and pick off people one by one.  In the words of a Terran movie about zombies I once watched 'Lets go to Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over!'... ok that might not be the Winchester pub..." the First Officer said nodding in the direction of the town.

"...nor do I think other participants in this will be zombies or least I hope not, but having somewhere to hold, defend ... presumably if we and our team even hold ONE building and take out the rest... we win.  Sally... whatever is wrong?"

She looked to where Sally and Anth were coming through the trees and gave her 'worried Mother Hen' look.

"Twisted ankle and broken left arm on landing!" Sally said with a wry smile.  "Anth fixed the ankle with a medpack health thingy, but I don't think it works on broken bones, so still rather achy and I keep wishing I had spare arms like Pev!"

"Only my sister could manage such a spectacular landing of crashing into every tree on the way down! Any food in those crates?  I'm starving" Anth muttered, looking totally incongruous in his suit.

"If I didn't want the possibility of injuring my other arm, dearest brother, I'd thump you!" Sally responded with a look only siblings tend to give each other... one of bemused exasperation.

"Are you still on about those Shawarmas? Here,..." Meros threw across a protein bar.  "That'll have to do you.  I happened to spy two on a console up in that ship and nabbed them.  Sally, would you like the other? I'll open it for you if you want?"

"I'll share it with Ruthie if that's alright?" she answered.

"Yeah, your beloved and I don't even get a look in!" Ruthie grinned.  "It's ok Sally, you have it, might take your mind off the break... I can splint that if you want?"

"Might be an idea. It bloody hurts either way!" Sally responded.

"Language..." said a voice from alongside her.  It was muffled as Meros was turned and passing pouches to Ruthie to put on her belt as he stripped his to offer.  "Not perfect but a belt can act as a sling temporarily!  So what's the plan, Captain... we going to take that town?"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Hrafn Falleg

[Meanwhile, back at The Ranch Katra.  Falleg-Tekin Quarters]

[As NPCs Crista Le Prant - Falleg-Tekin Nanny, James McGrath - Crista's fiance, Tekin Nerys and Tekin Tidu the F-T twins, Tekin Lamar - Hrafn's youngest, Ujosso Cunzicht the (Klingon)Station School headmistress and best friend to Hrafn and Mary Smith the (Human-Vulcan hybrid) School Secretary plus 4 cats - 2 Siamese (McCavity and Mr. Mestopheles) and 2 Rigellian Blue x ? cats Lappy and Lazzy (Lapis and Lazuli - indicating their colouring.)]

"Well this is officially Wedding HQ..." James said picking his way, tiptoeing through a mountain of fabric samples, wedding booklets, magazines and sketchpads strewn on the floor.

"I'm waiting for being given cake testing duties!" Tidu said from the floor where he was helping Nerys and Lamar try to retrieve the fabric samples from underneath all 4 cats who had decided the satin, silk, ribbon, lace and piles of buttons were the comfiest thing on the station and to make a bed on it.  Nerys was colour co-ordinating the things the boys manages to easy out from under the felines and the cats were all giving out protesting growls, meeps and occasional hisses.

"Well if you'd just move Lappy or are you Lazzy?  I'd be able to get this piece of priceless Triaxian silk from under your over large butt." Nerys grumbled back at the cat.

"It's Lazzy, silly sister.. see she's got the more gold look on her paw here.  Lappy has the gold patch on his tummy.  Move for sissy... or no treats at bedtime... don't look at me like that!" Lamar said, unusually verbose when he spoke to animals.

The 4 adults looked at one another, then at Lamar who rarely said that many words in a month let alone in three sentences, and three...whole... sentences.  Together!  Wonders never ceased.

"Please tell me we are settled on the lilac now, Crista." Mary pleaded.

"I thought it was more Lavender... but you mean this lighter purple colour?" Crista asked.

"Yes, that one, I think it goes with everyone's complexion, it's not pink, and we can still put deeper purple, pink, yellow flowers with it."

"I am grateful for any colour not pink!" Ujosso grinned.

"ME TOO!" Tidu and James said almost in unison.  "I mean can you see me in a pink waistcoat?!" James said with a grimace.

"Actually, you are probably the only person it would suit but you look lovely wearing nothing..." Mary said with a smile, then, realising what she'd said she turned an attractive shade of beetroot herself and stammered "I-I m-meant n-nothing particular... you know jeans and a tshirt, N-not that y-you'd get married in jeans and a tshirt."

"Easy, Mouse, I know you didn't mean it in a bad way!" James said laying a soft hand on her shoulder and using the family pet name for Mary.  "So you settled on bridesmaids colours, I won't ask about your dress, my love but do you have the sample so I can get my, the boys and my best man's outfits sorted?"

"It's this one..." Nerys held out the Triaxian silk sample looking to Crista for confirmation before cutting it in half with some scissors, and handing one half over.  "Just so you have some and we have some to take to the dressmaker doing our dresses." she added and gained a look of approval from both Crista and Ujosso.

"I see we have a budding wedding coordinator here!" Ujosso laughed.

"Well, I could be if certain felines moved their collective butts to the bed or something!" Nerys laughed.  "Just seemed easier than us having to say 'Oh it's the one that the McGrath/Le Prant garments at 'Sew Guiynan' are being made from, they have to match. Or Uncle James forgetting to bring the sample back.  Plus I intend making a scrapbook for you Crista, I'll need the scrap of material when I make that!"

"That was supposed to be secret wasn't it?" Tidu said with a sad face.

"Only what we put in it and how it goes together!" Nerys said patting her brother on the back.  "It's from us three, so we all get input tho! Isn't that right Lambchops?"

Lamar, back to his quieter phase, seemingly having used up his quota of words in the flurry previously, nodded his agreement.

"Cards." he said simply.

"Cards?" Nerys enquired.

"Like birthday cards, or ... well messages how we going to put them in?" Lamar asked.

"Oh you mean like holomessages on the day from people who aren't going to be at the wedding or whatever? Hmmm... I have an idea forming for that, come here you two..." Nerys beckoned her siblings over into another corner, the cats missing the warmth of 3 bodies followed them to the other corner, whereupon Mary, Ujosso and Crista seized the opportunity to start clearing up the floor.

"Remember we have a gym class after this, Crista!" Mary said with a grin.

"Don't remind me... my fat is already recoiling in horror!" Crista said with a laugh.

"Well if you want THE dress, you're going to have to suffer!" Ujosso said with a 'significant look' "Be grateful I'm not putting you through KDF boot camp exercises!"

"THE dress?" queried James.  "You've picked one?"

"I have but it's like 4 dress sizes too small, and while our dressmaker could make one the same it just wouldn't look right on a fat woman." Crista said with a shrug.

"You're not fat, you're cuddly. Anyhow I believe you have a gym session and I'm left minding the miscreants... four footed and two footed varieties... it's ok, I want their opinions on my choices of a wedding gift." James said with a smile.

"Oh I'd forgotten about a pressie for you!" Crista said with a hint of panic.

"You are all the present I need, my love!" James responded helping her to her feet then giving her a swift kiss.

"Oi, not everyone has a Prince Charming!" Ujosso said from the floor.  James gallantly helped up Mary then Ujosso, offering her a kiss too.

"Get off you idiot!  I meant the retrieving from the floor not the kiss!" she said laughing.

James theatrically kissed her hand and then smiled and went over to the kids.

"Gym time!" said Mary happily and they sauntered out of the door.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"



Xasik Speech
Xasik Lattice
Emerald Speech
Emerald Lattice

[Intergalactic Space]

One moment he had been in the area and the next he felt his body begin to tingle before the feeling of weightlessness took him as everything around him vanished. For a few terrifying moments he wondered if he had died and this was a kind of torture loop in the afterlife, but the thought vanished just as quickly as everything around him came into focus and his eyes adjusted again.

Confusion coursed through his mind as he studied the strange new environment. He and the rest of the group were in some kind of strange vehicle that was swaying as it moved. It was a confined space and he could feel his claustrophobia beginning to spike.
"œWhat the?" He muttered to himself as he looked around with his typical Reman grimace expression in an attempt to hide his discomfort.

"œDoes anyone have any idea what in the name of Vorta Vor is happening?"
His question was seemingly answered by a holographic Klingon that explained what they were expected to do. So they were expected to battle others for "˜glory'.
Wonderful. He had thought he had escaped this kind of thing when he had escaped Romulus but life had a wonderful way of reminding him otherwise.
Listening to the holographic Klingon's words, Xasik tried to focus on the information and come up with a survival plan in his mind.

Focusing on those who he now recognized as his group was the only thing Xasik could do to keep himself calm. He focused on their words as they tried to formulate a plan while he looked around at the other people. His stomach dropped when he realized that there were people jumping out of their vehicles.
Were they supposed to jump too?! He closed his eyes and swallowed hard. Kyan, Pev and Sirol were indeed discussing places to jump.
Are you crazy? He wanted to cut into the conversation, but instead held his tongue. They must have been to even consider jumping into the unknown. He had been trained for such situations in his youth and it was never a fun experience.

"You want us to jump out of a moving vehicle from this altitude? Into an unknown situation? You don't need to be an expert in physics or battle tactics to know that that's a terrible idea!"
He signed deeply as he felt someone tapping him on the shoulder. He looked to the point of contact and noticed the strap curving over the shoulder of his outfit. It was then that the weight of the object registered to him. A backpack? Probably a parachute judging by all the people jumping. He could also feel the weight of the weapons he had picked up earlier strapped to his body


Well, if they were going to die, at least they would do so with style.

He watched with a tight chest as Kyan was the first to jump, followed by Sirol and Eydis. He decided to waste no more time, even if he knew this was crazy. He gave one last look around the battle bus at those who had yet to jump before he ran for the exit and jumped.
"œKATRA CREW!" He bellowed as he leapt. These were his people and he would fight with everything he had to keep them safe.

As the wind whipped at his face and tore at his costume, the Reman allowed his combat training to take over. He angled his body to descend as fast as possible, right towards the forested area. The longer you were in the air, the more vulnerable you became so it was important to get to the ground as quickly and safely as possible. He waited for the last possible moment before deploying his parachute.

His landing was rough and it took a moment for Xasik to shake off the jarring pain in his legs and back. He wondered if the others had landed alright and began to make his way in the direction that he believed they had landed, making sure to stay quiet, hidden and to collect as many resources as possible. If his calculations were correct, he would soon catch up with his group. He hoped that everyone was okay and had landed safely. He smiled as he heard familiar voices and headed straight for them, making sure to loot every container along the way. He would share his supplies with the others when he caught up to them.


[Katra Station]

When they had stopped running, it was a small relief that washed over them as Humming Mother (Peylix) scooped them up. They could feel their presence and that alone made them feel a little better. They could feel the warmth from Humming Mother washing over them like a wave of calm and safe energy. They reached out their hands towards them, wanting to be as close as possible. They felt safe with Humming Mother, even though the coldness left by the other mothers absence was still strong.

It confused Emerald when they went to Humming Mother's den. They had been here before but right now they wanted to go back to Sharp Mother's (Xasik) den. Perhaps he would be back! Perhaps First Mother (Sirol) and Dear Mother (Eydis) would be back too! They should go and check!

More confusion clouded their mind as Humming Mother shed their shiny skin and released them from their bubble. It was comforting to the child to see Humming Mother without their usual shell but that also meant that they would be staying here and not leaving to find the other mothers. Emerald looked at Humming Mother and scuttled over to them. They squeaked happily as they were picked up. The comfort of contact with another being was more than they knew how to feel so they snuggled closer to Humming Mother. In their own way, they understood what Humming Mother was saying to them. They could feel their emotions and that conveyed all they needed to know. Humming Mother would not leave them.

Emerald gripped Humming Mother's arm with both of their hands just to make sure they didn't lose them too.
"œPeep squeak, chirp peep peep peep click." They squeaked softly to Humming Mother as they closed their eyes and just enjoyed the warmth.


Eydis heard the voice again and words that held no meaning for her. She tried to stand up on her wobbly legs not used to just two. Shi would suddenly pitch forward and head long into a crate. Making a loud bang and then a series of other noises associated with falling into something. Grasped the edge of the crate shi hoists hirself up over the edge and peers over the top of it.


Kyan Mackenzie

:: Forest Area | "Battle Royale" Asteroid ::

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on April 25, 2022, 08:11:36 AM

"Language..." said a voice from alongside her.  It was muffled as Meros was turned and passing pouches to Ruthie to put on her belt as he stripped his to offer.  "Not perfect but a belt can act as a sling temporarily!  So what's the plan, Captain... we going to take that town?"

Kyan glanced up at Zerma in his "Captain America" suit. He'd seen the character before... way before. Along with some of the Scottish comics he'd read back on Miri's Planet, he'd gotten ahold of a few American ones too. This looked like an updated version of the character though. The helmet with the wings and big gaudy "A" on the front were missing. He did still have the shield. Couldn't very well get rid of that.

"Aye." he nodded at the Scientist's question. "So we are. But first we need to make sure we're all accounted for, and that we have enough supplies. And since you already have a blue shirt... you can be in charge of that.

He then turned back to Hrafn. "Sure and a think a two team assault is best. You'll lead the one, and I the other one. There's a tower in the middle of the village which makes a good sniper nest, and a few two story buildings what can see the road. Once we have it, we can set up some obstacles and explosives on the roads into the town so people can't come in with vehicles... if there are any. And it's pretty close to the center of the island so it is... we might be gettin lucky when the storm starts moving."

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 13, 2022, 04:07:09 AM

:: Forest Area | "Battle Royale" Asteroid ::
Kyan glanced up at Zerma in his "Captain America" suit. He'd seen the character before... way before. Along with some of the Scottish comics he'd read back on Miri's Planet, he'd gotten ahold of a few American ones too. This looked like an updated version of the character though. The helmet with the wings and big gaudy "A" on the front were missing. He did still have the shield. Couldn't very well get rid of that.

"Aye." he nodded at the Scientist's question. "So we are. But first we need to make sure we're all accounted for, and that we have enough supplies. And since you already have a blue shirt... you can be in charge of that.

He then turned back to Hrafn. "Sure and a think a two team assault is best. You'll lead the one, and I the other one. There's a tower in the middle of the village which makes a good sniper nest, and a few two story buildings what can see the road. Once we have it, we can set up some obstacles and explosives on the roads into the town so people can't come in with vehicles... if there are any. And it's pretty close to the center of the island so it is... we might be gettin lucky when the storm starts moving."

:: Forest Area | "Battle Royale" Asteroid ::

As Lt. Cmdr Hrafn Falleg-Tekin (XO currently WW2 SOE 'spy') and NPCs Ensign Zerma Meros (Science, currently Capt. America), Ensign Sally McCutcheon (Security, currently Alic in Wonderland), Anth McCutcheon (Science, currently Tony Stark/Iron Man), Ruthie Falleg-Tekin (Science, currently Black Widow)

Meros nodded his assent.  "Aye Captain, Ru... erm Ensign Falleg-Tekin and I spotted a few more crates over that direction..." he gestured with a gloved hand somewhere to his right. "So we can easily get everyone kitted up and scout for more.  I should add that I did fairly well... top 5 in marksmanship so I'm not totally useless physically either, and I have the shield, which is way cool! Um... I mean... it's very useful Captain.  Oh lord... I'm Captain too... I think if we stick to our Starfleet Ranks no one will get confused!"

"Suits me!" Ruthie said giving a nod.

"Probably a good idea Ensign, and for the sake of argument and while we are on this mission only, if Captain Mackenzie is agreeable, you may refer to me and Ruthie as Ma'am and Ruthie since 2 red-haired Falleg-Tekin females are enough to confuse anyone!" Hrafn said on a short laugh.

"Erm, Ma'am?"  Hrafn raised an eyebrow quizzically.  "Totally off topic, but how are the twins and Lamar to be addressed?"

"My 3 youngest are all Tekin then their given name.  Ruthie took my surname since she is only adopted by Captain Tekin but she wanted to honour him, which is the same as myself... we had to find a name that worked when I married my husband, but since at the time we were both Ensigns and serving on the same ship... although we didn't know the day after the wedding he would be transferred but that's another story entirely... it seemed prudent to have 2 distinct names so that the comms didn't get confused and have 2 Science Ensigns arriving at the same spot!  So I took Falleg-Tekin and he was Tekin as always.  Similarly, Ruthie gets the benefit of our names both being rather well known so mess with her you'll have Captain Tekin and me both breathing down your neck!"

Meros looked worried and stammered "Ma'am.. I-I..."

The XO looked bemused and then softened.  "I meant anyone by 'you'... not you personally Meros, I know where you live... literally and figuratively and I know your parents so.... yeah! Now hop to your task!"  Meros gave a mocking 2 finger salute to his temple in Hrafn's direction then skipped off with Ruthie to find more supplies.

Turning to Kyan, she said "Good plan Captain, once Ensigns Zerma and Falleg-Tekin get us all kitted out and supplies in, who you putting in which teams?  I know you want 2 teams, and let me know which position you wish to take, I'm equivocal about either.  Ensign McCutcheon... I know you're injured but how are you about at least talking someone through setting up explosive traps?"

"If they promise to follow my instructions to the letter..." she said looking pointedly at her brother who held up his hands in mock surrender.

"When it's important Sis, I listen to whomever has the expertise, just the same as if it were a Science thing I'd hope you'd defer to me or Commander Falleg-Tekin or even Ruthie and Meros...Besides hello... despite the lack of shwarma around here, I am still a weapons expert!"

"Exactly, so that's good.  Actually, Ensign Pev, do you have any explosive experience?  If me, Anth and Pev can set up roadblocks, explosive traps and the like, then join whichever team we are joining... then we could kit out the whole town if we are quick about it."

"I like it... Captain?, Ensign Pev?" Hrafn answered.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

🡱 🡳

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