The Celendazure Run (Gideon/Sirol/Xasik/Kyan)

Started by Gideon Drake, September 13, 2021, 12:56:45 AM

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Gideon Drake

[Praetor Domitian | Domitian's Base | Unroth System | Former Romulan Star Empire territory]

In his dreams, Domitian dreamt of his old life. The life he led a century and a quarter ago. The warlord who proclaimed himself a praetor among his faction, hoping he could reestablish the Romulan Star Empire...but before all that, he was Naitimod, a young scholar with ambitions, though Naitimod sounded ridiculous, so he reversed the name to make it sound better: Domitian.

He was a young scholar who shared a dream with a young budding politician named Pardek. They discussed at length the possibilities of reunification, rejoining the Romulans with the Vulcans. It was idle talk, but Domitian grew more and more serious about it. Fearing what would happen to them, their reputations, to promote such a radical approach, Pardek betrayed Domitian to the Tal Shiar, and so they sent him to rot in the pits of Remus.

The Pits...a deep dark abyss whose reputation is matched only by the Klingon's Rura Penthe. The ambitious scholar in Domitian died that day. He learned to survive. A hundred years in the Pits of Remus drained all color from his face. Then again, living a hundred years in the dark would do that to anybody.

He never cared for events on the outside, save a few snippets the Tal Shiar dropped temptingly, mostly to torment him. The only thing that shocked him was the news that Pardek really did attempt the process of reunification. He had struck a friendship with the most unlikely person imaginable: Spock of Vulcan. Spock had replaced Domitian in Pardek's friendship, and, again, it ended in betrayal: Pardek participated in an attempt to conquer Vulcan.

As Pardek once betrayed Domitian to preserve his reputation, so Pardek had betrayed the very idea of reunification to satisfy the Star Empire. The irony shocked Domitian utterly.

Years later, the Tal Shair would be back, but this time with an interesting offer: The Romulans were at war with an empire from another quadrant known as the Dominion. They had heard of his reputation of brutality and wanted him to lead troops of Remans to battle against the Dominion. A chance to get out of the Pits of Remus.

So for the first time in a hundred years, Domitian left Remus to lead troops. Of course, there was another non-Reman prominent in the war that led the Remans to victory: A human clone named Shinzon. But Shinzon was a blink of an eye compared to Domitian. His warbird chambers were decorated with the bones of Jem'Hadar, and the war had left an impression.

Taking advantage of the lull of peace, Domitian took his chance to hide. He struck deals with criminals from the Orion Syndicate, acting as a mercenary. Those loyal to him joined him. Then the Hobus Star destroyed both Romulus and Remus.

Taking advantage of the instant dissolving of the Star Empire and the factions that followed, Domitian wasted no time in declaring himself Praetor of a New Romulan Empire. The problem was that he had too few resources, both with his loyal band and criminal associates, to attempt to conquer. But they were enough to conquer Unroth and establish a base. And so he continued the lucrative trade by means of the Celendazure Run, a profitable route subtly passing through Federation and Klingon space going through two nebulae: The Celendi and the Azure nebula. Transportation brought him money and resources. Not men, yet anyway. He was sure the Tal Shiar, under Vreenak before his untimely demise, was developing a Jem'Hadar cloning facility to work with a potential alliance with the Dominion, half his men has been searching. Then there was the fact that he had to deal with the blonde harpy Sela...

...but no setbacks. Profits came in, especially with the slave trade, especially selling Reman slaves, Remans who disagreed with him. Tankers filling up sirilium at the Azure Nebula going to and from Unroth and Verex...

An uhlan appeared in his chambers. Domitian looked up. He knew perfectly well nobody was to disturb him unless absolutely necessary...

"Yes?" Domitian asked in an unctuous voice.

"We have a problem, Praetor," the man said nervously. "We lost one of our freighters at the Azure Nebula."

"How did this happen," the warlord said in a low, dangerous tone.

"They were trying to rush things by fueling their engines with sirilium. The resultant explosion has crippled the ship. The Federation has impounded the ship, once they towed it away. Our spies on Starbase 84 has confirmed it."

Domitian closed his eyes and grit his teeth. Those fools. And if that was also a slave ship, sooner or later, they were going to be found by the Federation.

"No chance of escape or purging them?" he asked.

"Our spies will do the best they can," said the uhlan.

"Try harder," he said. "If the ship gets beyond our reach, we risk exposure. Meantime, I think we need to notify our friend Narran."

"At once, Praetor. Jolan tru," said the uhlan in farewell.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Brig | Promenade | Katra Station]

Gideon had stopped by the brig to enjoy seeing the security on the station make the little bugger squirm. Or to make his life uncomfortable as possible.

Deej Cloten was busy lounging, a cigar in his mouth. A security officer was trying to rouse him.

"Wake up, furball," he snapped. Cloten opened one eye and saw the two officers.

"Come to gloat?" he asked.

"I did," Gideon said in amusement. "I really enjoy watching the whole hullabaloo."

"About time you're awake," snapped the grunt. "Now, there were a couple of Orions here last night. What do you know about it?"

Cloten feigned disinterest, though he heard the exchange; the only race to match his sharp hearing were El-Aurians and Ferengi. He heard the Orion visitors talking to his Orion crewmembers, the ones who defied his policies of not transporting slaves. He could hear some excited whispers: Something about a rare crossbreed on the station they're intending to grab and something about trying to kill Cloten once they get the chance.

Cloten figured his chances of survival were good. Anybody trying to bump off a rat wouldn't get far; Starfleet security grunts would be on them faster than a targ to a hog on a spit. But the crossbreed got his attention. They were slavers, no doubt, but what crossbreed on the station could they be here for?

"Hell if I know," growled Cloten. "Now, am I to expect anybody from Starfleet's head honchos about my information?"



Senator Ternan   &     Sirol

< Katra Station / Sirol's Quarters >

Romulan Free State Senator Ternan Sirol's face seemed like a static image, just attentively listening to his daughter's explanations and occasionally acknowledging her words with a calm "œMmmh,".
He should have known that something like this would happen sooner or later, she was an alien specialist after all, so the idea of"¦ Intimacy"¦ With them was no unlikely possibility.
Despite his own upbringing, he did not judge her, but wished her the best, although he was"¦ Admittedly intrigued about her choice
"œYou say shi is a"¦ Captain?..." He eventually asked. "œ...And shi entrusted you with hir squad? A great gesture of trust indeed..."

Sirol tilted her head, semi-surprised about his choppy, slightly awkward question. "œWhy, yes. Shi went to save the hatchling, while I was coordinating the warriors via the Lattice. My knowledge of the station's architecture and security systems plus their expertise and capabilities in both, combat and communication. It was a logical choice."

Ternan slowly nodded, visibly processing her words - Through the rose tinted lens of a father"¦
"œIt is"¦ Alright"¦ You know? We live in... Different"¦ Better times, and I would"¦ Welcome any partner of yours... Romulan, Human or even Tholian
The Free State and the Tholian Assembly are slowly but gradually increasing their mutually beneficial connection each year - Thanks to pioneers like your Captain Eydis or our Mediator Zhukene here with the Flotilla, as well as people like you. I believe there is no shame in"¦ You know"¦ Exploring new frontiers..."

Sirol's neutral face slowly but surely phased into sheer bewilderment. Raising an eyebrow at her father's words she awkwardly cleared her throat.
"œI am afraid you misunderstand"¦ Our connection was"¦ Is"¦ Not of romantic nature"¦ At least"¦ I would assume"¦
It is difficult to explain the experience to an outsider"¦ I am still learning my own ways navigating and grasping the Lattice myself..."

The Senator slowly nodded and folded his hands together to support his chin.
"œI"¦ Understand. In either case. I am glad to hear you found a Captain"¦ A friend... To look up to.
And I am even more glad you found help and support.
Take your time"¦ Spend some of it with the Captain or the cute little Tholian baby you told me about; permit yourself positivity and recharge..."

The scientist nodded, slowly stroking the Uropygi on her lap, then giving her father a little smirk.
"œThat is what I am aspiring to do."

Ternan gave her a satisfied nod, then reached over for the little panel on his desk, ready to end the call.
"œ...And know that, what- or"¦ Whom- ever you choose to be with, you have an old father being out there happy for you, no matter what..."

Sirol gave her father a polite bow.
"œThank you."

As the screen turned black she eventually buried her face in her hands.
Calling this dialogue embarrassing would have been the understatement of the century... She knew that he meant well, but his nature of approaching her private matters was"¦ Unnecessarily intense in aspiration, and awkward in execution"¦
But he was not wrong"¦
She would seek to spend more time with her new friends before the next wave of impending doom would hit the station.

It was early morning and she would only ever have to attend Gamma shift today, meaning she had plenty of hours at her disposal.
She had promised to spend time with Emerald today, but she and Xasik had not made any concrete appointment - much to her dissatisfaction.
But then again she did not wish to interfere with his time management. He was after all taking care of two, so he would be the one to set up the rules.
In either way though, she saw no harm in nudging.
Yesterday already she had replicated a new toy for Emerald: A little plushie resembling a Tholian of Emerald's child proportions, although maybe a third of their size.
After the child's first reaction to seeing Eydis, Sirol had decided that it would be important to get the child used and comfortable to not just the mental presence but also the visual sight of their own people from an early age.
The little plushie was sky blue, made of heat resistant, flexible and soft material and had a little bell on the inside, so it would jingle as Emerald would move it around and play with it.

Reaching for the little plushie she shoved it in the pocket of her lab coat and slowly got up from her gym ball, then tried to reach out for the child via the Lattice, to probe whether or not they were already awake.
All of a sudden though her facial features seemed to drop.
She could not pinpoint Emerald.
Was the little one alright?

Not losing any time she tapped her comm badge to call Xasik and make sure everything was alright.
=/\="œSirol to Specialist Freeman. I am calling to remind you of our meeting today. I was planning to come by in the next 12 minutes, but Emerald seems to still be asleep"¦ That seems atypical. Is the little one alright? =/\=

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix



[Katra Station | Xasik's Quarters]

Sharp pain was the first thing his mind registered as consciousness slowly washed over his body. Xasik didn't know where he was or why his body was aching, why his head was pounding or why he could taste a metallic tang in his mouth. His eyes refused to open and the fog of his mind refused to clear. He felt halfway between being crushed by a boulder and floating in air. The tingling should have been annoying but he found no strength to actually be annoyed by it.

It took a few moments of groggy thought before Xasik realized that he that he couldn't move. His energy had been zapped and really, he didn't want to move anyway. Sleep called to him like a siren of myth and he was so ready to follow the call. His eyes fluttered but remained closed as his mind floated and pounded.

Why did his bed feel like a slab of stone?

He was ready to drift off and be lost in the mists of his mind when the chirping of his comm badge pierced through the veil of his nonsense thoughts.

Quote from: Sirol on September 13, 2021, 04:27:09 AM

=/\="œSirol to Specialist Freeman. I am calling to remind you of our meeting today. I was planning to come by in the next 12 minutes, but Emerald seems to still be asleep"¦ That seems atypical. Is the little one alright? =/\=

Sirol? Why was she calling in the middle of the night while he was supposed to be sleeping? How rude. He ignored the hail and tried to go back to sleep, but then everything came rushing back to him. He wasn't in his bed, he was on the floor! Why was he on the floor? He remembered a sharp pain in his right buttcheek and a thudding blow to the back of his head, then nothingness.
Emerald! Where was Emerald?

"œEm?" He managed to slur out. "œWhere?"
When he got no response his heart started to race. Where was his child?! Why couldn't he move? Where was the signature squeak he had become so accustomed to? Emerald always answered him back when he called them. "œEM!"

He opened his eyes to a blurry world that he could barely make out. Memories of dark boots walking past his vision came rushing back to him. Whoever they had belonged to now had Emerald, he was sure of it.

It took all of his strength to move his right arm and maneuver it just enough to tap his comm badge.

=/\= "œHelp," he slurred. "œSirol, please. They've got Em. Please"¦.." =/\= His energy failed him and his tongue felt as if it was made of lead. He didn't even have the energy to tap his comm badge and end the call. All he could do was lie there, his breathing heavy and labored as his mind raced with panic. He had failed as a father, failed to protect his child and now he was helpless to do anything at all. He hoped Sirol had heard his plea and was on her way.


< Katra Station / Sirol's Quarters â†' Xasik's Quarters >

Quote from: Xasik on September 13, 2021, 07:06:59 AM

=/\= "œHelp," he slurred. "œSirol, please. They've got Em. Please"¦.." =/\= His energy failed him and his tongue felt as if it was made of lead. He didn't even have the energy to tap his comm badge and end the call. All he could do was lie there, his breathing heavy and labored as his mind raced with panic. He had failed as a father, failed to protect his child and now he was helpless to do anything at all. He hoped Sirol had heard his plea and was on her way.

From one second to another, Sirol stiffened up, feeling the adrenaline rushing through her body and her mind tensing.
Despite his unconventional humour she knew he would never spread false information - Especially not when it came to anything concerning Emerald.
The tone in his voice instantly gave her goose bumps. He sounded"¦ Not quite there"¦ Panicking, but too weak to properly express it.
=/\="œOn my way." =/\=
She just replied and headed out of her quarters.

On her way she once more tapped her comm badge.
=/\="œSirol to Security, Specialist Freeman states that someone took his child, by his sound I suspect he might have been knocked out; The child is a Tholian, so there might be a political motivation behind trying to get ahold of them..." =/\=

She took one deep breath, then once more made a call.
=/\="œSirol to Med Bay, please send someone to Xasik Freeman's quarters, his last transmission indicates that he might have been attacked. I will meet you there." =/\=

Once more she tried to reach out for the child, yet once again she was not able to sense them. Of course this did not have to mean much, just that they were not utilising the Lattice right now, but any possible tool had to be utilised right now. So instead she reached out to the Tholians currently aboard Katra, stating the situation and asking for assistance with finding Emerald"¦

As she arrived in Xasik's quarters she instantly searched the room for Xasik, only to find him lying on the floor roughly in the middle of the main room.
Hunkering down she checked for his breathing pattern, his pulse, as well as examining his head for any indications of potential trauma. Luckily neither of the factors in question raised any concerns, yet she still decided to not yet move him, but wait for the arrival of the medics and their assessment first.
One thing though caught her instant attention. A small object in his rear end; something that looked like a little dart"¦

Squinting she began to scan the object, then placed one hand on his forehead and gave him a serious look.
"œWorry not"¦ Security will head out to find Emerald, and you will be better again in no time..."
She quietly spoke, then looked over her shoulder, expecting the medics' arrival.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Security Office | Katra Station ::

Kyan did his best to remain motionless and expressionless as he watched his opponent across the table. The Human crewman had been placing his hand on a piece, moving it, and then moving it back without removing his hand for the past several minutes. The little Miran's patience was wearing thin. Chief Vance had mentioned that the young grup was a good player, but Kyan hadn't seen it yet. Although he supposed that Vance would say that if Crewman Freckles had beaten him already.

Vance himself was middling at best. His game was predictable. And he was slow to adapt to unorthadox strategies. He played safe. So Boring! But he was good at defense... kinda. That's why Kyan made him Brig Chief. Generally speaking, criminals were predictable. Vance had been around long enough to know most of their tricks, so he could anticipate them.

Kyan usually used Chess as a way to determine which area to assign new people. Good on offense? Tactical. Defense? Security Patrols, Armory, or the brig. And if they beat him? They got to choose. That was rare though. Kyan played chess like he did most other things, in his own way, and on his own terms. He'd been playing long enough to know how to counter most defensive set ups, and how to attack most players. People told alot about themselves playing chess, and picking up those bits of information was almost as important as the pieces on the board.

Freckles briefly fingered his queen side bishop, but after thinking for a few seconds he moved a pawn up, signaling a challenge to Kyan's queen side knight. It was a clear indication that he wasn't working his own plan, but simply reacting to the game as it progressed.

Armory. Kyan thought to himself. He then moved the pawn in front of his king, threatening the square that Freckled intended to occupy with his pawn on his next move.

Quote from: Sirol on September 13, 2021, 08:40:28 PM

=/\="œSirol to Security, Specialist Freeman states that someone took his child, by his sound I suspect he might have been knocked out; The child is a Tholian, so there might be a political motivation behind trying to get ahold of them..." =/\=

Rising from his chair, Kyan tapped his own com badge. =/\= Mackenzie to Sirol. We'll be there in a few minutes. =/\= He then addressed the room. "Ok boyos. Lock down the station. No ships can dock or leave. And we need to watch the sensors in the civilian section and see if we can see when they showed up and when they left."

Everyone in the office jumped to their assigned tasks as Kyan, Vance, and another Petty Officer made for the door. Once there, Kyan looked back at the table where the Crewman still sat. "Oh yeah! Freckles." he called over, prompting the crewman to look over.


"While we're gone, go and ask Cloten about the Kennel Gang." Kyan deadpanned. In the corridor Vance gave the other Petty Officer a knowing grin. "They are operating in the K-9 system. We've been trying to get something on them but no one has been able to. He knows something so he does so don't let him fool you. Make him talk!"

Freckles face lit up, happy for such an important sounding assignment. "Aye sir. He answered.. I'll get it from him!"

Kyan smiled. "Yup! Off ye go then." With that, Kyan joined Vance and the other Petty Officer in the corridor and started for Xasik's quarters.

~~ 5 minutes later ~~

When they arrived, Sirol was in the room with Xasik, as well as a medic and a female that Kyan hadn't met before. She looked upset, perhas moreso even than Xasik, but then Remans were a diffucult race to figure out by outward appearance alone. "Ok. Kyan looked up at Vance. "Its Xasik I'll talk to, and Vance you talk to her." he said, indicating the woman. While Vance nodded and went to the woman, Kyan approached Xasik and Sirol.

"Mister Xasik." Kyan offered quietly. "Its sorry I am tae be metting you like this. We got the station locked down and are checking all the docked ships and looking at the sensor logs. Dinnae worry. We'll find Emerald. But for now.. d'ya know anyone who might be upset with you and have a reason fo taking them?"

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on September 25, 2021, 07:41:56 AM

Everyone in the office jumped to their assigned tasks as Kyan, Vance, and another Petty Officer made for the door. Once there, Kyan looked back at the table where the Crewman still sat. "Oh yeah! Freckles." he called over, prompting the crewman to look over.


"While we're gone, go and ask Cloten about the Kennel Gang." Kyan deadpanned. In the corridor Vance gave the other Petty Officer a knowing grin. "They are operating in the K-9 system. We've been trying to get something on them but no one has been able to. He knows something so he does so don't let him fool you. Make him talk!"

Freckles face lit up, happy for such an important sounding assignment. "Aye sir. He answered.. I'll get it from him!"

Kyan smiled. "Yup! Off ye go then." With that, Kyan joined Vance and the other Petty Officer in the corridor and started for Xasik's quarters.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Brig | Promenade | Katra Station]

Gideon looked up to see a flurry of activity and an additional, freckly security officer joining them.

"What's going on?" he asked, and when he was informed a child had been kidnapped he was agape, and he looked over at the little furball.

Cloten had actually opened his eyes and looked up, finally interested.

"Okay, furball, do you know who they are?" asked Gideon, not caring if he was not Security; if Cloten knew something, it would be good for him to tell him.

"Hmm," he said. "I suppose I can say who they are. Orion slavers. They dropped by a visit to see their green fellows," he added, nodding to the cell next to him, "mentioning they heard of some kind of crossbreed on the station. If they're gone, they got what they came for. No doubt they'll be heading for the Verex system by now..."

He paused, almost tantalizingly. Then he let out a toothy grin.

"They wanna know more? They'll just have to get in contact with their government, depending where they're from, to send a representative to me so we can make a deal about Verex. Maybe they'll do a faster job than the Federation can."

🡱 🡳

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