Welcoming Xasik's Child (open to all)

Started by Xasik, July 20, 2021, 01:49:48 AM

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[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]

Quote from: Sirol on August 25, 2021, 07:33:50 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >
Carefully they then leaned over again and gathered the newest records of the egg, then did a gesture towards Xasik Freeman, inviting him to come closer.
<"Worry not. The hatchling will be safe and healthy. In less than 45 minutes you will be able to hold them and welcome them.">

Xasik acknowledged Peylix's gesture and moved closer to the egg. It was very beautiful to look at. It had been beautiful inside the stasis container but in it's own environment it was simply stunning. The crystalline egg seemed far shiner than it had before, almost as if someone had buffed and polished it. It almost seemed to shimmer. The geologist was mesmerized by the sight. Never had he seen a prettier gem.

He had no doubt that under Peylix and Sirol's care the hatchling would be safe and healthy, still it was always a relief to be reassured of that fact. He had been waiting so long for this moment and now that it was here it almost felt that time had come to a stop. Less than 45 minutes wasn't really that long in the scheme of things but for Xasik in this moment, it would seem like a lifetime.

"œI can hardly wait," he admitted to Peylix while still staring at the emerald green egg. "œThis is without doubt the most terrifying and exciting thing that I have done in my life."
He watched as Peylix hunkered down next to Sirol to observe her work. Xasik didn't know what to do with his hands so he simply clasped them together as he observed the egg shimmering in the heat. It was truly beautiful and a sight he would never forget.

Quote from: Sirol on August 25, 2021, 07:33:50 PM

Sirol for her part looked up, exchanged silent nods with Peylix, then looked at Xasik and returned his smirk towards the comment about this place feeling like an oven.
"œI simulated statistically average temperatures, radiation levels and atmospheric pressure of the equatorial region of Tholia Prime.
Yet"¦ Oven, or not"¦ Please do not attempt to bring in raw food items to bake"¦
The evaporation and in extension food particles released into the room might prove"¦ Unappetising at best, indigestible at worst"¦ For the child..."

Snorting at her comment, Xasik turned to face her. Behind his visor he was grinning stupidly. Although his grin couldn't be seen, his voice betrayed his amusement as laughter infected his words.
"œDon't worry, I would never dream of trying to cook anything in here, especially now that you've mentioned radiation levels. I've already been exposed to enough radiation in my lifetime. I have no desire to ingest any more. Contrary to popular belief, not all Remans are controlled by their stomachs." He had to laugh as he remembered the first time he had met Sirol. He had taken one look at her Uropygi companion and his stomach had growled in hunger, a side effect of his childhood in the mines.
"œFor the record, the first time we met, I was not going to eat your Uropygi. My stomach growling was just an unfortunate consequence of learning to survive the mines"¦..and Romulus , but that's a story for another day. I would never allow my stomach to endanger the child in any way. I must say though that I am impressed by the effort you have gone to to simulate the correct environment. I appreciate it a lot, and I'm sure Emerald will when they get old enough to understand. Thank you Lieutenant."
Quote from: Sirol on August 25, 2021, 07:33:50 PM

Instead she smirked a little, and gently placed one gloved hand on the egg.
"œLittle Emerald will be lucky to have you.
I can only speculate about what growing up without parents might feel like, but I am glad and proud that people like you exist.
You know, it does not matter under which circumstances you and the hatchling found one another. All that matters is that they grow up in stable, loving company such as yours."

She then did a step to the left, giving Xasik access to her terminal if he chose so, pointing at a blue illuminated link on her workspace.
"œ...Would you like to initiate the process?"

Watching Sirol place a hand on the egg gently, Xasik mused over her words. "œGrowing up without parents is not easy. I knew my mother briefly before I was taken from her and placed in the mines as soon as I was deemed old enough to work. Her name was S'Kisik. I barely remember anything about her except that her voice was as smooth as a water-polished stone, and that she told me that I had her eyes. I had a sister too, born not long before I was taken. Her name was Riasek. I never met my father. S'Kisik told me his name was Tenuvik and that I looked like him.
I don't want Emerald to go through what I did, to feel utterly alone in a world that couldn't care less if you live or die. I want Emerald to know that they are loved and cared for every day, that there will always be someone to turn to for help."

Sirol's words had really touched him. He might have cried if he had been alone but as there was ample company in the lab, his stubborn pride kept his tears in check, for now. Never had he received such a compliment from anyone. People like him? He was just a man trying to make his way in life and ensuring that the child life had thrown at him would experience nothing but love, acceptance and support.
"œI am the lucky one. Emerald has given my life new meaning and purpose."

When she stepped to the left Xasik moved closer to her terminal and looked at the screen. He observed a blue, illuminated link and simply stared at it for a few moments. Would he like to initiate the process? Of course he would!

"œI would be honoured. Thank you." He couldn't hide the nervousness in his voice. With a shaking hand he reached up to touch the link, pausing for a moment to breathe deeply before pressing the command to initiate.

"œHere we go," he commented with another deep breath. "œThere's no turning back now."

Quote from: Chigorra on August 19, 2021, 11:44:30 AM

She placed the letter in the bag, and the charcoal in her pocket, right as the communicator chirped once more. Cursing the state of affairs once more, Chigorra rushed out of the room, hoping to one day get the chance to meet the new young creature properly... Someday.

Watching as Ambassador Chigorra rushed out of the lab, Xasik silently wished her well and hoped that whatever had demanded her attention was nothing too serious or stressful. The impression he had of her was very positive and he hoped that they would cross paths again in the future. He was still very curious about what was in the bag but he would have to satisfy his curiosity later. He was honoured that the Klingon Ambassador had made an appearance at Emerald's hatching day gathering and he was sure that Emerald would be too when told the story once they were old enough to appreciate it. He would be sure to keep the gifts safe for Emerald until they were ready for them.
Quote from: Eli Ferris on August 22, 2021, 10:47:37 PM

Eli stood and gave a respectful bow as the ambassador left. He could only imagine her life was one of constant demands. "Go with honor." He said, though it felt oddly lacking.

He looked over to Peylix and Sirol and Xasik. "Welcome, Emerald." he said. He liked the name, largely because the green gem was one that always appealed to him.

Eli's comment made Xasik smile behind his visor. It filled him with great joy to hear others as excited for the hatching as he was, and that Emerald was already so welcomed and cared for. Never in his life had he been blessed with so many kind souls offering to help him, never could he have imagined that he would have a child and that so many people would be willing to support and help him with that child. It was truly an alien concept to him. Had Romulus and Remus still existed and had he never escaped, he was certain that he never would have met or cared for any children he may have fathered, not because he wouldn't have wanted to but because he wouldn't have been given the chance. His new life was nothing that he had imagined.

"œThank you Lieutenant Ferris. Soon the Little Pebble will hatch and you can meet them properly."

Quote from: Sirol on August 25, 2021, 07:33:50 PM

Her hand still resting on the egg, Sirol nodded towards Lieutenant Ferris' words before she repeated them in a soft tone towards the egg.
"œWelcome, Emerald"¦ We are all very excited to meet you, you know?"

Watching the egg closely, Xasik once again smiled as he heard Sirol repeat Eli's words, and once again he felt the surge of pride and gratitude for all those who had taken the time to be here today to welcome Little Pebble into the world.
"œYes Little Pebble, we are all waiting for you."
His breath caught in his throat as he thought he saw a shimmer of movement within the egg. Perhaps his eyes were playing tricks on him.
"œThought I saw movement inside," he admitted as he moved to get an even closer look. "œWishful thinking perhaps. I'm so anxious and excited."
Quote from: Eli Ferris on August 27, 2021, 12:23:28 AM

Sirol's comment reminded him of an old prayer in Hebrew his dad had taught him.  "Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, she-asah lanu neis bamakom hazeh." He paused, rolling the Hebrew words over his tongue. It was difficult to get it exactly right. "It means 'Blessed are You, Lord our God, Sovereign of the universe, for the wonder we have experienced.' It is a blessing that my father taught me. I hope you don't. These moments bring that out in me."

Xasik himself was not a religious man. He had never believed in a God, or Gods but he appreciated the thought regardless. He accepted that other people had their own beliefs and he would never make anyone feel less for that they believed.
"œI appreciate the kind gesture," he remarked to Eli. A kind thought, blessing or action was always appreciated and welcome. "œThank you."
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 29, 2021, 04:48:56 AM

Kyan was religious himself, sort of. He followed the tradition of Georgian Wicca, which he'd been taught by June Mackenzie, his "foster mother." Although he didn't know any baby blessings off hand, and most of the other blessings that did stick with him centered on protection in battle, he figured that Eli's would be enough. After all, the Powers didn't care how you asked for their favor, so long as you did ask. So he simply nodded and made the invoking sign.

"Good prayer that." he offered. "So now that the baby's been given gifts, and the Powers know that we're after them being blessed... erhmm... when's it gonna hatch?"

"œSoon Lieutenant," Xasik replied to Kyan. "œVery soon. I have already initiated the process, so now it's just a waiting game. Healer Peylix said that within 45 minutes of initializing the hatching process would see the little one hatched and in my hands. Soon you will get to meet them."

Xasik was grinning like a fool, he knew he was, but he didn't care and no one could see his face behind his visor anyway. He turned his attention back towards the egg and placed a large hand against it gently. His suit did an excellent job of protecting him from the heat, but he could still feel a very faint hum coming from the egg, something that hadn't been there before.

"œYou feel that?" He asked Sirol. "œIt feels like it's humming!" He kept his hand gently against the egg and enjoyed the strange sensation before pulling his hand away in shock as the sound of crystal cracking filled the room. Looking at where his hand had been was now a slight crack.

"œOh it's happening!" He announced to anyone and everyone who would listen. "œIt's happening! The egg has a crack! Peylix! Sirol! Help! It's happening! Emerald is hatching!"



< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Sirol      &      Peylix

Quote from: Eli Ferris on August 27, 2021, 12:23:28 AM

"Your offer is most kind, Healer. You may transmit the information to me and I will follow up with questions as necessary." Eli liked to consider himself a quick study but the intricacies of such unique creatures as the Tholians was sometimes beyond him. It was why he preferred helm controls, computer systems, operational templates. It was all the more simple for him to keep track of. It was why he preferred being out on the frontier, seeing new things.

Peylix did a little nod towards Lieutenant Ferris.
<"Your interest is most exciting."> They answered back, honestly delighted about being able to share insights of their field to someone truly interested; truly fresh and willing to learn.
<"I will be looking forward to further converse with you if the need arises.
Am I the first of my kind you meet?">
Quote from: Xasik on August 29, 2021, 09:09:41 AM

"œDon't worry, I would never dream of trying to cook anything in here, especially now that you've mentioned radiation levels. I've already been exposed to enough radiation in my lifetime. I have no desire to ingest any more. Contrary to popular belief, not all Remans are controlled by their stomachs."

Sirol looked up to him in surprise. She did not expect him to take her casual advice as seriously as he did, but now as she heard his words, she was almost sorry for her comment earlier, worrying that it may have sounded like her doubting his professionalism at work.
Doing a gentle gesture with her hand she slowly shook her head.
"œPlease do not worry. I was not.. Actually"¦ Expecting you to establish a barbecue gathering is this room. At least not while the baby is around.
It was merely a"¦ Means of lightening the tension"¦ An unsuccessful one it seems."

She smirked a little and looked at him again.
"œ...I was not thinking to hint at any potential species-centric stereotypes. I do not believe in stereotyping anything from an outside point of view. It is subjective, inaccurate, demeaning and highly unscientific.
My apologies if it came across as"¦ Insensitive"¦ I did not mean to evoke that sort of"¦  Aura..."
Quote from: Xasik on August 29, 2021, 09:09:41 AM

"œFor the record, the first time we met, I was not going to eat your Uropygi. My stomach growling was just an unfortunate consequence of learning to survive the mines"¦..and Romulus , but that's a story for another day. I would never allow my stomach to endanger the child in any way. I must say though that I am impressed by the effort you have gone to to simulate the correct environment. I appreciate it a lot, and I'm sure Emerald will when they get old enough to understand. Thank you Lieutenant."

Once more Sirol chuckled a little and acknowledged his words with a quick nod.
"œNo need to worry. You were not the first one showing"¦ Strong emotional reactions to the Uropygi. I noticed this with many people aboard Katra.
And even if her presence might have triggered your hunger - It is one thing to have an instinct arise, but an entirely different thing to execute it - which you did not."

Looking at the Uropygi, she gave her little companion a warm little smile, wondering how much she would be able to understand about the situation they found themself in.
She had been trusting with Xasik today, so Sirol was certain she was aware of him being non-hostile, but what about the entire situation?"¦
Sirol knew of the Uropygi's involvement with the Tholians, so she assumed being around Peylix and - soon - Emerald would be a welcome, almost even familiar experience for her.

Focussing Xasik again, the scientist then acknowledges his compliment.
"œI thank you for your appreciation.
Data on Tholia Prime is surprisingly inconsistent to come by for an outsider. Luckily I had Healer Peylix lend me assistance by providing all the material I needed."

The healer looked up to Sirol, and gave her a hand sign of acknowledgement.
<"Our cooperation is"¦ Mutually beneficial. I am glad to be of assistance with helping the hatchling safely and as comfortable as possible develop.">

As Xasik continued to tell her about his familiar background, the scientist quietly listened and internalised his words. She could only imagine his harsh and unthankful upbringing. She sympathised with the other scientist, although she was not sure as to how to put her thoughts into words.

Quote from: Xasik on August 29, 2021, 09:09:41 AM

"I don't want Emerald to go through what I did, to feel utterly alone in a world that couldn't care less if you live or die. I want Emerald to know that they are loved and cared for every day, that there will always be someone to turn to for help."

Tilting her head and giving both, Xasik and the egg a little smile Sirol nodded.
"œI believe Emerald will know.
They will be certain of your care and love, considering that you show it in every action and with every word you speak."

She hesitantly paused, uncertain of how to phrase her next words.
"œI am"¦ Not an expert on particularly loving family relations, but from what I can see and sense from you, this child will grow up with all the love and support a young mind could hope for."

As the specialist eventually triggered the process, Sirol seemed to almost even hold her breath for a second.
The same tension was to be seen - or at least sensed - from Peylix, who once more hunkered down behind Xasik Freeman and Scientist Sirol, and closely observed the readings.

Quote from: Eli Ferris on August 27, 2021, 12:23:28 AM

Sirol's comment reminded him of an old prayer in Hebrew his dad had taught him.  "Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, she-asah lanu neis bamakom hazeh." He paused, rolling the Hebrew words over his tongue. It was difficult to get it exactly right. "It means 'Blessed are You, Lord our God, Sovereign of the universe, for the wonder we have experienced.' It is a blessing that my father taught me. I hope you don't. These moments bring that out in me."

As Lieutenant Ferris spoke again, Peylix curiously leaned forward, listening to what they could only conclude to be a human blessing to the child.
The healer did not understand the words, hence Ferris' translation being immensely useful. Of course they lacked the reference to put even his translated words into complete perspective, yet they understood the gesture, and did a polite little bow towards the Lieutenant, agreeing with Lieutenant Mackenzie.

Sirol too had attentively listened and internalised Lieutenant Ferris' words, and she just smiled at him. He was right, they were witnessing a miracle indeed, and she could not help but feel"¦ Touched"¦
An uplifting moment worth memorising and cherishing.
She - in the same manner Peylix had done before - did a little bow of appreciation towards the Lieutenant.
But also had she been curious about the fact that her universal translator had not picked up his language. She made a mental note to ask him about this later, but for now, her eyes and focus had to stick to the readings.
The initiation phase was the most crucial one.
Kickstarting an entire metabolism was an enormous amount of physical stress for the young one, so Sirol had to be sure that the process was as smooth as possible.

Quote from: Xasik on August 29, 2021, 09:09:41 AM

"œYou feel that?" He asked Sirol. "œIt feels like it's humming!" He kept his hand gently against the egg and enjoyed the strange sensation before pulling his hand away in shock as the sound of crystal cracking filled the room. Looking at where his hand had been was now a slight crack.

Sirol leaned a little forward, her hand still gently resting on the egg.
For a moment she closed her eyes, tried to take in the impression, feel the process that took place in front of her.
She could feel her legs getting a little wonky"¦
Just like Xasik she was anxious too; tense and full of bittersweet joy.
"œYes"¦ Yes, they are beginning to process"¦ I read activity on a cellular level and detect charges throughout Emerald's entire body"¦ They are waking up..."
Her voice was oddly weak, and it was obvious that she too was beaming with excitement and joy - almost as if Emerald had been her own child.
Quote from: Xasik on August 29, 2021, 09:09:41 AM

"œOh it's happening!" He announced to anyone and everyone who would listen. "œIt's happening! The egg has a crack! Peylix! Sirol! Help! It's happening! Emerald is hatching!"

Sirol could not help but instinctively laugh due to her body and mind not knowing how else to phrase the emotions she was feeling.
Peylix observed both of their reactions with utter fascination and wondered if this high amount of sentimentality was common for vulcanoid adoptive parents.
From everything the Healer knew, neither vulcanoids nor humanoids had particularly strong emotional bonds to one another, yet these two here almost behaved like.. Parents"¦ And Peylix could not even blame them. They too felt the bliss; the sensation of the egg beginning to show activity, and the tiny hatchling inside starting to move and trying to fight their way out of their shell.

<"Do not interfere with the hatchling breaking the shell...">
The healer advised as they leaned a little forward, poking their head between Xasik's and Sirol's shoulders and running their scanner over the egg.
<"...We need to determine the child's strength and coordination. A healthy hatchling should be able to break free by themself with ease...">

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix



[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]

Quote from: Sirol on September 04, 2021, 08:03:14 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

<"Do not interfere with the hatchling breaking the shell...">
The healer advised as they leaned a little forward, poking their head between Xasik's and Sirol's shoulders and running their scanner over the egg.
<"...We need to determine the child's strength and coordination. A healthy hatchling should be able to break free by themself with ease...">

The entire world seemed to go quiet as Xasik watched the tiny cracks chipping away at the surface of the egg. It was so hard not to reach forward and help the little one out of their shell. In his eyes they were struggling and instinct urged him to help, but Peylix had told him not to interfere. They were determining the child's strength by if they could break the shell by themself. Xasik watched on as he held his breath. He looked to Sirol before taking her hand in his and giving a slight squeeze for support, as much for him as for her.

The Reman didn't know what to do with himself. He was a mixture of emotions. Joy, anxiety, fear, excitement. Squeezing his colleague's hand was all he could do to calm himself down. He hoped she didn't mind.

The egg shuddered slightly as more cracks formed and small chips of the shell broke free. Slight squeaking could be heard from within the shell. That sound alone had Xasik's heart racing.

"œHi there little one," Xasik almost whispered in awe. "œThat's it Little Pebble, come on. Very good! Push. You can do it," he encouraged, squeezing Sirol's hand a little tighter. "œLook at them go!"

He wasn't sure how long it took. Time seemed to stand still for the Reman as he watched the Tholian hatchling slowly work themself free fragment by fragment. Xasik resisted the urge to bombard Peylix with questions. It was difficult but he understood that the healer needed to observe the process and was more knowledgeable about the subject than he was. If something was wrong then Peylix would have said so.

With so much excitement coursing through his system, it was easy to forget that he was confined within an EV suit. His claustrophobia momentarily took a step back in his mind as he watched his child struggling to free themself. He wasn't sure exactly how long the process took, how long they all stood there watching on in awe but eventually the little Tholian Hatchling finally managed to work their way free of their egg.

Once the little one was free, Xasik resisted the urge to scoop them up. Instead he allowed Peylix to examine them to make sure they were okay. After being in stasis for so long there was always the chance for something to go wrong.
He took a small step back to give the healer more room to work. It seemed to take a lifetime before Peylix was done and Xasik was told that it was okay to hold his child.

Delicately scooping the hatchling up in both hands, the Reman stared in awe at the tiny new life he had watched come into the world. Barely able to sit upright, Xasik supported the child with his thumb and kept the other at the ready just in case the child started to wobble. In that moment he was glad that he was wearing a tinted visor because behind it he could not hold back his tears as he held his child.

They were the purest little life form that he had ever beheld. Already living up to the name Xasik had chosen for them, the little one was a rich emerald green that threw off  pale blue highlights in the right lighting. All the priceless stones and minerals that Xasik had seen in his lifetime paled in comparison to this little Tholian hatchling sitting securely in his hands and squeaking the cutest little sounds he had ever heard.

"œWelcome to the world my little Emerald," Xasik cooed, his voice full of emotion and pride as he looked into the pale, glowing eyes of the hatchling. It might have been his imagination but he could feel a bond forming between them already. The little one stopped squeaking momentarily and seemed to stare at his visor before chirping softly at him and getting comfortable against his thumb and closing their eyes.
The Reman's heart melted and he urged Sirol and Peylix to look at Emerald resting so peacefully.

"œLook at how sweet and innocent they are. They've been through so much already and they don't even know it. Strong little fighter, rest easy now. I will protect you."

After a while of staring at his child, Xasik carefully made his way over to the force-field that separated the quarantine room from the rest of the lab. He stopped at the edge and motioned for Eli and Kyan to come closer so that they could see the hatchling sleeping safely in his hands.

"œI want to introduce you to my child, Emerald. Thank you for being here to welcome them into the world." He could not hide the pride seeping out in his voice.

The hatchling opened their eyes and looked at the two faces on the other side of the force-field. They gave a few soft squeaks before closing their eyes again and drifting off to sleep.

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