S3-M8: Best Laid Plans

Started by Kirok, August 01, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

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Quote from: Sirol on August 03, 2021, 01:48:36 PM

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Sirol hesitantly nodded then straightened her posture.
"œIt is"¦ I will try my best to explain it to you once I am back from the breakfast, how does that sound?
I have yet to find a language possessing the words to express what happened, but - despite my linguistic expertise - vocal communication can be unspeakably inefficient... But maybe we can find a strategy together."

She paused, then gave Zex's shoulder one more gentle squeeze.
"œI am sure Emerald and Xasik will appreciate a visit. My lab is your lab. And you are welcome to tag along with me later today."
With that she took another little bow, then headed over for the breakfast.

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

The scientist tilted her head and looked at the two newcomers, then bid both of them a hailing nod.
Truth be told, she did not want to leave the little corner spot where she was sitting. Granted, the persons she was sitting with were supposedly not even scientists, but their aura was relieving, and - most importantly - neither of them was eating...
Slightly raising one hand Sirol - as polite as possible - hence declined the invite to join the two. For now.
"œMaybe later..." She spoke calmly and took a sip of her coffee, hoping that it would have an effect soon, and her stomach would feel less appalled by smells of food.
Towards Hayo's question, Sirol then put down her mug again, her hands still tightly clenched around it so she could absorb as much warmth as possible.
"œMy original field of work is xenostudies. Communication sciences to be precise.
I specialised in xenolinguistics, foreign psychology and behavioural analysis. My vocation is supposed to be "˜enabling of fluent communication between vastly different elements', I unfortunately rarely ever get the chance to do so, due to lack of assignments featuring legitimately foreign foreigners...
My current secondary field of work is among the theoretical physics. My specialisation here are spacial- and phasic phenomena, their manipulation and practical utilisation."

She paused for a second, then took another sip of her coffee before she continued.
"œI work within the station's simulation lab, currently repurposed to analyse inert Changeling DNA and..." She awkwardly cleared her throat. "œ...Hatch a Tholian."
One more sip of coffee followed before she looked at Hayo again.
"œHow about you? I conclude you are participants of the officer exchange program, correct?"

Once more a newcomer joined them, and once more Sirol gave him - after the Captain introduced him as "˜Dranik' a calm nod, and - after Kirok also introduced Lonar - them as well.
There was a lot going on for one morning. New faces meant new opportunities and a slim chance of hope for her to provide her capabilities in any meaningful way.
Leaning back she once more took a sip of her coffee, and musingly stroked the head of the Uropygi which was still sitting on her lap and curiously inspected the newcomers in the same manner Sirol had just done.
When Hrafn eventually joined the and greeted Dranik, Sirol's posture once more straightened.

While she did not speak at the moment, it was obvious that Sirol acknowledged and appreciated the presence of her division leader.
Their friendship"¦ Maybe even kinship"¦ Dated back ever since her arrival on Kartra, and although even Hrafn was not able to give Sirol the redemption she needed, she still had eagerly welcomed Sirol into her family as if it was the most normal thing to do"¦
With a little smirk Sirol then leaned back in her chair and once more became almost invisible in her little corner.
It was good to have the Falleg clan back aboard, and Sirol was already looking forward to see the children again, as well as meeting Ruthie and Sally.

One more moment of"¦ Social bonding"¦ Between the people around her followed.
Most people around her eagerly chatting over their communicators or with one another.
One moment in which Sirol once again felt utterly out of place and was not sure what to say, hence she remained quiet and tried to control her shaky hands as effectively as possible.

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Zex's expression softened even more.  "I would like that.  I really do want to help you" she said.

"I just wish I was a telepath so that I could see inside you head.  Fully understand what it is like for you.  So we can help you get better" the Deltan added.

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Hayo listened as she ate.  The crewman mostly ate.  "Interesting" she replied.

"I've been around Lonar enough that I've learned a lot about Tholia.  But I have never experienced a birthing.  That must have been quite the experience" she added.

When the question was turned back to her, she paused.  "In my day we didn't really have specialties, truth be told.  We handled everything that came to us.  Not a precisely as a specialist likely, but that's how it was done in the old days" she said with a light chuckle.

[Counseling Office - EQ Kimball - 0845]

EQ's meeting went a bit longer with Dr. X than expected.  So he arrived at the counseling office in a rush.  And a bit sweaty - he blamed the hot tea.

"Hi.  I'm here to see Dr. Jyur.  I have an appointment.  I'm EQ Kimball" he said to the receptionist.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 03, 2021, 02:01:32 PM

:: Docking Ring | Katra Station ::

Kyan was perched atop a crate, cross legged watching a team of security officers moved crates and barrels and other assorted containers out of the freighter's hold and out into the docking ring. It was tedious work, and some of the them were looking ragged. Deciding that the whole affair needed a little livening up, he began beating out a tune on the duraplast barrel in front of him.


Now, singing and telling stories is something that most of his own folk, Onlies and Celtic folk were born to, and taught from a very early age, so he was a fair singer, if not one with a whole lot of range. Prepubescent vocal chords and all. But he never let that get in the way. Once he had the beat down, he launched into the first shanty that popped into his head.

"Help me Bob I'm bully in the alley." he sang, to which a few of the assembled crewman replied "Way Hey Bully in the alley." That repeated once for the initial chorus, with a couple more crewmen joining in.

Kyan then began the verses. "I walked up to the Anchor Inn" with the crewmen calling back "Wey hey, bully in the alley!"

Kyan smiled. This trick always worked. "I barged the door, and walked right in."

"Bully down in Shinbone Al! So....."

And then everyone sang together. "Oh help me Bob, I'm bully in the alley, Wey hey, bully in the alley!, Help me Bob, I'm bully in the alley, Bully down in Shinbone Al!"

Continuing the beat on the barrel, Kyan started the next verse. "And there was Sally that I love so dearly, Wey hey, bully in the alley!, Sally got well nigh, almost, nearly. Bully down in Shinbone Al! So......"

Another Chorus and then Kyan started the next verse. "Sally could dance and Sally could spin, Way Hey Bully in the Alley, I bought her rum and I bought her gin.... "

Just then there was some commotion outside, which piqued his interest since it could be heard over their singing and the clatter of crates and containers. "Aye fellas, take a break whilst I see what's going on out there." he called out, jumping off the crate onto the deck. "And dinnae be stealin nothing the now... we got the manifest so we do."

With that he walked out the hatch and back into the docking ring. Once there, he just caught the red headed blur as he darted onto the recently docked Vulpinian freighter. One of the Falleg brood no doubt. But he couldn't tell which one. Of course then the Vulpinian captain darted back onto the ship himself, with Gideon Drake behind him, seemingly worried about Lieutenant Falleg's kid... messing something up? No...that didn't seem right.  finding something seemed the more likely, judging from the flitting, worried glances from the other Vulpinian. Kyan motioned for Skarrgar to come with as he made for the freighter. "Let's go talk to this lot then, and grab up their stowaway." he called over to the Gorn Crewman.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 03, 2021, 01:24:18 PM

[Scoutship Squall >- Cloten's Freighter | Docking Bay | Katra Station]

[As Ruthie, Nerys, Tidu and Lamar]

"They're with me Lieutenant... I'm afraid I don't know you yet and they got ahead of me.  I assure you we're just trying to retrieve Lamar, and since you called them Midgets, I'm assuming you're familiar with my younger siblings, Sir.  Ensign Ruthie Falleg-Tekin.  Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin is my mother.  Tidu, Nerys, stay here with me."

"Yup, Uncle Griff knows us, makes us ugly sticks!" Tidu said with a grin.

"Jumja sticks to anyone else..." Nerys explained.  "But he was trying to punish us.  Sorry Uncle Griff, Lamar ran after a stray puppy that looked starving."

[Meanwhile in the scoutship]

Lamar ran after the small puppy who cowered down behind a box.

"Puppy... not trying to hurt you... look I haz biscuits." Lamar always had some biscuits or doggie treats in his pockets.  He tossed one a few feet in front of the box, slowly the puppy came out and sniffed the biscuit suspiciously then settled down to eat it.

Slowly, Lamar inched his way towards the puppy then made a loop with the string he had seen and started stroking the puppy who started shivering with fright.

"It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you!" he soothed.  "I want to be your friend."

The puppy started sniffing around Lamar's pockets.  "Oh you want more... um...I might have one!" he found one but then started worrying that he was running out.

He managed to slip the string over the puppy's neck and then coax him towards the door where he ran smack into Cloten.

"It's ok doggy, we can be friends too but I don't have anymore biscuits now, this puppy needed them!" the puppy put her ears flat and tried to hide behind Lamar whining pitifully.  Lamar tugged a little then went to hug Cloten.

Quote from: Skargarr on August 03, 2021, 03:53:29 PM

"Your tune is off." Skar said as he rushed into the freighter after Kyan.  "Think we might need to add force fields on the docking ring, make it where only adults can pass and children will get blocked." Skar suggested as he moved crates and containers out of the way, but then heard a whimper and several screams.  "We got additional stowaways here, looks like this freighter is 'human trafficking'." Skar called out as he found one of the broods hiding on the bridge playing.

As the tall Gorn went through the door he snuck up on the lil guy.  "Hold there, you arent supposed to be here.  Where is your mother?" Skar interrogated the youngin who merely kept quiet mostly out of fear of the Gorns body and face still covered with Gagh but everyone else believed it to be entrails of some poor humanish feast.  "Lets find her.  Whats your name?" Skar asked and the boy merely whimpered out his name was Tidu Falleg.

"Should be easy enough.  You a new arrival?" He asked him.

"Y....Y......Y." the boy couldnt speak further.

"Ill take that as a 'Yes'.  Alright lets get going then.  You can tell me how you managed to get up here past several check points and past security without us knowing.  Security breaches we should fix before something worse happens, right?" Skar said as he escorted the boy out of the ship.

"Lt, Im the boy the home.  His parents are new arrivals, shouldnt be to long unless there is a problem." Skar said leaving the docking ring, and took the boy to where the computer said his parents were.

Quote from: Chigorra on August 03, 2021, 03:57:33 PM

Vulpinian NPC - Assistant Gop Gop
[Cloten's Freighter | Docking Bay | Katra Station]

"Oh, that small person is in danger." Gop Gop commented matter-of-factly.  "And that food animal is likely to be eaten by our goon squad." Gop Gop reached inside his cloth robe, withdrawing a wide-handled and well-worn metal spatula.  "Which will mean another gorescraping for me." he muttered more quietly, disappointment in his voice.

Gop Gop remained near the entrance to the ship, wondering whether he should try to halt all the unexpected traffic onto Deej Cloten's vessel. It was all just moving too quickly for him, too many words being said for him to keep up. He observed a little human come back out of the ship with the food animal in tow"¦ And then he observed the small human attempt to grab Cloten. Gop Gop's experience told him that Cloten's only physical contact with other creatures involved him hitting or biting"¦

Gop Gop looked more closely at the puppy, wondering whether the simple little thing had been exposed to anything dangerous on their ship. Cloten's vessel wasn't a very well-cleaned thing, and mere weeks ago they had been hauling spoiled fertilizer, and before that, a canister of illegally-disposed compression grease made from discount llama squeezings. One errant canine lick of a strange-smelling pile of goo, and the puppy could end up horribly poisoned.

"Nevermind, no one should try to eat this thing now." he mumbled, half to himself.

Yet more creatures were now heading to his boss's ship! Gop Gop began to wonder how long their secrets would remain secret with all these curious eyes, all these people poking around. The Vulpinian assistant observed another small human, and in the distance, a lizard-like Gorn. Gop Gop's free paw-hand, which wasn't grasping the gorescraping spatula, moved just an inch toward the spade-like weapon on his left hip. Its edges were a little sharper than his back-scraper, and decent for sliding their way through protective scales. He didn't touch the concealed weapon, or any of his other concealed weapons, but he was comforted by the fact that it was there and ready. He was beginning to wonder if things weren't about to get very tense...

Hastily, and right out in the open, Gop Gop withdrew a ragged piece of paper from a pocket and put away his gorescraper. It was a receipt of some kind, a purchase from a quick-food restaurant two systems away. He flipped it over, and began scribbling on it in his native language with a black piece of something.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign "Gryphon" | Cloten's Freighter | Docking Bay | Katra Station]

Griff turned back to the ginger girl...the older ginger girl...she's the oldest of the Falleg children? He tried not to stare too long at how beautiful she was, what with the hair, but he kept reminding himself Serena was more beautiful.

"Uh, yes, the midgets know me," he said. "You're their older sister? Blimey. Anyway, yeah, best stay here, we got Security inspecting here, I'll get Lamar...how the bloody hell are stray dogs possible on this station?"

Inside, Cloten could see his cargo was safe. The crew was starting percariously as the security officers were inspecting...how old the hell was their chief? He looked, what, like a teenager? He couldn't be more annoying if was calling for another round on the intercom. The Gorn, on the other hand, made him nervous. If he aimed to eat one of the crew, he was going to get one of his Nausicaans to keep him the hell away.

Just as he turned to have a word with the security people when a redheaded kid appeared out of nowhere, a puppy in one hand, and hugged him. HUGGED HIM!!!

The little guy was barely shorter than Cloten, but he put his face on him deeply, enough for his loose robes and chain to crumple against his face. Cloten himself balled his fists, pursed his lips, and narrowed his eyes in fury. The rest of the crew looked at the display in horror. They knew well enough Cloten hated to be hugged.

Cloten absolutely hated to be hugged. Despite his temper, children often came to hug him, most especially when he didn't look to be in a temper. He knew better than to resist, though; the first time he lashed out a child, the parents chased him away. If he lashed at any child, let alone growled at a kid, he knew that the parents, guardians, or orphanage patron would be down his throat.

One of the Orions, of course, commented, "Aww, he loves you," and in the same tone of voice expected when he's found something cute.

The crew turned over in horror at him. Cloten turned his head and glared at him. If looks could kill, the Orion would be vaporized on the spot. He never thought he'd meet somebody stupider than Gop Gop, but it was the case.

"The minute I'm through with business," he growled at the Orion, "you're getting the rack."

Naturally, the crew feared Cloten's wrath. If there's anything they feared more than Cloten's temper, it was Cloten's punishments. Nearly everybody bore at least one scar from where he scratched them in the rack. Make him mad enough, he would even have the poor sucker flogged. The only one who never got the rack was Gop Gop. It wasn't so much that he was too short for the rack, but it was that Cloten had swore to his mother on his death bed that he wouldn't harm Gop Gop, a cousin of a friend of the family, a key friendly family; otherwise, he would've killed the idiot a long time ago. Instead, the only punishments he gave him was to clean the bilges, which consisted of leaks from the ship sewage (hence bilges), sometimes just with a toothbrush if he was mad enough.

"Hey! Flyboy!" Cloten called to Griff, who had just appeared and saw Lamar hugging him. "I think you're missin' a kid."

"Oi! Lamar!" shouted Griff. "Geroff him!"

But all it took to get Lamar away was the big Gorn, one of the new security officers, Skargarr. Once the Gorn got Lamar away from Cloten, Griff called in passing, "Why hug him, Lamar? You don't know where he's been!"

"Like I'm a traveling parasite hotel," said Cloten, sniffing himself at how clean he was, which was ironic, considering how filthy the rest of his ship was.

"And Mister Cloten," said Griff, "he's not one of mine. He's not even my baby brother."

"With those spots, obviously not," said Cloten. "Furthermore..."

"Boss," said another Orion nervously.

"WHAT?!?" snapped Cloten, whirling, when he saw the Gorn had opened one of the contraband crates and spilling out...were those crates carrying people?!?

Cloten knew where the crate, where the other crates like it, came from. He worked on Verex Prime, the prime world of the system held by the Orion Syndicate. Much as he was crooked like a dog's hind leg, Cloten always stayed away from the slave market on Verex III. Despite his traveling and trading, he never liked selling, let alone transporting, slaves.

Whoever dumped me with slaves to sell all the way out here, the minute I find out who, I'm gonna kill him, Cloten thought to himself.

"What the HELL are these stowaways doing aboard here?!?" he said; any time he was in a place where he risked getting busted, and anytime he was dumped with slaves, he tried to make them sound like the slaves were stowaways. Then he always set them loose. He didn't mind risking losing profit if it meant he could let slaves go.

"Stowaways my arse," said Griff. "I think we've seen enough to see."

Bringing Lamar, with his puppy, back out, he approached Ruthie and said, "Here's your baby brother, Ensign, thanks to old Skargarr here. And keep the lot out here, apparently we found and stopped a slave ring here. I'm guessing, Mister Skargarr, there's to be an arrest made?"



< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Quote from: Kirok on August 03, 2021, 06:36:47 PM

Zex's expression softened even more.  "I would like that.  I really do want to help you" she said.

"I just wish I was a telepath so that I could see inside you head.  Fully understand what it is like for you.  So we can help you get better" the Deltan added.

Sirol remained silent for a few seconds, not entirely sure how to respond and instead just staring forth and back between her and the Uropygi on her arm.
"œI"¦ Appreciate this notion. And I would certainly appreciate any possible help at finding a solution.
I just do not know where to start. I have reached the limit of my research on legally obtainable technology to maybe remedy at least the memory aspect.
I think I need not to explain how unthinkable brain mapping and artificial memory transfer would be within the Romulan culture, hence I laid my focus on Federation- and Dominion technology, only to learn that your neuro-interfacing technology is"¦ To quote Healer Peylix - Sub Par"¦
I would gladly share my mind to help you understand...
But that is both the cause and the symptom of my problem"¦ I do not know how...
< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >
Quote from: Kirok on August 03, 2021, 06:36:47 PM

Hayo listened as she ate.  The crewman mostly ate.  "Interesting" she replied.

"I've been around Lonar enough that I've learned a lot about Tholia.  But I have never experienced a birthing.  That must have been quite the experience" she added.

When the question was turned back to her, she paused.  "In my day we didn't really have specialties, truth be told.  We handled everything that came to us.  Not a precisely as a specialist likely, but that's how it was done in the old days" she said with a light chuckle.

Sirol half-heartedly nodded at Hayo's explanation regarding learning about Tholia due to interaction with Lonar.
Starfleet officers who had the chance to interact with actual foreigners?!
What a fortunate but seemingly insular case here"¦
At least considering that Sirol had been highly trained and specialised for just that work and had never received such a chance"¦. Compared to a random person who had not even any sort of xenosociological specialisation?...

Sirol could not help but think less and less of Starfleet's (lack of) ways to correctly utilise people with each day she spent aboard Katra"¦

At the comment about the "˜birthing' she once more nodded, but did not say much, instead she just took another sip of her coffee, looking through the groups of people"¦
"œSupposedly fortunate old days."
She simply spoke in a neutral tone and took a deep breath.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Kirok on August 03, 2021, 05:54:36 PM

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok announced Falleg's presences just as he had the others.  The he informed her about the special stand.  Then he walked over to her.

"It is quite acceptable that you came.  I think you will be in your element here.  As the social butterfly of the group.

You may not know most people here.  But others are still coming.  Some of whom you may know" he said a bit more quietly.

Then Dranik came over and asked his question.  Kirok too wanted to know the answer to that question.  So he paused until the answer was said.

[Medbay - EQ Kimball]

The XB drank his tea as he listened to the doctor.  "Well i've got two.  I can volunteer during my off hours" he offered.

As she went on, he listened more.  Her experience being a trill reminded him of being a borg.  A bit.

"It reminds me of being a borg" he said.  "Different memories from different people.  Just not as traumatic?" he guessed tentatively.


"Perhaps not as traumatic," she murmured, "but life nonetheless with all its traumas and joys. Consider yourself welcome in Medbay as you can spare it with your duties." She gently clasped his shoulder with her free hand and had to lean up on her toes to do so. Nearly everyone was taller than she was, though sometimes she just seemed as if she were taller. "I'm glad you made it back to us, Mister Kimball."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Julia Rellek

[ USS Santa Maria ]
[Runabout Class]

Homecoming.. Julia thought to herself with a bit of a smirk on her face. She had a PADD in her hand containing some recent research; the word classified emblazoned in red across the top of the screen. She set her coffee on the console as she placed her feet on the floor and the PADD on the console next to the standard issue tin cup. It has been years since her most recent visit to the station. Her mind wandered into images of the stations construction and Meridian She still remembers every nook of the operations center and had nothing but fond memories of her time leading the outpost. With a few blinks she brought herself back into the present. "Computer, time to Katra station?" She asked.

"At current speed you will arrive at Katra station in 2 hours 47 minutes and 16 seconds."

Her fingers glided across the console until the computer emitted a beep indicating it was prepared for her input.

"Admirals log. Classified entry. After reviewing the recent test data I'm worried we aren't making the progress I had hoped. We lost 7 in the last round of experiments. I know this can be harnessed it's just a matter of finding the right sequence. The work goes on, we cant let them have died in vain." She paused taking a sip from the tin container. "I am 2 hours out from Katra station. Two days ago I received and encrypted transmission requesting my personal presence at the station. I am still unsure of the reason but the message was clear that communication via subspace would not be possible. I know one thing for sure, Kirok isn't known for asking for help. If he's asking for it it is something big. On a personal note, I am looking forward to visiting my old home; after some months in a remote station people will be a welcome sight. It will be good to see Katra again.    End log."

Julia closed her eyes for a moment. She had grown to enjoy the peace of traveling alone and she had a hunch that this may just be the calm before her next storm.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


Quote from: npc3 on August 03, 2021, 06:16:56 PM

[Ops - Tark]

The tall Klingon looked at the young lady.  But stepped back.  "Thank you" he said.

"We did not have such problems on the Discovery.  Or on any Klingon warship I know of" he complained.  "I am Tark, visiting officer" he added by way of introduction.

[Katra Station-ops]

"œHello it's nice to meet you Tark I'm T'Prith and I'm the Vulcan operations officer here on the Katra. You talk about the discovery did you come here from the discovery battleship?" The particular detail she picked up on peeked her interest as she was waiting for the diagnostics to get done.



[Katra Station | Simulation Lab | 0831]

Losing track of time was something that was relatively easy to do in the Simulation Lab. The atmosphere of the lab was always one that Xasik found comforting. From the very first moment he had first entered the lab, he had felt at home. Sure, things may have been a little tense at first with Lieutenant Sirol given the way his mind had constricted with instincts he was trying to suppress, but now things had settled and he had learned to trust her and that she wasn't a Romulan he had to be suspicious of. She had helped him with Emerald after all, and that to him was the biggest gesture of goodwill he could have ever imagined.

Tinkering with and cleaning equipment was not his favourite thing to do, however, it was a part of his job as much as examining and identifying rocks and minerals or locating and preparing fossils for display. It was necessary to ensure that his work could run as smoothly as possible. There was nothing more frustrating than a drill or laser malfunctioning in the middle of working on something.
Looking at the small display clock at his workstation, Xasik realized the time and looked over at Emerald again. He was worried that the hatchling was sleeping too much, that maybe there was something wrong. He remembered a passing conversation between Healer Peylix and Sirol about Tholian hatchlings not requiring as much sleep as the offspring of most other species. Was this perhaps a side effect of the long stasis for the hatchling? He couldn't be sure. Healer Peylix had assured him that Emerald was in perfect health but the father couldn't help but worry.

He hesitated for a moment as he reached up to tap his comm badge. Taking a deep breath to steady himself for the conversation that was about to follow, he finally tapped the badge and began.

=/\="œSpecialist Freeman to Healer Peylix. The little one has been sleeping for what I feel is an abnormally long time. I'm a little concerned. Would you report to the Simulation Lab to give them a check over? Can you also bring some more nourishment for the child? I don't want to run out." =/\=

At the sound of soft squeaking Xasik looked at the baby tank and smiled. The chirping of his badge must have woken Emerald. He felt a little guilty but also relieved as the little one was sounding normal. At least the way they had been sounding since hatching. That was a good sign, at least he thought. Healer Peylix would tell him once the child was checked over again.

Looking at the time again, he realized that it was now what would be deemed an appropriate time to contact others, specifically those who had been away and recently returned. Tapping his badge again, Xasik chuckled as Emerald squeaked in return. They seemed to really like the chirping of the badges.
=/\="œXasik to Hrafn. Just wanted to say welcome back, Department Head. I look forward to working with you. Emerald is eager to meet you and your and family. They love meeting new people. They always squeak so excitedly when they see someone new." =/\=

He looked once more at Emerald and really couldn't hold back his smile. "œWe'll aren't you just a bundle of squeaks today?. Hey, I know what you'd like. Should we contact Sirol? So you can squeak at her?"

Perhaps it was his imagination, perhaps he was seeing reactions that weren't there, but Xasik could have sworn that Emerald's little glowing eyes got slightly brighter at the mention of Sirol. It hadn't escaped his notice that the Tholian hatchling squeaked more vibrantly at the sight of the Romulan scientist than they did with anyone else, himself excluded of course. he spent more time with the child than anyone else so naturally Emerald was always excited to see him. It was adorable.
It took only a moment to make the decision to shuffle his chair as close to the baby tank as possible and tap his comm badge for the third time that morning.
=/\="œXas to Sirol. I've got someone here who wants to squeak to you." =/\=
Emerald seemed to take the hint and had been squeaking since the badge had chirped.
=/\=<"Squeak squeak, squeak!"> =/\= The hatchling chirped in excitement. Xasik chuckled and his heart swelled with pride.


Quote from: Sirol on August 03, 2021, 08:05:50 PM

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Sirol remained silent for a few seconds, not entirely sure how to respond and instead just staring forth and back between her and the Uropygi on her arm.
"œI"¦ Appreciate this notion. And I would certainly appreciate any possible help at finding a solution.
I just do not know where to start. I have reached the limit of my research on legally obtainable technology to maybe remedy at least the memory aspect.
I think I need not to explain how unthinkable brain mapping and artificial memory transfer would be within the Romulan culture, hence I laid my focus on Federation- and Dominion technology, only to learn that your neuro-interfacing technology is"¦ To quote Healer Peylix - Sub Par"¦
I would gladly share my mind to help you understand...
But that is both the cause and the symptom of my problem"¦ I do not know how...

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Sirol half-heartedly nodded at Hayo's explanation regarding learning about Tholia due to interaction with Lonar.
Starfleet officers who had the chance to interact with actual foreigners?!
What a fortunate but seemingly insular case here"¦
At least considering that Sirol had been highly trained and specialised for just that work and had never received such a chance"¦. Compared to a random person who had not even any sort of xenosociological specialisation?...

Sirol could not help but think less and less of Starfleet's (lack of) ways to correctly utilise people with each day she spent aboard Katra"¦

At the comment about the "˜birthing' she once more nodded, but did not say much, instead she just took another sip of her coffee, looking through the groups of people"¦
"œSupposedly fortunate old days."
She simply spoke in a neutral tone and took a deep breath.

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

"Well, I am here for you.  Friend.  I'm sure we can find a solution.  After all, we're Star Fleet" Zex replied.

She extended her arms.  To offer a hug.  Before they parted ways for now.

[Captain's Mess]

Hayo smiled.  She took a few bites of her breakfast.  Unsure what to say next.

So she went with the topic on her mind.  "Kirok said that we can't use external transporters due to this unique creature in the sky.  I'm curious as a scientist to know what you have learned of it thus far?" Hayo asked curiously.

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on August 03, 2021, 09:00:37 PM


"Perhaps not as traumatic," she murmured, "but life nonetheless with all its traumas and joys. Consider yourself welcome in Medbay as you can spare it with your duties." She gently clasped his shoulder with her free hand and had to lean up on her toes to do so. Nearly everyone was taller than she was, though sometimes she just seemed as if she were taller. "I'm glad you made it back to us, Mister Kimball."

[Medbay - EQ Kimball]

EQ nodded.   So being joined was somewhat similar to being assimilated.  Without the killing, of course.

"I don't think I could have done it without you.  You and Dr. Jyur" he said and then finished his tea.  "I need to go see him now, but I can come back right after" he offered.

Quote from: Julia Rellek on August 03, 2021, 09:45:33 PM

[ USS Santa Maria ]
[Runabout Class]

Homecoming.. Julia thought to herself with a bit of a smirk on her face. She had a PADD in her hand containing some recent research; the word classified emblazoned in red across the top of the screen. She set her coffee on the console as she placed her feet on the floor and the PADD on the console next to the standard issue tin cup. It has been years since her most recent visit to the station. Her mind wandered into images of the stations construction and Meridian She still remembers every nook of the operations center and had nothing but fond memories of her time leading the outpost. With a few blinks she brought herself back into the present. "Computer, time to Katra station?" She asked.

"At current speed you will arrive at Katra station in 2 hours 47 minutes and 16 seconds."

Her fingers glided across the console until the computer emitted a beep indicating it was prepared for her input.

"Admirals log. Classified entry. After reviewing the recent test data I'm worried we aren't making the progress I had hoped. We lost 7 in the last round of experiments. I know this can be harnessed it's just a matter of finding the right sequence. The work goes on, we cant let them have died in vain." She paused taking a sip from the tin container. "I am 2 hours out from Katra station. Two days ago I received and encrypted transmission requesting my personal presence at the station. I am still unsure of the reason but the message was clear that communication via subspace would not be possible. I know one thing for sure, Kirok isn't known for asking for help. If he's asking for it it is something big. On a personal note, I am looking forward to visiting my old home; after some months in a remote station people will be a welcome sight. It will be good to see Katra again.    End log."

Julia closed her eyes for a moment. She had grown to enjoy the peace of traveling alone and she had a hunch that this may just be the calm before her next storm.


A hale came to the Santa Maria.  -//Katra station to the USS Santa Maria.  You are welcome to dock in bay 1.  Captain Kirok has placed a ban on external transports.  So please dock and then disembark.  Admiral Rellek's presence is requested at the welcome breakfast\\- the on duty ops officer said over the open com channel.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyle Briggs

Kirok had mentioned the breakfast to Kyle so the First Officer had made sure to get up early to do some rounds on the station before he had to arrive at the Captain's Mess. Since the station was massive, there were several areas Kyle didn't really need to go to. And having some of the best department heads in the fleet also meant not having to check in on each individual department as well.

He had gone by the command center and watch quietly as Drake handled incoming vessels. Making his was through several corridors, he caught a glimpse of EQ heading into Sickbay and made a mental note to have a chat with him later. He seemed to be doing better and Kyle was glad for that. He truly believed that every single member of the Katra crew played very important parts for their missions.

He spent some extra time on the Promenade just watching the people move about. With the visiting officers arriving, there were more and more people every day. With a good chunk of his usual rounds out of the way, he decided to finally head to the breakfast gathering. He stepped into the lift and rode it upward.

[Breakfast - Captain's Mess]

The doors parted and Kyle walked in. There seemed to be a good crowd already gathered. He looked around and saw Kirok, Hrafn and Sirol. He didn't recognize any of the others. He headed for the replicator before spotting a side table with drinks already on it. That meant fresh coffee. His morning just got better. Pouring himself a cup, he made his way over to Kirok.

"Morning Captain." he said as he approached. "Lieutenant. Lieutenant." he added with a slight head nod to each of the female officers.

Eli Ferris


Lt. Eli Ferris|Katra Station|OPS

Quote from: Gideon Drake on August 02, 2021, 09:17:37 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign "Gryphon" | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]
"What the hell is it?!?" snapped Cloten, glaring at Gop Gop.

"Excellent," said Griff, acknowledging Lieutenant MacKenzie, and he looked back at Cloten and Kayad. The two Vulpinians stared at him, Cloten with an increasing scowl, his sharp teeth baring at him, his assistant, the gormless Gop Gop, merely staring blankly, though there was something taking their attention. Kayad, of course, waited patiently, as he usually did; the old fellow was over a hundred years old, and thus patience came naturally to him.

Then Lieutenant Ferris called in. Griff was a little relieved to be relieved, but he still had this row, of sorts, to deal with.

=/\="Drake to Ferris," =/\= he said, opening comms with Ferris,  =/\="Much appreciated, sir. There's still this business with these two cargo skippers, but I'll let you know when I'm finished so the reliefs can come in and relieve me." =/\=

=/\= Acknowledge, Mr. Drake and good luck.  =/\=

Eli sighed and signaled the next rotation of pilots to prepare to swap out. The flight officers had been doing a quicker flight rotation, ensuring everyone didn't get a little cockpit crazy. Not that Mr. Drake seemed to suffer from that at all. But, the recent freighter arrival had proven to require small shifts. He called up the roster to ensure it was still accurate, and the pilots ready.

Once done, he turned his attention to other officers. A new arrival, from the Discovery by his own admission, was grumbling about the speed of the console. Eli could only stifle a small grin, as it would hardly be appropriate to the situation, but Eli had come to expect such things. But, he didn't want to say that this would be a common experience.

Quote from: T'prith on August 03, 2021, 10:38:43 PM

[Katra Station-ops]

"œHello it's nice to meet you Tark I'm T'Prith and I'm the Vulcan operations officer here on the Katra. You talk about the discovery did you come here from the discovery battleship?" The particular detail she picked up on peeked her interest as she was waiting for the diagnostics to get done.

Eli glanced over as T'Prith began her adjustments.  He was appreciative of her attention to detail, and didn't want to interrupt her work. But, her question sparked his own.
"Welcome aboard, Mr. Tark. Hopefully, we will have a console up and running. I trust your transfer was smooth from the Discovery?" He too was curious. Day to day operations on such a ship was a bit different than the million little details he seemed to be tracking on Katra.

Quote from: Kirok on August 03, 2021, 10:45:08 PM


A hale came to the Santa Maria.  -//Katra station to the USS Santa Maria.  You are welcome to dock in bay 1.  Captain Kirok has placed a ban on external transports.  So please dock and then disembark.  Admiral Rellek's presence is requested at the welcome breakfast\\- the on duty ops officer said over the open com channel.

"Oh..." Eli thought to himself. He was not a fan of upper ranks visiting, and the arrival of the admiral was a source of great anticipation, and even greater anxiety.  =/\= Ferris to docking bay one. Prepare to recieve the Admiral's runabout. =/\=




< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Quote from: Xasik on August 03, 2021, 10:41:07 PM

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab | 0831]
=/\="œSpecialist Freeman to Healer Peylix. The little one has been sleeping for what I feel is an abnormally long time. I'm a little concerned. Would you report to the Simulation Lab to give them a check over? Can you also bring some more nourishment for the child? I don't want to run out." =/\=

As the small Healer made their way up to the Simulation Lab, they once more mused about Freeman's inquiry.
In actuality they had assumed that Scientist Sirol would be the one to brief Freeman about details such as a regular Tholian rest cycle per age group, and that Freeman would only call for the Healer when something"¦ Supposedly more important"¦ Arose.
But then again they were also aware that Sirol was bound to Starfleet work cycles and there was a 1:3 chance that she might not have been available at the time Freeman noticed a concerning sleep pattern.

Helping themself into the Simulation Lab (without ringing the doorbell) they immediately walked over to the little containment cube housing the hatchling, beginning to run several levels of medical scans on Emerald.
Then"¦ After a few seconds"¦ They slowly turned around and focused on Freeman.
<"Emerald- as stated - is healthy and strong. They are merely exhausted, which is to be expected considering the hardships their little metabolism had to endure during the last two and a half days.
I have prepared a set of concentrated nutrition units. Infuse one of them into the air circulation of the quarantine area every six hours.">

Once more they looked at the child, gently pressing their hand against the transparent surface of the containment cube, with the glove of their EV suit making a little clicking noise which may or may not be sensed by the young one.
Emerald was"¦ Adorable"¦ Just like all of Peylix's children had been at this stage.
For a second their mood darkened"¦
Yes, just like all of their children back home. In the Alpha Quadrant. At the other end of the galaxy"¦ Peylix would most likely miss most if not all of the two youngest one's youth"¦
Forcing that thought away they looked at Emerald again, and grounded themself for a second.
While Peylix did not mention it, they were - in a way - glad that Xasik had called them.
He was bewildering and interrupted their work"¦ But he also truly cared about the little hatchling, and it reflected in his every action - even his unjustified paranoia...



< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Quote from: Kirok on August 03, 2021, 10:45:08 PM

"Well, I am here for you.  Friend.  I'm sure we can find a solution.  After all, we're Star Fleet" Zex replied.

She extended her arms.  To offer a hug.  Before they parted ways for now.

Sirol nodded, then hesitantly accepted the hug.
She was still not entirely used to hugs. And even though the "˜culture shock' of being hugged by Hrafn in front of everyone, in the middle of the OCC three months ago had had it's time to sink in, it was still a"¦  Strange feeling for Sirol.
Strange but welcome.
She smirked a little then tightened her hug around Zex.
"œFriend..." She repeated Zex's statement, her grin awkwardly widening into a little smile.
"œ...Thank you."

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Quote from: Xasik on August 03, 2021, 10:41:07 PM

Perhaps it was his imagination, perhaps he was seeing reactions that weren't there, but Xasik could have sworn that Emerald's little glowing eyes got slightly brighter at the mention of Sirol. It hadn't escaped his notice that the Tholian hatchling squeaked more vibrantly at the sight of the Romulan scientist than they did with anyone else, himself excluded of course. he spent more time with the child than anyone else so naturally Emerald was always excited to see him. It was adorable.
It took only a moment to make the decision to shuffle his chair as close to the baby tank as possible and tap his comm badge for the third time that morning.
=/\="œXas to Sirol. I've got someone here who wants to squeak to you." =/\=
Emerald seemed to take the hint and had been squeaking since the badge had chirped.
=/\=<"Squeak squeak, squeak!"> =/\= The hatchling chirped in excitement. Xasik chuckled and his heart swelled with pride.

As Sirol's communicator went, she curiously raised an eyebrow.
Yet considering the fact that multiple people in this room were involved in their own calls as well, Sirol concluded that taking the call was acceptable.
As she heard Xasik's voice, she once more raised her eyebrow, in the first second wondering as to whether everything was alright with his child. Or her lab...

Only ever when he announced that someone wanted to "˜squeak' to her, her face brightened a little. She understood very well that this was her colleague's code for "˜baby'.
As she heard the hatchling on the other side of the communicator she could not help but squeeze out a little smile and a quiet chuckle, followed by her imitating the hatchling's squeaking via a special whistle through her front teeth and tongue.
(Of course Sirol lacked the physiological conditions to "˜squeak' perfect Tholian, yet considering her trained linguist ears and her language studies she managed to come surprisingly close.)
She did not even bother that the others around would be able to listen in. (After all, she could hear their calls too, so, no secrets here.)

Quote from: Kirok on August 03, 2021, 10:45:08 PM

Hayo smiled.  She took a few bites of her breakfast.  Unsure what to say next.

So she went with the topic on her mind.  "Kirok said that we can't use external transporters due to this unique creature in the sky.  I'm curious as a scientist to know what you have learned of it thus far?" Hayo asked curiously.

Sirol raised an eyebrow as Hayo revealed that she was a scientist as well.
Giving her peer a nod of acknowledgement she leaned back in her chair again, once more squeaking though her still hot communicator to entertain the baby on the other end.
"œYes, that is true.
Unfortunately, I am in no way more informed than you or any of the other visitors are,
Despite my function, I was not included into any of the essential briefings during the last few weeks and mission steps; hence my knowledge being"¦ Uncomfortably limited, when it comes to the recent developments leading to the transporter block.
I can however provide you with older information for the case you are interested in building a data base on local phasic phenomena."
Quote from: Kyle Briggs on August 03, 2021, 11:34:01 PM

"Morning Captain." he said as he approached. "Lieutenant. Lieutenant." he added with a slight head nod to each of the female officers.

Once Sirol noticed that Commander Briggs had joined the room, she once more looked up towards the XO and gave him a polite, hailing nod.
Division leader, XO, CO"¦ The room was filling up, and slowly but surely Sirol got the subjective impression that soon the breakfast might become more formal.
As he properly greeted Hrafn and her with a polite "˜Lieutenant', Sirol bid him a respectful bow, then returned his greeting with a calm.
"œCommander." Before she sank back a little deeper into her chair again, to take some pressure off her still aching bones.

Once more she did a bunch of cheerful tholian squeaks into her communicator to cheer up Xasik's child, before she then lowered her voice and spoke.
=/\="œIt was welcome to hear from both of you. I will be in the lab in time for the beta shift. Give Emerald a little snuggle from me in the meantime.
I have to end the call; we might discuss some official matters soon. Sirol out."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Serena King

Quote from: npc3 on August 03, 2021, 12:22:56 PM

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800]

The older Operations Officer nodded to indicate her understanding.  And agreement to everything King said.  Then her fellow engineer arrived at the obvious obstacle to her solution.

"I'm glad you asked.  I hadn't gotten that far just yet.  So maybe we can brain storm a solution together" Novaar suggested.

She went quiet for a moment.  Made a motion with her hand indicating the buffer encased in metal descending.  Then stared at her hands for a moment.

"When I was a kid, we used to have these miniature planes we could control with radio signals.  What if we apply the same concept to this idea.  So the buffer is in a 'guided missile.'

That would resolve the how to get it back up to us issue.  And give us control over it.  We would just need to make the instruments on the missile strong enough to pick up the signal from Katra or a ship" the Orian proposed.

Quote from: Chigorra on August 01, 2021, 08:38:59 PM

Ambassador Chigorra
[Klingon Embassy - Katra Station]

"PfffffHRAGH!" Chigorra blew out forcefully as she squatted down the tremendously heavy chunk of Klingon computing equipment. The thing was massive, all metal and cabling and dead weight in an oblong box. She had had to stretch a little extra beforehand, prepping the cords of muscles in her back and the broad musculature in her shoulders to haul the device to its intended destination. It was the final piece that completed the computing and signals station in the Embassy, and it was ready to be connected to Katra Station live power. The power connections were limited, meant merely for sending power to the device and the most minor of data controls to regulate how much power was being moved. Even a power conduit was a potential means of incursion into a secure system, so the Klingon power cable was designed carefully, and with as little extraneous connectors as possible.

The actual communications cable was another matter... Until the Embassay was physically connected to the Katra Station's comms network in some way, they were unable to get their encrypted datalink with Qo'noS. Chigorra didn't like live, constant connections like this, but she couldn't be cut off from the Homeworld, and there would be times where she'd need to consult with the High Council in matters of foreign affairs. There was no getting around it... To help herself feel better, she kept her own computing systems separate from the devices that she hoped to connect to Katra Station. There would at least be an 'air gap', as it was called.

She believed she was ready, so she stormed out of the Embassy doors, startling a Coridianite trader into dropping an armload of fruit into the deck plating. She seemed not to notice, and made her way to a nearby public console. A Bolian woman was using it to research the costs of temporary lodging, so Chigorra politely waited behind her. Sadly, while Chigorra felt she was behaving perfectly normally, to the Bolian, a six-foot tall Klingon muscle monster was looming to her rear, so the blue-skinned woman swiftly finished her search and scuttled away. Again ignorant of the effect she had, Chigorra moved forward, ducking to glare at the little kiosk screen, her fingers stabbing its keyboard with unintended violence. Inside the kiosk, sometime shook and fell inside the wall, but the kiosk kept working, so she continued.

Chigorra... she thought to herself as she typed, filling out the requester name field. Daughter... of Loesh... of House G'Khran... Ambassador of the Klingon Empire.

She looked up, but saw that the name field had limited characters, and had cut her off at 'Chigorra Daughter of Loe'. She growled, and deleted all the text after her given name. She continued.

Requesting assistance in connecting Embassy communications computers to Katra signals network. Desire is to forward encrypted data packets to Qo'noS and other locations through Katra comms system. She looked down at a small scrap of paper on which she had written a note, then it was back to the keyboard. Virtual tunnel to communications array required. The necessity of delayed or scheduled sending of messages understood, as Katra station as its own priorities.

The Ambassador continued, describing the rest of her needs and filling out 'date completed by' requirements, and 'time available' fields. She understood that Katra wouldn't drop everything to send her messages, and there may come times that other data packets would take priority. She acknowledged that fact; it was the price of doing business in someone else's territory. After a time, she completed the ticket, and sent it off with a final striking thumb, causing something else to shake loose in the wall. She figured it was supposed to sound that way, and returned to her Embassy.

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800 hours]


Serena said a little more forcefully, but patiently. "I'm afraid you're not going to get anywhere. The Snake isn't just affecting transporters. The entire fabric of space and time is affected in local space. Deflector shields, warp drive. I suspect phasers and disruptors too. Any energy emissions, outside of an insulated hull are affected. Active sensor capabilities are being affected. We cannot brute force or finesse this. The energy fields, do not coalesce, or are weakened to the point of partial effectiveness if any effectiveness. While the Snake is around, uncontained sources of energy simply evaporate."

She threw up her hands in mock supplication. "Whatever this Snake is, we're not entirely crippled, but until it goes back to where it came from, anything that wants to get aboard or off the station is going to have to do it physically by docking at an airlock or hangar. We probably can't even be attacked or be defended easily either if energy fields aren't maintaining their integrity.  I doubt photon torpedoes would have a significant impact either."

She paused, as the Engineering inbox fielded a request and she brought it up on her console.  =/\= "Engineering to Ambassador Chigorra, I'll be there myself in a few minutes." =/\=

She nodded collegially at the Lieutenant. "Apologies, but duty calls. You're more than welcome to try and throw out ideas, but space time is messed up. No energy fields can exist outside of a starship or station hull right now, or not effectively. Excuse me."

[Katra Station | Klingon Embassy | 0810 hours]

Serena stopped by the Klingon embassy... "Uh... Hello?" She stood in the doorway. Oh, she knew Klingons valued directness, but right now, she was more afraid of a leashed Targ jumping out at her if she stepped through the portal.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


Quote from: T'prith on August 03, 2021, 10:38:43 PM

[Katra Station-ops]

"œHello it's nice to meet you Tark I'm T'Prith and I'm the Vulcan operations officer here on the Katra. You talk about the discovery did you come here from the discovery battleship?" The particular detail she picked up on peeked her interest as she was waiting for the diagnostics to get done.

[Katra Station-ops]

"Nice to meet you as well.  And thank you for your help.  Computers and I have always been enemies.  I'm beginning to think its a conspiracy" Tark replied with the slightest of grins.

"I served on the Discovery B or C I thin, when Kirok was Captain there.  Many of came to see him again and take part in the visiting officer program.  But I do hear that the new Discovery has a warriors heart.  Have you ever been aboard her?" the Klingon asked.

Quote from: Serena King on August 04, 2021, 03:29:50 AM

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800 hours]


Serena said a little more forcefully, but patiently. "I'm afraid you're not going to get anywhere. The Snake isn't just affecting transporters. The entire fabric of space and time is affected in local space. Deflector shields, warp drive. I suspect phasers and disruptors too. Any energy emissions, outside of an insulated hull are affected. Active sensor capabilities are being affected. We cannot brute force or finesse this. The energy fields, do not coalesce, or are weakened to the point of partial effectiveness if any effectiveness. While the Snake is around, uncontained sources of energy simply evaporate."

She threw up her hands in mock supplication. "Whatever this Snake is, we're not entirely crippled, but until it goes back to where it came from, anything that wants to get aboard or off the station is going to have to do it physically by docking at an airlock or hangar. We probably can't even be attacked or be defended easily either if energy fields aren't maintaining their integrity.  I doubt photon torpedoes would have a significant impact either."

She paused, as the Engineering inbox fielded a request and she brought it up on her console.  =/\= "Engineering to Ambassador Chigorra, I'll be there myself in a few minutes." =/\=

She nodded collegially at the Lieutenant. "Apologies, but duty calls. You're more than welcome to try and throw out ideas, but space time is messed up. No energy fields can exist outside of a starship or station hull right now, or not effectively. Excuse me."

[Katra Station | Klingon Embassy | 0810 hours]

Serena stopped by the Klingon embassy... "Uh... Hello?" She stood in the doorway. Oh, she knew Klingons valued directness, but right now, she was more afraid of a leashed Targ jumping out at her if she stepped through the portal.

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | August 1, 2399, 0800 hours]

Novaar listened to King.  Slightly disappointed that she had not been able to help the Engineer solve the problem.  Her shoulders dipped a bit.

"Well at least we can say we tried.  Of course, I can see that you have other matters to attend to.  I'll probably spend some more time down here checking out the engine.  Goodbye for now" the Orian replied.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Kirok on August 03, 2021, 10:45:08 PM

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

"Well, I am here for you.  Friend.  I'm sure we can find a solution.  After all, we're Star Fleet" Zex replied.

She extended her arms.  To offer a hug.  Before they parted ways for now.

[Captain's Mess]

Hayo smiled.  She took a few bites of her breakfast.  Unsure what to say next.

So she went with the topic on her mind.  "Kirok said that we can't use external transporters due to this unique creature in the sky.  I'm curious as a scientist to know what you have learned of it thus far?" Hayo asked curiously.

[Medbay - EQ Kimball]

EQ nodded.   So being joined was somewhat similar to being assimilated.  Without the killing, of course.

"I don't think I could have done it without you.  You and Dr. Jyur" he said and then finished his tea.  "I need to go see him now, but I can come back right after" he offered.


A hale came to the Santa Maria.  -//Katra station to the USS Santa Maria.  You are welcome to dock in bay 1.  Captain Kirok has placed a ban on external transports.  So please dock and then disembark.  Admiral Rellek's presence is requested at the welcome breakfast\\- the on duty ops officer said over the open com channel.


"I suppose it is a touch similar." Amarande smiled. "Of course," she murmured, gesturing. "I'll be right here. Enjoy your tea and your session if you can." She moved away, reaching for her PADD to review a few reports.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on August 03, 2021, 11:34:01 PM

Kirok had mentioned the breakfast to Kyle so the First Officer had made sure to get up early to do some rounds on the station before he had to arrive at the Captain's Mess. Since the station was massive, there were several areas Kyle didn't really need to go to. And having some of the best department heads in the fleet also meant not having to check in on each individual department as well.

He had gone by the command center and watch quietly as Drake handled incoming vessels. Making his was through several corridors, he caught a glimpse of EQ heading into Sickbay and made a mental note to have a chat with him later. He seemed to be doing better and Kyle was glad for that. He truly believed that every single member of the Katra crew played very important parts for their missions.

He spent some extra time on the Promenade just watching the people move about. With the visiting officers arriving, there were more and more people every day. With a good chunk of his usual rounds out of the way, he decided to finally head to the breakfast gathering. He stepped into the lift and rode it upward.

[Breakfast - Captain's Mess]

The doors parted and Kyle walked in. There seemed to be a good crowd already gathered. He looked around and saw Kirok, Hrafn and Sirol. He didn't recognize any of the others. He headed for the replicator before spotting a side table with drinks already on it. That meant fresh coffee. His morning just got better. Pouring himself a cup, he made his way over to Kirok.

"Morning Captain." he said as he approached. "Lieutenant. Lieutenant." he added with a slight head nod to each of the female officers.

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok relaxed just a bit when Kyle arrived.  Yes, the half Vulcan was the host of the party.  But he was mostly an introvert, a private man.

So these events were just a step outside his comfort zone.  But duty came first.  Having his XO here though helped to lighten the half Vulcan's load though.

He nodded to the First Officer when approached.  "Kyle, thank you for joining us.  There are pastries too" he added.

Quote from: Sirol on August 04, 2021, 01:35:38 AM

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol >

Sirol nodded, then hesitantly accepted the hug.
She was still not entirely used to hugs. And even though the "˜culture shock' of being hugged by Hrafn in front of everyone, in the middle of the OCC three months ago had had it's time to sink in, it was still a"¦  Strange feeling for Sirol.
Strange but welcome.
She smirked a little then tightened her hug around Zex.
"œFriend..." She repeated Zex's statement, her grin awkwardly widening into a little smile.
"œ...Thank you."


< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Sirol raised an eyebrow as Hayo revealed that she was a scientist as well.
Giving her peer a nod of acknowledgement she leaned back in her chair again, once more squeaking though her still hot communicator to entertain the baby on the other end.
"œYes, that is true.
Unfortunately, I am in no way more informed than you or any of the other visitors are,
Despite my function, I was not included into any of the essential briefings during the last few weeks and mission steps; hence my knowledge being"¦ Uncomfortably limited, when it comes to the recent developments leading to the transporter block.
I can however provide you with older information for the case you are interested in building a data base on local phasic phenomena."

Once Sirol noticed that Commander Briggs had joined the room, she once more looked up towards the XO and gave him a polite, hailing nod.
Division leader, XO, CO"¦ The room was filling up, and slowly but surely Sirol got the subjective impression that soon the breakfast might become more formal.
As he properly greeted Hrafn and her with a polite "˜Lieutenant', Sirol bid him a respectful bow, then returned his greeting with a calm.
"œCommander." Before she sank back a little deeper into her chair again, to take some pressure off her still aching bones.

Once more she did a bunch of cheerful tholian squeaks into her communicator to cheer up Xasik's child, before she then lowered her voice and spoke.
=/\="œIt was welcome to hear from both of you. I will be in the lab in time for the beta shift. Give Emerald a little snuggle from me in the meantime.
I have to end the call; we might discuss some official matters soon. Sirol out."

< Katra Station / Shared quarters of Zex and Sirol -- as Zex >

Zex wrapped her arms around Sirol lightly.  She knew that hugging was a relatively new concept for the Romulan.   Still she hoped that it helped here in some small way.

"Let's talk later.  I need to get going.  Have a good day" the Deltan said before parting.

[Captain's Mess]

Hayo smiled.  "I very much would like to see what data you have on the creature and the anomaly.  I've always been fascinated by unique space creatures.  And this one seems quite unique.

Maybe we could even collaborate on more research on it while I'm here.  If you interested.  Melrus will help too once he stops eating" the Benzite female replied.

"By the way.  Was that the baby Tholian you were squawking too on your communicator?  Sorry to listing in on what was likely a private call.  Are they taking visitors by chance?" Haya added.

She leaned a bit closer.  "If so, I would be interested in meeting the little tyke.  But I understand if they want to keep outsiders away" the older science officer said.

Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on August 04, 2021, 11:02:28 AM


"I suppose it is a touch similar." Amarande smiled. "Of course," she murmured, gesturing. "I'll be right here. Enjoy your tea and your session if you can." She moved away, reaching for her PADD to review a few reports.

[Medbay - EQ]

EQ nodded to indicate his understanding.  Then he finished his tea.  "Thanks, doctor.  I'll get out of your hair for now" the XB said before leaving Medbay.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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