S3-M8: Best Laid Plans

Started by Kirok, August 01, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

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Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on August 03, 2021, 06:36:47 PM

[Counseling Office - EQ Kimball - 0845]

EQ's meeting went a bit longer with Dr. X than expected.  So he arrived at the counseling office in a rush.  And a bit sweaty - he blamed the hot tea.

"Hi.  I'm here to see Dr. Jyur.  I have an appointment.  I'm EQ Kimball" he said to the receptionist.

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

Zero's receptionist, a mixed origin woman looked up at EQ. Her skin held a greenish tint, slightly more than that of a Vulcan, her soft brown eyes assessing him. A smile fitted her features, as she motioned towards a small grouping of seats. "You can have a seat, I'll let Dr. Jyur know." With that, she pressed the small intercom button.

Zero had returned to straighten the room up slightly, when he got a page from his receptionist, announcing the arrival of his next client.

"Sir, your 8:45 is hear to see you." Glancing at his computer, he sucked in a deep breath, closing his eyes. EQ, Liberated Borg. Tipping his head back, he rested it on his chair for a moment, taking a moment to pull up his mental walls. This was going to be a particularly difficult session.

Zero had many difficult clients. He'd had people who lashed out aggressively, people with trauma that ran so deep it would be years of therapy yet. People who refused speak, people who spoke entirely too much. Each one, Zero treated with a patience and understanding he would award to his own family. But none would prove as difficult as this particular session. Running his hands through his hair, he set his head on his desk for a moment, fighting back tears. After thirty seconds had passed he sniffed, picking his head up, and exhaling steadily. Tapping the button, his voice held a steadiness that didn't betray his emotions. "Thank you Maluse, send him in." Straightening up in his seat. he shut down his computer and flipped to a clean page in his notebook. Grabbing the colored leaf, he jotted down 'EQ' at the top to note the place, and waited for him to step in.

"EQ, welcome. Would you prefer to sit at the desk, or at the couch?"


Quote from: Eli Ferris on August 04, 2021, 12:55:01 AM

Lt. Eli Ferris|Katra Station|OPS =/\= Acknowledge, Mr. Drake and good luck.  =/\=

Eli sighed and signaled the next rotation of pilots to prepare to swap out. The flight officers had been doing a quicker flight rotation, ensuring everyone didn't get a little cockpit crazy. Not that Mr. Drake seemed to suffer from that at all. But, the recent freighter arrival had proven to require small shifts. He called up the roster to ensure it was still accurate, and the pilots ready.

Once done, he turned his attention to other officers. A new arrival, from the Discovery by his own admission, was grumbling about the speed of the console. Eli could only stifle a small grin, as it would hardly be appropriate to the situation, but Eli had come to expect such things. But, he didn't want to say that this would be a common experience. Eli glanced over as T'Prith began her adjustments.  He was appreciative of her attention to detail, and didn't want to interrupt her work. But, her question sparked his own.
"Welcome aboard, Mr. Tark. Hopefully, we will have a console up and running. I trust your transfer was smooth from the Discovery?" He too was curious. Day to day operations on such a ship was a bit different than the million little details he seemed to be tracking on Katra.
=/\="Oh..." Eli thought to himself. He was not a fan of upper ranks visiting, and the arrival of the admiral was a source of great anticipation, and even greater anxiety.  =/\= Ferris to docking bay one. Prepare to recieve the Admiral's runabout. =/\=


"Thank you, Sir.  I'm actually on the Lirpa now, but it's all the same, Sir.  A ship is a ship, it's not the size that matters.  Its the fight she can put up" Tark said proudly.

"I'm sure it will get fixed soon.  Thanks.  You served on the Discovery too, if I remember right.  Just not at the same time as me.  Right, Sir?" the Klingon asked conversationally.



Bringing Lamar, with his puppy, back out, he approached Ruthie and said, "Here's your baby brother, Ensign, thanks to old Skargarr here. And keep the lot out here, apparently we found and stopped a slave ring here. I'm guessing, Mister Skargarr, there's to be an arrest made?"

[Docking Ring - Katra Station]

"If that is Lamar, the computer says this is Tidu.  Why are there two children in a restricted security zone?.  They could get hurt, or kidnapped being up here.  I suggest more security to prevent this from happening again.  As for Cloten here, I believe he didnt know he was trafficking in slaves.  Lt I suggest we let him off with a warning and take the slaves to the medical bay.  They are here now and im sure being checked out would be best.  As you said, Lt.  Best not to ruffle feathers, sir.  As you said, best to have a merchant on our side then against us." Skar hissed out as he allowed Tidu to go with his parent.


Quote from: Serena King on August 04, 2021, 03:29:50 AM

[Katra Station | Klingon Embassy | 0810 hours]

Serena stopped by the Klingon embassy... "Uh... Hello?" She stood in the doorway. Oh, she knew Klingons valued directness, but right now, she was more afraid of a leashed Targ jumping out at her if she stepped through the portal.

Ambassador Chigorra
[Klingon Embassy - Katra Station - 0810 Hours]

The room was a tremendous, wide-open thing with a ceiling to rose to at least 10 meters above. In its center, a slightly raised dais looked rather like a combat-ring of some kind, an effect made stronger by the pair of burning holographic braziers at its sides. All around this open space were stacks of metal crates of Klingon make, manual pallet jacks, a dented hand-truck or two, and the occasional discarded bladed weapon, perhaps used as a make-shift box opener. Targs were, thankfully, entirely absent, as was any sign of their presence; no hair, no stink, do offal, no bone shards.

Near the entrance of the Embassy, where Serena walked in, a hastily-assembled reception desk had been built to receive visitors. It was comprised of an angular metal lectern emblazoned with the Klingon Heart of Virtue and a computer and communications workstation assembled nearby. Large metal crates had been stacked as extending wings from the thing, making it look rather like a military barrier right at the Embassy entrance. At Serena's entry and callout, a voice replied from behind the barrier. Ahah! the voice shouted, and its speaker soon followed.

Rising up from an apparent ducking position from behind the barrier was the Ambassador, who Serena had seen and heard previously at a meeting to discuss the Tosk not so long ago. Chigorra grinned at the sight of the small human, her fangs twisting her lips oddly. "Greetings! Welcome to the Klingon Embassy." Her eyes on Serena, she moved to the lower end of the barrier and flung her long legs over it, crossing the thing to approach the Engineer. She stuck her hand out for a handshake, the clawed nails on her hand dark in coloration. Chigorra knew this woman was an Engineer, and she was infinitely curious in her grip strength! Surely an engineer or mechanic would have strong hands!

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar


Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on August 04, 2021, 02:31:32 PM

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

Zero's receptionist, a mixed origin woman looked up at EQ. Her skin held a greenish tint, slightly more than that of a Vulcan, her soft brown eyes assessing him. A smile fitted her features, as she motioned towards a small grouping of seats. "You can have a seat, I'll let Dr. Jyur know." With that, she pressed the small intercom button.

Zero had returned to straighten the room up slightly, when he got a page from his receptionist, announcing the arrival of his next client.

"Sir, your 8:45 is hear to see you." Glancing at his computer, he sucked in a deep breath, closing his eyes. EQ, Liberated Borg. Tipping his head back, he rested it on his chair for a moment, taking a moment to pull up his mental walls. This was going to be a particularly difficult session.

Zero had many difficult clients. He'd had people who lashed out aggressively, people with trauma that ran so deep it would be years of therapy yet. People who refused speak, people who spoke entirely too much. Each one, Zero treated with a patience and understanding he would award to his own family. But none would prove as difficult as this particular session. Running his hands through his hair, he set his head on his desk for a moment, fighting back tears. After thirty seconds had passed he sniffed, picking his head up, and exhaling steadily. Tapping the button, his voice held a steadiness that didn't betray his emotions. "Thank you Maluse, send him in." Straightening up in his seat. he shut down his computer and flipped to a clean page in his notebook. Grabbing the colored leaf, he jotted down 'EQ' at the top to note the place, and waited for him to step in.

"EQ, welcome. Would you prefer to sit at the desk, or at the couch?"

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

EQ took a set when the young woman instructed him to do so.  Looked for a magazine to read while he waited, but there were none.  So he simply waited.

Luckily it was a short wait.  The lady told him to go in.  "Thank you, Maluse" he said after hearing her name.

The XB walked the short hall.  Opened the door.  He looked over the room, then stepped in.

"Hi, Dr. Jyur, sir.  If there is going to be testing with the Rorschach test then the desk.  I can't tell you my answers to the cards now though.  Seen em lots of times already" Kimball replied.

Quote from: npc3 on August 04, 2021, 04:19:05 PM


"Thank you, Sir.  I'm actually on the Lirpa now, but it's all the same, Sir.  A ship is a ship, it's not the size that matters.  Its the fight she can put up" Tark said proudly.

"I'm sure it will get fixed soon.  Thanks.  You served on the Discovery too, if I remember right.  Just not at the same time as me.  Right, Sir?" the Klingon asked conversationally.

[Ops - Zex - 0815]

Zex finally arrived for her shift.  "Hi all, sorry I'm late.  I see that we one of our visiting officers has arrived already.  Let me guess.  You're having computer issues, right?

That's on me.  Sorry.  I have to enter everyone's clearances so you can work while you are here.  Just give me a minute to log in" the Deltan said.

She logged in.  Set the clearances.  "You should be good now" Zex said, then started working on everyone else's clearances.

With that done, she took a moment to look up the reports from the anomaly that had affected Sirol.   There was lots of data, but none of the medical reports would open for her.  But she knew someone who they might open for.

-//Zex to Dr. Xiiv.  Are you currently in?  Do you have some time to see me?\\- the Deltan asked after tapping her combadge.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]

Quote from: Sirol on August 04, 2021, 01:35:38 AM

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Once more she did a bunch of cheerful tholian squeaks into her communicator to cheer up Xasik's child, before she then lowered her voice and spoke.
=/\="œIt was welcome to hear from both of you. I will be in the lab in time for the beta shift. Give Emerald a little snuggle from me in the meantime.
I have to end the call; we might discuss some official matters soon. Sirol out."

Xasik smiled to himself as the connection from his comm badge went through to Sirol's. She didn't say much when he told her that there was someone wanting to squeak to her, but he didn't mind and instead let Emerald do the talking. His smile turned into an amused grin when he heard Sirol squeaking back to Emerald. The hatchling's eyes seemed to light up even more at the sound of her voice and their little hands reached out for the person they couldn't see but could hear.
Xasik could hear the conversations going on in the background on Sirol's end but he paid them no attention because they did not involve him. He focused instead on his child and how happy they were at this very moment. He would never have imagined that such a simple thing could bring him so much joy to watch.
He was impressed by Sirol's ability to sound so very Tholian with her squeaking and decided to record a small video of the way Emerald was reacting to show her later. He was certain that that would bring a smile to her face.

He hadn't known her for very long, but already he was feeling comfortable around her and actually wanting to share with her every moment and milestone Emerald reached. He was certain that to the little Tholian she was a part of the family. She had been there for their hatching and so they had bonded with her from their very first moment out of the egg. It was a strange thought to Xasik but he didn't question it. He was okay with their bond and it even seemed beneficial for both of them.
In the short time he had known Sirol, he had felt that under her cool exterior there was something troubling her. He didn't know what it was and he hadn't felt like it was his place to ask her outright, but the more time they spent together, the more he could feel the troubling feeling bubbling away in her aura. He wasn't sure exactly what he could do, but he was determined to build his courage and ask her outright if anything was troubling her. Perhaps he could ask Peylix. They seemed to get along well with Sirol, so perhaps they would know something he did not.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Sirol spoke to him through the comm badge informing him that she would have to end the call. He understood and smiled as Emerald continued to squeak happily and reach out their arms for an invisible Sirol.
=/\="œUnderstood," Xasik acknowledged. "œThank you for taking the call. You've made Little Pebble very happy. By the way, you speak excellent Tholian. I may have to have you teach Emerald when they're old if you're okay with that. I'm sorry if the call interrupted anything, I won't take up any more of your time. See you in the lab later. Xas out." =/\=
=/\="œSqueak! Squeak peep squeak peep!" =/\= Emerald chimed in just before the call disconnected. They chirped and squeaked some more but settled quickly when no more replies came from the badge. Xasik knew they would be super excited later when Sirol made it back to the lab. The high pitched squeaks and peeps would probably tingle his ears.

Emerald started squeaking excitedly as the lab doors opened. Xasik looked up and welcomed Peylix with a nod of his head. "œWelcome healer. Thank you for coming. I'm sorry to trouble you so often."

Quote from: Sirol on August 04, 2021, 01:35:38 AM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

Helping themself into the Simulation Lab (without ringing the doorbell) they immediately walked over to the little containment cube housing the hatchling, beginning to run several levels of medical scans on Emerald.
Then"¦ After a few seconds"¦ They slowly turned around and focused on Freeman.
<"Emerald- as stated - is healthy and strong. They are merely exhausted, which is to be expected considering the hardships their little metabolism had to endure during the last two and a half days.
I have prepared a set of concentrated nutrition units. Infuse one of them into the air circulation of the quarantine area every six hours.">

Once more they looked at the child, gently pressing their hand against the transparent surface of the containment cube, with the glove of their EV suit making a little clicking noise which may or may not be sensed by the young one.

Xasik moved out of the way as Peylix approached the baby tank to examine Emerald. The child's squeaking got louder and louder as the healer approached and their little hands reached out for the other Tholian. Xasik assumed that Emerald also saw Peylix as another member of the family. That did not annoy Xasik like he thought it should. Instead he chose to see the brighter side. If there was ever anything Emerald could not talk to him about, then at least they would have Sirol and Peylix to turn to. He also appreciated the thought of Emerald being able to interact with and learn from another Tholian. There were certain things he would not be able to teach Emerald that only another Tholian could.

He watched every move the healer made carefully. It wasn't that he distrusted the healer, but rather he was an overprotective father making sure his little one was okay. The hyperactive squeaking from Emerald as Peylix worked let Xasik know that the child was happy and alert.
He was relieved to hear from Peylix that Emerald was in good health and was strong. He had been so concerned with how long the young one had been sleeping. It did concern him to hear that the child was exhausted but he supposed that was to be expected. He nodded his head in understanding.
"œThank you for arriving so quickly, Healer, and for the nutrition units. I am glad you are assisting me with this process. Your efforts are very appreciated. It seems the little one is also appreciative of your efforts. Would you like to hold them for a while? I think Emerald would really enjoy that."

He paused for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. "œI do have one thing I would like to ask though, if I may. I do not know Sirol very well. I haven't been aboard Katra for a very long time and I am still finding my feet as it were, but I can't help but feel there is something troubling the Lieutenant and I can't quite figure it out. I will ask her directly when I find the right words, but I wanted to ask you if you  had noticed anything yourself. You both seem to get along with each other quite well."
Xasik shifted awkwardly on the spot as Emerald continued to excitedly squeak their little heart out in the tank.
"œSqueak squeak! Peep! Squeak!" The clicking noises Peylix made against the side of the tank seemed to really amuse the one and they continued to reach out for Peylix's hand.

Kyle Briggs

[Captain's Mess]

Quote from: Kirok on August 04, 2021, 12:33:04 PM

Kirok relaxed just a bit when Kyle arrived.  Yes, the half Vulcan was the host of the party.  But he was mostly an introvert, a private man.

So these events were just a step outside his comfort zone.  But duty came first.  Having his XO here though helped to lighten the half Vulcan's load though.

He nodded to the First Officer when approached.  "Kyle, thank you for joining us.  There are pastries too" he added.

Kyle grinned over at Kirok. "I wouldn't have missed for anything. I hear we're due quite a few old friends today." he said. He took a sip of his drink. "If you're good with it, I think I'll mingle some." Kirok nodded and Kyle took his leave and began walking around.

Kyle didn't seem to recognize any one outside the current Katra crew so he refilled his cup and made his way back to the table where he found Lieutenant Sirol sitting. He took the seat next to hers. "Wow. You look just so excited t be here." he said jokingly. "So. Do you have some friends coming in with our visitors?" he asked.

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on August 04, 2021, 05:50:46 PM

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

EQ took a set when the young woman instructed him to do so.  Looked for a magazine to read while he waited, but there were none.  So he simply waited.

Luckily it was a short wait.  The lady told him to go in.  "Thank you, Maluse" he said after hearing her name.

The XB walked the short hall.  Opened the door.  He looked over the room, then stepped in.

"Hi, Dr. Jyur, sir.  If there is going to be testing with the Rorschach test then the desk.  I can't tell you my answers to the cards now though.  Seen em lots of times already" Kimball replied.

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

As EQ stepped in, Zero took another moment to restrain himself. Reminding himself of his oath, he chanted it in his mind a few times, before stepping out from his desk with a kind smile. "Now I see no reason to do something as drastic as that. Lets sit on the couch, it's more comfortable." He trailed behind the man, and allowed him to splay out on the couch however he wanted. The counselor himself took the seat across, a comfortable looking chair, with a small coffee table between them. "Oh - and before we begin, feel free at any time to make use of the various engagement toys." He motioned to the box of fidget and anxiety toys, with a box of tissues next to them.

"So EQ, tell me what's brought you in to me today." He paused, pondering for a moment before continuing, "I always like to hear it from the patient, personally."




< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Quote from: Xasik on August 04, 2021, 09:16:29 PM

=/\="œUnderstood," Xasik acknowledged. "œThank you for taking the call. You've made Little Pebble very happy. By the way, you speak excellent Tholian. I may have to have you teach Emerald when they're old if you're okay with that. I'm sorry if the call interrupted anything, I won't take up any more of your time. See you in the lab later. Xas out." =/\=
=/\="œSqueak! Squeak peep squeak peep!" =/\= Emerald chimed in just before the call disconnected. They chirped and squeaked some more but settled quickly when no more replies came from the badge.

Sirol raised an eyebrow towards her colleague's apology.
=/\="œIt is alright. Nothing official has started yet." =/\= She spoke in a calm tone and took a sip of her coffee.
=/\="œI will gladly assist you at teaching Emerald speech once he develops the capabilities. Sirol out. =/\=
As far as she was concerned, she would always find the time to cheer up Emerald. They might not have been her child, but they were - after all - now part of Sirol's vicinity, and even hatched in her very own lab.

As she heard the child squeaking again, she once more mimicked their squeaking language, then - with a little smirk on her face - closed the call.

Quote from: Kirok on August 04, 2021, 12:33:04 PM

Hayo smiled.  "I very much would like to see what data you have on the creature and the anomaly.  I've always been fascinated by unique space creatures.  And this one seems quite unique.

Maybe we could even collaborate on more research on it while I'm here.  If you interested.  Melrus will help too once he stops eating" the Benzite female replied.

"By the way.  Was that the baby Tholian you were squawking too on your communicator?  Sorry to listing in on what was likely a private call.  Are they taking visitors by chance?" Haya added.

She leaned a bit closer.  "If so, I would be interested in meeting the little tyke.  But I understand if they want to keep outsiders away" the older science officer said.

Sirol took another deep sip from her mug of coffee.
At this point, it was roughly half empty and already way too cold for her taste, yet she would not refill but finish this one.
Two mugs were better than one and a half after all.
Looking towards Hayo again, the scientist then calmly nodded.
"œI will speak with my division leader"¦" She did a quick nod towards Hrafn. "œ...To ensure the legality of all file transfers, but I already assume that will be no problem. Merely a formality considering the politically charged situation we find ourselves to be part of right now...."

Towards her question of collaboration though, Sirol did not answer.
Cosmozoans were not her special field.
She admired their uniqueness, composition and - more often than not - complexity, yet  had no actual knowledge to contribute.
She could maybe contribute to something involving the interphasic nature of the base phenomenon or the mathematics behind the creature's "˜communication' but everything else"¦ She did not intend to make any false promises or indicate her usefulness in fields she did not inherit"¦
She raised one eyebrow and calmly took another sip of her coffee.

As Hayo asked Sirol as to whether she had been talking to a Tholian baby, she once more raised one eyebrow.
For someone claiming to have gathered experience on Tholia that sort of question seemed"¦ Indicative of a lack of attention to her own studies"¦
But then again, there might have been factors hindering Hayo's research. Factors Sirol might not have been aware of.
Sirol simply nodded.
"œThey are." She spoke in a somewhat warmer tone, and replayed the joyful squeaks of the hatchling in her memory.
"œ...The child of one of my colleagues, and a welcome opportunity to finally work on my own field and use my expertise."
Once more she took a sip of her coffee, giving Hayo a musing look.
"œI assume whether or not to accept visitors will be up to my colleague and our advisor to decide.
I can certainly relay your request to Freeman and Peylix, but have no decision over whether or not they will accept off-station or non-tholian personnel at this point."

She paused for a moment.
She did not want to appear unwelcoming, but she also did not want to make any decisions over the heads of the hatchling's family.
She after all was not the parent, but merely a friend, mediator and caretaker.
Looking up again, she then added.

"œWould you like me to contact the parent on your behalf once this breakfast has concluded?"

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on August 04, 2021, 11:40:31 PM

Kyle didn't seem to recognize any one outside the current Katra crew so he refilled his cup and made his way back to the table where he found Lieutenant Sirol sitting. He took the seat next to hers. "Wow. You look just so excited t be here." he said jokingly. "So. Do you have some friends coming in with our visitors?" he asked.

As she noticed the Commander taking a seat next to her, Sirol gave him - yet another - hailing nod.
He appeared in a bright and bold mood, radiating a distinct type of confidence"¦ (At least she assumed that it was confidence.)
His question though took her a moment to process.
Was it irony?
Was it sarcasm?
Was it both or neither?
Did she transpire her own underwhelmed feeling so openly?
Was she the one irradiating the room here? No. Doubtful. She was not confident.

Tilting her head she slowly leaned a little forwards, facing the XO.
"œMy excitement at the moment is"¦ Limited..." She answered truthfully. "œ...I can not yet process any food and am waiting for a suitable assignment."
Unbelievable that the only action appropriate for her field of work this week had been practising tholian baby talk with Xasik's child"¦ And that not even as part of her duty"¦ Although"¦ That would"¦ Could have been an interesting new subject for a dissertation...
Taking yet another little sip of her coffee, she bid him a thoughtful look - or more precisely the shiny pips on his red collar. So orderly and neatly arranged; buffed and pleasantly reflective.
It was a soothing sight that helped her take her eyes off everyone's faces for a few seconds and sort her thoughts...
"œNo friends of mine. No. I do not know any of the newcomers." She then answered his second question, and once more let her gaze wander through the room. "œI was not even aware of their arrival until I was briefed by Ensign Zex this morning. I am not yet certain what to even expect, so look forward to a detailed and clarifying briefing."
Why even did Starfleet have to make every official meeting she attended so far so very"¦ Exhaustingly chaotic and unappealingly informal to begin with?
For a second she remembered Kovnin again, and unintentionally quoted him in her mind: She was not getting any younger"¦

Silently exhaling, she then looked at the Commander again.
"œDo you know any of the newcomers?"
Considering that Hrafn and Kirok did, her assumption was justified and statistically promising...



< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

All in all Peylix was pleased about the state of the child - and to an extent - the foster parent.
The child was lively and eagerly squeaked and seeking contact to them once Peylix had approached them.
Perceptive, fast reflexes, instinctual recognition of peripheral individuals"¦
Little Emerald did endure the stasis remarkably well.

Although Peylix had not mentioned it to Freeman on hatching day, but they had indeed (among other potential outcomes) prepared for the possibility of the child not surviving the reanimation process.
It had been an incredibly fortunate chain of factors that led to the hatchling not just surviving but taking essentially no physical damage.
The healer was more than pleased.

Quote from: Xasik on August 04, 2021, 09:16:29 PM

"œThank you for arriving so quickly, Healer, and for the nutrition units. I am glad you are assisting me with this process. Your efforts are very appreciated. It seems the little one is also appreciative of your efforts. Would you like to hold them for a while? I think Emerald would really enjoy that."

Peylix acknowledged Freeman's first words with a quick hand gesture.
<"œThere is no need for gratitude. This is my function.">
They began while hunkering down a little, getting a little closer to the containment cube.
Towards Xasik's offer to hold the little one though, Peylix paused for a moment, unsure of how to react.
Would the child be trusting enough already?
Would Freeman be?

Hesitantly, Peylix once more repeated their gesture.
<"œI doubt that the child understands my role here as of now. They will learn upon developing their instinctual connection via utilising the Lattice, but"¦ Yes... I would"¦ Appreciate holding them"¦ As long as it does not startle the child...">
Quote from: Xasik on August 04, 2021, 09:16:29 PM

"œSqueak squeak! Peep! Squeak!" The clicking noises Peylix made against the side of the tank seemed to really amuse the one and they continued to reach out for Peylix's hand.

Invisible to Freeman, Peylix' eyes lit up in joy as the child reached out for them.
Playfully they waved their index finger close to the child's face, seeing if they would follow Peylix' finger wander around in circles on the other side of the transparent wall"¦
What a cheerful little explorer you are; put into such a vast and lonely part of the galaxy...
Quote from: Xasik on August 04, 2021, 09:16:29 PM

He paused for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. "œI do have one thing I would like to ask though, if I may. I do not know Sirol very well. I haven't been aboard Katra for a very long time and I am still finding my feet as it were, but I can't help but feel there is something troubling the Lieutenant and I can't quite figure it out. I will ask her directly when I find the right words, but I wanted to ask you if you  had noticed anything yourself. You both seem to get along with each other quite well."

Freeman's inquiry"¦ Surprised Peylix. To say the least.
They had assumed that Freeman would know more about Scientist Sirol than Peylix.
But then again, the Assembly did have records of Sirol thanks to Ambassador Zhukene's and Commander Eydis' interaction with her dating back decades"¦
Once more Peylix requested the available information on Lieutenant Sirol.
The same batch of data they had extracted from the Lattice upon their first meeting with Freeman and Sirol...
2366: First contact. Offspring of Senator Ternan Sirol of Romulus. Showed skill and interest in providing aid at solving technical malfunction of Ambassador Zhukene's suit translation software. Malfunction solved. Offered language files on Tholian audible base language in return.
2371: Mentioned during a briefing between Ambassador Zhukene and Senator Ternan Sirol
2399: Off-duty interaction with Ambassador Eydis and hir Starfleet associates.
2399: Mentioned by Commander Eydis and nominated as suitable researcher interacting with the local science caste for one of hir research projects on the Uropygi species. Subject stated her willingness to assist the Commander.
2399: Incomplete report by Commander Eydis regarding subject's need for"¦ Emotional support"¦

<"Commander Eydis did note Lieutenant Sirol's distress. Need for"¦ Emotional support. Hence hir sending the creature referred to as Uropygi.
While I do have the expertise of a therapist, my supposed field is the tholian psyche. I am no xenologist...">

Peylix paused and rolled the information regarding Sirol forth and back, then looked at Freeman and the child again.
The child obviously considered Sirol a"¦ Parental figure"¦ Sirol's well-being may or may not affect that of Emerald"¦ And Emerald's well-being was part of Peylix' work.
Once more the healer focused their gaze on Freeman.
<"...I can however attempt to"¦ Speak privately"¦ Try to assess her circumstances and stress factors. I may yield inaccurate results"¦ But I am willing to practise trial and error in the interest of her and Emerald's well-being.">

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Cargo Hold | Vulpinian Freighter ::

There were many illegal things that Kyan could let pass. Many he could even condone, but slavery was not one of them. In fact, out of all the various criminals that he'd encountered over the years, slavers and rapists were the ones that he'd hated most, with not much daylight between them. The boy's eyes grew wide as Skargarr pulled the crate open and a small hand, smaller than his own, shot out of the cage that was concealed behind the duraplast facade. Behind the hand was a skinny arm and then a small, dirty face framed by shaggy locks of black hair that looked like it hadn't been washed for some time. Standing, stooped over due to the height of the cage were two grups in similar condition. One was a female, and she held a baby in the crook of her arm. Their clothing, if it could be called clothing, spoke to their condition, as did the metal collars the child and its parents wore.

As Cloten attempted to explain away the situation, Kyan turned around to face the diminutive Freighter captain, his own eyes narrowed almost into slits. Before he could speak though, Skargarr spoke up. Obviously the Gorn crewman had been paying attention earlier.

Quote from: Skargarr on August 04, 2021, 04:33:37 PM

[Docking Ring - Katra Station]

"If that is Lamar, the computer says this is Tidu.  Why are there two children in a restricted security zone?.  They could get hurt, or kidnapped being up here.  I suggest more security to prevent this from happening again.  As for Cloten here, I believe he didnt know he was trafficking in slaves.  Lt I suggest we let him off with a warning and take the slaves to the medical bay.  They are here now and im sure being checked out would be best.  As you said, Lt.  Best not to ruffle feathers, sir.  As you said, best to have a merchant on our side then against us." Skar hissed out as he allowed Tidu to go with his parent.

Kyan almost punched the com badge on his chest. =/\= Makenzie to all Security in the docking bay. Board the Vulpinian ship and come to the cargo bay. =/\=

"No. Kyan answered Skargarr finally. "Fook the feathers and the bird they come from." He pointed to the cages. "Get them out and to sickbay. And as for you..." he almost hissed at Cloten. "You and your crew are under arrest for trafficking. This ship and everything in it is confiscated. And nothing in the galaxy would make me happier the now than if you filthy creatures tried tae be makin a get away so.."

After a few seconds of relative silence, the Security officers started entering the hold. Kyan was still staring daggers at Cloten, and continued to do so while he issued orders to them. "Take them all to holding cells. If they try anything, shoot them." 

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Skargarr on August 04, 2021, 04:33:37 PM

[Docking Ring - Katra Station]

"If that is Lamar, the computer says this is Tidu.  Why are there two children in a restricted security zone?.  They could get hurt, or kidnapped being up here.  I suggest more security to prevent this from happening again.  As for Cloten here, I believe he didnt know he was trafficking in slaves.  Lt I suggest we let him off with a warning and take the slaves to the medical bay.  They are here now and im sure being checked out would be best.  As you said, Lt.  Best not to ruffle feathers, sir.  As you said, best to have a merchant on our side then against us." Skar hissed out as he allowed Tidu to go with his parent.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 05, 2021, 07:45:46 AM

:: Cargo Hold | Vulpinian Freighter ::

There were many illegal things that Kyan could let pass. Many he could even condone, but slavery was not one of them. In fact, out of all the various criminals that he'd encountered over the years, slavers and rapists were the ones that he'd hated most, with not much daylight between them. The boy's eyes grew wide as Skargarr pulled the crate open and a small hand, smaller than his own, shot out of the cage that was concealed behind the duraplast facade. Behind the hand was a skinny arm and then a small, dirty face framed by shaggy locks of black hair that looked like it hadn't been washed for some time. Standing, stooped over due to the height of the cage were two grups in similar condition. One was a female, and she held a baby in the crook of her arm. Their clothing, if it could be called clothing, spoke to their condition, as did the metal collars the child and its parents wore.

As Cloten attempted to explain away the situation, Kyan turned around to face the diminutive Freighter captain, his own eyes narrowed almost into slits. Before he could speak though, Skargarr spoke up. Obviously the Gorn crewman had been paying attention earlier.

Kyan almost punched the com badge on his chest. =/\= Makenzie to all Security in the docking bay. Board the Vulpinian ship and come to the cargo bay. =/\=

"No. Kyan answered Skargarr finally. "Fook the feathers and the bird they come from." He pointed to the cages. "Get them out and to sickbay. And as for you..." he almost hissed at Cloten. "You and your crew are under arrest for trafficking. This ship and everything in it is confiscated. And nothing in the galaxy would make me happier the now than if you filthy creatures tried tae be makin a get away so.."

After a few seconds of relative silence, the Security officers started entering the hold. Kyan was still staring daggers at Cloten, and continued to do so while he issued orders to them. "Take them all to holding cells. If they try anything, shoot them."

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign Gryphon | Cloten's Freighter | Docking Ring | Katra Station]
"Lamar just ran into the freighter," he said. "And I can see why," he added, looking at the puppy in Lamar's hands.

Looking at the Falleg children, Griff said in a serious tone, "Honestly, you lot, running pell-mell into a freighter of a questionable nature, especially if it's transporting slaves, it's stupider than targ dung! I honestly don't know how the bloody dickens it's possible for strays to even be strays on a station, animals shouldn't be on the loose, what if a stray was more dangerous and wandered into, say, Ops? Besides, don't you have enough animals already?"

The comm from Lieutenant Ferris told him of somebody very important coming to the VIP dock.  =/\="Understood, Leftenant," =/\= he said. He then called Kayad while Mackenzie and Skargarr and the other security did their work on the little furball's freighter.

"Junior Leftenant Drake to Mister Kayad," he said, "Once you finish off-loading, you better get the ship to clear off as fast as possible, we have a very important guest coming in."

"We're just about almost finished, Mister Drake," he said; rank didn't matter to Kayad, he will always be "Mister Drake" to the old turtle. "I'll be remaining on the station, however, I'm the new representative of Drake Shipping, Limited, and I'm assigned an office to liase with Gamma Logistics."

Drake Shipping, Limited was the old family company. Where it began as a shipping company in Victorian times, it had expanded and upgraded over the years until it became quadrant-spread. Mostly. It mostly had trade routes in the Federation and extended stringly over to Federation spheres of influence, though they never went anywhere dangerous. Now they have an extra extension, ending out here in Katra in the Gamma Quadrant.

=/\="We'll talk later, Kayad," =/\= said Gideon,  =/\="I'm on duty." =/\=

Remembering the Squall is still latched onto the dodgy freighter, Griff turned back to the beautiful young ensign and said, "I trust you'll take it from here with your midget siblings, Ensign?"

Meanwhile, as more slaves were brought out of the crates, Cloten was in an inward rage and was cursing the slavers of Verex III with dozens of the worst alien obscenities he could think of. The declaration of arrest was expected; he expected it the moment the crates were opened and the cargo inside discovered.

"Fine, go ahead and lock us up," said Cloten in a calm oily voice that had shades of anger iced on it. "I won't stop you. Of course, I can tell you anything and everything you need to know about Verex III's slave market, if it'll help secure a release. I'm willing to bargain. I had no idea I was dumped with these yokels going outbound from the Verex System."

Naturally, every time he had been dumped with slavers and discovered so when unloading, if he risked arrest, he made no resistance; in his experience, there'd be shades of innocence from not resisting arrest for slavery. He'd even plea bargain if he could get away with it, and this was a Federation outpost, so he hoped the information will be of interest, enough to release him and his crew.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Gideon Drake on August 03, 2021, 07:27:49 PM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign "Gryphon" | Cloten's Freighter | Docking Bay | Katra Station]

Griff turned back to the ginger girl...the older ginger girl...she's the oldest of the Falleg children? He tried not to stare too long at how beautiful she was, what with the hair, but he kept reminding himself Serena was more beautiful.

"Uh, yes, the midgets know me," he said. "You're their older sister? Blimey. Anyway, yeah, best stay here, we got Security inspecting here, I'll get Lamar...how the bloody hell are stray dogs possible on this station?"

Inside, Cloten could see his cargo was safe. The crew was starting percariously as the security officers were inspecting...how old the hell was their chief? He looked, what, like a teenager? He couldn't be more annoying if was calling for another round on the intercom. The Gorn, on the other hand, made him nervous. If he aimed to eat one of the crew, he was going to get one of his Nausicaans to keep him the hell away.

Just as he turned to have a word with the security people when a redheaded kid appeared out of nowhere, a puppy in one hand, and hugged him. HUGGED HIM!!!

The little guy was barely shorter than Cloten, but he put his face on him deeply, enough for his loose robes and chain to crumple against his face. Cloten himself balled his fists, pursed his lips, and narrowed his eyes in fury. The rest of the crew looked at the display in horror. They knew well enough Cloten hated to be hugged.

Cloten absolutely hated to be hugged. Despite his temper, children often came to hug him, most especially when he didn't look to be in a temper. He knew better than to resist, though; the first time he lashed out a child, the parents chased him away. If he lashed at any child, let alone growled at a kid, he knew that the parents, guardians, or orphanage patron would be down his throat.

One of the Orions, of course, commented, "Aww, he loves you," and in the same tone of voice expected when he's found something cute.

The crew turned over in horror at him. Cloten turned his head and glared at him. If looks could kill, the Orion would be vaporized on the spot. He never thought he'd meet somebody stupider than Gop Gop, but it was the case.

"The minute I'm through with business," he growled at the Orion, "you're getting the rack."

Naturally, the crew feared Cloten's wrath. If there's anything they feared more than Cloten's temper, it was Cloten's punishments. Nearly everybody bore at least one scar from where he scratched them in the rack. Make him mad enough, he would even have the poor sucker flogged. The only one who never got the rack was Gop Gop. It wasn't so much that he was too short for the rack, but it was that Cloten had swore to his mother on his death bed that he wouldn't harm Gop Gop, a cousin of a friend of the family, a key friendly family; otherwise, he would've killed the idiot a long time ago. Instead, the only punishments he gave him was to clean the bilges, which consisted of leaks from the ship sewage (hence bilges), sometimes just with a toothbrush if he was mad enough.

"Hey! Flyboy!" Cloten called to Griff, who had just appeared and saw Lamar hugging him. "I think you're missin' a kid."

"Oi! Lamar!" shouted Griff. "Geroff him!"

But all it took to get Lamar away was the big Gorn, one of the new security officers, Skargarr. Once the Gorn got Lamar away from Cloten, Griff called in passing, "Why hug him, Lamar? You don't know where he's been!"

"Like I'm a traveling parasite hotel," said Cloten, sniffing himself at how clean he was, which was ironic, considering how filthy the rest of his ship was.

"And Mister Cloten," said Griff, "he's not one of mine. He's not even my baby brother."

"With those spots, obviously not," said Cloten. "Furthermore..."

"Boss," said another Orion nervously.

"WHAT?!?" snapped Cloten, whirling, when he saw the Gorn had opened one of the contraband crates and spilling out...were those crates carrying people?!?

Cloten knew where the crate, where the other crates like it, came from. He worked on Verex Prime, the prime world of the system held by the Orion Syndicate. Much as he was crooked like a dog's hind leg, Cloten always stayed away from the slave market on Verex III. Despite his traveling and trading, he never liked selling, let alone transporting, slaves.

Whoever dumped me with slaves to sell all the way out here, the minute I find out who, I'm gonna kill him, Cloten thought to himself.

"What the HELL are these stowaways doing aboard here?!?" he said; any time he was in a place where he risked getting busted, and anytime he was dumped with slaves, he tried to make them sound like the slaves were stowaways. Then he always set them loose. He didn't mind risking losing profit if it meant he could let slaves go.

"Stowaways my arse," said Griff. "I think we've seen enough to see."

Bringing Lamar, with his puppy, back out, he approached Ruthie and said, "Here's your baby brother, Ensign, thanks to old Skargarr here. And keep the lot out here, apparently we found and stopped a slave ring here. I'm guessing, Mister Skargarr, there's to be an arrest made?"

[Cloten's Freighter and Docking Bay]

[As Ruthie Falleg-Tekin, Tekin Tidu, Nerys and Lamar]

Ruthie didn't really have time to answer Griff before he bounded off after Lamar and Nerys stood beside her and looked up at her.

"Are we going to be in a lot of trouble?"  her younger sister asked.

"You, no... you were with me and other than running through the Promenade which I don't think is a captial offence you've not entered any areas without me so would be me that get's it in the neck.  Tidu - probably get a few dressing downs both from me, your 'Uncle Griff' and also any Security Officer and Mam when she finds out.  Lamar... not too sure, he's just a baby and trying to do right when others have obviously done wrong by the puppy he was after." Ruthie shrugged. "He'll probably get away with it because he's so cute and young."

[Meanwhile in the frieghter...]

Lamar sensed rather than could see the reaction from Cloten and he was about to start crying when he saw Griff come bounding in, and by his shout... looking for him.

"Uncle Griff, was looking for this puppy..." he held up the rather starving pup who was a little more content after the scooby snack he'd been given, "...then that puppy came along and I love puppies and didn't want him to think I didn't love him as much, but he's not happy, why he not like cuddles?" Lamar asked then held up the starving puppy.

"Someone not love this puppy, was scared and ran, I had to find him to give him some food.  Her tame is Twink according to the collar she had around her neck but I don't think she's had any love or food for a long time, she's very hungry and I can't reach replicator buttons and don't know where they are on this ship."

Lamar consented to be led outside back to Ruthie.

[Meanwhile with Tidu and Skar]

It wasn't so much that Tidu was scared of Skagaar as somewhat surprised that there was a Gorn, much less one in as Starfleet uniform, on the station.  He finally managed to get up the courage to say the words when, upon arriving at the spot he'd left Ruthie and Nerys, the latter his twin spoke, with a lot more awe than he would have.

"Wow, you're a Gorn I've only seen pictures of Gorn on my study texts on my PADD. Can I touch your skin, I really want to see if it's more like a snake or a lizard, but I don't know if that would be culturally appropriate, I just want to for my own research, can't rely on just text." Nerys breathed.

"And that's what I was trying to say... wasn't that I'm a newcomer... you're the newcomer I've been here since Captain Solluk took command of this station before Captain Kirok.  My mother is the Chief of Science Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, I was trying to say you're a Gorn... it was surprise not fright!" Tidu said indignantly.

"Forgive my sister, Sir... she's a budding anthropologist and any of the less abundant in terms of population within the station is concerned species, for example they 'adopted' a Tholian Ambassador as an 'aunt'... they want to make friends with.  She ran and hugged a Nausicaan around the knees at the age of about 3 over on DS9... so it's curiosity rather than fear or anything.  Thank you for bringing Tidu back, and forgive his seeming insolence...and to you Mr. Drake for bringing Lamar and... puppy..."

"Her name's Twink... collar says so!" Lamar interjected.

"Oh I do beg your pardon... Lamar and Twink back.  Unless you intend to lock them all in the Brig, I think I need to get Twink to a medic qualified in vet skills and the midgets handed off to their nanny and Uncle James as I have a prior engagement with Lt. Sirol."

Quote from: Skargarr on August 04, 2021, 04:33:37 PM

[Docking Ring - Katra Station]

"If that is Lamar, the computer says this is Tidu.  Why are there two children in a restricted security zone?.  They could get hurt, or kidnapped being up here.  I suggest more security to prevent this from happening again.  As for Cloten here, I believe he didnt know he was trafficking in slaves.  Lt I suggest we let him off with a warning and take the slaves to the medical bay.  They are here now and im sure being checked out would be best.  As you said, Lt.  Best not to ruffle feathers, sir.  As you said, best to have a merchant on our side then against us." Skar hissed out as he allowed Tidu to go with his parent.

"Three, and I'm only big sister, I suppose in loco parentis...but Nerys was here with me, she's only here because we were all together on the Promenade when Lamar took off, it was more prudent for her to be with me than alone on the Promenade. If anyone should take blame it's me." Ruthie explained.

She looked to the Security officer who looked barely older than Tidu himself but she figured that he could perhaps be part or full El-Aurian and had decided not to judge on looks alone.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 05, 2021, 07:45:46 AM

:: Cargo Hold | Vulpinian Freighter ::

There were many illegal things that Kyan could let pass. Many he could even condone, but slavery was not one of them. In fact, out of all the various criminals that he'd encountered over the years, slavers and rapists were the ones that he'd hated most, with not much daylight between them. The boy's eyes grew wide as Skargarr pulled the crate open and a small hand, smaller than his own, shot out of the cage that was concealed behind the duraplast facade. Behind the hand was a skinny arm and then a small, dirty face framed by shaggy locks of black hair that looked like it hadn't been washed for some time. Standing, stooped over due to the height of the cage were two grups in similar condition. One was a female, and she held a baby in the crook of her arm. Their clothing, if it could be called clothing, spoke to their condition, as did the metal collars the child and its parents wore.

As Cloten attempted to explain away the situation, Kyan turned around to face the diminutive Freighter captain, his own eyes narrowed almost into slits. Before he could speak though, Skargarr spoke up. Obviously the Gorn crewman had been paying attention earlier.

Kyan almost punched the com badge on his chest. =/\= Makenzie to all Security in the docking bay. Board the Vulpinian ship and come to the cargo bay. =/\=

"No. Kyan answered Skargarr finally. "Fook the feathers and the bird they come from." He pointed to the cages. "Get them out and to sickbay. And as for you..." he almost hissed at Cloten. "You and your crew are under arrest for trafficking. This ship and everything in it is confiscated. And nothing in the galaxy would make me happier the now than if you filthy creatures tried tae be makin a get away so.."

After a few seconds of relative silence, the Security officers started entering the hold. Kyan was still staring daggers at Cloten, and continued to do so while he issued orders to them. "Take them all to holding cells. If they try anything, shoot them."

Quote from: Gideon Drake on August 05, 2021, 09:06:25 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign Gryphon | Cloten's Freighter | Docking Ring | Katra Station]
"Lamar just ran into the freighter," he said. "And I can see why," he added, looking at the puppy in Lamar's hands.

Looking at the Falleg children, Griff said in a serious tone, "Honestly, you lot, running pell-mell into a freighter of a questionable nature, especially if it's transporting slaves, it's stupider than targ dung! I honestly don't know how the bloody dickens it's possible for strays to even be strays on a station, animals shouldn't be on the loose, what if a stray was more dangerous and wandered into, say, Ops? Besides, don't you have enough animals already?"

The comm from Lieutenant Ferris told him of somebody very important coming to the VIP dock.  =/\="Understood, Leftenant," =/\= he said. He then called Kayad while Mackenzie and Skargarr and the other security did their work on the little furball's freighter.

"Junior Leftenant Drake to Mister Kayad," he said, "Once you finish off-loading, you better get the ship to clear off as fast as possible, we have a very important guest coming in."

"We're just about almost finished, Mister Drake," he said; rank didn't matter to Kayad, he will always be "Mister Drake" to the old turtle. "I'll be remaining on the station, however, I'm the new representative of Drake Shipping, Limited, and I'm assigned an office to liase with Gamma Logistics."

Drake Shipping, Limited was the old family company. Where it began as a shipping company in Victorian times, it had expanded and upgraded over the years until it became quadrant-spread. Mostly. It mostly had trade routes in the Federation and extended stringly over to Federation spheres of influence, though they never went anywhere dangerous. Now they have an extra extension, ending out here in Katra in the Gamma Quadrant.

=/\="We'll talk later, Kayad," =/\= said Gideon,  =/\="I'm on duty." =/\=

Remembering the Squall is still latched onto the dodgy freighter, Griff turned back to the beautiful young ensign and said, "I trust you'll take it from here with your midget siblings, Ensign?"

Meanwhile, as more slaves were brought out of the crates, Cloten was in an inward rage and was cursing the slavers of Verex III with dozens of the worst alien obscenities he could think of. The declaration of arrest was expected; he expected it the moment the crates were opened and the cargo inside discovered.

"Fine, go ahead and lock us up," said Cloten in a calm oily voice that had shades of anger iced on it. "I won't stop you. Of course, I can tell you anything and everything you need to know about Verex III's slave market, if it'll help secure a release. I'm willing to bargain. I had no idea I was dumped with these yokels going outbound from the Verex System."

Naturally, every time he had been dumped with slavers and discovered so when unloading, if he risked arrest, he made no resistance; in his experience, there'd be shades of innocence from not resisting arrest for slavery. He'd even plea bargain if he could get away with it, and this was a Federation outpost, so he hoped the information will be of interest, enough to release him and his crew.

"Never, 'nuff animals and don't have a puppy!" Lamar protested.  Ruthie looked over his head and rolled her eyes in a 'Kids!' way at Griff.

"Yes, Lieutenant you may leave them with me... like I say I have to RV with their nanny and her fiance to drop them off then I'm off to do some actual work.  Many thanks for helping me salvage the situation, if I can get you a drink somewhere sometime, let me know when you're free!" she'd noticed the appreciative looks and he wasn't bad looking himself, so he probably had someone.

"Maybe if you can put up with another Science Ensign I can bring my boyfriend along with me and you're welcome to bring a friend.  The more the merrier!  Anyhow... duty calls! C'mon you three!"

[Promenade 15 mins later]

Having left the puppy in the care of the station medical team, much to the chagrin of Lamar who had to be promised that he could visit daily, Ruthie dropped the kids off with Crista and James with a brief explanation of what had transpired, and then accessed the nearest public console to find the location of Lt. Sirol.

Finding her in the Captain's Mess, somewhere she figured unless she had a specific invitation to visit, she shouldn't be, she sent a message to Sirol's PADD to the effect that she would make her way to the Simulation Lab to attempt to be useful unless there was something that could be done in the meantime.

Quote from: Sirol on August 03, 2021, 01:48:36 PM

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

The scientist tilted her head and looked at the two newcomers, then bid both of them a hailing nod.
Truth be told, she did not want to leave the little corner spot where she was sitting. Granted, the persons she was sitting with were supposedly not even scientists, but their aura was relieving, and - most importantly - neither of them was eating...
Slightly raising one hand Sirol - as polite as possible - hence declined the invite to join the two. For now.
"œMaybe later..." She spoke calmly and took a sip of her coffee, hoping that it would have an effect soon, and her stomach would feel less appalled by smells of food.
Towards Hayo's question, Sirol then put down her mug again, her hands still tightly clenched around it so she could absorb as much warmth as possible.
"œMy original field of work is xenostudies. Communication sciences to be precise.
I specialised in xenolinguistics, foreign psychology and behavioural analysis. My vocation is supposed to be "˜enabling of fluent communication between vastly different elements', I unfortunately rarely ever get the chance to do so, due to lack of assignments featuring legitimately foreign foreigners...
My current secondary field of work is among the theoretical physics. My specialisation here are spacial- and phasic phenomena, their manipulation and practical utilisation."

She paused for a second, then took another sip of her coffee before she continued.
"œI work within the station's simulation lab, currently repurposed to analyse inert Changeling DNA and..." She awkwardly cleared her throat. "œ...Hatch a Tholian."
One more sip of coffee followed before she looked at Hayo again.
"œHow about you? I conclude you are participants of the officer exchange program, correct?"

Once more a newcomer joined them, and once more Sirol gave him - after the Captain introduced him as "˜Dranik' a calm nod, and - after Kirok also introduced Lonar - them as well.
There was a lot going on for one morning. New faces meant new opportunities and a slim chance of hope for her to provide her capabilities in any meaningful way.
Leaning back she once more took a sip of her coffee, and musingly stroked the head of the Uropygi which was still sitting on her lap and curiously inspected the newcomers in the same manner Sirol had just done.
When Hrafn eventually joined the and greeted Dranik, Sirol's posture once more straightened.

While she did not speak at the moment, it was obvious that Sirol acknowledged and appreciated the presence of her division leader.
Their friendship"¦ Maybe even kinship"¦ Dated back ever since her arrival on Kartra, and although even Hrafn was not able to give Sirol the redemption she needed, she still had eagerly welcomed Sirol into her family as if it was the most normal thing to do"¦
With a little smirk Sirol then leaned back in her chair and once more became almost invisible in her little corner.
It was good to have the Falleg clan back aboard, and Sirol was already looking forward to see the children again, as well as meeting Ruthie and Sally.

One more moment of"¦ Social bonding"¦ Between the people around her followed.
Most people around her eagerly chatting over their communicators or with one another.
One moment in which Sirol once again felt utterly out of place and was not sure what to say, hence she remained quiet and tried to control her shaky hands as effectively as possible.

[Captain's Mess]

[As Hrafn]

Hrafn nodded to Sirol and when she was sure she was facing her mouthed carefully 'Catch up properly when this is over!' and gave her fellow Scientist a warm smile.

Quote from: Kirok on August 03, 2021, 05:54:36 PM

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok announced Falleg's presences just as he had the others.  The he informed her about the special stand.  Then he walked over to her.

"It is quite acceptable that you came.  I think you will be in your element here.  As the social butterfly of the group.

You may not know most people here.  But others are still coming.  Some of whom you may know" he said a bit more quietly.

Then Dranik came over and asked his question.  Kirok too wanted to know the answer to that question.  So he paused until the answer was said.

"Social butterfly... well yes I guess I am!" she said with a smile. "Many people on the station regard me as a 'Mum' or 'Auntie' figure not just my 4 kids... of some vague relative anyhow!  Mentioning 4 kids... I'm technically responsible nominally for 6 now since with me came Ruthie my eldest, now a Science Ensign and with her, came Zerma Meros her Bajoran boyfriend, a fellow Science Ensign and Sally McCutcheon the younger sister of my colleague Dr. McCutcheon... she's in Security...also a newly minted Ensign.  Since I sort of play mum to Anth McCutcheon it follows that I'm taking point for his sister and Meros is a hanger on to my family and the way it's going will be my son in law so.... "
Quote from: Dranik on August 03, 2021, 01:27:26 PM

"There is no assigned seats.  But Lonar served with me on the Discovery several years ago.  He is the Tholian in the corner if you wish to say hi"

"Thank you, sir. I may do that once I've had something to eat." He said quietly as he took a close look at the food.

"I know Dranik from a few visits to my husband, as you know he's Captain of the Discovery."

Dranik turned around and saw Hrafn and a smiled spread across his face. "It's good to see you again, ma'am." He said cheerfully. He was about to grab a plate when his combadge let out two chirps. He had a feeling that he knew what this was about. "Excuse me, I'll be right back." He said as he excused himself away from the crowd to a corner of the room.

"Dranik here."

Dranik could hear laughing and what sounded like hyperactive screaming in the background as Ciavil tried to raise her voice above it. "Did you feed them Bolian berry jam this morning by any chance?" She asked in a tone that indicated she already knew the answer. Dranik paused before replying. "There is a distinct possibility of that, yes. I was told it went well with something called "Peanut butter."

Ciavil sighed. "They're bouncing off the walls right now. I'm honestly thinking of heading down to sickbay and begging whoever's in charge for a sedative a- PUT THAT DOWN!" The sound of something shattering in the background made Dranik wince. He tried to regain his composure. "I'll be back down in a little bit. Tell them I'll read them their favorite story if they calm down."

"I'll try. Ciavil out."

Dranik sighed and turned to Hrafn as a sudden thought came to mind. "Excuse me for asking, but you have children do you not? How do you keep them from destroying everything you know and love and keep them from eroding your sanity?" He asked in a somewhat desperate tone.

"No problem... mingle if you need to..." Hrafn said to Dranik with a smile.  When he returned with his question she let out a delighted peal of laughter.

"Well the quick answer to that is... you don't!" she said with a short chuckle. "Thankfully, I have rather unusual children.  They aren't generally destructive.  Ruthie is my eldest at 19 from a relationship prior to my husband, and for all she now bears his name it was adopted.  I didn't have her for the first 12 years of her life as she was kidnapped by Cardassians...long story for another time, but she wasn't allowed to be a kid pretty much so she never had a destructive side that I saw.  Being a redhead she still has a fiery temper but well... that's genetics!"

Hrafn gave a quick wink and smiled. "Then there's Tidu, he's our budding engineer, and he's getting more out of the habit of taking stuff apart and not being able to put them back together.  So less bits of old circuitry not doing anything and dead... still boxes and boxes of it but he does stuff with them, and like more normal children would have boxes of toy cars or whatever, so long as he has the bits in the box when he's not working on them... I'm fine with that, while he's working... my quarters look like a bombsite.  I'm kinda hoping that Lt. King can give him a workbench somewhere in Engineering to do his stuff!"

She sighed and shrugged.  "Nerys, Tidu's twin is the younger sister, and she's a mini me.  She has dolls but she's happier with a PADD doing research or playing a constructive game. The twins are six and have loads of energy tho, so to partially answer your question they have Junior Cadets [OOC - it's a kind of Guides/Scouts/Brownies/Cubs thing that I sort of made up and everyone liked it so we ran with it!] but if they want to run around we book out a holosuite and put an appropriate program on either countryside, seaside or whatever. Sometimes a theme park...And finally Lamar who's 3... he's the most destructive of the lot but not intentionally, he's just so darn clumsy... and wants to take in every waif and stray of the animal kingdom and they can be destructive!!  As for sanity, between 4 kids, a husband and my duty to the Fleet...sanity? What sanity?!!! You learn how to cope, I promise."

Quote from: Sirol on August 03, 2021, 01:48:36 PM

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

The scientist tilted her head and looked at the two newcomers, then bid both of them a hailing nod.
Truth be told, she did not want to leave the little corner spot where she was sitting. Granted, the persons she was sitting with were supposedly not even scientists, but their aura was relieving, and - most importantly - neither of them was eating...
Slightly raising one hand Sirol - as polite as possible - hence declined the invite to join the two. For now.
"œMaybe later..." She spoke calmly and took a sip of her coffee, hoping that it would have an effect soon, and her stomach would feel less appalled by smells of food.
Towards Hayo's question, Sirol then put down her mug again, her hands still tightly clenched around it so she could absorb as much warmth as possible.
"œMy original field of work is xenostudies. Communication sciences to be precise.
I specialised in xenolinguistics, foreign psychology and behavioural analysis. My vocation is supposed to be "˜enabling of fluent communication between vastly different elements', I unfortunately rarely ever get the chance to do so, due to lack of assignments featuring legitimately foreign foreigners...
My current secondary field of work is among the theoretical physics. My specialisation here are spacial- and phasic phenomena, their manipulation and practical utilisation."

She paused for a second, then took another sip of her coffee before she continued.
"œI work within the station's simulation lab, currently repurposed to analyse inert Changeling DNA and..." She awkwardly cleared her throat. "œ...Hatch a Tholian."
One more sip of coffee followed before she looked at Hayo again.
"œHow about you? I conclude you are participants of the officer exchange program, correct?"

Once more a newcomer joined them, and once more Sirol gave him - after the Captain introduced him as "˜Dranik' a calm nod, and - after Kirok also introduced Lonar - them as well.
There was a lot going on for one morning. New faces meant new opportunities and a slim chance of hope for her to provide her capabilities in any meaningful way.
Leaning back she once more took a sip of her coffee, and musingly stroked the head of the Uropygi which was still sitting on her lap and curiously inspected the newcomers in the same manner Sirol had just done.
When Hrafn eventually joined the and greeted Dranik, Sirol's posture once more straightened.

While she did not speak at the moment, it was obvious that Sirol acknowledged and appreciated the presence of her division leader.
Their friendship"¦ Maybe even kinship"¦ Dated back ever since her arrival on Kartra, and although even Hrafn was not able to give Sirol the redemption she needed, she still had eagerly welcomed Sirol into her family as if it was the most normal thing to do"¦
With a little smirk Sirol then leaned back in her chair and once more became almost invisible in her little corner.
It was good to have the Falleg clan back aboard, and Sirol was already looking forward to see the children again, as well as meeting Ruthie and Sally.

One more moment of"¦ Social bonding"¦ Between the people around her followed.
Most people around her eagerly chatting over their communicators or with one another.
One moment in which Sirol once again felt utterly out of place and was not sure what to say, hence she remained quiet and tried to control her shaky hands as effectively as possible.

Finding Sirol alone she wandered over and smiled.  "Forgive me, wasn't meaning to eavesdrop but I'm kinda hardwired to hearing anything Science related on the edge of my hearing.  The Changling DNA I'm not really surprised about since we already had an inkling of that but... did I hear 'hatch a Tholian' and did I hear from somewhere that you have an Uropygi?"
Quote from: Xasik on August 03, 2021, 10:41:07 PM

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab | 0831]

Looking at the time again, he realized that it was now what would be deemed an appropriate time to contact others, specifically those who had been away and recently returned. Tapping his badge again, Xasik chuckled as Emerald squeaked in return. They seemed to really like the chirping of the badges.
=/\="œXasik to Hrafn. Just wanted to say welcome back, Department Head. I look forward to working with you. Emerald is eager to meet you and your and family. They love meeting new people. They always squeak so excitedly when they see someone new." =/\=
Hrafn smiled and hit her badge to reply  =/\= Falleg-Tekin to Specialist Freeman, many thanks I'm glad to be back.  If my calculations are correct there should be a younger version of me, in the form of my daughter Ruthie, a fellow Scientist, and her boyfriend, Zerma Meros also a newly minted Science Ensign arriving in new course so I'm sure Emerald will be delighted.  I'll be down soon as I'm concluded here.  Falleg out =/\=

"Emerald I'm assuming since that's a precious gemstone and the um... appearance of a Tholian... is the baby Tholian?" she asked Sirol.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on August 03, 2021, 11:34:01 PM

"Morning Captain." he said as he approached. "Lieutenant. Lieutenant." he added with a slight head nod to each of the female officers.

"Morning Kyle... the coffee's still hot!" Hrafn said with a responding nod.
Quote from: Kirok on August 04, 2021, 12:33:04 PM

[Captain's Mess]

Hayo smiled.  "I very much would like to see what data you have on the creature and the anomaly.  I've always been fascinated by unique space creatures.  And this one seems quite unique.

Maybe we could even collaborate on more research on it while I'm here.  If you interested.  Melrus will help too once he stops eating" the Benzite female replied.

"By the way.  Was that the baby Tholian you were squawking too on your communicator?  Sorry to listing in on what was likely a private call.  Are they taking visitors by chance?" Haya added.

She leaned a bit closer.  "If so, I would be interested in meeting the little tyke.  But I understand if they want to keep outsiders away" the older science officer said.

"I don't think we've been fully introduced yet..." Hrafn said with a slight bow to Hayo. "Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, CSO, Sirol is my assistant CSO and very capably ran the department while I was away attending my eldest's Academy graduation... another Scientist... we are rather inundated here.  I'm surprised that Captain Kirok hasn't thrown the towel in and admitted we're a Science Outpost already!!" she said with a wink at Kirok to let him know it was just a jest.

"The Simulation Lab, baby Tholian and the Changeling DNA ... they are Sirol's domain.  For all I know that I can do what I like in the Lab, we have an unspoken rule, as well as it being professional demeanour, that we don't tread on each other's toes... She's the lead in those projects so she has final say, and Specialist Freeman on the subject of the Tholian.  Anything else... my office door is open, and you're more than welcome to discuss anything you like, see most things... nothing we are trying to hide, more things that are light or temperature controlled... as a scientist I'm sure you understand..."

Hrafn gave what she hoped was a significant look at Sirol and hoped that her co-CSO realised that she meant to keep schtumm about the rather unusual and taboo nature of Anth's field of expertise.

[Simulation Lab]

[As Ruthie Falleg-Tekin and Zerma Meros]

Ruthie had pinged Meros and asked him to join him going to Sciences, they'd met and taken the turbolift down.  Meros gave her a quick kiss just prior to the lift doors opening and they wandered down to the Simulation Lab.

"Hello...One Trill and One Bajoran Ensign here to be made use of..." Ruthie called out from the door.

"She speaks for herself, I'm all for goofing off and doing nothing ... oh, wait, Ensign now yeah... what she said!" Meros said with an affable grin.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on August 04, 2021, 11:40:31 PM

[Captain's Mess]

Kyle grinned over at Kirok. "I wouldn't have missed for anything. I hear we're due quite a few old friends today." he said. He took a sip of his drink. "If you're good with it, I think I'll mingle some." Kirok nodded and Kyle took his leave and began walking around.

Kyle didn't seem to recognize any one outside the current Katra crew so he refilled his cup and made his way back to the table where he found Lieutenant Sirol sitting. He took the seat next to hers. "Wow. You look just so excited t be here." he said jokingly. "So. Do you have some friends coming in with our visitors?" he asked.

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok nodded.  "Yes, I find it quite acceptable to see so many familiar faces.  Many I still consider friends to this day" the Captain replied.

"Please do mingle.  I wish to remain close to the door to greet others as they arrive" the half Vulcan added.  He offed Kyle a nod before the man went further into the room.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 05, 2021, 12:10:58 PM

[Captain's Mess]

[As Hrafn]

Hrafn nodded to Sirol and when she was sure she was facing her mouthed carefully 'Catch up properly when this is over!' and gave her fellow Scientist a warm smile.

"Social butterfly... well yes I guess I am!" she said with a smile. "Many people on the station regard me as a 'Mum' or 'Auntie' figure not just my 4 kids... of some vague relative anyhow!  Mentioning 4 kids... I'm technically responsible nominally for 6 now since with me came Ruthie my eldest, now a Science Ensign and with her, came Zerma Meros her Bajoran boyfriend, a fellow Science Ensign and Sally McCutcheon the younger sister of my colleague Dr. McCutcheon... she's in Security...also a newly minted Ensign.  Since I sort of play mum to Anth McCutcheon it follows that I'm taking point for his sister and Meros is a hanger on to my family and the way it's going will be my son in law so.... "

[Captain's Mess]

"That is the correct term I'm told" the Captain replied.  "It must be acceptable to you to have some many people in you family.  To do that and serve as CSO must be quite strenuous at times.  I mean that as a compliment" the half Vulcan clarified.

Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on August 05, 2021, 12:43:24 AM

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

As EQ stepped in, Zero took another moment to restrain himself. Reminding himself of his oath, he chanted it in his mind a few times, before stepping out from his desk with a kind smile. "Now I see no reason to do something as drastic as that. Lets sit on the couch, it's more comfortable." He trailed behind the man, and allowed him to splay out on the couch however he wanted. The counselor himself took the seat across, a comfortable looking chair, with a small coffee table between them. "Oh - and before we begin, feel free at any time to make use of the various engagement toys." He motioned to the box of fidget and anxiety toys, with a box of tissues next to them.

"So EQ, tell me what's brought you in to me today." He paused, pondering for a moment before continuing, "I always like to hear it from the patient, personally."

[Counselor's Office - EQ Kimball]

"That's good.  I not to good with tests anyway.  All those questions just to see if a person is crazy.  I would think you could just tell my asking or by how people act" Kimball replied as he made his way to the couch and sat.

He looked at the gadgets but didn't pick any up.  Least not yet.  Maybe later though.

"Yep.  Well.  We encountered a borg cube out there.  It brought up some bad memories for me and I kinda.  Lost it" the XB replied and shrugged.

"First time that has happened to me.  Came out of no-where.  I let down Commander Briggs and the rest of the crew" he added, looking down, feeling the guilt.

"That's what bothers me most.  If the borg would have attacked.  I was incapable of help the crew defend the ship" he said, a bit quitter.

His hand went up to his throat.  "Got any water, Sir?  Or hot tea?" he asked, internally begging for a break, just for a moment.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 05, 2021, 07:45:46 AM

:: Cargo Hold | Vulpinian Freighter ::

There were many illegal things that Kyan could let pass. Many he could even condone, but slavery was not one of them. In fact, out of all the various criminals that he'd encountered over the years, slavers and rapists were the ones that he'd hated most, with not much daylight between them. The boy's eyes grew wide as Skargarr pulled the crate open and a small hand, smaller than his own, shot out of the cage that was concealed behind the duraplast facade. Behind the hand was a skinny arm and then a small, dirty face framed by shaggy locks of black hair that looked like it hadn't been washed for some time. Standing, stooped over due to the height of the cage were two grups in similar condition. One was a female, and she held a baby in the crook of her arm. Their clothing, if it could be called clothing, spoke to their condition, as did the metal collars the child and its parents wore.

As Cloten attempted to explain away the situation, Kyan turned around to face the diminutive Freighter captain, his own eyes narrowed almost into slits. Before he could speak though, Skargarr spoke up. Obviously the Gorn crewman had been paying attention earlier.

Kyan almost punched the com badge on his chest. =/\= Makenzie to all Security in the docking bay. Board the Vulpinian ship and come to the cargo bay. =/\=

"No. Kyan answered Skargarr finally. "Fook the feathers and the bird they come from." He pointed to the cages. "Get them out and to sickbay. And as for you..." he almost hissed at Cloten. "You and your crew are under arrest for trafficking. This ship and everything in it is confiscated. And nothing in the galaxy would make me happier the now than if you filthy creatures tried tae be makin a get away so.."

After a few seconds of relative silence, the Security officers started entering the hold. Kyan was still staring daggers at Cloten, and continued to do so while he issued orders to them. "Take them all to holding cells. If they try anything, shoot them."

"Shoot? ill eat em.  Never had dog before." Skar said half sneer and half smile as if he was going to enjoy his next 'raw' meal.  He then escorted the freighter prisoner and the Captain away from the docking ring.  He was with one of his own and that was all that mattered.
Quote from: Hrafn

[Meanwhile with Tidu and Skar]

It wasn't so much that Tidu was scared of Skargaar as somewhat surprised that there was a Gorn, much less one in a Starfleet uniform, on the station.  He finally managed to get up the courage to say the words when, upon arriving at the spot he'd left Ruthie and Nerys, the latter his twin spoke, with a lot more awe than he would have.

"Wow, you're a Gorn I've only seen pictures of Gorn on my study texts on my PADD. Can I touch your skin, I really want to see if it's more like a snake or a lizard, but I don't know if that would be culturally appropriate, I just want to for my own research, can't rely on just text." Nerys breathed.

"And that's what I was trying to say... wasn't that I'm a newcomer... you're the newcomer I've been here since Captain Solluk took command of this station before Captain Kirok.  My mother is the Chief of Science Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, I was trying to say you're a Gorn... it was surprise not fright!" Tidu said indignantly.

"Forgive my sister, Sir... she's a budding anthropologist and any of the less abundant in terms of population within the station is concerned species, for example they 'adopted' a Tholian Ambassador as an 'aunt'... they want to make friends with.  She ran and hugged a Nausicaan around the knees at the age of about 3 over on DS9... so it's curiosity rather than fear or anything.  Thank you for bringing Tidu back, and forgive his seeming insolence...and to you Mr. Drake for bringing Lamar and... puppy..."

"Her name's Twink... collar says so!" Lamar interjected.

"Oh I do beg your pardon... Lamar and Twink back.  Unless you intend to lock them all in the Brig, I think I need to get Twink to a medic qualified in vet skills and the midgets handed off to their nanny and Uncle James as I have a prior engagement with Lt. Sirol."

"Its quite alright, you can touch my skin, its more scaley than leather." Skar said kneeing down to be more at height with the children.  "I am the only known Gorn in starfleet.  Also our diet consists of raw food more than the cooked food your accustomed too.  We prefer fresh as possible." Skar said looking over to the freighter crew and half smiled as if he hasnt eaten enough and wanting more.

Leaning closer to the little girl he whispered into her ear.  "Gagh, is the best for giving the impression of entrails.  Goes down smooth but leaves a big enough mess that others thing you ate a humanoid and bits and pieces were stuck in your teeth.  Adds a scare factor for keeping naughty ones in line." Skar said pointing to the dried blood on the end of his muzzle.  "See, Gagh.  Scares almost anyone who doesnt know the difference." Skar said half smiling with a broken hiss as her brother tried to make an excuse for her being curious.

"Being curious is never a bad thing, Tidu.  Its good as long as it doesnt get you into trouble.  But next time, ask permission before coming onboard another persons ship or join station security as a Junior member with your parents permission." Skar said as he went back to his full height, giving a wink to Nerys.  "You both can call me, Skar or Skargarr.  Skar is more memorable, dont you think?.  If you want to know anything else, call me.  Like a Klingon, I will regale you of my prowess minus the opera ballads about it." Skar said giving Nerys and Tidu a wink and with Ruth mentioning she needed to leave, Skar nodded in silence to her.  Then left as more security showed up and he escorted the prisoners to jail.  As he walked, he wanted more Gagh.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Kirok on August 05, 2021, 01:10:05 PM

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok nodded.  "Yes, I find it quite acceptable to see so many familiar faces.  Many I still consider friends to this day" the Captain replied.

"Please do mingle.  I wish to remain close to the door to greet others as they arrive" the half Vulcan added.  He offed Kyle a nod before the man went further into the room.

[Captain's Mess]

"That is the correct term I'm told" the Captain replied.  "It must be acceptable to you to have some many people in you family.  To do that and serve as CSO must be quite strenuous at times.  I mean that as a compliment" the half Vulcan clarified.

[Captain's Mess]

"It's the correct term, Kirok... just not something I'd thought about, too busy corralling the kids, looking after my departmental family..." she cast another worried look to Sirol in the corner.  "I'm a bit worried about Sirol... she looks exhausted, but also... I'm not sure I can put my finger on it!"

The Romulan Scientist was generally quite reserved but would manage to adapt herself well to most situations, and be able to dissemble adequately like those ladies in the Jane Austen novels that Hrafn loved so much.  Might not have an interest in what was going on (the literary ladies that is, Sirol was much too intelligent not to be able to grasp and respond intelligently, asking pertinent questions and observations in most situations)  but were able to make the people around them feel like they were the most interesting person in the world and hang on every word.  Regency ladies were portrayed a bit more as airheads than Hrafn would think any Starfleet, Romulan or otherwise, officer was but the whole dissembling lark worked well at such gatherings.

So why was Sirol quiet, and preferring Tholian?  Had she turned off her UT and this was a method of speaking only to those that she wished to speak to?  She knew that Sirol had gone through a lot although she didn't know the full story yet regarding the attack on Katra, and she was sure that later when Sirol got to see the children it would bring a smile back to her face since she had visibly brightened when Emerald had chirped at her... was it perhaps a longing to have an actual family and children of her own rather than just being on the peripheral of other people's family however inclusive they were of her?

"With all the interesting people on the station wouldn't it be more prudent to assign her - an expert in  Xenology... that is Xeno-sociology, -linguistics, -psychology & behavioural analysis and Theoretical Physics as in Spacial and  Phasic Phenomena to studying those people, maybe alongside Anth McCutcheon, or just the baby Tholian we have at the moment, the Changeling DNA and such things rather than this snake... we have an able and willing science team but I really think you should liaise with me on where to assign my staff so that people can be used to the best of their ability.  She's the only person I know speaks Tholian here.  I know a few words but... surely that would help liaise and teach the Tholian...whatever they call their offspring?  We have minions... an inter departmental joke, I mean the Ensigns...and you have 2 more of those currently in the form of my daughter and her boyfriend, who are just itching for some hands on experience, and the enlisted, and let those with specialisations utilize them.  I don't mean to override you Captain but I think Lt. Sirol would be better utilized in the Simulation Lab and working off the snake team for a while, it's not using her skills to best effect.  If you want her to have a more integral role, make her Science liaison to the embassies or something.  With her language skills and knowledge of culture and so on that's using someone to their best asset!"

She hoped that her words would have some effect, as she too wished the snake would wander off and pester someplace preferably in the Zeta quadrant if there was such a place... either way somewhere far away from them!

"Sirol dear, can I get you a drink of tea or something? And the children are so excited to see you they have gifts for you and Serena, you and she have made quite an impression on them, both as a family member and in your professional capacity.  By the way, I wasn't aware you spoke Tholian!  I've become lazy recently, relying on the UT but I was never that good at Tholian! Klingon, Vulcan, Bajoran obviously being married to one and spending a fair bit of time on New Bajor...."

She tried to engage Sirol in some light conversation to see if that helped giving her a look of 'if you don't want to talk here... you know where I'll be later...' later having no discernible timestamp it would either be 'somewhere around Sciences' or in the Hrafn-Falleg quarters.

Bending close she said "Are you ok Sirol? I appreciate situations like this overwhelm me at times and I've had a lot of practice, it's not like a family gathering in my quarters... the ... vibes aren't the same, and whereas Baking or meal nights at mine you know you don't have to stand on ceremony, here... you have to kinda be on your best behaviour and it's even straining to someone like myself, especially coming pretty much straight from the transport and not really back at the reins yet.  But you did a sterling job while I was away, we'll have to have a catch up on everything once the meeting is over but if you have stuff to do I understand."

Quote from: Skargarr on August 05, 2021, 01:57:34 PM

"Shoot? ill eat em.  Never had dog before." Skar said half sneer and half smile as if he was going to enjoy his next 'raw' meal.  He then escorted the freighter prisoner and the Captain away from the docking ring.  He was with one of his own and that was all that mattered.

"Its quite alright, you can touch my skin, its more scaley than leather." Skar said kneeing down to be more at height with the children.  "I am the only known Gorn in starfleet.  Also our diet consists of raw food more than the cooked food your accustomed too.  We prefer fresh as possible." Skar said looking over to the freighter crew and half smiled as if he hasnt eaten enough and wanting more.

Leaning closer to the little girl he whispered into her ear.  "Gagh, is the best for giving the impression of entrails.  Goes down smooth but leaves a big enough mess that others thing you ate a humanoid and bits and pieces were stuck in your teeth.  Adds a scare factor for keeping naughty ones in line." Skar said pointing to the dried blood on the end of his muzzle.  "See, Gagh.  Scares almost anyone who doesnt know the difference." Skar said half smiling with a broken hiss as her brother tried to make an excuse for her being curious.

"Being curious is never a bad thing, Tidu.  Its good as long as it doesnt get you into trouble.  But next time, ask permission before coming onboard another persons ship or join station security as a Junior member with your parents permission." Skar said as he went back to his full height, giving a wink to Nerys.  "You both can call me, Skar or Skargarr.  Skar is more memorable, dont you think?.  If you want to know anything else, call me.  Like a Klingon, I will regale you of my prowess minus the opera ballads about it." Skar said giving Nerys and Tidu a wink and with Ruth mentioning she needed to leave, Skar nodded in silence to her.  Then left as more security showed up and he escorted the prisoners to jail.  As he walked, he wanted more Gagh.

[Docking Ring - before leaving for the Promenade and Simulation Lab]

[As Ruthie, Nerys, Tidu and Lamar]

Ruthie smiled as the Gorn knelt to be more on a height with the kids.

"Careful Sir, they'll be calling you 'Uncle Skar' before long! and thank you... but I'm their sister and while I'm responsible for them until I hand over to the nanny... not mine... I leave that honour to my mother.  Dad's off sitting in the centre seat of the USS Discovery hence the small army to keep this lot in check!  But thank you for being so open about their curiosity!  I admit, I never expected to find a Gorn in Starfleet but... glad we're diversifying more!" she said with a smile.

"And it's a long story why I'm so much older than them, quick version, the person I know call Dad isn't my biological father.  Anything else... well I'm sure we'll see you around, being a Gorn on a station even with as many people as there are here, I'm sure you stick out by fact of the rarity value!  But like you being open to questions about your species from the kids... I'm open to any questions from you about my past, nothing to hide and I hope we can be friends but..."

She chuckled as the Gorn was saying about gagh.

"... I'll stick to cooked meat and pass on the gagh if that's ok... I do like my steak somewhat rare tho!" she winked.

Nerys tentatively held out a hand and touched the skin.  "It is scaley... it's sort of like my friend's pet tortoise, but not unpleasant.  Does it help... well if you were in a battle, if someone tried to cut me with a bat'leth they'd cut me in half, does it give any protection? And I'm with Ruthie... I've tried gagh but I'm not too keen on it.  Mammy has a rule we're not allowed to say we don't like something until we've tried it!  Can I ask a favour though... if Mammy invites you to dinner will you let the animal be dead first rather than kill it there as it would be rather traumatic to Lamar who loves animals... we all do but Tidu and I are old enough to realise that's what you eat, and Lamar's ok with seeing raw meat but he'd start crying if he thought you were going to eat our cats or the puppy!"

"What are Gorn ships like?  I want to be an engineer but ... do you think we'll ever get Gorn ships here?" Tidu asked.  "And sorry... I should have thought twice about running in here... but with Daddy away I'm kinda the man of the family and I thought I was going to protect my little brother. As for tales... we're always up for a good story, we miss Grandad Saxon telling stories, we can do without Klingon Opera, Mammy said all that's good for is inducing migraines!"

Lamar hung back still a bit wary of Skar but finally came forward to see what the Gorn would do about Twink.  "Please, Skar don't eat Twink, I don't fink you'd get much meat off her at the moment anyway!" he said sadly.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.