S3-M8: Best Laid Plans

Started by Kirok, August 01, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

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Quote from: Gideon Drake on August 05, 2021, 09:06:25 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign Gryphon | Cloten's Freighter | Docking Ring | Katra Station]
"Lamar just ran into the freighter," he said. "And I can see why," he added, looking at the puppy in Lamar's hands.

Looking at the Falleg children, Griff said in a serious tone, "Honestly, you lot, running pell-mell into a freighter of a questionable nature, especially if it's transporting slaves, it's stupider than targ dung! I honestly don't know how the bloody dickens it's possible for strays to even be strays on a station, animals shouldn't be on the loose, what if a stray was more dangerous and wandered into, say, Ops? Besides, don't you have enough animals already?"

The comm from Lieutenant Ferris told him of somebody very important coming to the VIP dock.  =/\="Understood, Leftenant," =/\= he said. He then called Kayad while Mackenzie and Skargarr and the other security did their work on the little furball's freighter.

"Junior Leftenant Drake to Mister Kayad," he said, "Once you finish off-loading, you better get the ship to clear off as fast as possible, we have a very important guest coming in."

"We're just about almost finished, Mister Drake," he said; rank didn't matter to Kayad, he will always be "Mister Drake" to the old turtle. "I'll be remaining on the station, however, I'm the new representative of Drake Shipping, Limited, and I'm assigned an office to liase with Gamma Logistics."

Drake Shipping, Limited was the old family company. Where it began as a shipping company in Victorian times, it had expanded and upgraded over the years until it became quadrant-spread. Mostly. It mostly had trade routes in the Federation and extended stringly over to Federation spheres of influence, though they never went anywhere dangerous. Now they have an extra extension, ending out here in Katra in the Gamma Quadrant.

=/\="We'll talk later, Kayad," =/\= said Gideon,  =/\="I'm on duty." =/\=

Remembering the Squall is still latched onto the dodgy freighter, Griff turned back to the beautiful young ensign and said, "I trust you'll take it from here with your midget siblings, Ensign?"

Meanwhile, as more slaves were brought out of the crates, Cloten was in an inward rage and was cursing the slavers of Verex III with dozens of the worst alien obscenities he could think of. The declaration of arrest was expected; he expected it the moment the crates were opened and the cargo inside discovered.

"Fine, go ahead and lock us up," said Cloten in a calm oily voice that had shades of anger iced on it. "I won't stop you. Of course, I can tell you anything and everything you need to know about Verex III's slave market, if it'll help secure a release. I'm willing to bargain. I had no idea I was dumped with these yokels going outbound from the Verex System."

Naturally, every time he had been dumped with slavers and discovered so when unloading, if he risked arrest, he made no resistance; in his experience, there'd be shades of innocence from not resisting arrest for slavery. He'd even plea bargain if he could get away with it, and this was a Federation outpost, so he hoped the information will be of interest, enough to release him and his crew.

Vulpinian NPC - Assistant Gop Gop
[Cloten's Freighter | Docking Bay | Katra Station]

Gop Gop had just barely finished scribbling the last line on the back of the receipt. He rubbed his paw with the writing material and slapped his appendage on the page dramatically, leaving a mark of his 'signature'. The diminutive Vulpinian took one step to the left, bringing the document up to one of Cloten's ship's computers, and the integrated camera read his document in beeped in affirmation. He began to laugh, starting off as a small, body-quaking giggle, before his tiny lungs sucked in another breath and the laugh came back stronger. Even as security forces grabbed him by the shoulders and easily hoisted him in the air, even as his document fell to the deck plating and was sucked into a rattling, half-functioning air circulation system, he laughed, madly...

As he was hauled away, his gormless little brain was dimly eager to be interrogated by Security...

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar

Schatzi Jyur

Quote from: Kirok on August 05, 2021, 01:10:05 PM

[Counselor's Office - EQ Kimball]

"That's good.  I not to good with tests anyway.  All those questions just to see if a person is crazy.  I would think you could just tell my asking or by how people act" Kimball replied as he made his way to the couch and sat.

He looked at the gadgets but didn't pick any up.  Least not yet.  Maybe later though.

"Yep.  Well.  We encountered a borg cube out there.  It brought up some bad memories for me and I kinda.  Lost it" the XB replied and shrugged.

"First time that has happened to me.  Came out of no-where.  I let down Commander Briggs and the rest of the crew" he added, looking down, feeling the guilt.

"That's what bothers me most.  If the borg would have attacked.  I was incapable of help the crew defend the ship" he said, a bit quitter.

His hand went up to his throat.  "Got any water, Sir?  Or hot tea?" he asked, internally begging for a break, just for a moment.

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

Zero nodded as Kimball expressed his distaste with the old, outdated method of testing. It was generally only done for extreme looks into the psyche, of which he didn't think EQ required. "Exactly. There's a lot of better judges of character." He murmured, twirling his pen between his fingers. As the man went on to detail what brought him in, Zero was mindful to take slow, deeper breaths, jotting down a few details.

"Can you describe more what you mean by 'lost it'?" He paused to give the man a chance to respond, before continuing. "It's only natural, and completely understandable that the experience was extremely stressful, and traumatic for you. I'm sure the Commander understands fully."

"We can talk over some coping mechanisms, that will help to calm you down in situations like that."

When the man requested a drink, he nodded, standing from his place. He motioned for EQ to remain seated, and moved over to the small replicator on the other side of the room. "Do you have a preference in what type of tea?"

At his response, he would gingerly carry over  the mug, stopping at his desk to grab two water bottles. Setting the tea, and one water bottle in front of EQ, he cracked open the other for himself, taking a small sip. He hadn't realized how parched he was until the moment EQ reminded him of it, but now he was glad for the excuse. "We can take a break for a moment, let you collect your thoughts before we proceed." He explained softly, as he clasped his hands together, waiting to see what EQ would say.


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 05, 2021, 02:55:50 PM

[Docking Ring - before leaving for the Promenade and Simulation Lab]

[As Ruthie, Nerys, Tidu and Lamar]

Ruthie smiled as the Gorn knelt to be more on a height with the kids.

"Careful Sir, they'll be calling you 'Uncle Skar' before long! and thank you... but I'm their sister and while I'm responsible for them until I hand over to the nanny... not mine... I leave that honour to my mother.  Dad's off sitting in the centre seat of the USS Discovery hence the small army to keep this lot in check!  But thank you for being so open about their curiosity!  I admit, I never expected to find a Gorn in Starfleet but... glad we're diversifying more!" she said with a smile.

"And it's a long story why I'm so much older than them, quick version, the person I know call Dad isn't my biological father.  Anything else... well I'm sure we'll see you around, being a Gorn on a station even with as many people as there are here, I'm sure you stick out by fact of the rarity value!  But like you being open to questions about your species from the kids... I'm open to any questions from you about my past, nothing to hide and I hope we can be friends but..."

She chuckled as the Gorn was saying about gagh.

"... I'll stick to cooked meat and pass on the gagh if that's ok... I do like my steak somewhat rare tho!" she winked.

Nerys tentatively held out a hand and touched the skin.  "It is scaley... it's sort of like my friend's pet tortoise, but not unpleasant.  Does it help... well if you were in a battle, if someone tried to cut me with a bat'leth they'd cut me in half, does it give any protection? And I'm with Ruthie... I've tried gagh but I'm not too keen on it.  Mammy has a rule we're not allowed to say we don't like something until we've tried it!  Can I ask a favour though... if Mammy invites you to dinner will you let the animal be dead first rather than kill it there as it would be rather traumatic to Lamar who loves animals... we all do but Tidu and I are old enough to realise that's what you eat, and Lamar's ok with seeing raw meat but he'd start crying if he thought you were going to eat our cats or the puppy!"

"What are Gorn ships like?  I want to be an engineer but ... do you think we'll ever get Gorn ships here?" Tidu asked.  "And sorry... I should have thought twice about running in here... but with Daddy away I'm kinda the man of the family and I thought I was going to protect my little brother. As for tales... we're always up for a good story, we miss Grandad Saxon telling stories, we can do without Klingon Opera, Mammy said all that's good for is inducing migraines!"

Lamar hung back still a bit wary of Skar but finally came forward to see what the Gorn would do about Twink.  "Please, Skar don't eat Twink, I don't fink you'd get much meat off her at the moment anyway!" he said sadly.

[Before leaving the Docking Ring]

"I have no family as well, they were wiped out.  So I get calling others family if they treat you as one of there own.  You do what you must to survive and there are many ways to survive.  Some by calling another father, while others sheer force of will to live in a dangerous environment." Skar said as he split his attention to the children.

"You can call me whatever you like, and yes, it does help me in battle.  Gorn are insanely resilient to the harsh environments that other species may find uncomfortable.  I can heal 2x as quickly naturally.  Think of a Dermal regenerator, know how those work?.  I can heal that myself, I possess enhanced durability and stamina, so I can run a very long time before needing to take a breather and it means you can punch me with a fist but it wont hurt me.  Im stronger then humans as well, possibly more so then vulcans and im resistant to most diseases and toxins that could kill a normal person.  So I am very well suited to combat situations, because of how my species developed on our homeworld." Skar told Nerys.

"It is possible Gorn ships will come to trade here but with the war that happened years ago, they might be apprehensive about it.  Considering also how far we are away from Federation space, I might be the only one you see for awhile.  As for the invitation, if you wish for me to attend a family ritual I will be glad to attend.  I will leave the Gagh outside and eat whatever you are eating.  So I can eat both cooked and raw food with no problems.  Just raw is tastier if you have the stomach for it." Skar said trying to smile politely but it only revealed his teeth even more.

"Being the 'man of the family' in gorn society, means taking care of your tribe.  Making sure your family is safe and doing what your told by your elders.  Just be a kid and stay out of the areas that are closed off, its dangerous up here in the docking ring.  You never know what will happen until it does.  It is my job to make sure you are safe and you can be a kid.  Let me worry about everything else.  As for your pet, Lamar.  Hes quite safe.  As long as he stays with you." Skar said as he patted each child carefully on the head.


Quote from: Sirol on August 05, 2021, 06:58:55 AM

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Sirol raised an eyebrow towards her colleague's apology.
=/\="œIt is alright. Nothing official has started yet." =/\= She spoke in a calm tone and took a sip of her coffee.
=/\="œI will gladly assist you at teaching Emerald speech once he develops the capabilities. Sirol out. =/\=
As far as she was concerned, she would always find the time to cheer up Emerald. They might not have been her child, but they were - after all - now part of Sirol's vicinity, and even hatched in her very own lab.

As she heard the child squeaking again, she once more mimicked their squeaking language, then - with a little smirk on her face - closed the call.

Sirol took another deep sip from her mug of coffee.
At this point, it was roughly half empty and already way too cold for her taste, yet she would not refill but finish this one.
Two mugs were better than one and a half after all.
Looking towards Hayo again, the scientist then calmly nodded.
"œI will speak with my division leader"¦" She did a quick nod towards Hrafn. "œ...To ensure the legality of all file transfers, but I already assume that will be no problem. Merely a formality considering the politically charged situation we find ourselves to be part of right now...."

Towards her question of collaboration though, Sirol did not answer.
Cosmozoans were not her special field.
She admired their uniqueness, composition and - more often than not - complexity, yet  had no actual knowledge to contribute.
She could maybe contribute to something involving the interphasic nature of the base phenomenon or the mathematics behind the creature's "˜communication' but everything else"¦ She did not intend to make any false promises or indicate her usefulness in fields she did not inherit"¦
She raised one eyebrow and calmly took another sip of her coffee.

As Hayo asked Sirol as to whether she had been talking to a Tholian baby, she once more raised one eyebrow.
For someone claiming to have gathered experience on Tholia that sort of question seemed"¦ Indicative of a lack of attention to her own studies"¦
But then again, there might have been factors hindering Hayo's research. Factors Sirol might not have been aware of.
Sirol simply nodded.
"œThey are." She spoke in a somewhat warmer tone, and replayed the joyful squeaks of the hatchling in her memory.
"œ...The child of one of my colleagues, and a welcome opportunity to finally work on my own field and use my expertise."
Once more she took a sip of her coffee, giving Hayo a musing look.
"œI assume whether or not to accept visitors will be up to my colleague and our advisor to decide.
I can certainly relay your request to Freeman and Peylix, but have no decision over whether or not they will accept off-station or non-tholian personnel at this point."

She paused for a moment.
She did not want to appear unwelcoming, but she also did not want to make any decisions over the heads of the hatchling's family.
She after all was not the parent, but merely a friend, mediator and caretaker.
Looking up again, she then added.

"œWould you like me to contact the parent on your behalf once this breakfast has concluded?"

[Captain's Mess]

Hayo listened politely to the young scientist.  She seemed to be somewhat shy and timid.  And so very formal.

Likely an introvert and uncomfortable in big social setting like this.  And seemed to be in a big of pain which likely wasn't helping.  'Poor thing' she thought to herself.

"Division leader.  Now that's a term I have not hear for eons.  May I ask where you picked up that term, Luv?" Hayo asked curiously.

And like magic, the young scientist warmed when the topic returned to the hatchling.  Even smiled.  Or so it seemed to Hayo.

"Oh, Luv.  I would very much like you to do that for me.  If it's a no, I completely understand.  I'm a mother too and forbade any visitors for weeks.

But you seem to smitten with the little one.  Are you going to be the god-mother by chance?  An auntie, maybe?" she asked.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 05, 2021, 12:10:58 PM

"I don't think we've been fully introduced yet..." Hrafn said with a slight bow to Hayo. "Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, CSO, Sirol is my assistant CSO and very capably ran the department while I was away attending my eldest's Academy graduation... another Scientist... we are rather inundated here.  I'm surprised that Captain Kirok hasn't thrown the towel in and admitted we're a Science Outpost already!!" she said with a wink at Kirok to let him know it was just a jest.

"The Simulation Lab, baby Tholian and the Changeling DNA ... they are Sirol's domain.  For all I know that I can do what I like in the Lab, we have an unspoken rule, as well as it being professional demeanour, that we don't tread on each other's toes... She's the lead in those projects so she has final say, and Specialist Freeman on the subject of the Tholian.  Anything else... my office door is open, and you're more than welcome to discuss anything you like, see most things... nothing we are trying to hide, more things that are light or temperature controlled... as a scientist I'm sure you understand..."

Hrafn gave what she hoped was a significant look at Sirol and hoped that her co-CSO realised that she meant to keep schtumm about the rather unusual and taboo nature of Anth's field of expertise.

[Captain's Mess]

"Oh, hello.  I'm Hayo.  Formerly from the Discovery.  Currently from the Lirpa.  Nice to make you acquaintance" Hayo said.  She offered a bow in return.

"Ha, Kirok running a science based station.  Only if you research is focused on how to improve phaser strength, torpedo range and speed, or better tools for hand to hand combat.  Kirok, science station, Ha.  I'm going to eventually share the joke with my crewmates.  I'll give you credit, of course, unless you would like to remain anonymous" she replied.

"Of course, I understand.  Melrus here has ruined more than one of my experiments because he likes to turn up the heat in my lab when I'm gone.  Otherwise he is competent" she added with a smile.

"I appreciate the invitation to stop by.  We would love to see your labs.  A tour would be excellent, if you don't mind" Hayo said.


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 05, 2021, 02:55:50 PM

[Captain's Mess]

"It's the correct term, Kirok... just not something I'd thought about, too busy corralling the kids, looking after my departmental family..." she cast another worried look to Sirol in the corner.  "I'm a bit worried about Sirol... she looks exhausted, but also... I'm not sure I can put my finger on it!"

The Romulan Scientist was generally quite reserved but would manage to adapt herself well to most situations, and be able to dissemble adequately like those ladies in the Jane Austen novels that Hrafn loved so much.  Might not have an interest in what was going on (the literary ladies that is, Sirol was much too intelligent not to be able to grasp and respond intelligently, asking pertinent questions and observations in most situations)  but were able to make the people around them feel like they were the most interesting person in the world and hang on every word.  Regency ladies were portrayed a bit more as airheads than Hrafn would think any Starfleet, Romulan or otherwise, officer was but the whole dissembling lark worked well at such gatherings.

So why was Sirol quiet, and preferring Tholian?  Had she turned off her UT and this was a method of speaking only to those that she wished to speak to?  She knew that Sirol had gone through a lot although she didn't know the full story yet regarding the attack on Katra, and she was sure that later when Sirol got to see the children it would bring a smile back to her face since she had visibly brightened when Emerald had chirped at her... was it perhaps a longing to have an actual family and children of her own rather than just being on the peripheral of other people's family however inclusive they were of her?

"With all the interesting people on the station wouldn't it be more prudent to assign her - an expert in  Xenology... that is Xeno-sociology, -linguistics, -psychology & behavioural analysis and Theoretical Physics as in Spacial and  Phasic Phenomena to studying those people, maybe alongside Anth McCutcheon, or just the baby Tholian we have at the moment, the Changeling DNA and such things rather than this snake... we have an able and willing science team but I really think you should liaise with me on where to assign my staff so that people can be used to the best of their ability.  She's the only person I know speaks Tholian here.  I know a few words but... surely that would help liaise and teach the Tholian...whatever they call their offspring?  We have minions... an inter departmental joke, I mean the Ensigns...and you have 2 more of those currently in the form of my daughter and her boyfriend, who are just itching for some hands on experience, and the enlisted, and let those with specialisations utilize them.  I don't mean to override you Captain but I think Lt. Sirol would be better utilized in the Simulation Lab and working off the snake team for a while, it's not using her skills to best effect.  If you want her to have a more integral role, make her Science liaison to the embassies or something.  With her language skills and knowledge of culture and so on that's using someone to their best asset!"

She hoped that her words would have some effect, as she too wished the snake would wander off and pester someplace preferably in the Zeta quadrant if there was such a place... either way somewhere far away from them!

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok felt the slightest bit of pride on mastering the term 'social butterfly.'   But pride soon turned to slight concern.  "Why.  Please do tell me" he asked.

He leaned a bit closer.  This was not a conversation that should have in public.  But there was a sense of urgency, or so it seemed.

"I have never understood the need for people to specialize in one specific field.  Not on a star ship or station, at least.  It tends to paint people into a corner and only make them useful during the one singular mission in which their specific specialty is needed" the Captain said honestly.  Likely not a popular opinion, but an accurate one nonetheless.

"That said, I could see her moving to the Diplomacy Department.  Her unique skill sets would add value to the department.  I can think of no better qualified candidate given her ability to pick languages quickly.  Defiantly beneficial in new contact mission and in places what the universal translator either fails or does not recognize a new language" Kirok suggested.

Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on August 05, 2021, 04:26:18 PM

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

Zero nodded as Kimball expressed his distaste with the old, outdated method of testing. It was generally only done for extreme looks into the psyche, of which he didn't think EQ required. "Exactly. There's a lot of better judges of character." He murmured, twirling his pen between his fingers. As the man went on to detail what brought him in, Zero was mindful to take slow, deeper breaths, jotting down a few details.

"Can you describe more what you mean by 'lost it'?" He paused to give the man a chance to respond, before continuing. "It's only natural, and completely understandable that the experience was extremely stressful, and traumatic for you. I'm sure the Commander understands fully."

"We can talk over some coping mechanisms, that will help to calm you down in situations like that."

When the man requested a drink, he nodded, standing from his place. He motioned for EQ to remain seated, and moved over to the small replicator on the other side of the room. "Do you have a preference in what type of tea?"

At his response, he would gingerly carry over  the mug, stopping at his desk to grab two water bottles. Setting the tea, and one water bottle in front of EQ, he cracked open the other for himself, taking a small sip. He hadn't realized how parched he was until the moment EQ reminded him of it, but now he was glad for the excuse. "We can take a break for a moment, let you collect your thoughts before we proceed." He explained softly, as he clasped his hands together, waiting to see what EQ would say.

[Dr Jyur's office]

"My thought too, doc.  Sorry, Sir.  It is doctor, isn't it, Sir" the XB asked before sinking into the couch.

Kimball blew out some air.  He didn't want to say what happened.   But shugged.

"I saw the borg ship.  I froze.....I, well (hard swallow, his dropped eyes looked at his feet, left, then right, not wanting to say it) my pants.  I peed them" EQ said.  He sunk deeper into the couch, trying to be invisible.  He put his hand up to cover his face.

"What are those?  Copin skills?  Like hypnosis, I don't know if I like that" he said honestly.  "But I would like to stop membering the bad things I done as a borg.  That somethin you can help me do?" he asked, hoping for a yes.

"I think it's earl gray.  It what Dr. Xiiv gave me.  Milk and 2 sugars" he relied.

He accepted the drink and took a sip.   "Mmm.  I'm ok to go on.  Can I tell you a secret?" the XB asked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 05, 2021, 12:10:58 PM

Finding her in the Captain's Mess, somewhere she figured unless she had a specific invitation to visit, she shouldn't be, she sent a message to Sirol's PADD to the effect that she would make her way to the Simulation Lab to attempt to be useful unless there was something that could be done in the meantime.

As Sirol noticed the incoming message on her PDA, her face showed a certain"¦ Surprise. The sender had been none of her usual contacts, yet the name was certainly familiar.
Reading over the request she formulated a reply in her head, but first looked up again and through the people gathered around her; making sure that no one would take offense  on her typing.
Since - right now - no eyes were resting on her, she decided to quickly do it.

From: Lieutenant Sirol
To: Ensign Ruthie Falleg-Grix
I have received your inquiry. I am not in the laboratory at the moment, and will not be until Beta Shift.
Considering the Simulation Lab currently being utilised as habitat, I strongly recommend Specialist Freeman and asking for his assessment of whether or not the lab can currently support more personnel.
I apologise for the inconvenience.
Lieutenant Sirol.

Deactivating her wrist-mounted holo-PDA again she just managed to catch Hrafn addressing her.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 05, 2021, 12:10:58 PM

Hrafn nodded to Sirol and when she was sure she was facing her mouthed carefully 'Catch up properly when this is over!' and gave her fellow Scientist a warm smile.

"œAcknowledged. Will do." The scientist calmly spoke.
Finally, her mug of coffee was empty, so it was time to work herself through the next one.
Carefully - as to not lose balance - she slowly moved over to the main area and refilled her mug, only to then vanish back into her corner and wrap her cold hands around the hot mug.
For a while she remained entirely motionless, just listening to the voices in the room. Not intentionally spying on anyone in particular, but letting the layers of voices run through her brain.
It was one wild mess of an uncoordinated babble; everyone immersed in their own little worlds.
A fascinating observation"¦

Eventually her metaphorical antennae came to a halt on Hrafn once more.
Sirol listened to her telling Dranik about her children.
A little smile could be seen forming on Sirol's face.
She missed them.
She had enjoyed having Nerys tag along and spend lab time with her together.
And she adored Lamar. The little Pioneer.
Lost in her thoughts, she just followed Hrafn's elaborations for a while, gently stroking the head of the Uropygi on her lap and leaning back a little.
She had no idea about Ruthie's tragic upbringing, but instantly sympathised with the aspiring scientist"¦
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 05, 2021, 12:10:58 PM

Finding Sirol alone she wandered over and smiled.  "Forgive me, wasn't meaning to eavesdrop but I'm kinda hardwired to hearing anything Science related on the edge of my hearing.  The Changling DNA I'm not really surprised about since we already had an inkling of that but... did I hear 'hatch a Tholian' and did I hear from somewhere that you have an Uropygi?"

As Hrafn joined Sirol, the scientist gave her superior a friendly nod, followed by a tiny smirk.
It was good to her have her ears everywhere - observational nature was an important aspect, if not condition for their field of work, and Sirol appreciated Hrafn's approach.
"œYes. You heard correctly.
It is Xasik's child. He brought them aboard in a portable stasis unit. I guaranteed him free reign over my lab's quarantine section as long as he maintains contact with a professional regarding the child's medical needs."

She took one more sip of her fresh Coffee, then looked forth and back between Hrafn and the Uropygi on her lab.
Her little Hero...
"œI do not"¦ Have her"¦ She came to me
I remember Commander Eydis bringing several of her species aboard. I tried to contact the Commander about hir wandering friend; pictured shi would be worried.
Have not heard back from the Commander in eight weeks and two days. Now I am worried."

Looking down she gave the Uropygi a gentle pat.
"œ...She has been with me since, and we look out for one another."
Maybe it was about time to find a suitable name for her soon"¦

One more moment followed in which Sirol seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. She peripherally overheard Hrafn answering Xasik and announcing that Ruthie might be on her way to the Simulation Lab eventually.
She assumed that at this point Ruthie most likely must have seen her message, so Sirol stayed quiet and just tried to focus on the sound of Hrafn's voice.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 05, 2021, 12:10:58 PM

Finding Sirol alone she wandered over and smiled. "Emerald I'm assuming since that's a precious gemstone and the um... appearance of a Tholian... is the baby Tholian?" she asked Sirol.

The slender scientist slowly nodded.
"œYes. Emerald - reminiscent of their pigmentation.
The healer and I agreed that it is a"¦ Unique choice of a name. Non-conform with most Thilian naming patterns"¦ But then again the circumstances of this child's upbringing will be unique as well"¦
I want the best for them, but"¦ Am also worried they may grow up to be an outsider"¦ A detrimental mental handicap to such a highly perceptive and sensitive psyche relying on swarm processing...

As Hrafn then turned towards Hayo, introducing herself and making a remark about Katra being practically a science outpost already, Sirol could not help but smirk a little.
If only"¦
Throughout the last months this poor station had become a hot mess of constant attacks and chaos"¦ Katra's original glory Sirol had gotten to know upon her arrival seemed to have slowly faded away.
A promenade vast and empty and an overworked, weary crew.
Once more she took a sip of her coffee and discreetly followed Hrafn's elaborations.
Hrafn managed to somehow make Starfleet's strangely self-determined style of work sound"¦ Easy"¦ Almost even logical"¦
Sirol had never been one for "˜wiggle room'.
She preferred solid roles and a strict but fair hierarchy, yet Hrafn's interpretation made strange sense: She named exactly what Sirol would and would not do in her lab, and all of a sudden the lack of framework seemed less irritating.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 05, 2021, 12:10:58 PM

Hrafn gave what she hoped was a significant look at Sirol and hoped that her co-CSO realised that she meant to keep schtumm about the rather unusual and taboo nature of Anth's field of expertise.

Sirol noticed the"¦ Intense look Hrafn bid her.
The look that seemed to almost even pulsate around the division leader.
But it was not just the sensory experience. There was something in her voice. A serious undertone. Sirol did not entirely grasp the reasoning, yet she understood the meaning: Hrafn's word was set.
Sirol would not add or remove anything from her superior's statement.

Her gaze fell onto her PDA again.
She checked for a reply from Ruhtie yet so far, her inbox was empty.
She assumed that the other was most likely busy getting acclimated to Katra, so Sirol made a mental note to check again in another 15 minutes, while she would empty her second mug of coffee, hoping rather sooner than later her metabolism would wake up.

The voices in the room got louder again, and Sirol lost her good grasp on Hrafn's conversation.
She could tell that there was something regarding the department; regarding her. Considering Hrafn's overall positive aura, Sirol did not assume anything negative though. Rather on the contrary. She could feel a wave of determination wash over Hrafn; through the entire room.
She had missed that presence.

As Hrafn eventually concluded her conversation with Captain Kirok, and returned to Sirol again, the scientist and the Uropygi both curiously focused the division leader as if they were eager to hear about the latest vocational gossip.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 05, 2021, 02:55:50 PM

"Sirol dear, can I get you a drink of tea or something? And the children are so excited to see you they have gifts for you and Serena, you and she have made quite an impression on them, both as a family member and in your professional capacity.  By the way, I wasn't aware you spoke Tholian!  I've become lazy recently, relying on the UT but I was never that good at Tholian! Klingon, Vulcan, Bajoran obviously being married to one and spending a fair bit of time on New Bajor...."

Raising one eyebrow, Sirol looked at her half-full mug then at Hrafn and hesitantly shook her head.
"œNo, thank you. I still have enough coffee for the next 20 minutes.
The impression is mutual. I am looking forward to seeing the children again as well. I have prepared a few simulations Nerys might find interesting. I recently got my hands on Breen colony footage..."

She paused for a moment, adjusting herself to ease the pain on her spine.
"œ...My tholian skills are obviously limited by my physiology. I can imitate large fragments of their primary audible language, yet many tones, and even nonverbal aspects such as radiation are"¦ Off limits"¦ Understandably"¦ The same goes for the utilisation of the Lattice considering the natural incompatibility of vulcanoid brainwaves unless artificially altered."
Once more a sip of her coffee, one more a tense inhaling.
Why was she so tense?
Why did she suddenly feel as if she was about to pass out?

Forcing her thoughts back onto the conversation she looked at Hrafn's rank pips.
"œBut I"¦ Appreciate your compliment and the fact that you noticed.
It is welcome to be"¦ Seen...
Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 05, 2021, 02:55:50 PM

Bending close she said "Are you ok Sirol? I appreciate situations like this overwhelm me at times and I've had a lot of practice, it's not like a family gathering in my quarters... the ... vibes aren't the same, and whereas Baking or meal nights at mine you know you don't have to stand on ceremony, here... you have to kinda be on your best behaviour and it's even straining to someone like myself, especially coming pretty much straight from the transport and not really back at the reins yet.  But you did a sterling job while I was away, we'll have to have a catch up on everything once the meeting is over but if you have stuff to do I understand."

Slowly looking up at Hrafn with what could only be interpreted as defeat in her eyes, the scientist slowly shook her head.
"œI do"¦ Not think that I am okay. No..." She spoke quietly, in an almost whispering tone.
"œIt is not the quantity of people surrounding me, it is"¦ The weight of the vacuum in my mind"¦
The tireless grind to maintain functioning without any logical reason to do so..."

She closed her eyes and silently exhaled.
"œIt is"¦ Complex"¦ I do not know how much you know about my"¦ Damage"¦ But the last weeks have"¦ Amplified the severity of my symptoms"¦
I am willing to explain everything to you in detail..."

She once more looked at the outsiders.
"œ...Once we are private again."
Quote from: npc3 on August 05, 2021, 05:45:16 PM

"Division leader.  Now that's a term I have not hear for eons.  May I ask where you picked up that term, Luv?" Hayo asked curiously.

And like magic, the young scientist warmed when the topic returned to the hatchling.  Even smiled.  Or so it seemed to Hayo.

"Oh, Luv.  I would very much like you to do that for me.  If it's a no, I completely understand.  I'm a mother too and forbade any visitors for weeks.

But you seem to smitten with the little one.  Are you going to be the god-mother by chance?  An auntie, maybe?" she asked.

Sirol raised her eyebrow at Hayo's"¦ Bizarre inquiry.
Did she really had to explain the meaning of Division Head to someone who kept incorrectly addressing her as "˜Luv' instead as "˜Lieutenant'?!
Was this person trying to initiate some morbid form of humour?

"œI "˜picked it up' during regular Navy training, promotions and being referred to as one for years.
It is imperial standard terminology and - supposed to be - universally understandable."

Gently wrapping her arms around the Uropygi Sirol listened to Hayo's follow-up questions and thoughtfully tilted her head.
"œI will relay your request then.
I am certain that - if they deem it safe - Freeman and Peylix will accept visitors."

Towards her next question though the scientist hesitated.
Giving the other a squinting look Sirol tried her best to not show her feelings towards this sort of personal question.
"œI"¦ Appreciate being with the child. They are endearing and wholesome, and I can be myself around them.
But no, there are no plans including me becoming co-parent.
Freeman and I are colleagues; barely acquainted yet.
I provide cultural and linguistic insights regarding the child for their father."

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kyle Briggs

[Captain's Mess]

Kyle had sat back in his seat and drank his coffee while listening to the exchanges between Falleg, Kirok and Sirol. This was suppose to be a fun gathering with everyone getting to know everyone but it felt like the tension could be cut with a knife. He had apparently missed something between the three.

"That's a good idea." Kyle finally said as he leaned forward and spoke of Hrafn's idea for Sirol to study the different species aboard the station. "You do know that as her department head, you could assign that task to her, yes? No need for us to micro manage that kind of thing."

He had probably sounded harsher than he had intended but damn it, he was there for a good time and to see some old friends and was tired of what seemed like a tense situation.


Quote from: Sirol on August 05, 2021, 07:12:30 PM

Sirol raised her eyebrow at Hayo's"¦ Bizarre inquiry.
Did she really had to explain the meaning of Division Head to someone who kept incorrectly addressing her as "˜Luv' instead as "˜Lieutenant'?!
Was this person trying to initiate some morbid form of humour?

"œI "˜picked it up' during regular Navy training, promotions and being referred to as one for years.
It is imperial standard terminology and - supposed to be - universally understandable."

Gently wrapping her arms around the Uropygi Sirol listened to Hayo's follow-up questions and thoughtfully tilted her head.
"œI will relay your request then.
I am certain that - if they deem it safe - Freeman and Peylix will accept visitors."

Towards her next question though the scientist hesitated.
Giving the other a squinting look Sirol tried her best to not show her feelings towards this sort of personal question.
"œI"¦ Appreciate being with the child. They are endearing and wholesome, and I can be myself around them.
But no, there are no plans including me becoming co-parent.
Freeman and I are colleagues; barely acquainted yet.
I provide cultural and linguistic insights regarding the child for their father."

[Captain's Mess]

"Oh, I see" Hayo replied.  "Make's perfect sense.  I just hadn't heard the term for years" the Science officer said.

Then she noticed the pet on Sirol's hand.  "And who do we have here?  What's your name, Luv?" she said to the tholian animal.

"It is absolutely beautiful.  Much more exotic than the house cat we have now.  Is it your's or are you animal sitting?" Hayo asked curiously.

"Thanks.  I have lots of open time should they allow a visit" the older science officer said.   Then simply nodded in understanding to Sirol's last statements regarding her relationship to the new child.


Quote from: Kirok on August 04, 2021, 05:50:46 PM

[Ops - Zex - 0815]

Zex finally arrived for her shift.  "Hi all, sorry I'm late.  I see that we one of our visiting officers has arrived already.  Let me guess.  You're having computer issues, right?

That's on me.  Sorry.  I have to enter everyone's clearances so you can work while you are here.  Just give me a minute to log in" the Deltan said.

She logged in.  Set the clearances.  "You should be good now" Zex said, then started working on everyone else's clearances.

With that done, she took a moment to look up the reports from the anomaly that had affected Sirol.   There was lots of data, but none of the medical reports would open for her.  But she knew someone who they might open for.

-//Zex to Dr. Xiiv.  Are you currently in?  Do you have some time to see me?\\- the Deltan asked after tapping her combadge.


Zex looked up at those gathered already.  Figuring that they might have some useful information about the anomaly.  Hopefully even Eli had some insight, him being Romulan and having experienced the anomaly too.

"Eli, do you remember back a few months ago when we all experience that anomaly together.  We were all linked mentally for a moment in time.  Did it have any lasting effects on you?" the Deltan asked curiously.

"Also a general question for everyone.  If someone wanted to boost or augment their telepathic skills, is there a safe way to do that?  Odd question, I know.  But I'm working on a project" Zex explained.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: npc3 on August 06, 2021, 08:51:34 AM

"Oh, I see" Hayo replied.  "Make's perfect sense.  I just hadn't heard the term for years" the Science officer said.

Then she noticed the pet on Sirol's hand.  "And who do we have here?  What's your name, Luv?" she said to the tholian animal.

"It is absolutely beautiful.  Much more exotic than the house cat we have now.  Is it your's or are you animal sitting?" Hayo asked curiously.

"Thanks.  I have lots of open time should they allow a visit" the older science officer said.   Then simply nodded in understanding to Sirol's last statements regarding her relationship to the new child.

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Sirol gave the other one a polite nodd.
Moments like these made her remember her age. Despite her juvenile appearance she was heading towards fifty years after all.
She had been places and studied things throughout the decades, and for a moment she wondered whether she had reached that certain age where she was beginning to fall out of touch with the people around.
Was she about to become one of the older generations soon?
An interesting question - one she would have to meditate about later"¦

"œI noticed fast and fluent shifts in terminology and speech among most Federation societies - Undoubtedly due to your close interactions with the plethora of multi cultures around. It is"¦ Fascinating to follow.
I can understand why Romulan terminology would appear"¦ Antiquated..."

She began musingly.
After all, her own society was famous for being isolationist - at best"¦

She took one more sip of her coffee, then leaned a little forwards again, listening to Hayo's next question and then slowly nodding.
It was rare that people would mention the Uropygi with her. Statistically speaking a concerning majority tended to react with"¦ Hunger"¦ Others with a moment of nervous cluelessness upon laying eyes on the critter.
To Sirol it was the polar opposite.
Just like she instantly clicked with children, she had clicked with the Uropygis she had interacted with, and while she was hesitant to really refer to them as pets due to their surprising intelligence, she was - there was no denying - a pet person.
"œShe"¦ No, she is not mine"¦ She is her own, I believe"¦
She was tied to a Commander I worked with"¦ It is a little complex"¦ The Commander brought the Uropygis aboard, but then shi hirself"¦ I do not know what became of hir"¦ I hope shi is safe and well"¦"

She once more hesitated. She was worried. In her own, quiet way...
"œIn the meantime, I suppose"¦ I adopted our little friend here..."
She looked down towards the Uropygi and gently booped its mandibles.
Yes, the Uropygi had come to her; been sent to her, but little did the scientist know about the actual reason behind it...
"œ...She does not have a name. Yet.
She simply came to me one day when I"¦ Needed her, and has not left me since"¦
I think that maybe soon I should name her"¦ Even if it is just temporary"¦ A child should have a name... And a destiny"¦.

With a little smile she looked up at Hayo again, before she realised that she had been small-talking for a solid three minutes!
Was it too much?
Was she boring the other scientist?

Clearing her throat she then added.
"œYou appear very interested in the hatchling. Do you have a family yourself?
I noticed that a lot of Federation citizens tend to bring their families with them when working in space."

In her own culture, this was practically unheard of, yet Sirol had to admit that she liked the idea of having families around.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on August 05, 2021, 10:14:12 PM

[Captain's Mess]

Kyle had sat back in his seat and drank his coffee while listening to the exchanges between Falleg, Kirok and Sirol. This was suppose to be a fun gathering with everyone getting to know everyone but it felt like the tension could be cut with a knife. He had apparently missed something between the three.

"That's a good idea." Kyle finally said as he leaned forward and spoke of Hrafn's idea for Sirol to study the different species aboard the station. "You do know that as her department head, you could assign that task to her, yes? No need for us to micro manage that kind of thing."

He had probably sounded harsher than he had intended but damn it, he was there for a good time and to see some old friends and was tired of what seemed like a tense situation.

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok turned to Kyle.  Including him in the conversation.  Staffing issue really did fall upon him as XO.

"Sorry if I overstepped, Kyle.  But I, of course, will defer to your better judgement in this matter.  As it should be" the Captain replied.

"So there we have it.  Now lets get back to enjoying the party.  I think I will attempt to eat something now.  If you will excuse me" Kirok said before leaving his post at the door.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


"You learn how to cope, I promise."

Dranik paused and a thoughtful look appeared on his face. "The holodeck...I have no idea why neither of us thought to use the holodeck." Dranik said in a tone that was a mix of bemusement and hope. Excuse me for just a moment."

He tapped his comnbadge and opened a channel to Ciavil. Almost immediately he could hear the sounds of things breaking and Ciavil yelling. "Bad time, Dranik. Are you on your way back yet?"

Dranik shook his head. "I don't know why we didn't think of this...but why haven't we tried to take the kids to the holodeck and let them tire themselves out?"

There was a sudden pause on the other end of the line and Dranik grinned after a moment as he heard Ciavil start speaking again in a tone he had only heard her use a few times. "Come on, kids. Mommy's going to take you somewhere you can tire- I mean play to your heart's content."

Dranik let out a short laugh as he moved close to the breakfast bar and saw Kirok moving towards it. Dranik was suddenly in a much better mood. "I feel much better about how today is most likely going to go." He stated cheerfully. "May the gods of the hunt bless whoever invented the holodeck."

Hirogen Male


Quote from: Sirol on August 06, 2021, 12:09:19 PM

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Sirol gave the other one a polite nodd.
Moments like these made her remember her age. Despite her juvenile appearance she was heading towards fifty years after all.
She had been places and studied things throughout the decades, and for a moment she wondered whether she had reached that certain age where she was beginning to fall out of touch with the people around.
Was she about to become one of the older generations soon?
An interesting question - one she would have to meditate about later"¦

"œI noticed fast and fluent shifts in terminology and speech among most Federation societies - Undoubtedly due to your close interactions with the plethora of multi cultures around. It is"¦ Fascinating to follow.
I can understand why Romulan terminology would appear"¦ Antiquated..."

She began musingly.
After all, her own society was famous for being isolationist - at best"¦

She took one more sip of her coffee, then leaned a little forwards again, listening to Hayo's next question and then slowly nodding.
It was rare that people would mention the Uropygi with her. Statistically speaking a concerning majority tended to react with"¦ Hunger"¦ Others with a moment of nervous cluelessness upon laying eyes on the critter.
To Sirol it was the polar opposite.
Just like she instantly clicked with children, she had clicked with the Uropygis she had interacted with, and while she was hesitant to really refer to them as pets due to their surprising intelligence, she was - there was no denying - a pet person.
"œShe"¦ No, she is not mine"¦ She is her own, I believe"¦
She was tied to a Commander I worked with"¦ It is a little complex"¦ The Commander brought the Uropygis aboard, but then shi hirself"¦ I do not know what became of hir"¦ I hope shi is safe and well"¦"

She once more hesitated. She was worried. In her own, quiet way...
"œIn the meantime, I suppose"¦ I adopted our little friend here..."
She looked down towards the Uropygi and gently booped its mandibles.
Yes, the Uropygi had come to her; been sent to her, but little did the scientist know about the actual reason behind it...
"œ...She does not have a name. Yet.
She simply came to me one day when I"¦ Needed her, and has not left me since"¦
I think that maybe soon I should name her"¦ Even if it is just temporary"¦ A child should have a name... And a destiny"¦.

With a little smile she looked up at Hayo again, before she realised that she had been small-talking for a solid three minutes!
Was it too much?
Was she boring the other scientist?

Clearing her throat she then added.
"œYou appear very interested in the hatchling. Do you have a family yourself?
I noticed that a lot of Federation citizens tend to bring their families with them when working in space."

In her own culture, this was practically unheard of, yet Sirol had to admit that she liked the idea of having families around.

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

As Sirol began to become more chatty, Hayo leaned in a bit.  Like you would with any new friend that one would meet.  But still didn't get too close so as to not violate the woman's personal space.

"Why yes.  Language is fascinating.  I mean where would we be without it.  Lost is what we would be.  So hurray for you.  Following one to the things that make us different than animals.   No offence, Luv" she replied, intending that last piece for the Tholian animal.

"What about that for the pets name.  Luv?   I has several meaning.  I use it as a term of endearment as you might have notices" the science officer added with a light chuckle.

"Sorry to hear about your Commander friend.  I will say a prayer for him later, but it is good that you are watching over this little one why shi is gone.  Good for you too, probably.  Taking care of others is so fulfilling and rewarding in it's own right.  Don't you think?" Hayo went on.

Hayo brightened up herself when the conversation turned to her personal life.  "Oh yes.  I have 3 of my own at home.  I call them Luv 1, Luv 2, and Luv 3 for nicknames.  Just 1, 2, and 3 if their bad, which isn't often.

I had them all at the same time.  This was after I served with Kirok.  So there are a few years old now, in school now.  But home with Papa.

I considered bringing them along on this trip, but my Luv 2 had a tummy ache and and a bit of a fever.  And I didn't want to chance it.  And I couldn't bring the other 2 without him, or that would have caused hurt feelings.

Papa was my sweetheart on my home world growing up.  We reconnected after my Discovery days.  And well, the rest is history

But yes, lots of ship have family members on them as you mentioned.  I think it is more popular now then during my Discovery days.  So much has chanced since then, but without change there is no progress" Hayo explained.

She finally stopped talking for a moment.  "May I ask you the same?  If it's not too personal that is?" Hayo asked curiously.


Quote from: Dranik on August 06, 2021, 06:58:02 PM

"You learn how to cope, I promise."

Dranik paused and a thoughtful look appeared on his face. "The holodeck...I have no idea why neither of us thought to use the holodeck." Dranik said in a tone that was a mix of bemusement and hope. Excuse me for just a moment."

He tapped his comnbadge and opened a channel to Ciavil. Almost immediately he could hear the sounds of things breaking and Ciavil yelling. "Bad time, Dranik. Are you on your way back yet?"

Dranik shook his head. "I don't know why we didn't think of this...but why haven't we tried to take the kids to the holodeck and let them tire themselves out?"

There was a sudden pause on the other end of the line and Dranik grinned after a moment as he heard Ciavil start speaking again in a tone he had only heard her use a few times. "Come on, kids. Mommy's going to take you somewhere you can tire- I mean play to your heart's content."

Dranik let out a short laugh as he moved close to the breakfast bar and saw Kirok moving towards it. Dranik was suddenly in a much better mood. "I feel much better about how today is most likely going to go." He stated cheerfully. "May the gods of the hunt bless whoever invented the holodeck."

[Captain's Mess]

"That is good to hear.  I don't recall who invented it, but I'm sure he/she/or it was mentioned in one of my classes at that Academy.  Was there a specific obstacle that made you think or feel that today may not go well?" Kirok asked curiously.

He started to create his own frittata.  Eggs, mushrooms, a bit of spinach.  No spice, of course.

"Do you by chance know what those are?  The sausage link rolled and baked in some type of dough.  It looks to be a finger food" he asked pointing to the try of pigs n blankets.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


"That is good to hear.  I don't recall who invented it, but I'm sure he/she/or it was mentioned in one of my classes at that Academy.  Was there a specific obstacle that made you think or feel that today may not go well?"

Dranikk was practically humming. "The kids haven't been sleeping that much during nap time and as such have been quite hyper this past week. I don't know where they've been getting the energy but now that we finally remembered we can take the kids to the holodeck I feel this shouldn't be an issue anymore."

"Do you by chance know what those are?  The sausage link rolled and baked in some type of dough.  It looks to be a finger food"

Dranik couldn't help but smile gleefully as he caught sight of something he hadn't seen in a long time. "I never learned their names and I haven't seen them in quite a while so I am happy to say this day is getting better and better." Dranik grabbed a handful of them and piled them on his plate. "This time I plan on getting the name so I can replicate them." Dranik took a bite of one and his expression turned to one of pure joy. "They taste even better than last time."

Hirogen Male

🡱 🡳

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