S3-M8: Best Laid Plans

Started by Kirok, August 01, 2021, 08:36:18 AM

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< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Quote from: npc3 on August 08, 2021, 09:46:39 AM

"Yes" Hayo replied.  It was a singular word that stood as an example of exactly what Sirol was saying about the beauty of language.  The scientist offed a warm smile, hoping that Sirol understood how she intended her reply to land.

"Hmm.  That is entirely possible.  Luckily we have a resident expert on all things Tholian here who will likely know the answer to your question.  Our very on Lonar.  Would you like me to introduce you?" Hayo asked.

Raising an eyebrow the scientist observed the other for a moment, trying to apply a meaning to her short but thoughtful response.
But maybe it was just that.
Just a simple agreement on the subject altogether.

Sirol leaned a little forward in her chair, looked at the other and decided to not investigate any further.
Hayo seemed content.
Maybe they had simply reached a consensus without attempting to? Maybe.

As Hayo mentioned at "˜resident expert on all things Tholian', she once more raised one eyebrow, at first assuming her to joke in the same manner Hrafn had done before upon pointing out Sirol's xenocultural expertise, yet soon she learned that there was no joke attached to it, but a pure, genuine offer.

Tilting her head at Hayo's offer to introduce her to Lonar the scientist mused for a second, then exchanging thoughtful looks with the Uropygi on her lap.
Neither of them - especially Sirol - had anything to lose.
And the chance to have potential questions answered was always more than welcome.
Slowly, she eventually nodded.
"œThat sounds like a feasible idea. Is Lonar acquainted with the Uropygi?"
Granted, this question was semi-symbolic considering each Tholian could access plenty of information upon sheer will.
What a lucky society"¦
Yet her question was more intended at the matter of whether or not they would be interested and willing to answer questions of a topic they might not have been assigned to.
Sirol decided to give it a try.
No, she had nothing to lose after all...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Kyle Briggs

[Breakfast - Captain's Mess]

Quote from: Kirok on August 07, 2021, 10:04:45 PM

Kirok saw his XO look their way.  Then look to the food.  The man was likely hungry, but duty before personal needs.

"Kyle, please join us.  I want to introduce Julia.  Pardon me, Admiral Rellek.

Julia.  This is the Kyle Briggs.  The best XO, hands down" Kirok said sincerely.

Kyle took his coffee and made his way over to Kirok and the Admiral. "It's an honor to meet you, Ma'am." Kyle said as he extended his hand. "I've heard and read quite a bit about you and your exploits." he said just as his attention was drawn away.
Quote from: Susan Markington on August 08, 2021, 02:18:08 AM

[Katra - Captain's Mess - Breakfast]

Susan and Jack grabbed plates of food and sat across from Kyle and Kirok. As the Admiral entered the room they stood at attention. "œAttention on deck! Admiral on board. Welcome to the Katra Admiral. Ma'am." Susan said as she smiled. I just want to eat"¦.ugh! Food"¦ she thinks as she stays at attention. Jack does the same and waits for orders to stand down. They knew proper Starfleet and civilian protocols when it came to higher ups.

Looking around the room, Susan's instincts kicked in as she heard a message come in over the com badges. "œCommander we have an issue in cargo bay. Something about smuggling contraband. Do you want us to go assist or can we stay here and mingle?" Susan asked Kyle as she stayed at attention.

Quote from: Kirok on August 08, 2021, 09:27:05 AM

"Thank you, Ms. Markington.  If you need to go, you are excused.  If not, we can have some food set aside for you too" the Captain offered.

"Indeed." Kyle said. "At ease, Ensign. Lieutenant Mackenzie has informed me of the situation but I'll personally contact him to see if he needs any assistance. If you all will excuse me for a moment."

Kyle stood and took a few steps away from everyone and tapped his badge.

=/\=Briggs to Lieutenant Mackenzie. Are you requiring any further personnel at your location?  =/\=



[Katra - Docking Ring - Captains Mess]

He stood there for awhile and was getting hungry again, realizing the Captain offered his own personal mess hall for breakfast, he knew he was going to be late but knew he had to deal with this.  But his stomach over ruled everything else and left his post heading to the Captains mess, as the doors opened a large Gorn entered, it was obvious he was going to be an interesting addition to the party, as he went to the buffet table that was set out.

Grumbling, he started to toss the leafy greens everywhere as he tried to eat it but could not stomach the texture of the food or what some people call food anyways.  "Where is the Gagh?" the Crewmen asked to no one in particular as he found something that he did recognize, 'meat' he placed the meat to his muzzle and sniffed it, it was burnt but smelled interesting.  "Where is the bloody raw meat!?" he asked again as he slung the meat he was sniffing across the room as it hit the wall.

"You eat plants? as a meal? unheard of.  If you want hair on your head and chest, you need Gagh.  That stuff goes down smooth and you get hair on your head and chest!" Skar said aloud, yet again to no one in particular as he hissed out, he made his way to where there were drinks and the only thing drinkable was the water.  He really wished there was blood wine to be had, this was a party after all.  "Wheres the bloodwine, please tell me you have that atleast, since there is no Gagh." Skar said as he got up and looked around, realizing the slight mess he made, and the fact everyone was a higher rank then he was.

"Excuse me, wait, this isnt the Klingon restaurant." Skar said as he looked around at everyone.


Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on August 08, 2021, 10:45:39 AM

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

Zero nodded. "Yes, 'Doc' will work just fine," He assured him.

"I don't want you to feel like you're giving up on it," He paused, contemplating his next words. It was an unhealthy way to view it, as if he was just giving up on something precious. "But you needn't feel any guilt for it. I can show you somebreathing techniques that will help, as well as redirecting your attention."

When the man begun divulging his secret, Zero leaned forward a bit, a grin skewing his face. "Well that's quite the secret, Mr. Kimball," he gave a hearty chuckle, leaning back in his chair. "I've heard many nice things about Dr. Xiiv. I'm glad to hear you have such strong.. emotions." His voice faltered for a moment, as he mulled over what he was saying. Emotions?
He felt a surge of guilt from his earlier discomfort and prejudice - just because he was a Borg. No - an EX-Borg. But now, here he was gossiping with him about having a crush. He'd judged far too quickly, and he felt his inner turmoil calm slightly, as he turned his attention back to EQ.

"I'm.. very glad to hear that. Why do you assume nothing can come of it?" He tilted his head slightly, genuine curiosity shining in his eyes. "Either way though, I'm sure a friendship could be pursued, it's important to have people you can count on in your life."

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office - EQ Kimball]

"Ok.  The breathing tricks will be helpful.  I think I might have started holding my breath when I saw the cube.  What are redirecting tricks?" Kimball asked.  He picked up his cup and took a sip.  Holding it this time.

The XB was slightly surprised that Jyur thought it acceptable for him to have a feelings and even possibly a relationship with Xiiv.  He frowned.  But said anyway.

"I thought that relations with your therapist or your doctors was against your rules.  Like you can because of that power over another type of thing.  Am I wrong?"

He took another sip.  Delaying the next thing we was to say.  Figuring that Jyur didn't know.

"And there's another thing.  I't may be in my file.  That might make it tough for a relationship to happen" Kimball added with a shrug.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on August 08, 2021, 11:34:19 AM

[Breakfast - Captain's Mess]

Kyle took his coffee and made his way over to Kirok and the Admiral. "It's an honor to meet you, Ma'am." Kyle said as he extended his hand. "I've heard and read quite a bit about you and your exploits." he said just as his attention was drawn away.

"Indeed." Kyle said. "At ease, Ensign. Lieutenant Mackenzie has informed me of the situation but I'll personally contact him to see if he needs any assistance. If you all will excuse me for a moment."

Kyle stood and took a few steps away from everyone and tapped his badge.

=/\=Briggs to Lieutenant Mackenzie. Are you requiring any further personnel at your location?  =/\=

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok dipped his head slightly when Kyle mentioned Julia's exploits.  His hand came up to hide an attempt at a smile that never fully developed.  He likely should have not mentioned the Omega Particle research, but the topic was on his mind.

"Of course" Kiork said.  As Kyle left, Kirok pulled a padd from a pocket and passed it to Julia.  "Pardon my slip of the tongue, but I would like for you to take a look at this data.  But it is for your eyes only" the Captain said a bit more quietly.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



[Captain's Mess]

Cartis, an Ocaman, finally arrived in the Captain's Mess.  "Hello, all.  Sorry I'm late.  Apologies to all.  But as they say.  Now the party can start" he said unabashedly.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: npc3 on August 07, 2021, 03:08:07 PM

[Captain's Mess - Hayo]

Hayo tilted her head slightly.  "No, there was no Tekin aboard the ship.  Revek was our XO at the time.  So, it must have been before your husband came aboard" she replied.

"Oh how I know.  Kirok is a good Captain.  But his eyes would glaze over when techno babble him.  You likely get the say response.  Ultimately I would lay out my solution to whatever the problem of the day was and he would simply reply.  'Proceed" Hayo said.

"We are doing nothing now and I think Melrus is almost done eating.  If now works?  Otherwise we can wait" she said pleasantly.

[Captain's Mess]

Hrafn was a little taken aback by the forthrightness of Hayo.

"Actually, I need to see what everyone else is doing, I've not long got back from my eldest's Academy graduation and I need to get caught up on a few things.  I'll ping you later though." she promised.

"As for Revek, I've heard the name but yes, before my husband's tenure.  And Kirok... yeah, that sounds exactly like him... but we have departments for different things for that very reason... we pull together and get the job done.  For example, it's my husband and son have the Engineering brains in the family for all that Nevir - that's my husband - is known as a scientist!"

She shot a look at Sirol, hoping that she realised that she'd just given Xasik some breathing space and all of them really from the invasion of Hayo and other guests.  While she was all for hospitality, and she knew that most of Sciences would be ready to be inspected at a moments notice, since they were still rebuilding Katra there were messy bits.

Quote from: Julia Rellek on August 07, 2021, 08:44:48 PM

[Captains Mess]

"Kirok!" She said warmly as she stepped closer to him. She placed her hands in front of her and gave a subtle gesture dismissing the formality. "Thank you!" She said with a pause. "Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm excited to be back on the Katra you all will have to catch me up but for now we eat." She chuckled. Leaning into Kirok the volume of her voice dropped. "After breakfast?" She whispered as she noticed Falleg.

Julia pointed in her direction. "It's so good to see you. We will have to find some time to catch up." She said across the room.

"Just ping me my dear... door to my quarters or office or lab always open to you, come find me!"  Since she and Julia had known each other so long, she figured that the Admiral wouldn't be worried about being called 'my dear', it wasn't a formal situation after all.
Quote from: Sirol on August 08, 2021, 07:03:37 AM

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

As the Captain introduced another newcomer, Sirol's gaze fell upon the Admiral.
She gave her a polite hailing nod, yet did not say anything. Everyone - at this point - was in their own respective conversation, and she did not want to overlap and/or intrude.
Yet her curiosity had been instantly triggered.
A leading expert in Omega Particle studies?!
It was not one of her own special fields, yet close enough related to the theoretical physics aspect of her works to be of interest to the scientist.
She hoped that she and Rellek would find the time to converse at one point...

Looking back at Hayo she then calmly nodded in agreement.
"œI understand you completely. I script programs as well. Programming languages have become a"¦ More creative outlet of my linguistic vocation. It is like a slimmed down, better organised version of a language, but a language nevertheless.
We tend to take our gift of communication for granted; with many people not paying it the respect of proper accuracy
One tiny value; one word or one number placed in the right or wrong place can change the course of an entire world if you will."

Thoughtfully she once more looked at the Uropygi on her lap and smirked a little.
"œShe"¦ I am not sure"¦ From the interactions I was able to observe between another Uropygi and the Commander, I suspect that communication was possible; even actively practised, yes.
Maybe there was some artificial enhancement involved. Or maybe Uropygi are able to access the Lattice...
I never got to ask any of these questions to the Commander"¦ Due to hir"¦ Vanishing"¦
But"¦ No"¦ I myself can not communicate with this Uropygi, no matter how much I personally wish I could..."

Sirol tilted her head.
"œWe"¦ All have to adapt"¦ Each day"¦ I learned that the ideal of improving oneself for the betterment of their society is an ideal that many Federation cultures hold in high regard. An ideal I personally admire."
She herself after all stemmed from a society bound to preserve a cultural status quo, and while an isolationist society in itself was nothing negative to Sirol per say, she; her mind craved to explore; live more than just one life; more than just one culture
"œ...But I do believe that none of us is ever too old to learn something new.
By most non-vulcanoid standards I would be considered old already, but I welcome every new chance to have something fundamentally change my world view with open arms..."

Sirol looked at the other, giving her a hesitant nod.
That was"¦ Uncomfortably close uncomfortably fast, and she was not entirely sure whether the other's proposal was of romantic nature.
"œI"¦ Appreciate that..."
She answered awkwardly, trying to not sound dismissive but metaphorically hiding behind her Uropygi friend.

As Hrafn responded to Sirol's explanation - or rather various explanations regarding Emerald, the Uropygi and her own current state, the scientist gave her division leader a friendly nod. They had dated back for quite some time at this point, but yes, they unfortunately had had little to no time to catch up with one another's lives during the last months.
There was much to be shared, and Sirol was looking forward to the opportunity to talk to Hrafn more privately, as well as meet her children - now all of them.

Sirol gave Hrafn a little smile at the offer.
Great minds think alike!
"œI would very much appreciate the opportunity. Perhaps we could meet up to have another cooking night at one point? I was planning to offer to share some recipes from my own homeworld before you had to leave - Maybe we could get back to it at one point?"
She once more paused, thinking of spicy Hathai broth with crunchy Silliak wedges"¦
Slowly but surely she could feel the coffee doing its work and waking up her stomach"¦
Towards the second part of her response though, the scientist curiously tilted her head.
Hrafn was free to assign where she deemed fit. That was yet another unusual concept; the bizarre liberal Starfleet way of handling things which Hrafn somehow managed to make appear understandable...
"œI"¦ That is one unexpected but interesting prospect"¦
I do not think anyone ever opened up a dialogue like this or encouraged me to think of what I would"¦ Want"¦
I will have to evaluate, assess and meditate over my stance on this and potentially aspired alterations of my function.
I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss this and learn about what you have in mind for Ruthie, Nerys and me to work on."

She once more gave Hrafn a little smile, followed by gently booping the Uropygi's mandibles.
As Kirok then introduced two more newcomers, she once again bid them too a hailing nod until her gaze fell onto the dog the had brought with them
A little smile could be seen on the scientist's face.
She was glad to see more pets around and already curious to maybe get to know it.

"A cooking night is definitely on the cards since the last one went so well!  Ruthie needs to show off to her boyfriend too... I guess you have him to meet too and Sally, Anth's sister, even Admiral Rellek if you'd like to meet her.  Julia and I are old friends!"
Quote from: Skargarr on August 08, 2021, 01:53:45 PM

[Katra - Docking Ring - Captains Mess]

He stood there for awhile and was getting hungry again, realizing the Captain offered his own personal mess hall for breakfast, he knew he was going to be late but knew he had to deal with this.  But his stomach over ruled everything else and left his post heading to the Captains mess, as the doors opened a large Gorn entered, it was obvious he was going to be an interesting addition to the party, as he went to the buffet table that was set out.

Grumbling, he started to toss the leafy greens everywhere as he tried to eat it but could not stomach the texture of the food or what some people call food anyways.  "Where is the Gagh?" the Crewmen asked to no one in particular as he found something that he did recognize, 'meat' he placed the meat to his muzzle and sniffed it, it was burnt but smelled interesting.  "Where is the bloody raw meat!?" he asked again as he slung the meat he was sniffing across the room as it hit the wall.

"You eat plants? as a meal? unheard of.  If you want hair on your head and chest, you need Gagh.  That stuff goes down smooth and you get hair on your head and chest!" Skar said aloud, yet again to no one in particular as he hissed out, he made his way to where there were drinks and the only thing drinkable was the water.  He really wished there was blood wine to be had, this was a party after all.  "Wheres the bloodwine, please tell me you have that atleast, since there is no Gagh." Skar said as he got up and looked around, realizing the slight mess he made, and the fact everyone was a higher rank then he was.

"Excuse me, wait, this isnt the Klingon restaurant." Skar said as he looked around at everyone.

Hrafn looked in disbelief as a....Gorn?... started raising a ruckus in the middle of the Captain's Mess.

She walked over. "Indeed it is not I can direct you if you like or replicate you a bowl of gagh... any particular variety of gagh, or a lump of raw Targ?  Plants aren't that bad you know, gives flavour and some roughage if you don't eat bones!" she added with a wink.

Her intention was to diffuse the situation and get it all to calm down before anyone had to call Security.

"Tell me,..." she said steering him towards the replicator, "...how did a Gorn come to be in Starfleet?  Sirol?" she called over "...are you familiar with this crewmember?"  she hoped that Sirol either a) was or b) was interested enough that a Gorn had entered the Captain's mess and as the saying on Earth went... 'you didn't get many of them to the pound'!

"Oh forgive me... Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, I'm the CSO here." she introduced herself.

Quote from: Sirol on August 08, 2021, 07:03:37 AM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >


Peylix has been closely monitoring the child for the last few hours.
Granted, it was not mandatory, but neither Xasik Freeman nor Scientist Sirol had complained about Peylix' presence, so they had decided to simply stay with the child, watching the little one peacefully sleep.
To them it was a little piece of normalcy in an otherwise chaotic world; just watching over a hatchling and forgetting their own homesickness for a while...

As they heard the Communicator on Xasik's lab coat on one of the chairs, they quickly moved forward and pressed it; not wanting to wake up Emerald.
For a moment they just stood there with the coat and the comm badge in one of their hands before they managed to make a decision as to whether or not to answer the call.
After all, the channel was open already"¦
=/\=<"Specialist Freeman is currently not in this laboratory.
He had to excuse himself for an"¦ Unspecified... Amount of time"¦
...Are you scientists assigned to work in this place?">

[OOC: I talked to LOA-Xasik and I have his permission to answer the call on his behalf so we can get those poor souls into the lab. ;)]

[Outside Simulation Lab]

[As Ruthie Falleg-Tekin]

Ruthie looked at Meros, shrugged and smiled when the commbadge message came through.

=/\= Ah, not specifically to the Simulation Lab.  My mother is the CSO and she suggested that I find Lt. Sirol and Specialist Freeman, and suggested the Simulation Lab... since I know that Lt. Sirol and my mother are in some kind of breakfast meeting we, that's Ensign Zerma and I thought we'd find Specialist Freeman to see if he could allocate some work to us. =/\= Ruthie answered.

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 08, 2021, 03:56:13 PM

[Captain's Mess]

Hrafn was a little taken aback by the forthrightness of Hayo.

"Actually, I need to see what everyone else is doing, I've not long got back from my eldest's Academy graduation and I need to get caught up on a few things.  I'll ping you later though." she promised.

"As for Revek, I've heard the name but yes, before my husband's tenure.  And Kirok... yeah, that sounds exactly like him... but we have departments for different things for that very reason... we pull together and get the job done.  For example, it's my husband and son have the Engineering brains in the family for all that Nevir - that's my husband - is known as a scientist!"

She shot a look at Sirol, hoping that she realised that she'd just given Xasik some breathing space and all of them really from the invasion of Hayo and other guests.  While she was all for hospitality, and she knew that most of Sciences would be ready to be inspected at a moments notice, since they were still rebuilding Katra there were messy bits.

[Captain's Mess - Hayo]

"Well, pooh" Haya replied with mock disappointment.  "I guess I'll just head up to Ops after breakfast.  Take a look at all  your fancy instruments ups there.

But I completely understand.  Being the mother hen of my one group, you got to tend to your chicks first. But please do ping me later" the science officer replied.

Quote from: Sirol on August 08, 2021, 10:51:32 AM

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess >

Raising an eyebrow the scientist observed the other for a moment, trying to apply a meaning to her short but thoughtful response.
But maybe it was just that.
Just a simple agreement on the subject altogether.

Sirol leaned a little forward in her chair, looked at the other and decided to not investigate any further.
Hayo seemed content.
Maybe they had simply reached a consensus without attempting to? Maybe.

As Hayo mentioned at "˜resident expert on all things Tholian', she once more raised one eyebrow, at first assuming her to joke in the same manner Hrafn had done before upon pointing out Sirol's xenocultural expertise, yet soon she learned that there was no joke attached to it, but a pure, genuine offer.

Tilting her head at Hayo's offer to introduce her to Lonar the scientist mused for a second, then exchanging thoughtful looks with the Uropygi on her lap.
Neither of them - especially Sirol - had anything to lose.
And the chance to have potential questions answered was always more than welcome.
Slowly, she eventually nodded.
"œThat sounds like a feasible idea. Is Lonar acquainted with the Uropygi?"
Granted, this question was semi-symbolic considering each Tholian could access plenty of information upon sheer will.
What a lucky society"¦
Yet her question was more intended at the matter of whether or not they would be interested and willing to answer questions of a topic they might not have been assigned to.
Sirol decided to give it a try.
No, she had nothing to lose after all...

< Katra Station / Captain's Mess - Hayo>

Hayo smiled warmly.  She felt that they were starting to speak each other's 'language.'   That thought made her fell nice and warm inside.

She felt the urge to hug Sirol.  But knew it was likely too soon for that.  But maybe in a day or two.

"I doubt that Lonar has yet to meet your pet yet.  We just arrive recently and this is the first time either of us were able to do anything but sleep.  And at my age, I need my beauty sleep.

But if the Uropygi can communicate over the lattis, Lonar would be about hear her thoughts.  And send thought back to her.  Or so I would assume.

But I must warn you.  Lonar is a man of few spoken word.  If I didn't know better I would think that he was half Klingon" she said that last part in a soft soft whisper so as to not be culturally insensitive to anyone.

"Unlike me who is a chatty Kathy.  They still say that right?  Chatty Kathy or has its frequency and pattern of use fallen out of favor" Hayo asked the linguist.


Quote from: Serena King on August 08, 2021, 12:54:13 AM

[Katra Station | Klingon Embassy | 0810 Hours]

"Serena, daughter of... Teresa. I don't know my father."

Serena shrugged as she Klingon Ambassador with mild jealousy. Well, if I had a chest like that... Instinctively, she flexed her shoulders as the two of them made their way to the console and she nodded. She pulled a PADD from a thigh pocket. "Admirable. I will need your Replicator later to build a circuit." With the PADD, she started sketching.

Although her fingers were flying, it was really an easy task, just programming in the circuitry. "What is something I would find interesting about Klingons that may not be apparent to most?" She pulled out a chip and handed it over to the Klingon. "Run that through the Replicator." She pulled out a hyperspanner and various other tools from pockets.

Ambassador Chigorra
[Klingon Embassy - Katra Station - 0811 Hours]

Chigorra nodded as they spoke. Ignorance of one's parentage was a rare thing among her own species; to be born out of wedlock was not a direct mark of shame upon the child, but upon their parents. In Klingon society, one's honor and prestige was directly tied to that of their family. There were the occasional pregnancies that came out of unmarried passion, but they were often followed by a formal committment. Chigorra, at least, was worldly enough to know that other cultures might handle such things differently, so she made no comment about Serena's parentage.

The door in the right wall opened at Chigorra's presence, and a waft of steam flitted out that the Ambassador walked through quite naturally. The steam was emitting from a large cast iron cauldron, a heavy, beaten thing sitting atop an electric heating element. Something... several things, were boiling away inside, and the motion of the water was causing solid objects to bounce against the insides of the cauldron. Either that, or there was something alive in there, struggling to escape...

Along the walls of the room were metal racks filled with a variety of long tools, Klingon weapons, belts and straps of leather, pieces of armor, and several dangling hooks of various sizes. The center of the room was largely clear, though there were supply crates and boxes in varying stages of being deployed. A work desk with a metal ratcheting mechanism faced the door; the mechanism allowed the desk to be lowered for a seated worker, or raised for a standing worker. Around the desk were computing devices all of Klingon make; desperately heavy, with angled corners just begging to bruise or cut open humanoid flesh. Notably, several empty weapons holsters had been bolted to various places on the desk and computers; and those were just the ones immediately obvious to the humanoid eye. Serena's sharp eye, if she were to begin digging around or opening compartments, would find more odd, empty little places where a secret thing might be stashed.

This room, which Chigorra denoted as her 'office', had a Federation Replicator as part of the infrastructure of the nearby wall. Taking the chip in her half-gloved hand, she moved over to the Replicator, pausing to observe the little chip for a moment as she answered Serena's question.

"Without knowing more about your interests, I'll hazard my best guess!" she said. "My people are not ignorant in the fields of science, bureaucracy, logistics, and the like. Despite the impression many outsiders have, likely borne from the fact that most Klingons they meet are warriors only, we are a diverse and capable species." She squinted at the chip, looking for serial numbers and the layout of the circuits and resisters in order to glean its purpose. "We manage an Empire, spanning a great portion of the Galaxy, and have done so, with varying levels of success, for centuries. We've managed systems, organized the education of children, conducted the affairs of public health and taxation and the movement of populations between cities and planets and so on..."

She ran the chip through the Replicator as commanded, before bringing the little thing back to Serena. "Among my people are artists, dancers, computer programmers... Their positions may not be held with such high distinction as other callings in our society, but they exist." She paused there, to see if this topic was of interest to the hard-working woman.

Chigorra's Biography
Chigorra is currently in Reserved status.
I also play Lagar



Hrafn looked in disbelief as a....Gorn?... started raising a ruckus in the middle of the Captain's Mess.

She walked over. "Indeed it is not I can direct you if you like or replicate you a bowl of gagh... any particular variety of gagh, or a lump of raw Targ?  Plants aren't that bad you know, gives flavour and some roughage if you don't eat bones!" she added with a wink.

Her intention was to diffuse the situation and get it all to calm down before anyone had to call Security.

"Tell me,..." she said steering him towards the replicator, "...how did a Gorn come to be in Starfleet?  Sirol?" she called over "...are you familiar with this crewmember?"  she hoped that Sirol either a) was or b) was interested enough that a Gorn had entered the Captain's mess and as the saying on Earth went... 'you didn't get many of them to the pound'!

"Oh forgive me... Lt. Hrafn Falleg-Tekin, I'm the CSO here." she introduced herself.

"Ohh, thank you, spicy gagh is preferred but im on duty.  So I just need the normal gagh." Skar said a bit surprised that an officer knew what Gagh was but being a trill which was clear on her face, marked her as knowing what it really was and most likely had some herself once upon a life time.  "Ohh, Im sorry' Im crewmen Skargarr resident Gorn and scary monster in the night.  Wait, you keep targ onboard?.  Fresh, Targ." Skar said as he tried to smile again and yet still showed his teeth instead as it formed into a sneer.

Realizing she was making small talk which was heard of to the crewmen but his sheer size made him unapproachable.  So he just kept quiet as he wasnt used to such attention and kept his focus more on how a Trill could have gotten her hands on fresh Targ.

Hrafn Falleg

Quote from: Skargarr on August 08, 2021, 05:23:39 PM

"Ohh, thank you, spicy gagh is preferred but im on duty.  So I just need the normal gagh." Skar said a bit surprised that an officer knew what Gagh was but being a trill which was clear on her face, marked her as knowing what it really was and most likely had some herself once upon a life time.  "Ohh, Im sorry' Im crewmen Skargarr resident Gorn and scary monster in the night.  Wait, you keep targ onboard?.  Fresh, Targ." Skar said as he tried to smile again and yet still showed his teeth instead as it formed into a sneer.

Realizing she was making small talk which was heard of to the crewmen but his sheer size made him unapproachable.  So he just kept quiet as he wasnt used to such attention and kept his focus more on how a Trill could have gotten her hands on fresh Targ.

[Captain's Mess]

"I'll save that for when you come to dinner sometime, the rest of us can have it cooked.  Being a station, we have small stocks of livestock for the kitchens, I'd have to ask the chef to slaughter one or ask around the restaurants if they were putting it on their menu to get a few fresh stakes.  Having a Klingon Embassy here helps... anything they want... well, I'm sure you're familiar with Klingons... one doesn't tend to argue with them!!"  Hrafn said with a small chuckle.

"As for the gagh I'll remember your preference, you seemed surprised that a Trill knows about gagh... not only that I eat it... although more out of politeness, but I have friends who are Klingons, my best friend the station school headmistress is one, so I know all the different kinds too, let's get you some, and some bloodwine to wash it down with.  One large bowl of regular gagh, one glass of bloodwine." she ordered the replicator then handed the bowl of wriggling mess to Skagaar.

"There you go, enjoy... if you want anymore just wave if it won't give you clearance to use it. So, Crewman Skagaar, I also don't think anyone thought a Gorn would show up for breakfast.  Being that Anthropology is one of my subjects I knew your species, and well... I don't think there's anything on the regular tables you'd like! I would have suggested it to the Captain had I known but... I've barely had time to drop bags and get here myself having just come back from Earth from my daughter Ruthie's graduation! And scary monster in the night... not my 4... especially not Nerys... she'd want to cuddle you.  She hugged a Nausicaan on DS9 when she could barely walk!  The more unusual the species the more she wants to know them, adopt them and ask them a million questions!"

"Yes, the spots DO go all the way down.  No, you don't get to see!"

Gideon Drake


[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign "Gryphon" | Docking Ring >- Ops | Katra Station]

"Right, midgets, you keep out of further trouble!" he called out to them. In point of fact, he liked the Falleg children. He called them "midgets" out of fondness. And he was impressed that they were referring the new security officer Skargarr as an uncle as well.

"No denying it, they like you, mate," he said. He then proceeded out through Cloten's smelly ship and back out into the Squall to dock in the shuttlebay; after all, Lieutenant Ferris wanted him back in Ops. Though just walking through Cloten's ship, Griff wondered if he will need a shower the moment he comes off duty. Well. If he was sharing it with Serena, it would make it all the more better...then he remembered how tall he was compared to Serena; he was practically an umbrella to her in the shower. Make that a bath, he thought to himself. Maybe Serena and I would be in the holosuites for one of those elaborate baths...

In no time at all, Griff was back in Ops. "Leftenant," he said, "awaiting your further orders."


Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on August 08, 2021, 05:40:45 PM

[Captain's Mess]

"I'll save that for when you come to dinner sometime, the rest of us can have it cooked.  Being a station, we have small stocks of livestock for the kitchens, I'd have to ask the chef to slaughter one or ask around the restaurants if they were putting it on their menu to get a few fresh stakes.  Having a Klingon Embassy here helps... anything they want... well, I'm sure you're familiar with Klingons... one doesn't tend to argue with them!!"  Hrafn said with a small chuckle.

"As for the gagh I'll remember your preference, you seemed surprised that a Trill knows about gagh... not only that I eat it... although more out of politeness, but I have friends who are Klingons, my best friend the station school headmistress is one, so I know all the different kinds too, let's get you some, and some bloodwine to wash it down with.  One large bowl of regular gagh, one glass of bloodwine." she ordered the replicator then handed the bowl of wriggling mess to Skagaar.

"There you go, enjoy... if you want anymore just wave if it won't give you clearance to use it. So, Crewman Skagaar, I also don't think anyone thought a Gorn would show up for breakfast.  Being that Anthropology is one of my subjects I knew your species, and well... I don't think there's anything on the regular tables you'd like! I would have suggested it to the Captain had I known but... I've barely had time to drop bags and get here myself having just come back from Earth from my daughter Ruthie's graduation! And scary monster in the night... not my 4... especially not Nerys... she'd want to cuddle you.  She hugged a Nausicaan on DS9 when she could barely walk!  The more unusual the species the more she wants to know them, adopt them and ask them a million questions!"

Quite happy now and less nervous he slurped down the serpent worm that gagh was made up of with sheer delight, had he finally made a friend onboard that wasnt a child?, perhaps she was just being polite?, he didnt care much as he finally found someone besides the child he met earlier that was not scared of him or his eating choices.  "Nerys?" he looked quizzically had her.  "Yes, I met her briefly, her brother Tidu snuck onto a Vulperian freighter while we were searching it for contraband, we found a score of slaves onboard and she did ask me a million questions, involving with asking me to dinner and a lil boy asking me not to eat his canine pet.  Though, it is an option but I dont eat canines, unless they are trying to eat me first." Skar said, he would half grin if he could but he decided to give up on it as it showed more teeth then lip.

"I had suggested we increased security down there and had suggested to a red haired woman who seemed to be the childrens caretaker, that letting then run around the docking ring without anyone knowing was unwise as its dangerous up there.  To many times you can run into a freighter, get stuck and no one knows where your at.  Its very dangerous." Skar said calmly.

"I also didnt know I was coming myself.  I know I am just a crewmen, but I wanted to meet those I was serving under.  Cultural exchange shall we say.  Had no intention of assaulting people with flying leafy things.  Oh and I like Nerys, not afraid to ask questions.  Like inviting me to dinner when she didnt even know me.  I might be a Gorn and the only one around for a thousand light years, but finding child not afraid of me.  That is priceless." Skar said downing another serpent worm, with a loud slurp and a satisfied 'yummy' coming from his mouth.

"It is strange though, finding a trill who likes Gagh or any station with live animals on it.  Go to any Klingon restaurant and they will serve up anything you want nice and fresh.  I think the only meat I dislike just might be Rabbit.  I tried it back on Earth and it was disgustingly stringy and tough.  Which is shocking, I know.  But some of my species are picky eaters." Skar said happy to have someone to carry a conversation with.


Quote from: npc3 on August 08, 2021, 03:48:24 PM

[Captain's Mess]

Cartis, an Ocaman, finally arrived in the Captain's Mess.  "Hello, all.  Sorry I'm late.  Apologies to all.  But as they say.  Now the party can start" he said unabashedly.

[Captain's Mess]

"Pardon me" Kiork said to Julie.  He stood and acknowledged the new arrival.  "Attention everyone, Cartis of Ocampa has arrived.  He was one of the very first officer to ever serve in the medical department of the Katra-A.  He was a civilian doctor.  Please make him feel welcome" the Captain announced.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Julia Rellek

Quote from: Kirok

[Captain's Mess]

Kirok dipped his head slightly when Kyle mentioned Julia's exploits.  His hand came up to hide an attempt at a smile that never fully developed.  He likely should have not mentioned the Omega Particle research, but the topic was on his mind.

"Of course" Kiork said.  As Kyle left, Kirok pulled a padd from a pocket and passed it to Julia.  "Pardon my slip of the tongue, but I would like for you to take a look at this data.  But it is for your eyes only" the Captain said a bit more quietly.

[Captains Mess]

Julia took the PADD. The screen was locked with the word CONFIDENTIAL emblazoned on it in red. She looked to Kirok confused then tapped in her access codes into the PADD. In the upper left corner she saw the Greek letter for omega... the last letter of the Greek alphabet. "This is why you contacted me." She said softly. She locked the PADD and leaned over. "You found it.... all the way out here?" She surmised. She locked the PADD and the screen turned blank. "After breakfast Captain?" She added.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Kirok on August 08, 2021, 10:10:08 AM

[Medbay - 09:15 - Zex]

After finishing her talk with the others in Ops, Zex finally made her way down to Medbay.  "Hello, Dr. Xiiv.  Sorry I took so long to get down here.  How are you today? the Deltan asked warmly.

"I'm hoping that you can give me access to the medical logs that were entered in January of this year.  Only the records related to the anomaly.  Nothing else" she asked and handed the doctor the padd the data had been loaded on.

[Medbay - Katra]

"I'm alright," the Trill said quietly and nodded. "Sure, I can do that." She took the PADD and popped in her authorization code. If Zex was asking, it was sound and important, so she didn't have any qualms about it. Once the device chirped, she handed it back.

"There you go," she murmured, searching the Deltan's face. "Anything else you need?"

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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