Possible changes to the simm - feedback needed

Started by Kirok, April 14, 2019, 03:02:13 PM

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I have talk with most of you about possibly changing our simm to the outpost we are currently on with the Challenger as the assigned starship.

To me it makes a lot of sense.  A Fleet Admiral would most likely be placed on a station than a ship.  And it open up a lot of different story option.  For example, it will let us future explore our budding relationship with the Remans ;-).

So, if you agree with this change there are some details to work out.

First is the name.  Do we keep the name 'Innominatum Outpost' or do we change it?  If we change it, what will the new name be?

Second, what type of design should the outpost be?  It would make sense to go with a medium or a small outpost.  Going with something on the small/medium side would help us to explain why a starship is stationed at it and used for away mission (it would help us with offense and defense as well as exploration).

Third, mission ideas for the season.  I already have a request to find a way to conclude the Layton arch.  But we would need to include some Reman related stories too.  So, we will eventually need help with mission ideas (I will start a different thread for mission ideas later ;-).

So what do you guys say about changing our simm over to the outpost, the name, the design?


Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



I hope it's okay to be honest: I wouldn't like it to change the simm to an outpost. I like the thought of a ship exploring space. And there are already two simms that are space stations. However, I would not leave this simm if it would change to the outpost, but I would be more happy if it would stay a starship.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

When Kirok first approached me regarding changes to Challenger (at first being suggested as just a brand new ship and ship name). I was completely against it.  No flippin' way I was gonna have my beloved ship completely revamped for no reason what so ever.  And I stand by that..  I don't mean it as a threat but I have no interest in playing Lahr on any ship other than Challenger.

Kirok then suggested this... having the simm be basically as we are playing it right now with the Station and ship together.

Kirok is correct that an Admiral is most likely to be found on a station not a ship.  With Challenger as the support ship it's possible to still do alot of exploring missions.  And if we ever get to a place once more where Command Staff is not at a premium then Challenger can be released from the starbase/outpost.

I figure this provides for Kirok's need for change and my need for stability.  So if there has to be a change this is the one I would opt for.  That being said, I hate change and would prefer no change at all.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Mondo'li Nari


To me, the most important thing is for the sim to keep a unique character and flavor that keeps it different from other sims, most especially if it becomes a starbase sim.  Columbus has a 'big city' vibe (or at least I thought so when I was there), serving as a major happening place in the Federation.  Katra has the Frontier Outpost vibe, with unknown threats and foreign peoples to contend with, and the Federation presence constantly on the verge of being outmatched and outmaneuvered.   If Innominatum becomes the sim seat, it will need to discover its own themes and story arcs that set it apart from the other two.    If it can do that, I think it will be successful.

Based on what I have seen since Kirok took over, I am thinking he is angling towards a strong political intrigue vibe between major established powers, and this angle may indeed give it that important third flavor if good stories can be found in that vein.

If things do end up in the direction of Innominatum becoming our third starbase type sim, you will need to canvas for a visually distinctive base design not being used by the other two bases.  Some thought should be given to finding that look, and getting visual resources made.

Jehamy Jex

I'll reflect here what I have said elsewhere.

While a premise works in-game, giving the Fleet Admiral a more stable base of operations, I am not convinced that it benefits the wider fleet in an out-of-game administrative sense. However, I completely agree with Mr Nari that if this route is taken, it would need to have a defining characteristic making it distinct from other similar concepts.

However, with regards to my character, while I will need to make some moderate plot arc tweaks, the change will not affect Dr Jex in any significant way.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Kirok obviously approached me about this in private.  I like the idea for a few reasons.

1.  We have the base and our beloved Challie.  Now Lyra has said she wanted to be on a ship exploring space.  Trust me, with the story arc that I'm planning we will have scope for that and the outpost.

2.  From what I've seen with my char on Katra, and by no means are we going to be another Katra (I mean that in a 'we will have (as Mondo said) an unique 'flavour' ' to our outpost, BUT it allows for more character development, off ship type moments, relationships (that's both the platonic and romantic kinds!) to flourish since you're not concentrating on flying a ship or whatever your department is doing.  AND... we can 'sally forth' in the Challenger say 1 mission out of 4 (and there will be times in the other 3 missions we will have to use her) for a longer sojourn in space.  I think Medical will get more to do because longer illnesses or physiotherapy and that can be played out.

3. If I do this like a Mission Submission post form and put the pros and cons as I see them for each department it might help you make some more decisions


Well, often... even with away missions, one or other of the command team is left doing very little on the ship.  If we have 2 centres of activity potentially, both needing managed then one can be in charge of each.  Admiral is a precious commodity and thus he will most likely stay on base and keep that running while Ruth is on the Challie doing investigations when we go out on the Challie.  Strong leadership then in both centres of activity and neither vying for getting some action!


Having been a Flight Officer when I first started Ruth I know this can be as much of an 'all or nothing' department as Medical!  With the outpost we will have (presumably) more of a range of ships, and protection fighters etc etc.  Also if our roster gets fleshed out a little, or if someone wants to NPC other pilots then you have the opportunity for more than the main helmsman to go off do a little workbee, shuttle, fighter etc. flying rather than just mostly doing autopilot (unless evasive action needed in battle, and we will still have some battles for those who like a bit of pew pew action! ;) ) at the helm of the Challie!

Twice the amount of things to go wrong! A warp core and a station to keep turning!  More people breaking things! ;)

As Engineering, I think Ops would also be involved heavily in the scheduling of docking of visiting trade ships

Civilians as well as Fleet personnel to look after, scope for longer medical treatment story lines.  I'm also hoping to implement (watch this space) a voluntary 'medical files' section, so that might be guinea pigged on this outpost, see how it goes!

Scope for long experiments, as well as exploration on the ship

Normal ship board Security matters plus... customs, station security, import/export control etc.

4.  I know of a few people that would like to come back to SF but can't keep up with the fast pace of movement on a ship.  With an outpost it allows for some civilians - shopkeepers and the like, who can participate as much or as little as they want, but things won't be hanging on their post.  I will be trying to tailor missions so that there will be an A Plot (everyone running around like crazy) for those that like posting a lot/regularly, a B Plot (semi-fast paced) and a much slower burning C Plot that will run thru probably most of the season like a slow burning fuse.  That way people that love the general community of SF who might've stayed could request to be in this outpost, but we can, if they take more nominal positions like civilians, counsellors etc, allow minimum posting requirements so long as they don't stall another player.

5.  For those of you who really love posting or you want to try out (even temporarily as a 'visiting person to the outpost') a new species or whatever you can have an NPC turn up and go sit in the bar if you feel your main char (on this SIMM) isn't getting enough action (although please tell us if we haven't noticed that!  We'll find something to get you back into the run of things!! :) )

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Malik Grippen


I think this plan brings many benefits as Ruth has mentioned.

For the station I like the middle picture. Dylan also posted the galactic location of the starbase on Discord.

For the name, the current one is good.

For the theme, continue the war with Leyton's rebels. This station is on the front lines. It's a well established story arc that hasn't been drawn to a conclusion. The recent battle was won, but the war is far from over. I'd be against abandoning the Leyton storyline altogether and running stand alone missions.

Secondary theme: Diplomatic relations with the Remans, space whale sightseeing cruises

edited to remove unrecognized symbols so the post can be displayed.

Species: Risian | Age: 30 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Malik Grippen on April 15, 2019, 08:27:03 AM

I think this plan brings many benefits as Ruth has mentioned.

For the station I like the middle picture. Dylan also posted the galactic location of the starbase on Discord.

For the name, the current one is good.

For the theme, continue the war with Leyton's rebels. This station is on the front lines. It's a well established story arc that hasn't been drawn to a conclusion. The recent battle was won, but the war is far from over. I'd be against abandoning the Leyton storyline altogether and running stand alone missions.

Secondary theme: Diplomatic relations with the Remans, space whale sightseeing cruises

The space whale thingy is just a one mission thing... we just wanted to a) have a break from the fighting to let everyone breathe and get the outpost patched up and b) with the command shuffle we wanted something 'easy' for us to ease in the new staff.

If I can get to grips with the whole Leyton's Rebels story arc I'm more than happy to continue it... what do others feel to that.  It would certainly make good use of Challenger. (as in the ship, and holding the base... hmm logistics :P we're gonna be busy!)

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."



Challenger started the Leyton plot, if my memory serves.
I wouldn't want every episode to be a war mission.
But I wouldn't want to drop the plot and forget it, either.


My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Lizzie Vaughan

I think a Babylon 5 type station would be a good idea. A waypoint for many. I'm not keen on continuing the Leyton arc. It prompts too many war stories and I personally don't like those (It's what made me go off DS9 in later seasons). While I agree it should not be a frontier outpost, it should not be a major station either. Also I'm not a fan of the name, I would vote for changing it. That's my two penny'orth anyway.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Solluk on April 15, 2019, 09:28:54 AM


Challenger started the Leyton plot, if my memory serves.
I wouldn't want every episode to be a war mission.
But I wouldn't want to drop the plot and forget it, either.


Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on April 15, 2019, 11:13:35 AM

I think a Babylon 5 type station would be a good idea. A waypoint for many. I'm not keen on continuing the Leyton arc. It prompts too many war stories and I personally don't like those (It's what made me go off DS9 in later seasons). While I agree it should not be a frontier outpost, it should not be a major station either. Also I'm not a fan of the name, I would vote for changing it. That's my two penny'orth anyway.

Thanks to you I think I can move on with this plot, prior to your excellent PM synopsis and potted history I didn't have a clue it was like 'they had a big battle and people died' but that might have described last month on Katra too! :P   Makes a lot more sense and I can get behind this now.  If we have enough staff we might be able to do a couple of dual headed missions, then some missions chasing after people, (so more long range stuff) some at home (outpost) licking our wounds and so on... yeah I can see this shaping up now that I know where I'm going.  I felt a bit like a ghost writer that had been given the burnt remains that might have 2 pages of the 10th chapter of a book and I had to write the sequel! :P   but now..

**puts on armour and woad, picks up axes and tabletop shield**... The Maiden is ready to do battle.  Gimme a week and I'll have the rest of the story arc sorted.  If there are things you particularly want to see happen then PM me!

To Lizzie - That's why I'm going to intersperse things, I'll discuss more in Discord to try and make sense of what I'm getting at as I may want your help with something muhahahahaha (< )

~ your loving XO, Ruth (PMSL)

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."



Loving the feedback.

I'm happy with keeping the name

Image 2 would work for me.

There was one other station image that I kinda am drawn to:

Yeah it is a Klingon design - for me that is part of the appeal!!!

The breakout of duties that Ruth mentioned for command is kinda how I traditionally run missions.  The CO stays on the station/ship and the XO goes on the away missions.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



I suppose the model could be re-painted/photoshopped, if you really like it.

If we do this, I'd like to further propose that we re-organize the sims in the fleet into three task groups.

That way, each task group has one station and one ship in it, and not two stations in the same group.


My Primary Shadowfleet Character:


Quote from: Solluk on April 15, 2019, 06:54:27 PM


I suppose the model could be re-painted/photoshopped, if you really like it.

If we do this, I'd like to further propose that we re-organize the sims in the fleet into three task groups.

That way, each task group has one station and one ship in it, and not two stations in the same group.


Funny or odd

But I had the 3 TF thought in my head last night when I was thinking this up ;-)

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Hey there all,

I still don't know if the base idea will be the ultimate direction Kirok chooses.   But I've been hunting for some graphical resources since this was first mentioned.  Some years ago, before joining Shadow Fleet, I ran a Trek sim USS Reyga for which I commissioned some custom graphic assets.  Among these was Starbase 693, which was a hybrid between the Vanguard Starbase and Starbase One, meant to come out as a midsize starbase between the two.

I thought I'd offer up the images in case they might prove useful.   The images are somewhat varied and show the station from a variety of angles, so that might be nice if you end up liking the design.


My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

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