American Football

Started by Revek Tre'el, December 11, 2013, 10:59:18 AM

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Jonathan Sanchez

College: Oregon Ducks, and any team that plays the SEC Conference or the Washingon Huskies, the die hards might get the reference. Also, Boston College, Marshall and Northwestern to lesser extents/for varying reasons.

NFL: San Francisco 49ers

Playing experience: Played from age 5 to 17/18 admittedly with some difficulty, before an injury i received playing the other football (my first love, played it for longer) sidelined me and some health issues killed any chance of walking on at my University. Was primarily on the defensive side of the ball.

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Jonathan Sanchez on January 08, 2014, 05:38:43 AM

College: Oregon Ducks, and any team that plays the SEC Conference or the Washingon Huskies, the die hards might get the reference. Also, Boston College, Marshall and Northwestern to lesser extents/for varying reasons.

NFL: San Francisco 49ers

Playing experience: Played from age 5 to 17/18 admittedly with some difficulty, before an injury i received playing the other football (my first love, played it for longer) sidelined me and some health issues killed any chance of walking on at my University. Was primarily on the defensive side of the ball.

Alright, a Marshall man.  Great win in the Military Bowl this season.  I was glad the state of West Virginia was avenged against Maryland for that embarrassing blanking WVU took early in the season... :-\

Jonathan Sanchez

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on January 08, 2014, 06:52:19 AM

Alright, a Marshall man.  Great win in the Military Bowl this season.  I was glad the state of West Virginia was avenged against Maryland for that embarrassing blanking WVU took early in the season... :-\

Haha, yeah, Maryland did really whip WVU, but then again as a Marshall fan I'm not terribly disappointed. ;)

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Jonathan Sanchez on January 08, 2014, 04:39:22 PM

Haha, yeah, Maryland did really whip WVU, but then again as a Marshall fan I'm not terribly disappointed. ;)

Next year.  Neeeeext yearrrr...

Jonathan Sanchez

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on January 08, 2014, 05:24:39 PM

Next year.  Neeeeext yearrrr...

Yeah...sort of like NW'ern against Ohio State, BC against V Tech, Washington against my Ducks.  ;) :P


My favorite handegg team is the Miami Dolphins.

It's okay. You can laugh. I can handle it.

...I'll never see them in a Super Bowl as long as I live.  :'(

Revek Tre'el

Quote from: Jiseth on January 31, 2014, 03:53:03 PM

My favorite handegg team is the Miami Dolphins.

It's okay. You can laugh. I can handle it.

...I'll never see them in a Super Bowl as long as I live.  :'(

I'm an Eagles fan. I feel your pain lol

Species: Cardassian

We must remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school - Thucydides

Juren th'Shan

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on December 11, 2013, 10:59:18 AM

I know of three people on this site that watch (American) football. Besides Luke, Zuriel and myself, do we have any other fans?

How about from the Canada/Europe crowd?

If so who is everyone's team?

I follow the NFL much more closely than college football.  I'm from Indiana, so the Indianapolis Colts are my favorite team.

Anastasia Zhestakova

Zhat vas probably zhe single most disappointing Super Bowl I've ever had zhe misfortune of vatching -_-

Zeh Gremlin from zeh Kremlin
Physicist specializing in quantum and temporal mechanics


Quote from: Anastasia Zhestakova on February 03, 2014, 07:45:18 AM

Zhat vas probably zhe single most disappointing Super Bowl I've ever had zhe misfortune of vatching -_-

It was fantastic

Gabriel Arthur

Good night to be rootin' for the Seahawks... 8)

Revek Tre'el

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on February 03, 2014, 08:43:10 AM

Good night to be rootin' for the Seahawks... 8)

Go sit in the corner, no one wants to hear from you :P

Species: Cardassian

We must remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school - Thucydides


Quote from: Revek Tre'el on February 03, 2014, 08:45:46 AM

Go sit in the corner, no one wants to hear from you :P

The ponies really got torn apart. Almost like they had stepped into a glue factory or something.

Revek Tre'el

Quote from: Jiseth on February 03, 2014, 08:56:02 AM

The ponies really got torn apart. Almost like they had stepped into a glue factory or something.

That was... horrible... and I laughed... does that make me a bad person?

Species: Cardassian

We must remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school - Thucydides


Quote from: Revek Tre'el on February 03, 2014, 09:21:42 AM

That was... horrible... and I laughed... does that make me a bad person?

What does it say about me?  ;D

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