[Holodeck] Character development - Rachel Deacon/Gabriel Arthur

Started by Rachel Deacon, January 18, 2014, 05:32:32 PM

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Rachel Deacon

[A space station close to the borders of the Federation]

The faint sound of a child's giggling brought Rachel out of the reports she had been reading.  The promenade wasn't exactly busy given the recent Gorn skirmishes.  Traders were warier about travelling to the outer regions of the Federation out of fear of encountering one of their scouting patrols.  However, it was hard to keep the Ferengi from doing their business and there were still stalls out with the wares of the traders who resided on the station.

After scanning the crowd and seeing no trace of a child, she picked up her cup of tea and took a sip before starting to run her fingers over the raised text on her PADD again.  The pile of white fur currently covering her feet 'wuffed' quietly as Ghost stretched and settled down again to resume his snooze.

As she heard the giggling again, even Ghost lifted his head, ears twitching.  Setting the PADD aside, she left her chair and crouched down on the deck.  A couple of tables away, she could see the thermal residue that meant that someone had been crouched under it.  Tracking the signature, she spotted the child hiding under a chair a few metres away.

"Hello?" Rachel asked warily.  "Where are your parents, child?"

The little girl tilted her head to one side.  "Mummy's away.  I'm staying with Uncle Gabriel!"

"Uh huh," Rachel had no idea what any of that meant.  "Where is your Uncle Gabriel?"

The child crawled closer to her, still giggling, apparently thinking that it was all a game.  "I dunno!"

Well, that certainly didn't help.  "What's your name and what ship are you from?"

"I'm Seika T'Koris from the... the... uh, the Dis.. Dis..."

Rachel ran through a list of docked ships in her head.  "Discovery?"


Then that would make the child Lieutenant Commander T'Koris' daughter, and the Uncle Gabriel she was referring to Lieutenant Junior Grade Gabriel Arthur, the child's unofficial second guardian.  With a sigh, Rachel got to her feet, holding her hand out to Seika.  After requesting Lieutenant Arthur's location from the computer, she, Ghost and Seika headed off to reunite the child with her uncle.

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on January 18, 2014, 05:32:32 PM

Then that would make the child Lieutenant Commander T'Koris' daughter, and the Uncle Gabriel she was referring to Lieutenant Junior Grade Gabriel Arthur, the child's unofficial second guardian.  With a sigh, Rachel got to her feet, holding her hand out to Seika.  After requesting Lieutenant Arthur's location from the computer, she, Ghost and Seika headed off to reunite the child with her uncle.

[Space Station]

Lieutenant Pallas Danae certainly did have a fantastic laugh, Gabriel just had to admit, as she was doing just that at this second.  He'd first met the fellow Centauran back during the Magellan Project had her contingent of SCE wizkids attached to it.  It seemed like an entire lifetime ago, back when Gabriel had been an enlisted man in the fleet.  She was an ensign, back then, and the two had hit it off famously.  In fact, she had been the one to first mention the possibility of Gabe taking his officer exams.

He could use the laugh, really.  The Discovery was going to be docked here for a few days, with the opportunity for a small bit of leave.  A space station wasn't as much fun as, say, a Risian beach, but it'd do.  He also was on the lookout for something, anything, to take his mind off the fact that Archangel had just left, yet again, for the dogs of New Romulus.  He was thankful for his guardianship duties with Seika, otherwise he would have been a sulking, brooding nightmare.  At least, that's what people had told him.  As far as he was concerned, a bad attitude was warranted every time Arch had to go play...well, whatever she was to the Romulans.

"So yeah," Gabe said to Pallas, his grin lopsided.  "She's not really my daughter.  I just take care of her.  You don't know how many times I've had to explain that..."  Pallas smiled back, and then suddenly looked down.  "Well, Gabe, whoever's daughter she is might be pretty pissed at you.  I don't see the kid anywhere."

Gabriel's eyes went wide, and his head was instantly whipping around like a swivel.  Oh, God.  Oh God, oh God...  There were so many in the promenade.  He'd only taken his attention off her for a damn second...well, maybe more than a second, but still!  Leaving a somewhat bemused Pallas Danae behind, he immediately took off running toward the Promenade's busy restaurant section.  They'd come from that way, and he didn't see her run off ahead of him.  Technically, he hadn't seen her run off at all, but it was as good a place to start as any.  As he ran, he slapped his commbadge.  "Gabriel to Seika, answer me please."

Rachel Deacon

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on January 18, 2014, 06:43:33 PM

[Space Station]

Lieutenant Pallas Danae certainly did have a fantastic laugh, Gabriel just had to admit, as she was doing just that at this second.  He'd first met the fellow Centauran back during the Magellan Project had her contingent of SCE wizkids attached to it.  It seemed like an entire lifetime ago, back when Gabriel had been an enlisted man in the fleet.  She was an ensign, back then, and the two had hit it off famously.  In fact, she had been the one to first mention the possibility of Gabe taking his officer exams.

He could use the laugh, really.  The Discovery was going to be docked here for a few days, with the opportunity for a small bit of leave.  A space station wasn't as much fun as, say, a Risian beach, but it'd do.  He also was on the lookout for something, anything, to take his mind off the fact that Archangel had just left, yet again, for the dogs of New Romulus.  He was thankful for his guardianship duties with Seika, otherwise he would have been a sulking, brooding nightmare.  At least, that's what people had told him.  As far as he was concerned, a bad attitude was warranted every time Arch had to go play...well, whatever she was to the Romulans.

"So yeah," Gabe said to Pallas, his grin lopsided.  "She's not really my daughter.  I just take care of her.  You don't know how many times I've had to explain that..."  Pallas smiled back, and then suddenly looked down.  "Well, Gabe, whoever's daughter she is might be pretty pissed at you.  I don't see the kid anywhere."

Gabriel's eyes went wide, and his head was instantly whipping around like a swivel.  Oh, God.  Oh God, oh God...  There were so many in the promenade.  He'd only taken his attention off her for a damn second...well, maybe more than a second, but still!  Leaving a somewhat bemused Pallas Danae behind, he immediately took off running toward the Promenade's busy restaurant section.  They'd come from that way, and he didn't see her run off ahead of him.  Technically, he hadn't seen her run off at all, but it was as good a place to start as any.  As he ran, he slapped his commbadge.  "Gabriel to Seika, answer me please."

Rachel frowned as she heard a comminucator chirp coming from the general vicinity of the child whose hand she was holding.  Seika, who had been humming happily to herself, pulled out a Star Fleet issue commbadge from her pocket and pressed it.

"Hello Uncle Gabriel!" she giggled.  Rachel gently pulled the girl to a stop to the side of the Promenade and tapped her own commbadge.

"Lieutenant Arthur, this is Crewman Deacon.  I have located your child.  We are currently standing beside the Replimat.  If you look for a large, white dog, you will find us," she said flatly.  She didn't know how he could have lost track of Seika so easily and yet not be looking for her high and low or have contacted station security to help find her.  Since she felt little need for the shore leave she and the rest of her crewmates had been granted, she had offered her services to the station's security forces.

Scanning the crowds, she tried to locate any sign of Lieutenant Arthus, but she wasn't familiar enough with his signature through her VISOR to be able to spot him quickly.

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on January 18, 2014, 07:01:16 PM

Rachel frowned as she heard a comminucator chirp coming from the general vicinity of the child whose hand she was holding.  Seika, who had been humming happily to herself, pulled out a Star Fleet issue commbadge from her pocket and pressed it.

"Hello Uncle Gabriel!" she giggled.  Rachel gently pulled the girl to a stop to the side of the Promenade and tapped her own commbadge.

"Lieutenant Arthur, this is Crewman Deacon.  I have located your child.  We are currently standing beside the Replimat.  If you look for a large, white dog, you will find us," she said flatly.  She didn't know how he could have lost track of Seika so easily and yet not be looking for her high and low or have contacted station security to help find her.  Since she felt little need for the shore leave she and the rest of her crewmates had been granted, she had offered her services to the station's security forces.

Scanning the crowds, she tried to locate any sign of Lieutenant Arthus, but she wasn't familiar enough with his signature through her VISOR to be able to spot him quickly.

Gabe stopped up short when Seika's voice piped in over his commbadge, almost tripping over his own feet - something he really hadn't done much since he was a teenager.  He tapped the badge.  "Miss Seika?  Hey, sweetie...um...where are you?"

Another voice cut in before the girl could answer.  Crewman Deacon, he thought, placing the name.  Rachel Deacon?  There were obviously more than one crewmen Deacon in the known universe, but he hoped it was the woman he'd met briefly on the Discovery.  He hadn't seen her since the Gorn incursion.  "Copied, Ms. Deacon.  On my way.  And, uh...thanks."

Twisting and turning through the myriad lifeforms in the space station, Gabe found his way back toward the replimat.  The smells of foods both mundane and exotic played in his nostrils, sometimes tempting, other times coming close to turning his stomach.  He finally spotted Deacon.  Well, first he saw the dog, and then Deacon, and then, thankfully, Seika.  It was Rachel Deacon, he was glad to see.

"Ms. Deacon," Gabriel said in greeting, placing a hand on Seika's shoulder.  "Good to see you again.  And you," he said to Seika, kneeling down and scrunching up his face at her playfully, "are about as easy to keep ahold of as a greased watermelon, kiddo."

Rachel Deacon

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on January 18, 2014, 07:11:17 PM

Gabe stopped up short when Seika's voice piped in over his commbadge, almost tripping over his own feet - something he really hadn't done much since he was a teenager.  He tapped the badge.  "Miss Seika?  Hey, sweetie...um...where are you?"

Another voice cut in before the girl could answer.  Crewman Deacon, he thought, placing the name.  Rachel Deacon?  There were obviously more than one crewmen Deacon in the known universe, but he hoped it was the woman he'd met briefly on the Discovery.  He hadn't seen her since the Gorn incursion.  "Copied, Ms. Deacon.  On my way.  And, uh...thanks."

Twisting and turning through the myriad lifeforms in the space station, Gabe found his way back toward the replimat.  The smells of foods both mundane and exotic played in his nostrils, sometimes tempting, other times coming close to turning his stomach.  He finally spotted Deacon.  Well, first he saw the dog, and then Deacon, and then, thankfully, Seika.  It was Rachel Deacon, he was glad to see.

"Ms. Deacon," Gabriel said in greeting, placing a hand on Seika's shoulder.  "Good to see you again.  And you," he said to Seika, kneeling down and scrunching up his face at her playfully, "are about as easy to keep ahold of as a greased watermelon, kiddo."

Had her eyes been visible, Rachel would have rolled them as Gabriel finally arrived.  However, it would have been a pointless gesture and as such she settled for raising an eyebrow.  She had never been good with children.  She couldn't even remember really being a child.  It had all been an endless stream of hospitals and lessons.

"She was, thankfully, only hiding beneath a table," she informed the engineer before continuing.  "The child has informed me that her mother is away.  Is this correct?"

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on January 18, 2014, 07:26:02 PM

Had her eyes been visible, Rachel would have rolled them as Gabriel finally arrived.  However, it would have been a pointless gesture and as such she settled for raising an eyebrow.  She had never been good with children.  She couldn't even remember really being a child.  It had all been an endless stream of hospitals and lessons.

"She was, thankfully, only hiding beneath a table," she informed the engineer before continuing.  "The child has informed me that her mother is away.  Is this correct?"

"Yeah," Gabriel replied, standing back up.  The crewman's apparent coolness seemed to be directed to him.  Well, what did you expect, a hug and a handshake?  He hadn't seen her in months.  She may not even remember him.  "Arch...er, that is, Lieutenant Commander T'Koris...her mother, is...away.  On Starfleet business."  Well, that was one word for it.  'Travesty' was a more fitting one.

He held out his hand.  "Gabriel Arthur, USS Discovery.  We met, once before.  Back during...the whole Gorn thing."  He gestured toward an open table.  "Would you like to have a seat with us?  The lil' lady and I haven't had lunch, yet.  You're welcome to join."

Rachel Deacon

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on January 18, 2014, 07:32:49 PM

"Yeah," Gabriel replied, standing back up.  The crewman's apparent coolness seemed to be directed to him.  Well, what did you expect, a hug and a handshake?  He hadn't seen her in months.  She may not even remember him.  "Arch...er, that is, Lieutenant Commander T'Koris...her mother, is...away.  On Starfleet business."  Well, that was one word for it.  'Travesty' was a more fitting one.

He held out his hand.  "Gabriel Arthur, USS Discovery.  We met, once before.  Back during...the whole Gorn thing."  He gestured toward an open table.  "Would you like to have a seat with us?  The lil' lady and I haven't had lunch, yet.  You're welcome to join."

Rachel looked at the outstretched hand for a moment before remembering her human customs and shook it.  She observed Gabriel closely, noting the subtle change in physiological readings as he talked about the child's mother being away.  Was there anger behind it?  There was definitely something, and that something deserved to be followed up on.  Perhaps he could reveal something of interest.

"Crewman Deacon, USS Delphia," she replied smoothly.  She paused for a moment to consider the invitation to lunch.  It was certainly a way to be able to worm out whatever information he might be able to give her.  She had to admit that serving on an Intelligence ship was starting to rub off on her.  "Yes, I remember our meeting, brief as it was."  It had been a rather memorable occasion, despite the headache she had had to endure afterwards.  She glanced down at the large white dog currently sniffing at a giggling Seika.  "Lunch does sound... good.  Perhaps Ghost can assist you in watching Seika for the duration."

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on January 18, 2014, 07:45:28 PM

Rachel looked at the outstretched hand for a moment before remembering her human customs and shook it.  She observed Gabriel closely, noting the subtle change in physiological readings as he talked about the child's mother being away.  Was there anger behind it?  There was definitely something, and that something deserved to be followed up on.  Perhaps he could reveal something of interest.

"Crewman Deacon, USS Delphia," she replied smoothly.  She paused for a moment to consider the invitation to lunch.  It was certainly a way to be able to worm out whatever information he might be able to give her.  She had to admit that serving on an Intelligence ship was starting to rub off on her.  "Yes, I remember our meeting, brief as it was."  It had been a rather memorable occasion, despite the headache she had had to endure afterwards.  She glanced down at the large white dog currently sniffing at a giggling Seika.  "Lunch does sound... good.  Perhaps Ghost can assist you in watching Seika for the duration."

"Ah...good.  That's good." Gabriel said, for the lack of anything better to say.  So Deacon remembered him.  I guess this lady just treats everyone like total strangers, he thought.  Oh well.  Perhaps his losing of children hadn't made the best of impressions on her.  Then again...if anyone felt like casting judgment on his babysitting abilities, they were sure as hell welcome to spend the day making sure Seika T'Koris stayed in one place.

"Yeah, sure," he said uncertainly as they slipped into the seats of the nearest table.  Gabriel sat Seika up in her own chair, which put her at about eye level with the table.  He'd have to ask for a booster seat when the wait staff came around.  Rachel had, quite frankly, caught him a bit flat-footed, and he determined to regain that footing, starting with replacing his grin, which was often easy enough.  "So, Rachel - do you mind if I call you 'Rachel'? - is Ghost a dog that you mind people petting?"

Rachel Deacon

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on January 18, 2014, 08:26:38 PM

"Yeah, sure," he said uncertainly as they slipped into the seats of the nearest table.  Gabriel sat Seika up in her own chair, which put her at about eye level with the table.  He'd have to ask for a booster seat when the wait staff came around.  Rachel had, quite frankly, caught him a bit flat-footed, and he determined to regain that footing, starting with replacing his grin, which was often easy enough.  "So, Rachel - do you mind if I call you 'Rachel'? - is Ghost a dog that you mind people petting?"

Rachel took a seat, keeping an eye on Ghost as he sniffed at the child who was only slightly bigger than he was.  It wasn't that she was afraid of him hurting the little girl.  He was trained well enough to keep his teeth to himself unless given one of the commands that allowed him to bite.  No, she was wary of what the child might do to him that would encourage him to break his training.

"No, I do not mind others petting Ghost as long as he is not working," she replied, finally taking her eyes of Seika and her dog, reassured by the way the child was methodically stroking the white fur from the top of his head to the base of his tail over and over again.

"Tell me, why has Lieutenant Commander T'Koris entrusted you with her child?  Was she unable to take her with her?"

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on January 19, 2014, 07:58:31 AM

Rachel took a seat, keeping an eye on Ghost as he sniffed at the child who was only slightly bigger than he was.  It wasn't that she was afraid of him hurting the little girl.  He was trained well enough to keep his teeth to himself unless given one of the commands that allowed him to bite.  No, she was wary of what the child might do to him that would encourage him to break his training.

"No, I do not mind others petting Ghost as long as he is not working," she replied, finally taking her eyes of Seika and her dog, reassured by the way the child was methodically stroking the white fur from the top of his head to the base of his tail over and over again.

"Tell me, why has Lieutenant Commander T'Koris entrusted you with her child?  Was she unable to take her with her?"

Gabriel looked slightly warily at the big dog that Seika was currently petting, but the little girl seemed to be doing alright, and enjoying herself in the process.  He tried to keep at least his peripheral vision on Seika at all times, afraid of her darting off into the crowd again.  It was starting to get quite busy here in the Promenade.  In doing so, however, he damn near succeeded in making himself dizzy.

Deacon's question about Archangel not being able to take Seika caught him off guard again, something that was happening quite often in this conversation.  Bringing it up caused him to think about the whole situation yet again, the Praetor, the General...it sometimes surprised him just how raw his rage was at the situation, even after the time that had passed.

"She trusts me with Seika because she trusts me, Miss Deacon," Gabriel grinned.  "Can I call you Rachel, by the way?  And no...the business she's on isn't one she can take her daughter with her on."

Rachel Deacon

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on January 19, 2014, 06:58:24 PM

Gabriel looked slightly warily at the big dog that Seika was currently petting, but the little girl seemed to be doing alright, and enjoying herself in the process.  He tried to keep at least his peripheral vision on Seika at all times, afraid of her darting off into the crowd again.  It was starting to get quite busy here in the Promenade.  In doing so, however, he damn near succeeded in making himself dizzy.

Deacon's question about Archangel not being able to take Seika caught him off guard again, something that was happening quite often in this conversation.  Bringing it up caused him to think about the whole situation yet again, the Praetor, the General...it sometimes surprised him just how raw his rage was at the situation, even after the time that had passed.

"She trusts me with Seika because she trusts me, Miss Deacon," Gabriel grinned.  "Can I call you Rachel, by the way?  And no...the business she's on isn't one she can take her daughter with her on."

"Yes, you may call me Rachel," the young woman answered.  Noting that he appeared to be trying to watch the child as well as her, she looked down at Ghost.  She clicked her tongue once to get the dog's attention.  "Ghost, anchor."  She then turned her attention back to Gabriel, deciding it best to explain herself.  "Ghost will prevent the child from wandering off."

Another thing she noticed was the physiological changes that she had learnt to associate with intense feelings, most notably anger.  WHat was making him so angry?

"You do not approve of this business."  It was more of a statement than a question given her tone.

Primary Account: Archangel T'Koris on the Phoenix

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Rachel Deacon on January 19, 2014, 07:18:01 PM

"Yes, you may call me Rachel," the young woman answered.  Noting that he appeared to be trying to watch the child as well as her, she looked down at Ghost.  She clicked her tongue once to get the dog's attention.  "Ghost, anchor."  She then turned her attention back to Gabriel, deciding it best to explain herself.  "Ghost will prevent the child from wandering off."

Another thing she noticed was the physiological changes that she had learnt to associate with intense feelings, most notably anger.  WHat was making him so angry?

"You do not approve of this business."  It was more of a statement than a question given her tone.

"Just like that?" Gabriel said, looking down at the dog.  "Might be useful to keep a dog like that around the ship.  Hell of a lot better than a giant cat, that's for sure..."

Rachel's continued questioning about Arch's business brought him back again.  She certainly is interested in what Arch is doing, Gabriel thought.  Oh well, the woman was probably just making conversation.  "No...I do not approve of it, you could say that.  It's...diplomatic in nature."  He was suddenly uncomfortable, unsure exactly of how much he should say.  It wasn't that he didn't trust Rachel, but still...he had no idea what was secret and what wasn't, and figured it was always best to err on the side of caution.

He shrugged apologetically.  "I really can't go into much more than that, mainly because I don't know much else."  Well...that was pretty much a lie, but it was peppered with the truth -- he didn't know exactly what was going on with the New Romulus situation.  Didn't want to know.

"Miss Seika," he called to the girl.  "What do you want for lunch, kiddo?  Pizza?  You remember, that Earth food we had once before?"

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