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Werewolf Game No. I

Started by John Benjamin, March 15, 2014, 11:45:11 AM

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John Benjamin

This is a game about being a werewolf or a some random town.

I play it on another forum, the one that is EXACTLY like this one. There needs to be about 12 guys for a good game to play out. It is an amazingly fun forum game that can be one of the greatest things you play.

I prefer these games to be quickly responded to, there will be 3-4 day deadlines

I encourage newer members or applicants/prospectives to join up as playing with each other helps you all to get to know each other better. Pubbers are completely welcome to sign up.



Venue: This iteration's backstory will take place in Manchester, United Kingdom. It is not necessary to know too much about English culture to play and ample clues or hints will be given if more work needs to be done on your part.

General rules:

Methods of communication will be a free for all. You may use forums, steam, ventrilo or even a public skype call for means of communication and to further yourselves in the game. In fact this is strongly encouraged, to further yourselves in the game and get to know some of your unit members in a different light.

However, keep in mind the server and ventrilo are public places, so confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.

You are NOT to directly quote the PMs I send you regarding your role and any clues. You may only paraphrase.

People who have been eliminated can give so-called peanut gallery editorials, but nothing that disrupts the integrity of the game. (This means revealing NOTHING that you've learned or telling lies.)

Alpha Wolf: Leads the pack of werewolves. Sends his or her request with who the wolves wish to kill to me via PM each night. He/she ultimately has the final decision, however it would behoove him/her to conference with the other wolves first.  If he or she dies, the rest of the wolves choose a person each night to send me their target. I will go with majority pick or the wolves should copy each other as they send me their target.

NOTE: The Alpha wolf no longer has the power to seer individuals that he had in some of the previous games.

Wolves: Vicious creatures waiting to feast on innocent townspeople.

Townperson: Normal people with no special power are simply looking to survive.

Oracle: Allied with the townspeople. Sends in their request to me asking whose identity they will want to confirm. 25% chance of success per attempt. If they are not successful, they will receive clues to assist them.  Limited to once a night.  No limit to the total amount of people which can be confirmed.

Bodyguard: Clandestine MI5 agents or Scotland Yard force who are allied with the townspeople. Sends in their request to me asking who they wish to protect for the evening. Once per night. They can only guard themselves ONCE for the duration of the game with guaranteed success. If they guard a wolf, they die. If they guard a person who gets attacked by a wolf, the person guarded survives and the bodyguard has a 65% chance of survival.

Vigilante: Allied with the townspeople. No special powers with ONE exception. This individual has ONE shot at taking out any ONE individual in the game on the night of their choosing. Once that opportunity is taken, the person functions like a normal townsperson. Total chance of success on desired target when executed.

Note: If the vigilante attacks an individual that is protected by the bodyguard, the bodyguard is guaranteed to die. The guarded individual will live regardless. If the vigilante attacks the bodyguard, the vigilante will die. Probabilities are only factored in when the guard protects an individual from wolves.

I will write these facts into the storyline, so nothing will be a mystery. All individuals who die will have their identities revealed somehow in the story unless they suicide due to inactivity or by decision.

Players are permitted to suicide voluntarily if they wish; you may do so by sending me a PM and I will write your demise in the next day's results.

I will assist any player that has a question regarding the functionality of their role. If you have a question regarding the backstory or English culture you don't understand I can help as well as long as I don't think I'm giving someone away.


You MUST vote during the day. You may abstain from voting by stating you abstain from voting. Simply state your vote by bolding the person's name or state your abstention in bold. If you do not vote or state abstentions for 3 days straight, you will be removed from the game.

If you are inactive for 2-3 days straight, you will be removed from the game.

I will drop subtle clues that will assist EITHER side in their objectives. Critical thinking will be essential on either side of the fence. You are encouraged to talk to each other as putting together some clues may implicate certain individuals.

Votes will be tallied each night, with the deadline being 11pm EST/8pm PST. If the time has to be moved I will post a warning in this thread.

The votes will be counted and the results of the votes and other actions will be published in a storyline, from which you will play on accordingly.

TIE VOTES: IF THERE IS A TIE VOTE, NO ONE WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE GAME THAT NIGHT. Wolves will still be entitled to their kill and the vigilante, if taking any action, is still entitled to his or her action.

Again there are a few ways to be eliminated:
1 Getting voted down by the townspeople
2 Dying via wolves (direct or getting unlucky as a bodyguard)
3 Protecting a wolf as a bodyguard
4 Getting killed by the vigilante

Target/Action Selections

ALL special roles: Please make sure you get me your intentions to me ON TIME via PM as opposed to Steam, as I travel and make frequent use of a laptop and smartphone. (Extra Note: My Steam account name is Pfc. Benjamin [1st RB] or Alexbond45

It is advantageous for oracle(s) and the bodyguard(s) to get in their requests earlier, but at the very worst, the oracle(s), guard(s), vigilante, and the alpha wolf (or wolves, if the alpha is gone) MUST get their picks on time. If you are late, you lose your pick for the evening. That's right. If the wolves do not submit a pick to me by 11pm EST/8pm PST, for example, then no one will die. If you are an oracle, you lose your seerage for the evening. Seer reports, wolf kills, etc, do NOT accrue.

You will not know how many wolves we start with. I will issue a formal warning to all participants if the townspeople are on the verge of losing. I will NOT issue a warning if there is only one wolf left, the wolves, being informed of their total party, should know who of their kind is still alive.


[b]Signing Up![/b]


"But I don't wanna be switzerland!"

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