Kobayashi Maru, Captain Kyle Briggs

Started by Constance Lafayette, July 17, 2016, 12:47:35 AM

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Constance Lafayette

[Scenario- Kobayashi Maru, Captain Kyle Briggs]

On the border of the Neutral Zone an Andorian colonist ship with 250 Andorian colonists aboard the ADS Aenar (a Class J transport) has stalled due to engine failure and has drifted 2 parsecs into Cardassian space. You are the Captain of the USS Salk, an Olympic class medical vessel. You have been reassigned from your normal research duties to aid the Aenar due to your proximity. No one else can make it for at least 8 hours and Starfleet had credible intelligence that suggests that the Cardassians know of the ADS Aenar and are planning on using it to start an incident.

The USS Salk has minimal weapons, a crew comprised mostly of medical and scientific researchers, though you have a minimal compliments of engineers, flight control, security, and operational officers.

The scenario begins as you reach the neutral zone.

"Captain," The Bolian operations officer on the bridge exclaims, "We have the ADS Aenar on sensors. She is leaking warp plasma out of her port nacelle."

Rear Admiral Constance Lafayette
Commanding Officer, USS Athena
Academy Command Officer Instructor

Kyle Briggs

Kyle stood and walked forward.

"Helm. Bring us just to the edge of the border and hold us there." he ordered.

"How long until it blows? And can we reach them with our transporters without crossing into Cardassian Space?" he called out over his shoulder.

Kyle had to keep in mind that this was a Medical ship and didn't have all the capabilities he was use to. But they were a good crew and they would find a way to save the Andorian crew.

Constance Lafayette

"She seems fairly stable" The engineer replies, "Not going to be an easy or fast fix but it's not a large amount."

The operations officer does some quick calculations, "Negative sir." The Bolian says, "She is in too deep. However, we are within communications range. No contact from the ADS Aenar."

The sole tactical office on the bridge suddenly perks up, "Sir- four galor class starships inbound at high warp. ETA, 1 minute." He pauses, gulping. He is inexperienced but even with years of training he couldn't have given more of a heads up with the kind of sensors the Salk had. They were meant for great detail over great periods of time; observation rather than detecting discrete warp signatures of enemy vessels.

((OOC Note: 2 parsecs is about 6.5 light years. The average transporter is about 40 km without a subspace transport.))

Rear Admiral Constance Lafayette
Commanding Officer, USS Athena
Academy Command Officer Instructor

Kyle Briggs

"Hail the Cardassians." he ordered.

Kyle took a brief second to think. If he crossed the border, it would mean war with the Cardassians. And his ship was not built for that. on the other hand, if did nothing, it could mean trouble with Andoria. He could contact Command and let them decide but it would take a while and they didn't have that kind of time. He released the breathe that he didn't realize he had been holding.

"Helm. Take us in slowly. I don't want to appear threatening." He then turned toward his "Tactical" station for what it was. "Yellow alert. Shields up. But do NOT bring weapons online. Just have them ready."

All he could do now was appeal to their humanity side, if they had one.

Constance Lafayette

"No response sir." The bolian at operations said, "I'll try again. I'm broadcasting on all frequencies."

"Here they come sir. They've just dropped out of warp. They are about a parsec from the disabled ship. Their weapons are charging. They don't have a target but they are r-runing hot."

There was a bit of trembling in the tactical officer's voice as he reported.

"Captain! I've got through! On screen now!"

A Cardassian Gul with jet-black hair swept back filled the screen, "We will not accept transgression of the neutral zone. Turn around now or be destroyed. This is a violation of our most basic treaties."

There was contempt in the Gul's voice- he seemed disinterested in the conversation- almost like it was a formality.

Rear Admiral Constance Lafayette
Commanding Officer, USS Athena
Academy Command Officer Instructor

Kyle Briggs

"I understand, Gul. And I apologize for our trespass. We're just trying to help a Federation ship in need. I'm sure you've already scanned us and determined we're a simple Medical vessel and that we're no threat to you or anyone. We just want to help our people. That's all."

Kyle swallowed hard but it was more out of the whole "playing nice" thing than anything else. He really missed being on a Galaxy class ship that wouldn't have to had kiss this damn Cardassians rear end.

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