Lost and Found (closed)

Started by Levinia Black, August 19, 2016, 05:16:15 PM

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Levinia Black

The Romulan hybrid child made his way down the corridor with no fear.  His little face was scrunched into serious contemplation which seemed odd and intense on his very young face.  He wasn't about to be detoured from his mission, however, and that was to find his mother.  Alanoth was not amused by his present babysitter who was, in his head, boring.  Besides, he missed his mother who was the only parent he had at the moment.  He missed his father the most and his tall looming figure was missing from his life and left him feeling too vulnerable for his liking.

No! He had angrily refused to return to the game that his babysitter had proposed.  He had used the lock codes he had watched his mother use and used them to lock his babysitter in.  Now he looked for signs of his mother and although he had somewhat memorized the corridors of the big ship seeing it for real was way different.

Refusing to admit he was lost he made his way down the long passageways ignoring the stares from the adults and pretending to know exactly where he was going.  It wouldn't be long before his babysitter went searching for him or worse sent security after him.  He grinned at that.  His father was security and tactical, it would be neat if he worked with them.  Alanoth wanted to be like his father, but that meant being brave.  So he held his little head high and continued on his trek with a positive stride and no fear whatsoever.

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio


After a while, but only at a glance, all of the hallways appeared the same. Each turn and junction seemed to be laid out with the same precise angles and with the same lackluster motif. Still, as Ezac walked through the Athena, he could very accurately point out his location within the ship. Hours of security patrol has its advantages, if one chooses to look at it that way.

Quote from: Levinia Black on August 19, 2016, 05:16:15 PM

The Romulan hybrid child made his way down the corridor with no fear.  His little face was scrunched into serious contemplation which seemed odd and intense on his very young face.  He wasn't about to be detoured from his mission, however, and that was to find his mother.  Alanoth was not amused by his present babysitter who was, in his head, boring.  Besides, he missed his mother who was the only parent he had at the moment.  He missed his father the most and his tall looming figure was missing from his life and left him feeling too vulnerable for his liking.

No! He had angrily refused to return to the game that his babysitter had proposed.  He had used the lock codes he had watched his mother use and used them to lock his babysitter in.  Now he looked for signs of his mother and although he had somewhat memorized the corridors of the big ship seeing it for real was way different.

Refusing to admit he was lost he made his way down the long passageways ignoring the stares from the adults and pretending to know exactly where he was going.  It wouldn't be long before his babysitter went searching for him or worse sent security after him.  He grinned at that.  His father was security and tactical, it would be neat if he worked with them.  Alanoth wanted to be like his father, but that meant being brave.  So he held his little head high and continued on his trek with a positive stride and no fear whatsoever.

With each straightaway and curve through the hallways, he found his focus pulled from the normal distractions. This particular day, he found himself wondering about a small boy that appeared to be headed somewhere even though he had nowhere to go. The boy, who exhibited a fair amount of Romulan influence, was behaving as though he was wearing horse blinders.

After watching the boy wander through the same hallway multiple times, Ezac felt it safe to conclude that the boy was lost. He decided to linger behind the boy, at a distance, in the event that his suspicion was accurate.

Never turn your back on a Breen.

Levinia Black

It wasn't difficult, even for a three year old, to realize he was being followed.  Alanoth frowned and turned around to stare at the Breen as he held his ground.  He placed his hands on his waist in what he thought was a perfect impersonation of an adult and confronted the alien.  "Why are you following me, Breen?"  Alanoth's piping voice was about as serious as it could get but still managed to sound adorably cute.  There was no way any adult could fear the boy but that didn't stop him from trying to look fearsome.

Suddenly the computer's alert system sounded through the Breen's combadge, directed especially to all security personnel.

=^=  Be on the lookout, three year old child is lost.  Qellar, Alanoth Douglas, Terran, Romulan hybrid, son of Dr. Levinia Black CSO.  If found please report to Dr. Black's quarters.  =^=

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio


Quote from: Levinia Black on August 20, 2016, 05:27:45 PM

It wasn't difficult, even for a three year old, to realize he was being followed.  Alanoth frowned and turned around to stare at the Breen as he held his ground.  He placed his hands on his waist in what he thought was a perfect impersonation of an adult and confronted the alien.  "Why are you following me, Breen?"  Alanoth's piping voice was about as serious as it could get but still managed to sound adorably cute.  There was no way any adult could fear the boy but that didn't stop him from trying to look fearsome.

Ah, there you are, Ezac thought to himself as he watched the child stop and turn around. Although he hadn't made any significant attempt to follow stealthily--if that would even be possible, given his attire--he still found himself impressed that a three-year-old would have the cognizance to realize that he was being followed.

"Some might consider it rude to be addressed by nothing but race," Ezac started. "While it is not incorrect to identify me as Breen, I do prefer to be referred to as 'Crewman Ezac.' How should I address you?"

Quote from: Levinia Black on August 20, 2016, 05:27:45 PM

Suddenly the computer's alert system sounded through the Breen's combadge, directed especially to all security personnel.

=^=  Be on the lookout, three year old child is lost.  Qellar, Alanoth Douglas, Terran, Romulan hybrid, son of Dr. Levinia Black CSO.  If found please report to Dr. Black's quarters.  =^=

Ezac looked at the child before staring at an insignificant spot on the floor while thinking. He then returned his gaze to the boy. He certainly possesses Romulan traits, Ezac considered silently to himself before considering the extreme likelihood that this was in fact Dr. Black's son. Ezac reached up and tapped on his combadge.

=/\= Affirmative. This is Crewman Ezac, en route. =/\=

While taking a few steps toward the child, Ezac reached both hands up to his combadge and started to remove it. "As it turns out, I am in need of assistance. In addition to my standard patrolling, I have been tasked with locating a person of interest." With the combadge removed, Ezac knelt down in front of the child. "I would like your help, but in order to make it official, I need you to monitor communications."

Ezac held the combadge near the child's chest, ready to attach it to his shirt. "What do you say?"

Never turn your back on a Breen.

Levinia Black

Quote from: Ezac on August 21, 2016, 04:23:34 PM

Ah, there you are, Ezac thought to himself as he watched the child stop and turn around. Although he hadn't made any significant attempt to follow stealthily--if that would even be possible, given his attire--he still found himself impressed that a three-year-old would have the cognizance to realize that he was being followed.

"Some might consider it rude to be addressed by nothing but race," Ezac started. "While it is not incorrect to identify me as Breen, I do prefer to be referred to as 'Crewman Ezac.' How should I address you?"

Alanoth thought about what the man said to him but the child refused to get a scowling, instead he definitely piped back, "But you are a Breen and I don't know your name."  His dark blue eyes scanned the rank on the Breen's uniform and recognized it as crewman.  He could have have called him crewman but at the moment he hadn't thought of it.  The child scowled greatly increasing the ridges on his forehead.

He pondered on what to respond, but was relieved when the answer blared through the man's combadge.  Alanoth sighed and dropped his hands at his side.  The escape had been thwarted he was caught.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted and he would do better next time because there would be a next time of this he was positive.

Quote from: Ezac on August 21, 2016, 04:23:34 PM

Ezac looked at the child before staring at an insignificant spot on the floor while thinking. He then returned his gaze to the boy. He certainly possesses Romulan traits, Ezac considered silently to himself before considering the extreme likelihood that this was in fact Dr. Black's son. Ezac reached up and tapped on his combadge.

=/\= Affirmative. This is Crewman Ezac, en route. =/\=

The child let out a sigh and prepared for the worse.  His mother was going to be so angry at him but she was a softy, always had been.  He feared his father who wasn't hard to anger and his discipline although not harsh was not a prospect that Alanoth wanted to contemplate.  However before Alanoth could get any word in he watched in stunned silence as the security crewman spoke to him.
Quote from: Ezac on August 21, 2016, 04:23:34 PM

While taking a few steps toward the child, Ezac reached both hands up to his combadge and started to remove it. "As it turns out, I am in need of assistance. In addition to my standard patrolling, I have been tasked with locating a person of interest." With the combadge removed, Ezac knelt down in front of the child. "I would like your help, but in order to make it official, I need you to monitor communications."

Ezac held the combadge near the child's chest, ready to attach it to his shirt. "What do you say?"

His features soften and the child stared in astonishment as Ezac spoke about needing help.  "Of course, Crewman!"  Alanoth piped in response, "I'm more than ready, sir."

Black Quarters

Levinia had been called by the babysitter about Alanoth's escape.  She held her child's combadge which he knowingly had taken off during his escape.  The young mother couldn't help the tears that welled up in her eyes at the thought of losing her child.  She silently talked to Tani wondering what he'd think of her parenting skills.  "I'm so sorry, my darling.  I've lost our son."  However, as soon as one of the security crewman called in she breathed a sigh of relief.  Of course her son couldn't get too far, still there were so many places on a starship that would be deadly for a three year old.  Even one as resourceful as her son.

Not able to resist, Levinia tapped her combadge and called to Crewman Ezac

=^= How's Alanoth?  Is he alright?  =^= 

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio


Still kneeling in front of the child, Ezac watched as Alanoth's disposition morphed visibly, almost as if in slow motion, from cold to warm. In that moment, Ezac recalled memories of Nioa as a child. From within the confines of his helmet, he briefly closed his eyes and looked fondly with his mind's eye at the small form of his daughter. A knot began forming in his chest as the sound of Alanoth's voice jerked Ezac back into the present. He opened his eyes and looked at the boy.

Quote from: Levinia Black on August 21, 2016, 06:20:43 PM


His features soften and the child stared in astonishment as Ezac spoke about needing help.  "Of course, Crewman!"  Alanoth piped in response, "I'm more than ready, sir."

Ezac gently pressed his combadge up against Alanoth's chest and attached it to his shirt. When it was secure, he leaned back a bit and tilted the combadge back and forth, as if adjusting it to level. Ezac rested his hand softly upon Alanoth's shoulder and rose to a standing position. Looking down at the boy, Ezac said, "With that, I bestow upon you the honorary title of Crewman Recruit Qellar." Ezac enjoyed watching Alanoth as he stood there.

Just then, the silence was broken by the sound of a voice that likely belonged to Dr. Black.

Quote from: Levinia Black on August 21, 2016, 06:20:43 PM

Black Quarters


Not able to resist, Levinia tapped her combadge and called to Crewman Ezac

=^= How's Alanoth?  Is he alright?  =^=

Ezac watched Alanoth's face as Black's voice came through the combadge. Ezac decided to prompt the boy to respond. "Go ahead, respond. Tell her that you are safe and that I am bringing you back to her. First and foremost, however, I want you to apologize."

Never turn your back on a Breen.

Levinia Black

Alanoth stood proudly with the security crewman's badge on his chest.  He was more than ready to help out in any way he could but when he was ordered to report to his mommy he grew petulant.  The little boy frowned but in the end he had to learn to take orders so he complied.  Tapping his badge like he had seen his mother do so many times he called out to his mother.

=^= I'm okay mommy...I'm sowwy that I worried you.  Me and crewman Ezac will be there shortly. =^=

He offered no other explanation having learned from his father that explanations for badness were not valid.  Instead he looked up at Ezac and scratched at one of his pointed little ears.  "Was that okay, sir?  Now what?  Do we go with mommy or do we find the bad guys?"

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio


Quote from: Levinia Black on August 23, 2016, 03:44:41 PM


He offered no other explanation having learned from his father that explanations for badness were not valid.  Instead he looked up at Ezac and scratched at one of his pointed little ears.  "Was that okay, sir?  Now what?  Do we go with mommy or do we find the bad guys?"

Watching the boy, it was almost easy to forget that the boy was as young as he was. While he did exhibit many characteristics typical of a 3-year-old, Alanoth also demonstrated an intelligence that was beyond what might be expected. Ezac stood in front of the boy, considering his question.

"Well, Crewman Recruit Qellar, given the circumstances, I think the appropriate course of action would be to meet with your mother. Perhaps we can work together to find your quarters. Can you tell me something that you often see when you walk out the door of your quarters? Is something nearby that you would be able to describe to me?"

Never turn your back on a Breen.

Levinia Black

Alanoth frowned as he thought about the crewman's question.  The frown came natural and from his father's side of the family.  While his mother was a person that tended to smile more than frown, his father always wore a pensive and stern expression.  It seemed that his son was the same way.  "Plants."  He looked up at the Breen, "There are plants right outside our door."

His little shoulders drooped but there was no getting around it.  Whatever adventure he had in mind he had to go see mommy first.  He nodded as his little face contorted into a sad frown.  "We're going to see mommy first....I understand."

Without much thought he reached out and offered his hand to the grown up.  It was habit to be taken by the hand and led and he didn't think this would be different with this adult.   "I'm weady."

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio


Quote from: Levinia Black on August 26, 2016, 07:29:01 PM

Alanoth frowned as he thought about the crewman's question.  The frown came natural and from his father's side of the family.  While his mother was a person that tended to smile more than frown, his father always wore a pensive and stern expression.  It seemed that his son was the same way.  "Plants."  He looked up at the Breen, "There are plants right outside our door."

A small smile tugged upward at the corners of Ezac's mouth as he considered the boy's response. His intent had been to encourage the boy to work with him on using clues to search for his mother's quarters. Perhaps that will be for another day, he thought to himself.
Quote from: Levinia Black on August 26, 2016, 07:29:01 PM

His little shoulders drooped but there was no getting around it.  Whatever adventure he had in mind he had to go see mommy first.  He nodded as his little face contorted into a sad frown.  "We're going to see mommy first....I understand."

Without much thought he reached out and offered his hand to the grown up.  It was habit to be taken by the hand and led and he didn't think this would be different with this adult.   "I'm weady."

Ezac looked down at Alanoth's outstretched hand, and for a moment, he almost convinced himself that the boy had offered his hand to someone else. Leave it to a child to remind a Breen that the fear of another species is taught. He slowly reached for Alanoth's hand and took it in his. As he wrapped his finger's around the boy's small hand, Ezac was reminded just how small a three-year-old could be.

The pair made their way down the hallway; Alanoth with his arm stretched high, and Ezac, with his right shoulder hanging low to compensate for the boy's short stature. Ezac led them on a path that would ultimately bring them to a turbolift. Without turning his head toward Alanoth, he spoke to the boy.

"You should know, Crewman Recruit Qellar, that I am in regular need of assistance. Provided you are willing to get permission from your mother, I would be happy to take you on some of my patrols." He stopped speaking briefly before continuing. "But for the moment, however, I need you to let me know if you see a turbolift."

Never turn your back on a Breen.

🡱 🡳

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