What are you reading?

Started by Cayden McConnell, January 15, 2013, 04:40:59 PM

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Zuriel Soreka

From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne

Revek Tre'el

Quote from: Alyssa Meadows on January 16, 2013, 12:23:02 PM

A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

How is that? I've meant to read it a million times but I've just never had the time or another book jumped to the top of my list
Quote from: Zuriel Soreka on January 16, 2013, 11:05:31 PM

From The Earth To The Moon by Jules Verne

I'm stealing your Verne books when you're done with them FYI

Species: Cardassian

We must remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school - Thucydides

Jonathan Sanchez

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on January 16, 2013, 10:59:32 AM

Harry Turtledove writes those alternative fictional history books. I can't name the title off the top of my head but I seem to think that one involved the ongoing conflict of the US Civil War. How are his books?

Indeed, he is widely considered the premier writer of that genre. The series you are thinking of is often called the Southern Victory Series, which includes a whole bunch of books covering various periods within the context of the south winning. I think there are like 15 of them. Maybe you're thing of American Front, or Blood & Iron?
As for my impression of the work. I liked them, I really did. I have to admit though, I am a bit biased. See, very early on in my life I read a lot of work by  John Jakes, who is an author who is primarily known for his historical fiction. As such I pretty much fell in love with his work and he became my all time favorite author when it comes to historical work in the fiction branch. As such, I would definitely recommend Turtledove, but part of me thinks you ought to read Jakes as well. Haha.


The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy...again! LOL


Rennan Protheus

Bloodstream by Tess Geritsen
Its a really good and strange book but as for how good it is: AWESOME

 Species: Betazoid       Age:33
If itââ,¬â,,¢s bold italics then itââ,¬â,,¢s telepathic!


Starfleet Corps of Engineers , Invincible


Sting of the scorpion, a book about LRDG on WW2

Set You Face To The Sun
Your Feet To The Moon
And Follow The Wind

Jon Tulley

Not technically reading but I'm listening to two audio dramas. We're alive and the leviathan Chronicles. Both on iTunes, episodic instalments.

Definitely worth a listen if you use an apple product and got time to listen.

P.s my favourite book series is the sword of truth by Terry Goodkind.


Cayden McConnell

Finished the two books that I was reading before and I am beginning to re-read "On Combat" and "On Killing" by Lt. Col. Grossman. Both are very good and informative books. I haven't read them in a while and thought with all the violence going on that I would re-read them.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Gabe Crouch

I am reading a book for church the life of John Wesley.

T'Ra Jones

Annie, Between the States - a story about the civil war


The Last Lion Alone - a "biography" about Churchill that goes from 1932 to 1940.

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Jonathan Sanchez

Just finished the book Cross in the Closet, byt Tim Kurek. It's a fantastic book. I'm now reading a FDR and Theodore Rex.


Just about to start on the Star Trek destiny trilogy!  :)

Malcolm Adeyemi

The Mission Earth series by L. Ron Hubbard!

Elvin Jones

Just started reading one of the DS9 books I have.

Alliance Commander: "Seems odd you'd name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of."

Mal: "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Juran Vesk

I am currently reading a couple of different books.

Mercy Thompson Series - Patricia Briggs
Rachel Morgan Series- Kim Harrison

Finishing up Book 2 of the Dark Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks

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