Season 11: Episode 2 - Diplomatic Disaster (Discussion Thread)

Started by Kyle Briggs, June 01, 2016, 04:54:49 AM

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Quote from: Kyle Briggs on June 28, 2016, 09:20:06 PM

Briefing Room

He entered to find Alex inside along with the Chief Medical Officer, Mister Hawke from Engineering and the young Crewman Kyle had met earlier but who's name escaped him at the moment. Everyone seemed a bit tense.

Oh ... apparently I'm on the ship now? ... Erm ... okay! I'll roll with that.
Quote from: James A. Hawke on July 04, 2016, 10:55:52 PM

[Briefing Room]

James then handed over his comm badge to Ensign Brooks.  He wanted to place the comm badge in his hand.  "Our Comm Badges are based out of the same technology as the handheld communicator.   Now Communicator technology was the inspired by cell phone which was based out of an ancient earth sci fi show.  I forget the show's name.

Ha ha!  :D  :D  :D  WOW!!! Talk about a circular reference! Well done! *Applause*

Alright. An entry post has been made, if albeit a slightly awkward one. :)
I'll admit, I thought I would be joining at the start of the next mission.

Dimitri Brooks

Alexander Wu

I apologize for my absence, have had a very busy work weekend. Will catch up on tags today.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Anastasia Zhestakova

I have been out of it for a razher long vhile. Is zhere anyvhere I need to be at zhe moment?

Zeh Gremlin from zeh Kremlin
Physicist specializing in quantum and temporal mechanics

Tekin Nevir

Tag to Jiseth.

Sorry for the wait, I thought I had already posted.  I'm just going to assume that Sukal is keeping watch, and this is just you and me time.



Race: Orion

Tekin Nevir

Tag Jiseth

Note to the second shuttle crew... the area we are in is covered with an incredibly strong storm (think of an impossibly strong hurricane), and in addition, there is a volcano in full eruption as well.

The eye will be passing over the area momentarily.


Race: Orion

James A. Hawke

Important Notes

The XO says we can assume that he approved the plan.  Let's keep the mission going.  Lizzie, you should be in charge of it since your character would be the Senior Officer.

TAG on everyone on the Briefing Room.

If Anyone wants a part in the plan to flush out the killer and an action sequence just PM or Skype me and I will add you in there are plenty of roles available. 

Click on the Badge to see bio


morse code being sent, feel free to not disregard it as i don't want to be the dead red shirt on the away mission


All, be advised, I may have misinterpreted Lieutenant Hawke's post to which I responded.

I sent a message to him regarding that, but just know that I may wish to rescind the following part of my post as I learn more.

Quote from: Joseph Bryan on July 08, 2016, 01:58:16 AM

There was a brief pause in his thoughts before he continued.

Hold on ... if this is to be an act ... does he actually want the data?

"Just to be clear sir." He started, slightly tilting his head to indicate a question was to follow. "I'll be taking readings on the physical layout of the room, but do you actually want that data, or any other data?"

Dimitri Brooks


Tags to Bryan, Vaughan and Hawke, ~that order


Race: Orion

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