Season 11: Episode 4 - Warped Reality (Discussion Topic)

Started by Kyle Briggs, September 04, 2016, 05:34:50 PM

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Leela Kaz

Tag to everyone in the observation lounge and Nevir, in particular.

I hope no one minds but we're getting close to the end... so I started the meeting right away. Please everyone trickle in and jump in as you see fit.

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]


"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

Kali Reyes

We've reached the conclusion of the mission! In short, the alternate reality is now ending thanks to Aretah's boss mind meld so anyone wishing to reply as their real selves should do so from here on.

Basically, Aretah's ripping out the alien that has infected Kali and has been the cause of a massive drainage of the ship in the prime (real) universe. It has also been draining the life force of everyone on board while they scramble to fix this, so you may write about this. Once the alien is destabilized, the power drainage should end and the crisis should pass.

Any questions please let me know and I'll trying to get it cleared away!

🡱 🡳

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