Poached/ The Golden Cage

Started by Kinley Garrison, June 25, 2023, 12:49:39 AM

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Kinley Garrison

Mission Title: Poached
Synopsis: A new species has contacted Starfleet in order to consider an application to join the Federation. However, now that this species has made its first steps out to the greater galaxy, some poachers seek to kidnap members of this new, exotic species before they become pets and/or slaves of some kind. The ship now has to protect this new species from the poachers.

Starting Point: We get hailed by a ship of unknown origins. it is the First Delegation of the ________ Species (I haven't come up with a name)
End Goal: Protect the Delegation (and essentially knowledge of the _____'s home from any more poachers.
Story points that must be passed?:
(I think maybe First Contact probably has been established at this point for this species)
The ______ come aboard our ship, seeking an alliance, as they've been hearing of many of their people have been disappearing to places unknown, with large humanoid footprints and evidence of traps remaining, and more people are disappearing every day.
An away Team goes down to the surface to figure out who the poachers are.
They find a survivor who they rescue
The team encounters a squad of poachers who don't like that Starfleet is meddling
The poachers get apprehended, but leave a mystery: Where did all the missing ______ go?

Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)
- Flight: Fly the ship, maybe use shuttles to get down to the planet's surface
- Engineering: Perhaps one of the shuttles breaks down planetside?
- Operations: Help search for poachers
- Security and tactical: Search for poachers, beat poacher butts
- Medical: Help an injured _______ who they rescue from a cage, patch up any wounds.
- Science: Perhaps scan for any signs of the missing ________?

Mission Title: The Golden Cage
Synopsis: The Crew is now left with a mystery: Where did the missing ______ go? They follow the trail to a rather glitzy space yacht/prisoner hold which is holding a bunch of these  ______ captive and forced to entertain these gangster lords.

Starting Point: At the end of the Poached Mission
End Goal: Save the _______ and bring them back home
Story points that must be passed?:
We track down where the poachers were going to the SS Black Diamond
We find out that it's owned by a rich Gangster Lord
Command tries diplomacy to figure out what the gangsters are doing/to get back the ________, it doesn't work.
The gangster Ship attacks
We subdue it
We board the ship and find ________ forced to dance, and otherwise be "pets" for the gangsters. Very humiliating and inhumane.
We rescue the __________
Return the _______ home, resume diplomacy talks for joining the Federation

Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)
- Flight: evasive maneuvers.
- Engineering: Fix the ship. Those gangsters do a number on the ship with their souped-up weapons
- Operations: Help Sec/tac with disabling the ship, and try to provide interference for the gangster ship.
- Security and tactical: Disable the Black Diamond, prepare to board, and extract the _______
- Medical: People are bound to get hurt in both the attack/ the boarding attempt
- Science: Man the scanners/ perhaps look for any signs of where the _____ are?
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Nira Said

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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