In the Line of Duty (Intended for Challenger)

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, June 06, 2023, 06:07:56 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

Mission Title: In the Line of Duty

Synopsis: The Challenger has finished a first contact mission with the Jikaali. All has gone according to plan. Less than a day after returning to the ship, a handful of crewmembers begin getting sick. Their symptoms vary, but after 72 hours, they're all dead.

Starting Point: Challenger leaves the Jikaali system for their next assignment.
End Goal: Challenger crew discovers the truth about their crewmates and returns to Jikaali prime to recover them.

Story points that must be passed?:

1.       Opening Teaser
a.       Challenger is on its way to a new mission after a recent first contact. A handful of crewmembers have gotten sick with various things which do not arouse suspiscion.
b.       The first crew member dies of their illness, followed shortly thereafter by a second.

2.       Act 1: Dropping like Flies
a.       A total of 4-5 crewmembers of varying species have become ill and all die less than 48 hours after their symptoms started.
b.       Medical and Science attempt to come up with an answer, but find nothing that links the cases. (Humans die of human illnesses, Caitians of Caitian illnesses, etc.)
c.       Memorial services are held for the crewmembers and the Challenger is recalled to spacedock for an investigation. Is it the ship? Is it all a coincidence? Mystery virus?

3.       Act 1a: Meanwhile, back on Jikaal III"¦..
a.       The "œdead" crewmembers awaken to find themselves in various situations. (This is a simulation that the Jikaali are running. They might be examining events in the person's life, or running them through a simulated event. )
b.       The crewmembers start navigating these scenarios, initially believing them ro be real.

4.       Act 2: Uncertainty Abounds
a.       At spacedock, the crew is evacuated and quarantined. The ship is declared a bio hazard until the investigation is complete.
b.       The bodies are taken off the ship and put into the station's lab.
c.       A science and/or medical person has an idea but are refused access to the bodies.

5.       Act 2a: Missing Pieces
a.       The "œdead" crewmembers begin seeing holes in the simulation. (Something not where it should be, someone acting out of character, etc etc.
b.       A few might actually be pulled out of the simulation and learn where they are.
c.       Those who have been pulled out might try to effect an escape.

6.       Act 3: Grand Theft Challenger
a.       The Science and Medical people gain access to the "œdead" crewmembers' bodies. In examining them to test their theories, they discover that these are not their crewmates.
b.       Ian and Co. take this information to the station brass, who refuse to allow them to go back. (for bureaucrat reasons? They just don't believe them?)
c.       The crew decide to steal the Challenger and go back anyway.

7.       Act 3a: Behind the Curtain
a.       Back on Jikaal, the crew is discovering why they were taken, and exactly what the Jikaali are up to. (Genetic manipulation of their species? Cloning an army? Something less sinister?)
b.       They also learn about their "œdeaths" and are told that no rescue is forthcoming.
c.       Eventually they all find each other and are hunted by the Jikaali authorities.
d.       Do they get caught or do they manage to evade capture until Challenger arrives?

8.       Act 4: The Conclusion
a.       Challenger arrives at Jikaal III (Were they chased by another ship?)
b.       The Jikaali authorities deny everything
c.       One of the "œdead" crew gets a message to the ship.
d.       Challenger is able to beam them back to the ship.

Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)

- Flight: Flying the ship, perhaps is one of the "œdead" crewmembers?

- Engineering: Might be one of the dead crewmembers, then can rig a communication device in Act 4. Otherwise"¦ doing engineer things.

- Operations: Allocating power usage"¦ being resource Nazis"¦ Living their Operations Life.

- Security and tactical: Ensuring the safety of the crew"¦ kinda :-P

- Medical: Trying (And failing) to keep sick people alive, then redeeming themselves by discovering the truth behind the dastardly plot.

- Science: Using their big brains to help Medical discover the truth.

Notes: Other than the main beats of the mission, everything is customizable. The crew can come up with the whys and hows or even a B plot if needed.

Rayek trLhoell

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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