Breaking News: October 18, 2399

Started by Tekin Nevir, October 18, 2021, 12:35:48 PM

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Tekin Nevir

From the Federation News Network:

The Federation Council today voted in favor of repealing the Synthetics Ban that has been in place for almost 20 years.  The Synthetic Reclimation and Acceptance Act, or the Data Act, named after Starfleet's most decorated synthetic officer, was spearheaded by former Admiral Jean Luc Picard after information came to light that the Mars Attack was due to sabotage and not a programming or evolutionary error.

Starfleet announced that with the repeal of the ban, synthetic lifeforms, such as sentient androids and the Federation created Exocomp race, would have its former officers reinstated effective immediately, and the Academy would be open to synthetic life wishing to join Starfleet.

Not all are happy about the ban's removal, however, and one high ranking member, Commadore Oh of Starfleet Security, has reportedly resigned in protest.  However, for the majority of Starfleet officers, this is a more welcoming change.  Admiral Riker, formerly the Captain of the USS Titan, called the repeal long overdue and needed to start healing the wounds left by the attack on Mars, now believed to be the work of the former Romulan Star Empire as part of a splinter formed right before the supernova that destroyed them.

Already several reinstated officers are being assigned to duty, mostly on the Inquiry class defense fleet recently returned from a shakedown cruise led by Admiral Riker.

Contributions from the Vulcan Information Ministry, Andorian News Network, and Bajoran News Network included.

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