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Welcome new player Victor Suarez

Started by Kirok, September 25, 2021, 08:28:16 AM

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I am happy to share that Victor Suarez has joined SF.
He has been assigned to the Discovery's Sec/Tac Department.
Please help me to welcome him.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



Welcome aboard! Be brave, be bold and be creative! ;D

Biography and Service Record (updated 20th August, 2021)

We are T'Vas. Your face claim and rank/position will be adapted into service. Resisting signatures is futile.


Once more welcome from me as well!
I loved your character concept and I am really looking forward to see Victor in action. (Although a tad sad he was not transferred to Katra xD)
Have fun and make many new friends! :)

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Don Damien Addams


Hey, come on down to Discovery town! Juuuust make sure you get on the right one. There's... a few of them at the moment!

Nine's Biography.
I also play Lagar.

Malik Grippen

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

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