Spotlight on Command: Commander Cayden McConnell

Started by Jon Tulley, January 23, 2014, 01:45:52 PM

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Jon Tulley


Welcome to the next instalment in our ever popular 'Spotlight on Command' series. This time around it's the Churchill's very own Commander McConnell. Cayden first joined Shadow Fleet in November 2012 and has been an active member ever since. I sent him a series of probing questions aimed at revealing his inner most feelings. Let's get down to it...

1. You've been active on Shadow Fleet for over a year now. What made you want to try a Star Trek roleplay and why specifically Shadow Fleet? 

I wanted a more in-depth experience with the Star Trek Universe. Everyone has dreamed or thought of what it would be like to be in the 24th century, serving on a starship. RP-ing allows a person to do that.
Picking Shadow Fleet was easy: it was close to the top of the Star Trek RPG search I did. I looked at Shadow Fleet and also at Bravo Fleet but Shadow Fleet made me feel just a bit more welcomed than the others.

2. You've recently been promoted to First Officer of the Churchill. How did this make you feel and is it something you've been aiming for?

Well, I never thought that I would be the first officer of the Churchill. I had put in for a transfer to the Gettysburg and after it was denied, I kinda just hung around on the Churchill and made some new friends that I work well with in story. I don't think that I was aiming to be in a Command spot. I just wanted to have fun and meet some new, like-minded people.

3. You've always been on board the Churchill. What's made you stay so long and if you were to ever move ships, which one would you like to go to?

Yeah, I have always been on the Churchill but not by choice. I did put in for a transfer to the Gettysburg when I was first starting out. Honestly, I'm a fan of the Discovery and the new Gibson. If my time on the Churchill was over, I could see being put on one of those ships.

4. What's been your most enjoyable experience in Shadow Fleet?

I enjoy seeing everyone's ideas come together to make a good story and of course, just talking about off the wall topics.

5. Conversely, What's been your least enjoyable experience in Shadow Fleet?

As happens in most communities, sometimes people have a difference of opinions on certain matters. When that happens, people get offended and then someone has to mediate the dispute.

6. How do you manage to be so active whilst maintaining your busy family life?

I check the forum while on the go. I use a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and can pretty much do the same things on it, that I can from my home computer or laptop.

7. What do you think Shadow Fleet will be like in 2015 and is there anything you would like to see happen?

I'm hoping that we will have another Task Group up and running with a few more SIMMs.

8. Of the newer fleet members. Who do you think is a hot prospect for the future?

There are so many new people that have joined that I don't know which one to pick. They are all doing great but I guess the one that I have had the most experience with on this mission is Cadet Jiseth, who is working in the Flight Control Position on the Churchill.

9. What are your Shadow Fleet goals for 2014?

I intend to work on being a good First Officer and just see where that takes me.

10. Finally, is there anything you would like to say to the people reading this article?

Our Missions are your characters story, tell it. You may not be the captain or first officer of a ship but you are on a ship so tell your story. Everyone has an important role in our missions and it's how they use it that counts. Some of the best posts on the boards have been from characters that are down in sickbay or in the mess hall, not on the bridge. Carve out your niche and run with it.

Thanks to Cayden McConnell for that excellent interview. That concludes this Spotlight on Command. Stay tuned for further episodes in the series!

Gabriel Arthur

Christian Grix

Well deserved, one of the nicest guys around and we have been able to write together since my first post on the Churhill.

Congratulations Cayden

T'Ra Jones

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Revek Tre'el

Species: Cardassian

We must remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school - Thucydides


John Brown

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