Final Mission

Started by James Carter, April 11, 2022, 02:09:28 AM

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James Carter

It is my genuine pleasure to finally be able to unveil to you all a project that has occupied a place in my brain since I stepped away from being a CLO back in 2020.

I'm proud to finally announce Final Mission, an 8 part limited series detailing the final story of James Carter. Final Mission is going to be a hybrid SIMM serving as both a featured mission as well as a normal SIMM. All are welcome to join, including current and past members of SF.

Final Mission picks up with the commission of the USS Athena-B, a Jeager-Type Light Cruiser as the ship is dispatched to push back the T'Kori war machine. I can't tell you much more about the plot of the series, just know I'm incredibly excited to run it.

Final Mission begins in early June and will run through January. I hope to see as many of you join as possible.

Nira Said

That's excellent news. I'll be there for it.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Savar Dorran

A good old fashioned send off eh? I suppose you'll need an engineer, especially with a brand new refit...

Ian Galloway

Ian's all in!

I like this plan. I'm happy to be a part of it. Let's do this!

🡱 🡳

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