Final Mission Q&A

Started by James Carter, May 08, 2022, 01:14:20 PM

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James Carter

Hey friends, it's occurred to me I didn't do a great job explaining what Final Mission is. So I want to finally do that.

What is Final Mission:

Long story short it's my magnum opus story intended to cap off James Carter as a character.

Short story long? It's essentially the spiritual successor to the USS Athena which never saw the finale of Season 4. This is somewhat rectifying that situation. It picks up after Katra S3M10 Unfinished Business which somewhat serves as a backdoor pilot to the limited series.

Final Mission (or as it was known in early drafts Athena: Ressurection) is the culmination of story I've been telling since 2014 when Carter first appeared on SF. It is the finale of his story, something I've wanted to do since 2019 but was unable to for logistical reason I will not get into here.

What ISN'T Final Mission:

FM is NOT the final story of Shadow Fleet. While I'm incredibly proud of the story I've written, my ego isn't so big to think it should be the last story ever told on SF. Despite owning the site myself, I actually passed the final draft of all 8 parts of the story, and the intent of it, off to CLO's before I announced it to the broad public here. This is essentially my way to send Carter off with a bang and finally be able to move on to the next chapter. I won't even say it's the end of my time on SF, it is likely just the final chapter of book 1.

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

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